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01x03 - Eetsway

Posted: 01/12/23 17:13
by bunniefuu
["Taka Dama" playing]

[Chook cheering]

Sick car! I reckon I'll get

one of these in a few years, eh?

With what, you povvo dog?

- Suck my d*ck, Ca$h.

- Probably like that, huh?

Not as much as your mum would.


- Chicken Little. Go around him, bro.

- [Chook] Hold on.

- Shut up.

- [Jayden] Yeah.

Look who's coming to life back here.

Nice little urch

and he thinks he's a big man.

Yeah, go on then, lads. Yeah.

Eetswa car, though.

Bit of a shame, really.

All right, button up.


[engine revving]

[alarm blaring]

[Chook] Let's go boys!

Time to fill that bag!

Chook, come on. Bags!

[Chook] Go! Bag, bag, bag.


- [Ca$h] f*ck!

- [Chook] Come on!

[indistinct chatter]

[Chook] How are we doing, boys?

Go, baby, go!

[all clamoring]

- [siren blaring]

- Stop!

Pigs! Get in the car!

- [Jayden] Get in there or we're dead meat!

- [Ca$h] Hurry the f*ck up.

[engine sputters]


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

- [Ca$h] Start the car!

- I can't!

Get the sh*t and go!

- Bags, bags, bags!

- [Jayden] Go, go, go!

[siren blaring]

[all] Go, go, go!

[Chook] Bags, boys.

Go! Run!

Here, stash this until it's clear.

Go! Right!


[siren blaring]

[fire crackling]

["People, I've Been Sad" playing]

It's true that, people, I've been sad ♪

People, I've been sad ♪

It's true that, people

I've been gone ♪

People, I've been gone ♪

It's true that, people

I've been missing out ♪

I've been missing out ♪

Missing out for way too long ♪

People, I've been gone ♪

It's just that me, myself and I ♪

Me, myself and I ♪

Been missing out for way too long ♪

Out for way too long ♪

Been taking calls

I should have missing out ♪

I've been missing out ♪

- I'm just a phone call away.

- I know.

Thanks for everything.

Of course.

You ready?

I think your dad wants to say hello.

[car door opens]


[Justin] Hey. Here she is.

Hey, Dad.

How're you feeling? All right?

- [Harper] Yeah.

- Yeah?

- You must be Justin.

- Oh, yes. Hi.

- I'm Meredith.

- Hi, nice to meet you.

Um, thank you for everything that

you've done for Harper. I appreciate it.

Not at all. Happy to have been a help.

Take care, Harper.

Yeah. Cheers.


Welcome home.

- You want me to

- No, it's okay.

[uneasy music playing]

["The Topic" playing]

[indistinct chatter]

Left unread.


No one asked you to do that at the party.

Okay. Well, this is where

I learn you don't like surprises.

I mean it. I told you

not to tell anyone that we hooked up.

Okay, well,

does it help it wasn't planned?

Look, I just saw you there.

You looked insanely hot.

That's on you. And then,

um, it kind of just happened.

Okay, look, I get why you're pissed off.

And I'm pissed off at myself.

That's why I want to talk.

So now we're talking.


And I'm asking you out.

No thanks.


We've only hooked up once, anyway.

What, are you desperate?

[splutters] "Desperate"?

I don't want to go out with anyone.

And if you bothered

to ask me anything about myself,

you would've known that.

[captivating music playing]

[exhales sharply]

[Quinni] Amerie, I should've told you.

I thought it was some weird

graffiti that some random had put there.

And now it takes

an entire village of randos.

I mean [laughs]

Look at all the fresh

little sluts getting up in here.

- This happened at Dusty's party.

- Who do you think is doing this?

It doesn't matter who's doing it.

That stupid freaking map ruined my life.

I hate that there's a version 2.0.

Oh, wait.

Excuse me!


[Darren] Sorry, what?

We're in a relationship. Obviously.

After hooking up once,

that's so textbook lesbian of you.

I am never ending up on that map again.

- Romance is dead to me.

- [Quinni] What?

[Amerie] I was obsessed with Dusty

for like a bajillion years.

And for what? I just ended up

completely humiliated. I'm an idiot.

Okay. So "idiot" is, um, ableist language.

Yeah, Amerie. Besides, what's

the alternative, stitch up your mutt?

Yeah, basically.

I don't even want to think about boys

or sex or dicks for the next

However long it takes me

to feel normal again.

I'm not even gonna mazz.

Ew, that sounds like my worst nightmare.

Well, how does someone

not think about sex?

[scoffs] I don't know.

I'll just train myself.

Yeah, every time I get a sexy thought,

I'll slap myself in the face.

Mmm. That sounds super functional.

Better idea, you could get a hobby.

Mazzing is my hobby.

- A different hobby.

- Yes!

- I will get a hobby.

- Yes!

I'll join one of those weird

extracurricular groups they advertise

- on the noticeboard in the quad!

- Perfect!

Super wholesome and not sexy at all.

- I'm gonna go look for you. Let's go.

- [Darren] Mm-hmm.

[captivating music playing]

[students yelling]

[girl] Get off the field, Map Bitch!

[forced laughter]

Excuse me? Is this the Haha Club?

- Uh, no, it's the debate team.

- What?

Yes, it's the Haha Club.

[chuckling] Open your f*cking eyes.

I'm sorry. Uh, I just kind of thought

it'd be like more of an improv class.

No, we just, um

We gather in a circle. Then we just laugh.



I actually don't know.

You know, it's fun. Give it a try.


[all laughing]

Man, Map Bitch has really cracked it.

Okay, so it's two Mars bars

and a can of Coke.

- Got it. Yeah.

- You got it? Good, two!

[players shouting indistinctly]


[Malakai] Hey.

Good news. You've been selected

to attend district tryouts.

For real?

Yeah. Me and your dad have been chatting

and we think you got

a real sh*t at making first grade.

- But you got to want it.

- [chuckles] Yeah, for sure. Yeah.

Good. That's what I like to hear.

You and Spencer are gonna have

to really put in the hard yards this week.

- Spencer?

- You two are Hartley's best players.

We gotta double the sh*t at it.

It's called maths, mate. Spencer!

Right. So every spare minute,

I want you guys out here training.

Together! As a team.

Okay, get each other up nice

and early. Egg each other on.

You're gonna motivate each other.

Our school really needs this.

- Yes, Coach.

- Cheers.

I'll leave you to it. Good. Jordy!

[Jordy] Yes, Coach?

- Got a free period next. Hit the weights?

- [Coach whistles]

Yeah, sounds good.

[school bell ringing]


I'm I'll meet you in there in a sec.


[whistle blowing]

[Malakai] How'd your ankle pull up?

- Better than I expected.

- Ah. It was probably the peas.

Gee. Thanks, doctor.

Ah, it's okay.

I'll call the favor in another time.

Hey, I was [exhales]

I was wondering Maybe you wanted to,

you know, hangout sometime?

sh*t, um, sorry.

[splutters] I've got to be somewhere,

but I'm

Talk later.


- [indistinct chatter]

- Sasha!

Great news about you and Quinni.

I'm really happy for you guys.

Um, so I've been looking at expanding

my extracurricular activities.

I was thinking of joining the q*eer

environmentalist social justice

Okay. Listen, Amerie.

Just because me and Quinni are dating

doesn't mean we can be friends again.

Who said I wanted to be friends?

I was talking about the club.

Uh, because you're into social justice

all of a sudden?

I am actually.

And you want to

save the environment?

I like koalas.


It's sad how they get all that chlamydia.

Oh, my God.

So, can I join?

No, f*ck off.

[indistinct chatter]

- Chess is cool now!

- [chuckles] Is it?

It totally makes you smart and sh*t.

And it teaches you

to have the patience of a monk.

That sounds revoltingly wholesome.

It is. Just me, my opponents,

some cute little queens and castles

and whatever

those other pieces are called.

Basically, the opposite of sex.

[chuckles] Depends

on what kind of sex you're having.

Isn't there a lot of boys in the club?

Yeah, but don't worry,

they're all losers and not hot at all.

Here? Safe.

[Darren] Mmm.

So, we figured out when someone's

into you, but that's just step one. Right?

After that, we need to find out what

they might be comfortable doing sexually.

Say "rimming" one more time,

Darren, I'm going to ask you to leave.

Cool. So, what are some ways

of communicating

with our partner in that space?

- Ooh! Morse code?

- [Jojo] Okay.

On her clity. [mimics morse code]

[Jojo] Okay, no.

But what about asking for guidance?

Something like Uh

- "Show me where you want me to touch you."

- Here.

- [laughter]

- I am uncomfortable.

Okay, let's split into

our designated groups

and work through

the consent exercises attached.

Amerie, can you please

help me hand out the materials?

Oh, with such wild enthusiasm. Thanks.

Thank you.

Uh, Sasha and co, you can work outside.

Oh, I thought it might get

a bit noisy and hectic in here for you.

So I asked if we could work

in the quieter space.

That's so sweet.

Yeah, no worries.

Heard there was a big mess

at your house after the party.

Yeah, it was an insane night.

Like, someone stole my dad's car.


And crashed it into

a shop off Heeley Street.

- Jeez.

- [Dusty] Yeah.

Love to know the assh*le that did it.


Jack and Jess

have been going out for two months."

"Jack tells Jess he'll dump her

if she doesn't have sex with him."

"He's sick of waiting.

Jess is afraid of losing him and agrees."

Dog act, Jack.

Mmm. It's almost up there

with secretly having sex

with your ex-best friend's crush.

Anything you want to add, Harper?

- No. I don't want to do this.

- [Darren chuckles]

None of us want to do this.

We're being forced to.

She doesn't have to

if she doesn't want to.

[Darren scoffs]

[cell phone chimes]

I better go.

Oh, um "Scenario: Jonathan

likes Amanda. He asks for her number."

"Amanda feels pressured to give it to him

even though

she doesn't feel the same way."

Convince her with a d*ck pic?

What did Amanda do to deserve that?

[clicks tongue]

She'd have to zoom in to see yours.

Well, this is classy.

My d*ck pics are classy.

I use a sepia filter.

[Ant] Huh.

You see, I like to use

the Snapchat dog filter,

so that my d*ck has a tongue.

Double the pleasure.

My d*ck has a crown.

My d*ck's the Mona Lisa.


["Real Luv" playing]

[Spider] My d*ck has a solar system.



[Malakai] Pelvis.

Pork sword.

Trouser snake.

Wang. [chuckles]

The f*ck is wrong with you?


Don't know

[Spider] Crazy.

[school bell ringing]

- Hey, Amerie, can we

- Piss off.

[Missy] Don't even worry about her.

[Harper] Honestly, I'm just

trying to talk to her.

[Missy] Oh, my God.

She is so narcissistic.

[indistinct chatter]

So many amazing flops on offer.

- [Harper] Oh. Too extra.

- [Amerie laughs]

Like when did guys become so narcissistic?

Honestly, stop obsessing over yourself.

"Oh, oi, baby.

Uh, my new tattoo is scabbing."

"Can you rub some Bepanthen on it

while I tell you my life's story?"


We got to stick together, yeah?

I'm really sorry, but you look like

a tragic off-cut from The Real Housewives.

Forget that bitch. Let's go.

[car engine revving]

Hey, Nana.

[Nan] Oi!


[TV playing]

- Oi!

- I'm busy!

Why are you home from school?

I got a free.

You're supposed to use a free to study.

[Ca$h] I am.

[Nan] Doesn't look like studying to me.

Look, I'm just going out for a bit,

but I'll be back later

to cook you dinner. Okay?


I love you, Nana. Okay? See ya.

- [door closes]

- [game music plays]

That bloody mullet.

[Missy] What are some Aboriginal peoples'

perspectives on the origins of country?

- Identify the language groups

- She's not even listening.

Nah, she's too busy

worrying about Dusty's budoo.

- Ooh.

- Actually, I was thinking about Amerie.

[Missy] God, how tragic.

Dude, no one cares

that you hooked up with Dusty.

If you are dating him,

Amerie needs to get over it.

I don't want to date Dusty.

You out of your mind? That boy is so fine.


And he knows it, too,

and there's nothing less attractive.

I mean, personally,

I still think you can do better.


To hell with you.

Take back your f*cking pen.

[captivating music playing]

Hey. Really glad you made it to the gig.

Oh, thanks.

Yeah, it was an epic night.

Not sure if, uh, Harper

had a good time or not though.

I wouldn't know.

You guys are best friends, right?

Before you got in that huge fight.

Seriously though,

I would really appreciate

some insight on her

if you can be bothered.

Uh Um

Okay. I mean, maybe.

Oh, great. So, you know

me and Harper hooked up, right?

And it was, like,

really, really intense energy.

How great for you guys.

I know I make out with everyone,

but this thing with Harper

actually means something.

But then I went out on stage

and sh*t my mouth off.

Honestly, I thought

she would think it was kind of romantic,

but obviously it just freaked her out.

Does she not vibe with that kind of sh*t?

No idea, Dusty.

Come on, Amerie.

You know Harper.

What's she into relationship-wise?



Well, I would say she's really into guys

who are kind of, like, extra, you know?

Who feel comfortable

talking about themselves.

Who just really open up about everything.

Okay. So, right off the bat,

"This is what I talked

to my therapist about."

Yeah, perfect. Don't hold back.

Yeah, Harper's not like other girls, hey?

It's like

she doesn't even give a sh*t about me.

I kind of like that.

Anyway, thanks, Am.

If you ever need intel

on a guy you're into, I owe you one.

[captivating music playing]

[Spider sighs] Come on.

["Real Luv" playing]

Call me anytime ♪

It doesn't matter the hour ♪

All that matters is that ♪

You're true to me ♪

Cause I'll be true to you ♪

[whispers] Don't think about dicks.

[strained] Come on!

[Darren chuckles]

Contextualize this for me.

I need a favor.

Oh. Fine. Uh, if you need me to dispose

of a body, my wardrobe's kind of full.

- Mmm. Can I stash this here for a bit?

- What is it, Bitcoin? No, wait, a pony?

f*ck's sake, come on. Darren.

I'm getting half a cut of the profits.

Just take it, would you?

Why me?

Don't you have a ton

of eshay friends ready to do crime? Ah!

- Nah.

- Seriously though?

You're pretty much like the only

cool person at school, I guess.

Well, lucky for you,

words of affirmation are my love language.

So, you win.

[Ca$h] Appreciate it.

And it won't be for long.

[Darren] Okay.

- It's not a good time. Sorry.

- I won't be a second. Just want to talk.


Oh. If you're only going to be a second,

you probably don't need to come inside.

You don't make this easy, do you?

Not sure who I owe being easy to.


Look, I just wanted to say

the whole, what I did on stage,

was a dumb thing to do.

Okay? And I wanted to own that.

The fact is, I suffer

from pretty bad anxiety.

Sometimes I overcompensate

and I just end up making a d*ck of myself.

And you shouldn't have to wear that.

- Okay.

- What else? Um

I shoplift condoms.

It's not a great look,

but I'm seriously in to safe sex.

Um, I don't visit my grandma.

She lives in a home.

And I feel really sh*t about that.

Uh, what else?

Oh! Sometimes, when I'm seeing girls,

I text them Radiohead lyrics

and I don't credit Thom Yorke.

- Um

- Okay. This is a lot.

Just being honest.

All right?

Look, it's pretty obvious

I'm into you, Harper.

You're an amazing person

and I want us to hang out more.

But I'm not going to push it

if you're not into it.

Anyway, that's kind

of all I wanted to say.

I'll I'll give you some time

to think about it.



- I shouldn't have said anything.

- [Darren] Why? It's funny.

What if it backfires

and he tells Harper all of his secrets

and it just makes them closer?

Dusty's darkest secret

probably involves him jerking off

to the time Justin Trudeau

ate an apple on live TV.

[pop music playing faintly on speakers]


- Don't say jerking off.

- You still doing your chastity vow?

You mean you haven't been watching

Malakai's Instagram stories?

That boy is thirst trapping

so hard, he might drown.

Get that sh*t away from me.

[Darren] Mmm. [clears throat]

[Darren] The best way to get over someone

is to get under someone else. [sighs]

- Darren, shouldn't you be working?

- Okay, Dad.

- I'm proud of you! You're doing amazing!

- More onion rings, yeah?

Look at them.

[door closes]

- Getting on the bags, are we?

- What the hell are you doing with this?

Technically, you're the one holding it.

So, finders keepers.

It's full of sports clothes

with their tags on.

It's not mine.

I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that.

Darren! I don't care whose it is.

Get rid of it now.

Okay. Okay, stop yelling at me.

No! You either get rid of this right now,

or we're taking a wander down

to the local cop shop. Your call.


Oh, my God!

[sighs in exasperation]

- What's up?

- Hi. Random, I know.

I guess that's our new fun thing,

surprise visits. Um, can I come in?

[spluttering] Uh, my nan's home.

I'm great with nans.

They love to pinch my cheek and tell me

how they once met a Black person.

Yeah, it's just not great timing.

Oh, um, that's okay.

I can't stay long anyway.

I just wanted to say that things

got a bit hectic at home.

It doesn't look like I can keep

your bag there anymore. I'm sorry.

Don't worry about it.

I'll sort something else out.

I'm usually great with favors. I promise.

I believe you.


Which is why you can trust me when I say,

I have just thought

of the perfect place to stash it.

Okay, I'll put my shoes on.

Okay, cool.

["Broken Home" playing]

[both grunting]

[Ca$h laughing] How have I

never been on the roof before?

- Douglas, you haven't lived.

- [grunts]

[Ca$h breathing heavily]

I'm sorry about all this hassle.

It would have been fine

if my dad hadn't gone through my stuff.

That reminds me,

I need to talk to him about boundaries.

[Ca$h sighs] It don't matter.

Uh, I know it doesn't,

but it kind of does too.

- Are your parents still together?

- [laughing sarcastically] No.

No. Um, thankfully they stopped

torturing each other years ago.

Is that when you went

to live with your old man?

Actually, no.

No, my mom

recently decided that I was too much

and sent me off

to daddy prison for a bit. So

Oh, uh

- Wow. Sorry.

- [chuckles] No, it's fine.

Turns out I'm not

everyone's cup of bubble tea.

Not even those who birthed me.

I reckon you're all right.

Thanks, Mum.


No, mum's to God,

sh*t for helping with the bag. Really.

Don't worry about it.

we still keep it go ♪

Tryna smoke this phase away

But I still feel it in my soul ♪

[Nan] He's not here.

We just want a quick word.

Well, you can't have a quick word

if he's not f*cking here, can you?

Did Douglas happen to mention

a robbery at a sporting goods store?

My grandson's done nothing wrong.

You can piss off.

Mrs. Piggott, we

I said you're not coming in

without a warrant and he's not home.

What are you going to do, strip-search me?

Go ahead. Might even enjoy myself.

Always a pleasure.

[shower running]

Jesus, Nan!

- What the hell have you gotten into?

- What are you on about?

Don't bullshit me, Dougie!

I didn't ride in on the last d*ck.

The only reason you're not locked up

is 'cause the courts let you stay with me.

You're not going inside like your mum.

Pull your head in.

And make some new friends.

Ones who won't drag you down the shitter!

[rock music playing]


Saw that video you posted.

Oh, yeah?

[Spider] Bit desperate, is it?

Nah, gotta rig, mate. Don't be jealous.

I just hope you're not trying

to thirst trap Amerie. She's filth.

[Spider scoffs]


- [vomiting]

- [laughter]

[Malakai whispers] f*ck.

I'm not going to be

dragged down by you anymore, lightweight.

Find someone else to train with. [scoffs]

["3 AM" playing]

You good?

I just can't stop staring at it ♪

I just can't resist ♪


I'm floating away

Keep floating away ♪

Floating away, floating away ♪

I'm floating away

Keep floating away ♪

Floating away, floating away ♪

Now you're calling, 3 AM

My head is spinning ♪

Pushed off the sheets from my bed ♪

Cause the phone keeps ringing ♪

All I keep thinking is

"Have I lost my mind?" ♪

But I'm picking up for the last time ♪


I'm floating away

Keep floating away ♪

Floating away, floating away ♪

I'm floating away

Keep floating away ♪

Floating away, floating away ♪

I'm floating away

Keep floating away ♪

[indistinct shouting]

- One-on-one.

- I'm sh*t at sport.


Come on. I'll teach you.

I'm a boss teacher.

I'm serious. I suck.

You won't suck

if you let me give you a lesson.

[Amerie laughs]

Come on.

[grunts] Chuck it here.

[grunts performatively]

f*ckin' LeBron over here.

Piss off. All right.

[Malakai yelling indistinctly]

[both laughing]

[Amerie] Oh!

Play basketball. What are you doing?

["Wondering" playing]

[both laughing]

Hey, no touching up the opposition.

- What if they're cheating?

- I'm just naturally skilled, bitch!


- Thought you said you sucked.

- Thought you said you were a boss teacher.

I am. Gonna teach Spider

to eat sh*t at the trials this weekend.

What are the trials for?

Ah. A spot in the districts.

We're both going for it.

- Bet you smash him.

- [chuckles] He's cooked.

- Yeah.

- So, what's the deal with you two anyway?

- Spider?

- Yeah.

Nothing. Why?

- No reason.

- Did he say something?

[chuckles] No, he just

No, he just acts

like you've done him dirty.

Hmm. Doesn't everyone?

- [laughs] Not me.

- You're in SLTs, aren't you?

By choice.

Yeah, what's the go

with that anyway? Kind of cooked.

There's this other Black kid,

Malcolm, he was on the map,

and the receptionist

just thought it was me. So [laughs]

- Wait, seriously?

- Yeah.

Malakai, that's so r*cist.

- Yeah.

- [both chuckles]

I remember Malcolm!

Oh, my God. Wasn't he the one who

- With the Vegemite.

- Oh, my God. I'm so sorry.

Wait, don't say sorry to me.

Say sorry to Malcolm.

If you don't have to be there,

why do you keep showing up?

I'd run a mile if I could.

What, you haven't figured

that one out yet?

Come off it.

You know

Basketball's not the only thing

I'm a boss at either.

- Modest.

- [chuckles] Hmm.

So, uh Do you want to hang out sometime?

My parents are away right now. So

Thought you were supposed

to be practicing for your fancy trials?

- Don't need practice when you're perfect.

- Mmm.


Wondering where you are ♪

Uh-huh. So that's four value meals

with extra chicken nuggets,

a hot dog with five sachets

of barbecue sauce,

because someone won

Basic Bitch of the Year Award

and wants to throw

a condiment bath to celebrate.

Thank you, drive through to the

next window for payment. Have a nice day.


[indistinct chatter]

Good afternoon, ladies. Good afternoon.

Enjoy your meal. Oh!

- [laughter]

- It's the kid!

How's it going, man?

All good, ashcay?

Yeah, ace, all right.

Haven't seen you much

since the rammy, man.

Oh, nah.

Just, like, been looking after Nan.

She's been a bit sick, so.

Sick of sucking your d*ck? [chuckles]

Go to the car.

f*ck. Are you kidding me?

You, um You all good?

Yeah, eetswa.

What time you knock off? You want to, uh

Want to come chill at the station?

Hmm? Chill at the station?

Oh! Yeah. Nah. Nah, I can't.

Brah, I've got to, like,

take Nan to an appointment.

Another time, eh?

- Yeah. For sure.

- sh*t.

Yeah, sh*t, lad.

- See ya.

- See ya.

Uh, is your Nan okay?

Oh! Uh, yeah. Yeah, she's fine.

There's no appointment.

Oh, so we're fibbing to the boys now.


Um, well, I was

I was wondering

if maybe you wanted to hang?

You know, if you're not doing anything.

- Sure.

- Yeah?

Um Yeah. All good.

Just text me

when you get off work or something.

Yeah, easy.


It's a date. [laughs]

See you.

["The Way It Goes" playing]


[muffled speaking in distance]

[Harper] You could definitely pull it off,

but maybe don't do it

for a few years, okay?

What the f*ck are you doing in my room?

- Braids.

- Get out.

- But

- Piss off, Yasmin.

[Yasmin groans]

- You're the worst sister ever!

- Just hear me out.

I have to listen to you

when you've never given me the time?

- I get that. It's shitty.

- Hmm.

Well? Come on.


Me hooking up with Dusty,

I didn't do that to hurt you.

It just happened.

And I get why it looked bad.

I'm sorry.


All this dumb boy sh*t doesn't matter.

We can just forget about it.

We'll start again.


I didn't come here to be friends.

You're here to make yourself feel better?


This was a bad idea.

- No, you're not leaving.

- Let go.

No! If you are so desperate to talk,

then I deserve answers, Harper.

Okay, our friendship was, like, perfect

and it just f*cking blew up into nothing.

That is not it.

What are you talking about?

Our friendship!

It wasn't perfect.

Do you even remember what happened?

Or are you too far up your own assh*le

to even consider

what someone else might be feeling?

Are you talking about the festival?

I'm lost. Okay.

Okay, you are. You are. Right.

That day that I saw you there,

[spluttering] it was as

You were completely fine.

Next time I saw you,

you were a totally different person.

What happened? Please.

Why did you shave your head?

Why do you hate me? Please. Like, Please!

I'm f*cking losing it not knowing.

So please just tell me what happened.


Dude. Like

You're my other half, mate.

- Please.

- [sighs]

I will always be there for you.

Well, that's bullshit.

[Amerie] Harper.



[car engine starts]

- Hey.

- Hey.

I want to say,

I appreciate you getting rid of that bag.

Oh, sure. Whatever.

And who's that guy?

The one who dropped it off.

Just a boy from school.

He seems like bad news.

Wow, Dad. Way to judge a book.

No, I mean it.

If sh*t goes down,

and it does with kids like that,

who do you think's gonna take the fall?

Not the white guy.

Is this gonna take long?

I would have taken the bus otherwise.

How many times have I pulled

that "take it from me" stuff before?

Let me have this one.

Okay. Thanks.

[car starting]

[both laughing]

Okay. Yeah. So, uh

She was full

into ballroom dancing and sh*t

- when she was younger.

- Okay. Yeah.

Uh, like her and Granddad

won trophies and stuff.

And yeah, it's f*cked her hips though.

She's mad arthritic.


- It won't hurt if you hold still.

- Okay, I call bullshit on that.

You're literally sticking

a needle into my skin.

- Okay. Well, it'll hurt like 15% less.

- [Darren chuckling]

- Fifteen?

- All right.

Make it 20.

Only 'cause I like you.

Uh, so, anyway, Grandma

Oh, yeah. She's eets.

Sometimes we clash and stuff,

but mostly it's pretty chill.

She's funny as sh*t too.

The both of you

would definitely get along.

What's your deal, Ca$h?

What do you mean?

I know you're on the map

because you're suffering

in SLTs with the rest of us,

but I didn't see who with.

["For You I Try" playing]

Oh, um Right.


A few, um



I don't need to bang on

about it like everybody else.

Yeah. Sure. Cool, cool, cool.

- Okay.

- [both chuckles]

So you're a slut.

- Okay, ow!

- Yeah, okay. All right.

Hard to break free from ♪

The spell you have over me ♪

Can't be by myself ♪

But is it that you can't see? ♪

Hard to break free from ♪

The spell you have over me ♪

Can't be by myself ♪

- [Dusty] Are you okay?

- [crying] No.

[Dusty] What happened?


Can I come in?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

If I knew you were coming,

I would have saved you

some goon or something.

It's okay. I don't feel like drinking.

Yeah, me neither.

Have you seen that Army of the Dead?

It's pretty good.

There's this one bit with a zombie tiger.

It's so messed up.

But, um I dunno. I'm not really

into horror or anything like that.


The visual effects

are better than you'd think.


There is some pretty intense

gory sort of stuff.

- If you're not into that

- Malakai.

We probably shouldn't watch it. But

Did you want to help me

take my clothes off?

[chuckles nervously]

["Love Again" playing]

Thought that I would never feel it now ♪

The things that

I had left behind somehow ♪

But I come home with a heavy heart ♪

And then I ask myself

Is this what I really want? ♪

So, how do I see you now? ♪

And why do I feel you now? ♪

Love again

Fall again ♪

Can I feel it now? ♪

[Malakai breathing heavily]

Fall again ♪

Can I feel it now? ♪

How's that? Is that okay?

I'd just like it a bit slower.

- Yeah, okay.

- Okay, a bit slower.

- How's that?

- Yeah.

That's good.

Yeah, that's good.

- I can go slower if you need me to.

- I'm pretty happy.

It's kind of my first time doing this.

Okay. Cool, cool, cool.

- Stop saying cool.

- Sorry. [chuckles nervously]

My heart is telling me no ♪

[Amerie breathing heavily]

[squeals] Sorry! I'm just

I'm not really into ear stuff.

- Sorry. sh*t.

- No, no, no.

But I love

what you're doing with your fingers.


Okay. I think I want to do

what you want to do. Okay?

Yeah. Okay.

'Cause I've been

really wanting to do this.

[Malakai inhales sharply]

Is that okay with you?

- Yeah. Yeah, that's really, really okay.

- Huh.

I don't want to run too fast ♪

And catch my self

Slipping back into it ♪

Can't be feeling charged again ♪

But for my name

My heart, you're taking on me ♪

Yeah, gentle. Just gentle

the whole time ♪

To you ♪

To you, yeah ♪

[sighs deeply]

How's that?

That's good. [chuckles]

That's good?


Thought that I would never feel it now ♪

[birds chirping]



- Feeling good, Coach.

- Yeah, good to hear.

Hey, uh, any sign of Malakai?



Keep going then. Hmm.

[indistinct shouting]


[Malakai groans]

[Amerie] Are you supposed to be somewhere?

- No.

- [Amerie] Good.

[Malakai chuckles]

["Basement Jack" playing]

Touch me 'round my

I've been out the ♪

Love me like your

Ride me like your ♪

Touch me 'round my

I've been out the ♪

I've been out the ♪

I've been out the ♪

Something, something, something

Man, we don't have a problem ♪

The people brought me something

And they told me to solve 'em ♪

I've been on to something

Get the f*ck out my way, man ♪

I've been on to something

Now there's something to say, man ♪

Something, something, something

Man, we don't have a problem ♪

The people brought me something

And they told me to solve 'em ♪

I've been on to something

Get the f*ck out my way, man ♪

I've been on to something

Now there's something to say, man ♪

Love me like your doja

Ride me like your lover ♪

Touch me 'round my wasteland

I've been out the basement ♪

Love me like your doja

Ride me like your lover ♪

Touch me 'round my wasteland

I've been out the basement ♪

I said I've been out the basement ♪

I've been, I've been

I've been out the basement ♪

Uh, uh, I've been out the basement ♪