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01x40 - Grimmer

Posted: 01/09/23 10:32
by bunniefuu
Get out of here! The police are coming.

But Dresden wait in front of the station.

Hurry, give me the message.

Cedok Bridge.

Three frogs?

And then my father said this If the monster you're chasing is a twin Their mother is alive and is living in Prague.

Take that! Give it back! Hey, pass.

Nice one.

Give it back! Give it back! Grimmer How's it going, Mr.


Did you find the material you were looking for?

After the unification of East and West Germany, this institutions works completely changed, so those are the only hooks we have from before then.

I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble, Director Galbreckt.

It's rare for this much to be left.

Since the Berlin Wall was destroyed, the dangerous material in the East has been disappearing.

The only thing for certain is that there were cases of child abuse in East German orphanages.

Although it's still hard to find materials to even prove that.


The orphanages in East German were normally under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Public Welfare.

The problem was for the children whose parents were criminals, anarchists, spies, illegal immigrants, and those with no influence.

Those children were cared for at Kinderheim, which was under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was known for its bad reputation.

I want to know exactly how far the abuse and brainwashing that occurred in that special orphanage went.

I want to thoroughly investigate what exactly took place inside that orphanage.

Thoroughly, huh?

I see.

That's quite an investigation you're undertaking.

The government employees are probably covering for each other, or at least won't rat the others out.

That's right.

Including a certain Mr.

Schunua, who's employed here.



He was an educator at 62 Kinderheim.

I asked him for an interview, but he declined.

You should keep a lookout.

Before the unification, Dr.

Schunua might have participated in child abuse.

Is it okay if I make copies of these books?

Oh, go ahead.


Grimmer, you're a journalist from West Germany, aren't you?

No, I'm from this side.

I worked at a paper in Leipzig.

I would never have thought that a protector of human rights would be from the East side.

Well, back then I flew all over the world as a correspondent.

I got missions from the government.

Do you get it?

I was a spy.

What a large bag! It's full of the papers I've collected throughout East Germany.

I'll expect a great newspaper article from you.

Where are you off to now?

Prague, Czechoslovakia.

Thank you for your cooperation, Director.

They were picking on you pretty bad back there.

So they ended up taking your shoes?

Don't cry.

People can live without shoes.

We were all born barefoot anyways.

But, those who would bully others and take away their shoes are scum.

You shouldn't let losers like them make you cry.

See ya.

Too big for you to walk in, huh?

Dresden Station Um, excuse me.

Do you have a second?

What's wrong?

I'm in a bit of trouble.

The bag with my passport in it was stolen.

Your passport?

That's horrible.

Yes, it is.

I was going to see my sister in Vienna.

I just got word that she collapsed yesterday.

She collapsed?

You have to make it there as soon as possible.

We should get the police.

I've already tried that.

The truth is, my sister doesn't have money to pay for her doctors.

That's awful.

The bag that was stolen also had my wallet in it.

Since I can't go to see her, I thought that I could at least send her some money, but I can't even do that.

How much do you need?

No, no.

I don't need that much.

If I could just get enough money to see her at the hospital, that'd be enough.

This is all I can give you.

Thank you.

Danke Schoen.

I promise I'll pay you back.

Write your address for me.

Don't worry about it.

As long as your sister gets better.

Thank you.

God bless you.

Take care of your sister.

You gave your money to him so easily.


It's obvious it was all a lie.

It was a lie?

They're always around this station looking for money.

You can't let them trick you like that.

I was tricked?

Express line to Prague will be leaving Platform 7 at 3:15.

Thanks for the help.

You're welcome.

Thanks for the help just now.

Do you mind if I sit here?


Where are you headed?


You're Japanese, aren't you?


Heh, thanks.

I've been to Japan before.

I see.

How many years has it been?

It was 1982.

I went to Akihabara.

They had a lot of wiretaps and high-tech gadgets.

And this song was popular.

Let's see now "At the north cemetery road.

" No, that's not it.

"At the north.

bar road.

" Yeah, that's right.

"At the north bar road.

" And then there were the robots.

I bought one of the plastic models for my kid.

He absolutely loved it.

Where's your son now?

He's dead.

We're leaving the country, so I'll have to take a look at your passports.

Danke Schoen.

The Elba River.

I wonder how the trout are doing this year.

It's not very good.

Oh, I see.

Last year I caught one about this big.

I don't think you'd be able to this year.

Danke Schoen.

Your secret's out.

They know that passport's a fake.

You should get out of here, Dr.


How do you know about me?

More importantly, the border patrol knows about your fake passport and they're going to come after you.

You need to get out of here, Dr.



Hey, you.

We need to get through.

Ah, excuse me.

My bag was so big, I got stuck.

I can't move at all.


What are you doing?

Don't be so violent.

What's in here?

Very important things.

Ah, I'm loose.

Do you know what happened to the man who was here?

There was an Asian man in this room with you, wasn't there?

I don't know.

Maybe he went to the dining car.

You, check that car over there.

We have an emergency in passenger car 2.

An Asian man had a fake passport! Hey! Hit the emergency brakes! Well done! Well done! They didn't chase you this way.

The train stopped, so I got off.

I haven't introduced myself.

I'm Grimmer.

If you'd let me, can I guide you to the border, Dr.


I know this area well.

I come here to fish often.

The climbing is a little difficult, but the scenery is a sight to be seen.

Why are you helping me?


I worked at a newspaper back when there was a East and West Germany, although I'm a freelance journalist now.

I've read all the articles about you.

I'm very interested in you.

There were false charges made all the time in East Germany.

This political prisoner was falsely accused.

That m*rder*r was innocent.

Seeing that all the time, I can identify real criminals from the ones who are falsely accused.

You are innocent.

Isn't that right, Dr.


Could I ask you to stop calling me Doctor?

But you're an excellent brain surgeon, aren't you, Dr.


I'm not a doctor anymore! How about that?

What a nice view! From here, we can see whoever's trying to follow us.

Let's take a little break.

How about a sandwich?

I have wine, too, and some delicious cheese.

I don't have that much time.

The sun is still high in the sky.

It's better to cross the border when it's dark.

Picnics sure are fun.

It's good to have one occasionally, Dr.


Having such beautiful surroundings and delicious food These are the times that you feel happy to be alive.

I respect doctors like you.

Journalists like me might give people a little happiness if I write a good article, but you you can give people life itself.

I shot a man.

Last month in Munich, I shot someone for the first time.

He's probably dead.

Before then my hands trembled and I couldn't aim.

But after I shot him once, my hands stopped trembling.

from here on, there is another person I have to sh**t.

I'm no longer a doctor.

Whenever I come to the Elba River to fish, I think to myself.

I wish I could have come here fishing with my son.

Your dead son?

I can catch a trout this big here.

He died without ever knowing the joy of fishing.

If a doctor like you were near him back then, his life would have been saved.

I'm telling you, I caught a fish this big.

After you cross that mountain, you'll be at the Czech border.

When you pass through that, you'll reach a wooded road.

You might be able to catch a ride there.

I'll head back to the station now.

Thank you.

You really helped me, Mr.


I'll pray for your good fortune, Dr.



If we ever meet again, let's have another picnic.

Everyone is burdened with sins.

Those sins will never disappear, but, there are still things that you must do.

Prague, Czechoslovakia Wonderful! This is absolutely beautiful.

This is the first time I've been here, but Prague seems like a town right out of a fairy tale at night.

Do you mind if I sit here?

I'm totally in love with this place.

You're Mr.

Petrov, aren't you?

You bought your Russian nationality and have been living in Czechoslovakia.

I have something I want to ask you.

Will you help me, Mr.


Or maybe I should call you Mr.

Reinhart Biermann?

There was a special orphanage in East Berlin.

It was an experimentation ground for brainwashing young boys and changing their personalities.

It was called 511 Kinderheim.

You were the director there.

You should know everything.

You were the director there.

What were you trying to do back there in East Berlin at 511 Kinderheim?

Yes Gazing at what is known now in this world Yes Your eyes believe in kindness Make it home to your land of harmony Make it home to your land of purity The Ghost of 511