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02x12 - Banana and Lemon

Posted: 12/30/22 12:47
by bunniefuu
Finally, one of my own.

How are you? Susana told me she has a17


-old daughter.

She's lying, the couple had no children.

That's why I called.

She's clearly unstable.

I'm not sure if she's confusing the kidnapped victim with her real daughter.

Doctor, is that possible? There is such a disorder, an emotional paranoia that manifests itself in making up children, siblings and parents.

The sufferer believes they have family members that never existed, or that have been resurrected from the dead.
- What else has she told you?

- That her daughter is in a box.

Maybe she's referring to a basement or a hiding place, somewhere underground.

I'll get more out of her.

Our plan is working.

She's scared of Zulema and she trusts me.

Be wary of Zulema.

I've got her under control.

No offence, but I highly doubt that.

Helena, don't lose sight of your objective.

Hello, baby.

You came back to see Anabel, didn't you? She gives you treats and bread.
- She came back?

- They've become best friends.

She's getting better and she's come to see Auntie Anabel.

You've got to behave.

Do you think they'll let you keep a bird in here? They let Zulema have a scorpion.

My pet is harmless.

It's not staying.

It's a rat with wings, not a cat or something.

It'll buzz about all night keeping us up.

You stay away from my bird.

You can't sleep because of your conjugal visit! Am I right? That Fernando, he's going to slip it straight into you.

That's enough of that! He just wants to be alone with me, because you can't do anything in the public visits.

You get no peace.

It's just to hold hands.

It's not your hand he wants to hold.
- Maybe read you poetry?

- You two know nothing.
- You've never been properly courted.
- What? Have you seen this body? Yes, but you've never been properly courted.

He wants some intimacy, it's not just for I already asked, he said it's not for sex.

Listen my dear, at our age, no chance.

Yeah, sure.

You'll find out what an orgasm is, unlike with your ex.

It'll be you doing the punching this time.
- Curly, don't!

- What's wrong with you? Curly, please.

Stop! Do you know why I never had to fake an orgasm with my husband? Because he didn't care, just like the clients you f*cked for money.

I wouldn't feel it, but you've no idea how I'm feeling about a date with a man, I'm like a 53


-old virgin.

Like a teenager.

No one's ruining that.

I'm having a conjugal visit! It's shit yourself and do it anyway, as we say back home.

It's just, you know that part of me down there has all but been forgotten about.

But it finally seems like there's a man who's helped me remember it.

What'll I say? Tell him I don't really remember how it works? I'm faking an orgasm.

Everyone else does.

My God, life is sweet.

I've had plenty of action in prison.

I'm so nervous, can you believe that? My love! How was it? Did you bring me back anything nice? A serrano ham sandwich? A bottle of lotion for me to lather your body with? The thing is, my cards didn't work and I felt bad asking Castillo to let me loose.
- So

- I've been gasping.

Maca, I'd save your energy.

In therapy, they said that you and Bambi are going to get steamy in the showers.
- What?

- Hey, hey! I'll f*ck you up! You f*cking loud

-mouth! You're being a bitch to Sole and Maca!

- Enough!

- Go f*ck yourself! I said stop! Stop defending me! I don't want your pity! Get it? I was powerless when that bastard r*ped you, but you won't hurt Anabel for me.

Now stop! What did you say to Maca when you were sitting there, like Beauty and the Beast? She seemed happier.

I told her we'd escape together.
- You're joking!

- No, it's the truth.

She needs something to keep her going, and if there's no one to encourage the fantasy that it'll all get better, you're done for.
- Good evening!

- Evening.

Good evening.

The Governor's investigating Count Nosferatu.


I could change Susana's medication.

Just now, she's taking Lithium, anxiety pills, sedatives.

I could change them for hypnotics.

It'll help her get to sleep, but her dreams will be more intense.

She'll talk louder in her sleep.

These are caffeine pills, they'll help keep you awake.

You might get an insight into her world, her reality.

You have to eat.

Come on, that's it.

That's it, good girl.

Go on

- Eat

- A bit more, come on.

My darling My darling.

That's it, good.


You're cold, sorry.

You're cold.

Of course, there are no windows.

Who's cold? Come here, come on.

That's it.

Your daughter?

- Your daughter's cold?

- Yes.

Where is she? I can help her.

I've got a dolly she has a blouse and a cardigan.

I took her for a walk and I got ill.

I've got her in my bed Help! Help!

- Hello?

- Hi, Antonio.

It's Carolina, Fabio's wife.

Is this a good time? You've caught me at work Oh, sorry.

I won't keep you long.

The thing is I want to meet up.

OK, yeah.

Some day soon.
- That'd be nice.
- Really? How about today? Today? Why not, I've nothing planned for after work.


I'm nearby, in the bar across from the prison.


- OK.
- One last thing If you don't mind, please don't mention anything to Fabio.

No, no I won't.

Of course not.
- See you soon then!

- OK, see you soon.

Who was that, a date? A girl I met on the internet, why? Getting straight down to it, eh? f*ck first and ask names later, is it? Good morning.

Anabel, I was up all night thinking about you and meu.

A lot has happened, a lot since I got here.

I arrived innocent.

Or that's what I told myself, morning and night, and now I've got some cases pending for escaping, for theft, manslaughter and m*rder.

By my calculations, I'm going to be here another 25 years or so.

And honestly, with a sentence that long, what's the difference between 25 and 30? Doesn't make much difference in this sh*thole.

So you have two choices.

Option one: look at your arm and see my name.

Remember that I've got nothing to lose.

Option two is prepare to go to w*r.

You decide.

Do you mind? Listen.

I was thinking, unlike these other crazy b*tches, I can trust you.

I'm going to escape.

I've got a plan, but I can't do it alone.

What do you say?

- I don't know.
- I'll take you wherever you want.
- Where would you like to go?

- I don't know.

To see your daughter? No.

Susana, look at me.

A mother's bond with her child is sacred.

Where is she, Susana?

- Tell me.
- She's dead! She died after a year, so how can you take me to her? What's going on? Anabel was about to sell off a girl in the showers.

She's nicknamed Bambi because she looks like a defenceless young fawn.

She's called Cristina.

I know her.


She prostituted her, whored her out to the older prisoners to perform oral sex on them.

She must have bitten one of them or something.

Anabel was seething and decided to sell her.

I bid for her.

And now Anabel says I owe her money and and she's stalking me.

I'm genuinely scared for my life, Governor.

Macarena, you're making a very serious allegation.

She's etched my name into her forearm, and she shows me every time I see her.

She's got issues.

I'm sorry, I don't think that you pity me.

You're the person that's had my back the most ever since I got here.

I'm sorry.

Sandoval says I'm depressed, that I feel responsible for my parents' death.

You're not responsible.
- You hear me?

- Yes.

You had to do it.

My father was so black and white about what was right and wrong.

Always going on.

Don't do bad unto others, don't lie Always saying it.

Soledad, can you confirm the allegations Macarena Ferreiro

- has made against her?

- I can.

They're true.

Anabel intimidates other inmates and then prostitutes them.

None of them say anything because they're so scared.

But respecting the values and honesty that my father taught me has never helped me in here.


Anabel had it in for her from day one.

She's forcing Macarena to prost*tute herself.

If I'd k*lled Zulema, with all the opportunities I had, my parents would still be alive.

They're beautiful.

Remind me of childhood.

Last night, I was dreaming, but I was awake.

You know the feeling? All the mistakes I've made in my life are because I tried to be the person my father wanted me to be, but I can't be her.

I don't want to be.

Why the pills? To keep your eyes open all night?

- So what are you going to do?

- For now, every person making my life more difficult is going to be dealt with.

Anabel, have you ever prostituted fellow inmates? I have nine prisoners confirming Macarena Ferreiro's accusations.

A m*rder*r's accusation? I'm well

-behaved, Governor.

I've no violent convictions.

You can't trust those women, they're criminals.

I suppose I shouldn't listen to a guard confirming those accusations either.

Nor should I believe my own eyes, Anabel.

We've found your drug stashes.

Some aspirin, a hairdryer, coat hangers, and some toys from the maternity ward.

You're making a mistake.

Don't punish me with such injustice.

They're quite clearly manipulating you.

I need you to show me your forearm.

It's you or them.

My father never taught me that one.

Take her to solitary.

What? What? You knew my plan, and you chose the easy route: betray me and do it without me.

Now you won't need pills to spy on her.
- My mum's brought two more cats home.
- Seriously? And she's on Facebook.

She constantly gets notifications about abandoned animals

- and brings all the cats home.
- All of them? All of them.

It must be like something out of The Aristocats.
- Which one was that again?

- It was animated.

Lots of cats.

"Aristocats", cats, sure.

You know what I mean! It's like that one "101 Dalmatians".

I'm a dog lover anyway.

How are you? Because you look full of life, and terribly pretty.
- Really?

- Yes.
- Wow, thank you very much, Antonio.
- You're welcome.

The truth is, I'm not feeling great.

To be honest, I feel like I'm going a little bit nuts.

I'm not eating, not sleeping.

I spend all day crying.

Now you've got an idea.

It feels like there's a part of me that needs to know if there's any chance of getting back together with Fabio, as unlikely as it might be.

I need him.

I see.

You know how these things are, Carolina.

You never know.

Fabio is very impulsive and he doesn't always think things through.

That's exactly what I think.

He's in hospital, I rush to see if he's safe.
- He just wasn't thinking straight.
- It wasn't a wise decision.
- Not at all

- At all, no.

How does he seem?

- Fabio?

- Yes.

Not so well.

How else? You're both going through a very difficult time.
- It is really tough.
- I understand.

But has he said anything? Does he ever talk about me? He's not a talker.

You know how guarded and introverted Fabio can be.

You're not wrong there.

He sometimes wonders if he should call you, wondering if you're well And Carolina, it's obvious how much you love each other.

That's all I want, it's all I need.

I mean, it's something that I can see, that I can feel, you know? Thank you, Antonio.

Thank you so much.
- You know what?

- What? You're one of the kindest people I know.


- All right, cards.
- It's coming, I can feel it.


What? It's all mine, it belongs to the half

- What have you ladies got?

- Here.
- That's shit.
- Rubbish.

I bet my two cigarettes and the tampon I'm using.

You're disgusting! You think I marinade it just for flavour? Shameless.

I'll see you, and raise you a chocolate.


I'll see you, plus a dose of methadone.
- No.
- You can't bet methadone.
- It's fine, I'm clean.
- You can't bet that.
- I bet my methadone.
- No! f*cking hurry up! Let her bet her methadone and let's finish the game! Right, my dear.

Let's see your cards.

Here's my hand.

Cough it up.

My full house beats both of you.

Show me the money.

I had triple aces as well.

Lend me a smoke? Seeing as it's you.
- I trashed you.
- You get so f*cking lucky.

I'm lucky with cards, but in love A little birdie said your man is coming to sate his appetite and eat some p*ssy.
- Oh yes!

- I'll tell you something: if I'm too nervous or whatever to climax,

- I'm going to fake it.
- No, don't!

- I am.
- Honestly, don't.

Everyone does it.

That's looks terrible, don't fake it.
- It'll be a let down.
- Poor thing.
- That Anabel is one sneaky bitch.
- This isn't news.
- Is she still in solitary?

- I'm missing a card.

I've just realised why it is that she loves this bird so much.

It's not a pet.

It's a drug mule.
- That's smart.
- No packages up the arse.

A bird, unbelievable.

She's as smart as she is a bitch.

Don't think about stealing the beast, Anabel will cut our nipples off for jewellery.
- I'm not that stupid.
- Me neither.

She has no way of finding out.

She's in solitary, remember? Attention.

All Block 2 inmates, to the showers.

I repeat: all Block 2 inmates, to the showers.

Good hygiene and correct use of the amenities is everyone's responsibility.

A 10

-minute shower uses 200 litres of water.

Please, help to reduce water consumption.


Remember what I told you when I put Marquina in your cell? No, boss.

Everyone here talks too much.


I told you that if you hurt any of the other inmates, I was going to bury your head in a toilet for 15 minutes.

Stapling your cellmate's eyelids open was exactly what I meant.

OK, I get it.

Fabio, don't do it! Fabio, let her go! Let her go! Please, get off her! Fabio, you promised me the other day you'd get me out of here.

If you k*ll her, we can't find the money.

Please, let her go.



Fabio, you promised.

You promised we'd run away together.

Keep your word.

We need her alive.

I'm not putting my head there.

It's covered in shit.

Thank you.

Welcome to the club for those who want to escape at all costs.

Girls, if we do this right, Anabel will never find out.

And anyway, birds have loads of natural predators.

They're always on Channel 2 documentaries.

Eagles, weasels Loads of animals gobble them up.
- It's true.
- Tere's right.

How much could we make from what it's carrying? Maybe 3,000? Maybe 4,000 if it's cut well.

We'll split it four ways.

I'm out.

I've got a deal with God: a new heart and I'm not going to mess it up.

Anyway, Fernando is visiting me tomorrow.

I'm not going to f*ck my life up over that shit.
- No way!

- Well, I'm in.

My kids are on the street stealing copper.

I'm in.

Fine, you're in.

Curly, surely not? I need the money and I need it now, so I'm in.


I need the hedges trimmed.

Being a junkie is different from resembling one.
- Look, she likes you, Tere.
- Bless her.

She's a beauty.

Sandoval says the wounds aren't serious, the staples only hit some muscle tissue.

In any case, I'm recommending a full investigation at the hospital.

On what grounds? Maybe on the grounds that your eyelids were stapled? Calm down.

I don't need your permission to continue this operation.

You'll need it because your block is under my supervision.
- A girl is dying.
- She can't do Both of you, calm down! Fabio's right.

There's no time to get anyone as close as I am.
- I'm going back in.
- Then Zulema goes to solitary.

She'll think I've reported her, her and the rest of the prison.

I know the risks.

It just means a bigger reward.

She could be in solitary and still have you hurt.

What am I doing speaking to a guard about an operation? My God.

Castillo, Zulema caught me going through Susana's things.

She thinks I'm up to something, but I can get her back under control.

Bullshit, you can.

I'm so close to gaining Susana's trust.
- Helena, we've got nothing.
- Yes, we have.

She told me about the passing of her child.

A baby? First I've heard.

There's no baby in the police report.

She probably never filed it at the Registry Office.

It was a year old.
- I'll have a look.
- Come on, Castillo.

You know Zulema.

Today she's stapling eyelids, tomorrow you might turn up in a washing machine, or many washing machines.

First, hospital.

You can return after.
- Got it?

- Come on, Castillo Got it? Yes.

Fabio, a favour.

Take her to hospital as a standard as*ault victim transfer.

Tonight, without arousing suspicion.
- What the f*ck is that, Tere?

- It's Afghan heroin.
- The dog's bollocks.
- Nice and brown, like me.
- Is it worth a lot?

- Wow, this stuff's uncut.

Jesus, you're like a dr*gs professor.

OK, this is the plan, right?

- Quiet.
- All right.

This is the plan.

I'll give some to Reme for her lot.

There's not that many of them, Curly.

We'll sell as a small group in the showers and bathroom.
- OK?

- Sounds good.

And when Anabel finds out, what's the plan? dr*gs just appeared? It's so risky.

We're providing a social service in Anabel's absence.
- We're helping the people.
- Right.

Water, water.

All right, split them properly Make sure they're properly shuffled.

No betting money.

We're not, ma'am.

We're only betting silly little things.
- Don't look at my cards.
- Sneaky bitch.
- OK, let's go.
- Give me two.
- What a shit hand.
- Please! Keep your voices down.

It's all good.

Grab that stuff.

Pipi, make sure you don't eat it.

"Some people's self

-esteem suffers and their insecurity "results in a hopeless and unbridled dependency "on the dominant partner.

"It's vital this cycle be broken, "however brutally, so that the individual can start afresh.

" Looking for me? "Introduction to the psychology of self

-esteem and confidence.

" You're into psychology now, are you? What? Not exactly.

I'm interested in the same thing you are: getting out of here.
- This book is going to tell you how?

- No.

My cellmate Susana is going to help me.

She just doesn't know it yet.

Do you know why she's in here?

- I've heard things.
- She and her husband are accused of kidnapping a girl.

So what? I think she knows where the kidnapped girl is.

If I gain her trust, and she tells me there's my ticket.

What ticket? My ticket to freedom.

And you want help? This morning, snorkeling in the toilet, I overheard your and Fabio's dramatic love story.

Keep your nose out.

How is he in bed? I bet he's a stallion, isn't he? Did you ask me here to talk about your fantasies? And the money? The money you need to escape with.

I can already see it, you two with the wind in your hair, moving from motel to motel.

I loved the story so much that I'm prepared to share the money you want to steal from me.

I see.

But aren't you all alone, I thought you had no one left? You once told me, the difference between us was that you had nothing to lose.

Guess what, Zulema? Now, we're the same.

2 million for me, 1 million for you.

That's my girl.


5 million each.

That's only fair, don't you think? Now that we're both orphans, and both have our bodies here and our minds elsewhere.

Where's the money? The money is in Morocco.

You can find it.

You can send someone to fetch it all.

You need to earn the exact location, though.

Tell me about this secret plan, and what it is you want from me.

Román, I shouldn't ask, but you're the only person I can trust.

I'm the only person you've got left, and our lives aren't so different.

I sleep in my caravan, always looking out of the windows, watching, in case a hitman comes to sh**t me.

After Lucía's death, and Mum and Dad's, I don't feel pain any more.

All that we've been through can't have been for nothing.

I've got two choices: give up, or make sure you get out of there.

I'll go to Morocco, and I'll get you that money.