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02x11 - Mother and Daughter Divided

Posted: 12/18/13 13:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on Switched at Birth...

I didn't win this. It's like a forfait.

Come on!

Let's go out and celebrate with your staff.

You should have stood up for me when everybody was arguing about whether the hearing kids should stay.

You are making this personal!

Where's Lana?

She took the baby and left.

The nurse just told me she had a plane to catch.

So, Ty, no college, no job, any plans at all?

Well, I've enlisted in the army.

I was gonna tell you.

On a postcard from Afghanistan?!

We're engaged.

To be married.

Have you been drinking?

Maybe a little.

Angelo has arranged for you to go to a clinic in Minnesota.



* There's no need to play it cool *
* 'cause all I want is you *
* boy, you've gotta let me know... *

Do you want to share a strawberry smoothie?

Oh, I thought we'd each get our own.




Two strawberry smoothies, please.

And some French fries.

French fries and a smoothie!

I like your style, lady.


Oh, I'll be right back.

I'll put it on your tab. What's your last name?



Bay: Remember the days when she was all about East Riverside?

That is seriously like her third smoothie.

Is this really all over a guy?

One that you didn't even really like that much?

Who says that I didn't like Noah?

You guys dated for like two weeks.

Untrue. It was three and a half.

And it's not just about a guy.

When does Regina get back?


Then Daphne can move back into the guesthouse and you can go back to glaring at her from across the driveway.

Can't wait.

Look, wedding talk.

(Quietly chatting)

(Mimicking Kathryn)

"It's true, he is engaged!

We're thrilled."

(Mimicking John) "Oh yes, they are registered.

Oh, not at baby world."

"Oh, your son's going to Emory in the fall?

Ours is living at home, playing guitar in the garage, waiting for his fiancée to come back from Peru...

We couldn't be prouder."


Do you think they'll ever actually get behind this wedding thing?

I don't know.

Nikki: Hi guys!


Hi. I need a dip.

Take my seat.




How are we doing on the summer job hunt?

Good good! Lots of leads.

No no no, we said that unless you have actual employment by the time my office opened, that you would be working for me.

Come on, dad. You already have Daphne interning for you.

Plenty of room for both of you.

Toby works at the car wash. Can't one of us have employment at a non-John-Kennish-affiliated site?

You haven't found a job yet and we had a deal.

Dad, please don't do this to me.

It's done. It's happening.

I'm excited!

You're underestimating how hard this transition is.

You won't have the same level of support that you have here.

You might be walking into a situation where people are still angry at you.

Then I'm going to have to be a big girl and face that, won't I?

Your program doesn't end until Sunday.

Every single day here is important, Regina.

Every one.

I strongly advise against leaving early.

Daphne and I always go to the pool in our old neighborhood the first day it opens.

We get popsicles. It's our thing.

So you'll do it next week.


I've missed enough time with the girls already. I need to get home.

You can't get complacent about this.

You really need to put yourself...

In an environment that is conducive to staying sober.

I know that.

But I feel strong.

I really do.

Okay, everyone, put your wet things in this bag.

Girls, can you unload the cooler?

And what does everybody want for dinner?

I'm going to Nikki's for dinner.

She can't have one meal without you?

Mom, I am getting married.

There's nothing that's going to change that.

So either you get on board with that or you and I are going to be fighting all summer.

He's right, you know. We've got to start acting like we're happy about this thing.

Meaning what?

We're responsible for the rehearsal dinner, right?

Maybe we should start planning one.

Daphne: You have no reason to ignore me, Bay.

Noah's gone for the summer and we're barely even texting.


Do you want to make some more almond brittle tonight?


How about you, Bay? You want to join us?

No thanks, mom.

I know I shouldn't be saying this, but it's been so nice having the two of them to ourselves the past six weeks.

(Theme music playing)

Morning, Senator.

Good morning, Mark.

I've got three bills to brief you on and you have an 11:00

A.M. training session.

Okay. Daphne is here to help and Bay is coming soon, so good luck.

I've got a bunch of emails for you to go over.

We've got a few angry g*n lobbyists, some medicaid complaints, so you can grab that computer over by the window. The login is your social.

(Phone ringing)

You're gonna have to slow down
when you're talking to me, but I'm pretty sure you said to get answering emails like now.

Yes, thank you.


Oh, and Senator?


You have got a fracking bill to go over.


(Phone ringing)

Senator Kennish's office.

Yeah, I just gave it to him. 3:00 P.M. today?

I will let him know.

The whole thing?


By 3:00 P.M.?


And chip coto needs a list of our 50 biggest donors for a reception on Saturday.

Give that to the girls.

(Phone ringing)

(Panting) I'm here, I'm here.

Is that your mother's jacket?

God yes.

I'm wearing pantyhose.

Huh. Mark's going to give you a list of my 300 top donors.

You and Daphne need to narrow that down to 50.


Okay, so we'll split the names, 150 for each of us.

And then I'll create a spreadsheet with how much they've given to John in the past, how much they... what?

You're not going to boss me around here too.

Do you have a better idea of how to do it?

Yeah, I do.

Great. You do it.

(Door opens)

(Door closes)

Regina: Hi.



Hi. You scared me.

Sorry. I didn't...

I thought you were coming back on Sunday.

I was. I checked out early.

Is everything okay?

Oh, yeah yeah, fine.

Um, how are you? Where is everybody?

And what is this about?

I'm working in my dad's office.


Kathryn: I know.

I saw, that was so disgusting!



Can I get a hug?

Of course.


Welcome home.


We thought you were coming home...

I was.

I just...

Daphne and I had this tradition where the first day of summer we...

Um... they sprung me early so here I am.

We were just at the club.

Um, Bay didn't want to go.

But I brought you a smoothie, honey!

Thank you.

Yeah, I've been taking some lessons.

It's really fun. You should too!

Oh yeah! We should put you on the account.

Oh no no no.

We were going to do it anyway.

I really don't think it's...

You're gonna love it.

The chef is amazing...

And the...

Mom, she doesn't want to.

Well, I'm going to go upstairs and unpack.

And settle in.

Oh, I'll help you!



Kathryn: Goodbye, honey.

I'm gonna go start dinner.

If you want to help, come in, okay?

Is grandma on another baby nurse job?

Yeah, this one's for twins.

We're not going to see her for weeks.

I'm happy for her though. She's loving it.

I know, but I hate that you've been all by yourself.

And why is the fridge so empty? What have you been eating?

I've just been... eating over there mostly.

Breakfast too?

I was up late watching TV a bunch of nights so I just crashed in their guest room.

Every night? What, are you like living there now?


Grandma was gone...

No, um, good, I'm glad.

Hey, do you want to go get a scrub tomorrow?

We could go to that Korean spa and just sit all day and...

I'd love to, but John invited me to this reception for Alex Smith.


The new quarterback for the Chiefs.

John pulled a lot of strings to get tickets.

Oh, well then, you should definitely go.

But how about after?

I made plans with my sponsor, which I should probably keep.

Of course.

How about I make you a welcome-home dinner?

Oh, I would... I would love that!

Kathryn and I do these amazing kebabs.

Oh, for everybody?

Well, I'm sure that Bay would want to come.

Of course. Good idea.

* I'll be always *
* on your beat always... *

That girl is back.

* we'll be keeping time... *

* always... *

With the convertible.


* I wrote you a letter *
* the day I met you *
* it said "in my heart you'll stay always"... *

I think you're right.


* All-always... *


(Whispers) Go ask her out.

Do you know what they're saying?

I wish. I've only had one semester.

Have you guys had a conversation?

Just told him that I'm taking this sign language class

and asked for the early-bird special.

So come on, let's go talk to them.

One's coming... what do I say?

Why are you whispering? He can't hear you.

I know.

Hey, hot deaf guy!

Stop it!

Come hang out with us.


Oh, hey.

Um, I'm actually not deaf.

Or single, but he is.

Hey, guys.

Travis, this is...

Hi. Colette.


Uh, nice to meet you.

Uh, I gotta get back to work.

You're up!

Of course, I got up at 6:30 in rehab.

Yoga and affirmations before breakfast.

And I made you lunch.

Thank you, but we've actually been going out for lunch mostly.

Doesn't that get expensive?

John and Kathryn got me a credit card.

They what?

It's not like I'm buying flat-screen TVs or anything with it.

It's just for lunch and school supplies.

I didn't have a credit card until I was 25.

It's really not a big deal.

Hand it over.

Hand it over.

Thank you.

I have to go.



Have a good day.

You too.

(Door closes)



(Keys clicking)


Come in!

Oh hey, I'm just working on this family tree thing.

Do you need...

I, uh...

I came to return this.


I came in one night and... took it.

That's okay.

No, it's not okay.

I'm incredibly embarrassed and I want to apologize for that and... all of my behavior the weeks before I left.

Thank you. I'm sure that it can't be easy.

And I know that you took care of Daphne while I was gone, and I really appreciate that...

It was nothing.

... But I am not okay with her having a credit card, so.

It's not like she's buying flat-screen TVs or anything.

I mean...


It doesn't matter.

You're denying her the joy of buying things with her money.

And you know what? Struggling a little isn't so terrible.

It builds character.

There are a lot of ways to build character...

I don't consider it suffering for a high school junior not to have her own credit card.

Did you ask Daphne what she wants?

She doesn't get to decide what's best for her, I do.

Well, you've made your opinion crystal clear.

Barista: What can I get you?

Is that a unicycle?

(British accent) Yes, and don't ask me where the other wheel is.

Do you really...

Yes, I really ride it.


Because it's easy to transport, it's easy to store, it's low maintenance and you can't really hurt yourself on it.

And it's weird. And I like weird things.

Okay. I got a lot of coffee orders for you: so one half caff latte with soy, no foam; two regular milk decaf; three skim... should you be writing this down?

One half caff with soy, no foam, two regular milk decaf, three skim.

And these are presumably for the new senators' training session, who are probably all freaking out right about now.

Wow, like a coffee-guy "Rain Man" thing.

I'm not autistic, just a good listener.



Why did the mail room just tell me that we don't have enough postage credit for 300 invitations?

We were supposed to narrow it down to 50.

But if we invite everyone, then I figure only 50 will show up.

That's genius. Thank you.

But what happens if 150 show up?

Or 100 or even 75, and we only have enough food for 50?

They're not gonna starve.

I'll fix it myself.

I'll wait for the coffee.

I need you to go get the muffins for the meeting.

And don't forget the gluten-free.


We're hosting a meeting.

Senator Shershow asked for gluten-free and she's going to get gluten-free if I have to go home and bake them myself.

I'm going, I'm going.

That was so cool.

What are you talking about?

I just found my next thing.

Excuse me?

I pick a new thing to learn every month and I just found my new thing... signing.

Oh, you can't learn to sign in a month.

Watch me.

Hey, why don't you get back to fixing whatever you have to fix and I'll bring these to you.

Thank you.



Oh, I... I... I don't know.

A light went on and then another light and it started lurching and I pulled over.

Look, it's a 40-year-old car and it's possible that this is just the end.

Then again, it's also possible that it knows me so well and it conked out just when I needed a break.

45 minutes?

No no, go do a couple of jobs before me.

I'm sure there's a lot of folks out there who need to be on the road before I do.

Where am I? Uh... where am I... apparently I'm in Maui.
* Abigail is 60-aught *
* she likes her cup of tea *
* takes her walks at 4:00 *
* just following routine *
* like you do *
* like you do... *

(Bell dings)

* Pennies in her pocket, but she'll never cash them in *
* saving up for when they say the world is gonna end *
* like we do... *

Guy: Those kids may look happy because they love the bumper cars,
but it's really from the laughing gas we're pumping in through the tiki torches.

That woman is pushing a stroller but there's really a baby kangaroo inside...

An alien baby kangaroo.

Ooh, now there's a shark-sh**t if I ever saw one. Come, save the surfers from the jaws of death. Keep the deep blue sea from turning red!

I'm... I'm good, thanks.

Aw, come on. Grab a r*fle, look down the barrel and say "smile, you son of a fish!"

Three tickets, please.

(Bell rings)

Surf's up!

(Surf music playing)

(g*n pops)

Oh phooey.

(g*n pops)

I knew I would suck at this. (Laughs)

(g*n popping)

Guy 2: To the right... now.

(Clanks) Lower.



Over to the left. Now.


Back to the right, now.

Higher, now.

(Clanks, bell rings)



Oh my God, you're back!


Uh... what are you doing here?!

Uh, my tour was over, so I'm on the base now, just finishing my enlistment.

That's great! I mean, I'm just so happy that you're okay.

How long have you been home?

A couple of months.

Daphne didn't say anything.

No, I didn't really call too many people.

I'm still... just settling in and stuff, you know.

Well, you're here.


And we're here and... and we got a super high score!

So what did we win?

Well, you racked up a lot of carcharodon carcasses.

So any prize in the booth.

Hmmm. What do we want?

Well, you know, my room could really use a gigantic monkey hugging a banana.

One gigantic monkey hugging a banana, please!

Okay... (Laughing)

How are you at skeeball?


Let's do it.

All right.

I was reading about this trend where you hang crystals from manzanita branches.

That sounds cool.

And we could put tea lights on teak trays and float them on the pool.

Or they have these lighting fixtures that could project "congratulations Nikki and Toby" right on the surface.

Or "Toby and Nikki."

All this for a rehearsal dinner?

Come on, you're a musician, how could you not want to see your name in lights?


Ha ha.

(Gasps) Oh, this is where we'll put the fondue bar.


This place is awesome.

Yeah, I've got a friend who works here so I come by whenever I want to be around people that I don't have to salute.

(Phone ringing)

That's probably AAA. I have to get back to cleaning cinders and taking orders from my wicked stepsister.


Yeah. You have no idea.


Okay, yeah.

I'll be there in a few seconds.


I wish I could stay here... at the ball... all summer.

Uh, you know, that guy Mac at the shark booth, he's the manager here.

They might be looking.

That guy's the manager?

Yeah, I've gotten to know him a little bit from hanging out here.

So if your car gets fixed we can go talk to him.

(Door slams)

Hi! You will never guess what happened today!

Oh, let me try. You went out to get pastries for an important meeting and never returned?

My car broke down. I texted.

Bay, look, I know you weren't thrilled about it, but you had a commitment to this job, to me, and by the way, to your sister, who had to then go out and get the pastries once you disappeared.

First of all, she's not my sister.

Second of all, you can go ahead and fire me because I found another job.

Doing what?

Working at that amusement park, Maui, Kansas.

(Scoffs) No, that's not gonna happen.

Why not?

It's in a terrible neighborhood.

No, it's just not surrounded by mansions.

That place is less than a mile from where I grew up.

I used to take Daphne all the time.

Okay. So you'd actually rather have "carnival" on your resume than an internship in a state Senator's office?

What's wrong with working at a carnival?

That's the type of job most high school kids get.

Plus she got this one herself.

I doubt an internship at her father's office is going to fool anyone in the admissions office.

So tell me what she's going to learn at a carnival.

How to make cotton candy and clean up vomit?

Sure. Why not?

Actually I'm on games.

Come on, she's got the rest of her life to be cooped up inside some office.

Dinner! Come on, let's everyone head out.

Thank you, Regina.

You're welcome.

Come on, it's time to eat.

(Kathryn mumbles)

Bay: Thanks.

So, what's the story on Angelo?

Well, I spoke to him yesterday.

He and the private investigator... or attorney or whoever... they think they've tracked down the family that Lana wanted to give the baby to, so they're on their way to see if this couple has her.

And if they do?

I guess they start some kind of custody battle.

That's gonna take forever.

So how was everyone's day?

Well, mine was... ahem... fantastic. Very very exciting.

It must be so cool to wake up and go to work

every day knowing you're helping people.

All I get to do is say, "swirl or side by side?"

(Kathryn chuckles)

Toby: You know, dad,
now that Bay has bailed, you've got an opening in your office.

What about Nikki working there?

Even part time?

That would be amazing.

I think that is a great idea.

(Sputters) Okay, great.

I'm happy to have you.

Keeping it in the family.

(Forced chuckles)

Does anyone want some iced tea?

Thank you.

You two aren't having wine tonight?


You don't have to do that.

Oh, no problem.

Hey! So I had an idea.

Why don't we do something like this for the rehearsal dinner?

What do you mean?

A barbecue, like at a park maybe.

I mean, it would be so fun. And all my little cousins could run around the playground and everyone can help man the grill and this way we can invite more people.

I'm not sure a park is that special.

But then we could take the money that you were going to spend on flowers and fondue bars and give it to a charity.

Like the one in Peru...

We give a lot to charity... to a lot of charities.

No, I know that, but...

This is my son's wedding, his only wedding, I presume, and I would like it to be beautiful.

I'm sure it will be...

But for who?

I mean who are we trying to impress?

Because all I want to do is celebrate our families joining.

And it just seems a bit wasteful for something that is going to be over in a few hours.

I agree.

I got married at the courthouse, and frankly, I can't imagine doing it any other way.

That's because your marriage was a fraud.

That's not the point.

Spending thousands of dollars on a dress you're never gonna wear again? It's insane.

It's an iconic moment. Those pictures are something that you'll look at for the rest of your life to remind you of the bond you made to each other.

Some moments are bigger than the math of how much a dress costs.

Depends who's doing the math.

Well, I guess it's something that we can think about.

(Rock music playing)


I brought cookies.



Nice place.

Is it just you two guys?

Who is that?

That's his ex.

She's a little older, isn't she?


This is a Caribbean tortuga cake.

It's supposed to have a rum glaze, but we substituted vanilla instead.


Okay, that's it.

What's wrong?

Drink wine.

Put a teaspoon of rum in the cake.

Just live your lives!

You don't have to baby me, please.

It's making me a little crazy.


What? It is.

John: Regina, we're not babying you.

Okay? I ask Kathryn to keep the candy away from me when I'm trying to lose a few pounds.

I don't really think eating candy and alcoholism are the same thing.

Sure it is. It's willpower.

Not really.

Neurobiologists have studied the brains of addicts.

We're genetically wired differently.

I see. Well, even if that were the case, it doesn't take responsibility off of the person drinking.

Guys, I don't think we should get into this.

I have to agree.

I mean is it "the disease" that came into our living room and took a bottle of Stoli?

Thank you, John, for making this process so easy.

Mom, stop!

We're all just trying to help.


Suddenly it's "we"?

Another family dinner bites the dust.

I'm gone six weeks and you turn into a mini version of her!


And him... lecturing me like that.

I cringe to think of the things they said about me when I was gone.

What are you talking about? They didn't say anything bad about you.

Yeah right.

What did you expect me to do?

You were gone for six weeks.

Getting myself better!

You drank and lied.

Because I was lying to myself.

Just like before... day after day, year after year when you knew about the switch and didn't tell me.

The switch! We're back to that?

Do you know how easy it was when you were gone?

I didn't have to worry about people fighting over me or taking care of you!

Well, I'm sorry if me coming home has disrupted your perfect life here.

You deserted me!

They were there.

You should be thanking them instead of yelling at them.

(Stomps upstairs)

(Door slams)


(Phone vibrates)

Mom, is it okay if I go out for a little bit?

Yeah, sure.

Thank you.

That day at the club was the first time I've seen my mom excited about our engagement.

Okay, Toby.

Our name in lights in a pool?

It's weird.

It'll make her happy.

What's the big deal?

I'm just...

I'm trying to picture all of my aunts and uncles from Milwaukee... and our priest... at a fondue bar.

Reverend Steven is not going to come to the rehearsal dinner.

Even if he did, he's not gonna judge.

He's not allowed to.

That weekend is supposed to be about us.

And these are not my values.

Wait, is that what you think of my family?

That we're just vacuous country-club people?



Of course not.

I'll call you tomorrow, okay?



(Pop music playing)

* Until you took it from me *
* oh, I want it back, I want it back *
* oh, I want it back, I want it back... *

(Door opens)

Oh my God, it's her.


His ex-girlfriend!

We're leaving.

We're leaving.

Uh, bye.

* Save me from myself, I wanna see the truth *
* save me from the lies I've made up *
* hold me to the light, tell me what to do *
* show me all the signs I run from *
* chase me back to where... *


What are you doing here?

What do you mean? I got your text.


What text?

Your text.

"I need you! I must see you now!"


You took my phone?

So... this was a trick?

(Moans) "Oh, Ty, ooh!

You're such a good kisser!"


What are you doing?

She wants you, dude. Go for it.

You're gonna humiliate a girl like that?

You're gonna disrespect her?

Ty, I'm okay.

Apologize to her.

Get out of my face, man.

Hey, Mendoza, relax.

Don't ever disrespect a girl like that again. Do you hear me?


Ty, don't!

I'm sorry! Let go, I'm sorry.

Chill out.

Get off of me!

I'm sorry.

* Looking for a shadow of myself *
* I need a little light *
* I need a little help... *

Are you going back to rehab?

* If it gets any darker, well *
* I just might disappear... *

No. I have to...

Figure out how to live here... in the real world.

Well, where are you going?

I talked to Angelo.

He said I could stay over there.

For how long?

I... I don't know.

Living here has always been a little tough on my self-esteem, and right now...

You need to give us time to readjust too.

I know, and I shouldn't have gotten so angry.

The most important thing right now is that I stay sober.

And to do that, I need my own space.

I'm not going with you.

Please try to understand.


I guess I should go back over there.

* If I've learned one damn thing *
* it's what not to do... *


* If I've learned one damn thing *
* it's what not to do. *

Why did you have to go at her like that?

Me? What about her?

Daphne and I worked so hard on that meal, trying to make it nice for everybody.

We're not the perfect family from your perfect book.


I'm sorry. I had a horrible day.

I had like 95 phone calls from irate constituents all wanting me to fix things the previous guy couldn't fix.

And then there was this bill, with writing like this big, that I was supposed to get through and have coherent notes on in like three hours.



I'm sorry that I ruined your dinner.

I ruined it too... arguing with Nikki about tea candles.

(Tearfully) We're losing him.

Oh sweetie.

(Sighs) I know it's gonna happen some time, but it just feels too soon.


You know, forcing tea candles on Nikki isn't going to really change things.

I know.






But we're serving filet mignon.

(Keys clink)

Where is everybody?

In bed.

I think that dinner just tired everyone out.

Then what are you doing here?

Regina's staying at Angelo's for a few days.

I don't understand. Why did she go to Angelo's?

I guess she needed some alone time.

Because six weeks wasn't enough?

I don't know. Ask her.

She didn't exactly consult me either.

Okay, so she just left... again... and she didn't even tell me?

You know what?

I'm sick of you yelling at me for things that I have zero control over.

(Keys clink)

(Pop music playing)


Why do you keep leaving without telling me?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I had to get out of there.

I was going to call you in the morning.

You've lived in my house all this time and we barely know each other.

That's not true.

What's the most time we've ever spent together?

Two hours while we were painting my mural?

My mom and Daphne have so much time together, but you... you don't ever want me around.

Bay, that is not true.

Why do you push me away?

Why don't you want to spend time with me?

I do... want to spend time with you.

A lot more time.

I felt so guilty for not coming to get you.

I had to pretend that you didn't exist so it wouldn't hurt so much.

And then... by the time I met you... it was just... it was hard to undo all that.

Can I stay the night?




You can stay as long as you want.

* Strip me bare, don't got a thing to wear *
* but I got my freedom *
* lah dah dah dah *
* take my pride, I can still survive *
* I got my freedom *
* lah dah dah dah *
* strip me bare, I don't got a thing to wear *
* but I got my freedom *
* lah dah dah dah *
* hunt me down, you'll never find me *
* now that I've got my freedom *
* lah dah dah dah *
* take my past, we're never looking back *
* I got my freedom *
* lah dah dah dah. *