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01x01 - Herr Doktor Tenma

Posted: 01/08/23 08:57
by bunniefuu
That was magnificent.

He was as skilful as ever.

The cerebral aneurysm was
in a delicate location. It's amazing that

- he was able to clip it off so quickly.
- Yeah.

That surgery was superb,
Herr Dr. Tenma.

I realised once more,

what a brilliant surgeon you are,
Kenzo Tenma.

No, I owe it all to you.
Thank you all for your help.

The sun's high in the sky already...

Yes. That surgery lasted
six hours straight...

You have no outpatients to see today,
so rest up.


What about Dad?
What happened to Dad?

Come on. Wake up.

Wake up, Dr. Tenma.

Our roles are reversed.

A princess like me
should be the one waking up to a kiss.

Eva... You're here...

You forgot about our date,

- didn't you, Kenzo?
- I'm here in Düsseldorf...

- What?
- Liebert, the consultant to

- No, I didn't.
- the East German Trade Commission,

who fled to the West
from East Germany,

appeared before the press
along with his family yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Liebert appeared to be
in good spirits,

along with their fraternal twins.

The family will remain in Düsseldorf
for a period of time

before moving to a home
prepared by authorities here.

- I feel like I haven't slept a wink.
- In other news...


- No, wake up!
- Opera singer Rosenbauch...

- The news is about you.
- who suffered

a subarachnoid haemorrhage yesterday
and was reported in critical condition...

seems to be recovering well
after undergoing surgery.

Dr. Heinemann, Director of
Eisler Memorial Hospital,

where the surgery was performed,
just held a press conference.

Mr. Rosenbauch suffered
a subarachnoid haemorrhage

stemming from a cerebral aneurysm.

The surgery went as expected,
and the clipping procedure

also went very well.

Mr. Rosenbauch has
quite a large following.

What are his chances
of a full recovery?

Yes, well, we will do our best
to assure he will sing again.

Dr. Heinemann's surgical team
has successfully completed

many difficult surgeries.

With this success, they have surely
solidified their position

in our country's medical community.

That was wonderful, Kenzo.

That wasn't news about me;
it was about your father.

That's true...

But that's because you did
such a perfect job last night,

as part of Father's team.

I'm sure Father is grateful to you.

After all, you're the one
who has boosted

the reputation of the hospital.

I'm the one who is grateful.

It's thanks to your father that
I am able to work here in Germany.

Hang in there, Kenzo.

If you stick with Father,
your future is guaranteed.

It won't be long before

Father becomes
Chairman of the Board.

Then, you'll quickly become
Chief of Surgery,

and in time, the Chief Director...

And then, I will be the Director's wife!

You must make me happy, now.
Hardships do not suit me.

You want to go out on a date?

Blood pressure, 128 over 64.


I will now scrape the pyramis.

As always, you did a magnificent job,
Dr. Tenma.

Thank you.

Although... it seems you're
not just good in surgery.


You've reached the position of
Head of neurosurgery

at such a young age,

and you're the favourite of

the Hospital Director
and the Chief of Surgery.

What's more, you've even captured
the heart of the Director's daughter.

W-What are you trying to say,
Dr. Becker?

Sorry. I'm not saying there's
anything wrong.

After all, a hospital is ruled by politics.

You do realise that you're being used
by the Director, don't you?

The surgery you performed
on that opera singer...

he acts like he performed it himself...

even holding a televised
press conference.

Well, if he's using you, it just means
that you are that capable.

If you become successful,
don't forget about me, now.

I'll treat you to a drink next time.

Uh... Is there something
you want to say?

You're Dr. Tenma?


Bring me back my husband...

Bring my husband back to me!

You! Why didn't you operate
on my husband?!

- Who are you?
- My husband was brought into

this hospital earlier!

He got here before that opera singer
Yet you made him wait!!


You! They say you're the best surgeon
in this hospital! Why?

Why? Why?

That day, I was...

about to start surgery
on a Turkish man

injured in a construction site accident.

Dr. Tenma...


You shouldn't be here.
Get over to OR 1, quickly.

It's an order from the Director.
Please hurry.

You... If you had operated on him,
he would have been saved!!

- You...
- Mama...

Bring him back to me. Bring him back!

...and then my friend and I
fought over that dress.

They had only one in that size.

But don't worry.
It ended up in my hands.

Hey, are you listening?



What in the world is
the matter with you?

I looked at the patient's chart.

The surgeon who performed
the operation on the Turkish man

was Dr. Becker.

Oh, you're still stuck on that story?

Clearly, it took them too long
to begin treating that patient.

If I had performed surgery on him
I may have been able to

save that Turk.

Don't talk about this
while we're eating.

But, what would she have me do?

I was just following orders
from the Director

when I performed surgery
on that opera singer.

It wasn't my fault.

Isn't that right?

Of course.

After all, people's lives
aren't created equal.


Give him back!

Give my husband back to me! me! to me!

Is that the mansion?

Yes. It was reported by a neighbour.

How many sh*ts?

Five or six.

Who lives here?

Well, uh... It seems to be
the residence of the Liebert family

who recently fled here
from East Germany.

What? This shall turn into
a big mess.

Charge in at the count of three!
1, 2, 3!

This is bad...

What in the world...

S-Someone's there!

There appears to be one survivor.
A girl!

A man and woman are dead!
A boy is in critical condition.

I repeat.
One boy is in critical condition!

An emergency?

A shot to the head?

Is that boy the only patient?

Yes. Both parents died instantly.
It seems to have been a robbery.

Got it. I'll be at the hospital
in five minutes.

Oh, Father!

I'm terribly sorry, Director Heinemann,

for keeping your precious daughter
out so late.

What are you talking about, Tenma.

Eva is your fiancé, isn't she?
How about coming in for some tea?

Have you notified
your parents in Japan

about your wedding date?

Uh-yes... But my father runs
a small clinic.

I'm not sure whether
he'll be able to spare the time

to come all the way here to Germany.

Wouldn't it be a good opportunity
for him to enjoy

a leisurely overseas trip?

That's right. They'll be coming
at our expense, after all.

Thank you very much.
I am completely indebted to you, sir.

When you arrived here in Germany,

I thought you were
a high school student, Kenzo.

And now you're the best
among the young doctors

at Eisler Memorial Hospital.

By the way, Kenzo...
That research you're doing

on cerebral vascular spasms
after subarachnoid haemorrhages...

Yes... I'm creating a model of
a subarachnoid haemorrhage in a dog.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to
cancel that research.


I have been asked to speak
at the next

European Medical Convention.

I want to have you
compile my manuscript.

Oh, but... my research
is just about completed...

But, I tell you,
there was quite a scene today...

What happened, Father?

A suspicious group of people
forced their way into the hospital

and began clamouring about
that operation on

the opera singer the other day.

They claimed we delayed treatment
of an injured Turkish man

who had arrived earlier
than that singer.

They're completely wrong about that.
That Turk was operated on first.

There was nothing wrong
with our procedures.

Isn't that right?

Uh, yes...

Those guys have the mistaken idea

that doctors are volunteer workers,
or something.

We are scholars, first and foremost.
Isn't that right?

In any case, I want you to
work on my manuscript.

I have high expectations of you,

Uh, thank you very much...


- The patient?
- He was just wheeled in.

How is he?

Blood pressure, 72 over 50;
pulse 137.

The b*llet went in
through his forehead...

Have X-rays done immediately.

Yes, sir!

Oh, Dr. Tenma!

Who's this girl?

She's that boy's twin sister.

Any injuries?


But she seems to have sustained
serious psychological shock.

What is it?


Dr. Tenma!

The X-rays and CT scans
of his head are ready.

All right. I'll be right there.

It entered the front of the head...

and stopped deep in the brain.


This shall be difficult.


The b*llet is touching
the left middle cerebral artery.

I see. Dr. Tenma is right.
This shall be very delicate.

If you move the b*llet even a little,

the artery could rupture,
causing massive bleeding.

I'm sorry to be late.

Dr. Becker!

You're supposed to be on duty.
How could you be so late?!

We'll do a full frontal craniotomy
of the frontal region,

remove any bone fragments
and contaminated brain matter.

We'll then carefully remove the b*llet

and finally repair
the damaged blood vessel.

It will take some time,
but let's do our best.

Blood pressure 120 over 80;
pulse 92. He looks good.

The anaesthesia has kicked in.

Dr. Tenma...


You should not be here.
You are needed at once in OR 1.

The mayor... Mayor Roddecker
has suffered a cerebral blood clot.

He's being transported here
by helicopter.

They're scheduled to arrive
in 10 minutes.

Then please contact Dr. Boyer.

There's a possibility of
arterial occlusion.

If that is the case,
you will perform the operation.

But I was just about to
begin surgery on that boy.

It's an order from the Director.

Yes? This is Tenma...

Oh, is this Tenma?
Take care of the Mayor, will you?

I have contacted Dr. Eisen
and Dr. Boyer, too.

That should give us added insurance.

But, Director Heinemann,
I am about to begin another operation.

Let Dr. Becker handle that one.


With all due respect,
the patient I am about to operate on

has a b*llet up against
his left middle cerebral artery

and it could turn into
a very complex surgery!

But I am confident I can do it.

I'll let Dr. Boyer
take care of the Mayor.

Only I can perform
the necessary surgery on this boy!

Tenma... Whatever the case,
I want you to do all you can

to save the Mayor.

The Mayor has promised this hospital
a huge increase in subsidies

in the next review of medical facilities.

We can't have him die just yet.

So I want you to do this.
I'm counting on you, Tenma.


The Mayor has arrived on the heliport.

After the CT scans are done,
do an angiogram.

Pinpoint the site of
the thrombus occlusion.

Get ready now, Dr. Tenma!

We're counting on
your genius abilities.

Those guys have the mistaken idea
that doctors are

volunteer workers, or something.

We are scholars first and foremost
Isn't that right? Isn't that right?

Isn't that right?

I was just following orders
from the Director

when I performed surgery
on that opera singer.

It wasn't my fault.

Of course.

After all, people's lives
aren't created equal.

Give him back to me...

If you had operated on him,
he would have been saved.

Give my husband back to me!

Give him back! Give him back!
Give him back! Give him back!

Give him back! Give him back!
Give him back!!

What's the matter, Dr. Tenma?

I... I have a surgery to perform
in the other OR.


H-Hey, Dr. Tenma!

It's the Director's order!

The Mayor is undergoing
a CT scan now.

Doctors, you are needed immediately
in the reading room.

All right.

Wait, Dr. Tenma!

Dr. Tenma!!

Don't worry. Just hang in there!
I will save you!!
