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3x13 - The Hurt Locket

Posted: 03/19/10 21:22
by bunniefuu
My father turned his first profit by the time he was 22.

I hope to do it by the time i'm Because you believe in me.

You were the one that needed to kiss her again, To realize for yourself that your feelings for her are real.

Vanessa, i love you.

Oh, that's not really the reaction i was hoping for.

It's not easy being queen.

Sounds like kind of a yawn.

Yes, compared to being an international drug dealer.

A little bit of danger is what makes life worth living.

Two years ago at the masquerade ball, I tried to tell you i loved you.

You loved me? I hope i'm not interrupting.

Tripp is divorcing maureen.

We're going away together.

It is a huge mistake.

I love tripp, and i'd do anything to make him happy.

Where'd you get that? The more relevant question is what your stepfather will say When he finds out that your mother is a cheating whore.

You left her alone in a wrecked car?! You stay the hell away from her.

You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was.

Lily? Charles.

His beloved wife died giving birth to me.

Captioned by closed captioning services, inc.

"It was the best of times.

It was the worst of times.

" Seems dickens knew something About life on the upper east side, Where the only thing you can count on Is that time changes everything.

Word has it s.

Gave up politics to focus on issues Closer to her heart.

I can't believe nate's finally coming home tomorrow.

I feel the same way about dorota's return.

I never should have agreed To let her spend the holidays with vanya.

Did i tell you that he texts me Every night before he goes to sleep? It's so sweet.

Sexting is not sweet.

It's off-Limits until you're in a relationship.

You haven't even been on a date.

Well, you'll be happy to know he asked me to go to a dinner For the french ambassador tomorrow night.

Oh, well, chastity belts go very well with formal wear.

I'm serious, s.

I'm all for you trying this thing with nate, But if you want it to become real, Then you're going to have to take it slow.

Okay, i-I promise i will.

I have to go.

Damien dalgaard! Hey! Hey! Oh, my gosh! How are ya? Good.

I thought you were gonna become a belgian prince Or something after boarding school.

My father took the ambassador post.


You look even more fantastic than you did in school.

Oh, that was not a very good time for me.

That's not true.

I seem to remember some fun spanish classes.

Really? More like me crying over conjugations While you got straight a's and won all the athletic awards.

You had the mr.

Perfect thing down.

Well, i'm late to meet a friend.

So, uh, i'd love to catch up some more.

Yeah, great.

Text me your number.


Good to see you.

Yeah, you, too.

Hey, are you going to the french ambassador dinner Tomorrow night? I am.

Then i'll see you there.

See you there.

¶ ba ba ba-Ba-Ba ¶ ¶ ba ba ¶ You know how torturous it is For me to find shiny things that aren't intended for me.

It's just a worthless trinket Some woman left by my father's grave.

And you aren't even the least bit curious About someone who wears your father around her neck? One of his concubines had his name tattooed on her ass.

I have more important things to do than search For another member of the female bart bass fan club.

Like helping me achieve The college experience i so greatly deserve? I assume you're referring to my lunch To discuss parisian hotel possibilities With henri duris.

Who my research also tells me is The rumored president of table élitaire.

Just imagining my life as a member Of the most exclusive secret society makes me tingle.

Well, while i find that incredibly arousing, You know i can't promise anything but an introduction.

All i need to know is That the most persuasive and powerful man i've ever met Is on my side.

¶ i say we're out to blow the trumpet ¶ ¶ to wake you all from bed ¶ ¶ from bed ¶ ¶ ba ba ba-Ba-Da-Ba-Da-Ba ¶ ¶ ba ba ba-Ba ¶ So how was your mom's? I'm sure your dad called every day.

Well, he v-Chatted for present opening.

You didn't want to go to telluride with him, huh? I can't say i blame you.

Those lincoln hawk guys can be kind of annoying.

Well, he was so excited when it came up.

I couldn't stand for him to miss out.


Welcome home.

Damien, hi.


Lily, you remember damien, right? Oh, yes.




Humphrey, how are you? And, uh, this is for you.

Thank you.


Um, thank you, lily, for helping me unpack, But i think i'm good now.

Um, jenny? Um, a word, please? So your father and i haven't really discussed You having boys alone in your room.

Maybe just keep the door open? Lily, if we wanted to have sex, we'd just go to a hotel.

And seriously, it's not like that with us.

Oh, then what is it like? I mean, he seems happy to see you.

Um, i'll open the door if anything changes.

Oh, and you wouldn't happen to know When your father was coming back? Larissa accidentally lost the itinerary.

I think he said today, but just call him and ask.

So cookies.

Let me guess.

I have a puzzle that needs solving.

I know how much you humphreys like games.

It's my work, all right.

Do you remember who you sold this one to? The picture's right there- Bart bass.

Do you know who he bought it for? Mr.

Bass kept the recipients of his purchases private.

But a woman did bring this one To repair the hinge about a month ago.

The woman- Early 40s, brown hair, brown eyes? Look, i would be very grateful If you could share any other information you may have.

I'm sorry.

Client confidentiality.

My father was the original client.

Please, this is all i have left of him.

Elizabeth fisher.

She paid in cash.

But she had it delivered.

Thank you.

With enough time, we all find what we're looking for even if it was there all along.

Nate! What are you doing here? Hey.

Oh, my gosh.

You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow.

I know.

My grandfather got sick of watching me text you, So he had the plane bring me home early.

Well, remind me to send him a gift.

Well, i should go.

I left the driver downstairs waiting with the bags, So i could surprise you, but tomorrow, though, right? Yes, our first official date.

I've been thinking, a- And i really think That we should try to take this slow.


Yeah, i was thinking the same thing.


And when time slows, And suddenly every moment counts, All you want is for this time to last forever.


What? I'm not that late.

Oh, no.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, man.

I was just hoping you were vanessa.

Oh, you invited vanessa here, too? No, not exactly.

But she does spend a lot of time here.

I take it that means you still haven't talked to her.

Or gotten a text or seen her.

It's my fault.

I moved too fast, you know? I read, like, five self-Help blogs About how to turn friends into lovers.

Yes, they use that word.

I was a little down at my mom's place.

Well, hey, man, i'm sorry.

You know, they say that you should take things more slowly With a friend than you do with someone you just met.

I'll-I'll send you the link.

You might want to read it Before you start this thing with serena.



Looks like my advice went the way of the clog.

What are you talking about? The clog? An ugly wooden shoe That tried to make a statement, then disappeared- Just like your resolve to take things slow with nate.

I'm just gonna go with it.

You know, whatever happens, happens.

All right, well, knowing serena, what'll probably happen is She'll get swept up in the romance of things, And she's not gonna want to talk about any of that stuff ever.


Nah, look, it's cool.

I've known serena since i was a little kid.

And we've already you know, years ago.

I know.

Trust me.

Now that i'm with chuck, i can see that nate and i Were only perfect on paper.

But you and nate can finally be more than just an affair to remember.

Which is why we didn't want to wait for it to start.

And why you don't want to scare him off.

Listen, the point is i've dated serena for over a year.

And if you want to be able to make things work, You're gonna have to be able to come up for air, Which is really not her favorite thing to do.

You are the one thing nate has always wanted And could never have.

It's like a diet.

After years of starvation, You can't just let him gorge on sundaes.

He'll panic and decide he hates ice cream.

Except i'm not ice cream, And nate and i don't need to play games.

Everyone needs to play games.

Look, you've already failed to come out of the gate With any restraint or control.

Now all you can do is Introduce some competition, make him work for it.

Blair, that's the worst advice i've ever heard.


Just wait till he starts passing on dessert.

So the ambassador's daughter's gonna be at this dinner? Yeah, but her father's got her under 24-Hour surveillance, Which means her guards will be on her at all times.

Well, i can meet her in the ladies' room.

I bet they don't follow her in there.

Or we could switch handbags.

You-You need to understand.

This is a state dinner, Which means there's security everywhere.

All bags will be searched.

The problem is not getting the package to violette, It's getting the package in in the first place.

I could wear it.

I can make this.

Only in mine, the paillettes won't be empty.

You put the pills in the jacket? Yeah, i wear it to the dinner, Check it and then violette and i switch coat check tags.

I take her coat and she'll leave with yours.

It's not bad.

Not bad? Come on.

It's brilliant! Lily? Oh, hello, daniel.


What-What you doing in brooklyn? Um, i was hoping your father would be here.

He was supposed to be back this morning.

I can't imagine he'd come here before going to see you.

Well, i just figured Since he hadn't seen you over the holidays you know how sentimental he is.


Dad? Well, you know what? Maybe he decided to stay and ski another day.

Uh, yeah, i don't-I don't think that's what happened.

Well, i should go.

If you see him, Tell him i stopped by.


Vronsky, where are you? Anna karenina texted you an hour ago.

She wants to celebrate.

Look, i'm sorry, but anna will have to wait.

I'm about to walk into a meeting.

With monsieur duris? Are you bringing him here to surprise me? As it turns out, i wasn't able to attend the lunch.

Are you in the hospital? Since i know that you're alive, There could be no other possible reason You would sacrifice my entire future.

Look, i'll get you your introduction, okay? Monsieur duris will be attending The dinner for the french ambassador tomorrow night.

Oh, thank god.

You practically gave me a heart attack.

Why didn't you mention this earlier? I just assumed you'd rather not cross paths with carla bruni.

Well, in times of crisis, Sacrifices must be made.

Why did you miss lunch? I'm trying to meet someone whose schedule is Even more unpredictable than mine.

I'll see you tonight.

I've been waiting here for four hours.

Has elizabeth fisher still not returned? She did return, mr.


Then why did she not get my message That i was waiting for her in the bar? She did.

She checked out of the hotel immediately afterwards.

Whoa! Hey, blair.

It's anna karenina.

You never read it.

Don't worry about it.

I never do.

Come on, boy.



What are you doing standing out here? Making a decision.

How are you doing? Did you end up going away? I just got back this morning.

And are you back for good? That's what i'm deciding.

I came over to talk to lily, but now i'm not sure.

I want to give her a chance to explain.

But still, there's a part of me that doesn't want to know.

Cup of coffee? It's freezing out here.

Coffee actually sounds really good.


Thank you.

Thank you.




I was just about to call you.

Well, now you don't have to.

Or we don't have to talk at all.

Look, i, um, I was just thinking that maybe it might make sense If i go to that dinner tomorrow night alone.

I don't understand.

Did i do something wrong? No.

No, not at all.

I just you know, we said we didn't want to rush into things.

Yeah, but that was before we saw each other.

I know.

I know.

But i'm just trying to stick to the plan here.

Okay, so the plan went from having sex On eleanor waldorf's floor to not seeing each other? Just because we lost track for a minute there Doesn't mean we should just forget about it.

I mean, we already saw each other today.

We can wait a couple more days, right? You're right, nate.

Uh, the last thing i would want to do is rush into something.

that we sung


Serena, come on.

Hey, damien.


Don't tell me you need help with your spanish homework.

No, french this time.

Please tell me You don't have a date to the ambassador's dinner.

Are you asking me if i want to go with you? Of course i do.


I'm staying at the waldorfs', So i'll text you the address.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Heure, hora, laat- No matter what language you say it in, Looks like s.

Just started the clock On a ticking time b*mb.

I thought you'd be at school by now.

I thought you lived In the upper east side with your wife.


Lily came by yesterday looking for you.

Uh, what's-What's going on? Lily and i had a fight.

It's complicated.

Israeli-Palestinian complicated by the looks of it.

Is this-Is this why you shipped jenny and me Off to mom's for christmas? This was your mother's year.

And it wasn't one of those "parent trap" situations That you and jenny could swoop in on.

Lily and i need time to figure this out.

And, um, and you're doing that By not telling her where you are? It's not the best strategy, But until i actually talk to her, at least i can Hold out hope that i'm wrong about what happened.

So you're not talking to her because you don't want to hear What you think she might tell you? You know, i'm not willing to explain myself, dan.

All right.



You can make your own damn waffles.

Come on, dan.

Listen, you're-You're the one who's always saying To be honest and talk about things, So i really hope you're not gonna let your marriage die Because you're scared to take your own advice.

¶ oh ¶ Ta-Da! All the girls are gonna want to wear pharmaceuticals.

It's perfect.

I'm impressed.


I'm really excited about tonight.



Me, too.

Unfortunately, we're gonna have to do our little dinner Some other time.

What? I thought we were doing this together.

It's my plan.


I know.

And-And i thank you.

It's just that, uh, anyone can check the jacket.

Uh i'm going with someone else- Serena, actually.

We're old friends from boarding school.

Serena's with nate now.

I don't know about that.

She's the one who called and asked me, so well, you know she's changed since boarding school, And, uh, there's-There's no way she's gonna go to a state dinner Wearing a jacket filled with pills.

I probably won't tell her about that then.

Well, then maybe i will.

See, if you were to do that, Then i would have to tell her how you know, obviously.

So anyway, Um, Don't worry.

You'll still get your cut.

What's going on? Why aren't you dressed? Look, blair, i'm sorry.

But i won't be able to join you for dîner ce soir.

Abandoning me in a fur hat is one thing, But you can't do this.

You already missed the lunch.

You know my dreams are dead Without a proper introduction to monsieur duris.

Look, i left word with his people That you'd be there, okay? I'm sure you'll find a way to make an impression.

This is about her, isn't it? The floozy from your father's grave You said you had no interest in finding.

It appears i may have spoken too quickly in that regard.

First you lie to me about looking for her, And now you're going to sacrifice My table élitaire charter to go look for some random woman.

You obviously read the file, so you know she's not random.

She knew my mother's favorite flowers, She had a picture of my father in her jewelry and she knew me.

And clearly has no interest in being found by you.

You've been looking for weeks, and nothing.

One dinner with me won't make a difference.

I know you may find this hard to comprehend, But some things are more important Than your social-Climbing agenda.

¶ ¶ downtown jail ¶ ¶ downtown jail ¶ His name's damien.

Oh, hey, jenny.

He's the son of the belgian ambassador, And i'm pretty sure they hooked up at boarding school.

I'm guessing serena didn't tell you She was coming with him, huh? No.

No, she didn't.

Why are you here? I figured you've come to my rescue enough times.

Let me help you for once.


May i take your coat? You came with him? You came with her? I think you're at the wrong place.

Prom is down the street.

Oh, that's fine.

I'll just let you get back to your euro-Fawning.

Jenny, um what are you doing here? Just finishing what i started.

Serena, i love your jacket.

It's so beautiful.

Yeah, actually, let me help you with that.

No, it's okay.

I'm gonna keep it on.

It's so pretty, and it was a gift from you.

So sweet of you.

Come on.

So much for diplomacy.

Let the international games begin.


And not nate.


I'm blair.


A pleasure.

Um, the, uh, french ambassador's daughter's An old friend of mine.

I'm gonna let you guys mm.

Excuse me.

I see you took my advice.

It's good to keep nate on his toes.

And nice choice of competition.

Thank you.

Your idea's completely juvenile, but it seems to be working.

I'm jenny.

Nice to meet you.

Thank you so much.

I still can't believe he came with jenny, though.

If i know jenny, she came with him.

But trust me.

This is exactly what you wanted.

Games will be played, sexual innuendo ensues.

And in the end, nate will be right where you wanted him.

My problems are not nearly so easily resolved.

Even monsieur duris' entourage Is perfection in bone structure and styling.

While without a formal introduction, I have no choice but to stalk him.

Blair, you know you don't need chuck.

Anyone who meets you can see you're an elitist snob Who's perfect to run a secret society.

Bonne chance.

Ah! Merci.


On a un petit soucis, mais je t'assure Que tu l'auras au prix demandé à la fin de la soirée.

Tu as intérêt, sinon, J'appellerai le flic pour cette garce qui le porte.

Uh, hi.

I'm jenny.


French people really are rude.

She's usually a much happier customer.


Looks like the plan's off the rails thanks to serena, huh? From what i recall from boarding school, It wasn't terribly difficult to get serena out of her clothes.

That jacket is not leaving this party on serena van der woodsen.

Serena, i don't know why you're here with that guy.

I mean, if you're trying to make me jealous, There's no reason to.

I want to be here with you.

I invited you.

But then you uninvited me.

But you're right.

Taking it slow was the right decision.



Nate archibald.

Serena, let me introduce you to some people.

Thanks for keeping my date company.

So what's the deal with nate, The guy who seemed like he wanted to cut my head off? Is he an ex-Boyfriend or something? Oh, possibly a new one.

Honestly, that's the reason I asked you to bring me here tonight.

I'm sorry.

No, don't be.

The old make-Him-Jealous- By-Bringing-The-Titled-European ploy.


Well, i'm flattered you thought i was worthy of the task.

Well, thank you for understanding.

If you really want to make him jealous, though, I suggest we commit fully, you know? Let me take off this jacket.

No, damien.

I'm sorry.

I- I can't do this.

This was a huge mistake already.

I no, no, no.

We can make it better.

No strings attached.

Damien, i-I don't like you like that.

I mean it.


Are you serious? What happened to the serena that i wanted Throughout boarding school? I've changed, and it's a good thing.


I'm sorry.

That-That wasn't monsieur duris? C'est vous n'est-Ce pas? I'm sorry.

Have we been introduced? I'm blair waldorf.

Perhaps you've heard of me? I submitted a charter application for n.



Um can you just hold on one minute? Don't go anywhere.

I'll be right back.


There you are.

I knew you'd see the error of your ways.

Monsieur duris just stepped out for his cigarette break, Which gives us two and a half minutes, maybe four, If it's a gauloise.

I came to apologize.


What happened? Don't tell me that awful whore did something terrible to you.

I think that whore may be my mother.

There you are.

Serena's about to leave.

You need to stop her.

You know what, jenny? This just isn't fun for me anymore.

I should have never listened to dan.

Okay, i don't know what dan said, But why would you take romantic advice From a guy who has a cabbage patch doll? I don't know.

All you need to know is i blew my chance.

The masquerade ball was two years ago.

Don't let serena get away again.

You know your mother died during childbirth.

What if she didn't? What if it was just another of my father's many lies? Look, It makes sense that when you finally let your father go, Your mother would reappear.

She's not a ghost, blair.

Don't you think i know how crazy this sounds? It's why i couldn't tell you or anyone.

I'm aware that one of bart's old girlfriends May have known my name, And maybe even look like old pictures of my mother.

But my father only had one of these made with an "e" on it.

This woman had it.

Whoever she is, It just seems like she'll make losing your mom hurt all over again.

Do you really think Anything could be more painful Than k*lling my own mother And having my father hate me for it my whole life? If there is any chance This isn't what happened, i have to know.

I don't want to keep you From your business with monsieur duris.

I just had to let you know.

Nothing is more important than being with you for this.

Sometimes despite the risk, The only thing to do is seize the moment or whatever else you can grab.

I really always hope that blair is wrong about these things, But if the only reason you want to be with me is Because i'm with someone else, then you can forget it.

No, i want to be here with you.

I just got scared That if we moved too fast things weren't gonna work out, And i really don't want that to happen.

Okay, because i've waited I've waited a really long time for this.

Me, too.

We need to talk.

Rufus, finally.

I- I-I must have called you a hundred times.

I told you i'd call you back when i was ready.

Well, i guess i just didn't expect it to take quite so long.

Well, i guess you should have thought about that Before you spent the night in a hotel room with your ex-Husband.

Well, i'm here now.

So why don't you tell me exactly what happened? Lil, i'm not interested in any more lies.

We should probably go.


Let's finish what we started.

Not having any fun? No.

No, but you go ahead and have yours.

Please gloat.

You've earned it.

Well, you're always telling me that this is a business And not my social life, But yet you're the one who screwed up a major deal Because you wanted to fulfill A high school dream of a night with serena van der woodsen.

Irony duly noted.

Maybe next time you won't be so quick to dismiss me.

I don't know if there will be a next time.

Word of this botched job will get around to my other clients.

And i owe violette more money Than i could possibly steal back from my father, So i think it's time for me to head back to the continent.

Hey, damien.

What is that jacket doing on the floor? It belongs to the ambassador's daughter.

She'll be furious.

Hang it up and make absolutely sure That violette gets it when she leaves.

Looks like you can cancel that transatlantic ticket.

I guess so.

Elizabeth? I'm sorry.

Have we met? You ran away from me at my father's grave.

I'm charles bass.

Oh, of course.

I apologize for my sudden departure.

It was a very emotional day for me.

You must have known my father very well.

I'm not sure what gives you that impression.

Your father and i simply shared A few memorable months many years ago.

I was actually visiting my mother's grave, And i just stopped to pay my respects.

At that time of the night? On the anniversary of my father's death? I saw you had his favorite flowers.

And you knew who i was.

I'm sorry.

I i read that bart had a son, And you look just like your father.

Most people say i more closely resemble my mother.

I wouldn't know.

I never had the pleasure of meeting her.

Well, maybe you can tell me why You had her locket.


Your father gave it to me.

The "e" is for "elizabeth.

" I loved to believe it was a special gift.

I'm fairly certain he gave it To all his girlfriends at the time.

You're welcome to keep it, if you'd like.

I'm sure it means a great deal more to you than it does to me.

I'm sorry i can't help you find Whatever it is you're looking for.

Blair, i'm sorry to waste your time.

You should have stayed with monsieur duris.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

I'm just going to visit the ladies' room.

Then we'll leave.

I'll bring the car around.


I already told your friend everything i know.

And he may have bought it.

But i originated that innocent, doe-Eyed stare.

I usually employ it when i know more than i'm willing to let on.

Chuck spent his entire life Believing that he k*lled his mother.

If you know anything that could take away even a second of that pain, It would be cruel not to share it.

Otherwise, Leaving town means never having to say you're sorry.

Look, i was exhausted.

I was scared.

I thought my mother was going to die.

He's a doctor.

He knew people that could help her.

I had to seek him out.

I already knew about cece being sick, And i know that she got better.

And i'm not gonna sit here for another hour While you talk around this thing.

What do you want me to tell you? Tell me that you weren't with him While i was home taking care of our kids.

Tell me that you didn't sleep with your ex-Husband.

I didn't sleep with him.

I did kiss him, But that's all.

Well, it must have been one hell of a kiss For you to build all these lies around it.

Look, i-I-I promise.

It d-It didn't mean anything.

We were engaged.

It means something to me.

Where are you going? I need time to figure this out, Away from you.

Oh, rufus, please, would you come back home so we can so we can work this out.


Hey, vanessa.

It's, uh, it's me.

I haven't heard from you in awhile, So i'm-I'm guessing that means you don't want to hear from me.

Um, but, uh, Well, anyway, things around here aren't- Aren't so great right now.

You know, with my-My dad and lily So i i don't know.

If you get a minute, i- I could use a friend.

I think we're pushing our luck at this point.


We should go now.

Will you grab my jacket and dress, please? Hey, i don't see it.

It's not here.

It's a perfect fit.

Well, i'm glad you're sticking around for a while.

Me, too.



This wasn't a date.

If you want one, you'll have to ask.

With enough time, eventually we all see What was right in front of us thank you.

Don't mind us.

Oh, great service.

Hey, that-That girl's got my coat.

This was probably the best first date ever.

Promise me no more slow.

Well, what if it's the good kind of slow? And realize no matter how long it took, It was worth the wait.

Are you all right? I spent 18 years Accepting the fact my mother was dead.

I was misguided to let one of my father's girlfriends Allow me to question that, To hope things may be different.

Your real mother would never turn her back On a chance to know you.

I don't have a real mother, blair.

I never will.

That doesn't mean you're alone.

I love you, chuck, And i'll always be your family.

But for some, that time never comes.

Instead of healing old wounds the wait just opens new ones time after time.





, gossip girl.