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03x09 - Mob 1 ~Moving~

Posted: 01/10/23 17:33
by bunniefuu
Look, Tsubomi.

When you make frogs float,
they start swimming.

Wow, how cute.

I can make the bar all squishy.

You're amazing, Mob.

That's the evening chime. Let's go home.

That was so much fun!

Oh... it was just a dream.





♫I realized that our youth is gray♫

♫The origin of this uneasiness
Is yet unknown♫

♫Trains of emotions keep running
Through my brain♫

♫Struggling through this adolescence♫

♫Don't disturb my deep psyche♫

♫Who is that behind you?♫

♫Opposing ideas creates distortion♫

♫Exorcise all the sorrow♫

♫So, do what you can now♫

♫My life♫

♫Finally, break it down♫

♫(Want) Both greed
(Young) And honesty♫

♫(Burn) Are growing
() On this chest of mine♫

♫(Trance) I'm not waking up
(Chance) I want to wake up♫

♫(Stance) These two different faces of mine
() Are standing back-to-back♫

♫Taking things as it is♫

♫In this free relation where
We resent each other♫

♫Once these two become one♫

♫That smile becomes one♫

♫And only ""



♫One and only ""



♫One and only ""♫


Happy New Year!

Did you go somewhere during break?

My grandma's place.

Did you finish it?

Yeah, I did.

Happy New Year.

We start the third term today.

I'll be collecting your homework
from winter break

after the opening assembly today.

You all need to get over
the winter-break slump

and start studying
for your entrance exams.

Make sure you all work hard together
while you're still classmates.

Oh, the class shuffles.

Maybe when I become a third-year,
I'll be in the same class as Tsubomi.

Oh, I have one more announcement to make.

Tsubomi Takane from Class -
will be moving next month.


Huh? Moving...?

Wait, what?

This is so sudden that
my head can't keep up.


I mean, I was planning to tell her how I feel
after entrance exam season was over.

But... I mean... I was still
supposed to have another year...

No, really, wait...

I haven't... I haven't even
gotten to do anything yet.

Nothing's... happened.

I need to... ask her out.

What's the matter, Kageyama?
Did you forget your homework?

Uh, no...

Oh, right...

Mob feels a certain way about Takane.


I need to ask her out...

She's the top idol at this school.

How are you gonna take on
all of these rivals, Mob?

(Body Improvement Club)

A-Ask her out?!


Are you sane, Kageyama?!


I was hoping you could tell me
your experiences,

or how to make sure I don't upset her...

Advice like that!



You're the shadow leader at Salt Middle!

Grow a pair!
Show her what White T Poison's made of!


Er, just... You know...

Show her White T Poison's...
uh, made of...

Kageyama... Take off your clothes.

Huh? Okay.


You're developing some
excellent muscles there!

The experience you're looking for
has accumulated in those!

We're seeing the fruits of your labor!

I'm sure that the person
you have in mind will tell you

that your muscles are worthy!

Thank you very much!

Let us also strive for
new heights and train!


Body Improvement!

Fight on! Fight on! Fight on! Fight on!


Could I get some advice
on asking her out...?

I'd really appreciate it...


Like the Brainwave Club could actually
give you advice about asking someone out.

Oh, good point.

Uh, hello?!

But man, I can't believe
Takane is moving.

I've had a crush on her for a while.

Maybe I'll try asking her out, too.

Takenaka, are you planning
on reading Tsubomi's mind?

That would never work for too long,

and I don't plan on
taking out my earplugs.

But if you read a girl's mind,
you could be super popular...

according to Tome.

What the heck would President Kurata
know about how a girl feels?

Okay, that's enough, you two!

You sure are running your mouths
while I was frozen

trying to figure out what
the heck's going on.

You're asking her out?

Mob, are you seriously
serious about it this time?


I see. All right, then.

I'll give you a piece of very good advice.

You should definitely
change up your hairstyle!

I'll keep the rest of what
I want to say to myself!

Sorry, we can't really offer advice,
so we'll just support you from afar.

I wish you the best.

You've got this, Kageyama!

Um, Tsubomi...

I wanted to talk to you about something.
Is that okay?

I love you...

I love you, Tsubomi.
Please go out with me!

I'm sorry.

But why?

Oh, do I really need to
tell you the reason?

I mean, I have absolutely
no interest in you...


Jeez... There's still that many?

I don't even know most of these people.

What a pain.

What are you doing, Mob?

Takane's not in class anymore.

Oh! Did she go home already?

I see... She went home...

Then, I guess I'll just have
to give up for today.

Oh, well. I'll just have
to try another day...

She's behind the school.

Behind the school?
What's she doing there?

While you've been wasting your time here,

all the other boys have
been asking her out.

Say what now?

I better go...

If you go right now,
she's gonna reject you!

It's like some weird factory assembly line
that's producing a bunch of broken-hearted lads.

You'll just get caught up in all that,
and she'll say no to you, too.


Do you think I should cut my hair?

Huh? Wait, why your hair?

What kind of guys do girls like?

He's starting to consider
more than just "work out"!

First, you need to be a gentleman.

You should always mind your manners
around all of your girl classmates.

Also, you need to be considerate.

You need to be dependable,
lend an ear to her problems,

and make her think she can
talk about anything.

If you can be that accepting,

you might just be able to
handle Takane, as well.

I'd be able to handle her?


It seems as though most of the guys just
like her because of her appearance,

but I'm pretty sure she's
hiding how she really feels.

It'll be up to you to be able
to handle who she really is.

Though, I honestly don't know
what the big fuss is over Takane.


I mean, she doesn't seem
to trust anyone at all.

I'm pretty sure she has
no interest in other people.

How do you know that?

You can tell just by seeing
how she acts every day.

Actually, how can you not tell?

You should learn to view other people
from a different angle every now and then.

Say, Mob...

What exactly do you like about her?

(Spirits and Such Consultation Office)

So... You couldn't respond
to that question,

you couldn't go behind the school,
and you can't fully concentrate on work.

Come on, now, Mob.

Don't go bringing this
puppy love nonsense to work.

Of course middle schoolers
fall in love just by appearances.

I understand why you want to
believe you're different,

but in the end, men are simple creatures.

Am I right, Serizawa?

Er, I didn't go to school,
so I'm not sure.

You must've at least had a girl you liked.

No... I can't say that there was.

Not even one?

Come on, don't be bashful at your age.

No, wait. Are you actually serious?

I'm honestly envious that
you have someone you like.

If your feelings for her don't change,
despite what anyone says...

that means your feelings are true, right?

Then I don't think you have to
put your reasoning into words.

Yes, exactly! That's exactly
what I was trying to say!

What's important is not
what you like about her...

it's if you truly like her or not!

If you're nervous about this,
then tell us how you really feel.

We'll hear you out.

The reason that Tsubomi
caught my attention so much...

Mob! Let's make a tunnel!


Look! I'm only showing you, Tsubomi!

I'm bored of that.

I'm not really sure myself.

But I know that I like her.
I've always liked Tsubomi.

Then there's nothing to worry about.

Go for broke.

But I'm not sure what to say
when I ask her out. What should I do?

Well... You know.

First, you wanna be fresh and clean.

Then, remember to be sincere and faithful.

And don't forget to be fashionable
and be a good listener.


Make sure to smile and don't be glum.


Oh, right. Setting the mood to
excite her is also important.

What?! He's cheating?!

And there you have it!

I guess Reigen doesn't know, either.

But in the end...
Don't worry about strategy.

There's no point in trying
to keep up appearances

with a person you want a
deep relationship with.

Just be yourself. Show her your true self.

I'm sure the last thing Tsubomi wants to
hear is you asking her out using my words.

Just put what you're feeling into words.

Thank you very much.

Yes, you're right. I'll do just that.

Reigen, I'm actually a bit
surprised you gave him that advice.

If this were me,
I'd probably try to be slick.

I mean, if they found out
who I really was,

I'd get rejected in an instant.

I guess even Reigen is pessimistic
about these matters.

He seems really popular with our clients
who are older ladies, though...


Mob is different.

He should follow the straight and narrow.

He shouldn't bother with lies.

You've got this, Mob.

What's with all the sighing, friend?

Are you in trouble again?


Huh. So your childhood friend
is transferring.


I haven't had the chance to
actually talk to her these past few years,

and this was really sudden.

So that's why you're in
a hurry to ask her out.


But this is my first time,
so it's been pretty difficult.

It's really not something
to be that scared of.

It must be nice being you,
Hanazawa, since you're popular.

You're nothing like me.

What are you talking about?

You're the one who said
we were alike in the first place.

Go on. Relax those shoulders.

Smile and stand proud.

You need to be more confident!
It's not like you're doing anything bad.

Are you thinking about
getting something for her?

That thought hadn't even crossed my mind.

I see... A gift, huh?

I'm usually the one getting asked out,

but when I get letters or homemade cookies,
it does make me pretty happy.

I figured that might be an option.


That's not gonna work.
I only know how to make rice balls.

Hey, you don't need to push yourself.

There's no guarantee that
it's better to give her something.

Actually, in your case, maybe you can get
her some flowers, even if it's a bit cliché.

I'm sure it couldn't hurt.


Also, I'll gladly pick out
your clothes for you.

I don't actually have enough money to
buy any clothes, so I'll pass this time.

Thanks, though.

Brother. About Takane moving...

Oh, you already knew, Ritsu?

I see.

So you're also going to
ask her out, after all.

The time's finally arrived.

I'm honestly really nervous
just thinking about it.

How is she going to respond?

I'm pretty sure I remember Takane
saying she likes someone...

Yes. The person I like is someone from
another school who I met at cram school.

From what you've told me, the other person
is obviously interested in you as well.

If you ask them out, there's a very
good possibility they'll say yes.

It's over...

Anyway, I hope she doesn't
turn him down too harshly.


He's probably more worried
about me than I am.

I'm not sure why, but it
somehow calms me down.

Thanks, Ritsu.
I'll give it everything I've got.


Don't lose heart too much, okay?

(Phone Numbers)



It's been a while, ma'am.
It's me, Shigeo.

Is Tsubomi available?

Yes. Thank you very much.

Hello, Tsubomi?

Sorry to call you out of the blue.
I only know your house phone.

So, uh, I heard...

Um... Like...

That you're moving away.

Oh... So it's true.

Right, of course.

Yeah, so, hey... There's something
I wanted to talk to you about.

Huh? It's a bit awkward
to say on the phone.

I was wondering if you had some
time after school tomorrow...

No, it's better if we meet
somewhere other than school.

Since we live so close to each other,
why don't we just go to the park?

Yeah. The one we used
to play at all the time.

Hm? I'm acting weird?

Really? My voice?
No, it's not shaky...

Yeah... You're totally imagining it.

Yeah, uh-huh.

Yeah, that's fine.


What? You made plans with her?

Way to go!

And instead of behind the school,

you chose a nostalgic park
for the both of you. Chef's kiss.

I didn't know you had it in you, man!

If you end up going out with her,

introduce me to one of
Takane's girl friends.


Heck yeah!

Now, then...

The point where line A
and line B intersect is -.

- I wonder what it is...
- This will be on the test.

Despite knowing I'm going to have a really
important conversation with Tsubomi,

I'm surprisingly calm.

Come to think of it,

I wonder why I thought to ask everyone
for advice about asking her out.

I think lately...

I'm not holding in my feelings
as much anymore.

(Seasoning Realty)

(Smiley Flowers)
I'd like an assorted bouquet... please.

(Smiley Flowers)
Sure. Do you need a bag?

Does this work for you?


I guess they're really small at , yen.

It's not about size anyway.

Thank you very much!

Shigeo Kageyama.

Oh... Um, you're...

Trade me.


Are you sure? But why...

Yeah, just come on.


Thank you.

♫The blue light shined
Dazzling my eye at : AM♫

♫Even as I swiped the page over,
The smiles of friends besides me remain♫

♫Yes, I want someone to understand♫

♫All the colorless and transparent wishes♫

♫All the breath stuck within
The depth of my heart♫

♫Suddenly flowed out
Bringing my consciousness back♫

♫I remember the days hung dry♫

♫The very normal days passed by♫

♫Even if reality is corrupted♫

♫The sky we saw together
Was definitely real♫

♫It's harder to understand than
The grammar on the blackboard♫

♫The story that disappears
Under hours makes me sad and lonely♫

♫It's so hard, and I find myself
On the verge of giving up again and again♫

♫But I...♫

♫The current me will no longer give up♫

♫Overflowing emotions on my sleeve,
Running through worry and doubt♫

♫Nobody has decided
if the future is or ♫

♫So I'll paint over them myself♫

♫Even if my existence itself
can't be proven♫

♫If this world struck me in my heart♫

♫I will flood it with cobalt blue♫

Kageyama, I know that you're
trying to accept your powers.

You've worked so hard.

And that's why
you shouldn't go any further.

Turn back now.

Next on episode of
Mob Psycho III,

"Mob ~Rival~"