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05x21 - Dead Ringer

Posted: 05/26/10 09:28
by bunniefuu
Melinda: Previously on "Ghost Whisperer..."

What do the shadows want with my son?

Whatever they are, wherever they live, these shadows are very interested in ghost children.

Bedford. What are you doing here?

Remember this-- nothing is what it seems.

Trust nothing, and no one.

Carl, what's going on?

I sense them around me sometimes and I'll suddenly feel so confused.

You mean the shadows.

It's like they're getting inside my head.

I could change my mind, as long as I don't let go, right?

I'm going to leave it here.

I know.

But it's a...

Sacrifice, like you said.



Uh, hey. Sorry, buddy, but, um, we gotta go.

It's ok. I won.

That's cool.

Who you playing?

Just Carl. He's teaching me.

Carl? Yeah. You know, the watcher.


The details are impressive.

My father collected stuff.


There's a ton more.

I'm helping Gale sell her dad's house.

Yeah. He passed away last year.

I'm so sorry. Thank you.

So you think any of this junk is worth anything?

Everything is to somebody.

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, it's my boyfriend.

Excuse me.

Hey, Kyle.

Yeah, I'm at the antique store now.

You did?

2 bedrooms, really?

She and her boyfriend are moving to the city.

He's apartment hunting. Well, when will we know?

Ok, I'll keep my fingers crossed, too.

Yeah. Love you.


Everything ok?

Yeah, yeah, sorry.

Um, it's just...

It's a lot to process, you know?

Selling my dad's house and moving in with Kyle.

Both of which my dad would have hated.

He didn't like your boyfriend?

No, not really.

And he especially did not like the idea of us living together.

He was pretty old school.

But we waited, 6 months after he died, you know?

Life goes on, right?

It does. Ok, well, why don't you just give me a call when you want to come see the rest of the stuff?

I will.

I just hope my dad can rest in peace, you know?

Poor girl.

She's still grieving. Yeah.

But she's in love, so I'm sure it'll be fine once they get settled in.

Oh, come on.

"Over my dead body"?

Let me guess--

Gale's dad.

So much for resting in peace.

Child, whispering: Can you see us?

[Birds chirping]

Melinda: Your dad was very eclectic.

We tried to get him to go to therapy.

I mean, look at all this stuff.

He started collecting after my mom divorced him.

It's textbook.

I gave him this.

I was hoping it would get my dad used to the idea of me and Kyle as a couple.

Figures he would shove it in the back of a drawer.

You said your dad didn't like Kyle?

Well, when Kyle asked me to move in with him, my dad said he was just trying to corrupt me.

He was so victorian.

It's nice to talk to somebody.

My dad was...

Is something burning?

[Gasps] Oh!

Oh, my God.


What the--

what just happened? Oh, my God?

Did you...?

No! No, of course I didn't.

Yeah, well, things don't just burst into flame.

I didn't.

Then what happened? Someone else did.

What are you talking about?

Look, this is going to sound strange...

Really, really, strange, but I don't think your father's quite moved on.

I think he's still here. I...

I can talk to ghosts. It's a gift I have.

You're saying that...

You've seen dad?

No. No, but he's sending you a message, and he sent one to me yesterday.


He used scrabble tiles to spell out

"over my dead body."

How do you know that?

"Over my dead body, "

that is exactly what he used to say every time I even brought up the subject of moving in with Kyle.

I mean, it just made him so angry.

I think he's still angry.

Maybe angry enough to put you and Kyle in danger.

That explains so much.

Ever since my dad died and Kyle and I started looking for a place together, I have felt this really angry energy around us.

Which I know, sounds nuts, but...

So this is real?

Ok, I have to call Kyle.

I can't move in with him.

No, no, no, please. Please.

I think that I can bring you and your father some peace so that he can go into the light.

You can do that?

I'll do the best I can.

So I reminded him, calmly, that he's not supposed to talk to strangers, living or dead.

You know what he said to me?

"Carl is not a stranger."

Melinda: Well, he's got a point.

It's happening a lot, you know?

Carl's talking to him all the time.

About what?

I don't know. First it was chess, now maybe it's pinochle.

Ah, look, the point is, I thought watchers were supposed to watch and not, you know, play games.

Well, I'm about to pick up Aiden, so I'll call you back, ok? Bye.

Hey. How was your talk with Gale?

[Sighs] It was fine.

You know, I just had to bring up the whole ghost thing earlier than I wanted to. Where's Aiden?

Oh, he's around here somewhere.

Ok, I don't--uh...

I don't see him. Aiden?

[Kids yelling]

Delia, what's going on? You said that you were going to look after him.

I don't know. He was just here.

Aiden: Hey, mommy! I'm up here!

Oh, my God! Aiden!

Aiden, don't move! Please call 9-1-1!

It's ok, mommy, look!

Sure hope he can fly.

Mom, I can see forever from here!

Ok, this is a vision.

This just has to be a vision. This isn't real, right?!

Only you know the answer to that.

Make it stop.

Oh, God. Melinda, make it stop.

Mommy! No!

No! Wake up, mommy!

Wake up! Melinda!

Oh, my God.

It was a vision! You're ok!

Yeah, but you were screaming really loud!

Hey, you want to take a picture?

Let's go.

It was real.

It felt so real.

Honey, they're just getting worse and worse.


I'm gonna get him out of here now.

Ok? Come on.

So why is Carl teaching you those games?

I don't know.

Am I in trouble?

No. No, it's just maybe you can tell us when he's around.

Listen, Aiden, that vision that mommy had, did you see anything?

No. Just you freaking out.

And who's that?

Oh, no.

You're Gale's boyfriend, aren't you?

What happened?

When did you die?

That vision, were you trying to tell me something?

I think so.


Did you fall?

Something led me to the roof.

Do you know what it was, or who?

I heard a whisper.

It said, "over my dead body."


I hope you don't mind me dropping by like this, but I just need to keep busy.


I've been trying to reach Kyle all day, and he's just not answering any of my calls or texts.

It's really weird for him not to pick up his phone.

Does he have any friends in the city, have you tried them?

What about hospitals?

Or the police?

No. Why?

Do you know something?

Is Kyle ok?

Tell me!

You should sit.


Kyle appeared to me today.

Appeared to you?

Are you saying that you saw Kyle's ghost?

Are you telling me that Kyle is dead?

He said that your father caused an accident.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, please tell me what you are saying is not true.

I really didn't think that I was going to have to be the one to tell you...

No, no, no, no, no, no!


I just got a text from Kyle saying that he has a surprise for me, so what you're saying can't be true.

Ghosts can manipulate electronics.

[Door dings]

Kyle?! Hey!

Kyle, you're here!

Of course I'm here. I got your text.

Didn't you get mine?


You didn't answer your phone all day, and then I thought--

I'm sorry, I left it in the car while I was signing the lease.

We got the apartment! You should be happy!

Melinda told me that you were dead.


Yeah. And she said that my dad has been haunting us.

And then she just said she saw your ghost!

My ghost?

Are you kidding me? What kind of nutcase goes around saying stuff like that?

It's true, I--

I'm sorry, who are you, and why would you do this to Gale after what she's been through?

If you would please just let me explain...

Save your breath, ok?

Come on, Gale, let's get out of here.

And make sure you return all of her dad's things.

And stay the hell away from us, I mean it.

Ned: Are you sure the ghost was Kyle?

Yes. No.

I think it was.

I can't believe he walked in right after you told Gale he was dead. Yeah, I know.

It's not the first time I've been called crazy, but usually it's not true.

Did the ghost tell you that?

That Gale's father's ghost k*lled him?

Yeah, pretty much. He was right there on the square after I saw Aiden on the roof.

Couldn't that have been one part of the same vision?

Yeah, but if the ghost wasn't really a ghost, who'd the vision come from?

Could Aiden have channeled it? No.

He said he didn't remember anything.

Although Jim says that Carl's been hanging out with him a lot lately. I just don't understand what that has to do with me seeing a ghost who wasn't dead.

Unless it wasn't Kyle, but really Gale's father making himself appear as Kyle.

Well, can a ghost do that?

Look like someone else? Not usually.

But why would Gale's father picture himself as Kyle?

Maybe we're thinking about this too hard.

What if it was Kyle's ghost?

What if he had a near-death experience where he was dead long enough for his spirit to come and see you?

And didn't mention it to his own girlfriend?

Maybe he didn't want to upset her.

Maybe it's simpler than that.

Maybe Kyle just has a dead twin brother.

Ooh, good one.

Although I haven't seen any siblings online.

Ok, if you need to talk to Kyle again, you might want to send Eli.

One step ahead of you.

Are you really trying to scare me?

I have so few pleasures, you know.

Well, I'm glad I could be a source of amusement for you.

You have such a nice boy, and so good at chess for his age.

Very patient with the game.

You could learn a few things from him.

I would like to learn a thing or two from you.

I don't have any answers about your visions or this ghost who's not a ghost, I'm sorry.


Why are you suddenly teaching my son to play chess?

I had a family to be with once, but they can't hear me or see me anymore. Yours can.

Well, that's nice, but it doesn't help me with the warnings you gave me the other night.

Look, you said that you felt like the shadows were trying to get inside your head.

Is that what they're doing to me?

Is that why I'm having all those visions?

I suppose anything is possible.

Can you understand how these conversations make me want to wring your nonexistent neck?

Can you understand that I'm already bending the rules just by being here? You need to do what you need to do, not what I tell you.

Well, the good thing is, you didn't tell me anything.

If you say so.

[Car dinging]

Hey, what did you find out?

Eli: That my powers of deception aren't up to snuff.

What do you mean?

I went down to the law office where Kyle works and I talked to him.

And? And he blew my cover.

I guess I should have made more small talk about real lawyers versus draftityourself.Com before getting into near-death experiences.

Ok, and what did he say?

He said no to having died recently, no to having a dead identical twin, and then he said tell that crazy antique store lady to leave him and his girlfriend alone.

Oh, and then he called security.

Oh, goody.

Someone's home.






No, no! No, stop it!


Don't do this! I--

Gale: What are you doing?!


I'm so sorry. I know what this looks like.

What is wrong with you?

You should leave.

You have no reason, no reason to believe me.

But I didn't do this.

A ghost did, ok?

At first I thought it was Gale's father, now I'm not so sure, and just because I don't know who it is--

you're a sick person.

You said it yourself, that you felt a presence.

You did?


Who are you?

Why are you haunting these people?

For revenge.

Please leave now.

Otherwise I'm calling the police.


[Sighs] Look, I feel lousy having this meeting behind Melinda's back, but I'm really worried about her.

I know, me, too.

But ever since the expl*si*n, since Bedford...

I know. I know that was bad, but I think what happened with Bedford was actually just a warning.

And bringing this stuff up to Mel is so pointless.

I know. You run into the wall.

You know, every earthbound spirit belongs in the light.

Right, and nothing is more important than crossing them over. Yeah.

Least of all her safety.

Ned, what do you think?

I mean, these visions that Melinda can't tell from reality, does it have something to do with the bond between her and Aiden?

I mean, between a mother and her son?

The book doesn't mention it, but I don't think that--

you know what, maybe it's not in the book.

Because the answer is so obvious.

This poor girl wrestles with death day and night, then the ghosts never leave her alone, then there's the shadows.

Maybe she's just overwhelmed.

You're probably right. Look, I know that she's exhausted, because I finally was able to convince her to take a day off.

Really? Yeah.

I hope it helps. Come on.

Don't you think she just needs some rest?

I just think she needs more.

You know what, Ned, I am so thrilled that you are getting straight as in goblins and ghouls, but not everything is a plot from beyond our dimension.


Delia, it's all right. Let him talk.

Ned, tell us what you think.

We know Bedford said the shadows possess people to talk to them.

And Melinda said Carl was afraid the shadows were getting in his head.

So...You think the shadows are messing with Melinda's head?

Something sure is.

Wait a minute, the last thing Bedford said to Melinda was "trust no one and nothing."

Do you think he could have meant, you know, don't trust your own eyes?

Can they even do that?

I mean, can they--
can they just create these whole alternate realities and then just inject it into her mind?

So far, we haven't seen a whole lot they can't do.


Not that I'm complaining, but I thought you had a date tonight.

Oh, um, Mike had to cancel.

Some last minute work thing.

You still trying to dig up information on Kyle?

There has to be some connection; some reason the ghost looks just like him.

Yeah, but even if you find something, do you really think Kyle is going to listen to you?

After today? Doubtful.

You know, maybe this would be a good time for you to just cut your losses, just walk away from this one.

I can't.

How did I know you were going to say that?

The ghost is too angry.

If I can just figure out why, maybe I can cross him over without going back to Kyle.

Look, here's something.

Kyle grew up here in Grandview.

And his dad still lives in town.


Leave it alone.

Who are you?

And why do you keep appearing as Kyle?

I can help you.

I can help you.

Why don't you mind your own business?

Look, if you could just talk to me, we can figure out what we need to do to get you into the light. The light?

What do you know about the light?

I know that it's peaceful, and that spirits belong there.

You're wrong.

The light steals people. It takes them away forever.

Any friend of Gale's is a friend of mine.

Kyle's a lucky young man.

Please, sit down.

Oh, thank you.

Well, since they're moving to the city, I'm throwing a little party, but I don't know that much about Kyle.

Ah, didn't want to ruin the surprise by asking.

I get it.

Well, you came to the right place.

I've been a Kyle expert for, Hmm, almost 20 years now.

I thought he was older than that.

Oh, he is.

But my late wife and I didn't adopt him until he was 8.

I hate to say it, Sharon and I, well, we almost gave up on kids.

Deciding to adopt the boys was about the best thing that ever happened to us.

Ah, here.

There, that's the three of us.


I just wish Sharon would have lived long enough to see what a great guy Kyle turned out to be.

You said when you decided to adopt the boys.

By any chance, did he have a brother?

An identical twin?

Yeah, Seth.

Biological mother was young, unwed.

So she gave them both up at birth.

But Kyle knew about Seth, his twin?

Are you kidding?

Those two were as thick as thieves.

They grew up in the foster care system.

I'm surprised they weren't adopted sooner.

Yeah, we were, too.

But, you know, they came close several times, but at the last minute, one or the other would act up and spoil the whole thing.

So they didn't want to be adopted?

No, they didn't want to be separated.

They were always afraid that people would change their minds at the last minute and take one and not the other.

But Sharon, she convinced them.

She made them understand that we wanted both of them.

Hmm. At least--
at least Seth knew that before he died.

What happened to him?


He would always climb up to the roof of the orphanage where they lived, at night, to wish upon the stars. He was wishing for a family.

Of course, it was dangerous up there.

And one night, I guess he just slipped and fell.

Broke his neck.

I'm so sorry. Yeah.

One week.

One week before we were to bring those boys home to live with us.


So Seth was a little boy when he died?

8 years old.

And, of course, we adopted Kyle, but he had such a rough time the first few years without Seth.


He just couldn't let him go.

I mean, he was just a little boy himself.

Eli: I don't get it.

If Seth was 8 when he died, how did his ghost grow up?

Maybe it's some kind of weird twin thing.

You mean like, they're identical in life so they stayed identical in death?

Well, if Seth still feels close to Kyle, why would he be haunting him?

Why would he want revenge?

Maybe he's mad at Kyle for living.

That doesn't make any sense.

The ghost said that he was pushed off the roof.

What if Kyle pushed him?

What if he didn't want to share his new mom and dad?

You get that kind of vibe off Kyle?

Well, he did lie to you about having a twin.

Yeah, but that was just because he wanted to get rid of me.

Ugh, I gotta go talk to Kyle again.

Do you want me to go with you?

No, he already doesn't like you.

I was hoping you would say that.



Oh, excuse me, I was going to open up but I'm not now.

Are you Melinda Gordon?

Yes, I am.

Ok, well then consider yourself served.

It's a temporary restraining order.

You have to stay at least 100 yards away from Kyle Farber and Gale Thompson at all times.

Do you understand?

You might want to leave Kyle's dad alone, too, unless you want to start collecting those things.
Hey, what are you doing here?

I live here.

I didn't even hear you come in.

Seth, is that you?

'Cause I'm really not in the mood for a vision.

You don't help anyone.

You can't even help your own son.

It's not real.

Aiden's not even home.

You're not real! Look, Seth, stop it, all right?

Whatever it is that you're trying to do, it's not going to work!

Aiden: Ow!

[Groaning] Mommy!

I hurt my head.

First, the fire station and now this, is this about how you died?

Mel, what was that? What's going on?

Honey, what are you doing?!

Daddy! Aiden?

Mel, he's bleeding!

Aiden's at a play date, and you're not even supposed to be home.

No, you remember, I picked him up early and brought him home.

What is wrong with you?!

I don't know.

All right.

I'm going to take him to the hospital and get him checked out now.

Woman on P.A.: Nurse, pick up line one.

Nurse, pick up line one.


Aiden's fine.

Plastic surgeon's checking him out.

He's not going to need stitches, but he might have a tiny little scar.

Oh, God.

Mel, it's all right.

No, it's not all right.

My kid was bleeding.

He was calling out for me and where was I?

You want me to say it?

You were dealing with a ghost instead.

Honey, I'm sorry, but I feel like this is finally dragging you down, ok?

It's just this ghost.

He just got in my head.

Are you sure? Melinda!

Hey. How is he?

Is Aiden ok?

He's fine. Are you?

Yeah, we're fine.

We're fine enough to stop this ghost.

You know, it's one thing to go after me, but Aiden?

Wait a minute, now you think the ghost is after you?

He tricked me. He lied to me.

All just to make me look like a fool.

Worse, to make me doubt myself, and then ultimately to thr*aten my kid.

You think this was a warning.

I can stop him.

Seth tipped his hand.

He wants revenge, and then he kept saying something about how the light is this enemy that takes people away.

Someone he loved. But who?

Wait a minute.

Kyle's adopted father said something about how his wife died.

Do you have your phone?

Ok, so it was someone you crossed into the light?

Huh, what are the chances?

In this town, pretty good.

Wait, last name's Farber, right?


"Beloved wife of Alan Farber."

She died in the plane crash.

[Sighs] Flight 395.

She was one of the passengers.

[Airplane approaching]
Get off the square!


[All screaming]

Melinda: There were so many people.

They all went together.

I'm going to take care of this.

I promise.

Carl, what's going on?

What are you really doing around my son? Watching.

Carl, I swear--

I'm not joking, Melinda. I'm watching.

I'm looking out.

For what?

Some ghosts call them the winds of shames.

Some call them the night shriekers.

Little ghosts them the cold things.

You mean the shadows.

He's in danger, Melinda.

Your son is in danger.

No, once I cross this ghost--


It's not going to be over.

Why does he thr*aten them so much?

They're like birds of prey.

They feed by striking at things that can't see them.

That's the key to their power.

And Aiden, he--

he can take that away just by seeing them.

He exposes them, and then they're weaker.

They won't tolerate that.

And you've seen what they're willing to do to their enemies.

So what can I do?

I think you know that, deep down.

How would I know that?

Because it's what happens to everyone.

They see ghosts, and then they don't.

So what you're saying is that I can fix this if I make Aiden not see ghosts.

Or shadows. Or shinies.

How can I do that?

I told you. It happens to everyone.

When children are told what they see isn't real, pretty soon they stop seeing it.

Aiden is different.


And maybe what's different is you.

What if you told him what most children hear, what you would have heard, if not for your grandmother, maybe he'd turn out just like all the other kids.



This is him.

This is his gift, this is who he is.

Are you sure about that?

Are you sure you're not thinking it's not who you are, and you want your child to be the same?

What about everything that you said?

About this being his destiny?

About what he was supposed to come here and do?

Do you really care about any of that?

Of course I do.

More than you care about him?


Jim on voicemail: Hey, it's Jim. Leave a message, or page me if it's an emergency.

[Door opens]

Whoa, don't come any closer, I can't be this close to you.

The restraining order.

Oh, never mind about that.

Please. I really need to talk to you.

Things have gotten worse with Kyle.

What do you mean?

He talks to himself.

A lot.

Which I guess isn't that big of a deal, except lately, when he thinks he's alone, he even argues with himself.


And it's definitely worse since we met you.

So you think that I'm the reason Kyle's talking to himself?

Last night I heard him say something about Aiden getting hurt.

What? Yeah.

And when I asked him who Aiden is, he said it's your son.

But then he totally shut me down when I tried to find out what your child has to do with anything.

Look, I really need to know what's going on.

There's no way that he could have known what happened to Aiden.

Unless Seth was there.

Seth? His brother?

But he died, like a long time ago.

Does he ever talk about him? No.

But you said that he's been arguing with himself a lot recently?

Yeah, and lately it's getting kind of scary.

Sometimes things break.

Like what happened at your dad's house when I went to take his stuff back.

Not quite like that, but close.

I need to talk to Kyle right now.

Cut it out, Seth, stop it!


You said that you'd help me! You promised!



Oh, great, now she's here!


You see his ghost, too?

You said that you didn't have a twin brother. You were lying? Kyle!

What is going on?

Don't talk to them, Kyle.

Look, I was going to tell you about Seth still being here, but I didn't know how.

I thought that you'd think that I'm nuts.

So instead you tried to make me look nuts?

Why? Punishment?

Because I helped your mother go into the light?

You took her from us! Seth, please.

Look, I'm sorry, but we never meant for your son to get hurt.

Shut up, Kyle, don't tell her anything!

No, this has gone far enough.

It stops now.

You do whatever you want, but I'm going to finish what we started. Seth!

I guess if Melinda thinks that the light is so special, maybe she should find out for herself!

No, wait a minute!

You know what, you owe me an explanation.

Seth thinks that you robbed us of our mother.

You obviously feel the same.

You don't understand.

We were in and out of foster homes until we were
8 years old.

We wound up in that group home.

All we ever dreamed of was having a real family.

And that's when the Farbers adopted you?

Yeah. We met with them several times.

We prayed every single night that they were going to take us.

And then just before the adoption was final, Seth went up on the roof.

Wait, are you saying that Seth has been with you ever since?

I mean, his ghost?


I used to think it was the whole twin connection thing; that somehow it survived ever since, but I was just happy that I could still be with my brother.

Mom and dad, they adopted me anyway.

They didn't know that Seth was there, too.

But you know what, he loved them.

He loved them so much, even though they couldn't see him like I could.

And that's when your mother died?

And then you sent her away.

You know, she could have stayed with us.

Kyle, that's not how this works. Why not?

Huh? I mean, in some ways, we actually thought that it might be better, because now Seth, he could have had a real mom, too.

You're saying that you could have seen your mother's ghost?

Does that mean you have the gift?

No. No, not like you.

Seth's the only ghost that I've ever seen.

But thanks to you, I'll never get a chance to find out if I could have still had a mom.

You know, the night that dad got that phone call, it was terrible.

And the only thing that helped me and Seth get through all of it was knowing that mom's ghost was going to come to us and that she'd finally know that she had another kid that loved her, too.

But you know what, she never came home!

Because ghosts belong in the light.

Why? Why does she belong in the light?

Because you say so?

What makes you think that you get to decide that?!

Your mother decided that for herself.

She loved you so much that she could move on.

She was happy.

You can be happy, Seth can, too.


It sounds to me like she's right.

Look, I know how hard it can be to say good-bye to someone you love.

But for his own good, and for yours, please...

Help me get your brother into the light.



Whoo. Hey.

Where's Aiden?

He's having dinner at the masons.


We need to talk.



You're telling me that these mindless, hungry things want our son?


And they'll k*ll him?


If that's what it takes, they'll k*ll him.


But Carl said that Aiden is young enough that if we tell him that ghosts never existed, right, that he just had them in his imagination, then he literally won't see them?

If that's even possible.

If that's something that we decide we want.

Something we want?


Would it protect him or not?

Carl thinks so.

Look, Melinda, I know this is a loaded subject for you, and I know that you believe--

sounds like you've already made up your mind.

About something that would protect our son--

almost like you've been waiting for it to come to this.

Well, no, not exactly this, I don't know.

But, honey, Carl has been warning you for months that there's danger coming, that it's closer and it's getting stronger.

Ghosts make threats all the time.

Honey, these aren't threats, these are warnings about our son. And I think you believe them, because you wouldn't be sitting here having this discussion.

Why don't you just say what you really want, what you've always wanted?

What's that?

A normal kid. And maybe even a normal wife.

No, that's not true. I love him, I love you--

but admit it. Life would be better.

Easier, right? No. That's not fair.

Because I am going to have to stop doing what I do.

I'm going to have to lie to him about where I go and who I'm talking to when he's around.

Honey, I don't know how it would work.

But if it could, don't you think we owe it to Aiden to try?

By changing him?

Then who is he?

If we take away this incredible part of him?

I don't care.

If it would keep my son safe and alive, I don't care.

You don't mean that.

And you don't know.

You don't know how many nights that I have stayed in this house alone waiting for you to come home.

You know, knowing that there's nothing I can do to keep you safe from a threat that I can't see or hear or fight.

But right now, for Aiden, you're telling me I can?

That there's a choice?

Honestly, what choice you think I was going to make?

[Cell phone rings]



It's Delia.


Hey, listen, I just got a call from the cleaning people over at my office.

And they said they heard something coming from your store.


Yeah, so they went over and they peered in, and it was totally dark.

There were no windows broken, the alarm was still on, and so I told them not to call the cops because I was thinking, you know...


Yeah. And if it is Seth, you might want to get down there before he does some serious damage.

He already has.

[Glass breaking]
Melinda: Seth?

Kyle is here, he wants to talk to you.

He's your brother.

He needs you.

Seth, cut it out, man, that's enough. Says who?

Says her? Or her?

Look, I know you're angry, but this isn't the place for you anymore.

Where's the place for me, Kyle?

Was it the orphanage?

Or maybe it was my funeral, where you would have cried your eyes out if I hadn't been there promising that I'd stay with you.

Or maybe those first few days at mom and dad's house.

Yeah, they were mine, too.

You know they wanted the both of us, right?

You wouldn't go to sleep unless I stayed by your bed all night long, and this whole time, you've got to rest and I've just been awake watching over you.

And aren't you tired?

Seth, aren't you tired of trying to be something that you're not?

What's that, exactly?

Alive, for me.

I could have been alive for them, too, if you told them!

They wouldn't have believed me.

I could have showed them, see?

There. I hate you.

I hate you so much!

You just wanted them all to yourself!

You're so selfish!

Do something, you guys! Make him stop!

Seth, stop acting like that!

Like a child.

It's what you are.

I mean, this whole time I thought you had grown up with Kyle.

I did.

We did everything together.

That's just because you mirrored his image.

The way he walks and talks.

You were 8 when you died and you're 8 now.

You just wanted your mom.

Kyle: Seth?

And you took her!

And now Gale's taking Kyle.

That's how this all started.

The angry presence she felt, the haunting in the store, the words that you wrote, "over my dead body."

That wasn't a trick on me.

That's how you really felt.

He never should have told her, I've been here this whole time.

[Sighs] What was I going to say?

We promised each other that we'd always be together no matter what?

Seth, we were just kids.

We had no idea what could happen.

We didn't know that you'd die.

Well, I kept my promise. You needed me to.

I took care of you.

Yeah, you did, and now it's my turn to take care of you.

Seth, please.

I promise you, it's going to be better.

You remember when mom and dad, they took me away from that place.

That's what you said to me, and you were right.

Are you afraid to be on your own?

You used to be really afraid.

Not anymore.

Are you?

No. The light.

It's really nice.

I saw it before, it's just, you were so sad.

Well, I think I can be happy now.

I think mom is, too.

Do you see her?

No, buddy.

Just you.

She's waiting for me.

Will she still wait, just for a second?

Because I think she'd want me to apologize.


I'm sorry I was mean to you.

It's ok.

But it wasn't all my fault. Don't worry, I'm not mad at your brother, either.

No, not him.

It was that guy, the one who knows you.

He's the one who said I should be angry at you.

That you take people.

That you took mom before she could even see me.

Who are you talking about?

He had glasses and white hair.

You know, the guy who's so nervous and scared all the time.

I guess 'cause those cold things are always around him.

His name's Bedford.

I think so, yeah.

Those cold things, they force him to do things.

Did you know that?


Do you feel the cold things, too?

Only when I was around you, and your son.

Are you going to be ok?

Do you still the light?

Then don't be worried.

It's a grown-up's job to take care of their family.

He's gone.

My brother's gone.

Jim: So the whole thing--

the hauntings, the trick, the strange visions...

Even what happened to Aiden, the shadows did it all?


They used Bedford to rile up that 8-year-old ghost.

And Ned can't find anything in the book to help you and Carl has no idea how to stop these things.


And you still want to tell me you think Aiden's better off having this gift even though it makes him a target?


I really want to believe that he's better off just being who he is.

I really do, but I can't.

And I just can't anymore.

All right. Come here.