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01x02 - The Will of the Maker

Posted: 01/12/23 11:05
by bunniefuu
Isn't it strange?

Tevinter is home
to the most powerful magic in the world.

We're hated for it, envied for it,

but all agree Tevinter Mages
can accomplish nearly anything,

when the truth is we possess
only a fraction of the power we once held.

So many secrets locked away in our past.

Ages ago, Magisters harnessed forces
we still don't fully understand.

At least in this case,

there may be a witness.

You know, if you're so desperate
to dig through the past,

you could get rid of the sl*ve corpses
Marconius IV put in the walls.

Mad bastard.

Careful, Tassia,
you might offend the Chantry.

And you won't?

Rezaren, you look like every bad rumor
about us combined.

A Magister skulking around dark ruins,
summoning demons.

Oh, you just need a skull
hanging from your belt.

I'm summoning a spirit.
It's completely different.

Spirits, demons, they're all dangerous.

Getting a history lesson about that thing
isn't worth the risk.

The Divine himself asked me
to research the Circulum Infinitus.

After you practically begged him.

Even if you got it to work,
you could never use it.

It's powered by blood magic.
The Divine would never approve.

And that's exactly why I'm doing this.

The Circulum Infinitus was crafted here.

If we can find a spirit
that witnessed its creation,

we can learn how it was made
and how to modify it to our own needs.

It is supposed to bring
the dead back to life, Tassia.

Just as they were before.

Maker's breath, don't you think
that's worth investigating?

Isn't there someone
you'd give anything to get back?

All right.
But we're in this together.

I am not letting you
face one of those things alone.

Welcome, Spirit of Wisdom.

Rezaren Ammosine,
Magister of the Tevinter Imperium.

I am called Memory,

and I have observed all things
in this place since its founding,

in service of Tevinter.

Then perhaps you remember
the creation of this?

The Circulum!

The last and greatest work
of Magister Amelia Pavus.

Yet, I sense it has never been used.


It was lost
in the scuffle of politics and history.

But you intend to use it now?

I might,

but times have changed.

I will not k*ll one person
to resurrect another.

I need a way to use the Circulum
without spilling blood.

Be wary, Magister.

Many before you have sought
to bring back the dead, and failed.

By name and by nature,
mortals are doomed to die.

And nothing goes against nature
without consequence.

Just because something hasn't been done
doesn't mean it can't be done.

And Magisters don't frighten easily.

True, but you do not comprehend
the full danger of this artifact.

Power like this draws many eyes.

Should the Circulum
go to the one that seeks it,

all of Tevinter will burn.

Who else wants this artifact?

Revealing that
would be unwise.

We didn't ask what you thought, spirit.

Tell us who else wants the Circulum!

You dare command me,
like some common shade?

I summoned you, and you will answer!

Beware, boy.

Memory unheeded can only become enmity.

Answer the question, spirit!

Rezaren, careful. I think...

I think it might transform.

now we've got to deal with a demon.

Spirit or demon,
it still can't cross the circle.

Don't let them break through!

Say nothing.

Such power should never have been
in mortal hands,

but in my own.

You should have kept running, demon!

Arrogant little meat sack!



If that artifact is a thr*at to Tevinter,
we need to destroy it.

It's not the artifact that's dangerous.
It's whoever else wants it.

I won't let anyone
take the Circulum from me.

- Not even you...
- I won't risk losing you.


I said I won't risk losing you.

But I'm supposed to protect
everyone in this palace, Rezaren.

Please don't make me
protect you from yourself.

Don't worry,

I can't be away
from Minrathous much longer.

One way or another,
this will all be over soon.

And that would be
the call to evening chant.

We're not done talking about this though.

Oh, of course not.
I have an extensive lecture planned.

Just let me wrap things up here.

The defenses in this place are insane.

I swear, if we don't fix them,

some poor bastard
is going to get everyone k*lled.

I promised I'd change them, and I will.

Until then, you'll have to accept

that your job might not be
as boring as it usually is.

My job's supposed to be boring.
Which reminds me, I'm on rotation tonight.

So I get to do my favorite thing,

standing outside doors,
carefully watching nothing.

Well, it's still better
than singing the Chant of Light, again.

Maker bless your evening,
Knight Commander.

And yours, Magister.

Second bell.

That, my friends,
is the second of four bells

in an Imperial Chantry service.

Right now, most of the palace
is busy looking for salvation.

Let's make sure we're on our way
before they find it.


All right, one last time.

We split off into four teams.

Roland, you're our man on the inside.

Draw as many guards as you can
out of the throne room

so Lacklon and I can access the vault.

Oh! Oh!

Help! Help!

Oh, oh, the pain!

Terrible! Oh!

Please, someone tell my wife I loved her.

Lacklon will watch my back,
and I'll get us into the old temple vault.


Hira and Qwydion,
head for the cathedral.

We need to keep those people inside
for as long as we can.

Blood and spite. Hang on!


Miriam, I won't ask you
to go any further into the palace,

but we can't lose access to that tunnel.

Guard it with your life.

Is... Is someone there?

Please don't tell the cook, okay?
I'm... I'm...

I'm hiding too.

No, no, wait!



A sl*ve should never harm her betters!

No, no, wait, please don't!


Uh, I don't know
the delicate way to bring this up,

but I know you're loyal
to Magister Ammosine

and that he thinks of you as family and...

Well, he's under so much pressure
to figure out the Circulum.

Neb, I worry he could be tempted
to do something dangerous.

Or wrong.

I know we aren't close,
and I swear by The Maker,

I don't want to get you in trouble,

but has he done anything off around you,
out of the ordinary?

I just...

What's going on here? Trading gossip?

Just fighting off boredom.
Are you leaving early, Magister?

As much as I love hearing about
my failings in the eyes of The Maker,

a walk might be a bit more pleasant.

Allow me to escort you.


Of course.

That would be lovely.

It's all right, Neb.
Meet me back at the apartments.

Pfft. I mean, he's cute, but yikes.

Let's stay focused.

Oh sh*t, the third bell.

Boost me up, then head to Fairbanks.
I'll do the bottom seal on my own.

The cook.

Why are you hiding from them?

I took some food from the trash.

I didn't think it would do any harm.

They weren't even gonna eat it.

A sl*ve owns nothing. Is nothing.

You are not fit to touch what is mine.

I don't want her to b*at me.

If I can just hide here for a bit,
maybe... maybe she'll calm down.

Don't be stupid. She won't.

And hiding won't help you, so...

Where's my bat-eared thief
of an apprentice?

Want me to call an actual thief?

We're past the third bell
and I ain't holding the circle thing.

You know, my wife always says
sarcasm doesn't help,

but I never
really understood that until now.

The next patrol. They found Roland.

Work faster, or we're all dead.

I've told you, there's no one else here.
I think you should leave.

I'll be damned
if I let an elf tell me what to do.

I meant no disrespect, but...

You think I'm scared of you?

It don't matter
how special an elf you are.

You're still just a tool.

An assassin must
know their role to perfection.

You are the sword of this family.
You will not fail us.



You touch me and they'll string you up
by the ears, just like any other sl*ve.

Of course, ma'am.

I believe I've found
what you're looking for.

- No! No, no, please!
- Ah, come on, you little beggar.

It's been a while
since I've boiled all the pots clean.

Let's see how much heat
that delicate elven skin can take.

- How could you?
- I'm sorry.

No one ever saves people like us.

You sky-sucking idiot!

You were supposed to
get rid of the guards!

Not attract more of them!

Well, thank goodness
you've come to my rescue.

Oh, come on.

Praise the Maker.

You're just opening it now?

Qwydion's already
on her way back to the tunnel.

Good to see you too, Hira.

Sorry we're running late, Hira.
No, please, you go first, Hira.

Interlocking barriers.

- They look pretty lethal too.
- But you can disable them?

Please. That's why I'm here.


You know, I was almost hoping
you wouldn't be able to do that.

For what it's worth,
I wish there'd been another way.

The service is almost over.
We should go back.

- You go ahead, I'll just be...
- I know what you're doing, Rezaren.

What are you talking about?


What did you do?

You're trying to wait me out
so you can go back to the vault again.

I didn't...

Is it really that obvious?

That demon should have been
the end of things.

If you won't listen to me,
maybe you'll listen to The Divine.

You wouldn't.

What you're trying to do is valiant,
but you're becoming obsessed.

- You're right.
- What?

I've wanted so much to rescue the dead
that I've lost sight of the living.

Will you help me see clearly again?

Fairbanks, stop! Listen to me!

I think we're a little past that!


This can't be happening.

I can't...

Maker, forgive me.

Ho-ho, well, that can't be good.

Head back to the rendezvous.

Those came from the vault.

Rezaren, Divine Marconius
built that vault to be a last resort.

Its security system
isn't meant to stop intruders.

It's meant to stop a full-scale coup.

It's designed to k*ll
everyone in the palace.


Don't be an idiot, we have to go now.

No. Wait!




Oh, okay.

Uh, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t,
sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!

Move, move, move, move!

Get to your...

It's fine.

It'll be fine.



What happened? Where's Hira?



What the f*ck?