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01x06 - Episode Six

Posted: 01/06/23 19:40
by bunniefuu
I'll wait in the car.


Nevison? Sorry to disturb, Sergeant Cawood's
here, but I thought you'd want to know.

she's asking to see you.


Sorry, are you busy?

-I can wait...

No, I'm never too busy.

can we do this later?

How are you?


We were wanting to come
and see you in the hospital, but...

Wasn't worth looking at.

-D'you want to...?

Would you like some tea,

Tea, yeah.
Thank you.


you got my message?

Sorry, which?

I spoke to Clare.

I wanted you to know,

if ever there is anything
I can do for you...

Ever. Anything.

She suggested paying off your
mortgage. How much do you owe?

-You're not paying me mortgage off, don't be silly.
-You can't begin to understand

how much pleasure it would give us
to be able to do something like that.

-She was... she was joking.
-I don't think she was.

I was doing me job.
I don't... I don't think it'd be...

-You know, ethical, appropriate.

Not that I'm not grateful,

I'd like to do something.

Sure, but that isn't why I'm here.

Ann came to see me.
In hospital.

Ann did?
I thought...

No, she got in.
I wasn't...

seeing people,
but she got in.

I didn't mind,
I was pleased to see her.

But then she told me something.

Something that was difficult.
Something that she wanted...

But she couldn't face
telling you herself,

she asked me to.


She was r*ped.

One of them,

Tommy Lee Royce,

he r*ped her.

When it goes to trial,
and it will, we will get him.

When it goes to trial,
you'll need to know that.

Because you don't want to be hearing
it for the first time in court.


she doesn't want her mum to know.

..Helen might never need to know.

-Might she?

But you do need to know.

So she asked me to tell you that,

because she couldn't.

She's tough, she's clever,
she's dealing with it.

But the hardest part for her now

was not knowing how to tell you.


-Where are they?

I thought they had you
"under observation" at all times?

Sh!! I don't know,
they'll be somewhere.

What you doing?!

Get off me, bastard!
You bastard!

-Nothing... to do... with me!
-Stop it!

You wanted to see me?

Put your seat belt on.

-Where're you living?
-Is that my son?

-That's my lad.
-Nothing to do with you.

You know me and your Becky
had a thing going on?

You twisted little bastard!

I know what you did to her
because she told me.

Hey! You're my son, I'm your dad!

You're my son, Ryan!


I knew your mum!

"I knew something
wonderful was going to happen,"

said Bobbie, "but I didn't think
it was going to be this.

"Oh, my daddy,
my daddy!

"Then didn't Mother
get my letter?"

Father asked.

"There weren't any letters
this morning.

"Oh, Daddy!
It is really you, isn't it?"

The clasp of a hand
she had not forgotten

assured her that it was.

"They've caught the man who did it.

"Everyone knows now
that it wasn't your daddy."

"I always knew it wasn't,"
said Bobbie.


How's things?

Not so bad.
Better than they were.

Is she all right?

Well, we're getting there.

Slowly, I think.

It'll help when they've tracked down
Tommy bloody Lee Royce.

That's why I want to talk to you,

Just a cup of tea.
Thank you.

Yeah, it's her birthday next week.

You know what she's like,
but I've persuaded her...

Given that...

You see, it's the Gallaghers,
they're just so...

to say thank you.

So, just us, just family,

and Ann, Helen and Nevison.


Blimey, Nevison Gallagher!

-So, you and Lucy...?

-Yeah, yeah.

I know it's been difficult
in the past, but...

We've talked a lot,
me and Lucy.

And when the baby's born,
we want everything to be right.

For the baby's sake.
Well, for everybody's sake.

They will be.

I really... didn't want her to die.

-In hospital.
-I know, love, I was there.

-She'll be a good grandmother.
-I know that.

OK, this is the thing...

Should I invite your dad and Ros?

Erm, yeah, why not?
If Mum's good with that.

OK, thing is...

I will do... I can do, obviously.


She's been seeing him again,
your dad.

As in...

So it... It's just a bit...

I hate arranging parties.

I just thought she could do
with a tonic.

I mean, God, you know,
she nearly died.

And she saved someone's life.

So, thing is,
I can't invite him and not Ros.

-Invite who you like.

I was asking for an opinion.

Clearly I'm not party
to the ins and outs.

-No, I know, but...

No, you can't invite me dad
and not Ros.

But why invite either of 'em if...?

Well, they were very good wi' Ryan

when Catherine
were in hospital.


Why's me dad seeing her again?

Is he stupid?

It was before all this.

It was after he found out
he was losing his job.

At t'Gazette.

I'm sorry.

I've put me bloody foot in it,
haven't I?


DC 9224,
urgent assistance required.

We've got a sh**ting on the A629.

Ambulance requested,
helicopter requested.

-There's two suspects on a motorbike,

heading along the A629 Halifax Road
towards Huddersfield.

-We've got to go t'Nisa.

Just a few bits and pieces for tonight
that Clare's gone and forgotten.

Can I have some sweets?

-You been good?

-All day?

Can I stay up late?

For a bit.
If you behave.

Is me Grandad coming?

-Is Ros coming?

-I like Ros.

-When was this?
-Last week. She came to see me.

Yes, but when did you stop
his salary?

As soon as they arrested him.

Is that legal?

But surely she's right?

We don't know how
culpable he was.

Or wasn't.

Well, if she wants it,
she can take legal action.

She uses a wheelchair.

None of it was her doing,
was it?

-Her or the children.

But, as I explained to her,

actions - his actions -
have consequences.

That'll be them.

In the mouth?
Shot in the mouth?

I didn't see the...

..body meself. I mean,
we attended, but by that time,

you know, it's all cordoned off
so we don't go nowhere near.

But that wasn't on the news,
the mouth thing.

-Oh, yeah. can be a thing.
-A what?

You're a journalist.

No longer, Joyce!
As of last week, redundant.

-What "thing"?
-Like a message.

-To anyone else.
-If you grass, if you talk...

-..this is what happens.
-Good grief.

My God!

-Do people...? Does that really...?

So, who did it?

Colonel Mustard and Professor Plum.

-On a Honda!
-With the lead pipe!

If they knew who did it, then they
would've arrested 'em, wouldn't they?

He's in here.

Helen, Ann and Nevison are here.

-Evening. Evening.

Catherine's just through there,
if you wanted to...

This is my wife.



How are you all?


Hello, Catherine.

Your son looks young,
you must have had him late.

Ryan? He's not me son,
he's me grandson.

Daniel's me son.
The one who's drinking too much.

I thought he was like me -
a late arrival.

She couldn't get pregnant for long
enough, so she had IVF in her 40s.

Hence me looking like
I hang around with my grandparents.

I was a long-anticipated

Why are you a disappointment?

Hundreds of millions of pounds
spent on my education,

and here I am,
unnecessary and unemployed.

I graduated from the Royal Northern
last year with a 2:1,

which qualifies me for nothing.

Unless I want to teach,

frankly, I'd rather stick hot pins in me eyes.

And get g*ng-r*ped.

I speak from experience.

not g*ng r*pe, but... know.

-How're you coping?
-I'm coping.

I have to,
for my mother's sake.

Which is good.

What happened says more about him
than it'll ever say about me.

And I'm not pregnant
and I haven't got AIDS, so...

It's a good attitude.

Women so often blame themselves.

God knows why...

but they do.
It's ridiculous.

In almost every circumstance.

You're very rare.

I just want them to catch him.

We will.

Are you all right, lad?

I'm assuming Ros doesn't know you've
been at it again with me mother.

What makes you...?

Where've you got that from?

So you're all happy little families
with Ryan now, are you?

been helping out,

-while your mum's been poorly.

I thought you got it,


-Got what?
-The damage.

The damage done when she decided
to take on that... thing.

Daniel, you've had a lot to drink.

You're talking louder than
you might realise.

You're as warped as she is.

I'm lost.
You've lost me.

I don't know what's going on,
can you start at the beginning?

-What's the matter?
-Have you forgotten?

-That thing she said to me?

No, I haven't forgotten, Daniel,

Hello. Here he is,
the thing that shouldn't exist.

Why don't you and me
go and get some fresh air?

Hey, you can sod off!

Now look what you've done.

You know, I couldn't believe it
when she told me.

When Clare told me.

I thought of all the people
who understood, you did.

And then you just get back
into bed with her.

-What's going on?
-He's got glass everywhere.

- What's the matter?
- What's going on?


He's had a bit to drink.

Why don't you take Ryan upstairs,

-Why, what's up, Daniel?
-Yeah, go on, sod off to bed, you little twat!

And you can piss off an' all,
you old bitch.

Do you want to take Ryan upstairs
and I'll deal with this?

You'll "deal with this"?!

-Come on, lovey.
-Do you think?

D'you want to calm down?

You know,
I wasn't talking to you.

-I stopped talking to you years ago.
-Yes, I know,

-but you've smashed a bottle...
-You know?

-You've had a bit to drink...
-You know sod all!

-I don't want you hurting yourself or anyone else.
-Don't talk to me like some

numpty that you've just picked up
off the street

-for being off their head in a gutter!

Sorry about this, we're just
having a bit of a

-What's going on?

You can shut yourself in there
with that lot, you can.

It's not even you I'm interested in,
I wrote you off years ago.

-It's him I'm disappointed about.

You're going to start believing
all this

Holy Saint Becky of
Assisi shit next, Dad.

-Same as her.
-He's upset

because we've had Ryan
round at our house.

It's not about him.

It's about you.

I thought you got it. All of it!

Becky was a loser.

She ran rings round you!

She hung around with wasters
and pill-heads and bloody idiots

and she was asking for it!

Shouldn't say that in front of
your mother, you know she doesn't like it.

We wouldn't want her to stop
believing her own shit, would we?

She was asking for it, Mother!

She liked him.
She told me.

She were that stupid.

-What's going on?
-All my...

What's going on is, all my life,
I behave.

I do well in school, well enough.

I keep me head down, never give you
a minute's bother, either of you.

And what thanks do I get?

I get, "Why didn't you die,

"Why wasn't it you?"

-If I ever said that, I...

There's no "if".
He knows, he were there.

Or perhaps you want to rewrite
that bit now as well, now, Dad? Eh?

If I ever said that,
I've already apologised.

And no-one believes all this
bereavement crap.

Nobody that matters.
We know, we were there.

We know it's not sorrow.

It's guilt.
And you couldn't stop her.

Becky was off the rails,
she were driving you up the wall,

and there was nothing you could do!

So stop trying to convince yourself
and everyone else

that she was something she wasn't.
She was a stupid, selfish little bitch!

Do you think
she gave a toss about you?

Have some respect for those of us
who were there,

and who knew the truth.


We're leaving.

I've had it with these two.

Both as mental as each other.

I'm really sorry. But, you know,

that wasn't a great thing
to say to someone.

She'd just died,
I was off me head,

I don't even remember saying it.


-You all right?
-Our Daniel...

How the hell could he know
about me and Richard?


Thing is... might have been me.

It was me.

What do you mean?

OK, because I didn't know whether
you'd want me to invite Ros,

and Richard.

-And we were chatting, and...
-But you know

-our Daniel can't stand me.
-No, Catherine, that's not true.

It's a miracle he didn't yell it out
in front of Ros!

About me and Richard!
Bloody hell, Clare!

Catherine, when you were in that
operating theatre all them hours,

-he was really, really upset.
-And so what if I did say that?

-It's true.
-Don't say that!

-He was always so jealous of her.


You shouldn't say things like that!

-What do you know?

well, to be fair,
he might have been jealous

of the fact that she always hogged
the limelight.

-Especially where you were concerned.
-I don't know why I ever listen to a single word you say!

I said I didn't want
a sodding party!

Fine, all right. I'm sorry.

I just wanted to do something
for you, I just...

I'm going to bed.

You know, you really ought to
start thinking about

finding your own place to live.


Ryan's been asking if he can start
coming home by himself.

Not by myself!
With Cesco, on us bikes.

You'll have to remember
to wear your helmet

-and not just leave it somewhere.
-But I'll look like a geek!

And a fluorescent jacket.

And you use the same route
we always use home.

That's the deal.
Take it or leave it.

Going to go up and brush your teeth,

You look very smart.

Yeah, well, I've got
a return-to-work interview

and the District Commander's
popping in to see me, so...

Preparations are under way
at St William's High School

where staff and pupils are
competing in a choir competition.

Ten schools in the local area

are competing for the coveted title
of Regional Choir of the Year... make sure you tune in
for that.

Now for your weather.

How are you?

Very well, sir, thank you.

Sit down.

Why haven't you caught
Tommy Lee Royce

and that other little scrote?

We're doing everything we can,
Catherine. You know that.

-Is Lynn Dewhurst being followed?

Tommy Lee Royce's mother.

Well, yes, as far as I understand,
everything is being done.

I will ask about that.

I'll look into it personally.

Has anyone tried to identify
who his father is?

-He could be holed up with him.
-Yes. That's...

-I'm sure...
-Well, actually, no, sir,

I don't think anybody does know
who his father is.

Have we interviewed his old
cellmate from Wakefield,

in case he's talked about family
and friends we're not aware of?

I will raise that, very happy to.
I can't imagine it has...

Have any senior officers attended the PACT
meeting and asked the community for help?

Yes. That's definitely happened,
I've done that myself.

Have we collected CCTV from all
the Chinese takeaways in the valley?

Sorry, Catherine,
why would we do that?

Well, we know Tommy Lee Royce
liked the Chinese takeaway

on Milton Avenue, so...

That's... that's too random,

Is it?

I think it'd be good detective work,
meself, personally.

Are you not writing that one down,

I'll raise it.


..welcome back, Catherine!

Catherine, I think you should
come and listen to this.


I've been delivering post
all this week

to them big tower blocks on here,
and there's one flat on t'fourth floor,

flat number 20...

There's a smell when you open
t'letter box.

It... it's not good.

And there's all flies, like.

So, I'm wondering
if there's a dead dog in there.

There's definitely something in there
shuffled off its mortal coil, Sarge.

-Can you get in?
-We've knocked on a few doors.

The lad that lives here is called
Brett McKendrick,

but nobody seems to know
much about him.

We need a key.
What about any family?

What about a girlfriend
or his mother?

Have you not got
anything on t'box.

Did house-to-house there
four weeks ago...

Nobody's seen him lately, either.

Yeah, nobody's seen him
around here lately, either.

OK. Have you got an Ovenden
door key in your car?


Talk to me, Twiggy.


D'you remember me?

I'm your dad.

-D'you remember?

You've probably heard
loads of bad stuff about me.

not all of it's true.

Me granny said you were
off your head on dr*gs.

I'm not off my head on dr*gs.

I am your dad, Ryan.


Only she don't like me.

That's why she doesn't want me
to have anything to do with you.

What's your name?

You can call me Dad.

I mean your real name.

Well...'s Tommy.

I've never had a dad.

I'm your dad.

I am your dad.

I've been watching you for weeks.

When you leave school.

I wanted to say hello,
but there were never a good time.

There's always someone wi' you.

Not today,
there isn't.

-How's things?
-Not so bad.

How long have you got?

-I'm not supposed to talk to strangers.
-No, no. But I'm not...

I'm not a stranger, I'm your dad.

And the thing is...

Well, I just wanted you to know
who I am.

So if people tell you
bad stuff about me,

well, you'll know
it ain't always true.

What bad stuff?

I just...

I made some mistakes,
that's all.

I got into this thing.
I didn't start it, but...

..but... I'm the one
who's in t'most bother.

-That happens to me.
-Does it?

Today, Max Higgins pulls
all the paper towels

out of the machine in the toilets,

and when Miss Mukherjee comes
and goes, "It was Ryan Cawood!"

I'm the one who gets done.


Yeah, exactly.


Where you living?

Can we go for a ride?

We could.

Only I'm a bit low
on petrol at the minute.

How long have you lived here?

It's not mine.
I just... borrow it.

Can I have a cigarette?


-It's bad for you.
-You do.

One drag.

Me granny says you shouldn't smoke,
but she does.

I've seen her.

Tell me about your mum.

We go see her sometimes
up in Heptonstall.

How d'you mean?

That's where she's buried.

-When did she die?
-When I was born.

-How did she die?
-I don't know.

But I've got me granny
and me Auntie Clare, so...

Where were you?

I was away.

But nobody thought to tell me.

That she'd died.

But I...
did love her, your mum.

If anyone ever
tries to tell you different...

-I was thinking.

Maybe we should tell my granny

that you're not off your head
on dr*gs and that you are my dad.


Thing is, you-you know I said
I'm in trouble?

And it's not my fault,
I didn't start it.

-Well, she's a police officer, isn't she?

And, if they know where I am,
they'll come and get me

and put me in prison.


Well, I told you I done stuff.

-So you can't tell her anything.
-But if it wasn't your fault...

They'd never believe me.


They never do.

So promise me you won't say owt,
even to her.

Especially to her.

I do promise.

If you did get some petrol,
could we go for a ride?

-Just you and me?

Yeah, we'll see.

You better be getting on.

Before they start wondering
where you are.

Can I come again tomorrow?

Will you bring me some milk?

See ya.

-You look after yersen.

And you mustn't say anything.
To anyone.

This morning,
just before half past nine,

we found two bodies
in a flat in Sowerby Bridge.

One of them was Lewis Whippey.

The other was a lad
called Brett McKendrick.

The pathologist thinks they'd been
there between three and four weeks.

There was a lot of blood,
not surprisingly, in the kitchen,

which the senior investigating
officer from the m*rder team

fast-tracked down the lab, and it turns
out this blood isn't Lewis Whippey's

or Brett McKendrick's.

It's Tommy Lee Royce's.


..that's where they were hiding.

The flat was covered
in the house-to-house, but...

-He can't have got far.
-It's unlikely.

And he must have sustained
a serious injury.

We're talking between
two and three pints of blood, so...

-Injury, septicaemia.
-Could he be dead?

Yeah, it's a possibility.

You know they questioned
me over that bastard

that got shot,
Ashley Cowgill?

Have they caught anyone?

I doubt they ever will.

Ashley Cowgill was a dr*gs dealer.
He was part of...

You've got to understand
how these people work.

They're organised,

The reason he was let out on bail
was because,

he gave information to the police.

This was a big deal for him.

His family were going to have to go into
hiding once the arrests were made,


It looks like someone,

told people higher up the chain
what he'd done, so...

They're untouchable.

Every day,
we have to deal with kids

off their heads on whatever rubbish
they can find to inject themselves with.

And it never stops.

It just never stops.

One of the two bodies found today

in a flat in West Yorkshire

has been confirmed
as that of Lewis Whippey,

one of the men wanted in connection
with the m*rder two months ago

of PC Kirsten McAskill.

It's also now known
that Tommy Lee Royce -

also wanted in connection with the
m*rder of the 24-year-old police officer -

had been at the same flat
in Sowerby Bridge.

Detectives believe Tommy Lee
Royce is still in the area

and have asked members of the
public to be extra vigilant.

They've also reiterated that
he may be armed,

and is dangerous.

-Thank you for coming.
-It's a pleasure!

Jenny said the reason you're
illegally withholding my wages

is I have to understand that
my actions have consequences

for people other than myself.

You think it's my fault
your daughter was r*ped...

and humiliated.

I asked you for a rise

so I could send one of my daughters
to a better school.

Considering how comprehensively
you ripped my father off,

I would've thought
that wasn't too much to ask.

It would have never occurred to me
to suggest kidnapping your daughter

to those animals...

..if you'd just said yes...

..when I asked.

So...'re right, Nevison.

Your actions have had consequences
for people other than yourself.

You bastard.

You can go now.

It's this one.

Dad! Dad!
It's me.

-Who's that?
-Cesco. He's me friend.

He didn't believe me
when I told him I had a dad.

Can we come in?
I brought you some milk.

So how fast does it go?

-It don't.
-Yet. But it will.

We're going to get some petrol,
aren't we, Dad?

-Can I see the steering wheel?
-There isn't one.

-Well, how d'you steer it, then?
-There's a pole.

-Can I show him?
-No, not just now.

-Why don't you light t'fire?
-It's not cold enough.

-It's freezing!
-You could come with us.

Couldn't he, Dad?

You could've, but it's just
going to be me and my dad.

Ain't it?
When we get some petrol?


Yeah, yeah, that's right.

They're going to eat me alive!

So what's the basic problem?

The basic problem is that
he's distressing the toddlers.

Sounds to me like
they're distressing him.

Jamie, lad, listen to me.

There's no crocodiles
in this country,

we don't have crocodiles here!

That's... It's...
It's Australia, it's down under.

They're evil!
Dislocating their slimy bastard jaws

just so they can swallow you!

'What's that film wi' that
tick-tock, tick-tock crocodile...?

-Peter Pan.

Yeah, whatever,

I think he's been watching that
and smoking skunk at the same time.

No! Don't you step in there!
They'll have you!

Can you keep her with you, please,

Some of them are even thinking!


Shaf, is anyone's life
actually in danger?


Tarzan might graze his knee
if he falls off his swing...

Did Mr. Badal do all those things
he said he'd do?

All those things
he wrote on that Post-it note?

Well, yes,
I imagine he would've done.

You imagine?
Have you asked him?

Catherine, I can't check up
on the District...

He didn't just toss it in the bin
as I left the room?

No, he didn't.
He put it in his pocket

and I had the impression
he was going to follow it all up.

Yeah, but you would say that, wouldn't you?
Cos you all piss in the same pot as each other.

-I'm sorry?
-Like that nonsense with Marcus Gascoigne.

Shall we have this conversation
in my office, Sergeant?

Have they checked
if any of the hospitals
have reported any g*nsh*t
or s*ab wounds?

-Catherine, Get into my office.
-Have they?

-What about Roger Elgood?

Roger Elgood.
He was a GP, lives on Ripponden.

Got struck off months since
for signing blank prescriptions.

Don't you know what goes on
on your patch?

Why would Tommy Lee Royce
know to go to Roger Elgood?

-Why wouldn't he? -Catherine.

I'm wondering, do you think
you've come back too soon?

Yeah, probably.
But what alternative have I got?

-Who else is even looking for this bloke?
-Catherine, if this was anyone else...

-I'm going home.

I need to talk to you
in my office!

I'm fed up of working
with trained monkeys.

You're not going to get away with
that. I know you've not been well...

-Piss off!
-I'll have your stripes, lady,

if you don't button it.
Please go into my office!

You can have 'em.

You can shove 'em your arse.
There you go.

-Pick 'em up.
-You're in trouble, Catherine.

Yeah, whatever.

Have you not brought
your little friend wi' you today?

Nah, he didn't want to come.

He didn't think
you were very nice to him.

Neither did I.

-Was I not?
-What's up?

I thought I said not to tell anyone.

I thought you meant grown-ups.

No, I meant anyone.


S'all right.

D'you want to go through there?
I've got summat for you.

-It's a surprise.

Go on! There's nowt
to be frightened of.

You're not frightened of me,
are you?


Sit yersen down.


It's me.
Where the hell are you?

-I rang the nick.

Nobody'd tell me where you were.

-What's up?
-I told our Ryan to be in

by five, and he wasn't.
And when it got to 20 past,

I rang to see if he was
round at Cesco's,

and guess what
Cesco's mum told me?

That Cesco had told her...

that our Ryan had been visiting
his dad

on his boat down at the canal.

-Where are you?
-How does...?

-How does Cesco know that?
-He went with him yesterday.

All right. All right, I'm coming.

Right, ring Cesco back.

And ask him carefully...
I ain't got their number on me.

Ask him carefully where exactly
this boat is, what it's called,

what colour it is,
anything that can identify it.

Thank God.

I've rung the Inspector's office,
but nobody's answering, as per.

Listen to me very carefully.

You know you're in, like,
37 different types of trouble? Yeah,

just listen.
I think, I think...

Tommy Lee Royce is on a narrow boat
down on the canal at Hebden Bridge.

I want you to inform Force Comms -

we need an helicopter up,
we need firearms, we need OSU,

-we need a dog.
-Catherine, are you sure?

Go and knock on the DCI's door!
Now! Right now!

I know you're frightened of him,
but now is not the time.

Tell him what's going on.
I need people there... fast.



I think he's got our Ryan with him.

I'm on it.

Sergeant Cawood,
do you have a rendezvous point?

Not yet.

Are you available
to keep obs on the boat?

I will be.

Please await arrival of

before making any sort of

Yeah, whatever.

-I do have to go now.

Dad. Call me Dad again.

I do have to go now, Dad.

I liked it when you called me Dad

But I were a bit surprised,
I have to be honest wi' you,

when you turned up wi'
your little buddy.

I only brought him
cos he didn't believe me.

I should have been home by now.

I did say not to tell anyone.

It'll be right.

You think?


I think... might have sold me
down t'river, Ryan, lad.

What does that mean?

I think...

..the time has come
when I have to...


..move on.

Not because I told him?

Exactly because of that.

I won't tell no-one else.

D'you want another?

I've not drank this one yet.

I found some petrol.

I thought what might be nice...

is if I took you with me.

Like you wanted.

Cos I...

I really don't want
to leave you here with your granny.

Wait! He said wait.
Be careful!



Catherine, listen to me.

You can't just wade in there.
You don't know what he might have.

He might have a knife.
He might have... anything!

And, if Ryan's... Ryan's
been coming here for days,

he's been coming home
safely for days as well.

-He's his son!
-Get off me!

Will you...?!

Will you listen to me?!

He's been coming home
at five o'clock every day this week,

like I asked him to.

Let's find which boat it is and
wait for your lot to turn up.

Cos chances are he's just
going to walk off the boat

and he's going to be fine.


Why weren't you at work?

-Cos I've resigned.
-What you talking about?

I just said.

Where were you?


-What's happened?
-I've had enough, that's all.

We're going to wait.
We're going to wait, aren't we?

If I am coming with you,
I'd better tell me granny,

otherwise she'll be worrying
about where I am.

Nah, I doubt it.

-No, she will.
-She doesn't love you, you know.

She thinks you're
a friggin' nuisance.

No, she doesn't.

There are a couple of things...

I haven't told you, Ryan.

journey we're going on, it's...

It might not be what
you were expecting.

It's a... different
sort of kind of journey.

I don't want to go any more.


I think...

I think it would be good
to take you with me.

I think we're always going to be
misfits, you and me.

And I don't want you to have to go
through all the shit I've been through.

And you will.




-Just let him go.
-Yeah, yeah, that's happening!

It's me you want,
not him.

I couldn't give a toss about you.

In fact, I'll tell you
what I would like.

Is for you to live a long,
long time, in agony.

So I'll tell you what I'd like you
to remember, bitch.

Is that you've brought
all this on yourself.

It's all your fault.
All of it, everything.

you didn't find me.

I found you.

-Get out!
-What about you?

Out! Now!

Guess what.

You're going to have to get someone
to wipe your arse for you.

-k*ll me!

Give me the lighter!

Why would I want to do that?

k*ll me!

k*ll me.


k*ll me!


f*cking bitch!




Inspector Taylor'd like you to take
another three weeks off work

and if he sees you inside
Norland Road nick during that time,

he'll kick your arse
down the stairs.


You got him.


Thanks for ringing.

-D'you want some...?

Thanks for coming.

I'm sorry...

..that I spoilt your birthday.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry I...

When your baby's born, you'll know.

You'll get it.

Losing a child, it's just, it's...

The only way you can cope with it,
I suspect, is to go a little bit mad.

And it's never fair
on other children,

your other children,
to see a parent like that

and to have to put up
with the things that are said.

And I'm sorry that happened to you.

I'm sorry I let it.

I know she wasn't perfect.

I do know that.

I wish I could show you
how much I love you.


I'm so proud of you.

What about you and Dad...
and Ros?


You see that me and your dad

would never have split up if...

But we did.

And Ryan, every day, I don't know,
he'll do something,

he'll be in trouble,
he'll drive me up the wall

and I don't know
that I made the right decision,

but I genuinely don't know
what else I could've done.

-I know. I know.
-Had him put in care?


Even though you all hated me for it.


..nobody hates you.