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09x13 - Ripple Effect

Posted: 01/11/23 06:33
by bunniefuu
Unscheduled offworld activation! What the hell was that?

I don't know, Sir.

We're receiving SG

-1's IDC.

They're back early.

Open the iris.

There was nothing on your end?

Nothing out of the ordinary to account for what we heard?

No Sir, it was perfectly routine, we just dialed the Gate and stepped through.

Gate diagnostics showed no irregularities.

Still I'd like you to double check the data once we're done here.

Yes, Sir.

Tell me about the planet Well we can confirm that the locals were visited by a Prior two weeks ago.

He performed the standard miracles, healed the sick, cured the blind and passed out the usual literature.

The natives are easy pickings they feel as though they were abandoned by their God Amaterasu and Ba'al.

- Excuse me?

- You said Amaterasu According to the background file, P4R was once under Ba'al's control P4R?

Sir we went to PX7

-455, I believe you have the wrong report.


The Tok'ra have been monitoring the inroads that the Ori have been making in the region for quite some time.

According to Selmak they are taking advantage of the relationships between Did you just say Selmak?


Teal'c Selmak is dead.

Sir Selmak and Jacob are very much alive.

Offworld activation!

- Chief

- It's SG

-1's IDC, Sir.

This is when they were originally scheduled to come back.

Defense teams stand by.

Open the iris.

Season 9

- Episode 13 "Ripple Effect" Well, according to the tests I've run, they're both SG


- Identical in every way.

- How's that possible?

Well, we know Ba'al's able to produce adult clones of himself.

Presumably he could do the same with our people given samples of their DNA.

That doesn't explain how they knew SG

-1's IDC.

And if their Intel was good enough to get their hands on something that sensitive,

- then how come they didn't know about Selmak?

- Yeah.

It's like they got the hard stuff right and the easy stuff wrong.

Ba'al would have known better.

You know the first team was making some pretty wild claims about people in past events.

And since the second team came back from the right planet at the scheduled time,

- it's safe to assume that they're the real SG


- Okay.

Then who's the other team and where'd they come from?


We checked their story out, we went to PX7

-445, the planet they claimed to have gated in from the locals there swore they'd never laid eyes on us.

So this other team is lying.

Not necessarily Sir.

It's possible they did gate in from PX7 just not the PX7 that we know.

The multiverse theory of quantum physics deposits the existence of parallel universes.

An infinite number of ever growing alternate realities that exist concurrently with our own.

The theory holds that anything that can happen, will happen.

If not in this reality, then in another.

So you're saying that somewhere in an alternate universe, I got to second base with Amy Pandenberg?

Theoretically, yes.

Boggles the mind, doesn't it?

We're part of a metaverse in which individual subuniverses are continually being generated.

Our own experience with the quantum mirror proved as much.

Realities can exist where we never defeated the Goa'uld or,

- the Stargate program went public.

- And Selmak is still alive.


Now, while it may feel immediate, the journey between Gates is not instantaneous.

It takes on average 0.

3 seconds travel time.

However, according to Gate diagnostics, the travel time for the other SG

-1 team clocked in at 3.

4 seconds, suggesting a significantly longer trip.

OK, say for example we accept the possibility that this is an alternate SG

-1 from a parallel universe.

How did they get here?

I got nothing.


Sumatra Mandheling.

One cream.

Two sugars.

Lucky guess.

Usually I have instant myself.

So, I'm guessing this almost feels like home, doesn't it?

Almost like home.

But if it was home, I'd be sitting where your sitting and you'd be sitting here, telling me: "I'd love to help you but I have no idea what's going on.

" I'm thinking one of two possible scenarios.

A: Carter's right and you're from an alternate universe in which case we'll do everything we can to get you back home.

Or B: You're not who you say you are.

In which case we need to find out what you're really after.

Actually there's a third scenario.

C: You're not who you say you are, and it's up to us to find out what you're after.

I understand your reluctance to trust us, but rest assured we're just as eager to get to the bottom of this as you are.

No offence but, I'm not entirely sold on the alternate world theory.

There was nothing on our mission to PX7 that would even hint at it.

No quantum mirror, no weird alien artifacts.

It was a routine op.

But you're telling me that, somehow, the Gate sent us through to a parallel universe.

Even though we know it's not supposed to work like that.

And yet here you are.

Assuming of course this is the SGC.


-1 six years ago.

Wake up in what they think is the SGC, turns out they're not really on Earth and it's all part of an elaborate Goa'uld plot.

Pegasus Galaxy, last year.

A team from the Atlantis base gates through to what they think is the SGC, turns out they're not really on Earth.

It's another planet

- and they're being manipulated by aliens.

- Let me put your mind at ease, we are neither the Goa'uld nor manipulative aliens.

You'll forgive me Sir if I don't take your word for it.

We won our freedom in the battle for Dakara.

And on that day not only did we defeat Ba'al and the replicators, you ensured that Anubis would never again thr*aten this Galaxy.

And then all Jaffa were united under our new leader Bra'tac.



That, that that hasn't happened here yet.

And with the new threat to this galaxy I returned to SG


Right, along with colonel Mitchell myself, and eventually colonel Carter.

- Who rejoined following her

- Following her honeymoon.



I was gonna say following her stay on the Prometheus.



We weren't able to stop the Ori from establishing the second beachhead.

By the time we realized it was too late they had already sent their ships through.

If it happened in our reality There's a good chance it could happen in ours as well.

They destroyed Chulak, Dakara, most of the Jaffa strongholds.

It's only a matter of time before they attack Earth.

- You have to find a way to get us back.

- I'm working on it.

- I've been going over the Gate diagnostics.

- And?

There was an unidentifiable energy spike just prior to your arrival.

It's almost certainly related to the sound they heard, but I'm still analyzing the data.

We were on PX7 for over 24 hours gathering intel.

And yet when your team went back to the planet no one recognized you.

Now, that suggests that our point of departure was definitely in our universe.

So what ever happened Had to have happened between the time you stepped through the Gate on your end, and the time you stepped through the Gate on this end.

Except the Gate system isn't designed to transport matter between universes.

It isn't designed to take you back in time either but it has before.

Did you notice any No unusual weather patterns or solar flare activity at the time.

Then is it conceivable something else could have affected the wormhole.

What could possibly exert that kind of influence on a subspace matter stream?

- A black hole!

- A black hole! As we discussed the situation we realized we could pinpoint the source of the phenomenon to a precise window.

Specifically the in term journey between the two Gates.

Did she just say we?

Pardon me?

She said we.

You said we?

Ah, me and myself, I suppose.

The other Samantha Carter.

Right finally someone who can keep up with you?


OK, this is PX7

-455, their point of departure and this, is Earth their point of arrival.

The wormhole that brought them here, cross this section of space bisecting this singularity.

The black hole that was created when we destroyed the Ori beachhead.


Now, I'm theorizing that when they bisected the singularity subspace was ruptured, creating a rift in the space

-time continuum that brought that SG

-1 in to this universe.

But we've had teams gate in from locations on the other side of that black hole in our universe.

Why weren't they affected?

One more stupid question.

Oh, sorry.

Yours was fine, mine is stupid.

Why didn't we end up on alternate PX7 when we gated through to check out bizarre SG

-1's story?

I can't answer that As far as I know the deviation was one way and specific to that particular wormhole.

However just to be on the safe side I would suggest that we reroute all Gate travel around the singularity for the time being.

Unscheduled offworld activation.

- What do you have for me now Walter?

- Sir, It's SG

-1's IDC.


Do you want me to send a confirmation?

If another team comes through they'll just be stranded like the first one.

- Receiving radio transmission.

- Let's hear it.

Stargate Command, this is Mitchell.

What's the hold up?

We've got a situation here.

Sir if we don't open the iris Stargate Command do you read?

Defense teams! Open the iris.

What the hell's going on?

So much for this phenomenon being restricted to one wormhole.

I may have underestimated its influence.

It's possible the first spatial tear may have caused a ripple effect across several realities, transforming an area of their subspace into a kind of funnel, that's redirecting their Gate travel to this universe.

Any wormhole passing close enough to the black hole is being drawn into the singularity and rerouted here.

- So you're telling me we're the hub.

- The convergence point, yes Sir.

It might account for why Gate travel in this universe wasn't affected.

Might account.

Colonel Mitchell.


Inform all off world teams to proceed to the Alpha site.

Until further notice Gate travel to and from Stargate Command, will be suspended, indefinitely.

- What if there are more teams coming in hot, Sir?

- I'm willing to make the occasional exception but I'm not about to turn this base into the grand central station of the Multiverse.


Why is it that every team that has come through the Gate so far, has been exclusively an alternate SG


I mean, how come no alternate SG

-2s or SG


Well, SG

-1 is the frontline team, the one most likely to get into trouble offworld.

And as a result the team we'd most likely have to let through.


So far we've had to turn back over 50 teams and not all of them have been SG


Here's the really interesting part.

Each team, from each reality has dialed in from a different point of origin.

No repeats.

All originating from a corridor of space starting from Earth and passing within a few degrees of the singularity.

What about that superfluous energy signature?

- Has that happened again?

- No.

Not since the first alternate team dialed in.

Any idea what it was?

I'm not sure.

- But it reminds me of the incident on

- K'Tau.

In that case we introduced an unstable super heavy element into their sun's nuclear reaction When the wormhole that brought us there passed directly through it.

But in this case the wormhole's passing through a black hole.

So who knows what the effect would be.

I thought we could use the help.

Yeah, I suppose two heads are better than one.

Unscheduled offworld activation.

Let's get to work.


I was just about to come find you.

I have contacted Bra'tac on Dakara.

He has dispatched a mothership to the location provided to us by the other colonel Carter.

If the Ori attempt to establish a second beachhead then the Jaffa should give us a heads up.

Presuming of course if events play out the same way in both universes To this point, the particulars of the varying universes have remained remarkably similar.

That's what I wanted to talk to you about.

Another SG

-1 came through twenty minutes ago.

Which puts the count at twelve teams.

Not including yourselves.

- Well, at least we're in good company.

- Well, this last team is a little different in terms of personnel.

How so?

Well, there's someone I thought you might like to talk to.



Where's General O'Neill?

I'm sure you all have a lot to catch up on.

Janet Dr.

Frasier What's going on here?

Janet, this, this may look like home to you, but it's not.

This is not the Stargate Command you left, we're not the Daniel and Teal'c you know.

You and your team gated to a parallel reality, this is an alternate SGC, on an alternate Earth, in an alternate universe.

In our reality Dr.

Janet Frasier died Sixteen different SG


Sixteen different points of origin, but only one point of convergence, this universe.

Now given the fact that previous trips through the black hole didn't produce a rupture in the subspace structure They may not have of produced the rupture but it is entirely possible, that their repeated trips contributed to the deterioration of the space time fabric that weakened, eventually seeded to the singularity.

Creating the bridge between the various realities.

And I'm thinking that the proximity of these realities in relation to each other, may account for the absence of the entropic cascade failure.

But it still doesn't help us with the main problem.

How do we reverse the process?

I don't have the answer to this.

Because if I did We all wouldn't be here.

- Coffee?

- No.

Thank you.

You know, I can't help but think this whole thing would be a lot easier if Hammond hadn't ordered us to destroy the quantum mirror.

We could just use that to send all these teams back to their proper realities.


I mean, there are a near infinite number of parallel universes.

The chances of us finding the right home universe for even one of these teams is next to impossible.

Excuse me, Colonel Carter.

My, colonel Carter Here Sir I've brought another volunteer who's offered to help.


Hello Samantha.

I remember the mission to P3X.

I was tending to a wounded airman, we came under fire.

You were there, you helped me stabilize him and got us out of there.

No, I didn't.

You were hit by an errant staff blast and, and k*lled instantly.

You were honored with a heroes funeral.

Lucky me.

Hopefully you will be able to return to your world soon.

- Hopefully?

- Yeah, for the moment it looks like your

- your trip here, was only one way.

- No no, you have to find a way to get us back as soon as possible.

- Yes, Sam and Dr Lee are working on something.

- But you don't understand.

We have been targeted by the Ori.

Earth is being ravaged by a plague, hundreds of thousands have been infected.

If we don't find a cure the entire planet will be wiped out.

So how are things in your universe?

You mean between us?

I'm a little curious.

Things developed, but with you being on the other side of the galaxy.

Well, long distance relationships can be difficult.

I eventually joined the Stargate program to be closer to you.

We worked together.

Even lived together for quite some time, but in the end, things didn't work out.

You're with someone else now.


I think I have something.

This is the postmortem analysis of the P3W

-451 incident.

A planet whose orbit strayed too close to a black hole.

One of our teams were attempting to gate back at the same time and as a result the SGC couldn't shut down the Gate from this end.

- I don't see what this

- We were unable to sever the connection because Stargate Command was still connected to the singularity's gravitational field through the open Stargate.

- But we're not trying to

- In that case we used a shape charge to deliver an energy surge to the matter stream forcing the matter stream to jump to a different Gate, thereby severing the connection.

That could explain the sound they heard and the superfluous energy signature that accompanied the matter stream from the first wormhole.

- It is some sort of la

- Maybe a supernova.

or a gamma ray burst discharging at the exact millisecond that wormhole passed through that singularity.

It's a one in a billion fluke that ruptured subspace and created the point of confluence that drew the affected realities into this one.

And then to seal the bridge between the multiverse we have to target that point of confluence, basically recreate the circumstances that caused the breach in the first place.

But how is that possible You you said it yourself, it was a one in a billion freak incident.

Well the odds would increase significantly if we took the wormhole out of the equation.

Then what happens to us?

We'd be stranded here.

I considered not telling you about this.

I understand why you hesitated but you made the right decision by sealing the rupture we'll ensure no other teams get stranded here.

That's provided that this actually works.

I mean, we still have one major obstacle to overcome.

How do we deliver an expl*sive device into the singularity?

We get help from a friend.

Thor sends his apologies for not attending personally, but he and Heimdall are in the neighboring galaxy dealing with a most sensitive matter.

In his stead, I have conveyed the time dilation device as requested.

We appreciate your quick response Vaseer.

So, what do you think will this work?

I prefer not to prognosticate.

Well, don't prognosticate just tell us what your gut feeling is.

Speculating on the matter would serve no practical purpose.

Joseph and Mary What are the odds?

Less than 12% and that is provided you are able to in act the plan before the black hole's gravity decimates your ship.

Damn that's cold.

Colonel Mitchell.

Colonel Carter.

I'm giving it the green light shut this thing down.

You know I read all the mission reports on the Asgard They're not that I expected.

What were you expecting?

Well pants for one.

The distance between the launch point and the target is crucial and you must be precise in your calculations.

I know.

The slightest oversight in either the timing of the expl*si*n or the proximity of your ship to the singularity could result in a failed mission at best.

Certain death at worst.

I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time concentrating.

I understand, you are tired.

Allow me to complete the calibration for you.

Knock yourself out.

Time and again we've managed to save Earth and its allies from the most dire threats situations in which we faced unassailable odds almost certain defeat but we always managed to find a way to prevail in the end.

I'm sorry I wish there was a way I could send you home or

- at the very least delay the mission so

- You have no choice but to do what's best for your world.

I assume yours is not the only SG team in your reality that's actively searching for a cure to the plague No.

And I have a feeling that your Samantha Carter is back home working on the problem.

She stopped being my Samantha a long time ago.

I've missed you.

I have completed the calibrations.

Thank you Vaseer.


Sorry to disturb you, I was wondering if I could have a word.

Of course Doctor.

Come in.

Thank you.

Sir, I would like to make a request on behalf of all of the teams stranded in this reality.

Please, postpone this mission until we can find a way to get home.

I can't do that.

We need our teams out there gathering intel on the Ori threat instead of sitting on their hands here, waiting for normal Gate operations to resume and that won't be possible until this problem is dealt with.

Well, I can empathize Sir, believe me.

I think you need to take a look at the bigger picture.

This goes beyond this world beyond this galaxy, this universe.

Hundreds of billions of lives are at stake.

Their survival could hinge on not just our return but the return of every SG

-1 stranded on this base.

Sir, back in my universe, Earth is facing a global pandemic, one that your planet has already faced and beaten.

You have the cure that could save my world, all I have to do is get it to them.

I can also empathize but at the risk of sounding callous my priorities are with this world.

How can you prioritize the lives of one group over those of another?

What makes my Earth any less important than your own?

We have the top minds from 18 different universes working on a way to get you home.

Now hopefully they can come up with a solution before this mission is completed but if they can't then I'm sorry Doctor.

We finished loading the warhead and the time dilation generator.

Once the system checks are complete, we're good to go Where's the crew?

You're looking at it.

Given the dangers we may face it was decided that we proceed alone.

So if this plan goes fubar, we're the only ones that goes down with the ship.

Well, there's plenty more where we came from, right?

The perilous nature of this mission should not be taken lightly, there is a chance the Prometheus may not survive this voyage but courage and a steadfast resolve will prove the most valuable assets in this undertaking.

Well, good luck to you all.

I miss Thor.

Of course by the time he actually got around to drinking that orange juice, it would have been sitting in the back of the fridge for what, a month?

Yeah! Yeah yeah! Ohyep, he was so damn thirsty he knocked it right back, it was a second or two before he actually breathed in, at which point Spit take of all spit takes! there was orange juice on the table, the chairs On Aunt Emma! Aunt Emma! Oh! Oh! Big old fat Emma sitting across the table Little bits of bacon on her face orange juice dripping off her nose Reminiscing over old times?

Yeah hell, I could talk to this guy all day.

No doubt.

You finished your shift?

Yeah, I'm exhausted I'm going to bed.

Speaking of which, I think it's past my bedtime.

And you need your beauty sleep.

Woah who's talking?

So how'd it go?

I found a way round all the security protocols, everything's set.


By the time they figure out what happened it'll be too late.

Show time.

We're approaching the singularity.

Calculating minimal prime distance to warhead launch.

Come on Carter.


I've got it, relaying the information.


Engaging sublight engines, proceeding to co


We've reached the target location.

- Yeah, I heard.

- Yeah, I think they're just circling, like we are parking.

I should warn you I've been practicing those Sodan moves.

You were warned.

Wouldn't it have been easier just to zat him?

Easier yes but far less gratifying.

Did he just insult me?

What's going on?

There's been a change of flight plans.

You want to tell us what's going on?

We're making an unscheduled detour.

Yeah, just how far out of our way is this little detour gonna take us?

About 3 weeks.

You're planning on taking this ship to Atlantis I mean, given the parallels between our two realities, I can't think of anywhere else we'll be going.

As soon as we complete our mission we'll drop you at the nearest habitable planet.

'till then have fun.

Three weeks, well that gives us time to think of something.

Idea's anyone?

Given the unique circumstance we find ourselves in.

It is possible to anticipate their actions and reactions.

All we must do is think like them.

Well, shouldn't be that hard.

The other colonel Mitchell wishes to speak with you.

You're just going to ignore him for the next three weeks?

You guys seem reasonable and you haven't hurt us much.

You don't have a beard so you're not from the evil twin universe right?


Right, so if I know me like I do I'd have a pretty damn good reason to be doing what you guys are doing.

Bottom line is, I'd understand better than anyone, so level with me.

What's going on?

Let me ask you something.

How far would you go to save the lives of every man and woman on Earth?

Don't bother.

I already know the answer.

- If you were in my situation you would be doing the exact same thing.

- What?

Going after the ZPM?

Come on

- Why else would you be going to Atlantis?

- Our ZPM is depleted.

We need yours to power the ancient w*apon in Antarctica.

- Oh right, screw our Earth to save your own.

- All that ZPM is doing right now.

Is allowing one way travel from the Pegasus galaxy to Earth.

The billions of lives that we save is worth more than the inconvenience

- of slopping back and forth on the Daedalus.

- We need that ZPM to cloak Atlantis If the Wraith come back and discover the City wasn't destroyed, they'll launch another attack.

If Atlantis falls, this galaxy is the next target.

If the Wraith return.

If they attack.

If the City is destroyed.

The threat we face is more immediate.

That still doesn't give you the right to do this.

Well, say it works.

Say that you can beam the ZPM of Atlantis, how do you plan to get it back to your own universe?

You have a way back.

You've planned this all along.

Well, we were right, they're going after the ZPM.

You sure you can open the door?

Hey, I helped build this thing opening the doors the easy part.

It's taking the ship back that'll be tricky.

The armory is this way.

No Teal'c go to the armory on the next level it's less likely you'll be spotted.

Daniel and I will head to the engine room and pull the control crystal, once they come to investigate the problem, we'll get the drop on them there.

Very well.

Hey, you had to give it a shot.

I know I would.

So, now that we know how you get out, we'll just have to make sure it doesn't happen again.

No hitting.

So, while we were up here.

We were down on the next level breaking into the other armory.

- How did you know I wasn't your Mitchell.

- Easy.

If we were in your position we would have done the same thing.

Let me get this straight.

We figured that you guys would try to escape and we set this trap for you, not realizing that you'd figure out that we'd figure you out and you'd set your own?


Now, can you take us to our colonel Mitchell?

Sam disabled the power relay running through these walls so I wouldn't bother.

Ideas anyone?


Sir, it's a subspace communication from the Prometheus.

- Let's hear it.

- Yes Sir.

Sir, this is colonel Carter.

Good to hear from you Colonel, I take it the mission was a success.

No Sir.

In fact we're scraping the mission and heading back home.


Sir, I think I figured out a way to send these teams back to their proper realities.

And how do we do that?

By doing exactly the same thing the first team did in order to get here.

You're telling me they planned this from the get


Yes Sir, it accounts for the boom you heard and the extra energy signature the Gate diagnostic picked up in the first matter stream.

They opened the wormhole through the black hole and then blasted a bridge into this universe.

Ain't that how Carter described it, I don't know, I just remember Wormhole, black hole, blast.

Colonel Carter.

Sir, we've established a wormhole to PX7


Now, when sergeant Siler is finished, we'll fire the directed energy w*apon through the Gate.

If I'm right, it should reverse the space time rupture effectively inverting the convergence effect.

Each team gated in from a different point of origin, once the convergence effect has been reversed we'll dial those different points of origin and create wormholes that will follow the inter

-universal pathways

- already created by their initial trips here

- I got it, I got it, they're going back.

Ready when you are, Sir.

Clear the Gateroom.

I will need the w*apon back once your work here is completed.

it is, after all, only on loan to you temporarily.

I know.

You'll get it back when we're done.

Lower the blast doors.

Fire the w*apon.

We have a stable wormhole, 3.

4 seconds, it worked.

Open the blast doors.

Bring them in.

Hey Mitchell when the time comes, cut the green one.

What the hell did that mean?

I don't know.

But I've the feeling that someday you're going to find out.

Have all the other teams left, Sir?

You're the last ones to go.

It was nice working with you again Sam.

Your presence has been sorely missed on our team.

Just out of curiosity, where did I go?

Maternity leave.

We have something for you.

The cure to the Prior's plague.

Thank you General.

It's good to see you again.

You too.

May it not be the last time.

Well, we'd love to stay but we have a planet to save.
