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07x04 - Kid/Nap

Posted: 01/07/23 08:26
by bunniefuu
See you later, babe.
Have you got Pilates today?

No, got to wait in
for the postman.

Got a package coming,

Sounds great. Have a good time.

I wonder what it could be.

Hello, are you Lara Grant?

Do you...?

Want a glass of water?


Do you want a glass of water?

The instructions said
you might have a headache.

Yes, please.

Drink up.

Where am I?

No questions.

Please, what is this about?
What do you want?


I'm sorry,

but I've already heard
your voice, you know.

You don't have to use that toy.

Oh, yeah.

And I've seen your face.

Well, I couldn't wear
a mask as a postman,

could I? You know,
I might've scared you.

Well, besides,

the instructions said
you might have memory loss

from the dichloromethane.

Well, I don't know
what to do now.

Well, I... I don't recall

your features,
if that's any help.

I just remember, like,
a round blob.

Round blob? I couldn't pick you out
from a line- up.

Sorry, are you telling me
to keep the mask on

or to take it off?
I'm confused.

I don't mind, but I won't say
anything to anybody, I promise.

Oh, I know you won't.

I'll make sure of that.

Now, you keep quiet
for a few minutes.


Come on.

Lara, I'm really pushed
for time at the moment,

so keep it quick, yeah?

Dom, listen,

you've got to help me.
I've been kidnapped.


Dom, I've been kidnapped.

You're gonna have to speak up.

I can't hear you.
The postman kidnapped me.

Iced macchiato,
at least three sh*ts.


Babe, is that you again?


Well, come on, spit it out.
What do you want?

I'm short for time.

I have your wife.
She's tied up.

Lara, you know
I can't do phone sex.

I'm in an open- plan office.

I said I have your wife.

What are you talking about?

Listen very carefully.

Will you stop putting on
that stupid f*cking voice?

It's really irritating...
f*cking listen to me!

Who is this? What do you want?

You need to make available

*1.3 million from
your business reserve account

and await further instructions.

Failure to do so

will lead
to the death of your wife.


Is that clear? What are you talking
about? I just spoke to my wife.

She's at home.

Come on. Huh?

She's waiting in for a package.
Oh, wait, are you the postman?


Yeah, where exactly are you?
Cos I just had

a very strange call
from someone

saying you've been kidnapped.

That's what I was trying to tell

You've got to do exactly
what they say... Please! Oh!


You shouldn't have done that.

What time is it?

Haff past 11.

So we've been here three hours?


Is this your actual house?

It is not.

Are you sure?

Oh, definitely.

So that's a yes?


Oh, bollocks. You tricked me!


All right, then,
let me do you.


Is your name Lara?
That's right.

Is your husband rich?
He is.

Does he love you?
I believe so.

Does he love you more
than he loves money?

Well, we'll see, won't we?

Why aren't you wearing
your mask?

You're not meant to be here.
What happened?

I'm here now.

Are you gonna let me in
or what?


Did you call the husband?

I have.

And? What did he say?

Did he agree?

...did not.

Did you tell him
not to call the police?

That dialogue was...omitted.

What do you mean, omitted?

What are you talking
like that for?

Yeah, sorry, we've been playing
the yeslno game.

You've been playing...
..playing games?

Well, it's something to do.

You haven't touched her,
have you?

No. Well, not really.

She needed the toilet,

so I made her go
in a washing-up bowl.

I had to pull her jeans down,

but I used the oven gloves,
so it didn't count.

Don't go getting too close
to her, all right?

You know what you've got to do
at the end of all this.



Put your mask on.

No, it's OK,
she's seen my face.

f*cking hell.

Right. I understand you've been
playing the yesíno game

with my halfwit colleague.
Well, it's my turn now.

Yes, we're waiting for
*1.3 million ransom

from your hedge-fund prick
of a husband.

No, we won't compromise
on the amount.

Yes, I will k*ll you
if he doesn't comply.

And no, we're not playing games
any more.

You'd have been out ages ago.

Shut up.

How long have you given him
to get the money?

Cos he may not be able...
Not my problem.

Did he buy you those earrings?

Sorry. What?
The earrings you're wearing -

would he recognise them
if he saw them again?

Um... I - I think so.

You want me to take 'em out?

No need.

I'm gonna snip her lobes off.


Courier them to the office,

and then he'll know
we mean business.

Mr Ball, get down
to the corner shop

and buy us
some sandwich bags.

Who's Mr Ball?

Oh, er, will do, Mr Barrow.


Do you want anything?
Packet of crisps? Bounty?

Oh, do you think
they do contactless?

Just go!

Farrow and Ball? Seriously?

It's all I could think of.

Nearly went for
Cannon and Ball.

How are you?
Oh, sore!

Oh, tight. I'll undo you, pet.

No, no, no, it's got to look real!
Yeah, yeah, just for a minute.

You can show me what Shane did
with that oven glove. Clifford!

Did you manage to call
your husband?

Yes, I rang him in a panic
and asked him to comply.

Very good.

Did you sort everything out
with the pilot?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Everything's in hand.

Come on. Come here.

All right, it's Dominic.
Shall we see

what he wants to say?
Mm- hm.




Hi, this is Dominic Grant,
Wood Grange Capital.

I don't give a f*ck
who you work for.

Sorry, sorry,
it's just force of habit.

Who am I speaking to, please?

You can call me Mr Cannon.

Is anybody listening
to this call?

Oh, no, no, no, not surrounded
by police or anything.

Just me on my own.

So, I managed to get that money
that you asked for.

I was just wondering
if I could get assurances

that my wife is still safe.

Would it be possible
to speak to her?

As far as I remember, we're
in charge of this situation,

so, no, it's not possible.

I'm gonna send you over
an account number,

sort code, and IBAN,
and you can transfer the funds.

You've got two hours.

Mr Cannon, please, understand
this from my perspective.

You're asking me
to shell out all this money,

sight unseen. I mean,

you don't spend
upwards of one mill

for an Aston Martin One-77

without taking her out
for a spin first.

You want to check that
the engine is running smoothly

and that the bodywork is still
intact and that the heart

is beating
and that she is still alive.

All right, make it quick.

I'm sure you and your friends
are trying to triangulate

the conversation. You've got...

...17 seconds.


Dominic? is that really you?

Yes. Try to stay calm.

Are you all right, babe?

I'm frightened. It's so cold.

I'm scared they'll do things
to me, again.

What things?
Tell me where you are.

I don't know.
They put a blindfold on me.

Oh, just do exactly as
they say, darling, please.

I will, I will. I just...
I hate hearing you like this.

You sound awful.

It's my scared voice!
You've never heard it before.

Oh! He's coming!

He's gonna hurt me. No, no!


So now what do we do?

Now we wait for him
to send the money.

I don't actually have to send
the money, do I?

He won't want to send it.

I hope not.
Depends on the trace.

Well, let's hope he does,

cos those ears are getting
snipped otherwise.

He's sent the account details
through. Shit.

It serves him right anyway. It
would've been cheaper for him

if he'd divorced me
when I asked him to.

Yeah, but what about when the
lawyers found out you're having

an affair with a much more
attractive, charismatic,

intelligent man?
Who are you talking about now?


Listen, has it been all right
with Shane?

He didn't hurt you or anything,
did he?

Yes, he did. You didn't tell me
he was gonna use chloroform.

Well, you said the less
you know, the better, right?

Where did you find him?

He's a drinking buddy of my
cousin's from his Army days.

Wants to be a pastry chef,

but he mostly breaks
people's legs for money.

Are you not worried
he's gonna track us down

when he finds out
we haven't paid him?

He'll get cross, yeah. But
he's not gonna find us, is he?

Cos he hasn't got a passport.
I checked.

And he's not gonna go
to the police. Right?

Ooh, get you, all ruthless.

You almost sound
as horrible as Dominic.

Maybe I'm your type.



Oh, shit. Er...

Hit me! What? Make it look like
you're escaping or something.

What are you doing?
It turns out

they do do contact...
Stay back.

Don't come any closer or I'll
rip his f*cking throat out.

All right! Steady on.

Let my friend go.

No. Put your g*n down first.

Do what she says, Shane.

Mr Ball.
Mr Ball, sorry.

What are you doing
bringing a g*n?

Got to protect myseff.
Be ready for all eventualities.

Stop talking.

Now move your arse
away from the door

and you are gonna let me go.


Can I just ask what exactly
you're trying to achieve

at this point? Cos...

...remember, this is not,
you know,

exactly what my colleague and I
had planned.

We have a plan!

Oh, yes.


I got a bit carried away.

I'm gonna put these down, OK?

I suppose you're gonna
tie me up again.

Maybe not quite so tight
this time.

Hey, hey, hey...

Mr...Mr Ball,

I think it might be best
if you give me the g*n.

I can't do that, I'm afraid.

Now, remember,
we said no weapons.

This is a tool.
I am the w*apon.

We don't want an accident,

do we? So just, come on,
hand it over.

Hand it over!

I'm in charge of this operation

and I give the orders,
and I command you...

Oh, shit.

Oh, no.


Oh, my God! Clifford!

Get back, get back!

What have you done?

I warned him. He shouldn't have
grabbed my tool.

He's dead. Shit and piss,
it's all my fault.

What are you so bothered about?

I mean, his plan
was to k*ll you, you know.

He was never gonna

let you go!
Oh, my love,

I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.

Look, it's all right,
you're just suffering from

the Stockport Syndrome.

You'd probably feel the same
way about me if I died.

Of course I wouldn't,
you stupid f*cking idiot!

I'm not an idiot! You...!


Get here. Get here!

Here. Get back in here.
Get in that chair!

Sit down!

Give me your hands!

Got to stick to the plan. Eh?

It's what Mr Farrow
would've wanted.


Yeah, I got it.
Lauradale Road.

OK, seal off the area,
see if you can narrow it down

to which house
the shot came from.

Mr Grant, can you try
your wifets phone again?

Yeah, with you in two minutes.


What do I say?

Therets been a g*nsh*t heard
in the area.


Just make sure your wife is OK.

What is it?

Er, am I speaking
to Mr Cannon?

Do you mean Mr Farrow?

Er, possibly, er...
What do you want?

Well, we're just checking in

to see if my wife is
still alive. Is it possible

to speak to...?
Where's the money?

The money is, er, on its way,
I can assure you.

I'm just leveraging some assets
at the moment...

..can't really go into de...

He's gone.

All right, what do I do?

Stick to the plan.

First things first...

...let's cut your ears off.

Shane, no, no, listen.
Listen to me.

Stop. Stop. You don't understand.

This whole thing was a set- up.
I arranged it all with Cliff.

You're lying.

No, I'm not, I'm not.
Dominic wouldn't divorce me,

so this was a last resort.

I was gonna start a new life
with Cliff.

We were lovers. You've got
to believe me, please!

I've got my instructions. Take
the wife, clip her ears off,

get the money, k*ll the wife.
Yes, that's what

I told him to say!
It was all my plan.

Good, let's get on with it.

No, no, no! Please, stop!

No, no. There's a private jet
waiting outside,

new identities.

It doesn't all have
to go to waste!


Can you confirm
these belong to your wife?

Do you mean the ears
or the earrings?


Yeah, I remember
my PA picking them out

a couple of Christmases ago.

Do you think
she'll be all right?

I hope so.

Whatts clear is our Mr Cannon,

or Farrow, or whoever he is,
is deadly serious.

The fact that hets mutilated
your wife

is a strong indicator
hets not afraid of

taking this to the endgame.

What's this?

Hets requested the bank
transfer be actioned by you

within the next 2o minutes.

OK. And he wants you to do it in
person. What?

Youtll be wearing an earpiece
and a wire,

so wetll be able to communicate
with you at all times.

The kidnapperts given us
his exact location

and agreed you can wear
this protective gear,

but if you feel you or your
wife are in imminent danger,

I want you to use the safe word
ttgranola granolatt,

and I tll send the team in
right away.

"Granola granola"?
How am I expected

to slip that into conversation?
It's hard enough saying it once.

Hets also requested that a car be
left outside

with its engine running.

As soon as he attempts
an escape,

I tm gonna send the team
straight in to give your wife

the medical attention
she needs.

Now, itts your call, Dominic.
I know itts a lot to ask.

I've sweet-talked the Chinese
into tripling their investment,

I've negotiated myself
a six-figure bonus,

and this morning I scored
2.5K on Clash Of Clans.

I can do this.

Good man.

What a tosspot.

Confirmed getaway car
in place.

Touch your head
if you can hear me.

Good. Now remember, just do
everything they tell you.

I tll be listening.

Hands up. Hands up!

I n. I n!

Go. Go!

Darling! Oh, thank God.

Everything's gonna be
all right. I'm here now.

Take the helmet off.

Tell him itts for
your own protection.

It's for your own protection.


No, my protection. Sorry.

Do you need me to change
all the possessive pronouns?

No, no, I get it now.

Take it off!

Make the transfer.

Right, you started out with
an opening bid of 1.3 mill.

Since then,
we've had the ears off

and a lot of distress
to myself and my wife,

so I was wondering how you felt
about rounding that figure down

to 85o. I think it's a fair
price - damaged goods

and all that.
Stop haggling.

Yes, I'm sorry, it's just I know
I'd kick myself if I didn't try.

Get on with it!
Absolutely, yes.

OK, let's do this. Er...

Enter amount.

1.3 million pounds.


Worth every penny.
Don't regret it at all.

And that is done.

There. He's done as you said.
It's sent.

Now please just let us go.

Not yet.
I need confirmation

from my bank.

Try to stay calm, Dominic.
Youtre doing really well.

You'll never get away
with this, you know.

Won't I?

My husband works
for very powerful people

and they will track you down
wherever you are. Won't they,

See, he's nodding his head.

They'll never find me.

There's a car waiting outside
to take me to Tilbury Docks.

Get a team to Tilbury, now.

I'll be long gone by then,

so just keep out of it, bitch.

How dare you?!


Now I'm gonna go to
the kitchen and make a call.

Don't move.

Dominic, quick.
Now's our chance.

Untie me, and we can use
his car to get away.

Dominic, thatts a good idea.

If you think youtve got time,
go now. Wetll clear a way.

I'm so sorry, darling.

I didn't mean for any of this
to happen.

Get her out of there, quick!

Well done, Dominic. SCO19,
strike, strike, strike!

Armed police! Nobody move!

Armed police! Stay where
you are! Do not move.


Who the hell is that?


Dominic? What...?

What the hell happened?

What happened?

Granola granola!

Granola granola!


I told you I had a plan,
didn't I?

Do you want to know
where we're flying off to?

I'm all ears.