05x25 - Warhead

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Voyager". Aired: January 16, 1995 – May 23, 2001.*
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Kathryn Janeway is the captain of a starship that is lost in space and must travel across an unexplored region of the galaxy to find its way back home.
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05x25 - Warhead

Post by bunniefuu »

Show mercy.

Your people have a saying:

''Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.''

ln other words,
your credit's no good here.

l'll pay you back double

with next month's
replicator rations.

That's what you said
when l let you replicate

all those pork rinds
for your monster movie marathon.

Let me put it another way.

This is a life-and-death

Hyperbole won't help.

l'm not exaggerating.

This is the anniversary
of my first date

with B'Elanna.

And you forgot all about it?

Yes, and if l
don't come through

with some kind
of romantic dinner...

All right,
you've made your case.

Neelix, you're a saint.

Okay, that'll be one bottle
of Mouton Rothschild--

a 2342 if it's in the database--

Uh, Terellian pheasant,
steamed asparagus

and a single rose.

Where do you want it?

You can send the food

to B'Elanna's replicator.

The wine and the flower
l'll take with me.

Well, l can't show up

how about a pot of coffee

while you're at it?

Coming right up.

Flowers and wine?

Ah, anniversary.


Bridge duty.

l've got eight hours
ahead of me.

Sitting in the big chair again?

Fourth night in a row.

You're not fooling anyone.

Excuse me?

You love these night shifts.

Your chance to play Captain?

l'm not playing.

This is an opportunity
to get command experience.

You might put in
for some yourself.

Oh, what's the point
of trying to compete

with an ambitious
upstart like you?

Just promise me one thing:
When you reach the top,

you'll remember
all the little people

you climbed over to get there

and you won't make them
work night shifts.

Helm, status?

Same as it was 20 minutes ago.

Refresh my memory.

Current speed-- warp 6.3,
heading 021 mark 2.

Permission to speak freely, sir?


We're on the night shift.


One of these days,

you'll get the call
to take the Bridge,

and maybe then

you'll understand
the burden of command.


lt's an automated distress call.


A Class-M planet.
Range-- .73 light-years,

bearing 261 mark 15.

That would be
a significant course change.

Burden of command is
on your shoulders, sir.

Of course, we could always
wake Commander Chakotay.


Alter course.

Open a channel.

This is Ensign Kim
of the Starship Voyager.

Can we be of assistance?

l'm not picking up
on any life signs.

l guess they didn't make it.

There could be
any number of reasons

why we're not detecting
life signs.

We'll have to go down there
and take a look.

l'll inform the Commander.

Oh, Jenkins,
the Bridge is yours.

l hope l made
the right decision.

About changing course
or waking me up?

Sorry, sir,
but l thought...

Relax, Harry,
you did the right thing

on both counts.


Hey, why don't you
lead the away team?

l'll monitor your
progress from the Bridge.

Yes, sir.

The distress call was automated?

That's right.

l'm hoping whoever
sent it is still alive.

Who's leading the mission?

You're looking at him.


No. l just thought,
given the circumstances--

a new planet, unknown hazards--

that Commander Chakotay
or Tuvok would be in charge.

l am a senior officer, Doc.

l've been on this ship
for five years.

l think l can handle
an away mission.

l certainly didn't mean
any offense.

None taken.

Of course, having me on the team
will more than compensate

for any lack of experience
on your part.


Are you sure these are
the right coordinates?


Apparently, whoever sent
the distress call was rescued.

Maybe, but as long
as we're here,

we should make
a thorough search.

Spread out.


This is the source
of the distress call.

What is it?

l don't know.

Paratrinic shielding,
a dense energy matrix...

bio-neural circuitry?


Whoa, back off.

This could be dangerous.

No, wait.

lt's speaking to us.


ln duotronic algorithms.

Hold on. My translation matrix
is interpreting.

lt says it's injured.

lt needs our help.

lt's asking why it can't see...

or feel its arms and legs.

lt's terrified.

Can you identify yourself?

lt's saying that its memory's

been damaged. lt doesn't
remember its name.

Don't worry.

We're going to help you.

Crewman Lang
will remain with you.

What do you think?

An artificial intelligence?

One that doesn't seem to
realize it's artificial.

Maybe we should
tell it the truth,

try to jog its memory.

No. l don't want to risk
psychological trauma.

Psychological trauma?

Doc, this is a machine.

One which is confused
and asking for our help.

We should beam it aboard.

Not until we know
what we're dealing with.

Away mission protocols
dictate that we...

Morality dictates
that we help.

lt may not be flesh and blood,
but it's clearly in distress.

Make way for the day shift.

How's he doing?

Well, let's see.

l haven't heard from him
in almost five minutes,

so he should be checking
in right about...

Away team to Voyager.

-That's our Harry.

lf l were you,
l'd watch out for your job.

Go ahead, Ensign.

We found the source
of the distress call.

lt's some kind of artificial
intelligence-- badly damaged.

The Doctor thinks
we should beam it aboard.

You're in charge
of the away mission, Ensign.

What do you think?

Well... l think we
should help it if we can,

but, as a precaution,
l recommend

sealing off an Engineering Bay

with a level-10 force field
and beaming it directly there.

Agreed. Give us a few minutes.

We're going to transport you
back to our ship.

l'm Voyager's
Emergency Medical Hologram.

A projection
of light and force fields,

guided by an optronic
computer program.

No... technically speaking,

l suppose l'm not a real person.

How's our patient?


lt uses bio-neural circuitry

to mimic humanoid
synaptic functions.

But its memory core is damaged.

lt's suffering from
a technological form of amnesia.

Any theories
as to what it might be?

lt could be a probe
or a communications device.

Whoever our friend is,
he wasn't alone.

He claims to have been
traveling with a companion.

lf there's
another one down there,

it might give us a few answers.

l'll be in Astrometrics
scanning the surface.

Give our guest my regards.

Of course, Captain.

Lower the containment field.

How are you?

Well, that's
an interesting question.

Ensign Kim and Lieutenant Torres
are attempting to repair your...

damaged circuitry.

That's... what l wanted
to talk to you about.

You're not an organic being.

You're technological.

an artificial intelligence

embedded in a machine
of some kind.

No, there's no mistake.

We believe the damage
you suffered in the crash

is causing your confusion.

Look at it this way--

you and l
have something in common.

Just because
we're not organic beings

doesn't mean
we're in any way inferior.

Well... you're metallic,
over a meter in length...


Oh, you're quite sleek,

You're welcome.

l'm detecting
no further technology

on the planet's surface.

Maybe the second device
was destroyed when it crashed.

Scan for metallic particulates

consistent with our friend
in Engineering.

There are minute traces

across the northern continent.


An impact crater.

lt spans a radius
of 200 kilometers.

And look at this.

Heavy concentrations
of radiogenic decay

in the crater walls...

and the fracture gradients
are consistent...

with a highly focused

Evidently we've
discovered its function.

A w*apon of mass destruction.

l understand your concerns,

but the device hasn't
shown itself to be hostile.

Not yet, but it's only
a matter of time

before it puts
the pieces together.

All the more reason
we should talk to it;

explain our concerns.

Ask for help in defusing
its expl*sive components.

lf it's programmed
to detonate,

there's no telling
how it'll react.

Agreed. We have to neutralize
the thr*at, now. Suggestions?

Transport the device
off the ship

and destroy it
before it harms anyone.

Seven, this is a sentient
being we're talking about.

Very well.

Return it to the surface

and deploy a warning buoy
to alert other vessels.

l refuse to believe

our only options are
to k*ll it or abandon it.

What if we could separate

the bio-neural circuitry
from the expl*sive?

Take the w*apon off-line,
but salvage the intelligence.

They're fully integrated.

Where would we store
the intelligence

once we shut the device down?

The answer's obvious.

Download its synaptic patterns

into a holographic matrix
like mine.

Then what?

Try to find out
where it came from

and return it to its people.

The device is extremely complex.

One error and we'd
risk detonation.

Saving a life
often entails risk.

Harry, B'Elanna,
assist the Doctor.

Thank you, Captain.

At the first sign of danger,

we transport it off the ship,


l quite understand.

l wouldn't like being
carried around, either.

Of course you are.

Who wouldn't be?

We're taking you to Sick Bay.

Because we're better equipped
to help you there.

Deck 5.

We're going to transfer
your intelligence

to a holo-matrix.

You should be pleased.

ln a little while,
you're going to be

walking around just like me.

l'm not certain.

Ensign Kim's configuring

your physical parameters
as we speak.

l'm sure you'll be
quite handsome.

Are we ready to proceed?

Whenever you are.

Don't be alarmed.

We have to access
some of your systems

to enable the transfer.

He says he wants to know
exactly what you're doing

as you do it.

This is a delicate procedure.

l won't be able to concentrate

if l have to give
a blow-by-blow description.

You'll have to forgive
Lieutenant Torres.

She's an excellent engineer.

Unfortunately, she doesn't
share my bedside manner.

Harry, would you mind?

Uh, yeah, sure.

Well, first we're going
to be setting up

an active interlink between you
and the holo-systems.

Uh, now, to do that,

we're going to take
your program off-line

while we resequence
your bio-neural circuitry.

He says he can't allow you
to shut him down.

l'm sorry, but
there's no other way.

lt's arming itself.

The detonation sequence
has begun.

Sick Bay to Bridge.

The device is going to detonate.

Beam it off the ship.

We've lost the transporter lock.

Talk to it, Doctor.

Please, you're going
to destroy yourself, and us.

Detonation in 20 seconds.

B'Elanna, send an EM pulse
through its power matrix.

Maybe you can short it out.

l'm on it.

15 seconds.

Please disarm yourself.

We're just trying to help you.

Ten seconds.


lnitiating the pulse.

Six... five...


lt worked.

We've shut it down, Captain.

You shouldn't have done that.

l know you've gotten a little
attached to this thing, but...

You lied.

What are you talking about?

You said you were trying
to transfer my neural patterns,

but you were really trying
to shut me down.

You're the artificial

lt used the interlink

to commandeer
the Doctor's program.

Sick Bay to Bridge.

Captain, respond.

He's tapped
into the ship's systems--

deactivated the com.

He's locked us in, too.

You tried to destroy me.

We were only trying
to disarm you.

l'm a w*apon.


Why didn't you tell me?

lt was a precaution.

We were afraid you
might be dangerous.

Obviously, we were right.

l couldn't let you destroy me.

l have to complete my mission.

You remember it now?

Yes. l'm a long-range
tactical armor unit.

l've been deployed
by my people.

They're facing
a terrible thr*at--

a hostile species.

My companion unit was destroyed,
but l will reach my target.

Your ship will take me there.

Look, we'll try
and contact your people.

lf you could tell us
who they are...

l must resume my mission!

The w*apon's been rearmed.


They still can't gain access
to Sick Bay

or any part of Deck 5,
for that matter.

Get a transporter lock
on our people.

We'll jettison the whole
damn section if we have to.

l wouldn't recommend that,

lf you try to stop me again,
l'll detonate.

Your ship and everyone on it
will be destroyed.

l'm transferring a new heading
to the helm.

You'll proceed to the
coordinates at maximum velocity.


He's gone.

He's directing us to a system
2.3 light-years from here.

ls that your home?

lt's my target.

The course l've plotted
bypasses enemy minefields.

Don't deviate from it.

Your ship won't be harmed.

Once we've reached the system,

you'll transport me
to my target.

We won't help you wage w*r.

This crew has a Prime Directive
that forbids us to interfere

in the affairs of other species.

You've already interfered.

We were trying to help you.

Until you discovered
my true nature.

Then you tried to deactivate me.

Just your expl*sive components,
not you.

There's no distinction.

l am what l am.

Now alter course
or l'll detonate.

lf you do that, you'll never
reach your target, will you?

l am programmed to take
whatever measures are necessary

to obtain my objective.

Failing that,

l'm to consider anyone
who tries to stop me an enemy.

Now alter course,
and transfer your sensors to me,

so l can monitor
your compliance.

Release my crewmen
from Sick Bay first.

l'm not programmed to negotiate.

They'll remain where they are.

Lay in the course,

Mr. Paris.

Transfer sensors to Sick Bay.

A sound tactical decision,

Assemble the staff.

We're going to find a way
to outsmart a smart b*mb.

lf we can shut down the force
fields around Sick Bay,

l could get
a transporter lock on it.

Even if you were successful,
we can't beam it far enough

from the ship
to escape the blast.

She's right.
Our best option is to disarm it.

Good luck.

lt's got
an internal sensor array.

lf we try so much
as to loosen a screw...


Commander, l think
you should take a look at this.

lt's a power node
l used to enhance

the replicator system.

l acquired it last week
on a trading mission.

lt has transkinetic
energy regulators

and bio-neural
control circuitry.

Remind you of anything?

Our friend in Sick Bay.

l didn't make the connection
at first,

but when l overheard
a few of the engineers

talking about the w*apon,

l went back and l checked
the schematics on this.

lt's the same technology.

Who did you acquire it from?

A merchant named Onquanii.

Did he say where he got it?

No, but he seemed
eager to trade.

Maybe he'd tell us if we
make it worth his while.

Scan for his vessel.

lf you find him,
send an encoded message.

Tell him about our problem.

Aye, sir.

lf we could tap
into the holo-projectors

without his knowing it,

we might be able
to shut him down.

He changed all the access codes.

The second we try
to decrypt them,

he'll restart
the detonation sequence.

Do you have a better idea?

Yeah, let the Captain handle it.

The last thing anyone
needs is my opinion.

This is no time to be
feeling sorry for yourself.

Chakotay lets me make
a command decision--

what do l do?

l beam a talking b*mb on board.

The first time l commanded
an away mission,

l led my people into a cave
that l thought

was a Cardassian
m*llitary installation.

Turned out l'd mistaken
unstable mineral deposits

for w*apon signatures.

There was a rock slide

and we were stuck there
for three days.

What did you do?

We dug ourselves out
with our bare hands.

Where are you going?

To dig us out.

You don't have
to do this, you know.

lt's what l was programmed for.

You're a sentient being.

You don't have to be
a sl*ve to your programming.

Look at the Doctor.

He's a tool--

a holographic puppet.

That puppet saved your life.

lf it weren't for him,

you'd still be damaged
and alone on that planet.

He's the one that convinced me
to beam you aboard.

And when we discovered
what you were

and some people wanted
to destroy you,

the Doctor defended
your right to exist.

What's your point?

Even though he was only
programmed to be a Doctor,

he's become more than that.

He's made friends,
he's piloted a starship,

he even sings.

Despite all of his achievements,

did he ever stop being a Doctor?

No, but...

And l can't stop being a w*apon.

Look at yourself.

You're already
much more than that.

You've got a body now,
eyes to see with.

The second you detonate,
that'll all be over.

That's the nature
of what l am.

lt doesn't have to be.

We can give you
your own holo-matrix.

You can exist
for as long as you want,

accomplish anything
you set your mind to.

The only thing
l want to accomplish

is the destruction of my target.

What is your target?

A m*llitary installation
on Salina Prime,

Grid 1 1, Vector 9341.

Tell me about it.

Who's the enemy?

A ruthless, violent race

that's threatening
to destroy my people.

What else
do you know about them?

What's their planet like?

Are there forests?


Schools for the children
of this violent race?

l'm not programmed
with superfluous data.

Well, lucky for you.

You're aboard Voyager now

and you have access
to our scanners.

Why don't we take a closer look
at your target.

A m*llitary installation,
as l told you.

But it's manned.

By soldiers.

Who are going to suffer
because of you.

Remember when you
were suffering?

Blind and paralyzed?

Do you really want to make
others go through that?

l have a duty
to protect my people.

l will not betray them.

Now get out

before l'm forced to harm you!

Nice try.

l'm reading a subspace surge
off our port bow.

lt looks like a cloaked ship.

That could be him.

Onquanii travels
in a cloaked vessel.

We're being hailed, audio only.

Open a channel.

Voyager, good to see you again.

And you, sir.

l received your message.

Have you an intelligent w*apon
in your possession?

we're in its possession.

We're being held hostage.

Do you know anything
about this w*apon?

lf l'm correct,

it was created by a species
named the Druoda.

l've studied their technology.

Bring me aboard.

l can assist you.

You've deactivated
your com system?

And reinforced the shielding
in this section.

We won't be overheard.

l'd have more faith
in your security precautions,

if you weren't already at
the mercy of this w*apon.

We didn't know what it was
when we brought it aboard.

This particular series has
a class-1 1 intelligence factor.

lt's warp-capable,
fully armored, self-guiding.

lt has a maximum range
of 80 light-years.

lt can fly through an ion storm

or an armada of hostile ships

and still find its target.


How do l get it off my ship?

You can't,

but l can.

My transporter system
employs a dampening field,

which disables the detonator

until my engineers
can disarm it.

That's a generous offer.

Mind if l ask
what you expect in return?

The device itself.

l'm not about to hand over
a w*apon of mass destruction

to someone l just met.

Oh, my business
is salvage, not w*r.

l've no intention
of deploying it.

But you might sell it

to someone who does.

l imagine you'd stand
to make quite a profit.

l can make more profit
by selling off its components.

The energy matrix alone
can power a fleet of starships

and its intelligence core,
properly reprogrammed,

can assist
in a variety of things

from terraforming

to planetary weather control.

All right.
You can have the w*apon

as long as we keep
the energy matrix.

That way we can be sure
no one ever deploys it.

l'm afraid that's unacceptable.

The energy matrix

is one of the most
valuable components.

l'm sorry. lt's not open
for negotiation.

We could offer you
a few dilithium crystals

in compensation.

That matrix is worth
a thousand dilithium crystals.

What if we threw in
a plasma manifold?

l want the entire w*apon
or it remains here.


You seem awfully intent

for someone only
interested in salvage.

l'm sorry to waste your time.

We'll have to find another way
to solve our problem.

l wish you luck.

Sorry, Captain,
l thought it would help.

Bridge, report.

The alien vessel
has opened fire.

We've lost weapons and shields.

Sick Bay to Captain.
What's happening?

We're under att*ck.

How many ships?

One... off the port bow.

Return fire.

We can't.
Check your sensors.

Our weapons are off-line.

Force fields around
Sick Bay are destabilizing.

He's trying to get a transporter
lock on the w*apon.

Remodulate the shields.

No effect.

What are you doing?

The w*apon's sending
an antimatter surge

back through
the transporter beam.

They've been destroyed.

That wasn't necessary.

They were an enemy.

Maintain course.

l've studied
the w*apon's schematics.

My nanoprobes can be adapted

to disable its
bio-neural circuitry.

However l would need
direct access

to its primary control port.

That means getting you

into Sick Bay
without arousing suspicion.

We could access the holo-matrix
controls above Sick Bay,

disrupt the Doctor's program
long enough for Seven

to inject the nanoprobes.

How much time would you need?

Approximately 20 seconds.

Run a long-range scan
on that subspace minefield

it warned us about.

their expl*sive yield...

what kind of damage
they might to do the ship.

Aye, Captain.

What have you got in mind?

l have a feeling
we're about to run

into some unexpected trouble.

We've analyzed
the alien minefield

and calculated the effect
it would have on Voyager.

l think l can simulate
the explosions

with a well-timed disruption
to the inertial dampers.

Of course, asking me
to give you a bumpy ride

is like asking a virtuoso
to sing off-key.

l'm sure you'll manage.

The w*apon has access
to our sensors.

How do we make sure
it won't catch on?

We've reconfigured
the sensor array

to send it false telemetry.

lt will believe
we're navigating a minefield.

At least long enough for us
to get Seven to Sick Bay.


Medical emergency.

l intend to suffer
third-degree plasma burns

during our encounter
with the mines.

That's where l come in.

Chief Cosmetics Officer,
at your service.

Another hidden talent, Neelix?

Well, l know my way around
a dermal regenerator.

l should be able to simulate
a convincing wound.

Okay. We get her inside.

Then what?

Commander Tuvok
will be in position

to disrupt the Doctor's program.

Once that happens, l will inject

the nanoprobes
and disable the w*apon.

l'll inform the Captain.

Get started.

Do well on this mission, Neelix,
and maybe the Captain

will promote you
to Senior Beautician.

Assist me.

With what?

l'm trying to identify

the malfunction
that caused me to crash,

but several of my memory files
are still damaged.

Restore them.

We tried helping it before.

Look where that got us.

''When taken c*ptive
by a hostile force

seek out any opportunity
to engage the assailant.''

Didn't you ever read
the Officers' Manual?

Section 126.

l don't think
Starfleet diplomacy

is going to work this time.

lf we cooperate, we'll be
giving it the advantage.

lf there's even a chance

that we can convince it
to change its mind...

lt's a b*mb, Harry.

A sentient b*mb.

l said assist me!

Where do we start?

There are several disruptions
in my memory index,

including a three
minute, 37 second gap

just prior to the crash.

A recursive search algorithm
might retrieve the missing data.


You received
a subspace transmission--

a command to alter course

and head
toward the planet's surface.

Looks like your landing
wasn't an accident.

lt was an attempt by the enemy
to divert me from my target.

No, your access codes
are encrypted.

They must've developed
an infiltration code.

What if it wasn't the enemy?

Who else would try to divert me?

Correct me if l'm wrong,

but these are
the same duotronic algorithms

that you use
to communicate with.

My own people wouldn't try
to stop me.

Maybe they changed their mind.

The enemy is ruthless.

My target is a thr*at.

Why would my people call off
the as*ault?

lf we clear up
some more of these memory files,

maybe we'll find out.

Your assistance is
no longer required.

What's wrong?

You afraid you might find out

you're not supposed to
destroy that installation?

Let us finish the job.

Then you can decide

what you want to do
with the information.


Does the name
''Strategic Command Matrix''

mean anything to you?

That's my control center.

They ordered my launch.

Well, it looks like your
orders were rescinded.

See for yourself.

''All long-range
tactical armor units...

terminate mission immediately.''

Keep reading.

lt says... the w*r is over.

lt ended nearly three years ago.

My launch was a mistake.

There was a malfunction
in one of the command sensors.

lt activated a series
of launch sequencers.

My people managed
to shut most of them down,

but 34 weapons were fired...

including me.

l guess this means
you can disarm yourself now.

No. There's no
confirmation code here.

We avoided
the enemy's minefield,

so they're trying to deceive us.

The confirmation

could be in one of your
damaged memory files.

Or maybe it was you

deceiving me to implement
your pacifist philosophy.

That's not true.

You lied to me before.

Why should l trust you now?

You don't have to trust us,
just access those files.


l am programmed
to destroy my target.

l will complete my mission!

lf the w*r is over, you could
end up starting another one.

How many of your people
will die then?

Sick Bay to Bridge.


We've run into a subspace mine.

We had to drop out of warp.

There shouldn't be mines
along this course.

We're detecting
thousands of them

scattered throughout the region.

We're plotting a new
course to avoid them.

Transmit it to me.

This trajectory will delay us
for two days.

That'll give you time
to confirm that the w*r is over.

No! Proceed as planned.

l'm programming
a shield enhancement

that will protect Voyager.

l'm still going
to have to reduce speed.

Agreed, but only until
we've cleared the minefield.

Maintain course, Mr. Paris,
one-quarter impulse.

Think he bought it?

He seemed to.

Let's give him another
good shake just to be sure.

Yes, ma'am.

That was another mine.

The shields will hold.

Tuvok to Bridge.

l've accessed the holo-matrix.


Janeway to Neelix.
Casualty report.

l'm putting the finishing
touches on Seven's plasma burn

and it looks pretty authentic,
if l do say so myself.

Good work. Stand by.

Time to hit another mine, Tom--
a big one.

Commander, blow out
the plasma relays on Deck 6.

Janeway to Sick Bay.

We have heavy casualties.

Maintain heading and speed.

That's going to be difficult.

Our Astrometrics Officer
has been injured.

She's the one who's been guiding
us through the minefield.

Replace her.

Seven of Nine's abilities
are unique.

We're not going to get past

these mines without her.

Then treat her injuries
and send her back to her post.

She has third-degree
plasma burns.

She needs to go to Sick Bay
to be treated.

lf you want to reach
your target,

you're going to have to wait.

All right, Captain,
but l'm warning you...

no deceptions.

Janeway to Neelix.


Treat her as quickly
as possible.

They're in.

Now, Tuvok.

Bridge, my holo-matrix
is destabilizing.


We took damage
to our secondary systems.

Repair them.

Now! Or l'll activate
the detonation sequence.

Stand by.

What's going on?

She's trying
to defuse the w*apon.


She's going into neural shock.

Help me.

Sick Bay to Bridge.

Your attempt to disable me
did not succeed.

l am designed to repel

any as*ault
on my bio-neural circuitry.

We've tried to reason with you.

You left me no choice.

And you leave me no choice.

You and your crew will
abandon Voyager immediately.

No deal.

This is not a negotiation!

Comply or l will detonate!

Go ahead. Do it.

Everyone on board
will be k*lled!

But no one else will.

Captain, 32 vessels
just dropped out of warp

off our port bow.

On screen.

One of them is transmitting
a message...

to the ''Doctor.''

Bridge to Sick Bay.

We've got company--
32 self-guided weapons.

They detected my presence
aboard your vessel.

They say my target is essential.

They altered course
to ensure that l reach it.

They are ordering me
to transport off your vessel.

They will tractor me
to my target.

Mr. Kim, reintegrate
its neural matrix,

and prepare to beam it off...

We can't do that, Captain.


These weapons were
fired by accident.

We can't let them
reach their targets.

Enough! Captain,
order him to proceed!

Harry, what are you
talking about?

Captain, l need a minute.

You're making a mistake.

Your own people
tried to disarm you.

l cannot be certain of that.

Yes, you can.

You can check your memory files.

Look for the confirmation code.

No more delays.

Check the files.

-Reintegrate my matrix.

Do what Harry says
or you're not leaving this ship.

You're in no position
to give me orders.

lf you detonate now,

you'll destroy yourself
and your companions.

ls that what you want?

The confirmation code.

Coding intersequence
443, vector 39121.

Cessation of hostilities...

Unauthorized launch...

Order to terminate mission...

You must disarm yourself

and tell the others
to stand down.

lt's a deception.

This code of yours uses
a modulating algorithm.

lt would be almost
impossible to duplicate.

The enemy is ruthless;
they are violent.

Have you ever met the enemy?

You're just spouting propaganda,

what you've been
programmed to believe.

l have a directive.

lt's been countermanded!

l am a Series 5, long-range

tactical armor unit
designed to traverse enemy space

and circumvent
all attempts to deter me.

You're a sentient being.

l have a duty
to protect my people,

to destroy my target!

You've been programmed
with intelligence,

so you could make decisions
on your own.

Well, it's time to make one.

Countless lives are at stake!

Ever since you took
the Doctor's form,

you've been learning what
it's like to be one of us.

Now, try to imagine

what it's like to be
one of your victims--

your first victim.

You've seen her suffering.

lncrease that by a
factor of one million--

ten million--

and that's how much
suffering you'll cause

if you don't end this.

They're asking why l
haven't left your ship.

Tell them.

l'm transmitting our orders
to terminate the mission.

They also received those orders,

but they had already crossed
the targeting threshold.

Once we're within two
light-years of our target,

we cannot be diverted.

Tell them the w*r's over.

l did.

Tell them you got the message

before you crossed the threshold

when you were
on the planet's surface.

They don't believe me.

lt's up to you
to make them understand.

They only understand
their directive.

They won't listen.

Reintegrate my neural matrix
and return me to the others.

We won't do that.

l have no intention
of proceeding to my target.

l will stop them.


l am a w*apon
of mass destruction.

You want me to see
past my programming...

then you must try
to see past your doubts.


give me a hand.

Bridge, lock on to the w*apon.
Prepare to beam it into space.

Harry, what's going on?

Captain, no time to explain.

Just trust me on this one.

l hear you loud and clear,

Do it.

l've reconfigured
the bio-neural matrix.


l'm sorry.

l am simply completing
my mission.

Only the target has changed.

Transfer complete.

Please state the nature
of the...

What happened?
How long was l off-line?

We'll explain later.
Seven needs your help.

Bridge, energize.

They've gone into warp.

Maintain long-range sensors.

l'm detecting a series
of antimatter explosions.

ln proximity to what?

No ships, no planets...


Bridge to Ensign Kim.

The weapons have been destroyed.

Anyone home?


Feeling well, l hope.


On my way to the Bridge
for another night shift.

Came by to check on Seven.

You just missed her.

What's her prognosis?

She'll need another week
of regeneration,

but l expect
she'll make a full recovery.

Good news.

Oh, considering l was
responsible for her injuries,

you can imagine my relief.

Well, you weren't exactly
yourself at the time.

That's not what l mean.

l was the one who asked you

to bring that device aboard
in the first place.

l even argued with the Captain
to keep it aboard

after we learned what it was.

''lt'' was an artificial
intelligence, like you,

but l have to admit,

his personality made you
seem like Mr. Congeniality.

Look, Doc, the truth is,

l never would've gotten
through to him without you.

>From what l heard,
l wasn't much help.

You were.

l held you up as an example

of how
an artificial intelligence

could exceed its programming.

l didn't realize how true
that was... until today.

lt seems your strategy worked.

Thank you.

l better get to the Bridge.

You never know when Ensign Kim

will be called upon
to take command again.

Voyager could do worse.

Helm, status.

Current speed-- warp 5.
Heading-- 021 mark 3.

Anything on long-range sensors?

Nothing to report.

As you were.

Permission to speak freely, sir.

Why would tonight
be any different?

People have been
talking about you.


Rumor has it you were the one
who outsmarted the smart b*mb.

Well... not exactly.

l made first contact
with a sentient being.

All l did was help it
understand a few things.

The rest was up to him.


Actually, l've been authorized
by the junior staff

to thank you for keeping
us in one piece.

You're welcome.

Any time.

Do me a favor.

Of course, sir.

No more distress calls.

At least not tonight.
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