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10x13 - The Road Not Taken

Posted: 01/11/23 06:44
by bunniefuu
- Hey, Sam.


- Wait! (GROANS) Oh.


What the hell was that?

Force shield.

Didn't you see my sign?

No! Yes! You mean this sign?

- That was supposed to be on the

- Yeah.

I got that.

Is there any particular reason why you turned this place into Fort Knox?

I'm attempting to rewrite the safety protocols on Merlin's device so we can take even larger areas out of phase.

I set up a two

-way force shield to restrict the range of the device and to ensure that nobody entered the field accidentally.


Very effective.

Any news on Daniel?


The latest sighting by the Jaffa turned out to be a false alarm, but Teal'c just got back, so we're going to grab some lunch and go over the report.

Okay, just let me run one more test.

- No.

- It'll only take a minute, I promise.

You can watch from up there.

I am going to be timing you.

(WHOOSHING) (HIGH PITCHED RUMBLING) Sam, I know you can hear me.

Time's up.



We We heard an expl*si*n.

Yeah, I'm fine Did you just call me "Major"?


Thank God you're okay.

Where's Dr.


Major Lorne, what are you doing here?

What do you mean?

You're supposed to be on Atlantis.

Sam, what are you talking about?

You're on assignment in the Pegasus Galaxy.

Are you sure you're okay?

Because I work here, remember?

As leader of SG


- General, we have a problem.

- What is it, Major?

I'm not exactly sure how to explain it, sir, but there's been an accident.

It's Sam.

She claims she's not the Major Carter we know.

- What's that supposed to mean?

- She says she's from a parallel universe.

- And given the nature of the experiment

- Let's not jump to conclusions just yet.

You said there was an expl*si*n.

Was she injured?

Not a scratch, sir, but she does seem different.

- Different how?

- Well, for one thing, she claims she's a lieutenant colonel, and she does have this device with her I've never seen before.

We have no idea where that came from.

All right, assuming for the moment she's telling the truth, where's our Major Carter?

We don't know.

- Find out.

- Yes, sir.

LORNE: So Why are you here?

I didn't do it on purpose, believe me.

What about that machine you brought with you?

It demolecularizes matter and transports it to another dimension.

- Well, there you go.

- No, no, this is different.

Look, according to M

-theory, there are a fixed number of alternate dimensions existing in parallel with our known universe.

The multiverse theory, on the other hand, posits the existence of an infinite number of alternate universes, each evolving concurrently with our own.

Well, is there a universe out there somewhere where you're giving me a straight answer?

Look, there must be some reason why I was brought here, of all places.

I need to know what was happening in that lab.

I'm not authorized to give you that information.

Okay, maybe I could talk to Daniel.

Is he here?


Jackson was captured by the forces of the Ori several weeks ago.


What about Colonel Mitchell?

Cameron Mitchell?

What, the 302 pilot that went down over Antarctica?

That's right.

Is he here?

I have no idea where he is.

The last I heard, he quit the military.



Teal'c went back to the Jaffa several years ago, and if you're talking about Vala Mal Doran, I hate to break it to you, but she is currently occupying a cell at Area 51.

Care to take a s*ab at anyone else?

At least let me see the surveillance footage from the lab.

There may be a clue.

Look, I know you want your Carter back as much as I want to go home, but we stand a much better chance of figuring this out if we work together.

Show her the footage.

We're getting a power spike.

Capacitors are overloading.

Shut it down.

- Override's not responding!

- Bennet, get out of here! That's all we got.

Sensors indicate there was a massive expl*si*n in the room, but when we opened the door, instead of finding charred remains, we found you.

What were the capacitors for?

Major Carter was developing a process by which we could extract energy from parallel universes.

And you knew about this?

Knowing and understanding are two totally different things.

Ordinarily, this type of energy retrieval is extremely dangerous, leading to the creation of exotic particles in one or both universes.

- I know.

We've tried it.

- Oh.

Well, our Major Carter found a way around that.

She designed the machine so the bridge would only open for a microsecond.

The idea was to steal small amounts of energy from thousands of different universes, thereby minimizing the fallout in any single one.

Anyway, it doesn't entirely explain how you got here.

That's true.

The device was never designed to bring ordinary matter through the bridge.

Well, I was conducting an experiment of my own.

At the precise moment that your Carter tapped into my reality, the entire contents of my lab were out of phase, and they were being protected by a force shield.

Oh, my God.

What I mean, there's no telling what effect that would have on the inter

-universal bridge.

Well, presumably, it pulled me through and caused the capacitors on this side to overload.

If it brought you here, is it possible that it sent our Carter to your universe?

I'm sorry, it doesn't work that way.

- General.

- I need to see the President.

- He's on a call.

Can it wait?

- No.

- General Hammond.

- Colonel.

- You're in command here?

- That's right.

I'm sorry, sir, it's just a little strange.

The General Hammond I know is retired from active service.

Well, then, he's a lucky man.


I know this must be difficult for you, Colonel.

It's difficult for us as well.

In fact, the timing couldn't be worse.

- What do you mean?

- Three weeks ago, the Ori attempted an attack on Earth.

You survived an Ori attack?

One ship.

We fought them off with the Ancient Chair.

The ZPM was nearly depleted in the process.

That's why our Major Carter was running that experiment.

She was trying to bolster our power reserves with captured energy from other universes.

And, of course, you only have the one ZPM, because you've never received new ones from Atlantis.


You mentioned that before.

What is that?

It's the city of the Ancients, in the Pegasus Galaxy.

In my reality, we have an international contingent there.

I don't know about your reality, Colonel, but in this world, there isn't much in the way of international cooperation.

Three years ago, the Goa'uld System Lord Anubis launched an attack on Earth.

We had no choice but to reveal the existence of the Stargate program to the world.

LORNE: People panicked.

There was rioting in the streets.

The President had to declare martial law.

The diplomatic fallout was even worse.

You can imagine how the world's governments reacted when they realized the kind of technology being employed by the United States military.

We barely got the Chair out of Antarctica before the Russians moved in.

Now it's at Area 51, but it isn't going to do us much good unless we can find a way to power it.

And that's where you come in.

You want me to complete your Carter's research?

Major Lorne tells me you've been conducting similar research in your own universe.

Well, yes, sir, but with all due respect, we're facing a very real threat in my universe.

I need to start thinking about how to get back there.

Let's say we agree to help you get back and gave you full access to the resources of this base.

How long would it take?

I don't know.

I don't even have a working theory yet.

Well, are we talking weeks or maybe even months?

Yeah, it's possible.

That's why I need to get started right away.

I'm sorry, Colonel, but the fact is we don't have that kind of time.

Our intelligence indicates that, having consolidated their position in this part of the galaxy, the Ori are assembling a fleet for a full

-scale attack on Earth.

We expect them within five days.

- What's this about, Doctor?

- I'm not entirely sure.

She says she wants to show us something.

I thought you agreed to help us, Colonel.

Yes, sir, but after talking to Dr.

Lee, I realized it was a mistake for me to pursue your Carter's research.

May I ask why?

Well, it would take too long to get me up to speed, and to be perfectly honest, sir, I'm not totally convinced that I could make it work.

- Do you have another suggestion?

- Yes, I do.


What the hell?


Colonel, what just happened?

I was taken out of phase, sir.

Invisible and untouchable, and based on experiments in my own reality, No offense, Sam, but how does hiding one lab full of equipment help us?

Well, the field size can be manipulated.

That's what I was working on when I was brought here.

Our plan was to hide the entire planet.


How's it coming?

Oh, okay, I guess.

I was just about to run my first simulation.

You know, it's kind of weird, seeing you in here.

- It's a little weird being in here.

- Yeah.

It's the same, but it's different, you know?

- Can I ask you something?

- Yeah, sure.

I found these pictures, and in them, she's wearing a wedding ring.

Yeah, that must have been before the divorce.

So Oh, no, no, no.

God, no.

No, it was this dot

-com millionaire smart

-ass named McKay.

- Not Rodney McKay?

- Yeah.

You have one, too, huh?

Is he a jerk in your universe?

Some people think so.

Sam always said there was a side to him that no one else saw.

- General.

- Colonel.

I was just coming to see you.

I know.

I already spoke to Dr.

Lee this morning.

Then you know our power calculations are coming up short.

The battle with the Ori ship simply taxed the ZPM too much.

I'm sorry, sir.

I think I may have traded one power requirement problem for another.

Not necessarily.

Sir, who are these people?

Secret Service.

Since when have you had Secret Service outside your office?

It hasn't been my office for three years.

Colonel, nice to finally get to meet you.

Colonel Carter, President Landry.

- President?

Of the United States?

- That's right.

Is there a problem?

No, sir, it's just Never mind.

I understand you're dealing with a little power shortage.

How much do you need?

Well, about 700 gigawatts.

That's roughly 80 percent of the power generating capacity of the continental United States.

So it's doable, then.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.

We've known about the condition of ZPM for some time, Colonel.

In addition to our Major Carter's research, as a backup, we've been building an infrastructure to channel energy to the Ancient Chair directly from the U.


Power grid.

Not enough to give us the upper hand in a sh**ting battle against the whole fleet, but if your plan works, there won't be any battles at all.

Charlie, I need a speech, explaining to the American people why it's a good thing they'll be without power for an undisclosed period of time.

Yes, sir.

Pack your things.

You're going to Area 51.

- We're ready, sir.

- All right.

Let's do it.

My fellow Americans and citizens of all nations, tonight our world faces a grave threat.

The same hostile forces that recently att*cked us without warning or provocation are again massing for another as*ault.

Let me assure you that we intend to meet this aggression as we did previously with unwavering resolve and fully confident that we will once again emerge victorious.

In order to achieve this victory, we will need to divert a significant portion of our electrical generating capacity Okay, try it now.

to a government facility in the Nevada desert.

- We're still getting too much variance.

- Damn it.

Give me a sec.

LANDRY: Remain calm, stay in your homes, listen for instructions on your local civil defense broadcasts, and we will see this through.

These are difficult times.

What have we got?

Daedalus just reported that five Ori ships have breached the safe zone.

LANDRY: But I believe that out of adversity, greatness is born, and with your help, we will emerge from this stronger and more unified than ever before.

Thank you, and God bless us all.

MAN: And we're out.

Well done, sir.

That's it.

All systems are in the green.

All right.

Let's plug it in.

Tech Con reports contact, sir, multiple targets.

Get me Colonel Carter.

Colonel, you're out of time.

We're almost there, sir.

Capacitors are loading.


-five percent and climbing.

The enemy ships are splitting up.

Two of them are taking up position over Area 51.

It's now or never, Colonel.

CARTER: This is an all


-nothing proposition, sir.

If we initiate without sufficient power, the field will just collapse.

We're at 85 percent.

LEE: Ninety.



It's slowing down.

We're not going to make it.

Your position is about to be compromised.



-three percent.

That's got to be close enough.

I guess we're about to find out.

Major, what's our status?

No movement, sir.

The ships are just hovering there.

They're opening fire, sir.

It looks like they think we're just cloaked.

(EX CLAIMS) Whoa! What the hell was that?

Ori weapons fire, passing right through us.

Oh! Oh, man! Jeez! Okay.

(CHUCKLES) We owe you a debt of gratitude, Colonel.

I'm glad I could help, sir.

I suppose now you'll want to start working on a way to get back to your own universe.

I already have, actually, although I'm not having much luck.

I'm sure you'll figure it out.

In the meantime, there's a few people I'd like you to meet.

WOMAN 1: Major Carter! WOMAN 2: Major Carter! Smile.

You're a hero.

(REPORTERS CLAMORING) I can't tell you how fortunate I am to have men and women like Major Carter on my team, and I'm confident that with their help like Major Carter on my team, and I'm confident that with their help and your continued support, we will prevail through the difficult times that lie ahead.

That was the scene yesterday at Stargate Command, as President Landry introduced the world to the Air Force major responsible for the brilliant plan that saved the pla (CELL PHONE RINGING) Bill, tell me you have good news.

The preliminary simulations were a bust.

There's just no way we can replicate the conditions that originally brought you here, not unless we can control the environment on both sides of the bridge.

All right.

I'll be back tomorrow.

We can go over it then.


(REPORTERS CLAMORING) SENATOR: Major, it's an honor.

On behalf of the people of the great state of Idaho, thank you.

Well, you're very kind, sir.

- Keep up the good work, dear.

- Thank you.

Enjoying the party?

Oh, I'm not sure that's exactly the right word, sir.

Have some champagne.


I guess I'm just not used to all the attention.

They do things differently where you come from?

Well, no, it's not just that.

I feel like an impostor, sir.

I mean, these people think that I'm Major Samantha Carter.

That won't be a problem anymore.

We're promoting you.

That's not the point, sir.

People here have been through a lot lately.

They need something to believe in.

Your timing is impeccable.

No security without freedom! No security without freedom! Sir, let's get you out of here.

MAN: The people will not be silenced by acts of tyranny! Our voices will be heard! No security without freedom! No security (SCREAMS) MAN: Let's get him out of here.


MAN ON PA: Welcome to Air Force One, Mr.


Is there anything you need?

No, not for the moment, Colonel.

Thank you.

Sorry about that.

- You want a drink?

- No, thank you.

Sir, what the hell just happened?

My security detail can get a little over


We probably just could've gone out the back way.

I meant the protestor, sir.

Well, not everyone is happy about some of the compromises we've had to make.

Compromises like martial law?

Believe me, Colonel, I have no desire to go down in history as the man who destroyed civil liberties in America, but I think you'll agree that compared to other presidents, I have faced some pretty unique challenges.

The President's people are looking for you.

I was just on my way out.

They've been getting a lot of requests from the media for you to do some sit

-down interviews.

Apparently, you've become quite the celebrity.

Have you seen this?

It was an Irish village.

It was just bombed by American F


At the request of the Irish Prime Minister.

That village, as you call it, was in fact a training camp for t*rrorists bent on overthrowing several European governments.

You know, I've also been going over several mission reports.

You abandoned the alpha site.

You cut ties with the Jaffa.

You pulled back on almost everything.

We didn't have a lot of choice.

We devoted our full resources to planetary defense.

Well, that's understandable, but now that the Ori attack has failed, does that mean you'll be getting back out there?

- That decision hasn't been made yet.

- Of course not.

I mean, why be hasty?

Especially when those 302s are so handy for putting down your political enemies.

Now, I understand you're coming to see certain things about this world that you don't like.

To tell the truth, we don't much like it either, but you weren't here for the riots.

You didn't see American citizens sh**ting each other over food, water and gasoline.

Hank Landry brought us back from the brink of chaos.

That was three years ago.

The threat is still out there.

That's the problem.

It always will be.

Well, well, well.

If it isn't the toast of Washington.

Hi, Rodney.

Thank you for seeing me.

Well, why wouldn't I?

I mean, we're still friends, aren't we?

I saw you on TV.

Well, recorded you, actually.

Not that I watched it more than once.

I mean, I recorded it in order to watch you once.

How can I help you?

Well, this is going to come as a bit of a shock, but I'm not who you think I am.

Oh, my God, you're a lesbian.

- Is that what you're trying to tell me?

- What?


McKay! (STAMMERING) Well, no.

I just I think I thought Oh! What I'm trying to tell you is that I am from an alternate universe.

(EX CLAIMS) Your Samantha Carter was working on an experiment when she inadvertently pulled me in.

Is this some kind of a joke?

It's very funny.

Who put you up to this?

This is not a joke, McKay.

In my reality, you're a key member of a team of international scientists and explorers based in the Pegasus Galaxy.

You go on dangerous adventures, you deal with high

-level alien technology.

Sounds like I'm a chump.

Nice try, Sam, but even if travel between universes was possible, the likelihood of you surviving is I was in a force shield when I was pulled through.

Your Samantha Carter was k*lled in the same accident that brought me here.

I'm sorry to be so blunt about it, but I don't have a lot of time, and I need your help.

- This one's ours?

- Yes, sir.

This one is ours.

It was among the artifacts we found in the cave at Glastonbury just like she said it was, and, remarkably, it has been in storage ever since because we did not know what it was.

But now that you do know, you can make it work, right?

Well, we have to understand, this is an incredibly complicated piece of machinery.

Our preliminary investigations have revealed that it is powered by a crystal which sits at the back, here.

The keys are labeled in Ancient, which we're in the process of translating.

Now, these keys, they appear to operate in the normal way that keys do,

- up and down

- Doctor! Have you learned anything substantial about the operation of this machine?

The operation?

Not really.

No, sir.

In fact, the only person who truly understands this technology is Colonel Carter.

All right.

Thank you.


Thank you, sir.

What are we going to do?

We're not going to do anything.


President, we told her if she helped us, we'd let her go.

I'm sorry, George, but for the moment, we can't afford to lose her.

She's not going anywhere.

Okay, you need to slow down.

You're telling me my ex

-wife is dead, even though you look exactly like her, except for the hair, which is nice, by the way.

On top of that, you're from another universe, and you need me to help you get back?

In my reality, you successfully designed and built a bridge between parallel universes with a little help from your sister.


What, so she and I get along in your universe?

Not exactly.

Anyway, I've been trying my best to recreate your calculations, but I keep coming up short.

That's why I'm here.

I have not done a lot of theoretical physics lately, okay?

I mean, these days I tend to do a little more of the buying and selling of companies.

The Rodney McKay I know wouldn't back down from a challenge.

He is one of the most forthright, courageous and selfless men I have ever met.

- Oh, you're making that up, aren't you?

- Most of it, yeah.

Okay, I'll help you.

Good news, Bill.

We've got somebody to help with the calculations.

Where's my equipment?

Still at Area 51.

It was supposed to be returned once the Ori fleet was gone.

I need it for the defense of my own world.

I'm sorry, the timing's not good for you to go back just yet.

We'll revisit your situation after the plebiscite.

What plebiscite?

Last year, Congress was forced to cancel the mid

-term elections because of widespread unrest.

It was supposed to be temporary, but when things didn't improve, we voted to suspend elections indefinitely.

Now it comes down to a simple yes


-no vote to put the President in office.

You're a member of my team, the woman who saved the world.

Do you have any idea what kind of political capital that's worth?

I won't help you subvert democracy.

LANDRY: This world is dangling by a thread, Colonel, and, unlike you, the rest of us will never have the luxury of leaving for someplace better when things get tough.

This is our home, and we'll make the best of it.

I don't want to hear it, George.

You could cut her a little slack, sir.

She's completely out of her element.

Trapped here, away from everyone and everything she knows or cares about.

She also happens to be a symbol of hope to the entire planet.

Because we made her into one.

Because that's what we needed.

See, I know what you're thinking.

"Damn politicians.

" I still can't stand them, and I'm one of them.

The main one.

You were the right man for the job.

You still are.

I know it wasn't easy for you taking us down this road.

What's going to be even harder is getting us back.

Going somewhere?

Maybe to see your friend, Dr.


You had me followed.

He is a wealthy high

-tech industrialist, and I'm sure if anyone outside of this base had the resources to help you get back to your own universe, he'd be the one.

But he also derives a significant portion of his income from defense contracts and some would argue he's a likely target for an anti

-trust investigation.

You'd blackmail him to keep him from helping me?

Just play your part and everything will be fine.

MITCHELL: How do you take it?

Just black.

Thank you.

Yeah, I like a little sweetener in mine.

I was an F

-302 pilot.

Got shot down over Antarctica.

Yeah, I know.

I'm sorry.

Well, a little late in the day for that, isn't it?

I mean, I already gave my legs for the freedoms we now enjoy.

It's a hell of a deal, isn't it?

Of course, I recognize you.

Your picture's been in the papers a lot lately.


You want to see something funny?

That's me.

That's me when I was you.

Hero of the moment, poster child for the administration.

- You were walking.

- Yeah, well I had a little setback in my therapy.

After Antarctica, they flew me to Washington, pinned a medal on my chest.

Next thing I knew, I was being trotted out to state dinners, political rallies.

I think Yeah, I think I even opened a few malls.


President said, "It would be good for morale, son.

"Help soften the blow for keeping the Stargate secret for so long.

" What a load of B.


So, what happened?

I called him on it, and they dropped me like a rock.

No more fancy dinners, no more expensive doctors.

Anyway, walking is overrated.

I've got everything I need right here.

And I do not have to deal with the curfews or military checkpoints or being detained without charge.

Life is sweet.

Look, I'm sorry.

I probably shouldn't have come.

Oh, no.

No, no, no.

You wanted to see for yourself, right?

The price for sticking up for your principles.

Take a good look.

- Yeah.

- CARTER: It's me.

Colonel, where are you?

Please, you know exactly where I am.

Look, I'll do it.

The interviews, the TVappearances, I'll play ball.

Wise decision.

My guest tonight, Major Samantha Carter, a 10

-year veteran of the Stargate program, and the woman who almost single

-handedly saved the world from the recent alien attack.

From the recent alien attack.

- Major, welcome.

- Thank you.

Of course, I will be taking calls later in the segment, but first, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Well, as you said, I've been with the Stargate program for the last 10 years.

Most recently, I was appointed as a special advisor to the President.


In what capacity?

My primary role is to consult with the President on matters of planetary defense.

But I also intend to push for improved foreign relations and the restoration of civil liberties that were lost since the President took office.

- Really?

- What the hell is she doing?

JULIA: Does the president welcome this kind of input from his military advisors?

Well, he wouldn't be much of a president if he wasn't at least willing to listen to other opinions.

I mean, while I understand how we got to where we are today Shut it down.

I think it's time to reassess the situation.

I don't care if you're live.

Shut it down, now.

The people of this country need to understand that they are in control of their government, not the other way around.

It's your responsibility as citizens of this country to demand the freedoms that have been taken away from you.

Demand accountability for why they were withheld in the first Major, as much I admire what you're trying to do, they cut us off.


What were you thinking?

You can't say things like that.

Well, somebody's got to say something, and I'm in a rare position to make people listen.

They're not going to let you do that, all right?

I know these people.

They do not mess around.

What are you looking for, anyway?

I want to see how my little tirade's playing out in the press.

It won't.

What are you talking about?

The show was live.

Millions of people were watching.

It doesn't matter.

I don't understand this.

There's nothing here.

Wait a second.

"Major Samantha Carter had to cut short an appearance on Inside Access "with Julia Donovan yesterday when she suddenly took ill.

"A spokesman said she was suffering from exhaustion due to her busy schedule, "and would be canceling her upcoming appearances.

" That's what I'm telling you, Sam.

Look, there is no story.

It never happened.

You're wrong.

People heard me.

Which people?

Major Carter, you need to come with us.

(GRUNTS) (GROANS) (BEEPING) Get her in the car! A gag?

Charlie, was that really necessary?

It seemed appropriate, sir.

Get it off! And give us the room.

What am I going to do with you, Colonel?

You could let me go.

I still need you.

For what?

My knowledge of phase technology, or as a prop for public relations?

What if I said both?

I won't keep my mouth shut.

But that's exactly what you do in your own world.

Stargate's still a secret, right?

You talk about freedom and democracy, but you're hiding the greatest secret mankind has ever known from your own people.

Well, at least on my world, we don't intend to abandon the rest of the galaxy to the Ori.

Well, maybe not now, but what do you think will happen if you give them a foolproof way to hide, like you've given us?

And don't be surprised if the rest of the galaxy suddenly doesn't seem that important anymore.

No, see, I know at least one man who won't feel that way.

He's the leader of Stargate Command.

His name is General Hank Landry.

Ah, Colonel, how nice to see you again.

Yes, well, thank you.

McKay, what are you doing here?

Well, it's the first day on the new job.

Your old job, actually.

Special Advisor to the President.

Bit of a pay cut but, well, let's just say they were persuasive.

- I'm so sorry.

- Yeah, me, too.

Well, the first order of business is to create an inter

-universal bridge, something that I've done in another reality, apparently.

Are you serious?

Yeah, I'm not sure what you said, but they're letting you go.


I guess they must have realized I'm more trouble than I'm worth.

I remember I said the same thing the day we got divorced.

The second order of business is to make this thing work like yours.

Well, I'll leave you my notes.

That should help.

But let's say that you succeed.

Then what?

Then we're safe.

You do know that there is a whole galaxy out there that's under attack, right?

Millions of people are dying, millions more being subjugated to a false religion.

You just never quit, do you?

Deep down, I know that your president's a good man.

He wants to do the right thing.

Maybe he just needs a persistent voice in his ear nudging him in the right direction.

And you think I would be good at that, do you?

The Rodney I know is a master of subtle persuasion.

Oh, you're lying again, aren't you?

Just think about it.




- You're back!

- Hi.

So, you didn't get any news on Daniel while I was gone?


Well, at least we got you back.

I am very glad to be back.

The whole thing was kind of creepy.

- Hey, what was I like in that reality?

- You were in jail.

Not again.

What about the rest of us?

You know, to be honest, I'd really rather not talk about it.

What about you guys?

What have you been doing this whole time?

When you did not return for several hours, we began to suspect that something might have gone wrong.

Well, we just assumed that the machine had malfunctioned, and you were stuck out of phase.

We attempted to communicate with you using the Sodan cloaking device, and when that failed What?

We took shifts, trying to keep you company.

- You mean

- Yeah, we talked to an empty room.

- For two weeks?

- It did stop eventually, but it did go on for quite some time.


Well, that must have been some conversation.

What did you say?

You know, I've got a file to read.

I have a sparring session with Sergeant Siler.

I'm bidding for a time

-share on eBay.

- Oh!

- Welcome back, Samantha.

- We really did miss you.

- Thank you.

It's good to be home.