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06x36 - Baby Mouth

Posted: 01/04/23 09:03
by bunniefuu
[bird crowing]

- [cat meowing]
- [mouse squeaking]

- [elephant trumpeting]
- [lion roaring]

♪ Go!

[opening theme playing]

♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go

Who's ready for some
vegan pancakes, yo?

Just like my old grandma
used to make.


I wish I knew my grandma.


Come on, man!

You're crying
all over our pancakes.

As my great uncle always said,


I wish I knew my great uncle.


Quiet, Robin!

You's ruining our
pools shenanigans

with your feelings.

Oh, that slug reminds me

of my third cousin
twice removed.

Splen Glorbton.

I wish I knew
my third cousin twice removed.

[crying hysterically]

Knock it off.

Dude, what's wrong with you?

Why's you so sad?

[whimpers] I'm just upset

because you all know
so much about your families

and I don't know anything
about mine.

Isn't Batman your daddy?

[dramatic music plays]

[baby cooing]

No, he just raised me.

I want to know
where I come from.

But my parents
aren't around to tell me.

Don't worry.

Nowadays people can learn
all kinds of things

about their family history

by taking one of those
fancy DNA tests.

You're right, Cyborg.

Taking a DNA test
is a great idea.

No! It's a terrible idea.

A DNA test could reveal

that you come from
a family of monsters.

[horrific scream]

[scoffs] Raven, please.

Everyone knows
I'm an amazing person,

and therefore my family
must be equally amazing.

I say we do it.

Cool! I just upgraded my body
with a DNA scanner last week.

All I need is a sample.

[takes deep breath]



This is so exciting, yo!

I bet I'm the descendent of
the mighty pharaohs of Egypt.

Or the powerful
emperors of Rome.

Actually, dude,

it says here you're from
a small island called Baby-lon.

Huh! Maybe that's how
you gots them baby hands.

[all laughing]


He's got such tiny,
tiny little hands.

I do not have baby hands!

But I do think
exploring my roots

is a fantastic idea.

So get ready, Titans,

because we're going to Baby-lon!

[all gasp in awe]



I'm finally home.

I do hope the locals
are the friendly.

Of course they're friendly.
These are my people.

[all exclaiming]

[muffled] Halt! Intruders.

[laughs nervously]

See, Robin. I told you
this was a terrible idea.

Summon the King!

[drum roll]


[speaking gibberish]

Oh, my goodness!

That dude's got a baby-mouth!

Ooh. Ha!

[all except Robin laughing]

What the heck!

[speaking gibberish]

[clears throat]

Lord Baby Mouth
does not understand

why you find his appearance
so amusing.

All Baby-lonians
have baby features.

I myself have baby ears.

Which allows me to translate
for Lord Baby Mouth.

And over here
we have Sir Baby Eyes

and Mr. Baby Legs.

[laughing hysterically]

BEAST BOY: Baby Eyes, dude.
Man that ain't right.

[speaking gibberish]


[speaking gibberish]

This is exactly why
foreigners have been banned

from our great nation.

[speaking gibberish]

And as punishment
for violating our laws,

he hereby sentences you
to life in the baby-pen.


You can't do this to us.

I... am one of your own.

[gasps] Yippee!

[both cheering]

[gasps] Lord Baby Mouth

would like to extend
his deepest apologies.

He did not realize

one of his lost brethren
had returned.

[speaking gibberish]

And in honor of
this pleasant surprise

you are invited to attend

the upcoming Baby-lonian feast.

We'd be honored to attend.

- [all cheering]
- CYBORG: All right.

This is going to be amazing.


[crowd cheering]

Isn't this place great, Titans?

[speaking gibberish]

Now we would like
to introduce you

to some of our loyal subjects.

[speaking gibberish]

Introducing our nation's
finest dancer.

Baby Feet.

[soft instrumental music plays]

This music is terrible.

I find it relaxing.

[speaking gibberish]

And this is
the lovely Miss Baby Gums.

Ooh la la!

Hey, mama! What's the hap's?



[speaking gibberish]

You'll have to excuse her.
She's teething.

And who is this
adorable Baby person?

[speaking gibberish]

Oh, his name is Baby Grip.

But I wouldn't get too close.

The why not?


He likes to pull hair.


These people are freaks!

Oh, come on.

Can we go now, Robin?

These people are the terrible!

No, they're not.
They're just like me.

Yeah. And you can be
pretty terrible.

[drum roll]


[speaking gibberish]

Attention everyone.

It is now time for
Operation Baby Food to begin.

[crowd cheering]



Our giant laser rattle
is now fully operational.

With a press of a button,

it would turn the entire world's

food supply into baby food!


See, Robin, I told you
these people were monsters.

It's not that bad.

I love baby food.

But that's not all!

The baby food will then
turn everyone into babies!


[laughing maniacally]

Never mind.
These people are awful.

Titans, go!

[all yelling]

- Not so fast.
- [clicks]

[all grunting]

Perhaps your friends

would enjoy
some delicious num-nums?

Forget it, Baby Mouth.

My friends will never eat
your poison.

We'll see about that.

Who wants to land
the planey-plane?

Ooh, the planey-plane.

Don't open your mouths, Titans.

I gots to open
the hangar, yo! Aah!


Here comes
the choo-choo train.

You have to resist.

Right through the tunnel.

We cannot the help it.

The train must go
into the tunnel. Aah!

Is the little piggy hungry?


[dramatic music plays]

[all wailing]


[speaking gibberish]

Now that the Teen Titans
are all helpless babies,

no one can stop me

from transforming
the entire world.

- [clicks]
- [laughs maliciously]

[power surging]

[dramatic music plays]



[both crying]

I'm sorry, guys.

This is all my fault.

I should have known
that nothing good

can ever come
from taking a DNA test.

[in baby voice]
You're a poopy head.

[in baby voice] What we do now?

[in baby voice]
No way can stop
mean man like this.

Of course you can.

My baby hands never stopped me
from saving the day.

[in baby voice] Robin's right.
We can do this.

Titan babies, go!


[crying silently]

[both laughing]

- [crying]
- Ow, my foot!

This big baby
just needs his binky.

[effort grunt]


Ahhh! Oh, no!


[all cheering]

[sighs] It feels good
to be home.

You know, Titans,

that little adventure
made me realize that

I don't need to look any further

than Titans Tower for my family.

[in baby voice]
Robin, I'm hungry.

Oh, uh, aren't they cute?

-[in baby voice]
Robin, what this?
-Ow! [groans]

Nothing like family. [chuckles]

[in baby voice]
Robin, I made a stinky!

Oh, okay! Something smells.

- [baby Titans babbling]
- Robin! Robin! Robin!

[Robin screams]