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05x04 - Do Over

Posted: 10/27/09 22:24
by bunniefuu

[both chuckle]

Oh, my.

15 minutes.

All right, no problem.


[breathing heavily]


Are you doing that?

I can feel that, jimmy.

I know you're doing that, man! stop!

[breathing heavily]



Let me out! get me out! open the door!

[breathing heavily]

Get me out, I'm stuck!



Woman on p.a.: paging dr. bender, paging dr. bender.

Man: just calm down.

Don't tell me to calm down.

That freaking morgue is haunted, ok?!

Hi, dr. clancy. hi.

I should be suing you guys!

Look, it was a stupid high school prank.

My grandson is sorry.

What are you talking about? I'm not sorry!

Hey, vicky. hey.

What's going on here?

Eh, I don't know. some kids broke into the morgue last night.


Bored. stupid. all of the above.

Oh, wow, look at this.

Look at that clamp. what year do you think that is?

Ah, fifties, I think.

The hospital's clearing out storage, Getting rid of all this old junk. oh.

Now that is beautiful.

You can take it if you want it.



It's just going to get melted down anyway.

[whispering] all right, it's our secret. shh.

[whispering] shh.

Check this out.

How cool is that, huh?

What is it?

Well, it's an old version of a tool That your dad uses at work.

It's called a suction cannula.

It's a suction tube, really.

You use it for an operation?

Yeah. yeah, we do.

Except now we use better ones, I mean, newer ones.

I don't like operations.

that's good.

Nobody likes an operation.

But sometimes, you know, That's the only way we can make somebody healthy.

We have to go in and fix something Inside them, something that's making them sick.

And this kind of thing Gives a person a second chance.

I'm sorry.

Baby, sorry for what?

I don't know.

I just feel like I did something wrong.

What? no, no, we wanted you to hold it.

No. you didn't do anything wrong.

In fact, you are perfect.

Well, I don't know about that.

What'd she say, you're perfect?

Come here.

I think he's pretty perfect.

You know, you're good for a little boy.

You'll do all right.

I mean, you know, he'll do in a pinch.

[aiden giggles]
I think he's tired.

I'm going to take you up And you're going to have the best bath ever.

We're going to get your teeth brushed.

We know how much you like that, right?

Did you see the new toothbrush mom got you?

It's the purplest thing you've ever seen.

Child, whispering: can you see us?

Man: how cheesy is that?

But I just had to get it. absolutely.

It is a must-have.

But I think you have to have the whole collection.

Like world's greatest mom, World's greatest boss.

You know, all the categories.

Did you ever get world's greatest lawyer?

Poor baby.

Is everything ok? yeah.

You know, I don't meet too many people with a sense of humor.

I know what you mean.

No, the truth is, Cheesy figurines aside, I don't really know how to date.

I mean, I know how, Just not, you know, reading all the signals And all that.

I mean, after my divorce, I just--

I hibernated.

Look, dating is hard enough for teenagers to figure out, Let alone people our age.

An enigma wrapped inside a riddle.


Oh! did you order wine?

No. I may have thought it, but I didn't order it.

Please, this is with my compliments.

Oh, that's very sweet, but I can't have any right now.

Oh, no, no, no. you must.

This is a beautiful vintage.

You'll love it.

That is so nice, but if I drink in the middle of the day, I can't accomplish anything.

No, no, I insist.

Uh, excuse me. the lady said--

Aah! oh!

Oh, damn it!

What the hell is wrong with you? what are you, stupid?!

I am so sorry.

Don't just stand there, you moron!

Get her some towels. oh, it's ok.

I just didn't expect it.

Well, of course not.

I mean, how could you expect someone to be so stupid?

We didn't want the damn wine to start with, And she certainly doesn't want to be wearing it!

What are you, totally brainless?

I'm so sorry. please let me pay for the cleaning.

Really? you think?

You'll pay for the cleaning And you'll pay for lunch!

Hey, that's enough.

I mean, nobody died here, ok?

I'm just gonna, um--

I'm just gonna go take care of this.

Is this really ok?

Yeah, it looks great on you.

Ok, but do I smell like wine?

Oh, it's ok. it's a good year.

So besides all that, How did you enjoy the play, mrs. lincoln?

You know, the irony is, I was enjoying it just fine.

I've been dating a lot of guys, And they're all turning out to be so dull.

Roger was kind of funny, he was smart, He was a little corny, in a good way.

And he listened.

You know how hard that is to find?

So, are you going to go out with him again?

You know, my mom always told me Never to date a guy who was mean to waiters, so...

God, was he really that bad?

Well, it's not like the maitre'd wasn't obnoxious, And it isn't the first time he ever spilled something on me.

I guess I should just wear a rain slicker when I go to lento's.

But roger, I don't know.

I saw this meanness underneath, so...

I think I'm just going to have to throw that one back.

See you later?


Thanks. bye.



[knock knock]



Melinda: you're kidding.

Jim: no, I wish I was.

I just had to sedate the attendant Who now thinks the morgue is haunted.

Well, can I come over and check it out?

No, the morgue's got back-to-back autopsies all day long.

So maybe tomorrow morning?

Yeah, after I put aiden on the bus.

Maybe you could call eli. he might know something about it.

Eli's been sick all week. we're on our own.

Let me try him at home.

All right. bye.

[water running]




Can I ask what you're doing?

Is everything ready?


Is everything ready In the o.r.?

Patient is ready, doctor.

Jim: we have to find this ghost, mel.

We only have a few minutes.


How can I help you?

You sound like customer service.

Well, kind of is.

Oh, I feel something toxic here.

Very dangerous.

What the...

What the...?



Yeah, you've got a haunted morgue here.


Paul jett?

Who wants to know?

My name is melinda gordon. i'd like to talk to you About what happened at rockland memorial.

Are you 5-0?

I'm sorry, what now?

The po-po, the man, the heat.

I am not the police, if that's even remotely close to what you're asking me.

Yo, then we got nothin' to talk about.


Look, from what I heard, You pretty thrilled when the po-po showed up the other night As you were screaming your head off in the morgue.

I talk to ghosts.

I can see ghosts.

It's not something I want other people to know about, For obvious reasons.

But I am telling you because I want to know What happened the other night.

15 minutes, The alley behind the station.

Ugh. ew.


I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

Do you want to go somewhere more comfortable?

Oh, I know.

The tough guy thing, it's just an act.

It's my mask.

I don't get it.

Survival. look, I just moved here To live with my grandfather.

At my old school, they all said I was this prodigy.

National honor society, science club, Future mathematicians, blah, blah, blah.

You make it sound like a bad thing.

You know what it's like having an i.q. of 135?

No. it's hell.

And all it ever got me was ignored by girls And my butt kicked by jocks.

There's no way I was going to be the new nerd in town.

So you make everybody believe that you're a thug?

[laughs] right.

I prefer to think of myself as a bad boy.

It's amazing, you know. it's all about perception.

Everyone thinks I'm a bad ass from day one, And suddenly, it's like I'm untouchable.

What happened in the morgue?

It was an initiation.

Not into the future mathematicians club, I take it?

I was supposed to stay in an empty morgue drawer for 15 minutes.

What happened? did you see something?

No, but I felt something.

Someone touching me.

You know, at first I just thought it was Like one of the guys hazing me or something.

Did you hear anything?

Other than my heartbeat?


So what if I need to talk to you again?

Oh, uh, just text me.

9-1-1, I'll meet you here.



Is everything ready In the o.r.?

Patient is prepared and ready, doctor.

[monitor beeping]

We are going to fix you up, son.

[monitor beeping]


They're k*lling me!

[inhaling, exhaling]

"roses are red, violets are blue."

Ooh! I love this!

Do you know who's doing it?


Roger "i seem nice but I'm really mean" shephard.

He's called me a few times, but I'm not calling him back.

All right, so he's on a mission.

He wants to win you over.

Yeah, not gonna happen.

Famous last words.

So, is there any news About all the weirdness happening at the morgue?

She said, changing the subject.

How do you know about the morgue?

Are you kidding? it's all over town.

People are saying that dead bodies are coming to life.

No. these bodies are dead.

The ghost is just manipulating them.

Oh. well, that ought to make people feel better.

Now what are the grown-ups At the hospital saying? oh, well, It's explainable. I mean, muscle spasms, rigor mortis, Blah, blah, blah.

How do you deal with a haunting like this?

Ineptly, so far. and I keep getting distracted By all these visions I'm getting from aiden.

He keeps having weird surgery nightmares.

How do you know that they're his?

It's been happening a lot lately.

Getting used to it. oh, poor kid.

No, it's fine.

He doesn't remember any of them.

I get them loud and clear.

Same one, same time every night.

Man, you have got so much on your plate.

And I'm sorry, but I have to go.

Are you sure you don't want to give roger a second chance?

A lot of fish in the sea, And all that.

But it proves he has a romantic side!

And besides, you told me that that maitre'd was obnoxious And had spilled things on you before, so maybe Roger was just, I don't know, protecting you.

Ok, I admit it, The violets were impressive.

But they're not a get out of jail card.

[door dings]


There's no easy way to break this to you, So I'm just going to give it to you straight.

You don't have swine flu.

You have laryngitis.

No, and you don't have flesh eating bacteria, either.

It's probably just hives.

You had hives all over your rear end through the whole fourth grade.

Eli, what is all this stuff? ahh.

"define regular."

"this is what I call clean."

"i am not hungry."

"typical morning conversation with mom."

I'm just trying to take care of you.

did I just walk into the middle of family feud?

"a. you're smothering me.

"b. suggestions about...

"more fiber, inappropriate.

And c., I just want privacy."

You want privacy? you got it.

I know when I'm not wanted.

Eli, just take 2 aspirin or whatever's your poison and--


Be grateful I believe in house calls.

Man: I can't change it, he's gone. i--


I k*lled him. i--

I k*lled him!


"murderous ghost attached to this instrument, big time."

What, you've had two hauntings from this surgeon ghost.

Why didn't you tell me there was a spirit attached to this thing?

I didn't know. I thought the visions that I was having Were aiden's dreams, and he was sending them to me.

Sorry. a guy just likes to know who's in his house, Especially if they're dead.

Do you have a date or something?

Well, kind of. just stay with me.

So what's the deal with this ghost?

Well, if he's attached to the instrument, Then it's an imprint haunting.

Oh, not a ghost loop. we've been through that, right?

Yeah, exactly.

Where a ghost gets stuck reliving a traumatic event Over and over again Until he can figure out how to make it right.

Traumatic is an understatement.

Look, how can I help?

Can you tell me what kind of surgery this ghost is performing?

Actually, I can do better than tell you.


I can watch it.


What do you see?


Melinda: everything's pretty old.

It's a long time ago.

Jim: can you guess a date?


There's a big machine in the corner.

Lots of tubes.

Is there anything written on it? what does it say?

It says "oxygenator."

Oh, it's a heart-lung machine, wow.

And if it's the fifties, That's one of the first of its kind.


[monitor beeping]

Patient off heart-lung.

They just took him off the machine.

They're operating on his chest.

[monitor beeping]

All right, if that's open heart surgery, There's only a few procedures they could have done at that time.

[monitor beeping rapidly]

He's in cardiac arrest.

[monitor flatlining]

doctor, his heart stopped.

Wait, wait! do something!


doctor, do something!

We're losing him!

No, please! wait, my patient!

Do something!

This can't be!

Get him outside.

We're losing him.

Keep trying.

He's gone.

Well, keep trying, keep trying.
Jim: now what is it?

Something went wrong.

The doctor made a mistake And the patient died on the table.

Jim: hey.

Hey, buddy.

What is it? what's wrong?

Hey, did we wake you up?

I feel like...

Like what, baby?

Like I did something wrong.

Like I did something bad to somebody.

I didn't mean it.

You didn't do anything wrong.

It was just a bad dream.


Well, it explains why aiden's been feeling Like he's done something wrong.

You know, it's not his dreams.

It's the presence of this ghost.

A ghost that accidentally k*lled one of his patients During surgery over 50 years ago?

There was a lot of confusion.

He was very upset, And they had to take him out of the o.r.

Think there's any connection Between your surgery ghost and my morgue ghost?

What if the morgue ghost was the patient who was k*lled?

I mean, think about it, you know?

All these hauntings started the day you found that instrument.

Yeah, I guess that makes as much sense as anything else.

Hmm. not really sure how to take that.

Uh, with a little dose of irony, my dear.

I thought so.


How are we going to find out more?

[indistinct chatter]

Woman on p.a.: dr. perry, please check with the medical center.

Dr. perry, please check with the medical center.

[woman screaming]

Man: get out of here. everybody out. clear the morgue.

[man breathing heavily]

What the...?

[breathing stops]


Oh, this ghost is getting on my nerves.

Your nerves?

My heartbeat's still at warp speed.

Did you get the ghost surgeon's name?

Ah, yeah. it's dr. albert glassman.

The guy ran cardiology. but get this--

He died the same day that the patient he was operating died, October 16th, 1959.

I don't get it. how can that be?

I don't know. I mean, sometimes the paperwork can get messed up And the dates can get confused, but...

Ok, well, did you get the patient's name who died on the table?

No. not that, either.

I had one more page to go when the screaming started.

Well, look, I mean if the morgue ghost Is the patient that dr. glassman k*lled during surgery, We have to get those two together.

Because then the morgue ghost Can forgive dr. glassman, Dr. glassman can stop reliving The same mistake over and over again, And hopefully, at some point, We can get a good night's sleep.


Why is there a mime following delia?


Please go away.

I'm begging you.


Thank you so much. I've got it.

Bye-bye now.

I'm gonna read it.

Oh, sweet. very sweet, ok.



"roses red, violets are blue, I can't hide my feelings."

Ok. I'm gonna go now, And I wish you would stop that, 'cause you're kinda creeping me out.

Ok, please.

Would you please stop? just stop crying.

Stop crying. would you please stop crying?

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings--


You want a tip. ok.

There's your tip. thanks so much.

You're very, uh...



I know who you are.

You're a patient of dr. albert glassman.

You had a congenital heart defect.

He was trying to repair it.

You died in surgery.


Look, I know that you're angry.

And just so you know, Dr. glassman is very upset, too, But you're both stuck here.

Earthbound because of your anger and...

His guilt.

It's time to end it.

What's your name?

You know me.

I've seen you, but I don't know your name.

I can feel your anger.

You want revenge.


What happened to you was terrible....

And it was just an accident.

What happened to me, What happened to everybody here, Was no accident.



[monitor beeping]

I don't know who you are, Or if you even know what's going on.

But what's about to happen Was an accident.

And you're going to feel angry, Like you want revenge, but please, Just cross over and find some peace.

I'm so sorry that I don't know your name.

[cell phone dings]

Sorry to pull you away From all the grandview unrulies, But I have a very important question.


Do you know if you're related to a william jett?

What's it to you?

Sorry. I mean, why do you ask?

Sometimes, in the spirit world, A ghost can be earth-bound but dormant.

I think when you broke into the morgue That you stirred up the ghost of your relative, william jett.

The ghost of william jett?

He's been haunting the hospital.

He's still angry with the surgeon He thinks caused his death all those years ago.

Look, no judgment, but whatever you're on, There is help available.

Ok, I know it's a lot to take in, But I really need you to reach out to your relative And see if you can get him to forgive The surgeon he blames for his death.

Now, how are you related to william jett?

Bill jett.

That's my grandfather.

wait a minute.

How can he be your grandfather?

He died in 1959, and he was only a teenager.

Dude, my grandfather is a lot of things, But dead is not one of them.

He just ran the senior triathlon.

He's alive and well and totally disgusted With my newfound street cred.

[indistinct chatter]

Yeah, it's just me and my grandfather.

Can't wait for you to meet him.

Paul! grandpa.


This is melinda gordon.

She thinks you're dead.


Well, if you're the welcoming committee, That's fine.

Please, bear with me.

Aren't you the william jett Who had heart surgery in 1959?

True. on my 16th birthday, no less.

But you didn't--

I saw it--

I thought that the doctor made a mistake, And that you died on the table.


Dr. glassman didn't k*ll me.

I k*lled him.

Most people don't accept it so easily When I say I can see ghosts.

Are you kidding? I think it's a great gift.

Yeah, but you were wrong this time.

Don't be rude, gangsta.

Can one of your ghosts help me understand why my grandson Thinks its cooler to hang With a group of monosyllabic morons Than use the brain he was blessed with?

Now don't diss me, pa-pa.

[laughs] no idea.

Could you tell me what happened during the operation?


The fact is, I did die for a few minutes.

[monitor beeping]

He's in cardiac arrest!

It was amazing. doctor! his heart stopped!

I could see and hear everything, And nobody could see me.

Do something! we're losing him!

No, please!

Dr. glassman looked so stricken, So panicky.

I wanted to tell him I was fine.

Heh, in fact, I never felt better.

Leave me alone, leave me alone.

Leave me alone.

Then I could see the doctor was in trouble.

There was something wrong with him.

I tried calling to him, to the other doctors, But of course, no one could hear me.


William: the poor man had a heart attack In the hospital hallway, and died within seconds.

He's back!

They were able to bring me back.

I was dead for three full minutes, so they told me.

For me, it seemed like a split second.

Or maybe a lifetime.

I decided that day i'd never waste another second.

Learn everything I could, Go everywhere I could.


Live a full life.

But...i almost felt guilty.

I had a second chance at life, And dr. glassman lost his.

I thought if only he'd known I could be revived, Maybe he wouldn't have had his heart attack.

How come you never told me this?


Past has a way of slowing you down.

Who needs it?

Well, sometimes, the past can teach us.

Did they ever find out what happened?

Did dr. glassman make a mistake?

I don't think they ever Fully understood why I went into arrest, But, uh, Cardiac surgery was in its infancy.

But I'll tell you one thing for sure--

Dr. glassman fixed the hole in my heart.

I'm alive today because of what he did.

Looks like you had a great life.

Still having it.

Would you mind waiting here for me?

I'll be right back. it's important.

Thank you.

Hey. I'll have a double latte.

Hey, delia, someone just left this for you.

Really? mm-hmm.

Roger: hey, you close escrow on the house?

You did? that's fantastic. congratulations, you guys.

I'll see you later.

I'll be right back.


Oh! hi.


I see you got the gift.


Look, um...

I can't say what happened at lento's Still doesn't bother me a little bit, And I'm not really big on second chances, But at the end of the day, anyone this persistent Deserves a second chance.

You lost me at persistent.

What? i--

I don't know what you mean.

The gifts, the notes, the, um, the mime?

Mimes creep me out.

Oh. so, um...

You didn't do any of that stuff?

Well, no. I mean...

You didn't return my calls, I got the message. you know.

I moved on.

Oh, I just noticed there was a box in there With your name on it when I was picking up my coffee just now, so...

Well, uh, I gotta run.

Take care.

Yeah. you, too.

"roses are red, violets are blue, "i can't hide my feelings, That's why I keep spilling things on you."


It is just that since the first time I saw you, And for months now, every time I try to talk to you, Or do something to impress you, I-i get nervous.

So I mess it all up.

You were on the rooftop with the flowers?

I know. I must come across like a total buffalo.

A buffoon?

Yes. yes, thank you, a buffoon.

And if I had to do it all over, I would definitely rethink the mime.

but still, i--

I have to keep trying with you.

Because the truth is, Whenever I see you smile, It makes me forget Whatever I'm saying.

Whatever I'm thinking.

Even what I'm doing.

How can I ignore this?


Melinda: if I use this to bring him here, It might break him out of his ghost loop.

What are we doing?

You're about to meet dr. glassman.

Dr. glassman: suction, where's the suction?

He's here.

Who are you?

Where's my patient?

This is your patient.

Bill jett.

He survived the operation.

You didn't cause his death.


This isn't my patient.

No, that's his grandson.

This is your patient.


My patient is just a boy.


He was 50 years ago.

But he survived.

And he's right here.

You've been stuck here this whole time trying to make it right.

No, I k*lled him. I made a mistake.

He's saying that he k*lled you.

Oh, no, doc.

Can he hear me?

No, doc, you saved me.

But you had a heart attack And died before you knew.

That's right, I died.

And I died a failure.

I couldn't figure out what I did wrong.

Dr. glassman, I died for a few minutes, But they were able to restart my heart, The heart you fixed.

I lived.

You didn't k*ll him.

You saved him.

I saved him?


Look at these pictures.

His family, his kids, His...brilliant grandson.

Look at all the accomplishments he had as a teacher.

Look at all the accomplishments of his students.

Look at all the love and the joy in these pictures.

Look at all the things that are in the world Because bill jett is in the world.

Because you held his heart in your hands And you fixed it.

He's not wasted one minute.

You gave him a second chance.

And by giving him that second chance, You've given everybody else in his life a first chance.

Doctor, you have no reason to feel guilty.

I'm the one who feels bad.

Because of what happened to me, You had a heart attack.

No, no, it wasn't your fault.

My heart was in bad shape, it was just a matter of time.

He doesn't want you to feel guilty.

His heart was in bad shape.

So he can hear me, right?


I just want to say...


Thanks for giving me my grandfather.

I never realized How lucky I was to come from him.

He seems like a nice kid.

Why is he dressed like a thug?


Oh, it's a long story.

He's crossing over now.

He's gone.

Are you ok?

Yeah, I'm cool.

I love you, grandpa.

Ok, wait, wait, wait, all right.

[both laugh]

Very nice.


Well, I'm sorry you had to go through all that.

That's all right, for you, it was worth it.


Good morning.


[record scratches]


We thought bill jett was the ghost who was haunting the morgue.

But he's not.

So who is?