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07x16 - Workforce: Part 1

Posted: 01/04/23 10:38
by bunniefuu
Excuse me, can you tell me
where l can find the supervisor?

Over there.

Thank you.

Your authorization
and licenses, please?

Level 6 in Thermodynamics
and Quantum Fusion.

Well. Janeway.

l'm impressed.

Thank you, sir.

Now, if you could just manage
to report to your shift on time.

l'm sorry.
l boarded the wrong transport.

l ended up

at the Atmosphere
Filtration Facility.

They're always looking
for skilled workers.

l'm surprised they didn't
offer you a job.

l promise,
l won't be late again.

Well, it's easy
to get disoriented

when you're new here.

l've been in this city
all my life,

and l still get lost
on occasion.

Now, you'll be monitoring
the primary reactor coils.

They process more
than 8,000 metric...

8,000 metric tons
of tylium per second

at 94 percent thermal

l memorized the specifications.

Let me know
if there's anything you need.

You'll find we like
to keep our workforce happy.

l can already tell

it's going to be much better
than my last job.

The specifications
you asked for.


lnput Error 415.

Command Code Violation 2308.

Come on,
shut off that damn alarm,

and l promise
l'll never violate you again.

You almost started
a core overload.

l would have corrected it.

Well, l'm sorry
for interrupting then.

And for eavesdropping.

l overheard you talking
to your console.

lt's an old habit.

Does it work?

l'm not sure this control panel
and l

speak the same language yet.

Well, if you need
an interpreter...



l work just down there.

That's good to know.

This station doesn't
require two operators.

l don't think we've met.

Employee 1326.

And you're Employee 8584.

Since you're new here,
you may not be fully familiar

with the labor protocols,
but you should be aware

that fraternizing is not
permitted during work hours.

And do you have a number
or maybe a name?

Annika Hansen.

And what exactly is
your position here?

l'm the new Efficiency Monitor.

Oh, l, uh, didn't
know they'd hired one.

Now that you do, l suggest
you return to your station.

We weren't fraternizing.

He was just helping me
correct an input error.

We're almost finished.

Do it quickly.

Yes, ma'am.

l thought we were fraternizing.

Maybe we could get
acquainted after work.

Uh, there is a little place
some of us like to go to.

We could get a meal.

l can't.

You need to talk to someone
besides your console.

l appreciate the offer,
but with this new job,

l don't really have time
to socialize.

They're always looking
for laborers

at the Power Distribution Plant.

l had a job there once.

Didn't like it much.


They treat their employees well.

How long were you there?

Oh, a while.

lt would be very simple
for me to find out.

A day.

A day?!

Half a day, actually.

Give or take an hour.

Not what l'd call
an illustrious career.

l don't belong behind a console
pushing buttons.

But when l heard
some of the workers

talking about your place,
l knew l had to get a job here.

You were terminated,
weren't you?


Oh... that's quite
an accomplishment

during a labor shortage.

What happened?

Oh... it's a long story.

l like a long story.

l had a disagreement with
the new Efficiency Monitor.

She didn't think
my work was very...



Then why should l hire you?

Well... there's my natural charm
and personality.

They'd be a real asset
around a place like this,

where you're trying
to attract patrons.

l mean, look at you.

You haven't been able
to tear yourself away from me.

There's no one else here.


l really need the work.

You'd better clean
those tables over there.

This place is going to be
filled with hungry workers

as soon as the next shift ends.

You won't regret this.

Oh, l'm certain l will.

...all of them about my father,

and he couldn't understand
why l wasn't insulted.

Finally, l just had to tell him:
l'm Norvalian.

l don't have a father.

lt wasn't that funny, Tuvok.

On the contrary.

The man was ignorant
of how your species procreates.

His attempt to disparage you
ultimately humiliated him.

lrony is often
a source of humor.

Yes, well, when you explain it
like that, uh...

it's not funny at all.

l also have some
humorous anecdotes to share.

l'll look forward
to hearing them.

l thought you didn't
have time to socialize.

l'm not socializing.

l'm reviewing these manuals
and having something to eat.

Well, l recommend
the Latara broth,

and the section
on thermal coefficients.

l'll join you.

Really, l'm very, very busy.

Well, not to socialize.

To, uh, help you
review the manuals.

How was your first day?

Here you are.

Compliments of the proprietress.


Uh, l'll be right back.

The proprietress
doesn't give away drinks.

Well, l'm just
creating customer loyalty.

You've been creating loyalty
all night with those two women.

l suggest you attend
to the other tables.

Yes, ma'am.

Here you are.

Thank you.
Looks great.

l can't believe
l let you keep me out this late.

Well, l thought it
was my responsibility

to help you study those manuals.

Of course.

And now that l have,

you should be less likely
to overload the core.

You know, with all this
fascinating discussion

about thermal coefficients,

you never told me
where you're from.

A planet called Earth.

Never heard of it.

Oh, a long way from here.

What's it like?

Overpopulated, polluted,
very little work.

lt sounds like my homeworld.

Guess we're both
lucky to be here.

lt's nice to be in a place

where different species
get along so well.

Oh, so, you admit
we're getting along.

l was speaking
in a broader cultural context.

l see.

There's a lot of v*olence
where l come from.

That's too bad.

lt's getting late.

l still haven't adjusted
to the weather here.

lt gets so cold at night.

lt's almost curfew.

Yes, sir.
We both live right here.

Good night, then.

You know, one of the advantages
of living in employee housing

is that we can
continue sharing ideas

even after the workday is over.

ls that so.

Yes, and l do have
a spectacular view

of the river
from my living quarters.

l really have to get to sleep.

Maybe another time.

l'm sorry if l'm making
you uncomfortable.

You're not.

Well, if you get lonely...

l'll let you know.

lt wasn't me.

lt's not an overload.
lt's time for our inoculations.

What inoculations?

They're nothing to worry about.

Protection against
ambient radiation.

l didn't realize
that was a problem.

lt's not, as long as you're
inoculated regularly.

We're lucky to have an employer
that concerned about our safety.

lt wasn't that bad.

lt doesn't bother me.

How long did it take to go away?

Ten days, two weeks.

ls something wrong?

Forgive me, but...

l'm, l'm afraid of injections.

l assure you, this is painless.

ls-ls there some other method
of administering the medication?

No, l'm afraid there isn't.

Very well.


No! No!

We're finished.

You can go back to work.


First Officer's Log,
Stardate 54584.3.

Ensign Kim, Mr. Neelix
and l are returning to Voyager

after five days of trading
with the Nar Shaddan.

ln six years, l've never been
on an away mission

worse than this one.

l don't know
how you can say that.

The cargo hold is crammed
with valuable supplies.

And my stomach is crammed

with alien parasites
doing back flips.

l guess you shouldn't have drunk
that Falah nectar.

You insisted l try it.

Uh! The Nar Shaddan
consider it a delicacy.

To refuse would've
insulted them.

l didn't hear you insisting
that Commander Chakotay try it.

Commander Chakotay's
a vegetarian.

lt was made from meat?

More like a meat byproduct.

l'm going to be sick.

Not after you drink this.

What is it?

Leola bark tea.

To settle even the
queasiest of stomachs.

Ugh! lt smells worse
than the meat nectar.

l'll wait for the Doctor
to treat me.

At least l'll be sleeping
in my own bed tonight.

Harry, l know you're not
feeling well, but l need you

and Neelix up here.

On our way.

Anything wrong, Commander?

We're at the rendezvous

but there's no sign of Voyager,

and they're not responding
to hails.

Start scanning
on all frequencies.

They've got to be
out there somewhere.

So much for my own bed.

the subspace transponder.

Main computer is failing.

Switch to backup processors.

Main computer stabilized.

Good. Now...
let's try this again.

the subspace transponder.

Unable to comply.

Why not?

lnsufficient power.

And they say l'm difficult.

Reroute power
from the replicator system.

Unable to comply.


Relays to the transponder
are fused.

Any suggestions?

Please restate inquiry.

Can the power relays
be bypassed?


Then l suppose l'll have
to replace them by hand.

Warning. lntruder alert.


The Bridge.

How many?

Two humanoids.

Can you identify them?


Sensor resolution
is below 20 percent.

Stop what you're doing
and turn around!

Take it easy, Doc!
lt's us!

lt's good to see
some friendly faces.

For that matter, it's good
to see any faces at all.

l'm sorry l haven't gotten
life support back on line yet,

but since l've been
the only one aboard,

it hasn't been a priority.

What the hell happened?

We ran into some... problems.

l can see that.

Can you be
a little more specific?

Of course.

About... 12 hours after
you left on your away mission,

things started to go wrong.

We hit some sort
of subspace mine.

Computer, transfer the EMH
to the mobile emitter.

Sick Bay to Bridge.

Sick Bay to Engineering.

Please respond.

lt wasn't long before
l was inundated with casualties,

all suffering from
tetryon radiation poisoning.

Pretty soon,
the Captain arrived.

Doctor, can you
treat these people?

l can stabilize them,

but if we can't contain
the radiation...

Get everyone to the escape pods,

Not you, Doctor.

l need you here.



activate the Emergency
Command Hologram.



Command codes transferred.

You've wanted this chance
for a long time.

Now you've got it.

Aye, Captain.

Try to vent the radiation.

The rest of us will get out
of the contaminated area

and head for the nearest
habitable planet.

You need medical care.

Unless someone answers
our distress call,

we'll have to make due
with medkits.

We'll rendezvous
as soon as it's safe

to come back on board.

Take good care of Voyager.

You can count on me, Captain.

The crew abandoned ship,

and l began to assess
the damage caused by the mine.

But before l could even get
started with the repairs,

l got some unexpected company.

Computer, report.

An alien vessel has locked
onto Voyager

with a tractor beam.

Open a channel.

This is the Federation
Starship Voyager.

Disengage your tractor beam.

Our scans show no life signs
aboard your vessel.

ldentify yourself.

l'm the Emergency
Command Hologram.


That's right.

Now release my ship.

Your crew has abandoned it.

lt belongs to me now.

l beg to differ.

Computer, target the vessel's
tractor emitter and fire.

Come about, heading 903 mark 6.

Engage at warp 2.

Warp engines are off-line.

Evasive pattern Beta-4.

Target the vessel's engines.

Warning. Two vessels
approaching, bearing 336 mark 1.

Reverse course, full impulse.

l managed to evade
the other two ships

and hid inside this nebula.

l vented the radiation,

repaired as many systems
as l could,

but with no help, let's just say
l'm glad you found me.

lt wasn't easy picking up
your homing signal.

Well, l had to encrypt it.

Every time l left the nebula,

l detected more ships
searching for me.

Any idea who they are?

No. But l've analyzed
all of their weapons signatures.

They match the subspace mine.

lt was a deliberate attempt
to disable Voyager.

Good thing you were here.

What about the rest of the crew?

Not a word.

Make them comfortable.

We're going to treat
your injuries.

Who are you?

My name is Dr. Kadan.

You're in a Quarren
medical facility.

My crew...?

My understanding is that

they've all been rescued
from their escape pods.

Treat my people first.

Everyone will be taken care of.

Thank you.

What is that medication?

An antiradiation serum,
perfectly safe.

What are you doing?

She's suffering
from Dysphoria Syndrome.

Don't worry, it's treatable.

Release her immediately.

Restrain him.


No! No!

Excuse me.


l believe we know each other.

You're Tuvok, right?

We met last week
at the shift briefing.

Before that.

Before we were working here.

Oh, l don't think so.

l mean, we're obviously not
from the same place.

Still... l believe l know you.

From the hospital perhaps?

What hospital?

...l am not certain.

We... We were patients.

You must have me confused
with someone else.

l've never been sick enough
to go to a hospital.

l'm sorry, l have a lot
of work to finish.

Please... try to remember.

lt-lt may be important.

ls there a problem here?

l think it's just
a misunderstanding.


She's right.

lt's, uh... it's a...

lt's a misunderstanding.

You don't look well.

Maybe you should go
to the infirmary.

No, no, l'm fine. Fine.

Uh... l'll go back
to my station.

Sorry to have bothered you.

What was that all about?

l'm not sure.

Strange man.

And a terrible joke teller.

So, are we having
dinner tonight?


What, you don't like my cooking?

No, it's wonderful.

lt's just...

l'm a perfectionist.

l'm going to keep trying

until l make you
the perfect meal.

And then we stop
eating together?

l'll have dinner with you.
On one condition:

l make it.

l think l can accept
those terms.


Now go back to your station
before the Efficiency Monitor

catches us fraternizing.

Can l bring you something else?

No, thank you.

l haven't seen you
in here before.

You probably just didn't notice.

Oh, l'd have noticed.

Well, apparently,
you aren't as observant

as you think you are.

Oh, really?

l've been coming in here
the same time every day

for the past two weeks.

Well, that explains it.

l usually work nights.

Me, too.

At the Power Distribution

You see? l am observant.


Hmm... l need you for a moment.

l'll be right there.

Listen, you should come back in
when you get a night off.

lt's a lot more fun
when there's a crowd.

l don't really like crowds.

Well, then, maybe we
could get together

during the day sometime,
take a walk by the river.

l don't think so.

Why not?

l am a very engaging



Still want to get together?

You're married.



Enjoy your day.

First Officer's Log,
Stardate 54597.9.

After restoring primary systems,

we've left the nebula
to try to find the crew.

Though there's still
a lot of damage,

we have been able
to reconfigure sensors

to detect subspace mines.

Ensign Kim's been running
continuous scans,

but there's still
no sign of our people.

On the bright side, the ships
that were searching for us

seem to have given up.

With only four people on board,

repairs are going slowly.

Power to the secondary
propulsion systems

has been restored.

Kim to the Doctor.

Report to Astrometrics.

On my way.

Any luck?

l've scanned ships and planets
in 83 systems.

No humans, no Vulcans,
no Bolians...

Maybe we can increase
the range of the sensors

by tying them
into the main deflector.

l've already done that.


Well, we can boost
resolution by...

l appreciate your input, Doc,

but l didn't call you down here
to help me scan.

l'm still feeling kind of queasy
from that nectar.

l treated you days ago.

Whatever you did hasn't worked.

Maybe all those
command subroutines

are compromising
your medical abilities.

Maybe all that sarcasm

is compromising
your natural charm.

l've repaired
the deuterium injectors,

brought secondary
propulsion back on line,

and soothed Ensign Kim's
upset tummy.

Good work.

Why don't you get started

on the ruptured plasma
conduits on Deck 10?

Can't you take care of those?

l beg your pardon?

''Emergency Command Hologram.''

Doesn't that suggest
my place is here

in Voyager's command center?

Look, Doc, l'm impressed
with the way

you handled yourself
while we were gone.

But right now,
we've got to prioritize.

Kim to Chakotay.

Go ahead.

l've found them, Commander.

They're on an M-Class planet.

At maximum warp, we can be there
in less than three days.

Transfer the coordinates
to the helm.

l'll be in Astrometrics.


the Command Center is yours.

Mmm, smells good.

lt's only burnt on the outside.

Your cooking console's
a little temperamental, huh?

Did you try talking to it?

Once l cut off the charred part,
l'm sure it'll be fine.


lt's good.


Let's go.


l promised you dinner.

We'll just have to get it
somewhere else.


l'm not really hungry.

Are you?


Let's stay here.

First Officer's Log,
Stardate 54608.6.

We've traced
the crew's life signs

to a large city on a planet
called Quarra.

the local officials

aren't being very cooperative.

l have personally interviewed
several of the individuals

on your crew manifest.

None of them know who you are,

nor have they heard
of a Starship Voyager.

l'd like to speak to them

That's not possible.

lf you're telling the truth,

you have nothing to lose
by letting us talk to them.

Unlike other planets
in this system,

we grant our guest workers
the full protection of our laws.

What exactly are you
protecting them from?

Unscrupulous individuals
attempting to acquire

skilled laborers.

We're not trying
to acquire laborers.

We're trying
to find our friends.

Most of your friends
have excellent positions

in the Central Power Facility
in the capitol.

Why would any of them
want to travel thousands

of light-years to a planet
on the other side of the galaxy,

when they have safe,
comfortable lives right here?

Because it isn't their home.

l suggest you look elsewhere
to increase your labor supply.

And if you attempt
to disturb any of our citizens,

we will respond with force.

Any luck?

There's no way to beam them
through the shield grid.

Take us out of orbit.

We're not leaving them behind.


But l want these people
to think we are.

Hope the cooking console's
not being temperamental again.

Making a hot drink
is one thing l can do.

You're right.
lt's good.

l told you.


What's even better
is being here with you.

Are you comfortable?

The blanket's nice and warm.

No, l mean here with me.

l can't remember
being more comfortable...

in my life.

Yeah, l'll take care of it.


Listen, l get off work
in a few minutes.

l thought maybe you
and l could go to...

You don't give up, do you?

You don't even know
what l was gonna say.

Let me guess.

You're going to invite me
to take a walk by the river

or maybe to your living quarters
to admire the view.


l was going to offer
to introduce you

to some people l met.

A couple expecting
their first baby in a few weeks.

l thought you might want to
get to know some other parents.

You know, swap stories,

maybe even find a playmate
for your baby.

lf it's a bad idea...


No, it's nice.

Listen, l'm sorry
about the other day.

l'm the one
who should be apologizing.

l shouldn't have assumed...

-Forget it.
-Look, it's

rare that l admit l'm wrong,

so you might as well take
advantage of it while you can.

lt's been hard...

being alone with a baby coming.

l have a habit
of keeping my guard up.

Well, that's understandable.

lt's just...
a romantic relationship

is really out of the question
for me right now, and when

-you started asking...
-How about a friend?


Well, you said romance
is out of the question.

Could you use a friend?

Any progress?

l've spoken to the
captains of eight vessels

that left Quarra
in the last two weeks.

No one knew anything
about the crew?


But every one of them
asked me if l was looking

for employment.

Apparently, there's
a severe labor shortage

throughout this system.

There's a lot of competition
for workers.

That ambassador said
most of our people

were working
at the main power facility.

l wonder if they still have
any positions to fill.

l can make some inquiries.

Because you and l are going
to find ourselves jobs.

Reentering orbit
might arouse their suspicion.

Not if we take my ship.

Good idea, Neelix.

you've spoken directly

with several
government officials.

You could be recognized.

lsn't reconstructive surgery
one of your specialties?

l still say you should've
posed as a Talaxian.

We'd have made a striking pair.

Whiskers make me itch.

How did it go?

As soon as l

told the supervisor
our qualifications,

he was eager to hire us.

He even helped me get
a docking permit for my ship.

We'll be gainfully employed
by tomorrow morning.

Here you go, Doc.

Give me your hand, Mr. Neelix.

What's this?

A subdermal transponder.

lt will allow us
to maintain an open com-link

so we can transport you
through the shield grid

if there's trouble.

Hold position
at maximum transporter range.

Aye, sir.

l assumed l'd be in charge
during your absence, Commander.

Excuse me?

An Emergency Command Hologram,

programmed with over two million
tactical subroutines,

outranks an Ensign.

A few words to the computer,

and this Ensign
can delete those subroutines.

Then you'd be depriving yourself

of a skilled leader
for the sake of your ego.

Oh, my ego!


work it out.

Aye, sir.

Employee 8583.

Mr. Tuvok.

According to my records,
you've neglected to report

for your last three

These inoculations are
for your protection.

A sick worker is not
an efficient worker.

Report to the infirmary.

Seven of Nine.


Seven of Nine.

lt's... your designation.

My employee number is 8586.

Take your hands off me!

Call Security!

l don't believe you are
who you think you are!

We don't belong here.

We don't belong here!

This isn't right!

We don't belong here!

Qualification Level 3
in microkinetics.

You could use
some improvement there.

Level 5
in thermionic conversion.


We lost a thermionic
specialist yesterday.

Did he find a better job?

Uh, health problems.

Someone you know?

No, just... an unusual species.

We have a diverse workforce.

Our thermionic converters
operate on a rotating frequency,

so they have to be
closely monitored.

You'll be required to report
your readings to the Controller

at regular intervals.

Any questions?

Are you listening to me?

Sorry, sir.

l'm just excited to be here.

Carry on.



lt's Chakotay.

l'm sorry?

l'm new here.

The supervisor said you
would be a good person

to speak to
if l had any questions.

Mm. What can l help you with?


l just wanted
to introduce myself.

Oh, what did you say
your name was?


Actually, that's just
what my friends call me.

My employment file
lists my given name:

Amal Kotay.

Well, whatever your name is,

l'm happy to help you
any way l can.

No, no!

You're experiencing

a relapse of Dysphoria Syndrome.

This is going to make you
feel better.

Get away from me!

Losing my job there
was the best thing

that ever happened to me.

Why is that?

Well, so many rules
and regulations.

lt was like
a m*llitary operation.

l know what you mean.

''Report here, reroute
power there.''

lt's almost like serving
aboard a starship.

Have you ever done that?

You're looking
at the former captain

of his own cargo vessel.

Hmm, must be quite a life.

What about you?

Ever worked on a ship?

Oh, no.

Space travel makes me sick.

l'm not lying.

So, do you know most of the
people that come in here?

A lot of them.

This is a great place to work.

Seems like it.

l could put in a good word
for you to my employer.

Ah, Neelix.

l was wondering
when you'd get here.

Amal Kotay, this is
my new friend, Tom Paris.

What can l get you?

That looks good.

l was assigned
to the primary fusion chamber

along with Mulcahey and Celes.

Neither of them recognized me.

Let me guess.

They really love their jobs.

lt's like they've all been
programmed to be happy here.

lt's a safe bet
they're not going

-to leave willingly.
-Here you go.

Hi. How was your first day?

Not bad.

Would you and your friend
like to join us?

That would be nice.

Um, actually, l was hoping
we could eat alone tonight.

Maybe another time.

That was rude.

l'm sorry.
l just, um...

There's something l'd like
to talk to you about.


-Thank you for joining us.


l'm due for a break.

l'll walk you to the transport.

Stop worrying.
l'll be fine.

lt's not you
that l'm worried about.

The baby will be fine, too.

So, what l was thinking is...

...if we were to combine
our resources,

we would reduce our expenses.

Are you asking me to move in?


l know it's impulsive.

l... know we haven't known
each other very long, but...

things are so easy
when we're together.

And l just thought l...



Maybe l'm out of my mind...

...but let's try it.

l think this is gonna be
a lot of fun, don't you?

lt's gonna be great.
You'll see.


Yeah, they're waiting for us.

Come on, we got to go,
all right?

Oh, excuse me.

lt was my fault.

l should watch where l'm going.


How do you know my name?

What if l told you
we were old friends?

That's a ridiculous statement.

l know it sounds strange,
but l can prove it to you.

Look, l'm sorry,
but l'm late for work.

Let go of me!

l'm not going to hurt you.

-Security, help.
-Chakotay to Voyager.

We've got B'Elanna.

Lock on to Neelix's signal,
and transport them to Sick Bay.


Help me!

Let her go!


Harry, l need
an emergency transport now!

Sorry, Commander,
we're under att*ck.

l had to raise shields.

No, leave me alone!

We're friends.
We're trying to help you.

No, don't touch me!

He turned into the accessway.

l'll call for reinforcements.

l think he went in there!

Be careful!
He might be armed!