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01x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/12/23 10:47
by bunniefuu
♪ You see tonight, it could go
either way

♪ Hearts balanced on a razor blade

♪ We are designed to love and break

♪ And to rinse and repeat it
all again

♪ I get stuck

♪ When the world's too loud and

♪ Things don't look up
when you're going down

♪ I know your arms are
reaching out from

♪ Somewhere beyond the clouds

♪ You make me feel

♪ Like my troubled heart

♪ Is a million miles away

♪ You make me feel

♪ Like I'm drunk on stars

♪ And we're dancing out into space

♪ Celestial

♪ Celestial. ♪



You are a crazy man.

I'm YOUR crazy man.

Get you out there one day.
Yeah, right.

Call me when there's a boat
and a jetty.

You don't know what you're missing.

You're all tense.

Slow-cooked lamb'll do that to you.

You really don't need to go to
so much trouble. No, I want to.

Besides, we haven't all been
together since the wedding.

Well, you know whose fault that is.

A lot can change in three months.

At least,
that is what I'm visualising.

You know what I'm visualising? Ah!

Hm? Oh, don't.

Don't do it.

Don't do what? Don't do the thing.


Shall we, erm...

..take this upstairs? Shall we?


I think someone's already there.

I better go.

I'll take the towel.

I'm not here.

Ah. You can't keep doing this.

You can't keep leaving early.

I hate it. And they all hate me.

Stop it. It's not true.

No-one talked to me all day.

Why can't I go back
to my old school?

Because...'re smarter
than everyone there.

And trust me,
this school will be great

for your... My future.

It's, like, all about
who's got the latest phone

and who's going skiing
for their next holiday,

and that's never been us
and I don't want it to be.

No, I know.

And it doesn't have to be us.

But it is a really great school.

So, please, will you
just keep it a bit longer.

Mum, they make me wear a tie. Oh!

Well, do I have to be here tonight?

Yes, that one is non-negotiable.

Come on. Sean'll be disappointed
if you're not.

Do you really think it'll end well?

Please... do it for me?


Is she OK? Yeah, she will be.

Is it wrong for me to suggest
finishing what we started.

Tempting but I can't.

I've remembered things I need to
get from the shop.

How long will you be? Um...

Yeah, might be a while.


Good to see you.

How long does it say?

Er... "Cook on 180 for 90
or until golden."

Right. Well, can't possibly
cock that up, can I?

I don't know. Can I?
Remember last Christmas.


Something smells good! Oh, Ethan.

Hello. You're early.

Oh, I thought I was
about three months late.

Well, it's great to see you.
Thanks for coming.


Hey, Alison. Jesse.

Hello, darling. Hannah.

Boys? Dad!

Hey, happy birthday. Thanks.

Oh. How you doing?

Hello. That's for you.

Oh, thank you. So... somebody gonna give us
the grand tour?

No, I think the paintings
are beautiful.

And I love... I love the view
from the guest bedroom.

JESSE: And the colours. Mm.

Well, Ali did the decorating.

Oh, you have great taste.

Oh. Thank you.

Yeah. Maybe we could do a sh**t
there sometime.

Someone just landed
their first big account. Mm.

Why didn't you say?
A major hotel chain.

His products in all the bathrooms.

No biggie. Mm.

Proud of you, son.
Congratulations, Ethan.

That's wonderful. Thanks.

So, how's St Martha's, eh?

Amazing. Best school ever.


Well, just stay away from the boys
at St Joey's - total rat bags.

Now you tell me.
I was an exception, of course.

Rubbish. Right.

Well, I hope you've all left room
for pudding.

Let me help you.
No, absolutely not.

Tonight, you do nothing.

Thank you.

So, Dad,

how is retirement treating you?

Oh, finding ways to pass the time.

Is he for real? You're not missing
the glamorous world of cardboard?

Hey, cardboard's been very good to
us over the years. Mm.

To cardboard.



You'll have to come for a surf
with me one morning.

Like we used to.

That'd be nice.


I'm... I'm sorry that it's
taken me so long to come.

You're here now.

Now, before we get to the cake -

and it's all right,
it's only one candle...

Mm. Thank you.

..there's something
I wanted to give you.

Um... it's not actually
worth anything but, um,

it's incredibly valuable to me
cos... belonged to my dad.


I love it. Oh! HE CHUCKLES

Thank you. Mwah!

Have to get it on.




I see you're not wasting any time.


First rule in the handbook -

try and get knocked up.

Secure your future. Hm?

I don't want it to be like this.

When someone throws away a 30-year
marriage for their masseuse,

it's a bit hard for it
to be any other way.


This is how it is, is it?
You've come here

pretending to accept our
relationship but, actually,

nothing has changed.

There's no point in us having the
same arguments over and over again.

We all know Dad
is not thinking with his head.


Ethan, I love your dad.

I just want us to be a family.
Yeah, so you keep saying,

but you've given me absolutely
no reason to believe you.

Look, I know a lot's happened,
but ca...

Can't we just try to move forward
in peace? Yeah?


Who else do you love, Alison? Hm?

If you don't want this to go
any further, you'll do as I say.

Where was it taken?

Er... a party I went to
a couple of weeks ago.

With your OLD friends?

No, I wasn't with them.

I was at a guy's house.

His name's Logan
and he goes to St Joseph's.

They were passing it around.
I didn't even like it.

Mum, I was... I was home by midnight
and you were waiting for me.

You would have known
if I was stoned.

Who took the photo?

Logan, I think.

Are there any more?

Did you know
he'd shared it on a WhatsApp group?

He wouldn't do that.
Well, then, who did?

I don't know.

Maybe his phone got hacked.

Logan's a good guy.

why are you not wearing a top?

Well, we were mucking around.

I had a couple of drinks, OK?
We were being stupid

and taking dumb photos.

You see way worse on Instagram.
You're 16.

It's not that big a deal.

I'm sure you and dad did dumb sh*t
when you were my age

and don't pretend like you didn't.
What you're doing in the photo

is one thing,
but the fact it's been shared...

Oh, please do not give me a lecture
on sexting

or consent or whatever other words
you feel like you need to use.

I was having fun.

I posed for the photo -
end of story.

How does...
How does Ethan know about it?

Someone forwarded it to him.

Apparently they made the connection
between you and him.

Well, what does he want?

There's obviously something.

You leave Ethan to me.

We will talk again tomorrow morning.

Are you OK?

Have you got a cramp or something?

I mean, Dr Chang said
that you might experience...

I'm fine. I'm fine.

Are you sure?
Yeah. Yeah, I just...

I didn't sleep very well
last night - that's all.

OK. Well...

..hopefully it works first time.

And, hey, I'm well aware
that I got the easy job here.

So if there's anything I can do
to help...

You're already doing it.



Yeah, fine. I'm sorry!
You worry so much!


Oh, his brother Dax
got into his phone,

and he's the one who shared
the photo.

Logan told you that, did he?

Yeah, well, he's pissed, too.

Dax went to school with Ethan.
That's the connection. OK.

I want to speak to both of them.

Because this is a huge violation
of your privacy.

They deleted the WhatsApp group.
Doesn't matter. It's not the point.

Once a photo like that
is on the internet...

A group chat is not the internet.
These things can live forever.

You're making too big a deal
out of this.

No, you are being manipulated
by these boys.

I mean, I dread to think what else
they've been doing with that photo.

Oh, my God. OK.
There is literally thousan...

Millions of photos like this online.

I'm not that special. Oh, Hannah...

Have you told Sean about it?


Why not? You tell him everything.

Cos it's personal to you, isn't it?

And I don't know.

Maybe I'm trying
not to make things worse with Ethan.

Can you just let it go?

I'll talk to Ethan,

convince him not to do
whatever it is he's trying to do.

And Sean never has to know about it.

Know what?

You piece of sh*t.

Should've known
she'd go straight to you.

She didn't.

That's not the point, Ethan.
Hannah's a teenager.

Then she shouldn't be posing
for photos like that.

Do you realise how crappy this is?

I'm calling Logan's dad.

Hey, I did Alison a favour,
giving her the heads up.

I offered to stop it from going...
You try to use this as leverage

for your stupid agreement.
Another favour I was doing for you.

For the last time...

..I do not need Alison

to sign a piece of paper.

A financial agreement
that gives us all protection.

What are you afraid of, Dad?

Actually discovering
that she's a gold digger after all?

Sean? This is your influence.

No fool like an old fool.

It's been two years, Rachel.

Two years.

Isn't it time
you got on with your own life, mm?

Instead of trying to ruin mine.

It turns out Logan's father
is overseas.

I mean, I'll catch him
as soon as he gets back.

But they're a decent family
and I'm sure he'll want to do

the right thing. Do I get a say
in any of this? Oh, Hannah.


I should have been tougher.

I mean, I could have been tougher.

..thought he had some decency.

I'll just sign the agreement. What?

No! Yeah, for Ethan to go
to extreme lengths like this,

then he... I'll just sign it.

I mean, it says everything about him
and nothing about you.

I mean... this has got Rachel
written all over it.

She's a f*ckin' bitch.

Er... now a bad time to welcome you
to the neighbourhood?

I don't want to impose.
You're not, mate.

We've been meaning to say
a proper "hello".

Well, that's Hannah out
for the evening.


Dan? Yeah.

Dan certainly knows his reds.


Oh, no. Not for me, thanks.

Well, I'm not going to say "no".
Not after the day we've had.

If... that's all right?

Yes, of course. Course it is.

I'm not drinking at the moment,
but a good red

is exactly what Sean needs tonight.

I really...
I wasn't angling for an invitation.

Is it me, or have we got a lot of
food for just us?

So I said, "Screw it.
Shut the whole thing down."

Yeah! Cos the world's changed
for everyone, right?

If Ralph from accounts wants to wear
his boxers all day, I think...

Yeah. Live your best life, Ralph.

Well, I bet you saved on
your overheaders, too.

Your... Your overheaders?

Yeah. Yeah, your overheaders,
you know.

They're just like overheads
but a little more exxy.


Here's to working from home -
next best thing to retirement.

Cheers! Cheers! So, how long
have you lived round here?

Hm. Let's see.

We, um...

We bought in, like, 2017.

"We"? Oh, are you married?

I was. I am.

Um... my wife Naomi, she...

She passed away two years ago.

Oh, sorry. Sorry, mate.

Oh, you weren't to know.

Can I ask how?


That's a story for another time.


You know, if she was here right now,

she'd have a lot to say
about this music.

Oh, I like her already.

Excuse me?! Darling, I love you.

But what even is this?

Soft country-rock. ALISON SCOFFS

Oh, come on. I thought you liked it.

Oh, who could ever like this?

Ah, it's all coming out now.

Well, then,
I guess I'd better change it. Yeah.

It's pretty horrible, mate.

Another bottle? Er...

Oh, it's late. Oh...

No, I've had a really top night
but I think I should really go.

OK. Well... asked for it.
Soft country-rock.





Go back to sleep.





I got nothing to say to you.
Well, I got things to say to you.


Hey. Do you remember
the cupboard in our old house?

The one we couldn't open

without half my childhood falling
on top of us? Yeah, that one.


Aw! I always dreamed
of having a cupboard

that would fit all of our stuff in.
Just a great big, spacious cupboard.

It's all I ever wanted.

And now that I have one,

could probably do with a bit of
a hand organising it.

Maybe you could tell me a bit more
about this Logan.

Oh, I was actually thinking
about going for a walk, but, um...

..I can help you when I get back?


Er... where's Sean?

Oh, he went for a surf. Right.

See you later.



Oh, hey. Did you see Sean
on your travels? No.

Which way did you walk?
What's wrong?

He's not back from the surf.
Did you go along the beach?

Er, no. I went the opposite way
into town and back.

How long has he been gone for?

He's never been gone five hours.

It's... It's totally unlike him.

And he is competent in the water?

Yeah. Yeah, he used to surf
when he was younger.

He's taken it up again recently.

Is he aware of the rip?
Can be pretty dangerous out there.

Yeah, he's been surfing
every day since we moved here.

Dan. This is my neighbour, Dan.

What's going on?

Er, we can't find Sean.
Have you seen him?


And your husband is in good health?

We did... We did have a bit to drink
last night.

Well, yeah, you guys did.
But he wouldn't have gone out

if he didn't think he was up to it.
We'll find him.


I need to go and find him.
The police said to wait.

Yeah, but I can't just stand about
and do nothing.



Why haven't
you got back to my messages?

Well, I'm here now.

Well, have you heard from your dad?

No, no.
I've been keeping my distance.

Tell me you found him.
Tell me he's all right.

I'm afraid a surfboard
matching your husband's

has washed up
about 4K down the coast.

The leg rope snapped off
due to the force of the waves.

Oh, God! I'm sorry,

but given the conditions out there
and the time that's elapsed, we...

We have to presume
that he has drowned.

It still doesn't make sense.

He surfed every day.
He was a strong swimmer.

He's had so many tests recently.

I mean, his health couldn't have
been better.


..been nearly a week.

Maybe it's time we accept
that he might not be coming home.


Look... can stay in your room all day.

You can watch TV, you can sleep,

wear the same clothes if you want.

But you have to eat.

Don't be mad at her.

She's worried about you.
Thanks, Dad.

Now, you...

You're going back to school

Well, no, Mum needs me.

Mum needs you
to keep your grades up.

No more skiving off.

You're gonna go every day

and do your mum and Sean proud.

OK, I've been told.

If there's anything you need,
I hope you feel like you can ask me.

I'll happily piss off too.

But only after
you've had a bite of this.

Oh, come on. You know how hard
those bangers are to find.

What's the latest with the search?

Mrs Weston.

What are you doing
to find my husband?

As I explained over the phone,

we have conducted
an extensive search.

We have officers on the ground

and our patrol has been at sea
for some days now.

Well, do more.

Efforts will continue, but... must understand that
at this stage

we are dealing with a recovery.

No. No, no, no. No, you can't...
You can't just give up.

You can't give up.
He's gonna be out there.

He'll be out there somewhere.
Is there someone else

we can talk to? Your superior.

Mrs Weston...

..have you taken advantage
of the counselling services ava...?

I don't need a counsellor.

I need you to do your job.

Look, I'm sorry about that.

It's a difficult time for all of us.

Can I ask you honestly...

..what are the chances
of finding a body?

It's very difficult to say.

Look, if you can get her
to read this, it may help.

Do you want me to come in?

Has Hannah said
anything to you about school?

Just that she hates it.


Nothing about the other students
or anything else on her mind?

She's got a good head on
her shoulders. She'll be all right.


Thank you.

MUSIC: Dark Side
by Bishop Briggs

♪ Welcome to my dark side

♪ It's gonna be a long night

♪ Oh, la

♪ La, la, la

♪ Welcome to my darkness

♪ I been here a while

♪ Clouding up the sunlight

♪ Hoping for a smile

♪ Or something

♪ But something always
turns into nothing

♪ Oh, I'll drain your life

♪ Till there's nothing left

♪ But your bloodshot eyes

♪ Oh, I'll take my time

♪ Till I show you how I feel inside

♪ Welcome to my

♪ Welcome to my

♪ Ooh-ooh... ♪

I used to spend hours here too.

Sometimes I'd forget she was gone.

I'd head up to the house
and I'd just...

I'd expect her to be there.

I know what you're trying to do,

..our situations aren't the same.

No. And I...
I'm not saying that they are.

Your wife d*ed.

I don't actually know that Sean's...

Not for sure.

Till someone brings him back to me,
I don't know anything.

All the same, there's, um...

..a grief group that I know of
and, er, well, it...

It might be of some help.

I don't need a grief group!

I need my husband.




♪ All the good times

♪ That we had

♪ What went wrong

♪ Is a wonder

♪ Now that you're gone

♪ And walked out

♪ Forever... ♪


♪ Oh, baby

♪ One more lonely night

♪ Oh, this feeling ain't right... ♪


Sorry. I did call out.

She liked vinyl.

Old school.

You miss her very much, don't you?

There's not a day goes by
that I don't...

wonder what could have been.

Can I ask what kind of cancer?


Got the diagnosis and, um...

..six weeks later, she was gone.

I'm so sorry.

It was fast.

But at least we got to say
our goodbyes.

I know that's something
you didn't get.

I just keep thinking
this can't be real.

You know,
like he's just gonna walk back in,

dragging sand through the house

I can't accept that he's gone.

Then don't.

Get angry.

Scream at the top of your lungs.

I did.

One day...
you're gonna wake up and...'re gonna feel better.

Then the next day,
you'll feel better again.

Does it ever fully go away?

The honest truth?


It's a hole in your life
that you just...

You learn to live with.

Obviously, I didn't...

..know Sean all that well,
but, um...

..he seemed like a great bloke.

Yeah, he was.

He IS.

Is there anything I can do to help?

I don't know what, but...

..I'm here.

There is something, actually. Yeah.



Hey, Ali. Hey, Jesse.

Are you OK?

I'm OK. Hi, Hannah.

Jesse, this is Dan, my neighbour.
This is Jesse.

Hey. Nice to meet you.

How's Ethan?

Not good.

I suppose... we should...


Ethan. Rachel.

Thanks for organising today.

I'm not ready to give up on Sean,

but I understand why
this is important for you, so...


..I was gonna say
a few words, if that's OK.

Oh, I think you should.

I do understand that this is...

..really difficult for you too.

Take all the time you need.

And when you're up there,

remember none of this would be
happening if it wasn't for you.

Living by the beach,
surfing every day.

Taking risks and behaving
like he was half his age.

You're the reason Sean's dead.

"Past the science wing,
left to the library."

I finally get to the dorm
and there's Sean by the window.

He knew we were roommates.

He just gave me bad directions
so he could claim the best bed.


Dad was always there.

When I broke my leg

on the slippery dip,

when I fell asleep on the train
and ended up in a strange town.

And, um...

And when I came out.

I was so scared to tell him.

And he just smiled and asked me
what I wanted for dinner.


Even today...

..I know he never meant to leave us.

So many of you had the, er...

The privilege of...

Of knowing Sean for some or all
of your lives and, erm...

And I envy you.

Sean is, erm...

Sean was...

Has only been in my life
for a short time and, um...

But I miss his smile.

Sorry. Sorry.

And I miss his laughter and...

And the way he took pleasure
in the simple things in life.

Like the sound of the trees
when a...

A gust of wind picked up.

I loved everything about him.

Except his taste in music.

That was bloody terrible.


I hope she won't mind me coming.

Not if you're here
for the right reasons.

Come on, Dad. What?!

Well, you wanted her back and now
you think you're in with a chance.

Isn't there a part of you
that wants that, too?

Not if it was... like before.

Wouldn't be.


We shouldn't be
talking about this here.

Who's that? Dan, our neighbour.

He's been coming over
to check on her.

He lost his wife too.

You don't have to feel threatened.

Look, I can't stay.

Tell your mum that I was here, yeah?


Love you. Love you.


You all right?

Don't have any more to do with her.

MUSIC: All That I Am
by Kat Edwards

♪ Will it ever be this day?

♪ Feel so heavy

♪ I can not stand this

♪ OK sometimes

♪ But mostly I'm

♪ Disconnected... ♪

Hey. Hey.

Can I get you anything?


I really should be
asking you that question.

I'm sorry. I feel like I've
been such a mess lately,

I haven't even asked you
how YOU are.

I'm fine.

How's things with Logan?

Well, I'm not seeing him any more.

And I'm not going
any more dumb parties either.


I was thinking - maybe we should
tell your dad about the photo.


It feels wrong to do nothing and
I feel like I've dropped the ball.

Well, you've had a lot on.

Yeah, but it wouldn't be
unreasonable for him to step up.

No, Mum. If Dad gets involved,
it won't end well.

We both know what a temper he's got.

Let's just forget it ever happened.

Promise me, Mum.



Thank you.

Hey. Hey.

What's wrong? Nothing.

Is your mum on your case
about us now?

No, it's not that. Um...

I guess I've just been thinking
about the morning Sean disappeared

and... never really told me
what happened.

Like, we were supposed to meet.

Where'd you get to?


Dad. Dad. Got nothing to say to you.
Well, I got things to say to you.

I get you're in love with her.
I get that she makes you feel young

or whatever. But I can't handle her
bleeding you...

You know nothing about
our relationship.

Oi, I am trying to think about
your protection.

Right. What are you doing?

Changing my will to protect
Alison... from you.


ECHOING: Philip.
Give me a call back.

Could it be more than
a terrible accident?

Do you think Sean was m*rder*d?

I felt there was something else
Hannah didn't tell me.

What's Hannah got to do with it?

She knew something was up that day
but can't find out what.

Nothing to hide? That's why you
can't leave fast enough? Back off!

Why would you Ethan lie?

This is all mine now.
My father's dead.

I'm sorry if I'm not acting
like myself.

Have we met before?
Dan, this is Michael, Hannah's dad.

You haven't always taken "no"
for an answer. What have you done?

Go round there... No!
..knock his head off.