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02x09 - Update

Posted: 01/09/23 05:39
by bunniefuu
Can you feel that?

The latest ultrasound
looks good.

You and the baby
are fine.

You got three races
out of five

with those stupid odds.

How did that happen?

The timeline has changed a lot.

We are in
serious financial trouble.

What happened
to we're all on the same side?

I don't want to be
in the same room.

I should be leading this team.

Do we have
a problem?


FBI! Show me your hands!

Son of a bitch.

Sergeant Richard Hall,

you have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say

can and will be
used against you...

First time?

Yeah. You?


Third for him.

Good evening, Historians.

Welcome to Regional Update 4.

I'm Traveler A-26
of the archivist program.

If this is your first time,

please take a moment

to look inside the bag
you were provided on the way in.

The two green pills

are to be taken immediately
following the update.

It's important

that we restore

any chemical imbalances
in the brain.

The yellow pills
you will need going forward.

From time to time,

you may perceive
what we call "projections..."

visual manifestations

of one or more
alternate timelines...

An unavoidable side-effect

of memory not acquired
by conventional means.

The yellow pills

will help to focus
your sensory perception

on one timeline at a time.

When you run out,

call this number
to arrange for more.

Get that?


Next, Protocol 2H...

The update is not to be
discussed with anyone.


Do not break this protocol.

This update will include
historical information

relevant to your team's role
in the Grand Plan,

including potential candidates,
investments, etc.

But by its very nature,

your update may also include
historical information

about your team members,
loved ones.

About you.

This is a burden
you will have to carry with you

until the day you die...

A date which,
for obvious reasons,

will be omitted
from your update.

Any questions?

Let's begin.


Open memory chain 1A.

Hey. I made breakfast.

I don't wanna be late.

Hey, come on, Carly.

Take five minutes.

Grant! They chose me!


The Pattersons.


You know,
the restaurant owners.


Jill. Right.

This means
what exactly?

That I will be designing
their new restaurant

with a brand-new baby.

Well, you'll have
my help with the baby.

I can't take a job
that I don't have time to do...

We'll figure it out.

- So I should say yes?
- Do you want to say yes?


Then yes.


I'll let them know.

Nice work.

Hey, guys.


What's the mission?

I got a messenger

with lotto numbers

Director must've seen

we're in a bit
of a financial hole

and decided to step up.


I obviously can't win
any more lotteries

without attracting
undo attention,


you won 86k

on the super draw
last night...

And these numbers

on the mega ball
for tonight

will get you 62.

$62 doesn't sound
like very much.


Oh, good.

You both get
6 numbers out of 7.

Why don't we just win
7 out of 7 and we're covered?

Because historically,

someone else is supposed
to win the big one

and completely ruin
their lives.

What about me?

You are too young to gamble.

An excellent example of irony.

So will that
get us out of the hole?

Not even close.

This is seed money.

But I can quadruple it
with horse races

and use those earnings

to create something
far more substantial.

How does that even work

if the historical record
has changed?

The messenger gave me
very detailed instructions.

We're good.

Congratulations, you guys!

- Sweet.
- Thanks.


What did you think?

I liked it.
It's like therapy.

Yeah. That's the idea.

We should do it
more often.

I'm in.

Hey, do you know

if there's a store
around here anywhere?

So do I go
for the $3.00 water,

the luxurious
$5.00 bottle of water,

or the suspiciously-underpriced
99-cent water?

You're buying
a lottery ticket?



I buy one once in a while

when the jackpot gets
insanely big like this one.

I don't know why.

I mean, any size jackpot
would change my life.

I always play
my same lucky numbers.

Yeah. Do you ever win?


Thank you.


What's up?

Why'd you stop playing?

Same reason you did.

You got a concussion, too?

Whatever, Trevor.

Whoa, Kyle!

Don't try to tell me

that you don't remember
what he did to us

because of your concussions.

Nobody forgets shit like that.

Maybe I just don't like
to think about it...

Hey. Can I help you?

No, I don't need any help.

Do you need any help?

I'm good.

Yeah, no, we're good.

Who's your friend?


Well, hello, Kyle.
Nice to meet you.

You know, Trevor and us, we...
We go way, way back.

I'm Hall.
This is my associate, Luca.



Hey, Trevor,
I'm gonna go.

I'll catch up
with you later.

Boss, it's me.

What's up?

Hall and Luca got out
of prison early.

How do you know?

Because I'm standing
right in front of 'em.

They're parked
outside the school.

I guess they don't know
I don't like being watched.

Tough guy.
I love it!

Do me a favor...

Give my regards
to the boy scout.

They just drove off.

What was that about?
What'd he say?


Just thought you should know.

Thanks for the heads up.

Hey, Philip.

Got your winnings.

Hopefully, we get
more messengers like that.

Where's the rest of it?

I took some.

I need to invest that.

Well, turns out

"baby needs
a new pair of shoes"

isn't just a saying.

And my van need
a new transmission.


I can make it work.

How is all that going,
by the way?

You and Jeff
and the baby?

Is it workin' out?

It's fine. Why?

I don't know, just asking.

Asking what exactly?

Uh... if things
were okay at home?

Are you developing
a thing for me?


I just haven't...

heard you talk about
that in a while, and...

It's all good.


I mean, don't get me wrong,
I think you're very attractive.

This is weird.

I agree.

I'm going to go.


Thanks for the cash.

Atta boy.

Come on, Kyle.

Come on, Kyle!
One, two.

Atta boy.

Atta boy!

Way to work out
some of that aggression.

Come on, let's get some water.

Come on,
let's keep going.

Have a drink.
Come on.

Let's talk a bit.

Leave it alone.

The old man
can't touch us anymore.

Come on.

One, two, one, two.

One, two.

One, two.
One, two.

Why haven't you
told anybody?

Why haven't you?

We're not talkin' about me.

- He said if I let him...
- One, two.

Come on, come on.
One, two.

He'd take care of me!

Set me up.

With scholarships
and shit...

One, two.

What did he
promise you, hmm?

The same.

Eight straight.
Come on.

What if it's still going on
with other players?

Man, you know it is.

Then we gotta do something.

Like what?

You want to go
to the police?

Go to the school?

Be his victims
the rest of our lives?

If that ends it.

He can't stand
against both of us.

We did nothing wrong, Kyle.

Would you...
Would you go in with me?


Come on.
Let's see a two.

Atta boy. One, two.




Stay calm for us, Kathryn.

going to be fine, sweetheart.

This is exactly
where you need to be.

Grant, please don't leave.

I'll stay right here.
I promise.

We're going to get her
an ultrasound

and assess her from there.

She'll be out shortly.

Good morning, Trevor!

How are your grades?

Have you narrowed down
a list of colleges yet?

What can I do
to better help you succeed?

I read my employee manual

and I am ready
to guide the shit

outta these pubescent brats.

I need your help
with something.



I'm sorry.
Do I know you?

It's me. Luca.


I was just warned about you
watching members of my team.

I only want to talk.

Do you?

Hi, Kathryn.

I have the results
from the ultrasound

and the baby is fine.

Oh, thank God.

You have formed

a small placental abruption,

so we want you
to stay in for a bit,

just so we can monitor
you and the baby,

make sure
it doesn't get any worse.

But what if it does?

It won't.

If the baby forces our hand,

we can talk about our options,

but for now,

we just need to assess
where we're at, okay?

Buzz the nurses
if you need anything.


You don't remember
anything from that time?


I was briefed
by members of my team

about the time I lost, but...

it's not the same
as actually living it.

Well, at least
now I know

why you never came
to visit me in prison.


You said you would have died...

Losing my sister before I ever
really got to know her

would be worse than...

Luca, Luca...

We were separated so young.

We can't know for sure
that we're really family.

Guys, it's Mac.

I'm going to be
unavailable for a while.

There's a problem...

What's wrong?

Kathryn's in the hospital.

She's had some medical...


and I need to be here with her.


Yeah. I'm on my way.

- Is everything all right?
- Sorry, I have to go.



Hey, this is Marcy.

Leave a message.

Marcy, I won the lottery!

6 numbers out of 7!

That's 31...

Isn't that freaking amazing?

It would have been $62,000,

but someone else
won the lottery.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, that's you!!

Because I took your numbers!

You won the lottery, too!


I mean, that means
I took half your money.

I mean, that's like...

That's like cheating.


Yeah, you know what,
I should just give it to you.


That's what I'm gonna do.

But, I mean,

what are the chances

that your numbers
would be picked

any more than my mine, right?

Oh, my God, did you hear
the greed in my voice?

Because I sure did.

I mean, I may as well

have just come out and said
"That money's mine!"

This is how money ruins people.

I think I'm going to be sick.

Still no answer.

We said we'd meet
after second period.

You know,
for my first actual case

as a guidance counselor,

you could have
eased me into it.


I have been looking
all over for you.

Connor needs a QB
that can hit him in the hands

if we want to win state.


we'd love to have you out.

And Connor, how are things?

Could use my old quarterback
back on the team.

Talk some sense into him.

Oh, I don't understand
sportsball, so...

Can't keep a spot open for you
forever, Trev.

Why didn't you
just deal with him

right then and there?

Not in front of the kid.

It's gonna be hard
enough on him as it is.




I'm really diggin'
us workin' out together.

Yeah? That's good.

And this playlist...


You like it?

Oh, yeah.

You gotta...

You gotta get that...
That core engaged, right?

You know what I mean?

Get that heart rate up.

You know what I mean?

Come on, Carly.

You know that body
likes to dance.

I don't even know
what you're doing.

Come on, Carly,
it'll come to you.

Let it go.

- That's right.
- Okay.

There she is.


What did you find?

I took a look at her file.

There's nothing
out of the ordinary.

She's stable.

I mean, her blood pressure's
a little high...

Those dr*gs you gave me...

Shouldn't they have
protected her from this?

They were designed to help,
not to make her invulnerable.

How do we get you in there?

I don't think you understand...

There's nothing even I could do.

She's right where
she needs to be,

and if they need
to take the baby out early,

a Caesarean section

is a standard procedure
for these doctors.

Medicine isn't magic...
In any time.

Would you like me to inform
the team of what's going on?


No, I'll do it
when the time is right.

...And, uh, yeah,

it just feels good to know

I'm not doing that
to my family anymore.

Thank you, Mike.


did you want to share?

Uh, yeah, I do.

Hi. My name's Philip
and I'm an addict.

Hi, Philip.

I have a secret.

I know the future.

I know what's going to happen.

Global events.


Winners of horse races.

It was all recently
delivered to me like a movie.

And mostly, it's the same future
that I remember,

but there are differences.

You all think
I'm crazy right now...

but it's true.

For example, I know
that somebody in this room

has very recently
been diagnosed with cancer

and has decided to ignore it.

As if ignoring the problem
is going to make it go away.

Because there is only
a 50/50 chance

that the treatment will work.

And they're afraid

of going through the pain
of chemotherapy for nothing.

And the truth is,

I don't know...

whether this person
is going to live or die

if they decide to get treatment.

I only know for certain
that without it...



I'm sorry, what...
What was I saying?

Not much.

You stopped talking

after you said
"I have a secret."


I'm sorry. Um...

maybe someone else should go.

It's all right.

We've all been there.

Where have you been?

I'm on my way now.

Don't worry about it, bro.

We're gonna do this.

Have you been drinking?

Pull over.

Trevor, I'm fine.

Where are you?

Where are you?
Where are you?

Oh, hey, nurse.
How's she doing?

Excuse me.
I asked you a question.


It was for your own good.

What did you do?

Code blue. Code blue.

Go be with her.

Dr. Higgins,
what's happening?

I can't talk right now,
Mr. MacLaren.

Please stay out of the way.

Philip, I need eyes
on Hall right now.

He's leaving the hospital.

I'm on it.

Don't lose him.

Kyle! Kyle!

Back up!

Kyle, get outta the car.

There's something wrong
with this host.

You're just drunk.

Traveler 5532,

welcome to the 21st.

This is too much.

Andrew, I have watched you

do everything in your power
to change your circumstances.

I mean, you got clean,

you got that part-time job
at the grocery store.

This is just
a little financial help

to put a roof
over your head.

But I'll never
be able to repay you. This...

No, I don't
want you to.

Just, just...

Just keep doing
what you're doing

and I'll count myself
lucky to know you.

I don't know what to say.

You don't have to
say anything.

Thank you, David.




I'd like
to make your day.

Come on.

You must know
something by now.

My latest information

is that your wife
is still in surgery.

Mr. MacLaren.

Would you
come with me, please?


I need your help.

Look, I know

that the historical record
has changed since we got here,

but not everything, right?

A lot stays the same.

Yeah, why?

Carson Perry.

He's a football coach
at my high school.

Ring any bells?

Come on, dig deep.

Carson Perry...

gets arrested on 16 counts
of sexual-as*ault charges

as well as possession
and distribution

of under-age pornography.


Not soon.

We can't wait.

Trev, I've been through this,
you assign yourself vigilante...

What if it's my protocol 5?

I recently learned

that my host was abused
before I got here by him.

I had no idea.

Neither did I.

I promised my friend, Kyle,
that I would help take him down,

and just now...

Kyle was a host candidate.

- You knew?
- 3:09 this afternoon.

Driving drunk.

I'm sorry.

I understand
why you couldn't tell me,

but as far as I'm concerned,
that coach k*lled him.

I need to fix this...

Mr. MacLaren,

in this case,

it was Antiphospholipid
Antibody Syndrome, or APS.

She developed
an arterial thrombus,

which then caused
a coronary embolism,

which is a clot in the heart.

Kathryn went into
cardiac arrest.

Mr. MacLaren, in our efforts
to save Kathryn's life...

We lost the baby.


And all I can say is

that it's extremely fortunate

that that clot
passed on its own,

or this would be

an even more
difficult conversation

for both of us to have.

When can I see her?

She's in recovery,

she's sedated,

but you can see her
in a few hours.

Mr. MacLaren,

we have counselors
available if you need them.

Philip, tell me where Hall is.

Boss, he's here.


Hey, Boss. Easy.

- Get off of me!
- We can't do that.

- You're a dead man!
- I know, I know, I know...

You k*lled my child!

That's not
what happened.

You'd better hope the Director
overwrites you before I get...

The Director
was the one who sent me!

I was on a mission.

Let him go.

Let him go.

There you go.

What're you talking about?

The child was never
going to survive.

It was never supposed to.

You don't know that.

My mission was
to save your wife.

There had to be a way
to save them both.

I don't think there was.

Listen to your medic, MacLaren.

What did you do?

Kathryn MacLaren

was going to die

of an undiagnosed
coronary embolism

that stopped her heart

during the delivery
of her stillborn child.

The Director ordered me

to give her
a traveler-synthesized drug

to eliminate the clot

so that she would survive,

because she wasn't
supposed to die.

Because you broke Protocol 4.

She wanted a child
more than anything...

You're gonna stand there
and blame her for this?

Is that what you're doing?


Look, I get it.

I get it.

It's tough to stay focused
in the 21st.

I mean, that's what I've been
trying to tell you guys

ever since I met you.

Trying to teach you guys

to not get caught up
in all the bullshit.

But you had to s*ab me
in the back, huh?

The Director
obviously agreed with me

or you wouldn't have
gone to prison.


I can't argue with that.

I guess we all
need a lesson

now and then
of what our mission is.

And this was yours.

But, hey.

MacLaren, your wife
is still alive.

Go be with her.

Welcome home.

Hey. Yeah. Sorry.

- Hi.
- Hi.

I know it's later than I said.

Can I hold him?

I was trying to get him
to go to sleep.

I know.
I don't care.


You wanna cuddle with
your mama, big man?


How was today for Carly Shannon?

It's over now,
let's leave it at that.


I had a pay duty.

I basically just chaperoned
some drunk college kids

for time and a half.

Sounds awful.

Wasn't so bad.

You okay?

Tell me about
the day he was born.


Are you sure you wanna
go there right now?

'Cause that's
not your favorite story.

I want to hear it
from your perspective.


I'm here.

They told me she was a girl.


Change your mind?

You're going
to come clean.


You're going to come forward
to the police

and you're going to detail
all that you've done.

what are you talking about?

Do it on your on volition
and face the consequences,

or it'll be done for you.



I'm not gonna do that.

Those are
your only two options.

I don't think you realize
what you're doing here.

You're really willing
to throw everything away

to destroy both of our lives?

There are other
lives to consider.

Oh, come on.

Maybe you don't want
to play football anymore,

but you do not want

the shit storm
that'll come from this.

You prey on young boys
who look up to you.

You make promises

in exchange for access
to their bodies.

Come on, Trev.

I will come forward.

I'll talk about
the hotel rooms on the road.

The showers.

All of it.

Who's gonna believe you?

You're a bad kid
and everybody knows it.

People change.

Not the Trevor Holden
I know...

I don't know
where this act came from,

but I don't buy it for a second.

I know you.


You're going to keep
your mouth shut.

I'm not
threatened by you.

You should be.

Don't push me, kid.

Release the materials.

On it.

"Release the materials?"

What the hell
is that supposed to mean?

Thank you, Philip.

That's what Trevor and Kyle
would've wanted.

All we did was accelerate
what was going to happen anyway.

Freak had whole hard drives
of incriminating shit.

He made his choice.



Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Oh, my God.


There she is!

Did you get
your winnings?

I did.

Amazing luck.

Isn't it!

You're not upset
that I cheated?

No, of course not.
I'm happy for you.

You must be thrilled.

Yeah! Yeah.

It's all gone.


Did you ever hear
of the story of St. Francis?


Yeah. No, me neither.

Somebody called me that today.

I don't understand.

I didn't feel right

taking what
would have been yours

if I hadn't peeked
at your numbers,

and I know

that you wouldn't let me
give it back,

so I gave it all away.

I helped out
a lot of good people.

Honestly, Marcy,
it was...

it was the best day
of my life.

Remember my...

My client, Jason,

with the bad teeth
and the hair?

Yeah. I do.

Yeah. Great teeth now.

I mean, they will be.

Even getting them cleaned
has made a huge difference.

And on Wednesday,

he's got
some much needed dental work.

Good for Jason.

Yeah! No, he hates

Who else?

I'm not sure
if you remember Marjorie.

I bought her a new walker.

They're pricey
for what they are.

Steve got one of those scooters
to get to his new job.

He can't walk very far
without breaking into a sweat.

Jordan got my bike
for his pizza delivery job.

Your bike?


Yeah, I thought
I'd buy myself a new one.

I should have saved some.

All of it?

I know it sounded
like a lot of money,

but, I mean, everything
is just so expensive,

and I had a whole list
of people.

- David...
- It doesn't matter.

I'll get my steps in.


what're you gonna do with yours?


I have some debts to pay off.


Wow, that is

I should have
some left over.

Even more responsible!

So what're you gonna do with it?

Well, first...

I'm going to buy you a new bike.

I'm so happy you said that.

What's happening right now?

Where the hell
is this kid?

Give him a minute.

He's probably hungover.

I'm sorry, he's what?

Sorry, I'm late.

I was having a hard time

deciding what clothing
to bring with me.

Yeah, not a problem, kid.

Just don't make it a habit.

So, what's the mission?

...The Prime Minister
has called highly threatening.

This will severely impact
foreign relations

if the troops continue
to invade the region

against U.N. sanctions.

...In local news,

a fire ravaged

a downtown apartment complex
last night,

and authorities are saying

that the cause
is more than likely...

The yellow pills

will help to focus
your sensory perception

on one timeline at a time.

An unavoidable side-effect

of memory not acquired
by conventional means...