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02x03 - Minefield

Posted: 01/10/23 20:14
by bunniefuu
Come in.

Good morning.


Sleep well?

Well enough.

I wasn't sure what
you wanted for breakfast,

so I took the liberty
of having Chef prepare

his famous eggs Benedict.

That will be fine, sir.

You plan to eat standing up?

This isn't a visit to the
principal's office, Malcolm.

At ease.

Oh, thank you, sir.

I just wasn't sure

whether you called me here
to discuss something.

No. No business.

I just wanted to have

a long-overdue meal
with my Armory Officer.


I heard that England

made it to the finals
in the World Cup.

I beg your pardon?

The World Cup?



I'm afraid I don't
much follow football, sir.

Any sports you do follow?

No. Not particularly.


You're welcome, sir.

I've been working on
the duty roster, sir.

We only have two crewmen

assigned to the
Armory full-time.

If we added a third,

Ensign Tanner would be free

to begin those upgrades
to those torpedo launchers

I told you about.

Didn't your mother ever tell you

not to bring
your homework to the table?


This looks fine.

( com beep)


I'm sorry to interrupt, Captain,

but we've detected an uncharted
system along our present course.

One of the planets
is Minshara-Class.

Take us out of warp.

I'm on my way.

Looks like we'll
have to reschedule.

Whenever it's convenient.

After you, sir.

Anybody home?

It's uninhabited.

What about
geographical features?

Anything interesting?

There's a chain of
volcanoes that spans

an entire hemisphere.

Well, I don't know
about anyone else,

but I could use some fresh air.

Put us in a standard orbit.

Aye, sir.

Find a volcano
with a gentle slope,

preferably one
that's not erupting.

Prep a shuttlepod, Travis.

We'll take shifts down to...

( expl*si*n)

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪


It was a thermokinetic expl*si*n

on the outer hull,
port-forward quarter.

Breaches on C-Deck...


Bridge to Sick Bay.

We need medical assistance.


Emergency bulkheads?

They're in place,

but eight subsections
have decompressed.

Was anybody in them?

I can't tell, sir... not yet.

Find out what happened.


I'd give you an answer
if I could, sir.

The sensor logs
aren't showing anything.

All systems were
functioning normally.

Archer to Engineering.

Captain, what's going on?

I was hoping you could tell me.

We've got plasma fires,
an overload in the EPS grid,

but whatever caused that
expl*si*n, I don't have a clue.

Weapons fire? An asteroid?

Nothing on our sensors.

How are your people?

A few bumps and bruises,

but we're all right.

Keep me posted.

Archer out.

Any casualty reports?

Figures are coming in, sir.

17 so far, including Hoshi.

No fatalities.

Get this man into
the imaging chamber.

What's happening?

Are we under attack?

I don't know.


( console beeping)


Something just struck the ship.

Starboard side...

upper-aft quadrant.

Can you get a visual?


Just behind
the secondary plasma vent.

You see it?

Some kind of cloaked ship?

It's too small.

I'm not reading any bio-signs.

It's armed

with tri-cobalt expl*sives.

I think it's a mine.

And judging by the firepower,

something similar
damaged our ship.

Can you tell if it's active?

No reason to believe it's not.

Captain, it's
lodged near

Impulse Reactor 2.

An expl*si*n anywhere near there
could disable Enterprise.

What if we polarized the
adjacent hull plating?

We don't know
how it's triggered.

Somebody has to go out there
and defuse it

and it should be me.

I have the ordnance training.

I've never heard

of a minefield
with just two mines.

Are the quantum beacons

still mounted
on the grappler arm?

I believe so.

Lower them into position,

then modify the viewscreen.

Activate the beacon.

They were designed to penetrate

Suliban cloaking devices.

I'll try shifting
the phase variance.

( helmet clicking)

Lieutenant Reed to the Bridge.

I've opened the outer hatch.

Wish me luck.

I'm detecting something
in the gamma spectrum...

Phase variant .0075.

Its surface is pockmarked.

Probably micrometeorite impacts.

Seems to have been in orbit
for some time.

The spikes are magnetic.

Two of them have locked
onto the hull.

Stand by. I'm going to run
an internal scan.

There are proximity sensors...

but they appear to be off-line.

It looks like the mine
doesn't think it's hit anything.

I believe I've found
an access panel.

I'm going to try and remove it
and get a look inside.

How bad is it?

I can't really tell

until we can get into
the decompressed sections,

but I imagine it's pretty ugly.

I've got one piece of good news.

I did a head count...
We didn't lose anyone.

Trip, I'm not sure Malcolm's

going to be able to defuse
this thing.

Couldn't we just detach
that section

of hull plating?

Let it drift away?

We'd have to reroute
some EPS conduits.

There's about 300
bolt couplings.

It could be done.

How long?

Three or four hours.

But I wouldn't
recommend it, sir.

We'd be exposing a good piece
of the impulse manifold.

Get a team started.

I'll consider it a last resort.

I'm removing the panel.

The arming mechanism's


We see it, Malcolm.

Ever see a ship like that?


It's deflecting our scans.

Why didn't the beacons
let us see through its cloak?

Perhaps the mines use

a more primitive
cloaking system.

Sir, they're hailing us.

Uhn Kan'aGANNA!

Tehca zuhn ruga'nokTAN!

Uhn Kan'aGANNA!

The translator's not locking on.

Tehca Zuhn!


Archer to Sick Bay.

Yes, Captain.

Is Hoshi in any shape
to return to the Bridge?

It's urgent.

I'm afraid not.

She suffered
a rather severe concussion.


Tell them I'm on my way.

You'd be of little help

in your present
condition, Ensign.


Any luck?

Not yet.

( console beeping)

They're charging weapons.

They missed our
starboard nacelle

by less than 20 meters.

Not a very subtle warning shot.


Can you get us out of here?

The orbits of those mines
are pretty erratic, sir.

It's going to be tricky.

We'll give you
whatever help we can.

Bridge to Lieutenant Reed.

Go ahead.

Our friends seem to be anxious
for us to leave.

We're going to break orbit
nice and slowly.


If you plan to go to warp, sir,
you'll let me know?

I'll try to remember.

Maneuvering thrusters only.

Aye, sir.

Activate the beacon.

Our friends just vanished.

That doesn't mean
they're not still close.

Lieutenant Reed to Bridge.

Go ahead.

I've identified four separate
detonation circuits.

If I can isolate them
in the proper sequence,

I should be able
to deactivate the mine.

It'll take some doing.

And to be honest, Captain,
it's only a theory.

How good a theory?

The closest thing
I'm familiar with

that this device resembles

is a Triton-class
spatial torpedo.

I've disarmed at least
half a dozen of those.

I believe I can do it, sir.

I've got Trip working
on a backup plan,

but I'd prefer not to use it.

Right now, you're our best bet.

Be careful, Malcolm.

I see it.

( screams)

( groaning)


Go ahead.

Another one of those spikes
I told you about.

What about it?

It just magnetized itself
to the hull.

Is there a problem?

On its way...

it went through my leg, sir.

I'm on my way, Lieutenant.

The Bridge is yours.

Captain, I should be the one
to go out there.

I'm the engineer.

That's why I need you
here, Trip.

You'll have to wait in line

for my osmotic eel
to cauterize your wound.

He's getting quite
a workout today.


They need a translator.

I should be at my post.

I realize you're
anxious to help,

but you wouldn't make it

to the turbolift.

If you'd like, I could have
them bring the com-logs here.

Thank you, Doctor.

Thought you might need a hand.

Actually... I'd
prefer a leg.

Let's see what we can do
with the one you got.

Could have been worse.

It missed the bone.

And it looks like the pressure
from the spike

is keeping the wound
from bleeding too much.

You'll be in Sick Bay
in no time.

These should cut
right through it.

Actually, sir,
I wouldn't do that.

My scans show
detonation circuits

inside the spikes.

I would consider

letting you amputate,

but if Chef got hold of it,

he'd be serving
Roast Reed for Sunday dinner.

Just give me something
for the pain

and I'll do my best
to reach the access panel.

Not without doing more damage
to that leg.

What's more important...

My leg or your ship?

I intend to save both.

I don't see how.

The backup plan
I was telling
you about...

I asked Trip to prepare

to detach
this section of hull plating.

Seemed like a good idea
at the time.

It's still a good idea.

Not with you attached to it.

I hope that's an anesthetic.

Phlox's own recipe.

( relieved sigh)

Please, sir,
may I have some more?

I don't want you

too sedated.

I'm going to need your help.

Someone's got

to defuse this thing.

You're going to talk
me through it.

With all due respect,

Captain, disarming mines
is extremely delicate business.

I'm trained for it...

you're not.

I'm a quick study.

It's too dangerous.

In case you haven't
noticed, Lieutenant,

we're sitting about five meters
from an impulse reactor.

I'm not leaving till
we take this w*apon off-line.


The way I see it,
you don't have much choice.

You're sort of stuck here.

So, would you
let me get started?

I hope you've got a steady hand.

They're ordering us

to leave their system

or they'll destroy us.


Could you figure out
a way to compose a message back

explaining we're going
as fast as we can?

I can try.

And their next message?

They say they've
annexed this planet

in the name of something called

"The Romalin Star Empire."


It's pronounced Romulan.


I read about them
when I was with Daniels.

What'd you find out?

Not much.
Just the name.

He wouldn't let me
see anything else.


They're rumored to be an
aggressive, territorial species,

but the Vulcan High Command

has never made direct
contact with them.

Ensign Sato's translation says

that they're demanding
that we withdraw

from this system immediately.

That's going to be a little
tough to do at the moment.

Is there any way

you can explain our situation?

She believes she'll have a reply
prepared within the hour.

How's it going
out there, Captain?

We've taken two of the
detonation circuits off-line.

Three more to go.

Keep me posted.

The next one's
going to be tricky.

Do you see
the Y-shaped components

surrounding the circuit?

There's six of them.


Those are timing relays.

You'll have to rotate each one
counterclockwise 70 degrees.

But it has to be done
in the proper order.

I'll guide you through it.

Start with the relay
to your upper right.

One centimeter...

and then turn it 70 degrees



Now pull it out, slowly.

Be careful not to
touch the housing.

Well done.

Now complete that set
on the diagonal.

So, where were we?


This morning

at breakfast,
before we were interrupted.

You said... you didn't follow
any particular sport.

Well, I'm afraid I haven't
started following one

since breakfast, sir.

( sighs)

Now, go to the relay


But watch that one.

I believe it may be damaged.

It'll need some extra
torque to deactivate it.

How about hobbies?

Any hobbies?

No, not really, sir.

I could've sworn

I've seen you reading a book
or two in the Mess Hall.

Sir... do you really think

that this is the appropriate
time for a chat?

It helps me focus.

It calms my nerves.

Well, it isn't calming mine.


It made you a little nervous
this morning, too, didn't it?

Why is that?

If you must know...

I was honored to be asked
to sit at your table.

I just wasn't entirely

having a casual meal
with my Captain.

I was trained not to fraternize
with superior officers.

Never too late to learn.

Frankly, sir,

from my point of view,

that kind of socializing
has no place on a starship.

I had a C.O. once,
felt the same way.

"They're your crew,
not your friends."

I thought about that a lot...
when I took this command,

but then I realized this is
not your typical mission.

We could be out here for years.

All we have to depend on...
is each other.

( sighs)

There are two left.

Top left first.

I appreciate your suggestions,

Anything else?

Well... since you asked.

Bridge protocols
have become somewhat lax.

Too many people
offering opinions.

We're here to carry out
your orders, sir.

You're the Captain.

What's the point
of having a senior staff

if they just sit around
with their mouths shut?

I'm glad they have opinions.

I rely on them.


( panting)

Keep going.

And in the area of security,

I sometimes think you could show
a little more... caution, sir.

I'm aware of your concerns
in that area.

Not to say that it
hasn't been a privilege

to have served with you.



You're talking

in the past tense, Lieutenant.


reinsert all six relays.

But in the reverse order.

You're doing fine, sir.


You've earned
yourself a break, Travis.

Ensign Hutchison can cover
the helm for a while.

Thank you, sir, but I'd prefer
to stay at my post.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

We're clear of the minefield.

Maintain course and speed.


This last detonation circuit
has an added attraction.

I'm seeing something
that looks like

a backup arming mechanism.

We'll have to fool the circuit

into thinking
it's still on line.

How do we do that?

There's a hyperspanner...
in the equipment case.

Take out its power cell

and strip off the casing.

You must have realized

this wasn't going to be
your typical armory posting.

That my command style
lacked a certain...

spit and polish.

It was obvious...
if you don't mind me saying so.

( chuckles)


What's strange, sir?

I understand

you came from a long line
of Royal Navy men.

Your father, your grandfather...

Why pick Starfleet?

Why not continue
the family tradition?

God knows I tried.

What happened?

I'll need a circuit probe.

( sighs)

So, what happened?

I was raised on the water.

I knew how to handle a boat
before I could ride a bicycle.

Studied all the great
naval battles...

I don't know.

I suppose I thought
I'd just grow out of it.

Grow out of what?


You're afraid of the water?

More precisely,
afraid of drowning.

So instead of a life on the sea,

you chose a life
in the vacuum of space?

( sighs)

I had a great-uncle

who suffered
from the same problem.

But he faced his fears.

Joined the Navy,

had a distinguished career.

All you have to do...

is attach it to the cylinder

on your upper right.

( beeping)

It's working.

Start with the
topmost component.

Use the caliper to lift it
a few millimeters

and then turn it
clockwise 360 degrees

and then gently reinsert it.

He was something of a hero
to me... my great-uncle.

The one with aquaphobia?


He signed up
with the submarine service.

Talk about facing
your deepest fears.

He was a brave man.

Wasn't long before he'd worked
his way up through the ranks.

Made Chief Engineer
on the HMS Clement.

Do you know the story
of the Clement, sir?

I don't think... I do.


Now, the other five

repeat the same process

on each one, counterclockwise.

You were telling me
about the Clement.

They were on a routine patrol...
when they had an accident.

Now, there's a beautiful irony
for you.

They hit a mine...

left over from some world w*r.

There they were,

trapped underneath an ice shelf,

several compartments flooding,
including Engineering.

Can you imagine?

My great-uncle...
the man afraid of drowning.

The ship was sinking...

losing power.

According to his Lieutenant,

my great-uncle sealed himself
in the engine room

and kept the reactor on line
long enough

for his crew to make it
to the escape pods.

He went down with his ship.

He did what he had to do...
to save his crewmates.

I appreciate what you're trying
to tell me, Malcolm,

but I was hoping...

you'd be able to save
your heroics for another time.

I just want you to know, sir,
that I am prepared.

Got you.

If we're not able
to defuse this mine,

the safety of the crew has to...

I said I heard you, Lieutenant.

I'm afraid we have another
problem, sir.

What? What is it?

I need to use the bathroom.

I won't tell a soul.

In my EV suit, sir?

( chuckles)


We're being hailed.

You've ignored our warnings.

We were unable to
translate your language

until a short time ago.

We're trying to defuse a w*apon

lodged on our hull.

I'm well aware
of your situation.

Our scans show you're prepared
to detach the hull segment

surrounding the mine.

Complete the procedure and leave
this system immediately.

We've got a man
trapped out there.

Don't your scans show you that?

One crewman.

You have 82 others
safely aboard.

Jettison the hull segment
and leave.

We will not tolerate espionage.

T'Pol, report.

They're demanding

that we jettison the section
of the hull plating and leave.

They scanned us, Captain.

They know we're ready
to detach it.

I'm defusing

the last detonation circuit.

Stand by.

It's rearming.

Reset that last component!



When you deactivated
that final circuit,

it triggered a sub-detonator.

How can we get to it?!

We can't.

It's too deep inside.

We'd have to dismantle
the entire mine.


those heroics we spoke about...

I think it may be time.

You've done all you can, sir.

For what it's worth,

you'd make a fine
Armory Officer.

Show me that sub-detonator.

I'd prefer a burial at sea

if I'm not completely vaporized.

I thought you were
afraid of the water.

Your scanner, Lieutenant.

I told you, sir...

there's nothing we can do.

We'll dismantle this thing
piece by piece if we have to.

That'll take days.

My schedule's open.

And these Romulans...

They don't seem
like the patient types.

The longer we stay

in this system,

the more likely
they're going to attack.

As much as I appreciate
all your efforts,

you have to detach
the hull plating.

It's the only option.

I'm not about to leave
one of my crew behind.

You're putting Enterprise
at risk.

We're wasting time.

Help me figure out a way
to get you off of here.

That's an order.

( hissing)

( sighing)

What the hell are you doing?


( breathing)

( hiss of air)

If I were the kind of captain

you think I should be,

I'd bust your ass
back to crewman.

Begging your pardon, sir,

but if you were
that kind of captain,

we wouldn't be having
this conversation.

You'd have cut me loose by now.

I'm not going
to do that, Malcolm.

When we triggered
that sub-detonator,

why didn't the mine
explode right away?

How many seconds went
by before I rearmed it?


How many seconds?

I don't remember.

Ten, maybe 12.

It felt more like 20.

Ten, 20... what's the difference?

If it had exploded...

how big would the
yield have been?

Judging by the damage
the first mine caused,

I'd guess about a quarter
of a kiloton.

What are you getting at, sir?

How close is your team
to finishing?

They're down to the last
few couplings.

What's going on out there?

We're going to
detach the plating.

I'm sure you did everything
you could, Captain.

I'm going with him.

Could a shuttlepod hatch

withstand a quarter-
kiloton blast?

Depends how close it was.

20 meters, maybe 25.

Yeah, they're reinforced
with duritanium alloy.

They can take a hell
of a beating.

What do you got in mind?

I need two shuttlepod hatches.

Have them brought up here
on the double.


On the double.

Captain, I assume
there's no point

in my questioning your plan.

Bridge to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

We're ready.

See you soon.

Hang on, fellas.

( thudding and clunking)

( hissing)

600 meters.

Another hundred ought to do it.

( console beeps)


Hail them.

No response.

( warning signal beeps)

They're charging weapons!

Polarize the hull plating.

I'll do what I can,

but keep in mind,
we're missing some of it.

It's rearming!

That's it.
Let's go.

Now, Malcolm!

Enterprise to Captain Archer.

Captain, respond.

Maybe their transmitters were
knocked out in the blast.


I see them.

Bearing 213 mark 4.

Closing in.

Open the doors to Launch Bay 2.

( alarm bleeps)

The Romulans
are locking weapons!

Bridge to Dr. Phlox.

Go ahead.

Meet us outside Launch Bay 2.

They're targeting our engines!

A hundred meters more.


I've got them.

Sealing Launch Bay doors.

Go to warp, Ensign.

( panting)

Are you all right?


All things considered.

( chuckles)

If I may say so, sir...

your style of command
does have its advantages.

So, how long was it?

( grunting)

I counted ten seconds.


It was more like 20.

Respectfully, sir...

it was ten.

I'm not going to argue
with you, Malcolm.

It was 20.

That's an order.