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06x38 - Superhero Feud

Posted: 01/04/23 09:05
by bunniefuu
[bird crowing]

[cat meowing, mouse squeaking]

[elephant trumpeting,
lion roaring]

♪ Go!

[opening theme playing]

♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go

Another sweet
justice celebration

for another totally awesome
butt-kicking battle.

[all] Yeah!

Who's the best superhero team
in all of Metropolis?

We are, that's who!

We're the best
on the planet. Whoo!

The best in this

and all other known universes.

Yeah, we're, uh, pretty good.

We must not rest
on our butt-kicking laurels.

We must always
be prepared to fight.

Come on! Our favorite show,
Just Before Dusk
is on.

Let's just kick back and relax.

Hello, lovely ladies.

That's not our show.


Don't worry, I've got
something even better.

- What's happening?
- [all screaming]

Good job, Titans!
We saved the day again.

Who's the best superhero team
in all of Jump City?

[all] We are!

Yeah, we bad.

We are the best on the planet.

Nah, Star, nah.

- We the best
in all the universes!
- You know it!

And we got home
just in time
for our favorite show.

Hello, lame-o Titans.

[all] Control Freak?

[all scream]

What is this place?

I think we're in the TV.

[gasps] I've always wanted
to be on television.

[all grunt]

Ow! My booty!

Whoa! Is that Wonder Woman?

[gasps] It's the
DC Super Hero Girls!

It's the girl who is the super!

Ah, do I see a fellow alien
in the house?

[both whooping]

Hey, Green Lantern, Zatanna.

- Hi!
- Greetings!

- What up, Bumbles?
- Please don't call me that.

- Batgirl?
- Robin?

[both] What are you doing here?

We got sucked into the TV.

Stop it!

Urgh! Listen.

It seems Control Freak
is up to his usual
broadcasted antics.

But lucky for you,
the greatest
superhero team,

the Teen Titans, are here.

We'll get us out of this mess.

[laughs] Seriously?

Why don't you step back

and watch a real superhero team.

[scoffs] Wha-hat?

We've got the best team.
We'll handle this.

Titans, go!

Nah, they got this.

You bet your sweet cupcakes
we've got this.

There's no stopping
the Super Hero Girls.

You've got nothing
on the Teen Titans.

We've got a Green Lantern
and a Supergirl.
What do you have?

He's got nothin', yo!

We straight garbage, girl!

Grr! Well,

the Titans
have a fearless leader

with the coolest gadgets.

Oh, yeah? Do you have

a remote control,
laser-guided Batarang?

[gasps] That is so cool!


I've got a communicator,
bug spray, binoculars...

Heat-seeking bat drones,

infra-red bat goggles,
bat grappling hook,

and my cape's shaped like a bat.

My boots are shinier.

I've got a cowl
shaped like a bat.

Birds are cooler.

No way! Bats are the coolest!

- [imitating bird chirping]
- [imitating bat screeching]

[Control Freak] Enough!

[Robin] Control Freak.

What are you up to?

You dum-dums
haven't figured it out yet?

I have brought you all here
to find out who is

the best superhero team
in all the universe.

[laughs maniacally]

How do you suggest we do that?


[both gasp]

- ...the Family Feud.
- ["Family Feud" theme playing]

[overlapping, excited chatter]


- I love this show.
- I love Family Feud.

Oh, yeah, I love the feud!

Okay, teams,
let's play the feud!

Didn't we already do this?

Yes we did,
and the network loved it.

So, we're doing it again.

One hundred superheroes
were surveyed.

Top answers are on the board.

What is
the very best superpower?

- [buzzer dings]
- The power of wisdom.

Show me "Smarts."

- [dings]
- The number one answer!

[scoffs] Talk about
a garbage superpower.

And the Super Hero Girls
take control.

Batgirl, my dear,
coolest superhero power...

Cool gadgets.


Mine are cooler.

- A Green Lantern ring.
- [dings]

- Magic!
- [dings]

- Flight!
- [dings]

Wow! You guys
are really on a roll.

One last answer
on the board
for the sweep.

Uh... Bee powers?


Show me... "bee powers?"

- [buzzes]
- [TV audience groans]

Ooh! No "bee powers."

Okay, Titans,
it's your chance to steal.

I would say the laser eyeballs.

Oh, yeah! Good answer!

[all agreeing]

Okay, we got this!

Time's up, Titans.

Best superpower...

Well, actually...

- Say the laser eyes.
- Laser eyes, bro!


You don't need superpowers,

just a combination
of hard work
and dedication.

- [all groaning]
- That is ridiculous!

Show me... blah, blah, blah.

- [buzzes]
- [TV audience groans]

The correct answer was...

[all] Laser eyes?

[yelling] I told you it was
the laser-sh**ting eyeballs!

Okay! Let me get Supergirl
and Goblin Boy.

Oh, yeah, let's do this, yo!

Here's one that
all great superheroes
should know.

What's the most tragic
origin story?

- Ooh, ooh, ooh!
- [buzzer dings]

What do you got, genius?

Only the most tragical story
youse ever done heards!


You're walking in the park
with your buddies,
and all of a suddens...

you step in some dog doo-doo!

Oh, man!

But that's not all.

That doo be radioactive!

And you and your bros
get all mutated

and become the Poop Patrol

with all them nasty,
poop-based superpowers.


Now, tell me
that's not tragical.

Is "stepping in doo-doo"
up there?

- [buzzes]
- [TV audience groans]

Nope! Supergirl?

Having your whole planet

Show me... "exploding planet."


What? Aw, come on!

Stepping in doo-doo
be way more tragical
than that.

All right!

Control goes to
the Super Hero Girls.

Are we not also the girls
who are the super?

Ooh, good point.

Batgirl, tragic origin story...

Ooh! There are so many.
Let me think.

Being raised by a demon!

[all] Good answer!

Hey, what?

Whoa, talk about issues.

Show me, "My dad's the devil."


I have the story
of the tragic beginnings.

Being banished by your sister

who is the biggest
florpal corvax,

chuzznut-hombion faced

tamarokologo in the universe!

Uh... not sure
if we're allowed
to say stuff like that,

but show me, "Questionable
Tamaranian nonsense."


And the Super Hero Girls
are on their way

to becoming the best
superhero team.

Okay, we don't need them.

Boys versus girls, we're on.

[both chuckle sheepishly]

Sorry, my dude.

We's them super hero ladies now.

Oh, come on! Traitors.

It's time for the final question

where we'll learn
once and for all

who the best
superhero team
really is.

Green Lantern, Bird Brain...

Top four answers on the board.

What is the most evil
of all evil plans?

- [dings]
- Stealing a bunch of cakes?


Stealing cakes?

That can't be a real thing.

[announcer] It's real!

Raising the price of milk!


What? You're just
making stuff up now!

[announcer] Wrong again! Real!

Finding Batman a wife.

- [dings]
- Really?

Yeah, really! It's real!

There's only one answer
left on the board.

Super Hero Girls,
you get this, you win!

And you are the best
super hero team.

You lose, it goes over
to the lame-o Teen Titan,


Uh, stepping in dog doo-doo?

You're really stuck
on this dog doo-doo thing,
aren't ya?

Show me, "doo-doo."

- [buzzes]
- [TV audience groans]

Okay, Robin.

What is the most evil
of all evil plans?

I'm going to have to say...

Mind control.

[under breath]
Good answer, good answer!

Is "mind control" up there?

- [buzzes]
- [TV audience groans]


Looks like you lose!

The most evil
of all evil plans
is actually...

[all reading]
"Staging an elaborate
Family Feud cross-over episode

to boost ratings

and subsequently distracting

the two greatest
super hero teams

by tricking them into
a competition with each other

while Control Freak
destroys them both

with his giant robot."

[all gasp]

- [laughs evilly]
- ["Family Feud" theme playing]


[all gasp]

[laughing maniacally]


Eat this!

[overlapping chatter]


It's up to me to save the day!

[Batgirl] Out of my way.

Hey! This is my fight.

[Batgirl] Yeah, right.

I even swing higher than you.

Pump the legs, pump the legs!

Step aside.
I'll save your team
and mine.

Just gotta get... Ooh!

...there... [grunts] first!

[Batgirl and Robin grunting]


You make this too easy. [laughs]

This was Control Freak's
master plan all along.

- To make us feud...
- With each other,

- instead of fighting him...
- [both] Together!


- After you.
- Ladies first.

[both] Okay, together, then.

[both grunt, yell]


[both yelling]


[all yelling]

[yelling stops]


[both scream]


[all gasp]

[Beast Boy] Y'all,
it's the Poop Patrol!



[gasps] Did you see that?

We were saved
by the greatest
superhero team of all time!

[all laughing, cheering]

Oh, my gosh!
This is the greatest!

Stupid Poop Patrol.