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02x13 - The Good Samaritan

Posted: 12/18/13 13:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

I'm just really glad to be here. You have no idea.

We're happy to have you.

To Regina and a great first day.


I had a stack of resumes this high.

I have too many needy clients to worry about whether or not my sales clerks have their act together.

You've got an opening in your office.

What about Nikki?

I'm happy to have you.

I just found my next thing... signing.

You can't learn to sign in a month.

Watch me.

Do you know how easy it was when you were gone?

You deserted me!

They were there!

Please stay.

I'd like my family with me.

Regina's staying at Angelo's for a few days.

I guess she needed some alone time.

Can I stay the night?

You can stay as long as you want.

Oh. Sorry.

We said we were gonna clean up.

It's all right.

Morning! Oh...

We were totally supposed to do those.


It's fine. Just next time if you don't have time to do the dishes, let them soak overnight. It makes them a lot easier to clean.

I'm sorry. Can I help?

No, I'm almost done.

Hey, where's the biscotti?

Breakfast of champions.

No no no, don't eat that.

I'll make us a real breakfast. How about some crêpes?

That sounds great, but I actually have to pick something up before work.


And I've gotta get dressed.

I've got a meeting at the temp agency.

Okay, so I'll make something for dinner tonight.

Sounds great.

Cool. (Chuckles)


I have never seen somebody attack a pot like that.

He was just like... you're missing my Angelo impersonation.

Sorry. What?

Do it again.

Never mind.

What's with the photo essay of your amps?

Putting 'em on eBay.

You're selling your amps?

(Cellphone ringing)

Hey, Joe, what's up?

It's okay. Mr. Hilliard says that we dent his car every time he gets it washed.

Yeah, the dent's been there for years.

My dad has a photo of Hilliard's car in the bookshelf in his office.

Yeah, just call me back if there's any problems.

All right, bye.

(Chuckles) Well done.

Whoa. You're selling the Fender, too?

Well, I don't need eight guitars, plus the wedding is costing a lot more than we thought it would.

Can't you guys just ask mom and dad for help?

Nikki wants us to do it on our own.

But aren't you guys gonna play after you get married?

Well, I don't need all of my equipment, plus we'll be setting up the apartment and...

(Cellphone ringing)

Hey, babe, what's up?

Uh, I wish I could.

Yeah, thanks. All right, cool.

I love you too.


Could you move your car please?

You're blocking me in.

I parked where I always do.

If you don't mind, I'm gonna be late for work.

Fine. I will be right there.

I thought not living under the same roof was gonna help, but things are as bad as ever between the two of you.

Well, maybe this is just how it's gonna be.

The bass too?!


I can't believe you're really doing it.


Doing what.

Getting all jobby and mature.

Well, I'm getting married.

The two kind of go hand in hand.

Yeah, I guess they do.


(Theme music playing)

(Folk music playing)

* no way *
* that's not what I would do *
* I said no way *
* all that you put everyone through for you *
* you only care about yourself *
* and I'm... I'm standing in the corner, asking... *

Daphne: Did you lose your car keys?

Or are you looking for change for the meter?

(Scoffs) Neither.

And do you mind not staring?

You're drawing attention to this.

I don't even know what this is.

But this is the sign for "staring."



Wow. You've gotten really good.

Told you.

(Box clicks)


* no way *
* that's not what I would do *
* I said no way *
* oh, won't you try... *

What's geo-caching?

If I can learn to sign, you can learn to Internet search.

* until you get it right, yeah. *

Kathryn: Because it's Toby and Nikki's wedding, not mine.

Mom. Mom, my battery's dying.

Okay, uh, ca... bye.



According to my mother, Toby's getting married because I was too distracted with my book, and I'm not working hard enough to move the reception someplace "appropriate."

Sweetie, your mother doesn't listen, and she makes everything your fault.

Did you even hear a word I said?

I'm sorry, I'm just trying to make sense of this bill.

What is going on with your mother?

Well, on the one hand, she can't believe that I'm letting Toby get married before he even goes to college.

And on the other, she wants to micromanage his wedding and invite third-cousins I've never even heard of even though I've told her no four times.

Your mother never listens and she makes everything your fault.


Try to tune her out.

I gotta get to the office, see if my staff can make sense of this thing.

Have a nice day.

(Door closes)



What's so funny?

Have you heard of this blog? "The Kansas Squealer"?


The guy in the mailroom told me about it.

And they've got all this dirt on everything that happens here and in the state government.

I mean, it's pretty merciless.

Hey, so have you ever heard of geo-caching?

Oh yeah, people in my youth group love it.

I mean, it's supposed to be really fun.

Okay, so you get a map or some coordinates and then you use the G.P.S. in your phone to find a box or container or something?

Yeah, people hide cool little presents in it and then you find it, take it and replace it with something of your own.

Oh. That does sound kind of cool.

Mark: You've got a strategy session with Chip Coto then you have a radio interview at 4:15 and a constituent meet and greet at 5:30.

(Chuckles) No rest for the weary, huh?

Wait till you get your committee assignment.

Did you guys finish the b*llet points on that education bill?

Yes, I made this cheat sheet and I put post-its by the important amendments.

Great. Thanks very much.

Did you see in section 27b they're gonna stop funding for Sex Ed and require an abstinence-only education?

Yeah, I think I saw that.

So how can you support that?

What's wrong with teenagers not having sex?

I think it's really important that kids know that abstinence is a valid option.


But you don't actually believe telling teenagers not to have sex means they're not gonna have it?

I mean, if they don't learn to protect themselves, they'll just end up pregnant with a bunch of S.T.Ds.

Look, we support the bill and we have less than 10 minutes to get the Senator up to speed. So Nikki, why don't you come with me and help me brief the Senator in his office?

(Mutters) Okay.

(Door shuts)

(Rock music playing)

* every time you're looking *
* you don't know what you're looking for *
* so maybe you should bite your tongue *
* the time has come... *



Don't worry. I'm not here to talk about guys or even complain about Daphne.

What do you think about Toby and Nikki getting married?

It's crazy, right?

Thank you. Why didn't you say something earlier?

I keep thinking my parents are gonna find a way to stop it or Toby's gonna realize that it's a giant mistake, but I really think that it's gonna happen.


He's selling his amps and his guitars, to help pay for the wedding.

Do you think that she's making him give up playing?

(Sighs) Yeah.

I know.


(Knocks on door)

Come in!

(Door opens)

Hey, Adrianna, I didn't know you were back.

Well, the twins started sleeping through the night, so they don't need me anymore.


The parents might refer me to a friend of theirs who's due with triplets.


Does anybody just have one kid anymore?

(Laughs) I guess not.

Well, at least you'll be able to sleep through the night.

Yeah. I hope you don't mind if I wash a few things.

Of course not.

Do you have any towels
you might want to throw in with mine?

I'll leave them folded on the dryer for you.

No no, I've already done them.

What are you doing there?

Oh, it's my shopping list.

It's grocery day.


I could use a few things too. Mmm.

Oh, you want to come with me?

You sure you don't mind?

No, not at all.

Okay, I'll go get my coupon envelope.

I have a lot of duplicates, so both of us can use them.

Oh no, save 'em for yourself.

Oh, no no, listen.

You'd be surprised how much you can save.

About four years ago... no, maybe five... anyway, we were having three other families over for Thanksgiving.

Regina and I clipped every coupon we could find for months.

We ended up with a cart filled, spilling with food, and the bill came down to under $100.



So it's going to be fun.

It's just really hard to help when I totally disagree with him.

Well, I mean, there's some pretty big philosophical differences between us and the Kennishes.

But he wouldn't even listen to me.

Well, maybe once he settles in he'll be more open to new, or should I say, sane ideas.

So when are you coming home?

Soon. I just need to make sure that I am really ready.

It's just weird not seeing you every morning and night.

I know. I think once I have a job I will be able to handle living with the Kennishes again.

How's that going?

Well... there aren't that many design jobs in the city and I... I screwed up one of the best.

Well, Whitney hired you once.

Maybe she'll do it again.

I doubt that.

Can't you tell her about rehab and everything?

Honey... don't worry.

I will find something.

And when you do, you'll come home?

Yeah. That's the plan.

(Cellphone buzzes)


Sorry, I, um... I'm supposed to meet my sponsor downtown and I should probably get going in case there's traffic.

Of course. Go.

Yeah, bye.

So, the next time he came through San Juan, I refused to see him. I said, "you want to go to your cousin's wedding with someone?

Why don't you ask Yolanda?" Just like that.

Then my sister hangs up the phone for me, and it's "hallelujah, we're free of that rat."

But the next day, who shows up at my office?

Both: George.


Where should I put this?

Oh, just please leave it on the counter.

The doctor was not interested in any funny business, so I took George outside.

And then he tells me...

(Phone beeps)

"You know who Yolanda is?

Yolanda is my grandmother."

Wow. That is some story.

Uh-huh. (Laughs)

You know what? I have to return this call to my mom.

You know, you should line these shelves, protect this beautiful wood.

(Sighs) Well, I have some contact paper, but I've never gotten around to it.

I can do it.

No, that's okay.

Oh, I have the time. I'm happy to help.

Where's the paper?


Wow, that's impressive.

Yeah, another 10-year-old trend you're just now picking up on?

So how come you couldn't just tell me that geo-caching was like a treasure hunt?

Because it's more than that.

It's like a secret club and if you can't find out what geo-caching is for yourself, then you certainly can't do it.

I can do it.

Toby: I completely understand and I'm terribly sorry.


(Toby sighs)


Is everything okay?

I don't feel like a human anymore.

I'm just a robot who says, "I'm sorry. I understand.

I'm sorry," over and over again.

Well, would a grilled cheese help?

Oh yes, thank you. I'm starving.

Hey, so we really need to get that counseling session with Reverend Steve in the books.

Oh right, sorry. My mind has been elsewhere.

Can we do it some night this week?

Yeah, I can see what he has available, but we really have to keep our appointment this time.

We've already changed it twice. (Chuckles)

Well, it was kinda out of my hands.

I had stuff going on here.

No, I... I know that.

It just... it's important.

I didn't say it wasn't.

(Car honks)

Oh God... I'm sorry.

I... I gotta go.


Thank you for the sandwich.


So I have a great idea for the Luau... a band, and I already have an in.

What's their name?

Awesome Sauce.

Oh, I love them.

You've heard of them?

No, I just love that name.

I don't know.

I'm flashing on bad band experiences of yore.

When they suck, it's like you're spreading a sound virus.

That's true. You can't unhear a Nickelback cover band.

Well, these guys are great. Trust me.

Can they play "Margaritaville"?

God, I hope not.

Oh, I think they sound fun.

You know what people are doing when they're watching a band?

Watching a band. Not playing games, riding rides or doing other things that make the park money.

Ooh, that's a good point.

Well, these guys have a big following.

They'll bring a ton of people to the park.

Ka-ching! More concessions and tickets sold.

And they'll play for free.

No foul language, family-friendly lyrics and they have to plug the concessions.



(Rock music playing)


* see nuance, see the screen *
* and the words, do they mean *
* the silence of the night has gone away... *

(rock clatters)

* we're the toys *
* in the night... *


* all the ones who decide

* beyond the water, a beacon lights the way *
* so kick the gate, I'm running out *
* this is our time, these are our tracks *
* this world's our town, no turning back *
* this is our time, these are our tracks *
* this world's our town, no turning back *
* this is our time, these are our tracks *
* no more turning back... *


* no more turning back... *


What is going on?

A cockroach.

Are you sure?

Yes, it was in the sink and now it disappeared somewhere.

There! It's coming toward you.

No no no, stop.

Get it! Step on it!

No! Stop! No!

Get it!

This is what happens when you leave the dishes out all night.

Ooh, there it is.




Okay, for the record, this is not about dirty dishes. Cockroaches like moisture, so you probably have a leak under there.

Well, from now on...

(Sprays) wash the dishes when you use them.

I heard you.

And can you please stop leaving your shoes in the middle of the floor.

I forgot what it was like living with you.

It's a condo, not a museum display.

I just don't like to live in squalor.

I don't think that's too much to ask.

A pair of shoes is not squalor.

(Sighs) To me it is.

Okay, I got it.


(Door closes)



(Whispers) Hey.


The coast is clear. I do believe Adrianna has already gone to bed.


(Sighs, laughs)

I saved you some chili.

Oh, bless you.

Tough day?

Between the meetings and the constituents... on top of everything else, Daphne is now on me because of my politics.

And you know what? Quite frankly, I don't have the energy to fight her too.

(Sighs) Are you sure Adrianna's asleep?

Yeah. So where are we on the whole George-Adrianna saga?

Last we left off, he had said, "I love you," and she still hadn't said it back.

It's like the world's most low-stakes telenovela.



It seems like all I do is complain.

Adrianna, my mother.

(Sighs) You just need to tell 'em both to back off.

Yeah, it's that easy.

(Crickets chirping)


Guess who got Awesome Sauce a sweet gig.

What? Where?

The lovely Maui, Kansas Luau.

And we can play our own stuff?

As long as you find a way to plug the corndogs, you're good.

When is it?

Friday around sunset.

Oh, we have our counseling session Friday.

Can't we reschedule it?

We can't keep canceling.

It's gonna seem like we don't care.

No, it's gonna seem like we have other things going on.

What time's the session?


Well, if you push it to 8:00, then you can probably do both.

Come on, you guys haven't played in forever.

I'm sure Reverend Steve will understand.

Yeah, 'cause that's what reverends do, right?

Understand stuff?

I'll talk to him, see what I can do.

It's gonna be great.
Look what I found.

Somebody went geo-caching.

It was in a fake pine-cone.

What did you leave?

A quarter.

That's not very good, huh?

All it says is that the person who left it doesn't frequent laundromats.


So tomorrow I'm gonna do the Shoal Creek multi-cache.

It sounds like no one's ever found the fifth cache.

Do you wanna come?

I'm taking a break from relationships this summer.

I asked you to geo-cache with me, not elope.

I'll meet you at the park entrance at 7:00.

Ooh! What's this?

Tropical paradise in ice form.

Behold bahama mama and bubble gum.

(Laughs) Mmm.

I think I like Maui, Kansas.

So you having fun, honey?

Well, I spend most of my day trying to convince people to play a game called loco nuts, but yeah, I am.

Plus I got Toby and his band a gig here.

I know. I'm surprised he can do it.

He's been so busy with the car wash and his wedding.

Yeah, I know.

So... how are you and dad feeling about the whole wedding thing?

Well, we're getting used to it.

You are?

Well, we're working on it.

Instead of working on it, why aren't you trying to stop it?

If we could make you two kids do what we wanted you to do, you'd be sleeping at home tonight and you wouldn't be wearing shorts with tights.

Isn't there something that you can do?

Between you and grandma Bonnie, somehow this wedding is all my fault.

No, that's not what I meant.

Honey, if we ask Toby to choose between us and Nikki, he'll choose her.

That's not true.

I don't wanna take that chance.

Do you?

Whitney: I mean, you know what? We can certainly explore a deeper blue, but that's gonna darken the space by quite a bit.

(Whispers) I'll be with you.

I'll tell you what. I'm gonna messenger you some samples, okay?

(Chuckles) All right. You got it. Thanks.

Sorry about that.

No problem.

You seem really busy.

It's a blessing and a curse.

Craig, could you... and he's on the phone.

Okay, can I help you with something?

We met before, actually.

You hired my mom, Regina.

Yes, I remember.

What can I do for you?

Well, I just wanted to let you know that my mom went to rehab and she's sober now.

She's a really hard worker. She's got a great eye.

Mmm, she's got great taste. That's why I hired her.

Well, you seem like maybe you could use some help. (Chuckles)

And maybe you could hire her again.

I am very happy that she's doing better, I just don't think it's a good fit.

Can't you give her a second chance?

I'm sorry.

Not this one. It's this one.


It's not a matter of money, mom.

It's space. We can't crowd out Nikki's family...

(Latin music playing)

To make room for your friends who I don't even know.

(Sighs) Yeah, ma, hold on.

(Music stops)



Have you seen my laptop?

Uh, I put it over here.

(Stammers) It was right here before.


Mom, can I call you back in one minute?

Oh, all right. I'll call you back after your lunch.

F... fine.

Found it.

(Angrily) Thanks.

I saw you have some nice avocados.

Why don't I make us a salad, huh?

You know, I just need some space.

Of course.

I... I just like to cook.

It helps me think.

I understand. I'll clean up later.

(Door opens, closes)

(Rock music playing)

Okay, the hula girls are seriously almost done.

We were supposed to go on half hour ago.

I'm sorry. Apparently, their hands and their hips have multiple stories to tell.

This was a bad idea.

It's fine.

We were supposed to go on at 7:00. They're just a little backed up.

We're still gonna make it.

Toby, when was the last time you heard of a band going on when they were supposed to?

Just relax, okay?

We need to go now.

You can't just bail.

We also can't just bail on Reverend Steve.

Emmett thinks we should stay as well.


Bay: See? They're done,
so it is all you guys.

Perfect timing.

Let's go. (Sighs)


What's up, Maui?

Nikki: Thank you!


And look, this one says that they don't require a college degree, just imagination and flair, both of which you have.

I talked to them yesterday.

They filled the position last month but just forgot to take the listing down.


It's tough out there.

I've called every design firm, fabric store and furniture shop in the city.

I'm actually thinking about going to see Whitney.

Oh, um, you probably shouldn't bother.

What? You were the one who said she hired me once, maybe she'd be willing to hire me again.

Well... (Sighs)

I already checked with her. They don't have any openings.

You talked to Whitney?

Yeah, I knew how hard it would be for you to face her, so I just thought...

(Sighs) Daphne.

How could you do that? It's humiliating.

I was just trying to help.

You've just made it that much harder for me to go see her.

If I had wanted your help, I would've asked for it.

Okay, you know what? Fine.

You wanna live here forever, then go right ahead.

You know that's not what I want.

Are you sure? Because you seem really comfortable here.

I just need some...

I know, I know, you need space.

But what I don't understand is how exactly does Bay sleeping on the couch give you space?

I invited you to come.

That's not the point!

How can you live with her and not with me?

It's... different.

How is it different?


I guess... it's... easier with Bay.

I haven't disappointed her the way that I have disappointed you.

Not yet.

Okay, I get it.


I'll talk to you later.


(Door opens)

(Rock music playing)

♪ you changed my mind ♪
♪ you changed my mind ♪
♪ oh, the sun comes shining through ♪
♪ and I can walk with you ♪
♪ in the daylight ♪


Nikki: Thank you.

Thank you.

Toby, we really got to go.

We're already half an hour late.

But we gotta do an encore. I mean...

Uh, just... everybody, hold on just one second, all right? We'll be right back.

(Whispering) Toby, please do not make me the bad guy.

How am I making you the bad guy?

I'm like dragging you to do this with me.

I want you to want to do this.

I do. I just... don't you want to keep playing?

We started this band together. I mean...

You're not into it anymore?

Of course I am, but that's not the point.

Well, then what's the point?

You don't respect my faith.


I thought we were past this.

Well, I thought so too, but you're not taking it seriously.

Toby: I am, I just don't think that...

Church should trump everything.

Church doesn't trump everything, but it's pretty high on my list and you know that.

Yeah, I do.

And I also know that this is the most fun I've had in months.

Woman: Awesome Sauce!

(Crowd chanting) Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce,...

It's fine. I'll go alone.

Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce, Awesome Sauce,! (Cheering)

Well, guys, we've got one more for ya.


This is kind of a white stripesy kind of number.

(Cheering continues)

So take it away.

(Rock music playing)

♪ I'm gonna tell you to your faces ♪
♪ I'm gonna take you to the races ♪
♪ ride it like a carousel ♪

* trap me in... *


I've been sitting in my car for an hour, working up the nerve to come in here.

I wanted to tell you I did not put my daughter up to coming here.

I didn't think you did.

She's a good kid.

She is.

I wish I could put her at the top of my résumé.

And, um, she probably said what I'm about to say, which is... you took a chance on me and I let you down.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

And I know that wasn't easy to say.

I'm still waiting for my sister to make her amends.

So... how did the Mulkowsky living room turn out with the Danish theme?

Yeah, it looked really beautiful.

We got quite a few referrals from it too.

So... do you need a hand?


I am very happy that you got help, and you're really talented.

It's just that I have got so much going on here right now, I can't risk having...

I am sober now.


And I know that I could make your life a hell of a lot easier.

Please. I'll work for free.

Just give me a month and I will prove to you how valuable I am.

Two weeks.

(Laughs) Really?

Thank you so much.

I promise you will not regret this.

All right, you start on Monday.

Thank you.

Um, okay.

I'm gonna go now.



(Crickets chirping)

Daphne: It's gotta be here.

Let's look over there.

Sometimes the most obvious place is the most overlooked.

Is my signing really good?

Yeah. It's amazing.

Thank you.

I've begun translating everything I hear, like songs, the news...

So here's the thing... we can either talk or search.

But I can't really do both very well in this light, so if we could do a little less talking, a lot more looking, that would be great.

Wow. Inside that Anne of Green Gables is a little tyrant.

I'm sure you just said something really snide, but I'm not gonna stop my search to see what.

Hey, thanks for playing tonight.

You guys sounded great.

(Sighs) No, we didn't.

We were fighting and completely out of sync.


So why is Nikki so anti you guys playing?

She's not. She just has other priorities.

Doesn't she get how important this is to you?

You know, I don't really wanna talk about it right now.

Toby, you're not going to college.

Now you're barely playing music.

Are you sure it's worth it?

Just... stop.

She's sweet and everything, but she's also...

This is between me and Nikki.


So now I'm not supposed to say anything, no matter what I'm feeling?


Come on, Toby. We tell each other everything.

Not anymore.

Daphne: This is ridiculous.

It's gotta be here somewhere.

(Crickets chirping)

Well, they do sometimes upload incorrect coordinates.

Wait, I think I see something.

No, nothing.

Damn it!

We can retrace the quadrant.

We've already done that.

You seem a little overly-invested in this.

(Distant train whistle)




It just doesn't make sense.

She's gone for six weeks at rehab and as soon as she comes back, she's gone again.

Wait wait, who's she?

And somehow it's okay to live with Bay, but the idea of living with me is gonna drive her to drink again or something.

I don't know! And John won't even listen to me and I only am doing this because I thought I could make a difference!

And it's summer and I'm not having any fun!

(Breathes deeply) And I sound crazy.


(Folk music playing)

* I know that you're the first *
* to ever make me feel the way I *
* do *
* and I would dance around with you *
* I wanna be with you... *

Must be the shirt.

That's the third time that's happened to me today.

I'm joking.

(Breathes deeply)

I... I have to go.

(Soft rock music playing)


How'd it go?

(Breathing deeply)

* it's creeping through the rafters... *

I told him you were sick.

He hopes you feel better.

(Engine starts)

* twisting through the side yard... *

Everybody loved the encore.

That's great.

* and seeping through the floors. *

(knocks on door)

Come in!


I am sorry to bother you

(door closes)

Oh! You could've done that at the house.

It's okay.

I feel terrible for snapping at you.

I just... I wanted to apologize.

I could tell that I was driving you crazy.

It's just hard sometimes not feeling useful.

It was just... nice to have a purpose someone to talk to. I'm sorry.

Is this basil?


(Chuckles) Umm, yeah.

I love having it in the kitchen, but I usually k*ll it.

Basil likes to be dry.

Can I get you some iced tea?

Oh, that's okay. I've gotta go over the wedding plans with my mother one more time.

Sounds like she's making it really hard on you.


Maybe she's right about something.

About what?

She thinks Toby's grabbing something to hold onto, because I was so busy with the book and we don't give him enough structure.

And she's right. I've been preoccupied and I didn't want John to push too hard.

Kathryn, if there's one thing I know, watching this family, you and John are wonderful parents.


You know, their lives are never going to look the way we want them to look.


And maybe he's going to be okay.

You know...

I wanna start an herb garden.

Hmm. Well, you need a container.

Get one of those pretty window boxes.

I have this old copper tub outside.

Even better.

Would you help me?

I would love to.


Angelo: Hey.

I made pasta.

You all right?

I don't really wanna talk about it.

Let me fix you a bowl.

I'm not really hungry.

What happened?

Bay: Nothing.

Bay. Bay.

(Door slams)


I got the job.


That's great.


What's going on? Where's Bay?

She just got home. She won't talk to me.

She stormed into your room.



She's a teenager.

So we're supposed to let her be rude to us?

No, we wait till the drama, hormones or whatever it is dies down.

She just slammed that door.

They're not always polite.

I mean, this is not how it was supposed to be.

For us.


The three of us finally under the same roof.

This is our chance to finally have the life we were supposed to have.

Angelo, this is what it would've been... dirty dishes, cockroaches and sullen teens.

This is real life.

I guess it is.

Toby: Yeah, it's a Marshall.

It's about two years old. It's worth at least 700.

Well, I could talk about five. Are you in the K.C. area?



What's up?


I miss Toby.

I think he's in his studio.

I know.



I know that I've been kinda...

It's okay.

I've just been kind of jealous of you getting closer to my mom.


Welcome to my world.


I... should've stuck up for you at Carlton.


(Pop music playing)

I kissed the coffee guy, Jace.

What? The British one?

He's British?

(Laughs) Yeah, very.

Oh! So that explains why he puckers his lips when he says a word with the letter "O".

(Both laugh)

Wait wait wait. So is he a good kisser?

Yeah, he's pretty good.


* I will stick by you *
* all the way through *
* all the way through *
* all the way *
* all the way through *