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01x17 - Under the Weather

Posted: 01/13/23 09:11
by bunniefuu
I've got a special power

that I'm not afraid to use.

So come on this is my adventure

this is my fantasy,

it's all about living in the ocean,

being wild and free.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl.

I'm from the deep blue underworld,

land or sea

I've got the power if I just believe.

Coz I'm no ordinary girl.

I'm from the deep blue underworld,

land or sea the world's my oyster I'm the pearl.

No ordinary girl.

how does she make this yogurt?

who knows,but we've got to get going then

biology exam today,remember?

there's plenty of time for that

i don't wanna miss it,i've studyed all the weekend

so what is the flavor,the blueberry or...

you two haven't studying,have you?

no,does it show?

i only manage minutes and every minute was agony

you're hopeless

so can we go?

alright,alright,such a stress head

nothing to worry about,i checked the weather report and it means clear up

we wouldn't even make it to the street without growing tails

so turning into a mermaid isn't an option

we have to stay here

we can't just sit here

i studyed all Saturday ??

alright,there will be ??

it's not funny

why are you girls still here?

there is a typhoon outside

it's ??

we stuck

well i'll drive you

the car's just out front

come on

it's just rain

a bit of water won't hurt you

come on

i really don't think we should,Mrs. Gilbert

it's just a quick dash,Cleo,what's the matter with you?

Cleo?Cleo,are you alright?

how are you feeling?

not so good

i'm kind of dizzy

and i've got a headache and my tommy hurts really bad


a cough

it's really hot,is it heater room?

no,you might have a fever,wait here

why did you fall down like that?

i don't know,it just came to me


award winning performance

well some one have to think of something

so do you have any plan happening here?


here we go

uh,do i have to?

mom,i don't really think she has temperature

well,we'll right can see,won't we?

what's wrong?

oh,there's nothing wrong

you just stay here and relax

i hate lying to my mom

we have a family policy that always tell the truth

have you told her that you're a mermaid?

-no -so it's a flexibly policy,you might say

yes,darling,i thought that,too

alright,yes you do that

OK,bye bye

that was Neil

he's just gonna call a doctor

you don't have to do that

i'm fine,really is not that serious

people don't faint without her reasons,especially young healthy girls

you just stay there and don't move

you two on the other hand have to get to school,but i'll call your parents first

we've got to do something

alright,come on girls,let's get going

oh,no,i'm feeling dizzy,and hot,i think i've develop the cough

this must be very bad,you and Elliot never get sick

i'm thinking that i'm feeling a bit hot myself

wait now i'm cold

no,hot again


hot and cold flushes

this is terrible

how could you all come down with something so quickly?

unless you ate something

did you all ate the yogurt?



what did you want,mom?

Elloit,oh,just don't eat any of the yogurt

this is good


because i haven't been sick in years

forgotten what it felt like

actually,i don't feel any different

that'd be the doctor

my life as a norm is over

mom's never gonna trust me again


oh,Miranda,thank you so much for coming

i'm a little worry

probably nothing more than a cold measle

nevertheless to check this thing out



i'm Dr. Holt long do they had these red blotches?

it's the first time i've notice it

they also have some stomach climbs

and some dizzies

it can't be right

how peculiar

is anything wrong?

you have been said on the phone that the temperature has been very high

-yes -interesting

now they are very low

fortunately,Elloit is OK so far

but i'm sick,right,mom

and i don't have been sick for years

do you think that might...

homemake yogurt might have done all these?

came with that terrier can be tricky

you mean all these could be my fault

well,it's not a cold or flu

i don't want to alarm you,but i'm concern about the girls' skin condition

and i'd like to consult one or two of my colleagues

i say we give it an hour or two,until the rain stops

and we make them regulars recovery maybe

maybe we could get Dr. Holt to drive us some medico ??

then we're getting another chance to the exam

let it go,Emma

i left work as soon as i could

this could all be my fault

we think it might be the home make yogurt

but i had these yogurt this morning

the symptoms are very unusual,but it's specify to a group of tropical diseases

what does this mean?

it's not food poisoning

whatever this is,it's highly contagious

no one comes in,or goes out

now just look this way

gonna need some samples of sputum

is that as gross as it sounds?

spit,in there

well it's been fun

but if you've got what you need,we need some rest

i'm not done yet,i need some more samples

blood samples

is that really necessary?

oh,yes,we need to know your white cell account

so it's imperative

it's funny thing,because i actually feel perfectly fine now


girls,if this is what i think it is,is very tricky virus

i've never seen anything like it,before

it's very important that i find out everything ??

so sleeps up

who is it?

it's me,Mr. Gilbert,Lewis

listen carefully of what i say,stand paces back from the door

are the girls here,coz they are not at the school

forget the girls,just leave now while you can

when can i see them

what's going on?

the house is ??

tell my teacher i'm sick

she'll be really surprise

going out,hurry


i can explain

how are you girls feeling?

any more fever?

did your mom just say fever?

is everything alright?

how is your dizziness?

now,i want you girls to staying here til we get the test results,alright?

test?Emma,what is going on?

look,Lewis,is not what it seens,it's...

very sorry,Emma,but Dr. Holt says specifically to be no outside stimulation



thank you

the infection's disease union is sending someone over

that sounds serious

we never be too careful with something like this

in the meantime,will us all remain calm

Elloit,don't open that door

thanks for calling Lisa

i'd left a message for Rikki's father

but we'll have to come straight up

i realise your concerned,parents

i'm a parent myself

but by entering,you just committed yourself to isolation

and you are?

Dr. Holt,family doctor

where's Cleo?

resting,that's all she needs right now

what Cleo needs is her own mother

Don,bring the thing to the kitchen

this is such a joke

i bet you there's nothing wrong with them

the doctor said we're sick

it's a scam,Elloit

they're trying to get out of that exam

i'll prove it

no,you'll get the virus

there's no virus

Lewis,how did you get in?

the back door

what's going on,is everyone alright?

well,it's started to rain,so i fainted

now,you're in quarantine

you guys do thing easy way,don't you

are you decent?i'm coming in

Cleo,poor sweetheart

everything is gonna be alright

not the towels

what are these?they stink

and they are wet

there,now you can breath the air in here

now who would like one of my special food massage?


i didn't think those towels were work

don't sit there

i suppose to drink ??and it's still ??

are you OK,darling?

we're fine,dad

she feels normal

see,she's faking it

oh,Cleo's sick,Kim,anybody can see that

mom,could we please have some privacy?

Emma's right,i'm affraid i have to ask you all to leave

?? can be detrimental to recovery

we'll just be outside,just call if you need anything

thank you,doctor,so you're staying then?

any of you have been in contact with chichen or pigs in the last few days?

i have a han sandwich

is anyone recently return from the tropic?

suppose the infection's disease union will tell us more


i'm sure the test will tell us everything that we have to know

except the way it should be,it's odd

that's good,so we're getting better then

possibly good

possibly just get some rest

liars never prosper

that's chase,Lewis

Lewis's right,we shouldn't have lie

OK,quick,please,some dry towels?

i don't want to alarm you but there are various possibilities

Dengue fever,malaria,bird flu

i assure you whatever it is,we will find it out

that'd be the nurses

ask the pathologist to fast track,please

i need the results ??

-and bring them back personally -yes,Dr. Holt

this whole thing is fake

Emma wouldn't fake it

besides,we have a family policy,we don't lie to each other

can you go a little faster?

just hold still,i'm nearly there

that bit is already dry,this bit's still wet

where are you,come on

-that's it -thanks Lewis,you're a legend

don't mention it

guess what? ??

so clear

look,i gotta go if i'm gonna make this exam

so good luck with the plague

let's get out of here,do you ready?

ready as all ever be

prove,i knew it,they've got a boy in there

i think it's Lewis

they are having a party

Kim,do you think is fair to play this game on your sister when she's obviously very sick?

is everything alright,hope so

coz,we're feeling fine

it was those hot towels,Mrs. Sertori

yep,miraculous recovery

so we'll be heading off to school now,see you

you can't leave,walk out that door

and i'll have to ?? the whole street

i'm not feeling very well,i'm feeling hot

don't bother faking,Elloit

no one's really sick

we have to follow this through

we need lot more tests

tissue biopsy,detail blood analysis

leave us a few specimen jars,and we'll send them to you later


please remain calm

who are you?

professor Goldman,infection's diseases containment union

we're here to escort everybody to a specially hospital facility

we can't let them take us,they'll find out we're mermaids in on time

then we'll really start running some tests

Emma,girls,come on open up,please

anyone got any ideas?

let me think


Cleo?it's gonna be OK,please open the door

what are we doing?this is hopeless

Emma,don't say that

i was counting on you

we can not get out of this

so there's only one thing we can do

you are not putting me into one of those toys

and i'm completely recover now,i don't need to go to the hospital

Rikki,i'm sorry,would you please just do what they say

just relax,this will be all over soon


something i've got to say

i should've know we'd getting in trouble by lying

never solves problems then any causes of them


no,Rikki,i'm coming clean

to tell them everything


you should've know,we were never really sick

we just faked it to get out of the exam

we never meant it to go this far,i'm sorry

i knew it,see,i was right

nice try,zip them up

Dr. Holt,she's right

?? from the lab with the tests,all the tests are negative to any known viruses

there's nothing wrong with them

i don't understand it,at least is major ??


there was one test result they came back positive

Elliot Gilbert?

see,i told you i wasn't feeling well

he's got the measles

the measles

you think you couldn't look after that one on your own,Dr. Holt?

good news,everybody at school was so worry about you,they decided to postpone the exam

and they're holding a candle light visual instead


i'm sorry,but i'm a little confused

are you telling me that there was nothing wrong at all

i guess we'll never know

medicine is a tricky business

i'm not gonna do anything but dance for the next hours


no rang,no excuses

a dance's perfect,i really need to get out

that was close today

too close

we were in everyone's right away from...

caught you

you are in big trouble

i droped something


i've warn you about snooping around

what's that?

you're all spotty

it's the measles

she's got Elloit's measles

the drink,it was the drink