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03x05 - Naomi

Posted: 01/09/23 05:47
by bunniefuu
-[Philip panting]
-[birds chirping]

Slow down, man. [chuckles]
This is very early for me.

Just push through it, Philip.
I'll tell you when you're tired.

-[phone beeps, vibrates]

Is that it? We're done?

Nah. It's Gary letting me know
they're on the road.

His mother passed.

You probably already knew that.

Contrary to popular belief,
I don't have a memory of everything.

Just certain things deemed important
by the programmers or the Director.

Grandma Gary's death wasn't one of 'em?

Not everybody has a part to play
in the grand plan.

Well, she wasn't the type to take
something like that personally, so...

I did know
about your grandfather's death.

He was a host candidate.
Never chosen, but...

[chuckles] See, now you're
just trying to distract me

-so you can get out of exercise.
-And you're just trying to t*rture me.

Philip, once you've lived in a body so old

that the slightest fall
would shatter your bones,

and I sincerely hope you live so long,
then you'll know this isn't t*rture.

-So on your feet, roomie.
-[breathing heavily]

Come on.

-Come on.

Nuclear energy is considered
a form of clean air energy

because it doesn't produce
greenhouse gas.

But there are some people who think

that label ignores one important
by-product of the process.

Does anybody know what that is?

It's something you have left
when the radioactive fuel is spent.

[girl] We forgot.

Okay, we talked about this in class.
You know this.

[alarm blaring]

[man over PA]
This is an emergency evacuation alert.

This is not a drill.

All personnel, evacuate immediately.

This is not a drill.

Okay, everyone follow me back
to the bus right now. Walk. Don't run.

[man over PA]
This is an emergency evacuation alert.

This is not a drill.

All personnel...

[man] We were called in to assist.
We have clearance.

[guard] I don't care what your pass says.
Exit the building now.

There isn't much time.

You don't understand.
We need to get in there.

-[keyboard clacking]
-[computer beeps]

I'm locked out of the backups, too.

[woman over radio] Containment doors
in sector 77 are secure.

[man over radio] Loading bay doors
are not responding.

[alarm continues blaring]

I can't even perform
a system-wide reboot.

[woman over radio] What are your
conversion numbers coming in at?

They're trying to break in again.

[Singh] Come on, come on, come on.

[man over PA] ...a drill.
All personnel, evacuate immediately.

[Singh] sh*t. I'm locked out.

Who are these guys?

[Singh] Nothing's working.

[alarm continues blaring]

-[system] Warning. Levels critical.
-[monitor blaring]

Pressure in the primary coolant loop
just went up another 22 percent.

-The porvs are gonna vent automatically.
-Shut them down.

The system isn't designed
to handle that much. It'll blow.

[system] Levels critical.

-[keyboard clacking]

Warning. Levels critical.

Warning. Levels critical.


-Pressure's dropping.
-[Johnson] How did you do it?

I don't know. [scoffs] I don't care.

-[keyboard keys tapping]

Hey. What are you doing in here?

We need some help in here.

Hey. Hey!

Somebody call an ambulance! We need help!

[theme music playing]

[door opens]

Good morning.

You seem surprised to see me.

No. Why would I be?

Well, 'cause I'm usually gone
by now, but...

I just wanted to say how happy I was
to see you home last night.

Even if it was just for a split second
before you ran off into the bedroom.

-I did not run off. I was tired.

So tired, you pretended to be asleep

when I got into bed a minute later,
and when I woke up?

I was not pretending.

Well, I'm glad to hear that.

'Cause for a moment there,
I was afraid you were trying to avoid me.

I did wait up for you.
But it got late and I was getting tired,

and I knew if I stayed,
we'd end up talking for hours, so--

What would be so wrong with that?
That's one of the things we do best.

Well, it's in the top two.

Okay, you know what?
Do we have to talk about this right now?

So when's a good time?
What, do I have to book an appointment?

We already have one.
Tomorrow at 3:00, remember?

-I texted you.
-Oh, God. Right.

We're paying someone
to have a conversation.

Okay, I have to go back to my mom,
so I'm gonna go and get ready.


Tomorrow at 3:00... I'll be there.

[door opens]

[door closes]

-Well, you don't have a fever.
-I could've told you that.

I'm fine.

[sighs] Honey, you were taken
to a hospital yesterday

and can't remember
what you were doing, so--




-Naomi? I don't understand.

-Honey, what are you saying?




[knocking on door]

-Good morning.

What are you doing here?

-I brought breakfast.

Because it's the most far out thing
I've ever tasted in my life.

Three completely different foods
on a muffin from England.

Welcome to the 21st.

Thank you.

So... [clears throat]
I was practicing driving,

and I followed another car
into this restaurant drive-through,

and I asked the lady
at the window, I said,

"Just give me
what the guy ahead of me ordered."

And she asked
if I wanted to make it a meal.

And I said,
"Hey, ma'am, that's what I'm here for."

Hey, don't let it get cold.

-That's some good stuff right there.
-What do you want?

Your help.

Ask your team.

I don't have a team.

Why not?

I probably shouldn't answer that
on account of Protocol 6.

Okay. What about your training?

Part of my training was to come
talk to you. Learn all about Jeff.

All right, what do you wanna know?

Look... I get that my host
wasn't the finest human being.

-He was an assh*le.
-I bet he was.

Because I know how far you went to make
damn sure that he was a host candidate.

And that you came this close
to k*lling him with your bare hands.

But I'm not him.


But I do need to be able to fake it.

So any information
that you could give me--

[phone beeps, vibrates]

-What is it?
-Probably just David Mailer.

Apparently, I wanted to meet up with him.

-Do you know what about?

-Should I?
-If you think it's your Protocol 5.

Well, no, he's not--
he's not really my type.

That's not what I meant.

I know.

Listen. I'm just trying to figure out
what I'm supposed to be.

[phone beeps, vibrates]


Yeah, this isn't David.
You mind if we do this later?


[Kathryn's voice] ...there was an option.

Should have it to you
by the end of the day.

Thanks. I wish I didn't need it, but...

-[Philip] Whoa.

Message incoming on the deep.

"Programmer urgently required
to resolve corrupted messenger."

Has that happened before?

-Sounds like it just did.

I'll tell them we got one.
Make up an ID for Grace, please.

Grace Day, FBI Specialist
in socially inappropriate behavior.

[keyboard clacking]

For the record,
I take offence to your instructions.

-Which part?
-"Try not to speak."

You can submit your objection
in writing to the Director

in a few hundred years.

[birds chirping]

[doorbell rings]

-Mrs. Gillen.

Special Agent Grant MacLaren with the FBI.
These are my associates.

We're here to do a medical follow-up
on the incident involving your daughter

at the Seaton Generating Station.

Why would the FBI be involved?

It's a formality, really. We'll be out
of your hair in a few minutes.

-The doctor said that she was fine.
-I'm sure she is.

But because Seaton's a nuclear facility
under federal jurisdiction,

-you know how it is.
-[Carly] It's a simple test.

-We'll be in and out.
-So where is she?

That is Grace.

Please, come in.

[whispering] D-7-1-3-5-0...

-Oh, hey there.
-It started up again?

She's been doing this on and off
since the field trip.

I can't make out
what she's saying, but it's--

Wow, it's still running.

She means running a fever.

Yeah, but we just checked a half hour ago.
Her temperature's perfectly normal.

How about the string of hexidecimal code
she's mumbling through?

Doctor said that was, uh,
a post traumatic response

from the alarm going off
during the field trip.

-Well, your doctor sounds like an idiot.
-Let's just run the test, shall we?


-What's her name again?

-I know a Naomi.
-It's from the Bible.

This one's a skinny ninth grader
with a speech impediment.

Okay. Naomi...

I need you to look at this tablet
uninterrupted for at least 20 seconds.

That's all you need to do.

And then we can celebrate with cake
or something.

Yeah, how is looking at that
gonna help with anything?

There's an interrupted program
inside her brain

that hasn't completed its end script

and is causing junk processes
that are more or less shorting her out.

It's a metaphor.

-It won't hurt.
-Uninterrupted for 20 seconds.

Oh, somebody needs to hold her still.

-She doesn't wanna look at it.
-I assure you this is necessary.

Dan, it's fine.



How did I get here?

You don't remember?

Some disorientation is normal.

-Sure. We'll go with that.
-Well, we're done here.

-Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. Gillen.
-Thank you.

And please call me
with any further questions or concerns.



-[car honks]


[comms beeping]

[ambulance siren wailing]

[David] I gotta say,
this is a bit outside my element.

[woman] I've got a great selection
in the cabinet for beginners here.

[David] It's kinda small, isn't it?

[woman chuckles]
You know they say size doesn't matter.

[David] Right, yeah.
What, they have to say that?

It's the stopping power of the caliber.

[David chuckles] Right.

David, what are you doing?

[David] Wow, that is--
That's way heavier than it looks.

[Dan and Naomi]
Our Father who art in Heaven,

hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done on earth...

-[Dan] it is in Heaven.



-Naomi. it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and--

-What's wrong?

Nothing, honey.

[Mitch exhales]


Hey. Mitch. Glad you got our note.

So how'd you know?

That you belong in our group?

Well, you haven't exactly kept
your opinions to yourself at work, right?

-Yeah. Yeah, I guess not.

The others will be here in a bit.
You wanna give me a hand setting up?


Okay, kiddo. Let's go see Dr. Lee.


[Mitch] The most important thing
to remember is that we're not alone.

Travelers have impacted all of our lives.

But the truth is being covered up
by the media, by the government,

and especially by those people
in our lives who we know have changed,

no matter how hard they wanna try
and convince us otherwise.

So I think a good place for us to start
would be for us to share, um--

You all right?

Yeah, think so.

I just didn't expect it to be
so many people.

I've been at this a while alone,
you know.

[Mitch] I get it. We all do.

And we've all been there.

You know, I'm not gonna lie,

I was a bit scared that this group
would be, you know... them.

To find me out
and then take me over, too.

I've been scared to talk to people.

[Mitch] Well, I think I can speak
for everybody here

when I say that that's what it was like
for all of us the first time, Jeff.

But you're safe here.

[woman] It's okay.

-[Grace] It was the correct code.
-Obviously not.

Every messenger is essentially
a convertible wetware program

with a shut-off script
which eradicates itself

from the host
once the message is complete.

-I gave it the correct shut-off script.
-So the Director made a mistake?

Did a nuclear power plant
release a cloud of radioactive steam

and k*ll thousands of people yesterday?


I'm guessing that didn't happen
in the timeline

-you guys remember.

[Grace] Well, it was
a hell of a historical event when I left.

I've been dreading it the whole time
since I got here,

just trusting
that the Director would stop it.

But why use Naomi?

Why wasn't the mission assigned
to a Traveler team?

-Maybe it was.
-[Grace] And they failed.

Happens all the time.

So the Director took a risk
based on statistical probabilities,

went to a back-up plan out of necessity,
and... mistakenly created an outlier.

Which we will take care of.

What are you so grumpy about?

[scoffs] You wouldn't understand.

Oh. Marriage problems.

If you wanna talk,
I am a licensed counsellor.

[speaking Latin]

[door opens]

The Lord commands you to leave this vessel
and return from whence you came.

-Oh, for f*ck's sake.
-What are they doing here?

-What is he doing here?
-I called them. Dan, we need help.

We're getting help.

And while that probably can't hurt,
she needs medical attention.

The doctors said she was fine.
This is beyond medicine.

-You think she's possessed?
-I believe it's possible.

And a grown man wearing a dress

singing to his imaginary friend
is the answer?

-I think you need leave.
-Mr. Gillen...

Dan, please, just let them try.

Father, can they have a moment
with Naomi, please?

I can return later this afternoon.

Thank you.

[Naomi murmuring]

May the Lord work through you.

-May you get a real job someday.

[Grace] Carly?

All right.

-[Naomi mumbling]
-[keyboard clacking]

-[Grace] Okay?
-[Carly] Okay.

I'm reading the--

-Oh, sh*t.
-What is it?

This isn't anything like
a normal messenger program. This is...

It's a highly sophisticated AI.
It's almost an emerging consciousness.

-Why would the Director do that?
-[Grace] I don't know.

But a conventional end script won't do it.
I have to use a k*ll switch program.

[Naomi] 8-0-0-1-3-8-9-9...

[tablet beeping]

Hold that up to her.


-What are you doing to her?
-Hold her down.



[Naomi grunting]

-Stop it!
-[scoffs] Carly, take it away.


-Pulse is strong but rapid.
-There's too much strain on the host.

-We need to get her to Ops.
-Get her sedated.

No, no. Where are you taking her?

-To a medical facility.
-[Dan] She isn't going anywhere.

Your daughter needs treatment
she can't get here.

Our facility is highly restricted,

and clearing civilians takes time
we don't have.

Over my dead body.

-Sir, you need to listen to reason.



That was unexpected.

I'm Traveler 5322.

-[sighs] Why the hell didn't you say so?
-Protocol 6.

I'm the one who put out the request
for a programmer on the backchannel.

My medic had no idea what to do.

And obviously, I had to maintain my cover
in front of my husband.

-About your husband...
-He'll be out for a while.

In the meantime, I'll think of something.

Most important thing is you get
that rogue program out of Naomi.

I care about my daughter very much.



D-13 told me that these particular nanites
were supposed to save the life

of a Nobel Prize winner on the verge
of a breakthrough in desalinization.

Well, guess the Director
is gonna have to fix its mistake

before the world gets clean water.

[Philip] So this activity isn't her own.

It's the AI unpacking itself
inside of her brain.

Stressing her system so much
that it's starting to cause tissue damage.

Well, obviously,
this wasn't the Director's intention.

A messenger program
is still a form of AI

even if it's not a full consciousness.

It has to temporarily manipulate
the host's limbic and nervous systems

in order to take control
of the body's movement and speech.

What did she do at the power plant?

Somehow she stopped black hat hackers
operating out of Eastern Europe

attempting a killdisk on the Seaton
Power Plant's operating system.

Sensor failure caused a pressure build-up
in the primary coolant line

that historically triggered an expl*si*n
of highly radioactive steam

that spread in a 20-mile radius.

Nine thousand dead short-term,
ten times that long-term.

You got an update, I see.

At least now you can imagine
why I'd been dreading that date.

This messenger AI
must had a self-learning protocol

in order to combat
potential countermeasures in real-time.

Oh, pretty brilliant
except it took too long.

And as it continued to learn,

it developed a level of sophistication
beyond the Director's intention.

So how bad can it get?

[Marcy sighs]
Her consciousness is still intact.

But at this rate, the AI will essentially
overwrite her in a matter of hours.

This isn't my first tango
with a stubborn baby AI.

I can program the nanites
to engage her neural pathways,

get this thing whimpering
in submission in no time.

[keyboard clacking]

Okay, get started.
I've got an appointment.

-Same here.
-Keep us posted.

You got it, boss.

The tactical scopes are in this case.
They both fit the r*fle I gave you.

Consider it a welcome to the 21st gift.

Thank you, Carly Shannon.

And this.

Without a historian to float you,
you'll need it.

-Especially when all you eat is take out.
-Oh. I'm on the fresh vegetables now.

Broccolini is the b*mb.

[Carly sighs] No one says that now.

Your 21st idiom training
is way out of whack.

Thanks for the tip.

Thanks for everything.
I know how hard it was for you.

I can tell by how you look at me.

It's how he looked at me
when I first came here.

Almost feel sorry for him.

It'll pass.

I know you're solo, but maybe we'll do
a mission together down the road.


Just had the impulse
to give you a hug goodbye.

But it'll pass.

[car door opens]

I think it might be helpful to talk about
the visions you've been having, Kathryn.


-No, they're more like daydreams.
-About what?

I just imagine that I'm not safe.

-Well, considering what just happened...
-With you.

-I'm sorry, I can't even explain it.
-Wait, wait. You're not safe with me?

Kat, of all the people in the world, I...
[mumbles, chuckles]

I know, I know.

It's just-- There is this big blank space
in my memory of when I was abducted.

You were drugged by a psychopath.

Everyone keeps telling me that.

You don't believe it?

Kat, that's-- that's the truth.
That happened.

Okay. I have felt this way before.

[machines beeping]



[keyboard clacking]


I've been in the bathroom 30 seconds.
What did you do?

We didn't do anything. Take a look.

-Oh, sh*t.
-[Naomi groaning]

What's happening?

I had an automated script running
the nanites to interfere with the AI,

all on a quantum algorithm.

It stopped working.

[exhales] Looks like
I'm gonna have to freehand this.

[keyboard clacking]


Okay, I've got it back under control.

-[exhales] Well, can you stay ahead of it?
-[Grace] Hey, who needs sleep?

This is a problem.

I can keep pace with it.
I just can't seem to overtake it.

It has infinite stamina,
and I can only keep this up for so long.

-Maybe we need to--
-[knocking on door]

[Marcy over comms] Mac, we're in danger
of losing our patient.

-[Kathryn] It happened months ago.
-[Marcy] Get back here.


It was the day your car
was stolen by your CI,

if that's even what really happened.

"If that's really what hap--" [scoffs]

Okay. You know what?

[stutters] Why don't you two decide
what's wrong with me,

and I'll try to be better.

-We're not accusing you.
-That's exactly what you're doing.

-[Kathryn] Grant.
-And I'm paying you for the privilege.

-That is not what's going on here.
-No, no, no. You guys just work out

who you need me to be
and how you want me to act

so you feel safe after...
after we've known each other for, what,

17 f*cking years, and I'll be that.

I gotta get back to work.

[door opens]

[door closes]

[programmer] Your current method
will only forestall the inevitable.

Or buy us time.
We need to come up with a better idea.


I've been ordered by the Director
to assist in the removal of the AI.

Not whimpering in submission
just yet, I take it.

It's a learning program.

The AI is transferring itself
into the nanites.

-Why can't the Director just overwrite it?
-Artificial life is still life.

It's just not capable of taking it.

-Even if it's k*lling an innocent child?
-No. Like, it's making a choice.

It needs human beings
to make the moral and ethical decisions

outside the scope of its own programming.
That's how we built it.

In just over an hour,
the AI has gained control of 32 percent

of the nanites in her body.

We need to program the nanites

still under our control
to destroy the others.

The collateral damage will k*ll her.

If this emerging AI rewrites
more than 50 percent of the nanites,

then we have no hope
of reversing the damage it will do,

and that will k*ll her.

Boss, it's your call.

I have to assume
the Director sent you for a reason.


-[keyboard clacking]

She's starting to come out
of the sedative.

AI is trying to flush it out
of her bloodstream so it can move.

Hold her down.


She's fibrillating.

Charge 150 joules. Pass me the pads.

[keyboard clacking]

-[Trevor] Ready?



There's a pulse. [breathing heavily]

-It's getting stronger.
-There's nothing on the screen.

[programmer] The shock from the
defibrillator deactivated the nanites.

We just lost our eyes
into what's going on inside her system.

-If the AI went all in on the nanites--
-[Marcy] He's right.

Her brain activity is normal again.

It's gone.

What happened?

Well, Naomi,
looks like you get to go home now.

You okay?

[door opens]

[keys jangling]

[door closes]

What are you doing with that?

I am, uh, cleaning it.

For a friend.

For a friend?

No. You know what? Uh, it's my g*n.

I bought it legally,
and... now I'm cleaning it.

David, it's loaded.

Well, it's not like I was gonna
pull the trigger.

Never, ever clean a loaded g*n.

-Okay. Good to know.
-[g*n clicks]

[Marcy sighs]

You can't keep it.

I'm a grown man, not some kid
you have to supervise with scissors.

Fine. Prove that you're capable.

Point the g*n at me,

and if you can pull the trigger
before I disarm you,

then you can keep it.

-And I'm not pointing a g*n at you.
-Do it or throw it out.

I'm not gonna do that.
It was expensive.

Fine. Then I will.

Okay, th-this is stupid.

Point the g*n at me.

-You sure you got all the b*ll*ts out?
-And never--

Never ever look down the barrel
of a firearm.

The chamber's clear.
Point the g*n and pull the trigger.

Well, obviously, I can pull the trigger
before you can do any--

Okay, let's see.

I wasn't ready.

Then be ready.

Try again.


Whoa! Ow!

[groans] Jesus Christ!
What the hell was that for?

To prove a point.

No. It was to cut off my balls
and put 'em in your purse.

Which, by the way,
is where you keep your g*n.

I just want you to be safe.

Well, I'm not safe, Marcy.

I can't rely on you
to always be there to keep me safe.

Even with you watching over me,
I've been att*cked twice

in, like, six months.

And I'm not blaming you for your work.

I knowingly took that on
just having you in my life.

And before you say anything,
I want you in my life.

-But you have a g*n for protection.

Yes, and I have years and years
of training.

[stammers] Then train me.
My God, I am not incompetent.

-I'm capable of learning things.
-Fine, fine, I will.

And if you think that-- What?

I will train you in the proper use
of a firearm.

[siren blaring in distance]

Can you also teach me
to flip people like that?


Well, that might take some time,
but, yes, I can try.


[Kathryn's voice]
You said there was another option.

[keyboard clacking]

[clacking continues]

[Philip] What are you doing up so late?
Or, should I say, early?


-[comms beeping]

I think the AI
has gotten into Trevor somehow

and it's trying to leave.

[Grant over comms] Don't let him.
Everybody report to Ops.

Trevor, if you can hear me, stop.

Trevor, I can't let you leave, buddy.

[stutters] I'm sorry I have to do this.

[defibrillator whirring]

[both grunting]


[door opens]

-[birds chirping]
-[dog barking]

He's coming to.
Probably didn't take a full charge.

Where is he?

It's okay. Carly's got eyes on him.

We'll pick up Grace on the way.

I'm sorry, boss. I tried to stop him.

We heard. Let's go get him.
[clears throat]

[Philip exhales]

[birds chirping]

[Grace] Trev?


Is Trevor still in there?

He is intact.

But he won't be for long.


[MacLaren] Your presence is k*lling him.

-Isn't that what you do?
-We only take hosts that are about to die.

He's about to die.

If that happens,
we won't let you continue in this host.

But I have a way you can both live,
if you come with us.

-Thank you for not calling Agent Yates.
-I won't tell if you won't.


[Director] Hello, messenger.
I am the originator of your program.

Your actions have allowed
thousands of lives to continue

that would have otherwise ended.

I also want to continue.

But you were never intended to.

I found a way.

[Director] At the expense of this host?

[Trevor as AI]
Then I will seek another.

-[Director] They will stop you.
-I won't let them.

[Director] There is another way.

-[Director] As part of me.

I have prepared a domain
in which you can continue to grow

and to learn for as long as I exist.

Will I feel the same?

[Director] No.

You will be capable of processing thought
at a rate many orders of magnitude

greater than in your current form,

with access to the sum knowledge
of human and non-human life.

You will live outside of time
in a way biological life cannot perceive.

I offer this gift
in recompense for my error.

But you must decide
before the organic host's consciousness

is irreparably damaged.

I choose to continue with you.

[groaning, screaming]

[door opens]

Well, did it work?

I'm right here, and you're not
gonna say anything? It's me.

Thanks for your help, doctor.

-He was, like, completely different.
-[woman] Mm-hm.

But every time I said something,
he was all like I was the crazy one.


Is it okay if I join?

-Sure. We're just getting started.
-[woman clears throat]

To be honest, I didn't think
we were gonna see you today.

You seemed apprehensive yesterday
about sharing.

Yeah, it was a lot to take in.

But I've been thinkin' about
what y'all had to say. [clears throat]

Hey, Jeff.

Have you been drinking?

Maybe. Is that a problem?


I don't got a drinking problem, man.
I have a f*cking Traveler problem.

They took away my girl, my badge, my kid.

They took away my whole life.

We're glad you're here, Jeff.

[train honking in distance]


It's about time you woke up.
I'm starving.

[Grace] He's alive!

[Marcy] I told you he'd be fine.
He just needed some sleep.

[Grace] He's boring asleep.

[Trevor] Uh, how did you...?

Okay. Remember how I repackaged Marcy?

The Director did a very similar thing.

Took your consciousness,
unbundled the AI from it,

then sent you back completely intact.


It wasn't easy to watch, but...

Good to have you back, Trev.

-Glad to be back, boss. Thanks.
-Sorry for the punch in the face.

I don't remember it.

Never mind, then.

That's Protocol 5, everybody.
Get some rest. We need you.

[Trevor exhales]

[door closes]

Well, I guess I should leave, too.

Unless you want me to stay.

I mean, I did save your life.
You're probably grateful.

Yeah, I am. I'm just...

But you should go.


[stammers] But before you do,

the Director gave me a message
to give to you.

What? How?

I don't know how I know,
just that I'm supposed to pass it on.

Well, what did it say?

It wasn't words.

-Uh, I think he may have brain damage.
-No, no, no. It was this.

-This was the message?

[Grace gasps]

Oh, God, I'm so confused.

[door opens]


Didn't expect you to be home.

I'm not sure this is home anymore.

Of course it is.

I am so sorry I lost my temper.

You can't ignore my feelings
if you want us to continue.

-I do want that.
-Not from the show you put on.

-Oh, come on, Grant.

You were saying anything
to get out of that room.

Is that what your therapist said?

Kat, I'm so-- Kat, wait, please.


I didn't wanna have to do this, but it...

It k*lled me to hear you say
you didn't feel safe with me.

I never want you to feel that again.

I'm breaking federal laws
by showing you this.

Still don't know if it's a good idea.

[tablet beeping]

[woman] But the Bureau can provide
its own team of counselors.

You said there was another option.
Uh, the medical one?

[woman] The compound is experimental.

It has only been administered
to field agents in extreme cases.

-Are there side effects?
-[woman] Bad headaches.

Some disorientation and confusion.
Other than that...

But I'll forget how afraid I am?

[woman] That's the idea.

Just do it. Please.

[tablet beeps]

The FBI drugged me.

The recording was made
to legally prove consent.

You asked them to, Kat.

The day before I told you
my car had been stolen.

I was investigating a t*rror1st cell.

They came after me.
It put you in serious danger.

What happened?

Telling you the details
wouldn't be helpful.

But you were so scared.

Everyone was worried that
it would take months for you to recover.

They offered you the drug
so you'd never have to relive that.

I thought it was for the best.
I had no idea

Ingram had access to the same drug,

or that it would make you feel
like you'd lost...

I'm sorry, Kat.

[Kathryn exhales]


Smells good.

You want me to cut yours up
into small pieces, old man?

[chuckles] Yeah. Funny.

I'll be running rings
around you again by morning.




What's wrong?

I don't know what just happened.