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02x03 - Jacob

Posted: 01/08/23 06:33
by bunniefuu
- I know.
- What?

That you're pregnant.

Your son
was involved in a sh**ting.

He may not regain
the use of his legs.


Eye drops.

Synthetic compound

to help with
the heroin addition.

Jenny, by the way.

Jeffrey Jr. is in the hands
of Washington Family Services.

No! He needs to be
with his mother!

Destroy the device, Walt.

I'm Traveler 4112.

Artificial Intelligence
isn't supposed to be capable

of taking a life
that isn't about to end.

The Director
shouldn't have risked it!

Don't you understand?

Why do you think
that they're still after you?

Because they've already
found me twice.

And they'll be coming for me.


Thanks for picking me up.
I know you're working.

No problem.

Have you told Walt?

I haven't told anybody.


Don't. I can't. I can't.

I can't. No.
I can't.




You bastard,
we're after you.




Hit a snag
in the basement.

Pipe leaking water.

Show me.

Get a sledge.

Agent MacLaren.

Alive and well.

Officer Boyd.

I'm very glad to see

your vest worked
as advertised.

Yeah, you didn't
have to sh**t twice.

Professional instinct.

He's with us now.


What the hell
happened in there?

Exactly what
happened to my team.

Except these four
weren't rescued.

I can't imagine
who'd do something like this.

When I last saw you,

you said something about
some faction in the future

that exists now.

The faction's been
around for years.

It started
as a movement in...

Shelter 41, I know.

Shelter 41 collapsed.

Not in the future
he came from.

Least it was
there when I left.

Guys, I think we need to keep
Protocol 2 in mind here.

Right. Well, this couldn't be
the work of the faction anyway.

Why not?

You told me, when
my team went missing,

that you'd seen
this kind of thing

happening long before
I arrived in the 21st.

The faction didn't
exist when I left.

I always assumed
it was the Director.

There's no way
the Director's

capable of what
we just saw in there.

Isn't letting it
happen just as bad?

When can my team
have the scene?

Forensics will be
another few hours at least.

But, after that,
it's all yours.


I don't want you
to feel down

on account of
this thing taking months.

You shouldn't feel
down either, Gary.

I know, I know,
but I can't help it.

I mean...

kid, you used
to fly!

If you had pressure
in the pocket,

you would just put on
those afterburners

and blow right
through the defense.

That was
a thing to watch.

Must be hard for you.

It is.

It's really hard.

You'll get through it.

I know you will.

Thanks, son.


You too.

Know what?

This... this is good
right here.

I can walk from here.

Thank you.

You okay?

Yeah, I got it.

Thanks for the lift, Dad.

Dr. Thomson,

you're needed Radiology 2.

Dr. Thomson in Radiology 2.

You're up next.

Excellent photography.

Dr. Barker.
How are you doing today?

Great. You?

Oh, fine, thanks.

That's really, uh...

I should probably...

Oh. Yeah, uh...

Don't let me get in your way.

I was just gonna ask, uh...

You're busy,

Uh, I'll come by later.

Okay. Are you sure?

Yeah. Yeah.
I've... I've got a...

But I will definitely...


You too.

I mean, uh...

Right this way.

You don't think I would've
told you if we had a mission?

Well, maybe
another team got one.

It's been a long time.

2,163 hours.

Not that
I'm counting.

You really are
an optimist.

Yeah. Yeah, I really am.

You can quit
if you want.



All right!

We did it!

I just thought you might want
a little bit of human contact.


Two minutes recovery
and then we go again.

No problem.

...A construction site

in the area of Edmondville.

Four missing persons reports

came to a heartbreaking
conclusion today

as a demolition team
found their bodies

in an abandoned building.

Out of respect
for the families,

police have yet
to release any names,

foul play has been assumed.

Adena Moore
is at the site now.

Adena, are you able to give us

any details
on what happened there?

what we're looking at now...

That's the smell
of death.

Police forensics
came up with nothing.

Your turn.

Trevor and I kind of
just threw this together...

But it should work.

Sorry! Set too high.

We're good.

Hey! I got a com over here.

Get out of the building now!



Go. Go, go! Go!



Smells delicious.

You never
cooked this much

when we were
together before.

You just never
liked my cooking.

Oh, you're definitely
a better cook, but...

It's like you're
a different person now.

Nope. Same guy.

On the outside, maybe.

Yeah, and on the inside,

nougat and caramel.


I am the same guy
you broke up with.

I didn't know
what I had, David.

Same guy.

Hey! I'm trying to give you
a compliment here, okay?

you're more confident.

I used to be able to read you,

but it feels like

there's so much more going on
in there now.

It's mysterious.

You don't know

You know, there's
an ingredient in these eggs

that's gonna blow your mind.

You okay?

Yeah, I'll be fine.
It'll... It'll pass.

Blair, this keeps happening.

Let's get you in
to see a doctor.

I'm fine. Really.


that's enough.

Let's go.

Hey, Carly?

It's hard
for me to focus

with you pacing around
with a g*n in your hand.


It's okay.

So judging
by the T.E.L.L.

of these four
host candidates,

I think I've figured out
who our group was.

A team of five
just like us.

Which leaves one member
unaccounted for.

Traveler 2192.

Let's find them.

If they're still alive.

I think
I can narrow it down

by checking
which candidates didn't die

the day 2192 arrived.

This com isn't
telling me much,

other than it's been
all over the place.

Get that com working.

Look, I'm sorry,

but we've already contacted
all of the victims' families.

But Jacob
went missing

at the same time
as those other people.

I mean, isn't it possible
that there were more victims?

No, there were only
four found at that location,

and none of them
were named Jacob, ma'am.

- I am sorry.
- Beth, Beth.

Let me. Let me
to talk to her.

If you say so.

Special Agent
Grant MacLaren.

Come on in here.

We'll talk privately.

Thank you.

Have a seat, Mrs...?

Ward. Sylvie.

You say

your husband's been
missing for some time?

Three and a half

That... That
is a long time.

The police haven't been
able to find anything.

I don't even think
they're looking anymore.

What can you tell me
about him?

Jacob's wonderful.

I mean, we had our troubles
through the years,

but lately,
the last year and a half or so,

our marriage
has never been better.

What changed?


he was loud,
he smoked like a fiend.

He wasn't
health-conscious at all.

But I always knew
that he would come around,

and he did.

Almost overnight,

his priorities
completely realigned.

He became more attentive,

Did you ever see him

in the company of
any of the other victims?

He didn't run away
with another woman,

if that's what
you're thinking.

That's not
what I'm thinking.

I'm just wondering
if there's a connection.

Say, in the workplace?

Jacob didn't believe in bringing
his work home with him.

He said that was our time.

And you've had no communication
with your husband's cell phone?

Any activity
in his bank accounts?

No. Nothing.

But I believe that he is
still alive, Agent MacLaren.

I have to.

Didn't you just
take some of that?

She said to take it as needed,

and I need
to focus.

Does Marcy know
what's in this?

It's Marcy-approved.

Let's get back to work.

You guys there?

Yeah, boss, what's up?

I got a name
on our fifth traveler.

Jacob Ward.

We're on it.

Philip, I want you to put
a tap on his wife's cell phone.

Sylvie Ward.

She just paid me a visit.
I'll text you the address.

Will do, boss.


I gotta go.

I'm sure Carly
will be here any minute now.

Her new job's...

been a little crazy.

In the meantime,
how are you doing?


Lot of change
in your life.

How's that going?

Ah, that's all good.

Just living
through the changes.

When Carly's here,

I sometimes get the impression

that you're going out
of your way to agree with her.

Might be useful
to use this time,

while we have it,
to talk about you.


Yeah, I can do that.


Do that.

How much do you know
about guilt?

I am so sorry
I'm late.

Hey... there she is!

Traffic was


you're here now.

Ahem. So...

big week for you two.

Your final custody assessment
from CPS.

How are the two of you


it's really good.

Really good.

That's good.



I've been looking everywhere
for you.

Uh, is everything all right?


Everything's fine.

No. Um...

I got back together
with... with Blair.

And, um...

Good for you.

I wasn't looking for you
to tell you that,

but I think there might be
something wrong with her.

Uh, well, did you
take her to admitting?

Yeah, see, that was
the original plan,

but then I learned
she doesn't have insurance.

Um... But she's been having
these harsh stomach pains

for over a week now,

and I'm worried that if
she doesn't get it looked at...

David, I...
I'm just an x-ray technician.

I think we both know
that that's not true.

Besides, I think an x-ray's
exactly what she does need.

Right. Uh...

Bring her to imaging
in block "C".

Thank you.

You two are really
gonna hit it off.

Hey, Boss.

Hey. What have you got?

You were right.
Our man, Jacob,

is definitely
our missing traveler.

He went off the grid
sometime mid-May.

If he's still out there,
he's good at hiding.

Any action on
the wife's cell?

There's already
a tap on her line.

Someone else
is watching her besides us.

Trevor, you got that com
working yet?

Ready when you are.


This is Traveler 3468.

2192, are you there?

How did you
get on this channel?

I'm sure you've heard by now...

The rest of your team
is dead.

We found this com
at the crime scene.

We want to help.

Is your mission
from the Director to assist me?

No. But my team
was captured,

the same as yours.

I think it's
important that...

Then stand down!

Do you have a tap
on your wife's cell phone?


Someone besides us
is tracking your wife.

Is it you?


He's still there.

The signal's
still strong.

He's cutting out
his com.

Do not remove
your com! Jacob!

Your wife
is in trouble!


We lost him.


Keep monitoring her phone.

I think
I know where he's going.


You found something,
didn't you?


The scans did show
a foreign mass in her stomach.

Oh, God,
here we go.

I'm afraid
to even guess at what...

You don't have to.

It's cotton balls.

Cotton balls?

How could she possibly
have ingested...

It's a weight-loss thing...

It's supposed to make you
feel fuller.

I don't know.

David, I don't think
that you realize how...

I know.

And not
to mention

unbelievably dangerous.

I mean, she's lucky
she didn't eat enough

to cause an obstruction.

Yeah, that's what
happened last time.

All right.

We'll get her stomach pumped
and she'll be on her way,

but you cannot let her...

I know, I know.

I know.

I'll talk to her.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Agent MacLaren.
Is there news?

Actually, I was hoping
Jacob had contacted you.

I haven't heard a thing.

- Mind if I come in?
- Is everything all right?

I hope so.

I just have
a few more questions.

I just... I'm late
for an appointment.

Maybe I could drop by
your office later?

How did you break this?

I told you to leave me alone!


- I'm here to help you!
- Jacob!

He's running!
Back stairs!



You all right?

Stop it!
I'm Traveler 3465.

We're here to help you.

And you're making that
awfully g*dd*mn difficult.

You people have no idea what
you're getting yourselves into!

Traveler teams
from all over the world

are being abducted
and tortured.

We know.

The Director assigned us

to investigate
their disappearances,

but they found us
before we could...

It's bad.

Marcy, drop what you're doing.
Get back to Ops.

You got a patient.

Keep your eyes open.
We're getting you to our medic.

Call Sylvie.

You need to tell us
what you know.

What did your team find out?
Who's behind this?

Whoever it is...

they cover their tracks.

We do know
that the buildings...

every one
Travelers were taken to,

all... all a-around the world...

What about the buildings?

They're owned
by numbered companies.

Sh-Sh... Shells...

but under one conglomerate.

Give us a name, Jacob!

Jacob! Jacob!

His lung's collapsed.
We need to re-inflate it.


He needs shock.




Charge again.


He's gone.


Hey, it's me.

What a total surprise.


Hey, before I drop by tonight,

you want me to stop
at the grocery store

and pick up anything special,


Um... Yes!

Some kind of smoked meat.


I need the iron!

What's the smoke for?

Nobody craves broccoli, Grant.

You're the one who offered.

Kat, someone's on
the other line.

I'll call you back.

Mm-hmm. Okay.


Okay, so, the sole owner

of the company
that owns that building

is Vincent Ingram.

He's got an estate
about an hour from downtown.

I let one of his people know
that you were on your way.

Okay, great. Thanks, Beth.
Text me the address.

Just did.


Have you seen
my eye drops?


I just got here.

You were
the last person

who had them yesterday,
when we were working.

I didn't take
your drops, Philip. Relax.

What's that supposed to mean?


look around.

Just give them back.

What's going on, man?

I know you're trying
to monitor me.

I can take care of myself,

so just back off

and give me back my drops.





It's a good thing

these are helping
with your addiction, huh?


Hey. This is Marcy.
Leave a message.

Hey, Marce... y.

Uh, I just wanted to say
thanks again

for your help with Blair.

Uh, I really appreciate it,
and she's doing better, so...


Anyway, uh, I was hoping
that you could, uh,

you could join me...

me and Blair,
for dinner tonight,

as a way to say thank you.

Uh, so if you're free,
that would be great,

to see you.

I know I just saw you,

but it would be...

it'd great
to see you again.

I do, like, a fish dish now.

Uh, "Branzini."

I know you like white fish
and all those Omega-3s.

No cotton balls, I promise.

Anyway, uh...

All this to say
I hope you can join me.


I mean, because Blair
will be there, too.

And you...

I hope.

Oh, for God's sakes.

But we've grown up a lot.

And Carly's an amazing woman,

and I'm thankful every day
that she's a part of my life.

How's your
landscaping job going?

Still great.

I see that neither of you

have missed a session
with your counselor.

How have they been going?

- Very helpful.
- Good, yeah. Very.

Tell me how.

Well, I was...


And hurt.

But, by talking
things through,

we found out
that we were both angry.

We just didn't have
as much to be mad about

as we thought we did.

The counseling has
helped me forgive Jeff.

And to not let
the past stop me

from seeing
who he is now.

I have to admit,

you're doing very well
at keeping up the act.

Oh, please. I've been
doing this a long time.

You can't fool me.


But it's not necessarily
a bad thing.

It means you want to try.

Most marriages include

at least a little bit
of faking it, trust me.

I can see how much this means
to the both of you,

and how committed you are.

You may not ever
be great spouses,


I think you could
be good parents.

This way.

Special Agent
Grant MacLaren.

My office called.

I apologize for the conditions
of entry into my house.

don't take it personally.

That's all right,
Mr. Ingram.

Special Agent MacLaren.

Have we ever met,
Agent MacLaren?

Well, I usually remember

the people
who decline to shake my hand.

How do you close
your business deals?

a legal representative.

And a large transfer
of money.

I'm investigating
the four bodies

that were found
in the basement

of the building
at 46 Henderson Avenue.

Why are you speaking to me?

One of your companies
owns the property.

I suppose, on paper,
that's technically true,

though I think the company
that leased it from me

would be better able
to provide you

with the day-to-day operations.

Have you spoken to them?

Not yet.

If an employee
of a Microsoft store

was involved in a criminal act,
even a serious one,

would most FBI agents think
to question Bill Gates?

The four victims

were tortured

and over an extended
period of time,

so I hope you won't
take it personally

if I'm being thorough.

Well, I don't know
how much use I can be.

I've never seen the building
or stepped foot inside,

and I operate
all of my business remotely.

I never leave this house.


My therapist encourages me
to be blunt.

I'm agoraphobic, germophobic,

and I don't like
personal contact.

Well, I'm very sorry
that I have to be here.

You don't.

You're naturally curious
about the wealthy recluse,

and your badge
gets you in my door.

That is blunt.

Please, ask your question
and get this over with.

You founded

one of the leading
digital security firms.

I am curious,

why are you so strict

about outside electronics
in your home?

Well, despite
the best precautions,

Agent MacLaren,

is an illusion.

With cameras and microphones

built into
every personal device...

My therapist says
I'm paranoid,

but I think it's human nature

for us to do anything

to protect ourselves
and our families.


I'm just finishing up
a meeting.


put your coat on.

I'll be
out there shortly.

I try to reserve

a couple of hours every day
to play with my son.

Do you have children?


Well, I'm sure

there's still time
for you and your wife.

I remember now!

We met five years ago
at a charity event.

It was before my condition
became so debilitating.

You were there
with your wife...


Sorry... didn't
recognize you.

A stunning woman,
if I remember it.

With dark hair,
and a wonderful dance partner.

In your shoes,

I would never have
let a single soul

steal a dance
from her.

Please send her my regards.

That is,
if our business is concluded.

It is.

For now.
Thanks for your time.

Happy hunting.

The event would've
been five years ago.

Liberty Banquet Hall.

Looks fancy.

I have no idea,

but I'd be
on the guest list.

"MacLaren plus guest."

That's you.


Okay. Look for
Vincent Ingram.

There's no sign
he was there.

Doesn't mean he wasn't.

Can you hack into
his private server?

You know it.

How you doing?
What's that? What's that?


We did it.

We deserve
to celebrate. You...


to celebrate.

You made a promise.

A couple hours ago,
we didn't know

if we ever were going
to see our son again.

Come on, I'm just trying
to say thank you.

Hey, big boy!


Come here.
Come here.

I miss you.

Redundancy number six?

That's just excessive.

Just try again.

The Director didn't order us
to investigate this guy.

We're breaking Protocol 5
by doing this.

As far as I'm concerned,
this falls under Protocol 1...

The mission comes first.

The whole grand plan's
in jeopardy

if we can't stop teams
from being taken!

Now, maybe this guy
didn't pull the trigger,

but if he's involved
in any way...

He froze me out.

That's redundancy number 7.

I thought you said
you could do this!

There's a reason why
he's the best in the 21st.

Shouldn't you
be the best,

considering the century
you come from?

Hey, look.

Yelling at it

Oh, my God.


You look...

I can't even
finish my sentence.

That seems
to be going around.



Uh, Blair just texted

that she's running
a little late,

but the fish is ready,
so if you want to eat,

we could eat.

Uh, let's wait.

Yeah, you know,
we probably should.

I wasn't, uh...

I wasn't sure if you were
actually gonna come.

you invited me.

How's your therapy
been going?

No more panic att*cks.

I still find it hard
to fall asleep

when I'm in bed with Blair,

You know,
I didn't mean it like that.

Not like we don't,
we do,

but just, you know...

you know, not excessively,
just a normal frequency.

Not like...

What was I talking about?

How you can't sleep.


Uh, she snores.



would you do
something for me?


Tell me about me.

Like, things you don't
remember, or...?

Okay, um...

I used to call you

from you running off
at all hours,

fighting crime.


you liked listening
to country music.

Which country?

No, it's a...
it's a genre.

Um, you like honey
in your tea, but not...

No, I mean, uh,
what I was like.

Oh. Okay.



You drove me crazy

I'm not gonna
lie to you.

Uh... fierce.

Little yell-y,
now and then.

Generally... amazing.

I'm not really sure
that's what I'm asking.


I'm just trying to find
the missing pieces.

All I tell you
is what you did to me.

How I felt

whenever you would walk
through the door...

every time.

Like butterflies...

that feeling in your stomach.

Even more so
when you'd go out again.

Someone like you

does not happen
to someone like me.

And I know that doesn't
answer your question

and I know that you're just
trying to remember

the missing pieces, but...

Maybe someone is best defined

by how they affect
the people around them.

I think I just made that up,
but I think it may be true.

Hey, guys.

Um, I'm so sorry I'm late.

That's okay.
We were just, uh...

Marcy, Carly...

I need you back at Ops,
right now.

Um, I actually need to go,
something just came up.

Oh. No, really?

You don't need to...

I do.

Um, thank you for the wine.


There's a file for each of us.

I can't believe
we found him.

Open mine.

We take him

Before another Traveler dies.

You're f*cking
right we do.

Let's gear up.

Okay, we go in
quiet and fast.

k*ll him and get out.

Boss, I don't agree
with this.

Yeah? Well, we're
going to need you.

How about you,

Oh, I'm in.

All right, there are
four armed guards outside.

Here, here, here, and here.

I don't know
how many staff inside.

All right.

Let's park behind
this tree-line

and proceed on foot.

And, after lunch,

Miss Henry let me read
from The Chrysalids.

She said I had
a very impressive vocabulary.

Go get it!

Good for you.

Come on.
Come on, boy.


Good boy. Good boy.
Come on.


Not so far.
Not so far!

Come on.

Traveler 001...

Traveler 3468,
you are off-mission.

Stop your pursuit
of Traveler 3468

and his team immediately.

Stand down immediately
or face repercussions.

Where's my mom?

Dad? What's wrong?

Come back inside.

Quickly. Quickly!

It's all right,

I'm a policeman.


What do we do?

Taylor and I
are leaving tonight.

We won't
be returning.

Stand down.


The Director
must have a reason.

The Director is the one
who wanted him found!

We found him!
Let's finish it!

It's not our mission.

Not tonight.

Come on, sweetheart.
Let's get you home.

Come on.

Do you know
your address?