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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/08/23 12:51
by bunniefuu
Come on, people!
Get them while they're hot!

Which won't be too long out here,

in this g*dd*mn cold.

There you go. There you go.

Ok, go.

Go, go, go!

Go! Wow, take it easy.

This is mine. Okay?

Speech, speech, speech!

Okay, okay... If I must.

This has been a summer of intense work

and scientific exploration.

But our mission is not yet finished.

While our lucky
summer brothers and sisters

are leaving for the warmth
of civilization,

a few of us remain
to endure the winter darkness

in order to bring the light
of knowledge to the world.

The work we started on Polaris V
and that we continue to do here

could be the very thing
that cures our ailing planet.

Summer's over.

"Who is it?"

It's the summer commander.

Annika dear,

can you stop fighting
climate change for a moment

- and join the farewell party?
- Why should I?

Because he's your boss,

and it is important
for you to be there.

Yes, but...

You're my husband.

A husband I don't get to see
for six months.

Or touch...

Or kiss...

Or touch...

"Everybody's leaving today?"

Most of them are, yeah...

Only ten of us
will remain here, you see?

Take off's in a couple of hours.

Last one of the summer. After that...

"Hey, listen to me,

you can do this, you hear me?

Everything is going
to be alright. You'll see."

Sure. Six months of isolation
in the coldest place on Earth.

What could possibly go wrong...

"Mom would be proud of you."


- I was looking for you.
- I'm just talking to my sister.

Come on, hurry up. Hey.

This could be the last time
Gus does the chicken dance.

- Oh, I wouldn't wanna miss that.
- No, you wouldn't.

Bye, Syl.

- I love you.
- "Bye."

...Lukas found it
in his search history,

and grounded him for a month.

It's just crazy what kids have

at the tip of their fingers
these days...

May I have this dance, my lady?

I was actually just about
to get a burger.

You know what?

I think you're scared.

- What?
- You're scared...

of this!

Oh, please...

Stop, stop! Please, please!

- But I'm so happy you came!
- Okay, okay!

You win!

I hope you are going to miss me.

I'm not going to miss you.

- Of course not.
- No, I'm not.

Take good care of my station, yeah?

No, no. You mean my station,
my station now.

- Okay.
- Get the f*ck out of here.


Are you sure about this?

- Johan...
- You can't stand him.

That has nothing to do with it.

You haven't worked together
for eight years.

- With good reason.
- But I am doing it now.

I want my name on this, Johan.

He should not be allowed
to get the credit again,

just because he is a man.

I discovered that bacteria
together with Arthur.



f*ck, I love you.

So much.

- And you know that.
- Yes.

I've been thinking a lot about...

having more people in the house.

- More people in the house?
- The small kind.

The small kind?

We'll make a family together.


- Yes?
- Yes.

"This is nonsense.
Doesn't prove a damn thing.

Thought you'd feel that way, Garry.

You were the only one
that could have gotten

to that blood...

We'll do you last..."

You f*cked up, MacReady.
You should've done Palmer last.

Jesus, whose idea was this?

It's a tradition.

All stations watch it
at the beginning of the winter.

It's a celebration
of your fellow winterers.


I think I need a break.

Where are you going?
Maggie, are you scared?

There are things
that bump in the night...

A stray.

It probably got separated from its herd

during last night's blizzard.

Where is she going?

It's trying to find its way
to the ocean.

Probably won't make it

- You know you can't help.
- I know.

- It's against the rules.
- Yeah, I know.

Flying out our garbage,

staying away from the wildlife,

trying to pretend we aren't here.

It's absurd, of course, but...

those are the rules.

Jesus, we're in the middle of nowhere.

Who would find out,
who would know if we helped her?

I think you're learning
the wrong lesson from this.

This place doesn't give a shit
if we live or die.

Empathy will only get you k*lled.

- Astrid.
- Hey.

There it is.

- How long it's been?
- Three weeks.

No contact?

It happens.

To lose all communications?


She's fine.

Tonight we will all be pretending

we cannot hear you two
through the thin walls.

Where's everybody?

Where's the welcome committee?

I don't know.

Come on!



Get the generator up and running.

The generator.

Let's check the generator. Come on.


Yes, it's not new... It's...

a week old, at least.


Johan, b*llet holes.

Who the hell had weapons in here?



It's Erik.

What's going on?

I... I don't know, Johan.

"Johan, Astrid talking.

You need to get to the hangar
right now."

Come on, Micke!


What the f*ck?

Where's the other Sno-Cat?

Not here.

There's something else...
you should see.



Is that...?

Has anyone looked?

We were waiting for you.


What can you tell me?

Judging by the size,
the bone structure...

I would... I'd say it's a woman.

Did she die in there?

Yes, probably.

Looking at the bone disintegration,

we're talking degrees, at least.

I'm sorry.

It doesn't have to be Annika, right?

Search the whole station.

Look for the rest of the crew.

Check every f*cking corner
and find my wife, yeah?

You two, check the dorms.

Look everywhere.
And I mean everywhere! Come on.

- We go to the mess hall.
- Yeah.

Go, go, go!

Johan, we can't open the kitchen door,

it's somehow blocked from the inside.

Come on, yeah! Come on!

Come on!

It's Maggie! Maggie!

Easy, easy.

Come on, Gus.

Come on, easy.



It's Johan. Look at me.

You know who I am.
We are not gonna hurt you.

We are not here to hurt you.

Maggie, wanna put that knife down?

Put the knife down, Maggie. Maggie.

Put it down. Okay.

There you go.


We're gonna get you out

and send you to the infirmary, okay?

Come on.

It's safe.


Watch your head.

Easy, easy.

Let's go, come on, come on.

We knew these people, right?

We were their friends.

They were civilized.

I just can't begin to imagine

them k*lling one another...

I mean look at poor Maggie,
she seemed terrified...

Maybe it wasn't them.

One of the missing, then?





I need you in the air.

Check the western plateau.

The Argentinean station is closest.

Maybe the Sno-Cat tried to reach it.


"You're speaking

to Superintendent Bergman now.

What's the situation you found
on the ground today?"

No electricity.
One of the Sno-Cats is missing.

The other one is...


Totally burned down.

you see signs of destruction.

b*llet holes.

"Someone brought a w*apon

to a demilitarized zone?"

It seems like it.

We don't know who.

"What about the personnel?"

Seven dead. Two missing.

And one survivor.

"That'd be Doctor Mitchell?"

Yes, she was the station doctor.

"Could you describe
her current state to me?"

This is Mikael Karlsson, I am...

I am the expedition doctor.

She's not making a lot of sense
right now.

Serious T.


Polar T syndrome.

It leads to memory loss and psychosis.

She's in a bad state.

"Will she live?"

Yes... Yes.

Try not to disturb the crime scene."

Okay, but the whole station
is a crime scene.

"I know, and I understand that,

but I'm going to need you
to do your best.

About Doctor Mitchell,

keep her safe, keep her isolated."

Is she a suspect?

"She's a person of interest.

We're sending a team down there.

Our officers will take charge
of the investigation

as soon as they get there."

And how long will that be?

"I'm being told hours."

Are you ok?

I hadn't had a cigarette in ten years.

And here I am, freezing
my ass off for the privilege

of getting cancer,
so what do you think?

How did you get a hold of those?

Mess hall.

So much for not...

disturbing the crime scene.

Don't tell the police.

I won't.


Can she be questioned?

- In hours?
- No, now.

We are supposed to wait for the police.

I can't wait that long, Micke.

Annika can't wait that long.


Do you know who I am?



You can go.

- Johan, I don't know...
- Micke, you can go.

I'm sure you can guess
what I'm about to ask, Maggie.

- Annika?
- Where is she?

I see... I see her.


Screaming. She's...

Is she hurt?

Maggie, is she hurt?

I don't know.

- You don't know?
- It's all...

It's... bees, buzzing in my skull.
They cover everything.

Maybe you could shoo away those bees?


If I were to ask if...

if you did this, what would you answer?

- Did?
- The murders.

You think I...?

What do you expect me to think?

I have seven bodies.

I got two missing and Annika...

Maggie, sorry.

It's a lot to process, okay?

I just need some clarity.

I need you to tell me
what happened, Maggie.

Can you do that, please?

It was after burying the seal...

The se... the seal?

That's when it started.

That day...

No, the day after and...

Miles and Nils, they...

We were naked,
we were doing that run...

Three, two, one. Go!

It's f*cking cold, isn't it?
It's f*cking cold!

- Yeah, well done guys!
- Well done!

Here you go.

Three hot chocolates for the newbies.


You deserve it.

Of all the clubs that I consider
myself proud to be a member of,

none fill me
with quite as much pride...

as the -Club.

To go from degrees
Fahrenheit in that steam room,

to minus out there
in the dark polar night,

that is not only a mark of distinction,

that is a mark of insanity.

To Maggie,



This is your first winter
with this merry band of misfits.

You replace...

two of our fallen brothers,

Lars and Damian.

May they rest in peace.

Anyway... Enough of all that.

All I really wanted to say was...

Welcome to the loony bin!

Welcome, welcome!

He likes the sound
of his own voice, doesn't he?

Yep, but he's a genius.

Did you watch his rant at Davos?

Yeah, I think I did.

That was nasty.

But the research he did on Polaris V,

what he and Annika found
eight years ago,

that was a game changer.

You sound like a groupie.

Are you kidding me?

A bacteria that feeds on CO?

Do you know how many candidates
I had to k*ll to get this gig?

f*cking touching me!

Hey Miles, leave me alone.

f*cking assh*le!

Hey! Hey!

f*ck off!

Stop it!

- f*cking liability!
- f*cking twat!

What are you doing?


Miles, what happened?

What happened?

That m*therf*cker acts
like he owns the place,

just because he's been down here
since before they shot Lennon.

He's been getting on your nerves?



He's been timing me.

- Timing you?
- Yeah, in the shower.

He stands out with
a f*cking watch in his hand.

- While he showers?
- While I shower.

He stands there and says,

"You got five minutes,
you had five minutes."

I know we got five minutes,

I know we all got
five f*cking minutes a week.

I don't need
that m*therf*cker telling me

how precious hot water is.

And he goes on... he says,

"You got, you heard,
you had six minutes,

you had seven f*cking minutes."

- And have you?
- No!

Yeah. I don't know. I...


It's hard...

to keep track.

It's hard to keep track, down here.

You know?



I'm sorry, doc. I...

You just, you just reminded me
of someone.

- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.

She was too good for the ice.
I think maybe you are too.


I think I'm going to increase
his dose of tyrosine.

That serious?

A little T-ish.

He's losing time. More than usual.

Did he say anything?

- Anything?
- Yeah.

About what?

About whatever it is that's going on

inside that head of his.

They were fighting over shower time.

That's how that thing started.

Is that it?

I think that's enough for now, Arthur.


- Sorry, Sir...
- Erik.


I'm sorry, I'm...

I'm just trying to work out
who I'm supposed to answer to.

I'm the commander.

But he's the superstar.

It's complicated to deal with him,

especially since he is the one
saving the world.

Thank you.

Good morning, Argentina!

Hello, Méndez...

Did you watch the match last night?

'Cause someone's ass got kicked again!

That must have hurt, huh?

Hello, Méndez?

Méndez, wakey, wakey!

Méndez... Wake up!

What are you drinking?

It's really good, try.

No, I'm not gonna drink that.

This is sugar.

No, it's fruit.

It's not fruit!

Look, you could eat beef,
you could eat lamb,

pork, turkey, chicken,
and still feel good,

still feel fit, you know?

Paleo would be good for you.

You calling me chubby?

Yeah, she did. Yeah.

- What?
- For sure.

No, no, no. I'm just...

it would make you feel good!

- In, in... you meaning me.
- Right, right.

- Just eat. Right. Just eat.
- Thanks, I appreciate.

- That's fine.
- That dog food.

It is done.

What are you talking about?

The seal. I buried it.

You're nuts! What about the Treaty?

Well, the Antarctic Treaty

says not to disturb the wildlife...

not the wilddead, right?

I don't think that's what it means.

"If a law is unjust,

a man is not only right to disobey it,

he is obligated to do so."

- Wait, is that...?
- That's Thomas Jefferson.

What? I'm a cook, not a philistine.

A renaissance man.

Who's a renaissance man?

- No one...
- Michelangelo.

- Yeah, good old Michelangelo.
- Best of Ninja Turtles.


Miles didn't come for dinner yet?

No idea. I haven't seen him all day.


Anyone seen Miles?

No, no.

And this afternoon?


I saw him earlier. Outside.

Doing his round.

How long ago was that?

I don't know.


Three hours?

Miles, are you here?



Miles, can you here us?! Miles!


Hey, Miles!


Miles, are you there?



Guys? You'd better come see this.


"You've found Miles? Over."

Not exactly.

"On my way."


- What's up?
- Come see this.

- What?
- This.


Is that...?

Of course it is.

You go back inside.

That's bullshit.


Guys! They're back!


Where's Miles?


Did you find him?

What is going on?

Hey, Heather?



Hey, Nils?

Did you find him?

Nils, is he okay?


- What the f*ck is going on?
- I don't know, I don't know...


What... Please guys!

Heather, check the comms. Hello? Hello?

- What's going on, guys?
- Hey!

Hello? f*ck!

- Erik? Talk to me!
- Hello?

f*ck! f*ck! Central! Central!
Central! Hello?!

What the f*ck is going on!?

Why are we not connected
to the satellite?


- What's going on?
- f*ck, f*ck, f*ck...


Why is the satellite not linked?

Satellite is not working...

But we can fix it!
Somebody knows how to fix it!

That would be Miles's job...

Where is Miles?




Okay. Easy, easy!
What happened? What happened?

Easy! Come on. What happ... Micke!

I don't f*cking know...
I don't know what's happening!

- It's all right.
- What's happening to her?

It's okay, relax!

- Micke!
- Get out!

What do you need?

- Get out, I said!
- f*ck! f*ck!

So relax, relax. Relax, Maggie.
I'm here, I'm here.

Find me.

"Dear Johan,
I am so sorry there are things...

I don't deserve forgiveness...

...blood in my hands...

...for what I did...

...I deserve to burn..."