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01x11 - Close Contact

Posted: 01/13/23 07:45
by bunniefuu

- I'm D.J.
- I'm smitten.


So how about you and I
have a proper catch-up?

Maybe some lunch, coffee?

But it's good to know you were looking.

Do you drink coffee?

Tomorrow, we should grab a cup.

It's a date.

No, it's coffee.

You guys, uh, came together?

We were having coffee.

You said Carter gets coffee
with everyone.

Got big-brother energy.

Big brothers got to date, too, right?

See ya.

MATTHEW: I've been dealing with
some heart issues recently,

but it's no big deal.
I'm just trying to clean up my act.

How broken is it?

Doctors want me to have
a double bypass at some point.

I've got it under control.


He's awake.

♪ I've got an idea of what we need ♪

♪ All we really need
is a dance revival ♪


Healthcare is not a privilege,
it's a right.

Now, folks love to say this is
the greatest country in the world.

Then how about we start acting like it?

My Healthcare for All bill delivers

on the promise
of the American experiment.

Congressman, proponents of your
bill say it doesn't do enough,

while opponents say
it will only drive up costs.

But you know what they're not saying?

They're not saying
that I'm wrong, are they?


Thank you. Thank you.

Details for the bill can be found

on the congressman's website.
Thank you very much.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

All right.

[CAR ALARM CHIRPS] [expl*si*n]



U.S. Congressman Damien Roberts

was the target of a car b*mb attack

outside of Ward AME Church this morning.

Roberts narrowly escaped injury.

However, his driver was rushed
to a nearby hospital...

...and remains in stable condition.

Hey, Daddy, everything okay?

No. Someone tried
to k*ll Damien Roberts.

My Damien?

Your Damien? [SCOFFS]

I donated, door knocked,
and voted for him three times.

How's he yours?

Back when I was in D.C.,
I took a group of kids

to visit his congressional office.

He was mad inspiring.

Charismatic. Easy on the eyes.

I'm glad he's okay.

He's the boldest progressive
in Congress.

No wonder someone tried to k*ll him.

You know, politics is a dangerous game.

Getting more dangerous every day.


SIMONE: Dressed to slay!

You got a hot date
with Antoinette tonight?

[CHUCKLES] No. I wish.

[INHALES DEEPLY] I never asked her out.

It turns out she's dating Carter.

Who told you that?

No one. I figured it out on my own.


I-I'm good at reading people.

Let me guess. You worked up
a profile, didn't you?

- Mm-hmm.
- [LAUGHS] Oh, good Lord.

Brendon, in this particular case,

don't act like Laura.

Be more like me.

Okay. Um, what would you do?

[CHUCKLES] I'm glad you asked.


Uh, what...

Hey, Carter.
You and Antoinette hooking up or what?

- Really?
- What are... What are you doing?

SIMONE: I'm just asking.

CARTER: I'm sorry. What?

Why in the world would you think that

and then shout it across the bullpen?

B worked up a profile. Tell him.

Um... look, I-I-I know.

I mean, I-I've seen you guys
together with the intimate talks

and the coffee dates. I-I-I know.

Not that it's any
of your business, probie,

but she's been helping my son
with his French homework.

- Say what?
- Oh!

So you guys are just friends, right?

- Of course.
- What?

Dating a colleague
is completely unprofessional.


Oh, my God. How did I get it so wrong?

I mean, I saw, like,
legit flashing red signs.

Well, they're all green now.

- You got this, B.
- All right.

Did someone just call out my name?

Uh, yeah, it was Simone.

- Does she need me?
- No, no, no. No.

Um... I do.

What's up?

[CHUCKLES] Listen...

Are you free on Saturday night?


My friend just opened
a restaurant downtown.

I could get us the chef's table.
It could... could be... fun.

Are you asking me out on a date?

Are you figuring out a way
to let me down easy?


I'm just wondering
what took you so long.



- Well?


Okay. What is going on over here?

Oh, it's not my tea to spill. B?

Well, the tea's still brewing.

I-I think I'll wait till it's,
you know, hot.

CARTER: Hey, look who's back.

- Hey!
- Hey!


Too soon, in my opinion.

I agree. You had
emergency heart surgery.

You should be off at least another week.

Simone, please. We have work to do.

Tío, remember, ease yourself back in.

You promised me you'd implement
a relaxed approach from now on.

I know. I know.
But that was this morning.

So as you've all probably already heard,

Congressman Damien Roberts was
almost k*lled in a car bombing.

I just received a call from HQ
saying that the congressman

is gonna need a protection
detail until he returns to D.C.,

and he is specifically requested
that our team do the honors.

He requested us?

But since when did
we become babysitters?

Hey, Laura, if our work
is getting noticed in D.C.,

that's a good thing, right?

Now, I've already contacted
his office for a list of people

who may have posed threats against him.

Carter, you and Simone
are on -hour watch

over the congressman
until he leaves tomorrow, okay?

Laura, Brendon,
you take point on this bombing.

You find the bomber,
you eliminate that threat.

Got it.

And what are you going to be doing?

I will be drinking a green juice,

followed by minutes
of guided meditation.

Antoinette. Hi.

Just checking to see if you have
the b*mb fragments already.

Just logging them in.

Going to take some time to analyze,
but these parts look rudimentary.

BOTH: Possibly the work of an amateur.


Great minds.

For instance, this is part of a
cheap radio-controlled receiver.

It must have been on the same frequency
as the driver's key fob,

which is why it detonated the b*mb.

So I'll attempt to source the components

and search for prints, biologicals.

Text you if anything pops.

Sounds good.

- Thank you.
- Mm.

So that's the tea.


CARTER: All of the FBI units in L.A.,

and the congressman requests our team.

Don't you find that strange?

I find it strange?

You're just selling us short.

I mean, for a new team that
includes two rookie agents,

we've been kicking ass and taking names.

Probably did his homework.



What are you doing, and where the hell
did you get that perfume?

I keep a beauty go-bag
in the glove compartment

in case I ever need a little refresh.

Do I have to remind you
this is a job, not a date?

You're damn right it's not a date.

I wouldn't give him the satis...

Is there something you need to disclose?

Don't tell me you know
the congressman socially.

Let me remind you, lying is
the number-one sin in the FBI.


Well, then, yeah, kinda sorta.

How "kinda sorta?"

We hooked up once or twice.

Okay. Actually, two dozen times
when I lived in D.C.

The man ain't lying when he says
he supports feminism

'cause it was crazy sexual equality...

All right, enough. Sorry I asked.

But I do need to know
if anything's still going on.

I haven't spoken to him
in over a year, Carter.

But you know how it is
when you see your ex-piece.

They need to know what they missing.

I suppose it's not exactly
a conflict of interest,

but still a cause for concern.

You need to be professional, Simone.

When am I not?

DAMIEN: This morning was
terrifying, almost deadly,

but not as deadly
as millions of Americans

without adequate health insurance.

And that's why I'm not gonna let
anyone scare me off my message.

The risk is worth it. But that's me.

It doesn't have to be you.

Folks, your safety is everything to me.

- So if anyone feels

uncomfortable working here right now,

it's okay to leave. I understand.

We're not going anywhere, Damien. Right?


Thank you. Thank you.

EMMA: Okay, then. Back to work.

We have to sell the congressman's bill

to the country before it
goes into committee.

Feds, I presume.

Special Agent Carter Hope, Congressman.

Please, please call me Damien.

And this is Emma Taylor,
my chief of staff.

- Hello.
- Hi.

And who might you be?

Cut the act, Damien.
I already disclosed our little history.

Ah. I told Emma, too.

CARTER: Our unit is already
exploring the bombing.

We'll have a team sweep
your home and this office

for surveillance devices.

Carter and I will drive you
to all your events,

and we will guard you in public places.

Stay close and do as you're told.

We'll need to see your schedule.

Oh, here. I'll give you a copy.

Thank you, Emma.

Do as I'm told? [CHUCKLES]

I almost forgot how feisty you can be.

Forget nothing.

Not a day goes by
you don't think on all of this.

I admit nothing.

Except for the fact
that you've already made

a reputation for saving the day.

CARTER: Something going on?

Absolutely nothing.

What's on the agenda?

Uh, next up,
the congressman has an event

at St. Stephen's Hospital.

The healthcare leadership speech.

Yeah, we're gonna need specifics...

Who organized it? Who was invited?
Is any security in place?

Settle down, people.

So, after sifting through threats

from the online bots, trolls,
and foreign disinformation campaigns,

there are four credible bombing subjects
in the Los Angeles area...

Oswald Largent, a doomsday prepper

and anti-government conspiracy theorist,

Teddy Booker, who has ties

to the far-right militant group
The Citizen's Freedom Movement,

and Becky-Lynn Douglas
and Melanie White,

both radical conservative influencers

who have posted threats
against Congressman Roberts.

Now, they all have means and access.

Well, Becky-Lynn certainly
has the motivation to do it.

All right, get out of my way.
Get out of my way. I got this.


Now, my initial profiles are the women

are suburban armchair pundits,
all bluster, no muster.

And the doomsday prepper,

he barely gets out in the sunlight.

But then there is Booker.
Now, he could be our unsub.

What makes you say that?

His word choice.

He's detailed, articulate, educated,

which makes what he says
all the more frightening.

He believes every word of his threats.

And has quite the rap sheet... Assaults,

illegal firearm charges.

Okay, go talk to him.
See what you can shake out.

But be careful. Tac up.





Uh... you got a warrant?

No, but we can come back
with one and more agents.

Might make a bit of a mess.

Or we can have a quick chat now.

Fine. Let me put on some pants.



♪ Got tricked by a pretty lie ♪

♪ It's no greener on the other side ♪

Hey, stop!

You go. I'll try to head him off.



♪ Don't care if I live or die ♪

♪ Modern life is a firefight ♪

♪ And I'm... I'm not a soldier ♪

♪ I'm not a soldier ♪


♪ Back up, bad luck, she's at it again ♪

♪ Yeah, I got real big problem ♪

♪ And she don't care ♪


- Where'd he go?
- Did he pass you?


There's a lot of g*ns and a*mo, but no
b*mb making material.

Well, maybe he keeps
his expl*sives somewhere else.

Oh, and check out his writings.

This guy goes way beyond obsessing

over harming the congressman.

He's also very into cosplay.


Ah. A man of many faces.

And identities, yeah.

Oh, look.

Fake I.D. to St. Stephen Hospital.

The congressman has an event
there. We should go.

EMMA: Your revised talking points.

Healthcare as a human right, check,

broken system, prescription dr*gs.
This is still too generic.

Where's my Aunt Winnie May's
cancer story?

Oh, I love that story.

Especially how she made wigs

for all the chemo patients
at her clinic.

I put your aunt's story
right at the end.

It's heartwarming, Damien.
You should open with it.

Agree. I'll launch with Winnie May.

How would you like to close?

Personal and immediate.

My driver is recovering
at this very hospital

from a car b*mb intended for me.

I'm gonna tell Tony's story
and how I'm paying

his medical costs
his insurance doesn't cover.

Then I will close with inspiring people

to imagine a world
with single-pay healthcare.


Laura, you're on speaker with Simone,

the congressman, and his chief of staff.

We may have identified our unsub.

Teddy Booker.

Sending his photo now.


SIMONE: You recognize him?

- No.
- Not at all.

Oh, it makes sense. He wears disguises.

We found racks full of costumes

and a fake I.D.
to St. Stephen's Hospital.

He... He may show up.

We have to cancel this
appearance. It's too high-risk.

My whole career is high risk.

I've managed crackpots
the day I announced my candidacy.

I get that, but our job
is to protect you, sir.

And my job is to lead and inspire.

You do yours, I'll do mine.

Damien, be reasonable.

I will not be deterred by hate.

Okay, but we're not leaving your side.

We're on our way.
And we'll call for more backup.


This right here is why
I broke up with you.

Excuse me?

You don't listen. You're stubborn.

I see you study revisionist history.

I broke up with you.

Uh, boo, you may recall our fight

at The Capital Grille
when you laid out your terms

and I refused them because
no one dictates my life.

Except me, who can fire you
for any reason.

Now, we have a credible threat.

Are you willing
to comport yourself or not?

Yes, sir.


Because I'm not the one who got dumped.


- What the hell?
- What is it?

My old agent just wrote,
"Hope you're doing okay,"

and my dad said, "Any publicity
is good publicity."

What the hell's going on?

I don't know, and I don't care.

Right now, neither do you.
Put your phone away.

Oh, right, sorry.

Not because the patients she
treated didn't make it, no.

Okay. What are we looking for?

All right, we always start
with the three A's...

Assess, aim, adapt.

What ate at her were the
patients she didn't get to treat

because they lacked health insurance.

First, we assess the location.

- Three entries, three exits.
- Mm-hmm.

Was my mama alone in this,
or does it break your hearts, too?

- And aim?

Minimize the congressman's exposure.

That's why we placed him at
the north side of the lobby

so we can see all the exits.

- Very good.
- And adapt?

Be ready for it all to go to hell.

[APPLAUSE] a modern
society... in a moral society.




Hey, hey, hey, hey! Everyone, get down!

LAURA: Get down!


♪ Hold up, hold up ♪


♪ Hold up, hold up ♪

Come on. Stay close. I have Damien.

I'm taking him to the secured location.

Is all this necessary?

That's what you say to me
after I just saved your ass?

Technically, Carter did most
of the saving.

Wow. Unbelievable.

Unh-unh. Move and you're dead.

Looks like you're
coming with us, sweetheart.

♪ Negativity, you playin' ♪

♪ Twirlin' in a dress all day
and slayin' ♪

♪ Sayin' some weird, weird ♪

♪ Wipe your mind like the tooth fairy ♪

Simone, we got Booker in custody.

You can come out of the secured room.


Does anybody have eyes on Simone?

Okay, get into the van. Come on!

SIMONE: Damien, remember when
we used to go to the Rosebar in D.C.?

What did I always tell you
when we danced?

Follow your lead.

Both of you, shut up!



♪ Hold up, I'mma keep it
runnin', I'mma keep it runnin' ♪

♪ I'm fierce, I'm fabulous ♪


♪ I'm a black sheep ♪

♪ Bye, baby, I'm a black sheep ♪

♪ I'm fierce, I'm fabulous ♪

♪ I'm everything you wanna be ♪

♪ Bye, baby, I'm a black sheep ♪

♪ Bye, baby, I'm a black sheep ♪

[BREATHLESSLY] This is Simone Clark.

We got two down in the boiler room.

The congressman is secure.

♪ Black sheep,
bye, baby, I'm a black sheep ♪


That was a pretty bold scheme

you and your boys
tried to pull off, Mr. Booker.


Arresting a few patriots is not
gonna stop the revolution.

The Great Reset
- will take this nation by storm.

Great Reset. Huh. Okay.

How about kidnapping
Congressman Roberts, huh?

Is that part of the Great Reset?

It was only the beginning.

Wasn't the beginning planting that b*mb

on the congressman's vehicle
this morning?

[LAUGHS] You think that was us?

The Citizen's Freedom Movement
had nothing to do with that.

We're supposed to just take
your word for it, right?

- Is that it?
- Our plan was to film him

recanting his radical socialist agenda.

k*ll him?


He's worth much more
to the revolution alive.



Okay, what is going on?
Is there an emergency?

Yes. Well, no. Kind of.

You know my ex-girlfriend,
Heather Jacobs?

- The model?
- Yeah.

So apparently, she wrote a memoir.

She dropped a couple of chapters online.

Mm. I take it you don't come off well.

Uh, no.

She wrote that I'm
a narcissistic serial dater

who's deathly afraid of being alone,

oh, and... and needs constant
validation in order to breathe.


- What? That's not funny.
- Sorry. No, not funny.

No, I... Just... I don't like
my personal business

being blasted out around the world.

You know, people here just
stopped... Hey...

Talking about "Vampire Cop."

I just... You know,
I don't like the office...

- Would you relax?
- What?

No one here even remotely cares
about your personal life.

Hey, hey, hey, Elena.

You read it? Oh, God. Is it bad?

- Have you read the comments?
- No.

Don't. But it's okay. We'll fix this.

We'll file a libel suit against Heather,

a cease and desist for the publisher,

run a social media campaign
against the allegations.

No, no, no, you can't do that.

- Why not?
- Because it's all true.


If you're worried about
Antoinette, don't be.

I'm... I'm...
- I'm sure she didn't read it.

She is way above all the office gossip.

Right. Oh, hey.

- Oh, God.
- Unless she's not.


You all right?

Ooh, I think I tweaked
my damn knee kicking that guy.

You don't get that kind
of action on Capitol Hill, huh?

[CHUCKLING] Oh, no, not like that.


You put yourself between me
and a sh**t.

That's the job, boo.

And you're worth it.

We may have a problem.

Mr. Booker denies being involved
with the bombing.

Well, he must be lying, right?

There are some inconsistencies.

One of the members of
The Citizen's Freedom Movement

served in the Army, has
extensive munitions experience.

But the b*mb was the work of an amateur.

So either they did it
on purpose to confuse us

or there is someone else behind this.

And until we know for sure
and can completely

rule them out, we need to stay vigilant.

Congressman, we had your house
swept again,

and we strongly suggest you stay there

until we can root out a viable suspect.

Oh, for goodness' sakes, listen to them.

All right, fine.
I'll cancel the rest of my day.

But tomorrow is a different story.

My rally could make or break
the next election cycle.

Okay, well, then we'll enhance
your security detail

- for the event.
- Good.

As for now,
Simone and I will stand watch.

I'll go with you now
and take the first shift.

Simone, relieve me at : p.m.

Oh, wait a minute, though.
Why do I have to work graveyard?

I mean, you want to rock, paper,
scissors for it?

Oh. : p.m. sharp.

Shall we, Congressman?

♪ She on the phone
and sounding so sexy ♪

♪ But she be on the block
like don't test me ♪


Hey. Hot date tonight?


No, I'm just getting ready for work,

and I want to look my best.

And I'm trying to decide between

what's doing too much
and what's just right.

Uh-huh. And what kind of work
does the FBI have you doing now?

I'm on protective detail
for Congressman Roberts

until he leaves town.

Oh, so you trying to capture
more than a criminal

this evening?

Daddy, I have a confession.

I didn't just meet Damien in D.C.

We actually dated for a little bit.

How did you keep that a secret?

Well, because it didn't work out.

And 'cause I'm over him.

Well, not according to that outfit.

[LAUGHS] Oh, and just so you know,

I'm rooting for you.



♪ Heartbreaker ♪


Special Agent Simone Clark
reporting for graveyard duty.


That's how you dress to sit
in a car on lookout?

What are you thinking?

That being cute has never held me back.

Simone, look me in my eyes.

You gonna keep it professional?

Of course, Carter.

Good night.




♪ Call me ♪

♪ Call me by my name ♪

Wow. Uh, you look nice.

Thank you.

I just wanted to let you know
that I was here,

and I'll be out front,

and give me a call
if there's any sign of trouble.

Will do. Appreciate it.

Hey, are you hungry?

I, uh, had the Dungeness crab
and garlic noodles

delivered from Crustacean.

You did not.

Pricy. And my favorite.

See, I see what you did there.

You know what? No, thank you. Right?

I am here to keep you alive,
not have dinner.


But technically... technically,
it would be easier

to guard your body if I was inside

where your body actually is.

♪ Call me by my... ♪

I've got something.

Remember the radio-control switch

- that detonated the b*mb?
- Yeah.

I found a partial serial number
and was able to source it.

Made by A.R.A. Industries,
model number BY- .

It's quite a common device
used for dozens

of completely innocent,
non-b*mb-related applications.

Well, there could be tens of
thousands of people on this,

but, um, one of them
could be our bomber,

so I'll have the eggheads check it out.
Nice work. Thanks.

Hey, uh, you, uh... you okay?

Oh, okay.

Um, you read the excerpt
from my ex-girlfriend's book.

Got it. Um...

Look, I'm... I'm not that guy anymore.

I believe you.

It's just a reminder
you're still famous.

No, I-I'm not chasing that anymore.

Yet it's still following you.

I left Paris because my father
is a giant in the wine industry,

and my mother was a model.

There were eyes on me
the moment I was born.

I literally crossed an ocean
to get away from all that.

- I understand that.
- I like you, Brendon.

I'd just be more comfortable
if we remained friends.

I'm sorry.


- Mmm.

Let me tell you something.

I thought dating in my s was rough.

Lately, my love life has just
taken a back seat to my career.


That's why they say at our age,

we should date someone we already know.

[LAUGHS] Is that what they say?

Yes, that getting acquainted
phase can, you know,

waste precious time
with the wrong person.


♪ All about ♪

♪ Can't you see ♪

I gotta admit,

when you ended things with me,
I was a little shook.

Whoa, whoa. Can, uh...

Can you speak into the Mic, Congressman?

- Did you just finally admit

that I was the one
who broke up with you?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

It's just [SIGHS]

I'm just so used to doing
everything on my own terms.

It's... It's a hard habit to break,

and I'm trying to evolve,

to be open to someone else
taking the lead.

It's just...

♪ Just stay ♪

It's just a hard thing for me to do.

♪ I swear to God ♪

I think I better get back to my post.


♪ Cross my heart ♪

♪ Yeah, I promise ♪

♪ Oh, baby ♪

Thanks for dinner.

♪ We ain't gotta fight no more ♪

Listen, I know your job
is to protect me,

but how can I in good conscience

send a woman I care about
into potential danger?

Well, it's not your choice, boo.

And besides, we both know
I can handle myself.

♪ I apologize ♪

Good night, Damien.

♪ I didn't mean the word I said before ♪


♪ So listen, boy,
don't walk out of the door ♪

♪ Begging, pleading ♪

♪ Hear me out ♪

♪ Baby, what's this all about? ♪

♪ Can't you see that, baby ♪


- Hey.
- You're here early.

So, warrants were ex*cuted

at the other two kidnappers' residences.

They found an arsenal of weapons,

but no b*mb-making material.

Hm. Oh, uh, speaking of,
the radio-control switch

that Antoinette sourced?

The techies compiled a list
of all the consumers

who used a credit card to purchase one.

Neither Booker
nor any of his boys were on it,

so unless they were
smart enough to use cash...

I doubt it. These guys are morons.

Here, look.

They videotaped themselves
planning the entire kidnapping.

Oh. Look at this police stuff,
right? Like, authentic.

- Hey, Brendon?
- Yeah.

Boss wants to see you in this office.

- Oh. Just me?
- Yeah.

- That can't be good.
- Usually, no.

- Okay.
- Good luck.


Hey, boss. Uh, look, about
that tell-all book...

I don't give a crap about that.
Shut the door and sit down.


What's up?

A little birdie told me
you asked Antoinette out.

- A little birdie, huh?
- Yeah.

- Elena?

When I was a probie,

I was stationed in Tampa
with a fellow trainee.

Her name was Candace.

She was a markswoman,

as smart as she was deadly,
and I was a goner, Brendon.

I was smitten.

Wow. So... So what happened?

She became my first ex-wife.


After the divorce, we had
to continue working together

in the same field office for a year.

- Awkward.
- As hell.

- Yeah.
- So, word of advice...

Think hard before you jump
into an office romance.

No, it's a... It's a moot point.

Antoinette, she... She turned me down.

Well, trust me,
that's probably the best thing

that could have ever happened to you.

- Totally.
- Yeah.

All right, that's it. You can go.

Hey, uh, Candace...
I mean, it obviously,

you know, ended badly,
but, uh, when it was good?

It was... magic.

Oh, hey, good morning. Get some sleep?

Of course not. I'm on duty.

Yeah. Duty, huh? Could have fooled me.


Except for that little break
we took last night.

But it still shouldn't have happened.

Yeah, but it did.

And you know what?

I can get used to this.

Maybe a couple brushes with death

can make a man
appreciate the finer things.


Okay. Mm. Mm. Mm. Okay, okay.

Enough of that.

Go get your fine ass dressed.

Go on. Shoo, fly, shoo.

LAURA: Boss, you need to see this.

One of the congressman's
attempted kidnappers

did some recon at the site
of his first speech.

Got it all on video.

Oh, can we see them plant the b*mb?

Yeah. Just watch.


I almost missed it the first time,

but watch when he pans.



So they're not the bombers.

No. He is.

Okay, Brendon, put out a BOLO

and check all surveillance
cameras in the area.

We might get lucky.

Laura, go update Carter and Simone.


Our unsub is still at large.

Good morning, Emma.

Good morning.

And how are you this morning?

Simone is in the house with me
and not outside in the car

because we were going over
the day's schedule.

If you were wondering.

I wasn't. But okay.


Get down!




Three assassination
attempts in two days.

Damien, we're canceling
the rest of the L.A. itinerary.

Why don't the two of you
come back to our field office

until your flight back to D.C. tonight?

Yeah. It's gonna be the safest
place for you right now.

Damien, you go.
I'll head back to the office.

I don't want this stealing focus
from your healthcare initiative.


- Appreciate you.
- We'll get through this.

We need to get you to safety.


Just curious...
When the sh**ting happened,

why were you in the congressman's house?

Coffee. Do you really need
to know anything else?


But can't say the same for Carter.

He's waiting for you back in the office.


Hey, Antoinette. Hey.

So I-I-I thought a lot
about our conversation,

- and I respect your decision.
- Thank you.

Will you answer these two questions?

- Excuse me?
- Just two questions.

Come on. Humor me.

- Hey, Bob.
- Hey.

So, one, do you like
spending time with me?


Okay. Yes. There you go. Amazing.

And, two, will you regret it

if you don't at least
try to give us a chance?

You know what? You don't have to answer.

Just take your time. Think about it.


- It's a blank screen.

I am being bombarded by messages.

Is there a space where I can
return some e-mails, calls?

Uh, the fishbowl is open.

All right. Thanks.


He is fronting like he's brave,
but inside, that man is rattled.

You determine that when you were
in his house this morning,

bonding over your coffee?

Would you like me to tell you
what happened, Carter?

I already know.

What if the k*ller came back last night

and caught you with your guard
and pants down?

At best, you've embarrassed the Bureau.

At worst, you're both dead.

You're right.

You got lucky.

Think about it, though, Carter.

W-W-Was it luck?

I mean, I was alone
with Damien last night.

The unsub could have come at any time.

But he waited for the sun to rise?

- Why?
- Our unsub isn't a pro.

Remember, the b*mb was basic,

and sh**ting at a target
through a window from a car

is a terrible idea, tactically speaking.

No. But it seems
like we're missing something.

I'm protecting him last night,

but they don't show up to attack
until after Emma gets there?

sh*ts rang out when she was there,

and the b*mb was in a car
she was about to get into.

Damien has had so many
death threats against him

that if an unsub k*lled him
and Emma was with him,

people would just assume
she was collateral damage.

And no one would look
into who would want her dead.

- Damn.
- Hold up, hold up, hold up.

There is no way this is about Emma.

How much do you know about her?
I mean her personal life.

I-I-Is she going through a bad breakup,

having a problem with her family,

- her... her finances?
- No.

But, you know, there was this
one thing, about a year ago.

She was driving home from a fundraiser.

It was late, and she
accidentally hit a young man

running across Sunset.

He was only years old.
He wasn't in a crosswalk.

- He died at the scene.
- Hit and run?

No. She called the police immediately.

There were witnesses
that backed her story,

and the police report said that she was

- completely sober.
- Were charges filed?

No. It was a tragic accident.

But, you know, a couple months
ago, the boy's father,

he launched a civil suit against her,

but a judge dismissed it.

Carter, this is the kind of thing

a-a-a grieving father would do.

I mean, he's hurt. He's vengeful.

You know his name?

The father? No idea.

But the boy, I believe it was,
um, Connor.

Connor Morgan.

We've got a list of over , people

who purchased a part
that was used in the b*mb.

Call Emma right now.

And there's one Morgan... Ian Morgan.

- Could be him.
- Went straight to voicemail.

- Let's go.
- I'm coming.

- You stay here.
- I'm coming.

No, you're not.





SIMONE: Carter, that's him.

LANGSTON: He's got a g*n!

You're... You're Connor's father.

- I'm sorry.
- FBI!

- Mr. Morgan, drop your w*apon!
- No.

SIMONE: We know what happened
with your son.

It was an accident.

Ran him over like a dog
and then tried to cover it up.

That's not what happened.

[CRYING] Please. Please.

IAN: It wasn't supposed
to go down like this!

I had to be clever.

I had to be clever, had to be clever

and k*ll her when she's
with the congressman.

And nobody would suspect that.

Losing a child is the most painful thing

a person can feel.

You're broken.


CARTER: Don't do this.

I just wanted to... To get away with it

like she got away with k*lling my son.

Look at me.

Connor loved you.

I'm a coward.

Don't you dare dishonor his memory.





Simone. Simone.

Were you just gonna leave
without saying goodbye?

It's not like that.

I mean, you're busy
and your people need you.

Yeah, but what if I need you?

Let's, uh...
Let's give it another chance.

Look, I know I'm mostly at the Capitol,

but I'm often here
amongst my constituents.

Or better yet, you can put
in a transfer to D.C. I can...

Like I should upend my life to
make time for yours?

I don't think so.

You know why this would never work?

Because after raising my babies

and putting myself last for years,

I finally get to be the sun.

You're right.


♪ Ooooh ♪

Well, has the Internet
stopped dragging you?

Oh, please. I'm too afraid to look.

You should be.

There are some pretty harsh
memes popping up on social media

and #VampireCopSucks is trending.

Oh, nice.

Oh, just give it two weeks
and the trolls will,

you know, focus on something
even more meaningless.

Meaningless? I mean, this blew
my chance with Antoinette.

- It's not meaningless.
- Okay, so don't look now,

but Antoinette is over there
chatting it up with Clancy.

- Ooh.
- Yeah. Clancy.

Don't you find that a bit odd?

- Yes. Yes, Yes.
- Who's Clancy?

Everyone knows you don't make
eye contact with Clancy

unless you want a -minute
conversation about his cats.

- Oy.
- And nobody wants that.


♪ You make it better ♪

- Ooh. Yeah.
- Oh.

Well, now if that is not a look of,

"Ooh, I'm still interested,"
I don't know what is.

[SIGHS] Special Agent Acres,
is this going to be a problem?

No, sir.


♪ You make it better ♪

Go make sure it ain't.


Hey, I gotta talk to Antoinette
about a case.

♪ Weeks, days ♪

What case?

Uh, the case of you
sneaking peeks at me.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

I was just having
a lovely chat with Clancy.


Did you know a group of cats
is called a clowder?

[LAUGHS] No, I didn't.

♪ You're the light that helps me
find my way back ♪

Okay. I'm gonna...


♪ When it all gets tough ♪

I thought about the
second question you asked me.


And, uh... you have an answer?


I like quiet.

And though it's not your fault,
everything around you is loud.

Obnoxiously so at times.

I abhor that, Brendon.

Yet still... I would regret
not giving us a try.

♪ You make it better ♪

[CHUCKLES] Wait, that's it?

♪ You make it better ♪


Until our date Saturday night.

♪ Take my hand ♪

I'll wear something quiet.

DAMIEN: I'm just... I'm just grateful

that no one got hurt today.

Rather than vilifying the man
behind the att*cks,

I want to highlight the state's
role in mental health.

This is why I push so hard
for a more progressive

healthcare package... one that
reaches everyone in need.

So, when is my future son-in-law
coming over to dinner?

Uh, sorry to disappoint you, Daddy,

but Damien and I are not gonna work out.

What did you do?

What did I do?


If you think he's so perfect,
why don't you date the man?

♪ You ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ You, you make it better ♪