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06x21 - Prophecy

Posted: 01/10/23 08:08
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Stargate SG

-1"; Cassandra?

What are you doing?

It helps, to do this.

"Hok'tar" is a hybrid of two Goa'uld words.

"Hok", which means advanced, and "tar", which I believe is a sort of slang.

- For?

- Human.

So essentially, it's "advanced human".

"Hok Tauri.

" An advanced human would be a powerful host for the Goa'uld.

Which explains why Nirrti was experimenting.

A few thousand years on another world have changed you more than you know.

I can make you more powerful than you could imagine.

The powers you have seen in Wodan and the others?

Only a fraction of what I could give you.

I must apologise, Colonel.

This is a meagre feast to offer visitors from another world.

No need to apologise.

It appears delicious.

We are a poor people.

We are forced to spend most of our time in the mines.

- For the greater glory of Baal.

- Of course.

According to our information, Baal abandoned this planet 100 years ago, when the naqahdah mines went dry.

The naqahdah is scarce and difficult to extract, but there are deposits.

Are you feeling unwell, Jonas Quinn?

I'm fine.

Just It's hot.

We have not seen Lord Baal for many generations, but we continue to offer him tribute through his emissary Lord Mot.

You expecting this guy soon?

He will arrive in 12 days, at the rising of the full moon.

Stop talking like an old fool.

It would be madness to defy Lord Mot.

With each passing year, the mining grows more difficult.

Soon it may be impossible to meet Lord Mot's demands.

But we have no choice.

They are gods, after all.

Are they not?

They have great power.

- That is true.


- Ellori.

However what?

We have an ancient prophecy that one day strangers would come through the Chaapa

-ai to slay the gods and free our people.

Now you have arrived.

And you also carry weapons of great power.

Stop talking like an old fool.

It would be madness to defy Lord Mot.


I need some air.


Preliminary tests seem to indicate that Jonas is in perfect health.

But given his history with naquadria research, I decided to do an MRl.

Now, it shows an area of unusual brain activity right about here.

- Any explanation?

- No, sir.

I don't know if this is linked with what happened on the planet.

I had a dizzy spell.

It was probably the food.

Maybe, but I don't wanna take any chances.

- I've scheduled some follow

-up exams.

- Very well.

According to Tok'ra intelligence, not only did Baal abandon P4S

-237 over a hundred years ago, but he no longer receives any naqahdah shipments from the planet.

- Where's it going?

- Perhaps Lord Mot is keeping it himself.

What do we know about him?

He was the Canaanite god of death.

According to mythology, he was defeated by Baal and forced to live in the underworld.

In all likelihood, there was a power struggle.

Baal defeated Mot and forced him into servitude.

Maybe he doesn't want to serve any more.

If he is stockpiling naqahdah without Baal's knowledge, he may move against him.

If Baal no longer has any knowledge of what's happening on the planet, we could possibly free these people.

If the System Lords think the planet's worthless, nobody will take his place.

Did they ask for our help?

- Mm not exactly.

- I think they were afraid to ask directly.

But they did hint that they no longer believe the Goa'uld are gods.

- What do you think, Colonel?

- We'll need a lot more intel.


You wanna get some lunch?

It's Mexican today.

Ellori says Mot isn't due to return for another 12 days.

- That gives us plenty of time.

- I'll contact the Pentagon.


You wanna get some lunch?

It's Mexican today.

- What?

- I knew you were gonna say that.

What are you talking about?

Before, when we were in the briefing room, I had a I don't know.

It was like a vision.

I was standing here holding this notebook.

You came in and said what you said.

When you think you're reliving a moment, it's called déjà vu.

It's normal.

It's caused by a split

-second delay in sense perception.

No, this was different.

It was the same on the planet.

I saw something, and then it happened.

- When?

- Just before I passed out.

I didn't think anything of it at the time, but now it's happened twice.


We just completed a second MRl.

There's nothing to suggest that Jonas' exposure to naquadria is linked to this.

According to Major Carter, he claims to be having visions.

He's also beginning to suffer from headaches.

The symptoms are similar to those of the scientists on Kelowna, but there are no indications of schizophrenia.

There is, however, a small spot on this MRl that has me worried.

- You know what it is?

- I'm not sure, but it could be a tumour.

- Is this what caused him to pass out?

- It's possible.

Sir, I think it would be best if you took Jonas off active duty.

- This is ridiculous.

- Fraiser's just coverin' all the bases.

Something else has to be going on here.

Whatever she saw in that MRl has to have something to do with these visions.

It can't be just coincidence.

You guys didn't believe me when I saw those alien creatures.

They were real.

So you're seeing things before they happen.

- That's right.

- Like what's for lunch?

No, I can't control it.

It just flashes.

We have encountered many strange phenomena, but we have yet to meet anyone that could see the future.

It goes against all the laws of physics as we understand them.

Have you had any more?


The Tok'ra are coming.

Unscheduled offworld activation.

Her name is Sina.


-1, this is Sina of the Tok'ra.

We have further information about the System Lord Baal.

- Is there a problem?

- No, sir.


Baal has suffered a recent military defeat by Lord Yu.

Anubis is very disappointed.

It's hard to believe that Yu hasn't been destroyed.

As he is the only System Lord still in opposition to Anubis,

- his persistence is remarkable.

- You go, Yu.

Baal's recent campaign was meant to be a final blow.

But Yu escaped, and Baal suffered heavy losses in the process.

So he screwed up, and his boss is pissed at him now.

If I understand you correctly, yes, that would be a fair assessment.

Clearly Baal is vulnerable.

This may be an ideal time for Mot to move against him.

If he becomes a System Lord, he won't have to keep his operation on So if we're gonna help them, we'd better do it soon.

Another headache?


None of us had met that Tok'ra before.

You couldn't have known her name.

I can't explain it.

I saw her in the briefing room, General Hammond said her name, then a few minutes later it happened.

Teal'c said you've never encountered aliens with precognitive abilities.

Yeah, we haven't.

But we have come across other psychic powers.

On P3X


Wodan was telekinetic, Eggar was telepathic.

- Then Cassandra

- You think Nirrti is involved?

It's very possible.

She had me in that gene

-splicing machine for over an hour.

What if she did something to me?

It's hard to say without a biopsy, but all tests indicate that the tumour is not made up of cancer cells.

- Then what is it?

- I'm not sure.

But I do know that it's grown by over 50 per cent since the last test.

I've never seen anything like it.

- What can we do?

- I recommend immediate surgery.

If we don't get it out of him soon, the intracranial pressure will k*ll him.

I've called in a neurosurgeon, Dr Sandy Van Densen.

She's the best.

I'm not completely convinced that surgery is the right way to deal with this.

- Jonas, it's going to k*ll you.

- You don't know that.

We don't even know what it is.

Jonas and I think it's possible that this has something to do with Nirrti, that it's a step towards the creation of a Hok'tar.

So you think this is the result of genetic manipulation.

Jonas thinks the new tissue in his brain is somehow giving him precognitive abilities.

For all I know, you may be right.

But if this tumour continues to grow at its current rate, it is still going to k*ll you.

It may stabilise.

Nirrti never did anything to anyone that didn't turn out badly.

Colonel, you of all people should realise what an advantage this could be.

Imagine if we knew in advance when the next Goa'uld attack would come.

You have yet to provide such valuable information.

All I'm saying is just give me some more time.

At least 48 hours.

Make it 24, and you'll remain on base for observation.

- What about the mission?

- You're going to sit this one out.

Colonel, I want you to take the rest of SG

-1 and SG

-15 back to the planet for a full tactical assessment.

If there's a chance we can free these people from the Goa'uld, I wanna know.

Yes, sir.


Blood pressure's a little high.

- How are the headaches?

- Not good.

Jonas, why are you doing this?

Even limited precognitive abilities would be invaluable to our work.

You still think you have to keep proving yourself, don't you?

You should consider the possibility that you're valuable enough already.

- Let's run another EEG.

- Yes, Doctor.


- How's she doing?

- Respirations are shallow, pulse weak.

Sam, can you hear me?


- I've lost the pulse.

- She's in V fib.

- Anything?

- Nothing.

- Charge to 200.

- Charging.

Clear Jonas Colonel Colonel You have to scrub the mission.

- Why?

- Major Carter gets hurt.

I saw it.

Colonel O'Neill, what the hell's going on down there?

It was a medical emergency.

Major Carter was rushed to the infirmary with what looked like a staff blast wound.

According to the villagers, we won't encounter Jaffa for days.

Maybe they're wrong or maybe they lied.

We can't know for sure.

That's just it, Jonas.

There's no way we can know.

Maybe it won't happen this time.

- It could be weeks from now.

- I can't see that far ahead.

We can't second

-guess every decision.

It's a risk every time we step through that gate.

I agree.

But until we have a better understanding of what's going on, I'd prefer to err on the side of caution.

Was anybody else hurt on this thing?

I only saw Major Carter.

Then she can sit this one out, just to be on the safe side.

Agreed, but, Colonel, be careful.

Yes, sir.

Major Pierce, report.

We swept the whole village, sir.

There's no sign of any Jaffa activity.

As I said, Lord Mot will not arrive for many days.

All right, stay sharp.

O'Neill, out.

Have you decided to help us?

- Are you sure you want this?

- It is as the prophecy foretold.

Now, screw the prophecy.

I need to know your people are willing to follow through on this.

Last winter, there was a terrible sickness in the village.

Many could not work.

When Lord Mot arrived and there was not enough naqahdah, we tried to explain.

We begged his forgiveness, but he would not listen.

He took ten of the sickest, including my daughter's husband, and ex*cuted them in front of the whole village.

We would do anything to be free of this burden.

We have a medical emergency on level 25.

What happened?

We were overhauling the gate generator.

The capacitor blew.

- Anybody else hurt?

- Major Carter.

- How's she doing?

- Respirations are shallow, pulse weak.

Sam, can you hear me?


- I've lost the pulse.

- She's in V fib.

- Anything?

- Nothing.

- Charge to 200.

- Charging.

- Clear

- Clear.

- What do we got?

- Pulse is back.

Regular signs.


Let's get them both into the infirmary.

Let's move.


- Hey.

- How you feeling?

Slightly overcooked.

Janet says I'll be fine.

- Sam, I'm sorry.

- For what?

If I had kept quiet, you would've gone on the mission.

This wouldn't have happened.

I envisioned it, but I didn't understand it.

I misinterpreted the vision.

I won't make that same mistake again.

- Don't do this to yourself.

- I've been thinking about this a lot.

I've always been hyper


I see details that other people miss.

I see patterns.

Maybe predicting the future is just an extension of that.

It doesn't work that way.

According to Newtonian physics, yes.

If you knew the position and velocity of every particle in the universe at any given time, you could predict all of their interactions for ever.

So the future is predetermined.

You just need to figure it out.

Yes, but quantum mechanics blows that out of the water.

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle says it's impossible to see a subatomic particle and know both where it is and where it's going at the same time.

The more you fix its position, the more uncertain its velocity, and vice versa.

We can only calculate probabilities.

OK, so then I'm seeing probable futures.


But every vision I've had has turned out exactly the way I saw it.

It doesn't mean they always will, Jonas.

- Does Mot arrive through the Stargate?

- No, he usually arrives by ship.

- Where does he land?

- Here.

- How many Jaffa?

- Eight, maybe ten.

Clearly, he's not anticipating resistance.

Colonel, we can do this.

There's plenty of cover here and here.

- They'd never know what hit 'em.

- We'll do a sweep of the area tomorrow.

- I will show you.

- Old fool.


These outsiders have led you astray, but I've taken care of everything.

What'd you do?

A scout ship.

Lord Mot is coming.

Jonas, we need to go over these test results Jonas This is Fraiser.

I need a medical team to level 18 L


You know, every time I wake up in Goa'uld cell, I can't help the thought that something bad is gonna happen.

You are the Tauri of Stargate Command.

And you are Lord Mot, come to punish us for our insolence, et cetera, yada, et al.

- That is correct.

- Yeah.

Mr Mot, we're onto you.

We know what you've got planned and we've informed the Tok'ra.

If we don't report back on schedule, they're gonna rat you out, tell your boss.

You intend to send a warning to Baal.

I think that's what I said, isn't it?

I said that.

I think this is unlikely.

You would not be here if you did not wish to protect the people of this planet.

If Baal discovers the mines are still active, he will return.

- There will be no message.

- Baal is in the service of Anubis.

If you k*ll him, you will have to answer for it.

- You may be of assistance in that regard.

- I don't think so.

It is known among the System Lords that an iris protects your gate.

Obviously, you must transmit some code before you return to your planet.

I suspect you use one of these.

You will tell me the code, and I will use it to destroy Stargate Command.

Anubis will congratulate me on my initiative.

- We will tell you nothing.

- Not at first.

But eventually.

However, for the moment, I must deal with these villagers.

I cannot let their treachery go unpunished.

- They had nothing to do with this.

- My spy tells me otherwise.

Of course, I could be convinced to spare them some discomfort.

Very well, then.

I'll leave you to think about it.

What am I doing here?

You had a seizure.

We can't wait any longer, Jonas.

If this tumour gets much bigger, we may not be able to remove it safely.

- Right.

- What is it?

Sir, I'm receiving an IDC.

It's SG


- Open the iris.

- Yes, sir.


-15, this is Hammond.

Come in.

Repeat, this is General Hammond.

Please respond.

I need to talk to General Hammond.

Now When you closed the iris, it was too late.

They set off a b*mb that destroyed the gate room, maybe the whole mountain.

- You sure it was SG

-15's iris code?

- Positive.

We have to warn them.

But maybe sending a message causes this to happen.

- Like when you warned Major Carter?

- Yeah.

Jonas, we've been over this.

The future isn't predetermined.

Without other information, we have to follow normal procedure.

If I didn't have this vision, we wouldn't be talking.

- We're already beyond normal procedure.

- What do you suggest?

We need more information.

We need to know how the Jaffa get the iris code.

Maybe I can find that out.

- You can't control the visions.

- I haven't tried hard enough.


Jonas, if we don't get you into surgery right now, you could die.

I need just a little more time.

Excuse me, miss.

How about sending a little of that our w w way?

Or not.


What'd you put in that stuff?

Kelmina root.

They will sleep for many hours.

I retrieved this.

Chazen has the rest of your belongings.

- I dared not take more.

- Where's your father?

He's being held.

Lord Mot intends to make an example of him.

We can help him.

But we have to get to the gate to get reinforcements.

I understand.

- How do we get out?

- This way.


You think that'll help?

It works for Teal'c.

- Jonas?

- I'm OK.

We're good to go.

Teal'c Jonas?


Jon I need some help in here Get him on the bed.

We've gotta get him into surgery.

Grab the gurney.




Jonas, can you hear me?

This path will take you to the Chaapa


Colonel, I fear Mot will execute my father.

There is not much time.

Just stay out of sight until we get back.

Not yet.

- What happened?

- We can't wait any longer.

Sam Sam I saw.

I know what's gonna happen.

Sir, they're walking into an ambush.

Jonas says the Jaffa will be waiting for them at the gate.

We must warn them.

- Dial P4S


- Yes, sir.

We're ready, Doctor.

It's OK.

Just relax.

- What's happening?

- It's OK.

- What's going on?

- It's OK.

Get the lorazepam.

It's OK, Jonas.

It's not your problem any more.

Colonel O'Neill?

This is Hammond.

Please respond.

Major Pierce, do you read me?

Jonas believes there may be a Jaffa presence awaiting your arrival at the Stargate.

Exercise extreme caution when approaching the gate.

I repeat.

Exercise extreme caution when approaching the gate.

You may be walking into an ambush.

- Do you copy?

- Sendear.

- Check on the prisoners.

- Yes, sir.

Colonel O'Neill, do you copy?

Major Pierce, do you read me?

They could be out of range.

Maybe they received the message but can't respond.

- What about the MALP?

- Not receiving anything, sir.

Sir, SG

-3 is prepped and ready to go.

I just can't risk it, Major.

I could be sending them into an ambush.

We're just going to have to hope that O'Neill gets the message.

The prisoners have escaped.

Sound the alarm.


- Who ordered the alarm?

- I did.

The prisoners escaped.


I allowed that foolish girl to help them.

My Jaffa are waiting at the gate.

I could not have known.

You must forgive me.

You are mistaken.


There it is.

It looks like an astrocytoma.

Isn't that unusual?

Given that the tissue isn't malignant, yes.

We didn't see any evidence of it on the MRl.

This must be a recent formation.

We've got reticular infiltrates.

This could get a little tricky.

Blood pressure's dropping.

Heart rate's 120 and climbing.

- He's haemorrhaging.

- I need more suction.

I don't see it.

Blood pressure's 80 on 60.

Heart rate's 160.

We gotta find the bleeder.

He's pre


Run a litre of saline.

Have dopamine standing by.

Get a unit of O neg.

- Pressure's 60 on 40.

- Doctor, we're losing him.

Hold on.

I see it.

Retract this flap.

I think I've got it.

Pressure's coming up.

Heart rate's stabilising.


Let's get this thing out of him.

Move, move Still no signal, sir.

Sir, I'm receiving an IDC.

It's SG



-15, this is Hammond.

Come in.

Repeat, this is General Hammond.

Please respond.

If we don't open the iris and it is Colonel O'Neill and SG

-15, then The second they step through, they'll be k*lled.

I'm aware of that.

- Open the iris.

- Yes, sir.

Got a wounded man here.

Clear the ramp.

Good to see you.

General, request permission to return to the planet with SGs 3 and 10.

- We have some unfinished business.

- Permission granted.

- Expecting someone else, sir?

- We'll explain later.

Hey I thought you were supposed to be resting that brain.

How you doing?

I'm a little sick of staring at these walls, but other than that I'm fine.

Dr Fraiser thinks they got it all out.

The post

-op analysis said the tumour was similar to ordinary brain tissue, but that the neurons were five times more densely packed.

Nirrti definitely had to have something to do with this.

This kind of thing doesn't happen naturally.

Are you still having visions, Jonas Quinn?

Not since the surgery, no.

So no lottery numbers?

- Afraid not.

- No trip to Vegas, just you and me?

So how's it going on 237?

They are planning a celebration in our honour.

They wanna thank us for getting rid of Mot.

- We're bringing the food this time.

- Good idea.

All right, visiting hours are over.

Jonas, you need your rest.

Well get well soon.

We need you out there.

Yes, sir.

Is he feeling all right?

I knew he'd warm up to you eventually.

You know, it is interesting.

We changed the way things played out, which would seem to indicate that the future isn't predetermined.

But by doing so, we fulfilled an ancient prophecy.

A thousand years ago, someone in that village predicted this would happen.

How do you explain that?

Maybe it was just a lucky guess.
