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02x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/08/23 12:19
by bunniefuu
Welcome to the loony bin.

What do you think it means,
this nightmare?

I thought that was your job.

No, it's pretty obvious, isn't it?

I'm being held underground,

tortured by the only person
who knows the truth.

How did you feel down there?


Abandoned. Banished.

How the hell do you think I felt?

Not even my daughter
has replied to my letters.

Your dream reminds me of a short story.

It's about a city where everyone's happy.

No one is hungry, no one is violent.

They have achieved a perfect balance.

But there's a catch.

The system depends
on the suffering of a child,

who's kept and tortured underground.
That's the pact.

You remove that one child,
the entire utopia collapses.

You thought
you would bring light upon the world,

but you became a pariah, not a savior.

Listen, doctor,

I know that my pain
isn't the center of the bloody universe.

But you tried to take your life.

Yes, but I'm not
the one in real danger, am I?

The planet is. And do you know what?

I could do something about it.

But they arrested me,
and then they put me in a cell.

And then they stuck me
on bloody su1c1de watch.

You know what?

You can piss off!

Piss off, the lot of you!

You have a visitor.

And who might you be?

A friend.

I don't do friends.

An admirer.

If you're one of those crackpots
that hang around

looking for tortured souls to redeem,

then you're in the wrong place,

I'm innocent.

I'm not interested in whatever it is
you have done in the past, Doctor Wilde.

What's ahead of us,
that's what I'm here for.

Captain, do you read me? Over.

Captain, do you read me? Over.

It's been what? About an hour?

The storm is closing in.

Northerly gale 8, becoming very rough.

Keep on trying!

Captain, do you read me? Over.

Renaud, come in.

Captain, do you read me? Over.

Renaud, come in? Renaud...

Forget about them.

- He's got them.
- What,

- you think he k*lled his own brother?
- What?

Do you want to go down and check?

Go ahead.

Mayday, mayday, mayday.

This is Alexandria, Eco,
Charlie, Lima, Alpha.

Mayday. Position,

latitude: Four-five degrees,
two-one minutes south.

Longitude: One-zero-five degrees,
one-nine minutes west.

I have lost my engine.

I have five casualties,
including the Captain.

I request immediate assistance. Mayday.

Welcome to Point Nemo.

Mayday, Alexandria, Eco,
Charlie, Lima, Alpha.

This is Na has hi Maru.

- Received.
- Thank God.

This is a fishing vessel.
We will need 18 hours to get there.


Roger. We will keep our radio open.

Thank you, Captain. A rig a to.

We don't have 18 hours.

My samples will be dead in two!

Why is there no power at the PBR room?

We have power here.

When the engine dies,
the emergency generator kicks in.

We're in SOS mode now.

Anything that's not essential
has automatically gone dark.

- We need to fix it.
- Good luck with that.

- I'm not sending anyone below deck.
- Listen to me!

No, you listen to me.

I'm the commanding officer of this ship.

My duty is to the crew and the vessel,
not to your research.

Do you have any idea what's at stake here?

Do what you want with your lot.

But my crew is staying put.

And that's an order.


Come on.

Come on.

You finally got what you wanted, huh?

What are you talking about?

The ship is yours.

You're in charge now.


Well, so the ship is a 145 meters long.

Can anyone find the g*dd*mn generator?

Hold on. Let me have a look.

Let's turn it round.

That's it.

- It must be here.
- Let me see.

Yeah, that's it. Emergency generator.

That's all the way down the prow,
level three.

I'm sorry, but what's the plan?
Say we manage to get there.

Can we reconfigure
the generator somehow?

Well, we rewire it manually.

Are you crazy? That's too far.

I don't think
we even have enough wire for that.

We do.

What did you say?

- We're talking about 120 meters, right?
- Yeah.

We have enough cables.
I can show you where we keep them.

Thank you.

I'm gonna need someone with me.

- Well, what about Charlie?
- Charlie doesn't have a g*n.

I'm sorry, I'm not risking my life.

I'm just the cook.

- How much?
- What?

- You. How much?
- What do you mean?

How much? Hundred thousand dollars?
Two hundred thousand?

I'm on your side, but I'm not going down.
- Come on, how much?

- Arthur, stop.
- Half a million.

Take it or leave it.

Half a million.

US dollars.

You have my word.

Come on.

Oxygen is at 68%.

It's decaying much faster
than you anticipated.

Well, at least, the air compressors
will help give us a bit more time.

Yeah, but not much.

- You better come back in one piece, okay?
- Yeah.

We'll be listening.


- This is totally useless now.
- Is it though?

It certainly is.

I mean, I don't know.

The compressor still looks intact.



Maybe we could salvage some of the parts

and construct something
that we could carry with us

when the Japs come.

Yeah, I hadn't thought of that.

Get Yuto and Gloria to help you.

Arthur, look,

Oscar couldn't have tried
to steal our research on his own.

Are you sure
you want more people involved?

And how the hell am I going to keep
an eye on you, sweetheart,

if I don't have other people involved?

Are you ready, Wan?


Now or never, right?

Excuse me?

I'm sorry. Are you alright?

Can I help you?

I don't think you can.

You're hurt. What happened?


My boyfriend, he...


Do you know a Rachel Russo?

She lives in this building and...

And she's the only family
I've got in Dublin, so...

You're family with Rachel?
I'm... I'm her flatmate.

- You're Liam?
- Yeah.

I'm Anna, her cousin from London.

I'm sorry.
I don't think she's ever mentioned you.


Well, my battery is dead
from trying to call her,

it's like she's on another planet
or something.

She's on a business trip.

Okay, f*ck.

No, wait.

Come inside.
Let me have a look at that.

- You sure?
- Of course.

Thank you.

- Since when do we have a second PBR?
- Good question.

Can you make
a smaller one out of it or not?

- I don't even know what this is.
- You?

Maybe I can,
but I'm gonna need your 3D printer.

I hate to break it to you,

but if you think you can retire
with half a million in the piggy,

- you can't.
- Retire? No.

With that money,
I'll buy my own restaurant.

I'll become a chef.

Top crew, top produce.

Is that what you're risking your neck for?

I love to cook.

What I hate is this ship.

20 years of this hell is enough.

Come on.

Third cable in. Halfway there.

You were right,
someone is trying to steal the research.

- It has to be one of the scientists.
- How?

Since when do we have access
to the containers?

You know what really bugs me?

- What?
- The killings only began

after the breakthrough.

First Kowalski, then Zach, then Rachel...
It's like they got what they wanted,

now they're just getting rid
of all the witnesses. Us.

You think
they had it planned from the start?

I don't know. I mean, think about it:

No communications,
all the secrecy to come on board.

Nobody knows we're here!

- If you're the k*ller...
- What? I'm not the k*ller!

- What is...?
- Yuto, please.

Just let me speak, okay?

If you're the k*ller,
could you just, please, do it fast?

Like, sh**t me in the head kind of thing.

Because honestly,
death doesn't scare me,

but I just don't wanna suffer,
could you do that?

Okay. I'll keep that in mind.

- Thank you.
- Yeah.

Is that Kowalski's laptop?

It worked!

We're there.

Oh, shit!






Charlie! No!


Help, help!

He got Alec! Charlie got Alec!

Wan, what was that?

Wan, what did you say?
Charlie got Alec, is that what you heard?

- Wan?
- Shit!

Alec, Alec, do you copy? Alec?


Put him down.

I said put him down!


Mister Wan.

Yes. It's me, mister Wan.

Mister Wan.

No, Char...

Alec, are you ok?

Alec, talk to me!

You! Send him down! Now!

What the hell is going on?

Alec and Wan
are trying to reach the generators,

but Charlie has got in their way.
I need you down there!

- Now!
- Wait, what the hell

- was Wan doing down there?
- He agreed to go.

For a compensation.

- You f*cking bastard.
- How much?

- Don't you dare.
- A hundred grand.

Enough! This is not happening!

It's now or never, son.



Okay. I'll do it.

- f*ck!
- But I want your g*n.

What g*n?

I'm coming down.


Come through.

I'm on level 2, I'm following the cables.

Alec, do you copy?

Rachel, get your ass up here now!

No! Someone needs to go to the generator

and my life is worth just as much
as anyone else's on the ship.

Rachel, please, no!

We have to save the research.

I can't believe I'm saying this,
but you're right.

This is bigger than us.

It's not worth it, Rachel.

Dad, how can you say that
after everything you've been through?

Rachel, Rachel, please, no.

You said that you trusted me.

I do.

Then let me do this.

No, no, no. f*ck.

Kowalski was working on this.


That's not the same molecule
that Arthur is working with?

But look, the file was created
the same day he was k*lled.

He must have been working on this
while we were celebrating.

This could be the reason he was k*lled.

I'll go find Arthur. He needs to know.

- Hey.
- Yeah?

- Be careful.
- Sure.



Alec! Alec!

- Do you want a coffee or something?
- I... Yeah. That'd be nice.

So, what's going on with Rachel?

I was hoping you could answer that.

I don't know much.

Last I saw her was like three months ago.

She was in the Philippines,

doing her thing
with the sea stars and free diving.

- Right.
- But...

Well, she said she'd be back by now.

Yeah, I mean,
the whole thing is a bit weird.

The Philippines was her passion project

and she just dropped it like a hot brick.

Did she say why?

She said
she couldn't go into any details.

But then...

I mean,
you know about her father, right?

Yeah, that was something.


She never spoke about him.
Like, never.

Did you ever meet him?


Yeah. Once. A long time ago.

Do you think she's with him?

You tell me.

I'm starting to worry, it's...

It's not like her to be impulsive.


There's something I haven't told anyone.

But the last text that she sent
was just her saying goodbye,

and then a selfie on a port,

by a massive ship.

- That's a Chilean flag, isn't it?
- Chile?

What the f*ck is she doing in Chile?

You know what?
Maybe we shouldn't speculate.

I'm sorry. I have work to do.

It's okay. I'll go.

Could I just use your bathroom quickly?

- Yeah, it's second on the right.
- Okay.

Arthur? It's me.

Can anyone tell me if it's working?

No. It's nothing, Rachel, nothing.

Try again.

Rachel, I'm standing beside it,
it's not working.

Okay, let's try something else.

Wait, the power's back, Rachel.
The power's back.

You hear me? The power's back, well done.
Come back now!


Oxygen levels are rising.

It's coming back up.

Hey, Charlie.

What are you doing here?

It doesn't matter.

Okay, I need to rewire the generator.

- Why?
- To...

To get the PBR machine running again.

- PBR?
- Yeah, it's a t*nk.

With a light. Do...

Do you remember when we were in the lab,
with the...? With the light. It...

- Yeah.
- It's that, it grows algae.

- Algae?
- It's really, really important.

We could save...
Save millions of lives with it.

- Saving lives with algae?
- Yeah.

- Do you think I'm stupid?
- No, no.

No, it's what we're trying to do.

- You've heard about Climate Change...
- You're lying.

- I'm... I'm not.
- Why are you lying to me?

- I'm not lying.
- You are so!

I know... I know where Blanda is.

- Where is she?
- She's safe.

- Where is she?
- She's... She's safe.

She's safe.

She's safe.

She's my only friend now.

- No, Charlie.
- I don't have friends.

No. No, I'm...

- I'm your friend.
- Are you?

I'm your friend too.

A friend who wants to lock me up.

No, Charlie...

Charlie. Let her go.

Alec, don't.

Alec, please, don't k*ll him.


- Let's go.
- Are you okay?

Someone open the door.

Come on. Come on!

Quick! Quick!

Seal it!

Let's go.

There's many other ways for him
to come out of there.

I thought I was going to lose you.

"Dear Rachel."

Once again, I write to you,
in the hope that you'll reply,

even if it is to tell me
never to write you again.

I'm done.

Done with power wielded for nothing.

Done with inertia and stupidity.

I'm done with waiting
when there's so much work to do.

I have gotten in touch
with the dark parts of me,

parts that have been long dormant.

I've found a way
to turn everything on its head.

"I mean everything."

I knew I'd seen your face somewhere.

Don't try anything.

The Garda are on their way.

I swear to God.

Don't swear to God.

God has nothing to do with this.

What the hell are you doing here?

What's this?

Just a molecule.

What molecule?

A molecule.

You don't wanna do this.

You don't have it in you.

You see, pulling the trigger,
that's the easy part.

But the people you k*ll,
they stay with you forever.

And that's the hard part.

So you've got to have a really good reason
for taking someone's life.

And you just don't,

do you?

The photo. I want to see it.

- What?
- The one Rachel sent you.

What do you want with Rachel?

It was you.

You k*lled Kowalski!


No, wait, Gloria, no, wait, I can explain.

Wait, I can explain.

No, wait. Wait, Gloria.

No. No, wait! Wait!
Let me explain, Gloria!

Gloria, this is infantile.



Come on,
you're smarter than this, Gloria.

Come on, Gloria.

Open the door!

Gloria, come out and we'll discuss it.

Come on, Gloria. Come on.

- Help!
- Open the door!


We've got her.


Bring her here.