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01x22 - Space Seed

Posted: 01/10/23 19:30
by bunniefuu
Coming up on it fast, sir.

Are you certain
of your sensor readings?

Definitely a space vessel
of some type.

- Origin?
- Unknown.

It could hardly be an Earth ship.
There have been no flights

- into this sector for years.
- I'm picking up a signal, sir.

Captain, that's the old
Morse code call signal.

- Thank you, lieutenant.
- C-Q. C-Q.

We're reading it, lieutenant.

I thought you said it couldn't
possibly be an Earth vessel.

Fail to understand why it always gives
you pleasure to see me proven wrong.

An emotional
Earth weakness of mine.

There it is.

An old Earth vessel
similar to the DY-500 class.

Much older.
DY-100 class, to be exact.


...the last such vessel was built
centuries ago, back in the 1990s.

Then it's a derelict,
its signal left on a*t*matic.

Or an old Earth ship
being used by aliens.

- Weapons status.
- Deflector shields on maximum.

- Phasers manned, sir.
- Bio-scanners report.

Life science bio-scanners are picking
up heartbeats from over there.

Can't be human, though.
They're too faint and average,

only four beats per minute.

Sensor reading, captain. Some sort of
equipment functioning on that vessel.

All decks, go to full alert.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go
where no man has gone before.

Captain's log, stardate 3141.9.

A full hour has elapsed since
interception of the strange vessel.

Our presence alongside
is still being completely ignored.

Although our sensors continue
to show signs of equipment

and life aboard, there's been
no indication of danger to us.

Weapons Department,
maintain battle stations.

All other decks, stand by alert.

All decks acknowledging, sir.

Continuing to pick up some form
of heart action over there.

Very faint, very slow. Seems to be
coming from about 60 or 70 bodies,

- as near as I can make out.
- Alien bodies, Bones?

Could be. There's no sign of breathing
or any other form of respiration.

Hull surface is pitted
with meteor scars.

However, scanners make out
a name, SS Botany Bay.

Then you can check the registry.

No such vessel listed.

Records of that period
are fragmentary, however.

The mid 1990s was the era
of your last so-called "World w*r."

The Eugenics Wars.

Of course. Your attempt to improve
the race through selective breeding.

Now, wait a minute,
not our attempt, Mr. Spock,

a group of ambitious scientists.

I'm sure you know the type:

Devoted to logic,
completely unemotional...

- Doctor, I would be pleased...
- All right, gentlemen, as you were.

Rig for tractor beam, helm.
Lock onto that vessel.

- Rigging for tractor beam, sir.
- Bridge is yours, Mr. Spock.

Care to join
the landing party, doctor?

Well, if you're actually
giving me a choice...

I'm not.

Oh, I'll need somebody familiar
with the late 20th-century Earth.

Here's a chance for that historian
to do something for a change.

What's her name? McGivers?

Lieutenant McGivers.

Attention. The following personnel
report to Transporter Room:

Engineering Officer Scott,
Lieutenant McGivers.


McGivers, on my way.

It looks like that ship
is expecting us.

We read heat coming on,
complete oxygen atmosphere.

Very interesting.
You ready, Bones?

No. Signed aboard this ship
to practise medicine,

not to have my atoms scattered back
and forth across space by this gadget.

You're an old-fashioned boy,

Where's that historian?

- Well, come on, Lieutenant...
- McGivers, sir.



Earth-type mechanisms, sir.

Twentieth-century vessel.

Old-type atomic power.

Bulky, solid.

I think they used to call them
"transistor units."

I'd love to tear this baby apart.

Captain, it's a sleeper ship.

Suspended animation?

I've seen old photographs of this.

Necessary because
of the time involved

in space travel
until about the year 2018.

It took years just to travel
from one planet to another.

Is it possible they're still alive...

...after centuries of travel?

Theoretically possible.

I've never heard of it being tested
for this long a period.

What a handsome group of people.

Jim, I have a new reading.

Lights must have triggered
some mechanism.

Captain, look here.


Beats me what's happening.

We've triggered something, all right.

Heartbeat's increasing,
now passing eight beats per minute.

And there are some signs
of respiration beginning.

This one was probably programmed
to be triggered first.

Could he be the leader?

The leader. Lieutenant.

Yes, sir. The leader
was often set to revive first.

This would allow him to decide

whether the conditions
warranted revival of the others.

Heartbeat now approaching
40 per minute.

The respiration pattern is firming up.

From the northern India area,
I'd guess,

probably a Sikh.
They're the most fantastic warriors.

- Heartbeat now 52 and increasing.
- The others?

There's no change.
And they're all mixed types:

Western, mid-European,
Latin, Oriental.

A man from the 20th century
coming alive.

Maybe. Heartbeat dropping.

Circuit shorting.

Probably some dust.
Heartbeat now 30, dropping fast.

There's a heart flutter. He's dying.

- Do something, captain.
- Can we?

Take an hour to figure out.

What happens if we
get him out of there?

He'll die in seconds if we don't.

How long?

How long...

...have you been sleeping?

Two centuries, we estimate.

Landing party to Enterprise.
Come in.

Go ahead, boarding party,
we read you.

Lock in on Dr. McCoy's beam.

He's transporting back
with a casualty we discovered here.


Captain's log, supplemental.

Alongside the SS Botany Bay
for ten hours now.

A boarding party of engineering
and medical specialists

are now completing their examination
of the mysterious vessel.

Attempts to revive other sleepers

await our success or failure with
the casualty already beamed over.

Dr. McCoy is frankly amazed at
his physical and recuperative power.

- Kirk to boarding party.
- Scott here.

Scotty, any records?
Log books of any kind?

Negative, captain. It appears
they were in suspended animation

- when the ship took off.
- How many alive?

Twelve units have malfunctioned,
leaving 72 still operating.

Thirty of those are women.

Kirk out.

Seventy-two alive.

A group of people dating back
to the 1990s.

A discovery of some importance,
Mr. Spock.

There are a great many unanswered
questions about those years.

A strange, violent period
in your history.

I find no record whatsoever
of an SS Botany Bay.

Captain, the DY-100 class vessel

was designed
for interplanetary travel only.

With simple
nuclear-powered engines,

star travel was considered impractical
at that time.

It was 10,000-1

against their making it
to another star system.

And why no record of the trip?

Botany Bay...

...that was the name of a penal colony
on the shores of Australia, wasn't it?

If they took that name
for their vessel...

If you're suggesting
this was a penal deportation vessel,

you've arrived
at a totally illogical conclusion.

Your Earth was on the verge
of a Dark Ages.

Whole populations were being
bombed out of existence.

A group of criminals could
have been dealt with

far more efficiently than wasting one
of their most advanced spaceships.

Yes. So much for my theory.

I'm still waiting to hear yours.

Even a theory requires some facts,

So far...

...I have none.
- And that irritates you, Mr. Spock.

- Irritation?
- Yeah.

I am not capable of that emotion.

My apologies, Mr. Spock.

You suspect
some danger in them?

Insufficient facts
always invites danger, captain.

Well, I'd better get some facts.

- Rig for towing.
- Aye, aye, sir.

- Make course for Starbase 12.
- Aye, sir.

That'll be all.

- Bones?
- He'll live.

- My compliments.
- No, I'm good, but not that good.

There's something inside this man
that refuses to accept death.

Now, look at that.
Even as he is now,

his heart valve action
is twice the power of yours or mine.

Lung efficiency, 50 percent better.

An improved breed of human.

That's what the Eugenics w*r
was all about.

I'd estimate he could lift us both
with one arm.

Be interesting to see
if his brain matches his body.

Doctor, will he live?

Lt appears he will, lieutenant.

I'd like to talk to you.

If I were to rate your performance as
a member of the landing party today...

I know, sir. I'm sorry.

Lieutenant, at any one time, the safety
of this entire vessel might depend

on the performance
of a single crewman aboard.

And the fact that you find a man

strangely compelling
to you personally...

Not personally, captain,

My profession is historian,

and to find a specimen
from the past, alive...

I mean, the sheer delight
of examining his mind.

And men were
more adventuresome then.

Bolder, more colourful.

- Yes, sir, I think they were.
- Good.

If I can have honesty,
it's easier to overlook mistakes.

- That's all.
- Yes, sir.

A pity you wasted your life
on command, Jim.

You'd have made a fair psychologist.


Sickbay to lab.

- Anything new on those bios?
- They all came out fine, doctor.

Good. McCoy out.

Well, either choke me or cut my throat.
Make up your mind.

I thought I dreamed hearing it.

Where am I?

You're in...

You're in bed holding a knife
at your doctor's throat.

Answer my question.

It would be most effective if you
would cut the carotid artery,

just under the left ear.

I like a brave man.

I was simply trying to avoid
an argument.

You're aboard the United Spaceship
Enterprise. Your vessel is in tow.

I remember a voice.
Did I hear it say...

...I had been sleeping
for two centuries?

That is correct.

Where is your captain?
I have many questions.

- Bridge.
- I have a patient here

- with many questions, captain.
- On my way.

James Kirk,
commanding the starship Enterprise.

I see.

And your name?

I have a few questions first.

What is your heading?

Our heading is Starbase 12, a planet
in the Gamma 400 star system...

...our command base in this sector.

Is that of any use to you?

And... people?

Seventy-two of your life-support
canisters are still functioning.

- You will revive them.
- As soon as we reach Starbase 12.

I see.

And now...

Khan is my name.

- Khan. Nothing else?
- Khan.

What was the exact date
of your liftoff?

We know it was sometime
in the early 1990s, but...

I find myself growing fatigued,

May we continue this questioning
at some other time?

The facts I need, Mr. Khan,
will take very little time.

For example,
the nature of your expedition.

Jim, a little later might be better.

Captain, I wonder if I could
have something to read

during my convalescence.
I was once an engineer of sorts.

I would be most interested in studying
the technical manuals on your vessel.

Yes, I understand. You have 200 years
of catching up to do.


They're available to any patient
on the viewing screen.

Dr. McCoy will show you
how to tie into the library tapes.

Thank you, captain.
You are very cooperative.

This Khan is not what I expected
of a 20th-century man.

I note he's making considerable use
of our technical library.

Common courtesy, Mr. Spock.

He's going to spend the rest
of his days in our time.

It's only decent to help him
catch up.

Would you...

...estimate him to be a product
of selected breeding?

There is that possibility, captain.

His age would be correct.

In 1993, a group
of these young supermen

did seize power
simultaneously in over 40 nations.

Well, they were hardly supermen.

They were aggressive, arrogant. They
began to battle among themselves.

Because the scientists
overlooked one fact:

Superior ability
breeds superior ambition.

Interesting, if true.

They created a group of Alexanders,

I've collected some names
and made some counts.

By my estimate,
there were some 80 or 90

of these young supermen unaccounted
for when they were finally defeated.

That fact isn't in the history texts.

Would you reveal
to w*r-weary populations

that some 80 Napoleons
might still be alive?

- Ship's historian. Lieutenant...
- Marla McGivers.


I am told you participated
in my rebirth.

In a small way.

I've been reading up on starships,
but they have one luxury

not mentioned in the manuals.

I don't understand.

A beautiful woman.

My name is Khan.
Please sit and entertain me.

I'd like some historical information
about your ship.

- Its purpose and...
- And why do you wear your hair

in such an
uncomplimentary fashion?

Lt's comfortable.

But it's not attractive.




- Simple.
- Mr. Khan, I'm here on business.

You find no pleasure here?

My interest is scientific. Men of...

That is the world of the past.

I'm sure you understand, actually
to talk to a man of your century...




Please remember.

Perhaps some other time when you
feel more like talking about the past.

I'm glad you came.

Please do it again.

Very impressive.

Are we expecting
a fleet admiral for dinner?

Lieutenant McGivers' idea
to welcome Khan to our century.

Just how strongly
is she attracted to him?

Well, there aren't any regulations
against romance, Jim.

My curiosity is official,
not personal, Bones.

Well, he has a magnetism,
almost electric. You felt it.

And it could overpower McGivers
with her preoccupation with the past.

Thank you.

I hoped you might guide me
to our dinner engagement.

Very good.

- Fine technique.
- It's a gladiator named Flavius.

- He once...
- And you've rearranged

your hair for me.


All bold men from the past.

Richard, Leif Ericson, Napoleon.

A hobby of yours, such men?

I am honoured.

Thank you.

But I caution you...

...such men dare take
what they want.

Forgive my curiosity, Mr. Khan,

but my officers are anxious to know
more about your extraordinary journey.

And how you managed
to keep it out of the history books.

Adventure, captain. Adventure.

There was little else left on Earth.

There was the w*r to end tyranny.

Many considered that a noble effort.

Tyranny, sir,
or an attempt to unify humanity?

Unify, sir?

Like a team of animals
under one whip?

I know something of those years,

It was a time of great dreams,
of great aspiration.

Under dozens of petty dictatorships.

One man
would have ruled eventually,

as Rome under Caesar.
Think of its accomplishments.

Then your sympathies were with...

You are an excellent tactician,

You let your second-in-command

...while you sit and watch
for weakness.

You have a tendency to express ideas
in military terms, Mr. Khan.

This is a social occasion.

It has been said that social occasions
are only warfare concealed.

Many prefer it more honest,

more open.

You fled. Why, were you afraid?

- I've never been afraid.
- But you left at the very time

- mankind needed courage.
- We offered the world order!


Excellent. Excellent.

But if you will excuse me,
gentlemen and ladies.

I grow fatigued again.

With your permission, captain,
I will return to my quarters.

I wanted to apologise.

They had no right
to treat you that way.

Quite understandable, since I'm
something of a mystery to them.

You're no mystery to me.
I know exactly who you are.

Do you?

Leif Ericson,
Richard the Lion-Hearted, Napoleon.

I don't know if you're going
to like living in our time.

Then I'll have to remould it
to my liking.

- Please don't.
- Go.

Or stay, but do it
because it is what you wish to do.


I'll stay a little longer.

How many minutes
do you graciously offer?

- I only meant...
- This grows tiresome.

You must now ask to stay.

I'd like to stay.


Open your heart.

Will you open your heart?


I intend to take this ship.

- Do you agree?
- Please don't ask me to...

I need your help.

You won't harm anyone?

- Now you question me?
- No.

Will you assist me?

- Please, Khan, don't ask...
- Leave me, then.

Go, I say.


I promise.

I'll do anything you ask.

Name: Khan,
as we know him today.

Name: Khan Noonien Singh.

From 1992 through 1996,
absolute ruler

of more than a quarter of your world,
from Asia through the Middle East.

The last of the tyrants
to be overthrown.

I must confess, gentlemen,

I've always held a sneaking
admiration for this one.

He was the best of the tyrants,
and the most dangerous.

They were supermen, in a sense.

Stronger, braver, certainly
more ambitious, more daring.

Gentlemen, this romanticism
about a ruthless dictator is...

Mr. Spock, we humans
have a streak of barbarism in us.

Appalling, but there, nevertheless.

There were no massacres
under his rule.

- And as little freedom.
- No wars until he was att*cked.


Mr. Spock, you misunderstand us.

We can be against him
and admire him, all at the same time.

- Illogical.
- Totally.

This is the captain.

Put a 24-hour security on Mr. Khan's
quarters, effective immediately.

I'm sorry, captain, I was...

...lost in thought.

My door.

Locked from outside,
a guard posted.

Unusual treatment
for Khan Noonien Singh.


You identified me with your
computer system, I imagine?

I'd like those answers now.


...the purpose of your star flight.

A new life,
a chance to build a world.

Other things
I doubt you would understand.


Because I'm not a product
of controlled genetics?

Captain, although your abilities
intrigue me... are quite honestly inferior.
Mentally, physically.

In fact, I am surprised
how little improvement

there has been in human evolution.

Oh, there has been
technical advancement...

...but how little man himself
has changed.

Yes, it appears we will do well
in your century, captain.

Do you have any other questions?

Thank you.

They've all been answered.

Move away.



The trip is over.

The battle begins again.
Only this time, it's not a world we'll win,

it's a universe.


- On course, sir. Warp factor 2.
- Maintain.

- Bridge.
- Captain, security here.

Khan's escaped.

- Sound security alert.
- Security alert, captain.

Communication channels
are jammed, captain.

Turbo elevators inoperative.

Jammed, captain.

Atmospheric controls cut off.

They're on override in Engineering.


Scotty, this is the bridge.


- What's going on down there?
- He's not able to answer you

at the moment, captain.

Your ship is mine.
I have shut off the life-support system

to your bridge,

jammed up your exit routes.

I am willing to negotiate.

Flood all decks with neural gas.

Intruder control systems inoperative.

Mr. Khan was very thorough
in his study of our tech manuals.

Contact Starbase 12.

All channels are totally jammed,

Every contingency anticipated.

Your air should be getting quite thin
by now.

- Do you surrender the bridge?
- Negative.

Academic, captain.

Refuse, and every person
on the bridge will suffocate.

Stardate 3142.8.

They have my ship...

... discarding their
own worthless vessel.

Only moments of air left
on the bridge now.

Commendations recommended
for Lieutenant Uhura,

Technicians First Class
Thule and Harrison...

...Lieutenant Spinelli...

...and of course, Mr. Spock.

I take full responsibility.

I take full...

Nothing ever changes...

...except man.

Your technical accomplishments?

Improve a mechanical device
and you may double productivity.

But improve man...

...and you gain a thousandfold.
I am such a man.

Join me.

I'll treat you well.

I need your training
to operate a vessel this complex.

Where is Captain Kirk?

I see now I made one serious error.

You are
the communications officer.

Engage the viewing screen, please.


I should have realised that
suffocating together on the bridge

would create heroic camaraderie
among you.

But it is quite a different thing
to sit by

and watch it happening
to someone else.

Engage the viewing screen.

I'm sure you recognise your medical
decompression chamber here, doctor.

And the meaning of that indicator.

Your captain will die.

If you join me, Mr. Spock...

...I will save his life.

My vessel was useless.

I need you and yours
to select a colony planet,

one with a population
willing to be led by us.

To be conquered by you.

A starship would make that
most simple, wouldn't it?

Each of you in turn will go in there.

Die while the others watch.

Khan, there's no reason
I must watch this, is there?

But I hoped you would be stronger.

If any one of you joins me,

...l'll let him live.

It's so useless!

We've lost the channel.

How do I regain picture?

Lt does not matter.

The captain is dead.

Take Mr. Spock next.

Khan said to watch him very closely.
He may decide to cooperate.

Captain, I saved your life.
Now, please don't k*ll him.

I'm surprised to see you, captain,
though pleased.

I'm a little pleased myself.

- Situation.
- Khan is holding our staff

in the Briefing Room.
His men have control of the ship.

Our only chance
is the intruder control circuit,

although he's cut it off at the bridge.

There's a relay junction
down the corridor.

Gas all decks but this one.

Armoury, this is Khan. Report.



McPherson? Anyone?
Report status!

- Where's Khan?
- I don't know.

He got out just as the gas...

- Kirk here.
- Anaesthesia gas in all sections

except Engineering.
Someone just closed that line.

Captain, acknowledge.

Unable to flood Engineering section.

- I suspect...
- This is Scott.

Captain's headed for
the Engineering section.

- I'll follow in case...
- Negative.

We must retake the vessel
while the anaesthesia lasts.

Meet me in the armoury.
I'm blowing it clear first. Spock out.

If I understood your manuals...

...that's an overload in progress.

Your ship flares up
like an exploding sun within minutes.

I have five times your strength.

You're no match for me.

Captain's log, stardate 3143.3.

Control of the Enterprise
has been regained.

I wish my next decisions
were no more difficult.

Khan and his people,

what a waste to put them
in a reorientation centre.

And what do I do about McGivers?

Record tapes engaged
and ready, captain.

This hearing is now in session.

Under the authority vested in me
by Starfleet Command...

...I declare all charges
and specifications

in this matter have been dropped.

Jim, agreed you have the authority...

Mr. Spock, I believe our heading takes
us near the Ceti Alpha star system.

Quite correct, captain.
Planet number five there is habitable,

although a bit savage,
somewhat inhospitable.

But no more than Australia's

Botany Bay colony
was at the beginning.

Those men went on
to tame a continent, Mr. Khan.

Can you tame a world?

Have you ever read Milton, captain?


I understand.

Lieutenant Marla McGivers.

Given a choice of court-martial

or accompanying them there...

It will be difficult.

A struggle at first, even to stay alive,
to find food.

I'll go with him, sir.

A superior woman.

I will take her.

And I've gotten something else
I wanted.

A world to win, an empire to build.

This hearing is closed.

It's a shame for a good Scotsman
to admit it, but I'm not up on Milton.

The statement Lucifer made
when he fell into the pit:

"Lt is better to rule in hell
than serve in heaven."

Lt would be interesting, captain,
to return to that world in 100 years...

...and learn what crop had sprung
from the seed you planted today.

Yes, Mr. Spock.

It would indeed.