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01x05 - Episode Five

Posted: 01/06/23 19:39
by bunniefuu
Can I speak to the detective
superintendent, please?

I need to talk to him
about a kidnap.

It's a tiger kidnap, live,
ongoing, happening now.

Catherine Cawood...

Your grandson - is it him that's
our Tommy's lad?

I'm your dad! You're my son!

I knew your mum!

Nobody "higher up" is gonna know

a single damn thing about
this stupid business!

If he can prove he is his dad,
then he will have rights.

It's all your fault!

You genius, who never gets
his hands mucky!

I'll look in on Tommy Lee Royce's
mother again.

Shan't be long.
OK. What for?

Fun. It was them that k*lled
that policewoman!

I think I might know
who these people are.

Help me! Help me!

Can you hear me?!

You've got to help me!

He's going to k*ll me.

He's going to k*ll me!

I'll gouge his eyes out,

I'll tear his hair out by the

sh*t! Sarge!

Sarge? Do you hear me?

What've you done to her?!
M-Me? I...

It's him! It's him, he's done it,
not me!

Tell me what's happened.

Don't you bloody touch me!
Where've you bloody well been?!

I'm not trying to touch you, I
need to know what's happened.

What the hell's happened?

Sir, girl in the car says
she's been held in a cellar

and assaulted for the last four

Hey, love, you'll be all right
now. What's your name?

Ann... Gallagher.

Who's-Who's done this to my
sergeant, Ann?

I don't know his name,
but he's still in there.

He's in the cellar.

She sprayed him with something.

You and you, round t'back.

Shaf, you're going in the ambulance
with Catherine. If she speaks,

I want to know what she's saying.
Stay with t'lass. Everyone else...

Check the cellar first,
and be careful!

I want the on-call DI,
I want H-MIT, I want CSI.

This is the attempted m*rder
of a police officer.

There's nobody down here, sir!

She sprayed him!
She gassed him!

'Ashley, it's Tommy.'

You all right?
She's escaped.

'She's escaped.'

That bastard policewoman!
They've got her.

You've got to come and pick
me up, you've got to help me.

You're on your own, pal.





Don't tell him I already know what's
going on.

Just introduce us as being
from CID. Right.


These fellas are from the CID,
they want to talk to you.

How do you do?

Could you give us a few minutes?

Mr Weatherill.
Can I call you Kevin?

Er, yeah. Y-Yeah, of course.

- Hello.
- Lewis?

Yeah, might be.

It's Tommy.
I need a lift. I need picking up.

Have you got a car you can use?

Look, I'll pay you.

Do you know anyone
who's got a car I can borrow?

Where are you?

Where did you drop the
money off, Kevin?

Where did they tell you
to drop the money off?

Er... Er, McDonald's
on the Huddersfield ring road.

And then Birch Services on
the M62.

Whose car did you drive there in?

Both times?

You're absolutely certain about that?

You didn't take Nevison's or...
anyone else's?


No, no.

What's your registration number?




Can you give me, near as you can,
specific times

when those drops were made?

The first time, Huddersfield
ring road, that was...

er, Thursday, this last Thursday.

Er, around lunchtime.

Probably... five past, ten past 12?

And the other time?

That was... Er, that was Birch

Erm, half past ten, quarter to
11, this Monday.

And where did you put it?
The money.

In-in-in-in... In a...

Wasn't, like, in a bin, next to
a... bin.

Was this the Huddersfield
ring road or Birch Services?

Er... Huddersfield.

The second time was in the
men's toilets.

Can you describe to me where the bins
and these toilets are?

Where you left the money?

You can draw a map
or a diagram if it's easier.

Yeah, er...

Phil Crabtree.

Thanks, bye-bye.

Can you just give me a
minute, Kevin?

Has something happened?

We've got her. She's safe.



So he knew where she was?

No, I've just had a phone call.
Do you want to ring Helen?

She's asking for her mother.
Where is she?

Local. They're taking her to hospital
in Halifax.

For a checkup. It's routine.

Have they caught the bastards?

That's as much as I know
at the minute.

So-So he didn't know?

We're still having that conversa...

Hello, love.
They've found her!

She's safe!


There's no ANPR on this fella's
vehicle at either of the two

drop-off points he's mentioned, at
any point over the last four days.

You were telling me which bin
you put the money next to.

Yeah. I, er...
It-It-It's difficult to explain.


OK. Well, the thing is, Kevin...

I'm arresting you
on suspicion of abduction

and demanding money with

No, that's... Why?!

You're wrong! You've got
the wrong end of the stick!

You do not have to say anything, but
it may harm your defence

if you do not mention when questioned
something you later rely on in court.

Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.

Do you understand what I'm
saying, Kevin?

Yes, but... I-I...

Is this your mobile phone?

Come on, Mum!

Come on! Mum, come on!


You'll love it.

It's beautiful, it's perfect!

Just let go, Mummy!


She's become
extremely tachycardic.

Is everything OK down there?

She is becoming very unstable.
Packs. Quickly.

Her abdomen's full of blood,
she's bleeding out.

The spleen's gone. Get the suction.

What do we know?

No more than I told you on the

She's still in theatre.
I don't know where she is.

They showed me in here. They said it
could be hours. Why?

They're having to remove her spleen.

Well, she... Somebody b*at her up.

Who? I don't know.

Well, what... What does that mean,
your spleen? What does that do?

I don't... I have no...
You know as much as I do.

What was she doing?

Just what I've said. That's all I

Is there someone to talk to?
They keep popping in.

Are you all right?

Yeah. I just...

I don't know what to do with meself.

Are you not in t'salon today?

Yeah, I'm down there now.
This is a hologram.

What's up?

I might...

I might pop out for a bit.

You've been at it again.

After everything that's been said.

Ashley Cowgill? I'm Detective
Constable Christine Whittaker.

Can I come in?

What's it to do with?
You all right if I come in?

Is this your wife?

Yeah, she's...
What's the matter?

What's going on?

OK, Ashley, I'm arresting you
on suspicion of abduction

and demanding money with menaces.


You don't have to say anything, but
it may harm your defence

if you do not mention when questioned
something you later rely on in court.


You can't, th... Anything you do say
may be given in evidence.

Are you with me, Ashley?
Have you taken that in?

I haven't...

I didn't... This isn't me.

Why would he do something
like that? We've got caravans!

We've got a games room that caters
for people in wheelchairs!

Ryan, your grandad's here.

Hiya, Ryan.
And your stepgran, Ros.


You're going to be going
home with them today

because your granny's
had to go into hospital.

And your Auntie Clare's with
her, so...


Do you want to have another go at
football in our back garden?

See if you can teach me
a few new moves?

Why's she in hospital?

She's had a bit of an
accident at work. Yeah.

Is she all right?

She's going to be absolutely
fine, love.

'The two wanted men have been named
as Tommy Lee Royce and Lewis Whippey.

'Abduh Rehman reports from
West Yorkshire.

'This morning, two arrests were made and
two more men are wanted for questioning,

'28-year-old Tommy Lee Royce and
22-year-old Lewis Whippey,

'both with previous convictions for
car theft and drug offences.

'A manhunt was launched this morning
involving over 200 officers

'from the Yorkshire Police.

'A spokesman warned both men may be
armed and dangerous

'and should not be approached.'

I'm not armed. I'm-I'm-I'm not

Oi, you, speccy four-eyes!

You listening? Sh!

' well as all ports and

'However, we have reason to

'that the two men
have not left the locality.

'Anyone helping these two men through
some misguided sense of loyalty

'should be in no doubt as to
the seriousness of the crimes

'they've committed,

'the brutal m*rder of PC
Kirsten McAskill,

'the attempted m*rder of
Sergeant Catherine Cawood,

'who this evening remains in
a critical condition in hospital,

'and the abduction of Ann Gallagher.'
They're gonna do house-to-house,

door-to-door, then what?

I'll think of summat.

'To Tommy Lee Royce and Lewis
Whippey, I would like to say -

'there is no safe haven,
you will not escape justice.'


Could you eat something?

No. I don't know. Should I?

You need to take the Subutex.
Yeah, yeah.

What were they asking you?

I don't want to go through all
that again. Oh, that's fine.

I want to go and see Clare's

She's going to let us know
when you can visit.


I'll go and put the kettle on.







Daniel's here.

And there's a detective outside needs
to talk to you. About what happened.

No sh*t.

We've been here all day.

All day?

Why, what time is it?

Knocking on for midnight.

You've been asleep,
you've had an anaesthetic.


The doctors are going to come and
explain everything to you.

Explain everything to me? Why?

Have I d*ed?

You just need to take things steady
for a few days, that's all.

Do you remember what happened?

You got Ann Gallagher out
alive. You saved her life.

Is she all right?

Physically, she's...

And oh, my God, do Helen and Nevison
love you!

I've had a phone call.

He said, "If there's ever anything we
can do..."

I said, "Well, if you fancied
paying off the mortgage!"

They said you were losing
blood. Internally.

That was why they had to take you
into the operating theatre.

You were in there for five
hours. More.

They've all been very kind.


How're you feeling?

Hello, love.

How're you feeling?

What do I look like?

You're... bruised.

Mum, there's a detective
from H-MIT outside.

He wants to talk to you
about what happened.


Y-You all right?

I got him, though, eh?

I got the bastard.

The big news is we are this close to
proving the people that abducted

Ann Gallagher were the same people
who m*rder*d Kirsten McAskill.

God almighty.

You were right about Milton

We picked Ashley Cowgill up
around lunchtime.

Ann's told us she was held
in a caravan for two nights

after they removed her from
Milton Avenue.

She was in Milton Avenue.

I fast-tracked the swabs you

We found DNA from Ann, Tommy Lee
Royce, and the blood...

is from a lad called Lewis

Lewis Whippey.

I collared him for nicking a
motor when he were 15.

Ann Gallagher's identified
them both in the Viper suite

as the men who abducted her.

Back to Cowgill. He's the registered
owner of a white van.

The same make, model and year that'd
been at the scene where Kirsten d*ed.

It was stolen, the van, last week.

Did you report it to the police?

What'd have been t'point?
You'd not do owt about it.

Well, for the insurance, at least.

It wasn't worth owt, wasn't worth
the hassle. It was a sh*t heap.

He's denying everything, of course.

Doesn't know Tommy or
Lewis from Adam.

But we've got Telecoms analysing his
phone. It's just a matter of time.

And we took the dogs in.

They sniffed out 20 kilos of cannabis
stashed in one of his caravans.

Course, he didn't know
anything about that either.


There is some...

..less good news, however,
I'm afraid.

Tommy Lee Royce is still on his toes,
and so is Lewis Whippey.



What-what do you mean? He...

I sprayed him, I blinded him!

He were in the cellar,
he was helpless, he were...

PolSA's pulled that house
apart. Believe me.

They've been in there all day.

He must've managed to slip out before
the first emergency vehicles pulled up.


We will get him, Catherine.
He can't have got far.

I won't become addicted. I refuse.


I wanted... ask you to do something for me.


I don't want my mum to know.

I want her to die not knowing.

Not knowing...?

He r*ped you.

I don't want her to know.


Ever. Ever. And I can't tell my
dad that.

I tried to, last night,
but I couldn't. I...

I wanted to, but...

..I don't want him picturing...

I don't want to see him picturing...

But he will need to know.

When it goes to court.

And it will go to court,

I will see those people in

My mother...

I think they think it's unlikely
she'll live that long.

And they said it could be eight
months before it gets to court,

and if she never needs to
know, that's... that's...

..that's how I'd like it.

My dad... he will need to know.


You want me to tell him?




When I get out of here.

Can you wait that long?

They took swabs,
the police doctors did,

before they let me see my
mum and dad, so...

they've got everything they

And they will get him.


I hope so.

Hi, Mike!
Clare. How are you?

Not so bad.
Is Catherine not up?

Yeah, she should be.

I took her up a cup of tea
before I left.

And she's under strict instructions
not to wallow in bed all day.

Come on in.

I won't stop long.
I'll stick t'kettle on.

Oh, you're up!

Catherine! I was knocking on t'door.

You've not started smoking again?

No, it's me.
She just has th'odd one.

How're you feeling?

I'm all right.

I was just popping in to say...


You've probably seen what's on the
front of a couple of the tabloids?

I've spoken to the District

He wanted me to assure you
there's no intelligence

whatsoever to suggest that he's got
out of the country.

But if the twisted bastard'd
done it successfully,

there wouldn't be, would there? You think
the press'd know that and we wouldn't?

It wouldn't be t'first time.

We will get him.

Yeah. Do you know how many...

tossers in uniform have said that to
her over t'last three weeks?

Did you make an appointment
with the psychologist?

She told her to put all her
troubles in little envelopes.

And to put the little envelopes
into a little box.

And to put it in the attic till she
felt strong enough to open it up again.

She meant well.

Kevin Weatherill's having
a bad time on remand.

His cell-mate took a shine to him.

You know what it's like inside wi'
some of these Neanderthals.

Every hole's a goal.

He's been hospitalised
with his injuries, apparently.


But the other thing is that

Ashley Cowgill's up for Judge in
Chambers bail this week

and the rumour is he's going
to get it.

How come?

Has he done a deal?


Yeah. More than likely
what's happened here.

What's that mean?

It means he has information
that could be useful.

To the NCA, I'd imagine.

In return for a reduced
sentence, probably.

And bail.

Does that really happen?

Well, we're speculating. But, yes.
It really happens.

There is some good news.

You wouldn't normally
be told this in advance.

Normally the first you'd hear is
when you got a Royal Warrant

from t'Palace. The District
Commander asked me to let you know -

he thought it might give you
a boost.

He's put your name forward for the
Queen's Police Medal for bravery.

That's big, Catherine.

There's only two other serving officers in
the whole of West Yorkshire who've got it.

You'll have to go and shake hands
and curtsey.


I think he's holed up, Tommy Lee
Royce, right under our noses.

I think, when we find him,

he'll have been holed up
in t'same spot all along.

It's only a matter of time.

I'll see myself out. Ta-ta.

Will you pick Ryan up at tea time?

He was asking again this

"When's Granny going to
start picking me up again?"

He just wants... everything
to get back to normal.

Can you drive me up to Heptonstall?

Not again.

Fine. I'll walk.

I'll drive you.
I'll walk.

You can't walk. You can't walk
that far.

It's your birthday next week. Do you
fancy doing something?

No, not really.

We could have a little do.

Just family. A few friends.

Or we could go out. For a meal.

Just a few of us. Somewhere nice.


I can't believe
I wasn't at Kirsten's funeral.

Catherine, you were poorly.
You couldn't stand up.

She'd be wondering why I
wasn't there.

Who would?


I don't think I'd be able
to do it again. On the bus.

I think in future, if I can't get a
lift, I'll just have to stay at home.


We've had more nonsense
through the letter box.

A dead bird crawling with maggots.

As well as the other filth.

I haven't been back.

My dad went round to pick up
a few more bits and pieces.

So I think I'm just going to stay
there now. At their house.

With the girls. I think that's best.

Could your dad not... drive
you over here?

He won't, Kevin.
He doesn't want me to come.


You've got to make it clear to him
it wasn't my fault. Any of it.

What do you mean?

Think about it.

If I hadn't seen that
block of cannabis, whatever,

drop out of that sandbag,
then none of it would...

It would never have occurred
to me. Would it? And if... Nevison

had done the decent
thing in the first place.

when I asked him for a rise,
then none of it, again,

none of it would've happened.

I made a mistake. Maybe, I flipped,
God knows, but...

And then you...

Oh, come on!

You encouraged me.

Maybe not to start with.

But you did. You did!

"Let's split it up into smaller

"just a few hundred pounds each,
in different bank accounts."

I was just trying to make some sense
of the mess that you'd made!

Don't you blame me.
Don't you dare blame me!

You've just got to explain to
people that it wasn't entirely...

These things don't happen in

That's the point. Surely,

any of us, any one of us,

could find ourselves in a situation
not entirely of our own...


I shouldn't have to explain this!

You know what I'm saying!

'It's been almost four weeks,

'and these men are still out there.

'A number of newspapers ran a
front-page story this morning

'suggesting Tommy Lee Royce had been
seen in Spain.

'What can you say to assure the
people of West Yorkshire, and beyond,

'that these violent criminals
will be brought to justice?

'Well, first I'd like to assure
people that we remain confident

'that they will be caught, and that
it's simply a matter of time.

'What you do have to appreciate with
an inquiry of this nature is

'just how much work
goes on behind the scenes.

'And yet they're still out there.

'And the search goes on,
and it'll continue to go on...'

They're doing this block.
Right now, knocking on doors.

sh*t. sh*t!

We knew this would happen.
Just calm right down!

They're on the first couple of
floors, the cocky bastards,

and there's a fair good few of 'em.

I-I need a piss!
So, go, then!

It'll take 'em a while to get here.

Won't it?
Probably. I dunno.

Why have you got so much shopping?

Well, cos... Didn't you ask me...?

No. When the idiots are in here
asking stupid little questions.

Why have you got so much shopping?

It's for me mum. She can't get out
and about so much...

these days, what with her legs.

Good lad.


You know what to do.

Afternoon. Is it all right if we
step inside for a few minutes?

We're doing
a house-to-house in the area,

and I'd just like to ask you
one or two questions.

Yeah, yeah, yeah,
of course you can. Come in.

Is it all right if my colleague
has a little look round

whilst we're just having a chat?

Yep. No problem.

Who lives in the property?

Besides yourself?

How long have you lived here?

Probably... like...18 months?

And the tenancy's
registered in your name?


Do you know
your neighbours? On either side.


Who lives on this side?
Oh, they're weird.

Mucky as well, and it stinks.

I mean, I know I could use a bit of a tidy
up, but at least I can flush my toilet.

Hmm. Have you not been in there,

They're not answering their
door at the minute.

What's the point of an 'ouse to 'ouse
if half of 'em don't answer their doors?

Oh, we just have to keep
coming back till they do.

You'd think they didn't want
to help you, wouldn't you?

No, they're just not all in when we
call, but like I say, we'll be back.

So, who lives there, next
door? How many of them?


It wouldn't have happened if she
hadn't called me a loser.

Granny? She goes, "You're a
loser, Ryan."

I told Mrs Mukherjee, but she
wouldn't take any notice, so...

So? So you're admitting now that it
was you that ripped up this kid's painting?

It wasn't reet good.
Did you rip up the painting?

I might of.
I might have. Not of.

You couldn't of done any
thing, of isn't a verb.

And don't blame other people
for decisions that you make.

You made the decision
to rip up the painting!

Whatever the hell else happened, whatever
she called you, you made that decision.

When? When? When can I ever pick you
up from that bloody place

without the constant thr*at
of being hauled in

and made to feel this big
and like a rubbish parent?

Because I am not a rubbish parent!
You are lucky to have me!

And you better start showing me
some respect by behaving properly or...

or there'll be consequences.
And you won't like them.

What consequences?


Where is he?
No idea.

What... what's up?

Oh, the usual. Behaving like an
idiot and then lying.

I hate you! Yes, I know, I'm under
no illusions.

You keep telling me.

Bitch! You're an old bitch!
You're an ugly old bitch!

You better do something with
him, cos I'll just k*ll him.

I think you both need to calm down.
I don't even want to live here!

What's happened?
Good. Move out.

See if anyone else is
daft enough to have you. Please!

Feel free, cos you've ruined me and
your Auntie Clare's life long enough.

I'm ringing Childline.
Yeah, they'll be interested.

I'm reporting you!
Do you want the number?

Cow! Bitch! w*nk*r!

w*nk*r. That's new.

Perhaps it was a bit soon for you

to go picking him up.
Looks like it.

You can't talk to him like that.
I've had enough.

I had enough years ago.

It's not normal, is it?
I don't know!

I don't know what's happened!
I've done everything! We both have!

And look at him!

Why did I do it?
Shut up, Catherine!

Richard. My marriage.
Everything. And for what?

A psychopath.
Stop it!

Right, well, there you go.

He's trashing his bedroom,
wrecking our house.

My house.

What are you doing?
I'm trashing my bedroom!

You're not trashing your bedroom!
I hate her!

No, you don't.

I thought... I thought they'd bloody
moved in! I thought they'd never leave!

Why did you sit on me? I thought it'd
look convincing.

You knob! I couldn't breathe! You've
dislocated me shoulder!

I'm friggin' freezing!
I've gotta get Tommy out.

Leave him!

Leave him a bit longer.
Don't be stupid.

Brett, Brett, Brett! Listen to
me! Listen!

I did not k*ll that police woman. And
I did not r*pe Ann Gallagher.

I did not b*at up that other one! I
am not going down for those things!

Let's go, let's get the police
now, let's tell 'em.

Grass him up?
It's not about grassing him up!

It's about me and you getting
in deep sh*t,

because we're hiding him
and we don't need to be!

He's a nutter!
Not happening.

You're not even his friend.
You're my friend.

Not happening.

Why? Why?

They've gone, big fella.

She does love you.

She loves you more than you could
ever begin to imagine.

What you've got to try
and get your head round -

and you're only eight, and it's
difficult, and that's fine.

What you've got to
understand is that Granny's...

She's still poorly,
and she's going to get better,

she's going to be absolutely

But sometimes, you can be poorly in
your head as well as in your body.

Do you mean like... mental?

No, Ryan. She's not mental.

She's depressed.

And that sometimes means that someone
isn't quite their self,

and I think we just have to be kind
to her, like she's kind to you, normally,

when you're angry and upset.

And that's what's going
to help her get better.

Am I adopted?
Well, no... Not...

I mean, she's your real granny
and I'm your real auntie. What do you mean?

Who was that man
who said he was my dad?



He's not your dad. Your dad's dead.

What about tidying this room?

Do you want some tea?

I've broken the kettle.

Well, I can boil some water in
a pan.

And then, tomorrow, you can go out
and buy us a new one.

It'll give you something to do.

Is he all right?

Are you?

Open it.
Is the incorrect response.

I'm not in the mood, Julie!
Join the club, pal.

All right. Thanks for picking
me up. I'm sorry I've...

I'm sorry.

I am sorry.

I'm sorry for everything.

How are the boys?

You smell like a lag.

Let's go home.
Have you done a deal?

Can we just get home?

I want to know... if you've sold us
down the river.

I'll explain it all to you
when we get home.

Thank you for helping Clare with
Ryan when I was in hospital.

He's all right.

I can't stand him.

I can't stand him.

What are you talking about? Ryan. I
can't stand looking at him.

Why are you saying that? No, I
understand it. I get what it was.

I get why you couldn't live in the
same house. I get it. I get it.

Believe me, I get it. You can't...
You can't say that.

Can't I? Why?

Because you made the choice.
Why didn't I listen to you?

You can't say that, Catherine.
Do you want him? No!

I mean, I would, but you...
you don't mean this.

The times I've had to sit and

to the stupid, mindless, idiotic
things he's done at that school.

Daniel was never like that!
Becky was never like that!

Where's it come from? Hm?

It's not rocket science, is it?

And it's still not his fault
either, is it?

I thought you said he was dyslexic?
He's daft.

Catherine, if he's dyslexic, he will
get angry and frustrated.

It doesn't mean he's... like his

Yeah, but...

What? But what?
He's bound to be at some level.

He's just bound to be, in't he?

Tommy Lee Royce, right?

I don't even think he's a
psychopath, not a real one.

I think he is this little twisted
thing who grew up unloved.

More than unloved, despised

treated like dirt on a daily
basis in squalor and chaos.

Ryan is loved.

Cared for. He has not grown up in
either squalor or chaos, thanks to you.

There's a massive, massive

And yeah, part of him will always
inevitably be Tommy Lee bloody Royce,

but part of him will always be

And a bigger part of him will
be you. And Clare.

Because you're the people who've had
most influence on him!

And I understand it's tough
from time to time,

but kids are a nightmare.

All kids, any kid,
they all have their moments.

You know this.
Blimey! Becky, she used to

drive us up the flaming...

It's kind of interesting
to hear you defending him.

Daniel rang me last night.

Clare had rung him. She was
worried. About you.

That's... that's why I asked you

What are you doing
for your birthday next week?

Same as I do every year.

That's not true.

We used to do... We...
Why am I even here?


For the last eight years, I have not
celebrated my birthday.

Course, you wouldn't know that,
because you divorced me.

Ever since Becky d*ed,
do you know how...?

You must, she was your daughter too,
maybe it's different for men.

I've got no idea. But do you
know how perverse it is

that people think you want to
celebrate your own existence

when you've got a child who's

No offence, but I carried her
for nine months in here.

Her flesh was my flesh, and
she's dead.

Part of me is dead.

Physically dead.

I thought I'd come to terms with it,
and I haven't, I never will,

and why the hell Clare's got this
obsession with celebrating my birthday,

I do not know.
Catherine, it's not an obsession.

She's just trying to focus on it
to... Cheer me up!

People are trying to help you,
because they love you.

And at the moment, it feels
like they're hitting a brick wall.

There you go.


I have to go.
We've just... got food.

I don't want you to ring me up
any more.

We should never have got back into
bed together, it was stupid.

You don't have to do that.



Catherine? It's Phil. Crabtree.

Oh, er, hello.

How are you?

Fine. I'm fine.

I wondered if you wanted to be brought
up to speed with where we're at.

I think you might find it

Ashley Cowgill was let out on bail
this morning.

What's the story?

Can I trust you?

I don't know. What do you think?

While he was on remand,
he indicated

he had information that would make
the National Crime Agency

wet themselves with excitement.
Well, yeah...

I assumed it'd be something
of that sort.

Cowgill, many moons ago, worked on
the importation side.

Have you heard of Gathercoles?

They've got factories in the North East
and Scotland. Completely legitimate.


They import all sorts of refined
chemicals from all over,

and one thing they do import
is paracetamol.

From a Spanish company
based in Almeria.

The hauliers bring the product
up through Spain,

up through France, into Holland
in trucks.

The trucks go from Rotterdam to Hull,
then onto the North East and Scotland.

Eight or nine of them,
every week,

carrying up to 500 kilos
of paracetamol in each.


But before they leave Rotterdam,

every other lorry visits
another factory in Dordrecht.

On a daily basis,

a number of lorries pull in at this
place and the driver is paid

£25 a kilo to wander
over there and have a f*g.

One drum in every load
is taken out, partially emptied,

refilled with exactly
the same weight in cocaine

and shipped to England.

In England, the reverse happens.

As soon as the lorry's
away from the docks,

the cocaine's taken out and the
paracetamol's put back in.

That's 25 kilos of cocaine
coming into the UK

up to four times a week.

And how do you know all this isn't
Tales of the Arabian Nights?

We're confident he hasn't made
the whole thing up.

So, if it is true, that's...
Catherine. It's huge.

You've facilitated a link
to a team of drug dealers

with a distribution network
in the UK worth millions.

Ultimately, some serious players are
going to have their assets frozen.

And they're going to want to know
who's opened their mouth.

Ashley Cowgill may have bought
himself a reduced sentence,

but him and his family'll be on the
witness protection programme for ever.

He'll be looking over his shoulder
for the rest of his life.

I don't believe what you're
telling me.

We'll be fine.

What about the salon?

There'll be other salons.

What about me mum and dad?

My family.


God, you really have
sold us down the river!

I'm sorry I've been an arse.

You're not an arse.

Where have you been?
Richard rang.

Oh. Oh, that was a mistake, I should
never have got back into all that.

You all right? Yep.


Yeah, I were thinking, um...

maybe I should... maybe we should...

for my birthday... do...

Nothing big, but...


OK, yeah. What about Helen
and Nevison and Ann?

Yeah. If... Yeah.

When you going to tell
Nevison about Ann?

Well, when... when I... I'll do it
tomorrow. Where's Ryan?

What's this?


Oh, nice.

Are you warm enough?

You see? This is why I spend half my
time round at our Marie's.

It's just to keep warm.


with all this, er, this cash
you've got...


If you wanted me to get it switched
on again, the heating...

What's happened?
Where've you been?

What's happened?
He come at me with a Kn*fe!

Last night.

sh*t! sh*t!

The ungrateful bastard!

They'd have caught him by now. They'd
have had him if it hadn't been for me!

I need some pills.

What pills?
Painkiller pills!

Tommy! You're going to die, man!
You need to got to hospital!

What am I going to do?

I need some...

bandages or...
No. OK, but...

That's not bandages, that's...
You're going to...

I think, Tommy, it's the end
of the road, mate.

Buddy, you gotta hand yourself in!
We could've got away with this.

All we had to do was bide our
time. The dopey twats were clueless.

You've done really well,
Tommy. I can't believe it!

Just cos of that dozy feckless
piece of shite!

What a way to go, eh?

No, you'll be fine. You're not going
nowhere, Tommy.

I'm not going to an hospital,
I'm not...

I'm not handing myself in.

But you...
It... it... it's over.

It's over, I know, but... no way
am I handing myself in.

Do you want a beer?

I could've been someone, me.
I could've done stuff.

You still can, Tommy.
Ashley Cowgill.

He's nothing compared
to what I could've done.

I had ideas, I had plans.
I could've rocked the world.

Why don't you just let me go and ring
for an ambulance?

No, no, no. I just want you to go
and get me some pain K*llers. That's all.


I've got a... kid.

Did you know that? A boy.

He don't know me. He...

He lives in Hebden Bridge.

With that bitch that gassed me.

She's his granny. How mad is that?

What...? What kind of life is that
for a lad, eh?

Living with an old woman
and no dad.

It... it's not...

It's not... sh*t!

Oh, sh*t!

It's no life, not for a lad.

What do you want me to do
about him? Who?

Him! Do you want me to give him a
good kicking before he wakes up?

No. You... you don't need
to give him a good kicking.

He isn't...?

You didn't really think he was


Oh, you've slit his...

Oh, Jesus!


You're not going to go weird on
me, Brett, are you?

Oh, oh...

Come on, you're not... You're not
chicken sh*t like him. Are you?

Hey, shut your mouth!

Shut your mouth!

Ssh! Shut...

Come on, don't want you
to be late for school.

Sorry I've not been much fun lately.

It's all right.



I miss your mum sometimes,
that's all.

Why are you crying?

It just happens when you get
to my age.

It'll be reet.