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01x05 - The Enemy Within

Posted: 01/10/23 19:16
by bunniefuu
That should make a good specimen.

- Temperature's starting to drop.
- Yeah.

At night it gets down
to 120 degrees below zero.

That's nippy.

(Man shouts)

- What happened?
- l fell off that bank. Cut my hand.

Let's see. Get back to the ship.
Report to the sickbay.

Yes, sir.

Geological Technician Fisher,
ready to beam up.

Right. Locked onto you.


Coadjutor engagement.

- What happened?
- l took a flop.

- Onto what?
- l don't know. Some kind of yellow ore.

- Magnetic. Decontaminate that uniform.
- Yes, sir.

That acted like a burn-out.

'Captain Kirk, ready to beam up.'

Just one moment, Captain.

That checks out OK now.

You'd better get a synchronic meter
so we can double-check.

All right, Captain. Locked onto you.

- Are you all right?
- Just a little dizzy.

- Let me give you a hand.
- l can't get through there.

Don't leave the transporter room

Wilson will be right back, sir.

(Kirk) 'Space - the final frontier.

'These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

'lts five-year mission,
to explore strange new worlds,

'to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

'to boldly go
where no man has gone before.'

(Kirk) 'Captain's log, stardate 1672.1.

'Specimen gathering mission
on planet Alfa 177.

'Unknown to any of us during this time,

'a duplicate of me,
some strange alter ego,

'had been created
by the transporter malfunction.'

(Door opens)

Captain? Are you all right, sir?
Can l give you a hand, sir?


(Woman) '...section to officers,
check communication lines.'


lt may help if McCoy
gives you the once-over.

l'll have my engines looked to.

Ship's manifests. l think they're in order.

- Thank you.
- l've checked...

- That's all.
- Yes, sir.

You picked a good day, Fisher.
Business has been lousy.

Did you take a fall on purpose
to get a vacation?

Saurian brandy.

Back to duty status.
l have no sympathy for clumsiness.

No, sir.

The hand's much better, sir.

- What can l do for you?
- l said, give me the brandy!

- (Knock on door)
- Yep.

lt's Mr Spock.

Come in.

Yes, Mr Spock. What is it?

- ls there something l can do for you?
- Like what?

Well, Dr McCoy seemed to think
that l should check on you.

That's nice.

Come on, Spock. l know that look.
What is it?

Well, our good doctor said that
you were acting like...a wild man.

- Demanded brandy.
- Our good doctor's been putting you on.

ln that case, if you'll excuse
the intrusion, l'll get back to my work.

l'll tell him you were properly annoyed.


- What is it?
- Transporter breakdown.

Continue circuit testing. We beamed up
this animal, and look for yourself in here.

A few seconds after they sent this one
up through the transporter,

that duplicate appeared.
Except it's not a duplicate.

lt's an opposite.
Two of the same animal, but different.

One gentle - this.
One mean and fierce - that.

A savage, ferocious opposite.

Captain, we don't dare send Mr Sulu
and the landing party up.

lf this should happen to a man...

Oh, my...

Captain, you startled me.

ls there something that you...

- Can l help you?
- Jim will do here, Janice.


You're too beautiful to ignore.

Too much woman.

We've both been...pretending too long.

Stop pretending. Let's stop pretending.

Come here. Don't fight me.

Don't fight me, Janice.

Just a minute, Janice.

Just a minute!

Call Mr Spock!

Geological Technician Fisher.
Deck 12, Section...

Me? My yeoman said that?

l've been resting here
since you left me. Alone.

Dr McCoy reports that you demanded
this brandy in sickbay and left with it.

l found this
in Yeoman Rand's quarters.

Not true. l haven't been to the sickbay.
Let's find out what's going on.


(Door opens)

Then he kissed me
and he said that he was the captain.

That he could order me...

l didn't know what to do.

When you mentioned the feelings
we'd been hiding...

- And you started talking about us.
- Us?

He is the captain. l couldn't just...

You started hurting me.
l had to fight you, scratch your face.

Yeoman? Look at me.

Look at me. Look at my face.

Are there any scratches?

l was sure l scratched you.
l was frightened. Maybe...

Yeoman, l was in my room. lt wasn't me.

Sir, Fisher saw you, too.


lf it hadn't been...

l can understand.

l don't want to get you into trouble.
l wouldn't have even mentioned it.

- lt wasn't me.
- lt was you, sir.

- Do you know what you're saying?
- Yes, l know what l'm saying.

Get back to that bed. Come on, let's go.

Go now, Yeoman.

There's only one logical answer.

We have an impostor aboard.

(Kirk) 'Captain's log, stardate 1672.9.

'On the planet's surface,
temperatures are beginning to drop.

'Our landing party in jeopardy
due to the transporter malfunction.

'An duplicate of myself
definitely exists.'

How did all this happen?

l don't know, but when Fisher came up,
his suit was covered with a yellow ore.

lt had unusual properties. lt may
have caused an overload. Can't tell yet.

- Does the transporter work?
- Yes.

But we don't dare bring up the landing
party. They might be duplicated.

- How long will it take to find the trouble?
- Can't say, sir.

We can't leave those men down there.
lt's getting dark. They'll die.

The temperature of that planet
goes down to 120 below zero at night.

- We're doing everything we can, sir.
- Yes, l know, Scotty.

- About your double, Captain...
- Yes.


We'll have to find him.
Organise search parties.

We can't take a chance on k*lling it.

We have no way of knowing
what would happen to you.

That's right. We don't know.
But the men have to be armed.

The men are to be armed
with their phasers locked,

l repeat, locked on setting number 1.

There can't be any chance
of him being k*lled.

He's to be taken without...

lf the men are forced to fire,
he can't be k*lled.

How shall we explain it?
That search parties are to capture you?

Tell them...

The search parties, Captain.

l'll make an announcement
to the entire crew.

Tell them what happened.
lt's a good crew, they deserve to know.

Captain, no disrespect intended, but you
must realise you can't tell the crew.

You're the captain. You have no right
to be vulnerable in the eyes of the crew.

You can't afford to be less than perfect.

lf you do, they lose faith
and you lose command.

Yes, l do know that, Mr Spock.

What l don't know... why l forgot that just now.

Mr Spock...

lf you see me slipping again,
your orders...

Your orders...are to tell me.

Understood, Captain.

(Kirk) 'Captain's log, stardate 1673.1.

'Something has happened to me.

'Somehow, in being duplicated,
l have lost my strength of will.

'Decisions are becoming
more and more difficult.'

This is the captain.
There's an impostor aboard the ship.

'A man who looks like me
and is pretending to be me.

'This man is dangerous.
Utmost caution is to be observed.

'All crew members
are to arm themselves.

'The impostor may be identified
by scratches on his face.

'Repeat, the impostor may be identified
by scratches on his face.'

Section chiefs,
assign personnel to the search.

All search parties report to Mr Spock
for assignment.

- Something?
- About the phaser weapons.

To be set for stunning force and locked.

All hand phasers
must be set on base cycle.

Stunning force. The impostor is not
to be injured. Use minimum force.

- l'm Captain Kirk!
- 'The impostor is not to be injured.'

l'm Captain Kirk.

l'm Captain Kirk. l'm Captain Kirk!

l'm Captain Kirk.

- Wilson.
- Sir?

Wilson, give me your phaser.

Yes, sir.

- How have you been?
- Fine, sir.

- (Kirk) 'How's it going down there?'
- lt's already 20 degrees below zero.

Can't exactly call it balmy.

lsn't there any way we can help them?

Thermoheaters were transported down.
They duplicated. They won't operate.

Then we've got to get those men up.

- (Man) 'Mr Spock.'
- Spock here.

'Technician Wilson found
injured near the captain's cabin.

'He says the impostor att*cked him,
called him by name, took his phaser.'

- Acknowledged. Continue the search.
- We've got to find him before he...

But how?

This double,
however different in temperament,

has your knowledge of the ship,
its crew, its devices.

This being the case, we can outguess
him by determining his next move.

Knowing how the ship is laid out,
where would you go to elude a search?

The lower levels. The engineering deck.

Set and locked on base cycle to stun,
not to k*ll.

What about your phaser, Captain?

- Don't you think we should get help?
- No.

l don't want anyone else to see the...

Captain? You ordered me to tell you...

Mr Spock...if l'm to be the captain,
l've got to act like one.

You can't hurt me.

You can't k*ll me.

You can't. Don't you understand?

l'm part of you.

You need me.

l need you.

l don't need you.

He'll be regaining consciousness soon. l
don't think l dare give him a tranquilliser.

- l think we'd better bind him.
- Yes...

Yes, all right.

What's the matter with me?

Judging from my observations, you're
rapidly losing the power of decision.

- Do you have a point?
- Yes, always, Doctor.

We have an unusual opportunity
to appraise the human mind,

or to examine, in Earth terms,
the roles of good and evil in a man.

His negative side,
which you call hostility, lust, v*olence.

And his positive side, which Earth
people express as compassion,

love, tenderness.

lt's the captain's guts you're analysing.
Are you aware of that?

Yes. And what is it that makes one man
an exceptional leader?

lndications are that
his negative side makes him strong.

That his evil side, properly controlled
and disciplined, is vital to his strength.

Your negative side removed from you,

the power of command
begins to elude you.

What is your point?

lf your command continues to weaken,
you'll be unable to function as captain.

You must be prepared for that.

You have your intellect.
You can fight with that.

For how long?

lf l seem insensitive
to what you're going through,

understand it's the way l am.

(Scott) 'Captain Kirk.'

- Kirk here.
- 'Mr Scott on the engineering deck.'

l've found a new trouble
with the transporter.

The casing has a wide gap in it. The
main circuits have been burned through.

'The abort control circuit
has gone altogether.'

Can you give us a status report?
Temperature's still dropping.

Now 41 degrees below zero.

'We've located the trouble.
lt shouldn't be long.'

You think you might be able to find a
long rope and lower us some coffee?

l'll see what we can do.

'Rice wine will do
if you're short on coffee.'

Engineering deck, Kirk here.

- 'Scott here, Captain.'
- That unit, Scotty.

- Status report.
- 'The transporter unit ioniser.

'Nothing much left of it, sir.'

- How bad is it?
- 'We can't repair it in less than a week.'

(Kirk) 'Captain's log, stardate 1673.5.

'Transporter still inoperable.
My negative self is under restraint.

'My own indecisiveness growing,
my force of will steadily weakening.

'On the planet, condition critical.

'Surface temperature
is 75 degrees below zero.

'Still dropping.'

We should give room service
another call.

That coffee's taking too long.

- Enterprise, this is Sulu.
- Kirk here.

'Hotline direct to the captain.
Are we that far gone?'

l gave everybody the afternoon off.
l'm watching the store.

- 'How is it down there?'
- Lovely, except the frost is building up.

We're using hand phasers
to heat the rocks.

One phaser quit on us,
three still operating.

Any possibility of getting us back aboard
before the skiing season opens here?

This is Spock, Mr Sulu.

You'll have to hold on a little longer.
There's no other way.

- Survival procedures.
- 'Per your training program, Mr Spock.'


- What happened?
- The body weakened during duplication.

- lt was a fact l failed to consider.
- He's not dying?

- Yes, he is.
- Help me.

How can he die?
How can l survive without him?

l don't know, Jim.

Don't be afraid.

Here's my hand.

Hold on.

You don't have to be afraid.
l won't let go.

Hold on. You won't be afraid
if you use your mind. Think!

You can do it. That's it.

Jim, he is back.


You could use that brandy now.

- ln fact, l'll join you.
- l have to take him back inside myself.

l can't survive without him. l don't
want him back, he's like an animal.

A thoughtless, brutal animal.
And yet it's me.



You're no different than anyone else.
We all have our darker side. We need it.

lt's half of what we are.
lt's not really ugly, it's human.

- Human?
- Yes, human.

Part of what he is
makes you the man you are.

God forbid l should have to agree
with Spock but he was right.

Without the negative side, you wouldn't
be the captain. You couldn't be.

Your strength of command
lies mostly in him.

- What do l have?
- You have goodness.

Not enough. l have a ship to command.

The intelligence, the logic.
lt appears your half has most of that.

And perhaps that's where man's
essential courage comes from.

For you see, he was afraid,
and you weren't.

(Spock) 'Captain Kirk.'

- Kirk here.
- 'Spock here.

'Would you come to the transporter
room? We may have found an answer.'


- What is it?
- A way to get the transporter working.

We've attached circuits
to compensate for the difference.

Tied directly into the impulse engines,

there shouldn't be more than a five-point
variation in velocity balance.

l suggest we send the animal through.

- Captain?
- Yes. Yes, go ahead.

(Animal growls and barks)

l'll grab him by the scruff
and hold him as long as l can.

- Don't hurt him.
- (Spock) lt's painless and quick.

The animal will be unconscious
for only a few minutes.

(Scott) lf this doesn't work,
l don't know what will.



The shock of putting him back together
was too much for him.

He's dead, Jim.

(Spock) 'Captain's log, stardate 1673.1.

'Entry made by Second Officer Spock.

'Captain Kirk
retains command of this vessel,

'but his force of will rapidly fading.

'Condition of landing party critical.

'Transporter unit still under repair.'

Autopsy in-depth. Hurry.

l don't know. The animal
could have died of some kind of shock.

- For once, l agree with you, Doctor.
- l said, could have.

We won't know until a full post-mortem.

No autopsy is necessary
to know the animal was terrified.

lt was split into two
and thrust back together.

Thus shock, induced by blind terror.

- Yes, that sounds likely.
- lt couldn't understand.

You can. You have intelligence
controlling your fear.

Get the transporter room ready.

lf. Maybe. All guesswork, just theory.

Let me do an autopsy and let Spock
check out the transporter circuits again.

That sounds reasonable.
We should double-check everything.

- Aren't you forgetting something?
- No, l don't think l...

Your men on the planet's surface.
How much time do they have left?

Yes, that's right. The men.
We have to take a chance. Their lives...

Suppose it wasn't shock. Suppose death
was caused by transporter malfunction.

Then you'd die.

They'd die anyway.
You can't risk your life on a theory.

Being split in two halves
is no theory with me, Doctor.

l have a human half and an alien half,
constantly at w*r with each other.

Personal experience. l survive it
because my intelligence wins out,

makes them live together. Your
intelligence will help you survive as well.

Help me.

Somebody...make the decision.

Are you relinquishing your command?


No, l'm not.

Well, then, we can't help you, Jim.
The decision is yours.

Ready the transporter room.


continue the autopsy.

(Uhuha) 'Captain Kirk,
l have a tie-in with Sulu.'

Kirk here.






'Think...the cold...

'Two men...unconscious.

'No time.


'Can't wait... No time.'

Mr Sulu.

Mr Sulu!

Can't wait...

- Can't let them die.
- What are you going to do?

Go through the transporter. Both of us.

There's nothing l can do to stop you.

lt's what l have to do.

lt's what l have to do.
What we have to do.

l won't fight you any more.

l feel so weak.

l'll be glad when this is over.

- Janice, hello.
- Captain, l...

l owe you an explanation. Yes, l do.

The transporter malfunctioned,
created my duplicate.

The animal part of me
came to your cabin.

He even scratched me
to make us look alike.

l'd like the chance to explain it to you.

You don't mind
if l come to your cabin later?

- No, sir.
- Good.


- No word from Mr Sulu, sir.
- Prepare to leave orbit.

Well? l gave you an order, Mr Farrell.

- But what about...
- They can't be saved. Leave orbit.

Yes, sir.

- l thought we planned...
- l changed my mind. Go to your station.

- Grab him. He's the impostor.
- No!

- He's fooled you.
- He att*cked him.

Mr Spock, you know who l am.
You know what that is.

Which one? What do we do?

We'll let the captain handle this.

l'm the captain. lsn't that obvious?
Look at his face.

Remember the scratches?
Look how he's tried to hide them.

He wants you to think he's Captain Kirk.

You know who l am.

- Yes, l know.
- You want to k*ll me, don't you?

Farrell! James!

Grab him! He'll destroy the ship.
l'm the captain.

Don't you understand?
l'm captain of the ship.

lt's my ship, my ship! lt's mine!

- l'll k*ll you.
- Can half a man live?

Take another step, you'll die.

Then we'll both die.


l don't want to... Don't make me.

Don't make me.

l want to go back.


- l want to live!
- You will.

Both of us.

l want to live!

You'll have to hold onto him, Captain.

- Mr Spock.
- Captain?

lf this doesn't work...

Understood, Captain.

Mr Spock?


Well, Mr Spock?


- Get those men aboard fast.
- Right away, Captain.

Severe exposure, frostbite,
but l think they'll make it.

How do you feel?


l've seen a part of myself
no man should ever see.

(Man) 'Status report, green.'

- All sections report ready, sir.
- Good.

Thank you, Mr Spock, from both of us.

Shall l pass that onto the crew, sir?

The impostor is back where he belongs.
Let's forget him.

Captain, the impostor told me
what happened, who he really was.

And l'd just like to say that...

- Well, sir, what l'd like to say is...
- Thank you, Yeoman.

The impostor
had some interesting qualities.

Wouldn't you say, Yeoman?

(Kirk) This is the captain speaking.

Navigator, set in course correction.

Helmsman, steady as she goes.