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01x06 - The Man Behind Chang-je

Posted: 01/05/23 18:45
by bunniefuu
(Song Joong Ki)

(Lee Sung Min)

(Shin Hyun Been)

(Kim Shin Rok, Yoon Je Moon, Cho Han Chul)

(Kim Nam Hee, Park Ji Hyun)

(Jung Hye Young, Kim Young Jae)

(Kim Jung Nan, Kim Hyun,
Kim Do Hyun, Seo Jae Hee)

(Reborn Rich)

(Production Sponsors: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, KOCCA)

(The characters, institutions, companies, events, geographical names, and specific countries in this drama are not related to reality.)

(Episode )

What will you do now?

We'll manage.

Oh, dear.

Poor thing.

It's so sad.

You'll have to go on.

Can I help you?

It's you, isn't it? Hyeon Woo's parents' restaurant.

You bought the building it's in.

You heard the news?

I don't think the family is ready to take visitors yet.

What happened?

Was it a heart attack again?

It wasn't an illness.

I heard Hyeon Woo's mom took her own life.

What would make...

a mother of two do that?

The poor, tortured woman.


Young man.

The mother I know...

would never do that.

What on earth...

happened in that time?

(Three Way Restaurant)

(Out of Business, Property for sale)



(Birthday present, , won)

(Report Card, Yoon Hyeon Woo)



I'm freezing. Mom.

Your son's home!


Gosh, it's cold.

It's cold, isn't it? Are you hungry?

I'm starving!

What do you want?

Kimchi gukbap.

Kimchi gukbap?

Why do we have bean sprouts again?

I'll make some gukbap with bean sprouts.

Okay. Where's Dad?

How would I know?

Why does your expression change whenever I ask about Dad?

- It's not what you think.
- Seriously...

Let me help you, Mother.

I can finish it on my own in no time.

I know what to do. You pinch off the tail.

Snap. Like that.

Mom. I talked to my homeroom teacher today.

He kept asking which university I'd apply to.

So I said I'd apply.

He wouldn't stop bugging me.

And I blurted out that I'd go to university.

You should.

Go inside and study.

I'll bring you the gukbap when it's ready.


I'll pay it all back.

I know Dad's company is struggling.

And that you're selling the restaurant...

to cover the rent and your hospital bills.

(Secheon Middle School)

You're being too cheeky.

I'll take care of it.

I'll make lots of money after university...

and pay it all back.

I'll make lots of money, and this restaurant too...

Yes. Make lots of money.

Make lots of money...

so that you don't have to...

feel sorry for your kids.

Make lots so you can...

spoil your kids.

(Secheon Middle School)

(Three Way Restaurant)



(Reborn Rich)

("Soonyang Life Science to Rewrite History")

("Blue-chip Soonyang Life Science?")

"Soonyang Life Science?"


(Investment Bankbook)

"Soonyang Life Science."

My mother's equity account...

is the only clue...

I have right now.

It was unusual.

We couldn't afford to invest.

Mother had never dreamed of making a fortune,

so to think she'd gone into debt?

That was even more unusual.

The shares she'd put it all into was Soonyang Life Science.

But why?

Why Soonyang Life Science that ended up being liquidated?

Hey, you!

What's going on?

You should've called after blowing me off that day.

Do you know how worried I was?

Had something happened at home or were you dreadfully sick?

But you'd been coming here?

Yes. I gave you my number.

I waited for you every day at the cafe I worked at,

and I went crazy and asked you out.

But so what?

That doesn't mean you can look down on me.

Did you hear that?

Why do that in the library?

- It's so noisy.
- What a nuisance.


Is she not embarrassed at all?

She confessed her love in the library?

I know.

She must be so embarrassed.

What was she thinking? I'd love to know.

Isn't this her?

About that day.

I'm sorry.

My bad.

Min Yeong.

I don't look down on you.

I don't deserve you.

Soonyang Life Science's future was becoming increasingly bleaker,

so it was a pointless subsidiary.

(Post-IMF articles)

But after the financial crisis, the media brought it up.

Beckoning people to come to the land of hope and dreams.

Soonyang Life Science's stock price that had been falling...

after the financial crisis peaked.

Keep going up.

And the minority shareholders who trusted the Soonyang name...

Goodness, it's am already.

It's passed am already.

Worth , won.

Soonyang Life Science, twenty...

They kept buying more shares without any doubt.


But Soonyang chose to...

liquidate the company, not invest in it.

All sorts of things happen in business.

This is what's important.

(Institutional investors' movements)

Gnaynoos is a foreign equity fund and institutional investor.

They bought and sold Soonyang Life Science's shares in a short period,

making a massive profit margin.


They made risky investments.

I say they're a speculative hedge fund.

I'm sorry to say that currently, Korea is a paradise to hedge funds.

Prices are cheap, and there are lots to eat.

Buy Korea. Why not?

What do you think about this, then?

Focus on the date Gnaynoos sold all heir Soonyang Life Science shares.

(Sold times in about months)

It happened just one day before Chairman Jin announced...

he'd cooperate with the President's Big Deal policy.

It's also the day before he announced he'd liquidate...

Soonyang Life Science as part of the Big Deal.

It's an exit.

Institutional investors knew what Soonyang would do...

and got out in time.

It's not just a simple hedge fund.

Are you saying Gnaynoos had something to do with Soonyang?

I don't know that.

So I called my contacts in New York.

I asked them to find out what Gnaynoos does.

Oh, my...

They're amazingly loyal.

Gnaynoos' limited partner investors...

all used to be Soonyang's financial executives.

That means Gnaynoos is Soonyang's slush fund.

And with that money, they bought Soonyang Corporation's shares.

Because it's the mother company that governs all subsidiaries.

(Soonyang Life Science)

(Soonyang Corporation Share Distribution)

Gnaynoos successfully bought . percent of Corporation's shares.

You have all you need to ensure management...

remains within the family.

That much of Soonyang Corporation.

How much is it in cash?

All billion won made from liquidating Soonyang Life Science.

It is a real big deal.

We made a profit.

It was the succession.

Rather than pay the inheritance tax to hand down the company,

Soonyang Life Science...

(Big Deal, Company liquidation)

No. The public that invested in Soonyang Life Science...

were sacrificed.

While pretending to create a conglomerate...

the government and IMF wanted.

- Grandpa.
- Hello.

What are you doing here?

You didn't even call.

I came to see you.

Good. Sit down.

You can't be here because you're out of pocket money.

So, what's this about?

So... Soonyang Life Science.

I heard it was liquidated.

I read about it in the news.

That it's Soonyang Group's major business.

That it'll lead us into the next generation.

What about it?


Our PR department wouldn't have spread lies.

That means you were convinced the business would do well.

So why was it suddenly sold off?

I wanted to find out.

Do you want an answer?


The President was looking for any excuse to bring us down.

What else could I do?

What power do I have when I'm just an old man?

If the President wields a sword,

you lie low and feign death while other heads roll.

That's how you stay alive, isn't it?

The minority shareholders.

The public must've suffered.

Those people...

did nothing wrong...

but just believed in our company.

Why would you care about...

those people?

You'll never live as a member of the ordinary public.

You are my grandson.

Don't you go around saying that.

People will gossip...

that you're pretending to care.

You said you weren't interested in our company's business.

Did you change your mind?

Do you want...

to inherit Soonyang?

No way.

I never thought...

about inheriting Soonyang, Grandpa.

Is that so?

Save Soonyang Life Science!

- Save it!
- Save it!

Retract the decision!

- Retract it!
- Retract it!

Protect proprietary rights of minority shareholders!

- Protect it!
- Protect it!

Chairman Jin Yang Cheol, take responsibility!

- Take responsibility!
- Take responsibility!

Soonyang which cannot withstand...

economic crisis, reflect!

- Reflect!
- Reflect!

Chairman Jin Yang Cheol, take responsibility!

- Take responsibility!
- Take responsibility!

Soonyang, retract it!

- Retract it!
- Retract it!

I'm sorry.

("Big Conglomerates Decide to Liquidate Weak Affiliates")

("Government Says the Nation Celebrated Too Soon,")

("and that They Should Share the Burden Instead of Overspending")

(Ui-dong, Gwangjang Market, Gwanghwamun)

(Soonyang only has one answer, righteous management.)

(Soonyang Construction)

From joining the company...

(Junior Managing Director Jin Seong Jun)

to becoming Junior Managing Director,

it normally takes years.

But despite not having any accomplishments,

I became the owner of this room.

What can I do?

My grandfather happens to be Chairman Jin Yang Cheol.

(Soonyang Construction)

I won't take this privilege for granted.

I will do my best...

to carry out my duty with a huge responsibility.

You welcomed me warmly even though I'm lacking.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Seong Jun became the junior managing director...

of Soonyang Construction?

Hold on.

He gave his eldest grandson a post...

in Soonyang Construction, which it's a sinecure?

It's a penalty! Collective punishment, at that.

Gosh, my old man.

He kept track...

of all of Young Ki's failures,

then pushed it all onto Seong Jun.

The timing is rather dramatic.

(Soonyang Fire Insurance)

I thought the succession was about to start...

with Soonyang Corporation's stocks that he bought,

but he sent Junior Managing Director Jin Seong Jun,

the center of the succession,

to Soonyang Construction, not Corporation or Electronics.

It means I still have time.

How much of Soonyang Corporation's stock can I buy?

What if you buy Soonyang Corporation?

How much of it can you buy?

What's important is who he's going to give the stocks he bought...

under a borrowed name, and how much of them.

Still, in the end,

won't he give them to Seong Jun?

Primogeniture is Father's principle.


Then why did he send his eldest grandson...

to Soonyang Construction?

No, I didn't send him.

Seong Jun volunteered.

- Seong Jun did?
- Yes.

I asked him to send me to Soonyang Construction.

Why Construction of all places,

when you have to go to rough construction sites?

You need to get married too.

Kids nowadays dislike it...

saying it has gone out of fashion after the New Village Movement.

You have a unique taste.

He spent a great deal of money studying abroad.

I'm sure he has a plan.

Let's hear you out.

There are a lot of competent people at Soonyang Electronics.

Finance and Distribution have Uncle and Aunt.

I'm quite curious...

about why Construction lost its previous value.

Above all, Soonyang was able to grow this much...

because Grandfather earned expensive dollars...

from working in Saudi Arabia enduring the sandy wind.

I felt bad leaving it as it is.

I'm so upset, Mother.

He's not known how to secure his own benefits since he was young.


Jeong Rae, Seong Jun speaks so sweetly.

He's better suited for politics rather than business.

Who is suited for what?



Because of those politicians, I,

and Soonyang,

suffered so much yet again.

Does anyone here not know this?

I'm sorry, Father.

I didn't mean that.

- Prosecutor Choi.
- Yes.

I heard you were going to run for mayor this time.

Is this true?


People around me kept insisting that I was the perfect fit.

What's great about you besides the fact that you're my son-in-law?

They're all trying to steal my money.

Chang Je is looked down on only in this house.

Outside, he's a just prosecutor...

who led the elimination of corruption.

All because you used him to get rid of others.

But you shouldn't bite off more than you can chew!

Prosecutor is the right place for him.

- Father.
- Your just husband...

that the whole world knows!

If you want to get him kicked out jobless,

take this chance to remove his position as my son-in-law...

and start anew.

And see if anyone approaches him.

Why would you get up even before finishing your meal?

Young Ki.

Why did you stay silent?

You promised you would support Chang Je.

Father is not wrong.

Chang Je, don't feel upset.

Public Security and Special Unit.

You were able to work in these departments...

all thanks to Father. No?

Of course, Young Ki.

Chang Je, you don't show...

that you were raised poor.

Normally, those who were raised poor catch on quick.

You know how Father is.

So why would you admit it?

I'm sure he didn't know this conflict would happen.

What are you guys doing?

What's wrong?

I see.

Does Chang Je still look like a country bumpkin...

who comes to this house to earn his tuition fee?

Just you watch.

How far Chang Je can go as a politician.

I'll make sure to show you.

Let's go.


I'm sorry to make a scene on such a nice day.

Hurry up!

Let's eat.

He would need to bow and shake hands all the time.

Why does he want to get into politics?

Nowadays, money is power.

In the end, what moves money is authority.

If Grandfather hates politics,

it would mean politicians still hold a lot of authority.

Gosh, what are engineering students doing?

Can't they put the songs in these albums...

into a device that fits in one hand?

The size of an apple.


Is that going too far?

Then melon. Melon sounds good.

Try making it. I'll invest in it.

- You're going to invest in it?
- Yes.

It means it will work.


You're not an artist...

if such chicken feed makes you waver.

I heard that you were talented in investing.

But why did you go to law school?

You don't seem to be uninterested in business either.

I'm uninterested in Soonyang's business, at least.

My dad is different from Uncle and Aunt.

I think Grandfather didn't make me work in the company...

because he didn't want me to.

I'm Grandfather's grandson, but my dad's son before that.

I don't start a fight...

that already has an ending.



It's late. We should go home too.


Seong Jun, congratulations again on your first day of work.

Thank you.

Uncle. I knew he got good grades,

but he's really smart.

Let's keep in touch.

Did something happen?

It's Chang Je who got scolded by Father.

So why do you look like you were wronged?

I do?

See this?

This middle-aged man who looks like he was wronged?

You're right.

I feel wronged.

So it's true.

I know very well what my son wants,

but as long as he's born as my son,

I have to tell him...

not to start anything that goes against Grandfather's wish.

That's my place.

I feel sorry...

for being this kind of a dad.

I'm sorry, Father.

Why, Hyeong Jun?

I actually passed the Seochon Music audition.

You noticed my talent from that short moment.

Talent isn't something you can hide.

I was foolish.

I guess this is the fate of a genius.


Seochon Music?

I'm going to debut as a singer in the summer.


You're really going to become a singer?

Didn't you already guess that?

- Weren't you just dressed that way?
- What?

Do Jun.

So you're a good singer.


Where is this, Grandfather?

This is...

the island of orchids and grass.

It has a pretty name too.

Nanji Island.

Nanji Island is...

the island that was used as a landfill...

They buried the trash piled up as high as a mountain down here.

Then the land beneath would be full of gas.


It might collapse.

Seong Jun, look carefully.

This is where New Seoul Town will be built.

Seoul World Cup Stadium will be built over there,

and a new city will be built next to that.

The budget is five trillion won.

Once the election for the mayor of Seoul is over,

things will progress fast...

starting with the selection of the company in charge.

You give it a go.

- Sorry?
- From bidding to construction.

Take charge of the project...

and build a new city here.

My eldest grandson.

Why do you keep insisting against it?

Miracle Investments won't invest in small businesses.

"Small businesses are the flowers of the new world."

Didn't you listen to the president's inauguration speech?

One trillion won is out in the market.

- We should go flower viewing.
- It's not late to invest...

after the flowers fall and bear fruits.


As NASDAQ Composition fell,

KOSDAQ Composition fell below .

The froth has come out of modern technology stocks.

There are many online companies...

that are facing a crisis.

Crises of online companies...

are caused by an excessive investment...

without a clear revenue model.

I said no.

In the US,

do you know which area's house prices rose the most?

New York? No.

Silicon Valley? Yes.

New businesses always need new land,

and money is bound to gather in that place.

Do you think Yeongdong, once a cheap area,

became one of the most expensive areas in Gangnam...

just because of wealthy housewives' property speculation?

It's because a highway was built.

What is the st century's highway?




Can you say that again?


Wealthy housewives? Cheap area?

No, before that.

What was that about new businesses?

They need new land,

and money is bound to gather in that place.

New businesses and new land.

Digital and media.

Yes, it's Sangam-dong.

New Seoul Town development that provided money to Soonyang...

which almost faced liquidity risk right after the IMF crisis.

It's that Sangam-dong.

I found...

Miracle Investment's next goal.

Thank you, Mr. Oh.

(New Seoul Town Digital Media City Development Plan)

I'm going to build a digital media city in New Seoul Town.

- A digital media city?
- Yes.

It's the center of entertainment business with IT infrastructure.

(New Seoul Town Digital Media City Development Plan)

Your new business is entertainment?

In Korea,

which doesn't speak English and has less than fifty million people?

A day will come where the world goes crazy...

over Korean songs, movies, and dramas.

Does the person you admire the most happen to be Kim Goo?


The book that left you...

- a deep impression is...
- "Baekbeom's Diary."

I see.

"What I want the most is..."

"the power of culture."

You must dream of Korea becoming the cultural powerhouse.

Well, you're free to dream.

The problem is, we don't have a construction company.

Are you going to shovel yourself?

I asked her to check for a construction company...

that we can buy.

(Jaea Civil Engineering Construction Takeover Plan)

(Stable business)

It's the most cost-effective among the companies that are big enough.

- Jaea Construction is?
- Yes.

Number one.

It doesn't have any affiliates, so taking over will be simple.

Number two.

The owner family is a bit problematic.

What do you mean?

It's sort of an occupational disease...

of Korean conglomerate owners.

They think the company vault is theirs.

Breach of duty, embezzlement, and even accounting fraud.

They must be involved in reporting more than necessary budget amount...

and price fixing as well.

Construction companies are the easiest...

to make money without labels.


How could you join Soonyang Construction...

without discussing with me...

and as you like?

At this critical time?

Right now, we should acquire more shares in Soonyang Corporation.

Before the succession plan is finalized,

Grandfather could pass away.

- What?
- The budget...

for the New Seoul Town project is five trillion won,

which means we can stash a lot of money away as a slush fund.

Then you joined Soonyang Construction because...

I know I always made you anxious, just like now.

That you'd fall out of favor with Grandpa because of me.

You were afraid I'd ruin your plan to succeed the throne.

- Seong Jun, that's...
- Father.

Now, I can really understand you.

I feel exactly the same way right now.

(New Seoul Town)

(,,m² in Sangam to Be Developed Into Housing Site)

(Development Plans for Susaek Finalized)

(World Cup Stadium in Sangam-dong)

(,,m² in Sangam to Be Developed Into Housing Site)

(Mini New City in the Heart of Gangbuk)

(Sangam, near subway stations district unit planning)

It's me, Jin Seong Jun.

You didn't want to bet your future on me just because of Soonyang.

Then how about you get to know me better and decide?

Do you like that spot?

Was her name Kim Yeon Soo?

The lead actress in the weekend drama, "Women of the Sauna."

She always sat there too.

Oh, here.

I've never seen this before.

Oh, right. Yoon Ji Na must've left it here...

when she was in a rush to get to "Top Songs" on time.

What about this glass?

Who else used this?

How would I remember everyone who's used it?

So why did you make me come all the way to Incheon?


You already know what kind of upbringing I had.

This was like my playground.

I've played with it plenty of times, so I don't need it anymore.

What do you say? Would you accept it?

I've officially joined the company,

and I feel that I can start afresh with you.

So you're not photogenic,

and you're a terrible actor.

You're Soonyang's third-generation heir.

You can easily buy yourself another playground like this.

Did you actually think...

you could deceive me like this?

If you want to marry me,

it can't be because of me.

I bet it's because of your grandpa, Chairman Jin Yang Cheol.

What's wrong with that?

I must do my very best to win my grandfather over.

A devoted husband, model father,

successful businessman.

I thought that was the kind of married life you wanted.

What more do you need? Tell me.

You hardly know me.

If we knew everything about each other,

we wouldn't want to get married.

You, Ms. Mo Hyeon Min, intrigue me.

If we wanted to land the New Seoul Town project,

we'd have to see eye to eye with the next mayor of Seoul.

When does the nomination period begin?

The floor leaders of the leading and opposition parties...

are waiting for your call, sir.

Is it not my money they're waiting for?

They won't give the project to a different company...

after getting your money for their campaign, right?

Do you know why you must be careful when you spend someone else's money?

The money I gave them isn't the reason they must listen to me.

They have no choice but to do as I say...

because I have leverage over them since they received money from me.

So it's a stick and not a carrot, after all.

Choose one.

Who should be the next mayor of Seoul?

Oh! Prosecutor Choi Chang Je, right?

- Who are you?
- What a coincidence!

I really wanted to meet you. Who knew I'd run into you here?


You know about Mayor Giuliani of New York, right?

He was a prosecutor who came from nothing.

Thanks to him, who fought against corruption,

New York became the number one city in the world.

Just like New York has Giuliani,

Seoul needs Mayor Choi Chang Je.

A young, competent mayor who is perfect for Seoul.

You're definitely not from the political circle.


I'm Oh Se Hyeon from Miracle Investment.

I'd like to sponsor your campaign, Mr. Choi.

(Miracle Investment, CEO Oh Se Hyeon)


We cannot accept Miracle's support.

Besides, you want the New Seoul Town project,

which Soonyang Construction is after?

Mr. Oh, this is like declaring w*r...

on my father, Chairman Jin Yang Cheol.

Never in my life have I seen anyone...

win against him.

All will be fine...

if Chairman Jin never finds out about this. Am I wrong?

I plan to take this...

to my grave.

(Miracle Investment)

So we're partners now.

We share a secret.

Then we must add on a little extra as hazard pay.

As for the amount, billion won't do. Make it billion won.

You sure take after your father.

But the thing is,

will the party nominate me?

Those at Cheongwadae are tight,

and people should know you...

if you want the spotlight at the confirmation hearing,

but I'm...

You reflect the spirit of the times, Prosecutor Choi.

It's a quality that a politician absolutely needs.

The spirit of the times...

I do?

- Yes.
- Yes?


While investigating the family of Jaea Construction's owner...

for dereliction of duty and embezzlement,

the Seoul District Public Prosecutors' Office...

confirmed that CEO Kang Man Soo...

illegally siphoned off billion won overseas.

We've also requested an arrest warrant on Kim Jong Bok,

the Commissioner of the Korea Customs Service,

for deliberately concealing this.

This is clearly a corruption case caused by abuse of power.

We, at Prosecution Service, promise to investigate the case...

until the end without bowing to any kind of external pressure.

That'd be all.

(Prosecution Service)

Prosecutor Choi! You investigated an incumbent minister.

Was there any external pressure?

You also investigated the cases involving Ahjin and Hando Steel.

You're a member of the Soonyang family.

Did anyone try to bribe you?

Is there a reason you mainly handle corporate crime cases?

Have you experienced any external pressure?

- Just a comment, please!
- Say a few words!

The spirit of the times?

Since the financial crisis,

everyone's been talking about sharing the pain.

But they aren't the ones who caused this pain.

Why are the powerless citizens the only ones suffering?

Why is it...

that the powerless citizens are the only ones suffering?

That is...

not justice.

("Economy Now," "Explore Current Affairs")

(Standing With Citizens, Prosecutor Choi Chang Je)

(Asking for Justice During Financial Crisis)

("Explore Current Affairs," Choi Chang Je)

We've absorbed all the Jaea Construction shares...

that once belonged to CEO Kang Man Soo and his family.

We've become the major shareholder...

with just five percent of the shares.

This also means we can participate in the New Seoul Town project.

Hold on. Did we use Choi Chang Je...

to get Jaea Construction?

Or did we use Jaea Construction...

to catapult Choi Chang Je to fame?

What matters is that we already have Jaea in the palm of our hand.

And soon, the mayor of Seoul will also be in the palm of our hand.

The pre-mayoral election polls have been showing strong support...

for Choi Chang Je from the Seoul District Public Prosecutors' Office,

who has announced that he was embarking on a political career.

All eyes are on whether or not this son-in-law...

of the Soonyang Group family will be nominated...

as a mayoral candidate.

I will stand with my fellow citizens,

with my fellow citizens of Seoul.

Those in the ruling party are supporting the other two candidates.

What do you think, Do Jun?

Who do you think is behind Uncle Chang Je?

I'm not sure.

I have no interest in politics.

Grandfather will soon find out...

who he's up against.

He won't let them have their way.

Uncle Chang Je and those in politics.

("The Great Gatsby")

Mr. Kim Seong Hwan from the ruling party is on the phone.

Hello. It's me, Jin Yang Cheol.

Yes, Mr. Chairman. Right.

It's been a while, sir.

I heard reporters at Hyunsung Daily...

got their hands on some confidential documents...

at our research institute.

Hando Steel, Ahjin Motors.

(Party Leader Kim Seong Hwan)

What do you mean, sir?

Everyone is saying Chang Je was ordered by Soonyang...

to deliberately launch the investigation.

I heard it'd be on the front page of the newspapers tomorrow morning.

Once the article is published,

all the voters will turn away from the ruling party.

- Lower your voice, honey.
- Just go home, then!

Honey, this isn't a good idea...

- I told you not to follow me!
- Okay, all right. Slow down.

Have you no pride?

- It's just that...
- Be quiet!

Please, honey. It's nothing...

Be quiet! Just go home!

Gosh, honey. Wait.

- I told you not to follow me!
- Honey, please.

- This is nuts!
- Calm down.

What kind of father...

ruins his own children's future?

Some fathers do. Don't cry.

My dear Hwa Young, don't cry. My sweet Hwa Young.

All right, that's enough. This will only stir things up.

Let's go. Come on.

- Let's go home.
- Honey, let go.

What? Okay, look.

I must talk to Father and settle this matter once and for all.

Honey, calm down. You're too worked up right now.

What are you doing here?

Honey, it's Do Jun. It's okay.

If you're here to see Grandpa,

Uncle Chang Je should go upstairs alone.

- What did you say?
- Must you be like this too?

If Auntie Hwa Young tagged along,

Grandpa would just see you as his son-in-law.

Not as a mayoral candidate.

Chang Je, you're here.

("Explore Current Affairs," Choi Chang Je)

Are you done having fun?

Once the article comes out tomorrow morning,

you'll have to stop...

pretending to be a righteous prosecutor.

Don't take it to heart though.

I'll open a law firm for you now that you've left the prosecution.

You're right, Father.

I should stop pretending to be a righteous prosecutor.

I plan to do it properly from now on.

I'll be a hunter who goes after the conglomerates.

About Soonyang Life Science, Father.

The real reason they liquidated all the assets...

in the midst of the negotiations.

The slush fund needed for Soonyang's unlawful succession was the reason.

Why? Will you tell the prosecution?

Do you think...

they'll side with you?

Which is why I plan to hold a press conference...

as soon as I leave Jeongsimjae.

It'll be broadcast live on the Internet.

As the conglomerate hunter...

and your son-in-law, I plan to tell the truth.

Do you think...

public opinion will side with you, Father?

They say...

you can never win against your children.

My son-in-law is my child too, after all.

How could I win against you?

Then I need you...

to promise me something.

My gosh.

Nephew, you were right.

I did exactly as you said, and he gave me the go-ahead.


- Grandpa gave you the go-ahead?
- Yes.

That's great. Congratulations, Uncle Chang Je.

Gosh, thanks.

- Best of luck.
- Thanks.

- Hey, nephew.
- Yes?

I didn't think you'd help me.

Why did you help me?

Well, the mayor of Seoul title suits you better...

than a mere son-in-law of the Soonyang family,

Uncle Chang Je.

Did you give him the go-ahead to run for mayor?

Will that be all right, sir?

What can I do?

I shall try to use the poultry knife...

to butcher a cow.

Someone's got...

Chang Je's back.

Hang Jae, I need you to find out...

who it is...

and why they're trying to make Chang Je the mayor of Seoul.

(Live Election Results)

Seoul, Choi Chang Je. . percent.

Yang Doo Yeong, . percent.

- Yes!
- Yes.

Six from the United Liberal Democrats.

Four from the Korea Party.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.


Choi Chang Je from the New Democratic Korea Party...

has won the election.

Now that we have the mayor of Seoul on our side,

we just need Mayor Choi...

to give the New Seoul Town project to us,

Jaea Construction.

We can trust him, right?

I mean, we're dealing with Jin Yang Cheol here.

Mayor Choi is a softie. Would he be able to handle him?

My gosh. Congratulations, Chang Je.

But as you know,

you are and will always be my one and only son-in-law...

who I'm very proud of, no matter where you are or what you do.

Don't forget that.

Thank you. I'll never forget that.

- Choi Chang Je!
- Hurrah!

- Hurrah!
- Hurrah!

- Mayor of Seoul, Choi Chang Je!
- Mayor of Seoul, Choi Chang Je!

- Yes!
- Mayor Choi Chang Je!

As for the New Seoul Town project,

the bidding results should've been announced already.

But Seong Jun hasn't called yet, sir.

There he is.

So how did it go?

The New Seoul Town development project...

has gone to Jaea Construction.


Tell Chang Je that I want to see him.

You're here.

I wanted to wait outside to welcome the new mayor.

Let's go inside.

Why don't we just talk here?

My new job is keeping me busy, Father.

Who is it?

Who's got your back that you can be this arrogant?

You gave the New Seoul Town project...

to Jaea Construction.

Did that person put you up to it?

The person behind you.

Is it Miracle?

I guess you didn't know.

The ten thousand citizens of Seoul...

have got my back.


As the mayor of Seoul, I chose Jaea Construction...

over Soonyang according to the rules and procedures,

for the sake of Seoul's better future.

Should you have any additional questions,

I will see you in my office next time, Mr. Chairman.

Jaea Construction...

got the New Seoul Town project?

It was Mr. Jin Seong Jun's first project.

He must be very disappointed.

And I guess he's preparing to go study abroad or something.

He frequents a language institute.

That's interesting.

Miracle Investment has control over Jaea Construction.

Miracle and Jin Do Jun's language institute are in the same building.

I believe in fate,

but not in coincidences.

We're from the prosecution.

We're here to conduct a search and seizure.

- Search the office.
- Yes, sir.

- Start over there.
- Over here.

Excuse me. Who are you?

Is Mr. Oh Se Hyeon here?

What is this about?

We're from the Seoul District Public Prosecutors' Office.

We received a tip-off that you paid a large bribe...

to Mayor Choi Chang Je...

in order to land the New Seoul Town project.

(Standards of Judicial Administration)

My, Soonyang sure has a lot of power.

Even prosecutors are at their beck and call.

What do you want from me?

Chairman Jin wants to meet...

the majority shareholder of Miracle.

The real owner of the company.

You know Miracle Investment, right?


do you also know who the company's real owner is?

You're talking like you know who it is.

Who is it?

I'm Miracle's majority shareholder,

Jin Do Jun.

(Reborn Rich)

Why? Why did you do such a thing?

I'd like to buy...


I'm worried.

He'll try to drag me down throughout my term.

Then soar high enough so he can't drag you down.

Be honest with me.

You're not , right?

You said partners must be honest to each other.

We'll be good partners.

It sure is a proposition...

I can't turn down.

We've got a problem.

They contacted us and said...

they'd cancel the plan to enter DMC altogether.

My eldest grandson,

do you want to get your revenge?