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02x01 - Spoils of w*r

Posted: 01/04/23 09:18
by bunniefuu

- [creature roars]
- [Wrecker] Go, go, go, go, go, go!

[roaring continues]

[Wrecker] Go, go, go! Go, go!

We went over the plan five times.

- I got the package, didn't I?
- Just keep moving.


Does this unscheduled break mean

you are fully versed in every ship
in the Imperial fleet?

Do I have to do this right now?
We're on a mission.

That does not give you a pass
on your studies.


[comm beeps]

Tech, we've got the cargo,
but we could use some firepower.

[Tech] Wrecker woke the pod, didn't he?

[creature shrieks]

Yeah, and they're not happy.
We need a pickup.

Copy that. We're on our way.

[Marauder powers up]

Tech, we caught something!
And I think it's big.

Release the line.
We do not have time to reel... [grunts]

[alarm blaring]

[cable jams]

- [grunts]
- Omega!

- I'm okay.
- Hang on.

- They're wrecking the ship!
- I cannot shake them.

[creatures trilling]

- [rustling]
- [creatures roaring]


[Tech] Grab the line.



Tech, where are you?

Why is Omega hanging off the ship?

[Tech] It is an unscheduled study break.

[Wrecker grunts] I thought the beach
was gonna be relaxing.

Appreciate the backup,
but try staying

- inside the ship next time.
- I'll try.

But it was still pretty fun.

It is I, AZI- ...

[Wrecker] Yeah, yeah, we know.

You are all quite late.

Mistress Cid has been extremely
vocal about her displeasure.

[Echo] Well, there's a surprise.

Well, well, well.
The space lugs decided to finally show up.

Better late than dead, I always say.

- And who are you?
- Wouldn't you like to know?

So, this is the top team
you've been talking about?

The rogue clones on the run
from the Empire, huh? How juicy.

You told her?

Don't get twitchy.
Phee's a friend.

She's the most trustworthy pirate I know.

Is that supposed to be comforting?

Aren't clones supposed to look alike?
So much for quality control.

This one's too big. This one's too small.
This one's got a face tattoo.


Yeah, real subtle.

Oh. Hey now.
Got a name, brown eyes?

Tech. However, the phenotypic
eye color for all clones is brown.

Iris pigmentation was not affected
by our mutat...

Well, as fascinating as this has been,
I have places to be.

[sips, gulps]

You, let's see those muscles in action.

Grab that and follow me.

- Uh, y-yes, ma'am.
- And, Cid, that intel is not free.

I expect a cut if your
"top team" comes through.

What is she talking about?

Your next mission.
You lot are heading to the Outer Rim.

That is Castle Serenno,
the former home of Count Dooku.

- Who's that?
- A Jedi who betrayed the Republic

and led the Separatists in a w*r.

With him being dead,
Dooku's entire w*r chest is up for grabs.

The Empire has already
started pillaging his palace,

but there is still time to strike
before it's all gone.

Too much of a risk.

You want that w*r chest?
You go after it.

What class of shuttle? Lambda or Delta?

- Lambda-class.
- Very good.

- [Wrecker] I'm in too.
- Good. Then we're all in agreement.

Now, all we gotta do
is convince dark and broody.

- Convince me about what?
- Uh, well,

we took a vote,
and we wanna go after the w*r chest.

It's unanimous.
Even killjoy over here agreed.

Serenno is Imperial occupied.

We've stayed off the Empire's radar
since Kamino.

Why chance it now?

Because the contents
of just one of those containers

would be worth more than all the
jobs you pulled for me combined.

- You can buy your freedom.
- We're already free.

It's cute you think that.

Clearly, you're not paying attention
to what's happening out there, but I am.

It's only a matter of time
before the Empire comes here.

And then my little operation is over,
which means no more jobs for you.

She does have a valid point.

You wanna really be free?

Then pull off this heist,
and you'll have the means to disappear.

No more risky missions.
No more living hand to mouth.

You can have a future.
Isn't that what you're after?


[console beeping]

I know why you agreed to this mission.

But we can do better things
with Dooku's fortune than hide, Hunter.

With what we're up against,
we have to be prepared to fight.

That means numbers and weapons.

That's not the kind of life
this kid deserves.

Our lives are like this
because of Omega.

Taking her off Kamino
was the right thing to do.

But there are others out there
who need our help.

We've seen what the Empire is doing
throughout the galaxy.

We should be doing more.

So, where is this palace?

The city is on the opposite side
of this mountain range.

Are you coming?


That's the city?
What happened to it?

Imperial orbital bombardment.
Same as on Kamino.

It appears that they are beginning
to transport the w*r chest off-world.

Our window of opportunity
is quickly closing.

[Echo] There's over troopers
down there.

[grunts] That's nothing.

Stealth, Wrecker. Remember?

[engines powering up]

Imperial escort ships.

The standard protocol for when
high-level cargo is being transported.

Get to the nearest container
and grab what you can.

I'll be the eyes on the ground.

If things go sideways,

I'll divert their forces
and buy you some time.


[transport departing]

In position.
And the second transport's launching.

We've got roving patrols. Stay alert.

[ships taking off]

[Echo] Let's go.


[grunts, groans]

What? I did it quietly.

[Tech] They will definitely notice
when he does not report in.

[Echo] Well, let's be gone by then.

I'll keep watch. Start loading up.

So this is what a w*r chest looks like.

[Tech] This is only a fraction of it,
but that is all we need.

The priority is items of high value.

- Like what?
- Anything shiny or heavy is a start.

Retrieve the remaining containers
from the palace. Stay on schedule.


[trooper on comm]
Final launch in ten mikes.

[clone trooper] Copy that.

Did you hear that?

[sighs] It's nothing.

[device beeping]

- Echo!
- I'd say that qualifies as high value.

How could all of this
belong to one person?

It is safe to assume that
the majority of Dooku's fortune

came from the many worlds
he controlled and exploited.

All in the name of his w*r effort.

[Echo] That's what corrupt people do.

- But isn't that what we're doing?
- Depends on how we use it.

Sir, CT- is not reporting in.

CT- , report.

[on comm] CT- , come in.

Hunter, I think we're
about to have some company.

Find that trooper.

[Hunter] Are you clear?

We could use that diversion about now.

[Hunter] On it.

[grunts] expl*si*n on deck!

[on comm] Send damage control!

Transport team,
fall back and hold your positions!

[Hunter] I'm heading your way.
Be ready.

[Echo] Let's speed this up.
Wrecker, that one goes first.

The damage was contained,

but two of the escort ships
were destroyed.

- What caused the blast?
- Unknown, Captain.

All systems were normal
prior to the expl*si*n.

Transport Three, secure your
cargo and prepare to launch.

All squads, return to the courtyard
and hold the perimeter.

[Tech] That is concerning.

- Where are the others?
- Still in the container.

Tech, the ship's taking off.
Get out of there.

Hurry, Echo.

It's externally sealed.
I can't open it.

[Omega] Hunter,
we're trapped in the container.

- We can't get out.
- On our way.

Uh, Boss?
I think they know something's up.

[Hunter sighs]
We're done hiding anyway.

We have a perimeter breach.
Launch now!

[Wrecker] Ha ha!
Come and get me!


Oh, I'm starting to regret this.

- We gotta go.
- Go where?

[Hunter] Jump!

[Wrecker groans]
This isn't any better!

Hunter, where are you?

[Hunter] Sorry, kid.
We got a little sidetracked.

You need to get off that ship
before it jumps to hyperspace.

[Tech] If we gain access
to the ship's main hold,

we could commandeer an escape pod.

Do it. We'll get to the
Marauder and recover you.

[grunts] It's gonna take a while.

[Hunter] Quick! Inside.

I want this area locked down.

Security team, with me.
We'll flush them out.

Are you sure this hatch
will lead into the ship?

If I am incorrect, we will instantly
be sucked out and perish.

I am seldom wrong.

[Echo] Congratulate
yourself after we escape.

[Tech] The closest escape pod
is five corridors away.

[Wrecker] This place gives me the creeps.


Find an alternate route to the pod.

[clone trooper on comm] Captain Wilco,

there are intruders
aboard Transport Three.

Release the escape pods.
It's their only way off the ship.

They just ejected all the escape pods!

[Tech] There has to be
another way off of this ship.

Other than overtaking this vessel,
what do you suggest?

- This is a class four freighter, isn't it?
- Yes, why?

Containers on class four freighters
are equipped with reentry thrusters.

We can escape in a cargo container.

You are correct. I am impressed.

However, the containers must be ejected
before leaving the atmosphere,

which means our window is rapidly closing.

Fall back!

Any idea how we're getting out of here?

We're not going out. We're going down.

There's a lift below us. Cover me.

What is taking you so long?

I'm trying. Tech usually does this.

- It's jammed.
- [Wrecker] Well, I can fix that.

Wait! Don't! No!


- How much time do we have?
- Very little.

[device beeps]
Initiating the cargo release.

[Echo] When are the reentry
boosters supposed to fire?

[Omega] I think they
should have by now.

[Tech] That is going to be a problem!

