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01x07 - Do Jun's Declaration Of w*r

Posted: 01/05/23 18:29
by bunniefuu
(Song Joong Ki)

(Lee Sung Min)

(Shin Hyun Been)

(Kim Shin Rok, Yoon Je Moon, Cho Han Chul)

(Kim Nam Hee, Park Ji Hyun)

(Jung Hye Young, Kim Young Jae)

(Kim Jung Nan, Kim Do Hyun,
Kim Hyun, Seo Jae Hee)

(Reborn Rich)

(This production is supported by Ministry
of Culture, Sports and Tourism and KOCCA.)

(The characters, institutions,
companies, events, geographical names,)

(and specific countries in this
drama are fictitious.)

(Episode 7)

You know Miracle Investment, right?

They're the majority shareholder
of Jaea Construction...

that messed with you so nicely
and took over...

New Seoul Town's management rights.


do you also know who
the company's real owner is?

You're talking like you know who it is.

Who is it?

I'm Miracle's majority shareholder,

Jin Do Jun.




The majority shareholder hiding
behind Oh Se Hyeon...

is you, Do Jun?

Is that it?

Using Chang Je to humiliate me...

and taking the New Seoul Town project...

That was you, Do Jun?

You used my reluctance
to give up on cars...

and used Ahjin Motors as bait
to take Soonyang Motors' shares.

You forced me to buy Hando Steel...

at an exorbitant price to drain our funds.

You did all that
with Oh Se Hyeon as a pawn...

to toy with me to do this
and that?

The punk who dared to challenge me...

was Jin Yang Cheol's youngest grandson.

Jin Do Jun.

Was it really you?

Yes, Grandfather.

They were all...

decisions I made
as Miracle's majority shareholder.


Why did you do such a thing? Why?

Did you think...

this would make me...

leave Soonyang to you when
you're not my eldest grandson?

No, Grandfather.

I'd like to buy...



I will buy Soonyang.

With my money.

(Reborn Rich)

Who is...

Miracle's true owner?

You really don't know?

You got knocked out the moment
you stepped into the ring.

I thought you'd know
all about your opponent by now.

Isn't that the only way you can try
to get your own back?

You're a nicer person than I thought,
Seong Jun.

You don't suit me.

You asked me to see you as a person,
not as a title.

That's my answer.

I want to date a man who suits
the position without being...

Chairman Jin Yang Cheol's eldest grandson.

Did you...

just reject me?

Let's end it on a high note.

So we can smile if we meet again.

You reject me and then say
you'll see me again?

You're interesting to the very end.


You'll buy Soonyang?

With your money?

Did getting your hands on
over ten million dollars...

at a young age make you think
money is nothing?

To you, is Soonyang
a large piece of candy...

you can get at a corner store?

It's not because money is nothing,

nor because I think lightly of Soonyang.

You started as a delivery boy
at a rice mill in Incheon...

and built up Soonyang Group
that pays 200,000 employees.

I know better than anyone
how much sweat and tears...

you shed on the way.

One day,

my eldest uncle will become chairman.

The eldest inherits all,
and that's our family's... No.

That's your rule.

You know that so well, so why?

But Grandfather.

Will Soonyang then...

be the same Soonyang it is now?

Just because he inherited
your family name...

doesn't mean he inherited
your entrepreneurship.

You're concerned more than anyone.

Unlike any other founder
of a large company,

you haven't given Uncle anything.
Isn't that the reason?

Do you remember what I said?

Anyone who goes against me,

I never forgive,
whether he be a sibling or a son.

Do you think a grandson is any different?

Go back to studying law.

So it doesn't get in your way,
as of today, I will confiscate your pawn.

If Oh Se Hyeon doesn't egg you on,

you'll grow out of this phase soon enough.

Drop the charges
and have him released, Grandfather.

I'll sign over the business rights...

to New Seoul Town's
320,000m² housing complex...

to Soonyang Construction.

Do you think that's a valid deal?

You study law
at the best university in Korea,

and you know so little about it.

He was arrested
for bribing the Mayor of Seoul.

Chang Je will be replaced
for taking the bribe,

and Oh Se Hyeon
will be locked up for giving it.

Then New Seoul Town
as a whole will become Soonyang's.

If you ask me to release
Oh Se Hyeon for just 320,000m²,

would I accept the deal?

I haven't even...

started bargaining, Grandfather.

Seoul Mayor Choi Chang Je's
emergency press conference...

will begin shortly.

Please wait a little longer.

What's the agenda
for this press conference?

Is it urgent enough to hold
an unscheduled press conference?

- Is it about the mayor?
- Please tell us in advance.

- I have a question.
- What's it about?

The mayor will come down
and announce it himself.


The agenda
of the emergency press conference.

You want to know, right, Mr. Lee?

The result of the prosecution's
internal investigation came out.

But there was a real estate
speculation force using...

undisclosed internal data...

in the New Seoul Town District.

(Seoul Metropolitan City)

(Land Register, Soosaek District,
Eunpyeong-Gu Office, Seoul)

(Land Register)

You see, the family members...

of Vice-Chairman Jin Young Ki's wife...

appeared on that list.

The mayor is involved
in a corruption scandal.

What was that? Oh, the press conference.

Let him hold one numerous times.

Do you think Chang Je has any power?

If Miracle's majority shareholder
giving money to Mayor Choi...

turns out to be
Chairman Jin's youngest grandson,

it's a different story.

The daughter-in-law was immersed
in land speculation,

using private internal information.

The youngest grandson committed
a shameless act of bribing...

the son-in-law,
the mayor of Seoul, to win...

a development project on that land.

People will believe the mastermind
was Soonyang Group's chairman,

Jin Yang Cheol.

To the government that needs...

to revitalize real estate policies
as an economic stimulus,

Soonyang will become the guinea pig
they'll punish.

You might never get another chance...

in Gangnam reconstruction projects...

or various government led
construction projects.

Are you still...

going to indict CEO Oh for offering bribes?

To deal with real estate speculators...

using undisclosed data,
the Seoul Metropolitan Government...

excluded Soosaek District
and only chose Sangam District...

as New Seoul Town's development
district target.

Are you not revealing
the list of real estate speculators?

Is it true a high ranking society member
was involved in it?

- Please answer the question.
- We want a statement.

I, Seoul Mayor Choi Chang Je,
will promise you.

I will fulfill my responsibility...

so that the homeless common people...

no longer shed tears
because of real estate speculators.

Both investigations
on Mayor Choi's bribery scandal...

and the real estate speculation...

of Vice-Chairman's wife's family...

were closed without charges.

Tell me who.

You see...

My parents...

My family...

Are you even...

lying to me?


Your family?

You know what?

Who do you think can make...

300 million dollars in cash
with just a phone call...

in Korea right now?

Excuse me?

Not me nor Daeyoung Group's Ju Yeong Il.

The financer of Myeong-dong
private loan market, Son Ho Chun.

Your father.

My in-law.

The world is a nasty place, no?

Those who need urgent money...

suck up to your father.
But behind his back,

they point fingers at him
for being a loan shark.

Even so,

there's one thing your father never does.

Do you know what that is?

The only way he makes money
is by lending money.

He never look elsewhere. Why?

Because that's the financer Son Ho Chun's
honour and pride.

You're his daughter.

How come you know so little about him?

Who was it?

Who was it that egged you on...

to use your family names
to speculate these lands? Tell me.

Tell me who it was!

(Sangam and Soosaek
District Development Plan)

Grandfather is
in the second floor study, right?

Why do you ask?

I have something to tell him.

Gosh, not now.

I don't know what it's about,
but do it later.

After telling your mother off,

he summoned your father.

If you get dragged in for no reason,

I will be too upset to do anything.

It's all my fault, Father.

I had this burning desire...

to make up for the loss caused...

when acquiring Hando Steel
and couldn't stop myself.

Was that the only solution
you could think of?

Don't you know
what the world is like today?

What are you? A pheasant's baby?

Did you think nobody would know if
you kept your head down?

Enough. Get up now.

A man shouldn't go down
on his knees so quickly.


It might rain, Father.

You know, right?

That my knees are more accurate
than the weather center.

You should bundle up...

when you leave for work tomorrow.

It will be tough on you for a while
if your asthma relapses.

I'm here, Uncle.

Gosh, my youngest nephew.

I'm glad I listened to you
and came up with a plan.

But how did you think of it
at such a young age?

Well, not everyone can become
a majority shareholder of Miracle.

It's just an investment
as a way of studying.

If you're interested in business,
why not join Soonyang?

You know my family situation.

Grandfather excluded me
from the succession order.

Really, he's an impossible man.

Once he loses trust in someone,
he sees the end of them.

Geez. He'll try to drag me down...

throughout my term.

(Seoul Metropolitan City)

It worries me.


soar high enough so he can't drag you down.

Me, who doesn't even have
a base in the party?

How high can I go up?

To the highest end
with the support of the people.

If 7,000 houses are supplied...

through the New Seoul Town project,

it will be a great help to solve
the real estate problem.

What's more, DMC Construction...

is the symbol
of advanced technology and business.

If the mayor of Seoul...

solves the problem
of people's livelihoods...

and has a vision for the future,

where else should he advance to...

other than the Blue House?

Do Jun.

New Seoul Town and DMC.

Presidential candidate Choi Chang Je.

It'll become
your biggest achievement, Uncle.

Mayor Choi Chang Je
is going to become the president?

Do you really think
he'll become a presidential candidate?

It's like I prescribed him a sedative.

Mayor Choi.

This was the first time he won...

against those he feared.

He must feel as anxious
as his sense of achievement.

I had to blind him
with a greater ambition...

to get rid of that fear.

We need to use him as our man...

until the completion of DMC.


Instead of tofu, since you're from the US.

Be honest with me.

You're not 22, right?

If I rip off that good looking mask,

maybe I'll find
a 40-year-old man inside you.

Or is this your second life?

Tell me which one it is.

You said partners
must be honest with each other.

It's both of them.

Stop bluffing.

Forget it. You're in your 20s.

Why did you do it?

The land in Soosaek District...

- was my...
- Your grandfather.

He will forgive me.

But not you.

Be very careful not to do anything...

that'll make you lose
your grandfather's trust.

You know what I mean, don't you?

The only asset I have...

is you.

The house and company...

are your grandfather's.

But I...

only have you.

The eldest grandson of this family.

It's raining, Seong Jun.

The sky is so fickle.

It's so hard to get along with.

My sin...

runs deep.

In this whole world,

the only father who made his son
live a sentence...

and turned him into a cr*pple was me.

What should be blamed...

is that period.

During the military regime,
someone had to take responsibility...

so long as Soonyang was the target.

You simply...

did your utmost best
to protect the group...

by offering Soonyang Transportation.

I will make sure...

word doesn't travel outside
regarding Do Jun's matter.


Have I lost face even
in your eyes, Hang Jae?

(Soonyang Group)

Chairman Jin Yang Cheol.

Your children will never succeed...


Let me help you, Mother.

I can finish it on my own in no time.

I know what to do. Look.

Snap. Like that.

Thanks to your great family love,

I lost my beloved family.


I have become incapable
of returning to my family.

I will never allow...

your children to share Soonyang...

happily and at peace.

This is the real reason...

I'm trying to buy Soonyang.

(Soonyang Hospital)

If you don't have any plans
in the afternoon,

I'll prepare several checkups
since you've come all the way here.


Did you purchase a new piece
of expensive equipment?

Excuse me?

- Mr. Lee.
- Yes?

Give Director Jung a bonus.

Gosh. You're good at business.

And with a rich old man to boot.

In that case, please give me
an envelope full of money.

But I'm not here as the head
of the group today.

Not as a patient, either.

I came as a guardian.

He's so weak.

Will he be able to act
as a proper chairman after I die?

I'm worried.

From what you see,

is Vice-Chairman Jin the son
who resembles you the most?

I thought you were handing over
your position to the son...

who took after you the most in the end.

Are you going to...

stick to primogeniture until the end?

Who is it?

The one who resembles me.

Is there even one who does?

Even if there is one,

my children won't accept it.

They will t*rture and fight each other...

until their last breath.

Isn't that a fiery pit?

The fiery pit is for me
to go to after my death...

and not my living children.

Oh, right. When is the meeting...

with the presidents
of the subsidiary companies?

It's at 3pm.
Do you have something else to do?

Yes, I do.

Father. What brings you here?

Why aren't you keeping your promise?


When you married someone I disapproved.

When you jumped into the movie industry...

instead of the family business.

Do you know remember what you told me?

"I will live as a person who has nothing
to do with Soonyang."

That was my promise.

Then why?


Why are you breaking it now?

At least you know how shameless you are.

You're using your son
rather than involving yourself.

What are you talking about, Father?

Your son, Do Jin.

He declared he was going to buy Soonyang.

In front of me.

- Mr. Lee.
- Yes, sir.

(Power of Attorney, Jin Yoon Ki)

These are the documents necessary
for the ownership transfer...

of Soonyang Public Welfare Foundation...

connected to Soonyang Medical Center
and HR Development Center.



Is that not enough?

You barely know your own son, don't you?

I'm scared.

Scared that I might become
a father like you.

The one who had abandoned me
and left Soonyang...

was you, Yoon Ki.

Don't have your son...

come begging to me again.

You know, Do Jun...

made Father speechless.

You should read this.

You have such poor political sense.

Are you sure you can even be re-elected?


He gave Soonyang Public Welfare Foundation
to Yoon Ki's family.

Do you know what this means?

That's for the medical center
and HR Development Center.

It's not worth much.

"This is all you can have from Soonyang,
Yoon Ki."

He declared this.

My goodness.

Do Do Jun and Yoon Ki know...

about this hidden meaning?

Do Jun is...

facing a dead end.

I see.

It won't do you good to stay close to him.

Are you done eating? Gosh.

Hwa Young.

You left behind your bag.

I have social status
and dignity to uphold now,

so please carry this.

What are your social status and dignity?

Come on.

Your husband who loves you.

That's right.

My gosh.

Thank you for your hard work.

Good job.

Father gave the medical center
and HR Development Center...

to Yoon Ki.

Why did he do that?

Why? Why all of a sudden?

As soon as he secured enough money
for the succession.

This is...


It's a sign for him
to start the succession.

CEO Jin Yoon Ki isn't important.

You should keep an eye
on Junior Managing Director Jin Seong Jun.

You're right.

Since Chairman Jin
is insistent on primogeniture.

- Are you sleeping?
- No, Grandfather.

Come in.

(New Seoul Town
Digital Media City Development Plan)

(New Seoul Town
Digital Media City Development Plan)

Someone told me...

that I need to know well
about my opponent...

to take revenge.

Did losing the bidding
of the New Seoul Town project...

make you very upset?

I learned a lot.

If the opponent wins, I become the loser.

I realized that painfully on the field.

My eldest grandson,

Do you...

want to get your revenge?

Miracle Investment, Rachael speaking.

Hello, CTV. Sorry?

For 4.7 billion dollars
that is needed for the construction...

of New Seoul Town DMC,

we'll cover the cost with project finance.

For that...

It must be important to prove
the business value of DMC.

That's right.

If we seal the deal with cable channels,
film studios,

and media related academic organizations
earlier on as planned,

the business value can be proved.

If the rate of return is 20 percent,

we'll get 940 million dollars.

Miracle Investment can buy 2 percent
of Soonyang Corporation's shares.

Let me ask one thing.

Why do you have to buy Soonyang?

You can simply get in Chairman Jin's
good grace and succeed the company.

People are strange.

They cannot stand the Kim family
of North Korea...

succeeding the power.

But why do they think nothing of it
when the grandchild of a chairman...

succeeds the management rights
in South Korea?

In the end,

both did not prove
that they were qualified.

You speak as if it's not your business.

Young expat,
you're a grandchild of a chairman too.

We've got a problem.

The cable channels and film studios...

that were going to move into DMC called...

to say they will cancel the plan.


and all the film studios.

All of them at once?


What's the reason?

A big advertiser demanded...

that they withdraw.

Or else, they would stop all ads
from their affiliates...

and even production support.

An advertiser?

If they're getting
their affiliates involved,

it means they're a big conglomerate.

All cable channels and film studios...

that were planning to move
into DMC decided...

to retract the plan.

I heard media related academic

were going to move in as well.

They are scholars who only study.

How did you persuade them?

I promised them industry academic
cooperation, research grant,

and overseas training.


Supporting academics
is a way for a company...

to contribute to society as well.

- I will remember that.
- Good.

Goodness, DMC is going to end...

even before they start the construction.

What should we do?

It's your uncle's first business...

after he became the mayor.

I'll meet him.

- Will you?
- Yes.

Families help each other
when they're in trouble.

Seong Jun,

how are things going with her?

The daughter of Hyunsung Daily's CEO.

Why isn't there any news
about your marriage?

Do you guys not get along?

No, Grandfather.

We're seeing each other well.

Is that so?

A man who manages his family well...

does business well too.

My eldest grandson is all grown up.


What do you think, Hang Jae?

It will serve
as a strong warning to Do Jun.

If the DMC project doesn't work out,

Miracle Investment
will suffer a heavy blow...

because they spent
a lot on the initial investment.

I mean Seong Jun.

My eldest grandson.

He was better
than the CEOs of the affiliates.

He catches on quickly...

to the hidden meaning of your words.

Thank goodness...

that Young Ki has...

a smart son like Seong Jun.

- Really?
- Yes.

Chairman Jin is taking Seong Jun with him?

According to the Secretary's Office,
that is right.

Call Seong Jun's office.

I should eat with him.


Wouldn't it be better for him
to position himself...

as Chairman Jin's grandson
rather than your son?

"Chairman Jin started teaching
his favourite grandson..."

"for him to succeed his place."
This kind of an image.

So I can't even call my son as it is?

I'm sorry. I acted out of line.

Human Resource Department.

Kim Ju Ryeon of Secretary's Office.

Change his post right now.

A deputy manager-level secretary
dedicated to Vice-Chairman.

Thank you, sir!

I'll pledge my allegiance to you.

Is this really Korea?

Not the Republic of Soonyang?

How can they give up on moving into DMC...

with just one word from Soonyang?

Cable channels , film studios,
and even academic organizations.

It's not one word. It's money.

There are only 830,000 paid subscribers...

of cable channels.

The advertising industry died out
because of the IMF crisis.

An advertiser like Soonyang
is like their king.

You need to listen
to your king to be saved, no?

Not to mention film studios
which Soonyang can interfere...

with investment and distribution.

Soonyang's money is spread
all around Korea...

like blood vessels.

That's how Soonyang can move Korea.

Why is high and mighty
Soonyang interfering...

with a trivial matter like moving into DMC?

He answered...

to my declaration of w*r.

It's Mayor Choi Chang Je.


Is it true?

(Digital Media City)

I heard all the broadcasting stations...

and media-related companies...

that were supposed to move into DMC...

withdrew their plan.

Are you going to give up on DMC,
which is the landmark...

of New Seoul Town?

The DMC project won't fall through.

Digital Media Center
is a future business...

that Miracle Investment
is conducting with confidence.

We're planning to look...

for other broadcasting stations
and media companies...

who wish to move in
before the construction starts.

Keep your word.

I'll keep my word with Seoul's citizens.

If there isn't any broadcasting station...

willing to move in
before the construction starts,

I'm going to hand over the DMC business
to another company.

To a construction company bigger
and more powerful...

than Miracle Investment.

You're the one who taught me...

what the DMC project means...

to Choi Chang Je, the mayor of Seoul.

Please do a good job. I'm hanging up.

What did Mayor Choi say?

He taught me...

why Soonyang interfered so hard
with the companies moving into DMC.

Mayor Choi is planning...

to hand over the DMC project to Soonyang.

The New Seoul Town project...

comes back to the company
it belongs to, Uncle.

I should give you a boost...

when I have the power.

Once the DMC project becomes successful,

your position in the company
will become more solid.

"Jin Seong Jun didn't get the post
just for being Chairman's grandson."

Let's show them. Yes?

I understand why Grandfather
was against it.

I guess everyone becomes like this
when they're drunk in power.


You can't tell what situation
you're in now, can you?


It's not you but I...

and Soonyang...

that have your life in our hands,
Mayor Choi Chang Je.


New Seoul Town project was dirtied...

with real estate speculation
from the start.

Imagine the DMC project
worth almost five billion dollars...

falling through.

Won't you end up as a Seoul mayor
who became a lame duck...

as soon as your term started?


Grandfather is giving you one more chance.

Because you're his family.

If you need the power of Soonyang,
don't hesitate to ask.

Come to Jeongsimjae to ask.

As you always did.

You'll buy Soonyang? With your money?

Do you think you can buy it with money?

Try it then.

But pay a lot for it.

You're drinking? You should be.

You're about to lose two percent
of Soonyang Corporation's shares.

But don't drink so much yet.

You'll want to drink more
after listening to this.

Looking for companies
that can move into DMC is...

rather simple, actually.

We just need to look
for broadcasting stations...

that can be financially independent
without Soonyang's ads.

And what's that station?

There's none.


Stations that have enough influence
to move into DMC...

are all managed by Soonyang.

It got me thinking...

that Digital Media City,
your ambitious work,

might be too early for Korea as of now.

What do you mean?

I promised to be honest as a partner,
so I'll tell you.

Before deciding on what to invest,

I always look at this cheat sheet.

A cheat sheet?

I don't mean complex figures
with difficult names...

like the stock market index,
economic growth rate,

and current account balance.

I look at the real economic index
that can be seen at once.

- What is that?
- Signboards.

Signboards are your cheat sheets?

You can see everything from signboards.

The flow of market, consumers' needs,

and the outlook of an industry.

So signboards, no...

So what does today's cheat sheet say?


All the new signboards on the streets...

are for internet cafés.

Does this make sense?

Is this truly a country
that wants to become the IT powerhouse?

I've never seen an internet café
in New York, not once.

Things have advanced so much,

so why do people still
not have a computer at home...

that they need to go to internet cafés?

This is why...

Digital Media City won't happen.

("99 Pro-gamer Korea Open")

There's nobody to defend it now.

(Internet café)

(Internet café)

(Internet café)

Your cheat sheet is correct, Mr. Oh.

You can run a broadcasting station
without Soonyang's ads.

It might even gain enough influence
to move into DMC.

There's such a station?


(Digital Media City)

Is E-sports even possible?

Game companies weren't interested
in online game relay broadcasting...

that we offered.


But maybe
because their target audience matches,

a cartoon broadcasting station
is showing interest.

And they will actively accommodate
our suggestion to minimize...

the profit from ads and earn...

from gamers' subscription fee
and relay rights instead.

- I see.
- Okay.

Right, one more thing.
They have a condition.

Regarding the move into DMC...
Miracle's D double-J.

They want to discuss with you,
the majority shareholder.

- The majority shareholder?
- Yes.

(Modern Gallery, Exhibition in progress)

Miracle Investment's majority shareholder,
Jin Do Jun.

What's going on?

I'm here to meet the representative
of a game company...

who will move into DMC.

I'm that representative.

My uncle has a broadcasting station
that mainly airs animations.

I heard Miracle Investment was looking
for a gaming channel,

so I asked him for a favour.

Reorganization and composition of staff.

They're all completed.

I'm qualified enough to be here, right?

Do you take after your mother?

You were pretty talented in acting.

You said you weren't interested
in succeeding Soonyang.

But you're standing in front of me...

as the majority shareholder
of Miracle Investment.

How did you find out?

I told you.

Hyunsung Daily is good
at getting information.

Think about it.

The power to move public opinion.

Chairman Jin would want
a lot more than that...

to join hands with my family.

I'm not the one...

he wants to marry off to you.

We're getting ready
to start broadcasting channels...

for Hyunsung Daily's financial
and sports magazines.

I already have my father's permission.

First, we'll move Hyunsung Daily's HQ
to DMC.

Then we'll get ready...

to open the channels at DMC.

Then Miracle won't have any problems
with the construction...

and parcelling out of DMC.

Four channels...

and Hyunsung Daily too?

Now, do you understand...

why you really need me?

What do you say?

I'd say it's an irresistible proposition.

It sure is a proposition...

I can't turn down.

(Exhibition in progress)

What would you like to order, sir?


Vienna coffee,

without cinnamon.

That's what Min Yeong
always ordered for you. Right?

Is she not here today? I don't see her.

Oh, I guess you didn't know.

Min Yeong quit to start studying
for the bar exam.

She said everyone in her family
passed the bar while in school.


All right, then.


Oh, you can use it next time.


There will be no next time.

What would you like...

Oh, do you work here part-time?

Like someone once told me,

I don't want to take my privileges
for granted anymore, sir.

I thought about it,
and you weren't entirely wrong.

I'm glad I learned the lesson
before I began a career in law.

And for that, I'm grateful.

My gosh. You seem quite touched
by what I said, sir.

Your name tag is upside down.

(Seo Min Yeong)

Vienna coffee, please.

How much is it? 1.20 dollars?

It's 1.20 dollars.

Without cinnamon, please.

You owe me 80 cents.



I used to work here.

Here's the key for the supply storage room.

- I forgot to return it.
- I see.

Oh, he was here a few moments ago.

Why didn't you tell him that you quit?

He came all the way here for nothing.

Who? Who was here?

You know, the guy who always
gets Vienna coffee.

When I told him you quit,

he looked like he'd just gotten dumped
or something.

It sure is a proposition...

I can't turn down.

So what can I offer?

For every deal, there's a price to pay.

You know this too.

We'll be...

good partners.

"Good partners?"

So in a nutshell,

you want me to do as you say,
let you keep me on a leash,

and obey your family's advice
at all times...

just so you can...

become the granddaughter-in-law
of the Soonyang family,

while knowing that I'm being tailed
and watched by people you hired.

- That's...
- To me,

it sounds like you want to own me
before you own Soonyang.

I'm afraid I must decline your proposition,
Ms. Mo Hyeon Min.

I have no interest in becoming your puppet.

(From Jin Seong Jun)

I'm waiting for the day we can meet again.

From Jin Seong Jun.

I didn't know I'd see it again so soon.

Your smile, Ms. Mo Hyeon Min.

We promised to meet again
with smiles on our faces.

Today is...

that day, right?

Oh, yes!

Men's premium underwear!

A five-piece trunk set is...

Hyeong Jun.

I was wondering what you were watching.
A home-shopping channel?

Do not let your guard down.

You startled me.

It'll sell out the moment
you let your guard down.

A spectacular action-thriller that
keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Coming to theaters this summer.

It'll surpass your imagination
in every possible way.

A fantastic adventure movie.

"Home Shopping."

Hyeong Jun only watches
shopping channels these days.

Hey, you don't need a lot of stuff.

Hey, shopping isn't about
buying things you need.

It's all about buying things you want.

Do you understand, my little brother?

- Do Jun.
- Yes.

Your father wants to speak
to you about something.

Your grandfather was here.

Soonyang Public Welfare Foundation
at Soonyang Medical Center...

and HR Development Center.

Your grandfather handed it over to us.

(Power of Attorney, Jin Yoon Ki)

It's a warning.

Your grandfather is warning us
not to get greedy...

over Soonyang.

- Father...
- I heard everything.

I'm sorry I couldn't give you a heads up.

Must you...

go against your grandfather's wishes?

I understand why you're worried.

You know better than anyone how scary...

Grandfather can be.

I understand that you're against it.

Let's do it.

I looked into it.

I think I can afford to acquire
a cable movie channel...

for DMC.

Although it won't be of much help.

Always remember...

that I've got your back, Do Jun.

Honey, did you decide...

to give in and let Do Jun have his way?

Honey, it's...

You two.

Promise me.

Do Jun, promise me that
you'll never become like...

everyone on
your father's side of the family.

And you, honey. Promise me
that you'll protect Do Jun.

So your father and siblings...

can't hurt our son.

The 4th son
of Chairman Jin Yang Cheol, 4-0.

His wife, 4-alpha.

And me,

Jin Do Jun.

They're my parents.

(Groom Jin Seong Jun, Bride Mo Hyeon Min)

I should get a wedding gift
for my eldest grandson.

Is there anything you need?

We'll start out at Jeongsimjae,

so we don't need anything.

No, don't say that.

You are becoming a real adult, Seong Jun.

I must do something for you.

Tell me what you want.

Then, Grandfather.

Please give me the right to play a part...

as one of the adults in the family.

As one of the adults in the family?
It's no big deal.

It's about taking responsibility.

If Seong Jun wishes
to share the burden with us,

he should get some shares too.
Right, Dong Ki?

Yes, sure thing.

So? Did Father say he'd give him some?

Of course.

I think he wants to announce it
at the reception...

when the whole family is there.

Hwa Young.

Have a drink with me at the reception.
It's been too long.

Sounds like it'll be a coronation ceremony,
not a wedding.

Will Father really announce...

at the wedding that
Seong Jun is next in line for the throne?

Of course,
Seong Jun is his eldest grandson.

Your father will take great care of him.

All right. Don't be late.

I'll see you at the wedding.

About Seong Jun's fiancée.

I should ask her to visit us tomorrow.

Why? Do you already want to be
an overbearing mother-in-law?

No, I want to be
a good daughter-in-law to you.

All your paintings are too good
to be just kept in this room.

You should have a solo show.

Your granddaughter-in-law runs a gallery.

Gosh, stop. A solo show? Please.

This is just a hobby.

Don't be so modest.
You should think about it, Mother.

Jeong Rae, has Mr. Yang called?

He said he'd be home by lunch.
How come he's not back yet?

Oh, you're right.

Father always calls
if he's going to be home late.

I received a call from Jeongsimjae.

They're asking
when the chairman will be home.

What should I tell them, sir?

We found...

a brain arteriovenous malformation, sir.

Will surgery fix it?

The thing is...

The location is quite risky
if we were to perform surgery.

So I have no choice...

but to rely on luck.

Is that it?

We will do our very best
to monitor it closely.

In my head,

there is a ticking time b*mb...

waiting to go off.

(Reborn Rich)

As you ordered,

I prepared a share transfer agreement
for Mr. Jin Seong Jun.


(Share Transfer Agreement)

Don't you know whom I love the most...

out of all my children?

What on earth did you do?

The one who can make Soonyang bigger
and better than I can...

will get everything.

That Do Jun takes after me.

Do you think that makes sense?

Grandfather, you were right.

I've given up on my goal
of buying Soonyang with my money.

Do not step over the line!

You guys are different from us.

Don't you dare delude yourself
into thinking...

that you can be a rightful heir.