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02x21 - The Departure of Summer

Posted: 12/18/13 13:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Ty: Okay, I didn't know Aida was gonna be here
and she's not my ex-girlfriend.

You two never hooked up?

We did, but she wasn't my girlfriend.

Well, that makes it much better.

If I did somehow get myself stationed locally, I don't know what I would tell the guys.

But if something were to happen to me...

It might make someone grow up real fast.

This is complicated for me.

(Baby crying)

Did I do something wrong?

No, no, no, it's okay. It's okay, baby, I'm right here.

She's just used to me.

That baby in there...

Her name is Abby.

I'm her father.

No, I'm her father... Leo and I.

Did Leo and Victor just decide to give her up?

No. The judge agreed... Abby belongs with her father.

This wedding...

Don't you want it to happen?


Parker, what's wrong?

I'm sleeping with my boss... Senator Coto.

He told me his wife is beginning to suspect.

You know Chip Coto?


The coffee guy and I blackmailed him.

You are not going to get away with this.

Who's that?

Chip Coto.

We need to fix this, like now.

Yeah, I'm watching it right now.

Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Nah, I'll take care of this myself.

John: So did you and Jennice just figure it would be easier to convince the kids to cancel the wedding after the peacocks arrived?

We just haven't figured out the right time to talk to them.

All right. At this point might as well wait till the minister says, "if anyone objects... "

You know, you could say something too.

Oh my gosh.

I thought you were joking about the peacocks.

Kathryn has a friend who raises rare birds, so how could we resist?

Kathryn: What do you think?

I mean, I know I said I didn't want anything extravagant, but this is gorgeous. Thank you, all of you.

Yeah, guys, this is amazing. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Toby: Ready-o?

Nikki: Yeah, ready.

We are gonna check out this apartment in Brookside... huge windows, washer and dryer...

And it's cheap.

Cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap, cheap.

Listen, kids...

Oh, dad, I think this guy needs a signature from you.


All right, thanks. I'll see you guys later.

Nick, Nick, can I talk to you a sec?

Oh, we have an appointment with the landlord. Can it wait?

I guess so, yeah.


Looks like this wedding ship has sailed.



Well, I am definitely gonna miss the Maui uniform.

Not as much as I'm gonna miss yours.

Uh, hey, do you know where my hair thing is?


Ah, yes, the universal do-not-disturb sign.

Didn't want to take any chances.

I hope we get to have at least one last pineapple freeze.


I ship out on the 15th.

That's three days away.


Well, it's a good thing we have my brother's wedding to go to, because otherwise I would not be leaving this room.


It's gonna be okay.

I don't know what I'm dreading more... insurgents firing at you or you and that hot medic together for months in a t*nk.


All right, relax.

Aida and I will not be in a t*nk.

We're gonna be in a Humvee.

Hey, I told you, you don't have to worry about that stuff, okay?

Besides, we're only gonna be in Afghanistan for, like, three months.

And then they're putting us at a base in Germany for the rest of the time.

Which is only one continent away, so yay.

But it's not a w*r zone.

I know.

Can't you just go straight to Germany and skip the w*r zone?


(Clears throat)


Hi, John.

Why don't you have a seat?

You want to tell me what this is all about?

I filled Ivan in on what the party's freshman Senator's been up to.

And I've convinced him not to alert the authorities, at least not for now.

I know you're the one behind those texts, John.

What texts?

Oh, come on, John.

This is gonna go a lot faster if you don't pretend we're stupid.

You know, I thought it was just your daughter who had an axe to grind about sex ed, but breaking into my office... both of your interns...

You didn't think I'd put it together?

Just back up a second, okay?

(Chuckles) I have no idea what either of you are talking about.

Someone broke into your office?

Your daughter did, along with your future daughter-in-law.

This was Friday, close to midnight.

(Clicks key)

Now you want to tell me what the hell they were doing in here?

So you and Jace actually thought you could get away with blackmailing a senator?

We didn't think it would get this far.

And why is Nikki breaking into Coto's office with you?

I thought she supported the whole abstinence thing.

She was just helping me to erase a message that I left on his answering machine.

I couldn't hear it, so I asked her to come with me.

I mean, are you that desperate to make sure that kids get condoms in school?


I mean, yes, I think they should, but it's Coto.

He goes around telling people that they shouldn't have sex, and he's cheating on his wife with his intern, and he's so smug about it all!

So you thought you were gonna what, teach him a lesson?

I don't know.

Coto thinks that I am behind all of this, that I am somehow a mastermind who's trying to make him look bad to the party.

I'll just tell him that you had nothing to do with it, it was all me.

You have done enough.

I am taking over from here.

I never saw this coming.

Not from you.


Thank you, Felix.

143 whirl-arounds without a customer vomiting is most certainly a record.


Now in these past few months, this next employee has learned how to combine the Hawaiian aloha spirit with the work ethic of the great state of Kansas.

Come do a victory hula for us, Bay Kennish, most improved employee!

(Cheering and applause)


Winning this award means that I sucked when I started.

But it also means that I suck just a little less now.



Mac: All right, guys, let's make our last day in Maui, Kansas, a safe, happy and profitable one.

Bay, are we okay?

Totally. We fought. It's fine.

Yeah, I feel terrible.

I should have never yelled at you like that.

You were right about Ty though.

I can't believe I asked him to ditch his unit.

Well, the fact that he even considered it shows how much he cares about you.


I have total faith in you guys.

You two are, like, my couple role model right now.

You and Travis will carve your own unique path.

I'm very psyched for the two of you.


Shall we go k*ll off the rest of the sharks?

(Both chuckle)

Yeah, thanks, Larry. No no, I got it.

Okay, I'll get back to you.

How bad is it?

Best-case scenario, it's a teenage prank gone wrong... misdemeanor, attempted extortion, which is community service and a fine.

Do I even want to know the worst case?

She used a phone to transmit a threat.

That is a federal felony. That could mean jail time.

Do they seriously have nothing better to do than prosecute a teenage girl for a prank?

It's a worst-case scenario.

She's a deaf honor student from east riverside.

Or an entitled brat from mission hills.

And then there's the whole Carlton thing.

You know, the court will not look on that as some noble victory, all right?

She broke the law, and now it's a pattern.

Oh, God. I should have known something was up.

This whole summer started out so well.

No, Daphne's a smart kid. She should have known better.

We have to do something.

Her life can't be ruined because of one bad choice.

(Door opens)

Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm back and I'm all settled in.

What is it?

Regina: What is it with you and boys lately?

First you lose your head over this chef and give up a great job, and now this Jace kid has you breaking the law?

Do you want to go to jail?

Do you think I did this because a guy pushed me into it?

I don't know.

You taught me to stand up for what's right.


I did not teach you to blackmail.

Guys like Coto work the system and trade favors so they can keep their fancy houses and golf dates.

And you know what? It makes me sick.

Are you gonna start lecturing me about racism and the death penalty, too?

You think you are the first person to discover injustice in the world?

All I'm saying is that I had a really good reason for doing everything I did.

Well, tell that to a judge and see if he cares.

Or she.

(Knocks on door)

(Abby crying)

Thank God. Thank God.

I come not as your mother-in-law, but as your baby nurse. Regina sent me. What's wrong?

I lost this stuffed animal.

I must have left it at the park. Shh.

Well, don't you have any other toys?

No, no, no, she needs this one.

When you squeeze it, it plays some lullaby.

I don't know what it is, but it puts her right to sleep.

Well, we'll buy another.

I looked everywhere. I can't find it anywhere.

Then where did it come from?


(Speaking Spanish)

Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush.

Your daddy's gonna make everything okay.

(Clicking tongue)

Honey, look what I found in Toby's studio.

It's thick and very official-looking.

Cleaning again?

I'm not pretending anymore. Just snooping.

I think he got accepted to Wash U. And it's open.

Go ahead. I need some good news.



There's nothing about the Wash U wait list.

On the upside, Toby doesn't have chlamydia.


It's from the free clinic.

Do you think he slept with someone since he's been engaged?

Or did she? I mean, what does it mean?

That we should stop reading Toby's mail.


Hey, guys.

Look, I know stuff's been crazy, with the wedding and everything, but I really need you to sign off on my new class schedule today.

I thought we already did that.

Uh, well, I'm adding a few classes.

So you're taking another math class and history too?

I want to graduate in December and go to art school in Berlin.

Universitat Der Kunste...

I'm gonna learn how to say it.

It is one of the best art schools in the world, and I don't want to wait until next September.


Any chance that Ty is going to be stationed in Germany?

Yeah, he is.

But it is also an amazing school.

Honey, I don't think you should let a boy determine what school you go to again.


Emmett, Carlton.

I did not go there because of him.

And I ended up making the honor roll... something I never did at Buckner.

Look, maybe Ty being there made me look the school up, but after I read about it, I really want to go.

They've got a street art program and a political art major.

Okay, okay, okay.

We're gonna take a look at this and we'll discuss it.

Oh, thank you. Thank you.

I didn't say we agreed.

I said we would discuss.


She's not committing a felony or getting married.

Right now, for us, that's a win.



Well, look who's back.

Can I come in?

You leave something behind the other night?

I'm sorry that I broke into your office.

Who are you doing this for?


What does your father want, Daphne?

John didn't know anything about this until you showed him the video. It was all me.

Oh, come on, you can't expect me to believe you did this all on your own.

I did.

You hurt Parker and I didn't want that bill to pass, that's all.

Look, I know it's asking for a lot, but isn't there anything I could do to make you forget about this?


Why don't you give your dad a message for me?

(Helicopter blades whirring)

(People chattering)

What's up, man?


Hey, Mendoza, you hear the glorious news?

What news?

What they got us going back over there for.

Motor pool backup.

Nah, we're not gonna be at Camp Eggers.

We're not?


We're gonna be out there with the grunts on the convoys, saving time if the truck breaks down.

And they've been getting ambushed left and right...

I.E.D.S, green-on-blue att*cks.

They said it was a redeployment to Eggers.

Well, I guess they changed their minds.

That's probably what Staff Sergeant's about to tell us.

I'm kind of ready to see some action, you know?

I mean, that's how you gotta look at it.

Yeah yeah, for sure.

I hope you got all your stuff together with legal, you know... your will and all that. It's heavy stuff, man.

Everyone get settled. Quiet down.

We're heading out in 72 hours and we've got a lot to go over.

Now for most of you this will be a review of protocol that you're already more than familiar with...

Hey, you got a single room, right?


Think I could borrow it this week?

My lady still lives with her folks, and we've got a lot of goodbye-ing to do, you know what I mean?

Yeah, yeah, man. That's fine.

Thanks, brother.


John: This is all I need a day before the wedding.

I told you to leave this to me.

But I thought I could fix it.

Okay, you tell me exactly what he said.

He said that if you strongly endorse his reelection campaign, that this could all just go away.

So I guess you show up to his campaign events and...

No no no no.

He wants me to write him a check.

He just said "endorse."

Trust me, he wants me... to pay.

$50,000? Five-zero?

That's the number he thinks it will take to make the whole thing go away.

Wow, if I knew there was gonna be blackmail and break-ins, I never would have left.

That's way more exciting than Maui, Kansas.

You should have seen his face when he found out.

Oh, I know that look. It's awful.

But he gets over it.

This is different.

I stole money from the carwash to bail my friend out of jail, then tried to run away to Mexico, and he forgave me.

But you're his daughter.

You know what I mean.

He won't stay mad forever.

I think he's gonna get a whole lot angrier after he writes the check.

John: How many people did we invite to this rehearsal dinner anyway?

Sushi, huh?

You've got a looser definition of barbecue than I do.

I just wanted something that would make me feel happy.

Making small talk pretending this makes me happy is exhausting.

They're so cute together.

Oh, please. In two years I'll be paying for the divorce.

Mr. Scarecrow to the rescue.

Thank you. Please.

I can't believe I lost it.

Don't feel bad. We've all done it.

That's actually the third Mr. Scarecrow.



My mother-in-law Adrianna. This is Leo.

Nice meeting you.

You too.

You have to tell me where you get these things.

My mother actually makes them.

Oh, hi, baby girl.

Look at how beautiful you are.

We talk about you every day.

(Chuckling) Yes, we do.


Oh, sweetie, I missed you too.

This was a mistake.

Uh, sorry.

(Abby crying)

It's fine, Leo. It's fine.

Uh, I should go.


Yeah, I don't want to confuse her.

It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

Shh, shh, shh.

(Quiet music playing)



Do you remember that house that my mom and I wanted on Avalon Street?

Brick, with a garden?

I thought that place was a mansion... three bedrooms, a backyard, a dishwasher.


Impossible dream.

Regina kept hoping she'd win the lottery.

Do you know how much it cost?



Well, it still sounds like a lot of money to me.

Me too.

We are a long way from East Riverside.

Yeah, we are.

You all right?


When did she turn insufferable, acting like what she and this coffee kid did was something courageous?

I know, but I did a lot of stupid things when I was her age.

This stupid?

I let my boyfriend convince me not to use a condom more times than I care to admit.

And I had this girlfriend who drove like a complete maniac and I kept getting in her car.

There was this kid I went to high school with who got brain damage from skateboarding without a helmet.

His mom was a nurse.

I know.

It's like their brains are lit up with these flashing lights that say, "yes, go, faster."

I'll take that. It's ok. Here.

John told me what you guys were thinking about doing to get her out of this mess.

Yeah, I know. I'm embarrassed about that.

If there was any other way...

I was gonna thank you.

If the you-know-what hit the fan on this, I had no idea how I was gonna help.

Right now she is damn lucky she's a Kennish.

(Laughing, chattering)

Toby: I don't think we have ever had like, a real man-to-man conversation about this.

(Dings glass)

They told me that would work on you hearies.



I'm Emmett, Toby's best man.

I also play drums in a band with those two.

We're available to play parties, by the way.


But sitting there, behind the drums, I saw a lot.

I got to see these two really connect through music.

And I also got to see them fall in love.

I know some people, myself included, may have thought they were a little too young to take this step.

But when you find the one who's right for you, you hang on tight.

Because if you don't... they can slip away.

To Toby and Nikki.

Hang on tight and enjoy the ride.

All: Cheers.

I thought that went well.

What's wrong?

It's obvious that you're not happy about this, but could you guys try to fake it a little better tomorrow?

Okay, your mother and I would be lying if we didn't tell you that we're having second thoughts.

Let's be honest... it's been your only thought.

We just don't want you to make a mistake, honey.

So you want me to cancel the wedding?

It's, like, the hottest art school in the world right now.

And if I get in, I can be there by the first week of January, so we're only apart for four months.

You want to go to school in Berlin?

Ja. That's the amazing part.

I didn't know until I started checking it out...

Berlin is, like, the epicenter of awesome.

And the I.C.E... that's the inner city express train... can get me to Stuttgart in under two hours.

You don't look amazed.

I am. I just... you know, no one knows what's gonna happen, so...

I know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna meet you in Germany.

Okay, I think we should just take a beat.

What does that mean?

This summer has been great, but everything that's happening right now... maybe it's best we keep it simple.

We could just leave with good memories.

I don't want to keep it simple. What are you doing?

This plan could work. You know it could.

Hey. Sorry.

I think "J" and "K" are trying to blow up the wedding.


They're in the kitchen with Toby
and he looks really upset, but I'm the last person to say anything right now.


Okay, can we hit the pause button on this for, like, five minutes?

Okay, just don't go anywhere.

And you were in on this too?

I tried to find a time to bring it up.

Well, maybe our rehearsal dinner wasn't the best option.

The point is, we've all been 18 years old.

Believe it or not, we all remember what it was like to be so sure that the way we felt would never change.

But you will change.

The next 10 years of your life are all about change.

Exactly... exploring, finding yourself.

What if they want to do that together?

Thank you.

Be together, just don't make it legally binding.

That way, if it doesn't work out, no harm, no foul.

Bay: God, listen to you guys.

All you can see is failure.

I know. I mean, what are you doing?

These guys really love each other.

Kathryn: We're not against love.

We're just asking you to take some time.

Well, what if there isn't time?

What if now is all we have?

Shouldn't we try to be together as much as we can?

How old were you when you married dad?

Maybe not much older, but, you know, sometimes I wish that I had taken some more time to really find myself.

Go to Peru. Manage the car wash.

He'll still be here when you get back.

Honey, go to Wash U.

How did you know about that?

You got into Wash U?

Uh, I put myself back on the waiting list.

Well, that's great. Why wouldn't you tell me that?

It seems like something that you would share with your future spouse.

Because I didn't get in yet.

Oh, for God's sake, could someone just say it?

If you two want to have sex, then go have sex.

You're not going to hell.


Jennice: Sorry.

Thank you, guys.

(Door closes)

Look, the application was filed, okay? I'm sure of it.

I don't know. I never saw the permit.

No, they can't do that. We just broke ground.

No, I can't, not tonight. What?

No, just let me know, okay?


She's asleep.

Yeah, for an hour.

Is everything okay?

The contractor for the restaurant doesn't have one of the work permits and he wants me to come down and talk to the neighbor tonight.

I would stay if I could...

No, it's fine. You've been here too long.

You need a break.

I don't know how anyone can do this alone.

They don't.

You need help.

And if you don't have family, you pay for the help, and that's okay.

I am terrible at this.

Everyone thinks that at first. You just need time.

I fought so hard to get her.

And now that I got her...

I don't know, maybe I'm selfish.

Or too old.

I don't know.

Well, are you keeping her to prove something... that you're not the same man who left another daughter behind?

No, I'm not.

Or to prove something to yourself?

You know, everyone was angry at Regina for not coming forward when she found out about the switch.

But she genuinely did what she thought was right for the girls.


Well, I'll see you at the wedding.


(Door opens)

(Knocks on door)

Hello. Ty.


This is why you left early... to do laundry?

I didn't want to get into a thing with you there.

What do you mean, a thing?

Why aren't you excited about my Germany plan?

Because I don't think it makes sense.

(Sighs) Look... if you're worried that it's gonna be like last time, it won't be.

Those aren't mine.

Oh my God.

Uh, Bay...


You slept with Aida?

Um... maybe it's because we're shipping out, I don't know, but it just happened.

I'm sorry.

Toby: Well, this is nice.

Is this your dress?

It's very pretty.


You weren't supposed to see it.

Do you think maybe they're right?

That we're doing this just so we can... ?


(Exhales deeply)

Of course I want to have sex with you...

(Both chuckle)

But... I don't think we're getting married just so we can have sex.

Do you?

There's only one way to find out.

Are you sure?


Why do guys cheat?

Why did you cheat on me?

How can it mean nothing?

Sex is a big deal, and you don't just have it with someone else because you're in a bad mood, or, you're in a fight with your dad or you're being sent overseas.

When you slept with Simone...

I couldn't understand it.

I figured it had to be something that I didn't get because I hadn't had sex yet.

But now I have... and I really don't get it.

* Settling shapes into focus *
* it's carrying all of the weight... *


I'm Toby.

We met last night at the bar.

That's very funny. (Giggles)

(Deep sigh)

Well, that happened.


Should we... high-five or something?

I'm not gonna high-five you.

Well... today is our wedding day.

Or not.

What do you want to do?

Hold still.


At least now I have a legitimate reason to hate this suit.

It looks nice on you.

Where is Toby?

(Phone chimes)

It's getting kind of close to game time.

Hold on a second.


It's Toby.

He says, cancel everything. The wedding's off.

Am I allowed to be happy?

Thank you for coming.

Of course. Is she all right? What's going on?

Abby's fine. She's napping.

Then why am I here?

Victor couldn't come?

No, it's a three-hour drive, and frankly, he didn't want me to come either.

I apologize for making you drive that long.

No. We love Abby.

We'll always think of her as ours.

And as much as I want to come running every time I hear that she's upset, I can't.

Do you know what an open adoption is?

We can't pop in and out of her life like that, just seeing her every now and then and getting letters.

It's just... it's too hard.

I mean the other way around.

Would you want that?

You know, with my other daughters we have a mix of biological and other parents, and somehow it works.

I think Abby will be better off with all of us in her life.

Um, how... how would we do it?

I will come every few weekends, birthdays, summers.

Look, I don't know exactly... but I'm sure we can find an arrangement that makes everyone comfortable.


Oh, she's gonna have three dads.


You've got a real nice setup here.

You're a lucky girl.

Jace: You want me to post this?

This would expose Parker's affair with Coto.

Daphne: I got her okay.

You're sure about this?

I could leave your name out of it.


You're not a citizen.

They'll revoke your visa and you'll be deported.

I'm not gonna let you take a fall for me when I'm the one who got us into this mess.

We both did it.

I'm just sorry I messed everything up.

I keep telling you, you weren't the only one.

No, I mean with us.

The first time I saw you fighting with Bay in sign language, I was mesmerized by you.

What are you talking about?

You were so mean to me after that.

And it totally worked.

We should have stuck to geocaching.

So would you like to do the honors?


It's done.

M.B., what's up?

What's the matter with you?

I guess she told you.

Bay would have done anything for you.

How could you sleep with someone else?

How could you do that?

Bay and I were a summer thing, okay?

Well, I don't know who you are then, because the Ty I know would never do this.

Well, I guess you don't know me that well.

(Scoffs) You didn't do it.

Listen, just don't worry about it, okay?

Why are you lying about this?

I'm telling Bay.

Hey, Mary Beth, no.

No. Look, it's not that simple, okay?

If something happens to me over there...

So you're just gonna break her heart now?

That doesn't make any sense.

You of all people should get this.

Okay, I saw what you went through with Justin.

I'm not gonna put Bay through that.

I'd rather have her hate me now and get on with her life.

You can't tell her.

Don't make me keep this from her.

You have to, all right?

I promised your brother that I would always look out for you.

Now you have to promise this to me.


(Phones ringing)

(Intercom beeps)

(Woman over intercom) Senator Coto, there's a reporter from "The Star" out here waiting to talk to you, a guy from "The Chicago Tribune," and your wife on line one.

(Phone ringing)

I was handling this. What were you thinking?

I'm so thankful that you were willing to do that, but if I let you use your money and connections to get me out of this, I wouldn't be any better than Coto.

I couldn't live with myself.

You could have at least given us a warning.

I was afraid you'd talk me out of it.

Yeah, you got that right, okay?

My job is to protect you. How am I gonna protect you now?

Come on, our daughter told the truth.

We can't be mad at her for that.

But don't think for one second we're not mad about everything else that you've done.

So what's the next step?

I call the lawyer and pray that you don't spend your senior year in prison.


(Door opens, closes)

Did you read what she wrote on that blog?


You should.

(Door opens, closes)

Daphne's voice: "This was the summer that I lost myself.

I saw people abusing power and I wanted to stop them, but I ended up doing the same thing myself.

I did the wrong things... for the right reasons...

And caused the people that I love a lot of pain."

* Nothing's gonna hurt you the way the words do *
* when they settle 'neath your skin *
* kept on the inside and no sunlight... *

Daphne's voice: "But I'm trying to learn from my mistakes... "

* and I wonder what would happen if you *
* say what you wanna say *
* and let the words... *

(Toby cheering)

* fall out *
* honestly *
* I wanna see you be brave... *

Daphne's voice: "... and face the consequences of my decisions, whatever they are."

* honestly *
* I wanna see you be brave *
* I just wanna see you *
* I just wanna see you *
* I just wanna see you *
* I wanna see you be brave *
* everybody's been there

* everybody's been stared down by the enemy *
* fallen for the fearin', done some disappearin' *
* bowed down to the mighty *
* but don't run *
* and stop holding your tongue *
* maybe there's a way out *
* of the cage where you live *
* maybe one of these days *
* you can let the light in *
* and show me *
* how big your brave is *
* say what you wanna say *
* and let the words fall out *
* honestly *
* I wanna see you be brave *