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02x04 - The Thaw

Posted: 01/13/23 17:32
by bunniefuu
That is southeast.

You trust that thing?


How do you know your marks and sightings are telling you the truth?

Each day I am doubtful of its gifts.

And each day it proves me wrong.


I never thought of you as a scholar.

Or you as a fur trader, but here we are.

- The ropes are secure?
- Hmm.

You're good to begin.

I am worried.

When the river reaches the Lake of the Mountains we will be halfway.

What is that?


What is that noise?

It is the ice talking.

Your Highness summoned me.

I'm aware of your relationship with Lady Aelfwynn, and have been for weeks.

- You wooed her in secret?
- That should not surprise you.

What surprises me is that you would embark on such a perilous relationship.

If Your Highness refers to Aelfwynn's position in your household,

I can assure you that she does not spy for me,

for such an arrangement could work both ways.

We kept it a secret until I could obtain your husband's blessing of marriage,

which I have just received, and intended to share.

What do you know of her background?

I know she has three sisters.
All older and married.

Her father was displaced, like many,

when King Canute placed Jarl Nori in Northumbria.

Is that all?

If you're asking if I love her,

the answer is yes.

What would you say if I told you

her brother was the man who tried to k*ll me?

That you're wrong. She doesn't have one.
She would've told me.

And she has confirmed it with me.

Are you suggesting that Aelfwynn was
involved in the plot against your life?

Actually, no, Earl Godwin.
I believe it is you who was behind it.

May I remind Your Highness
that it was my hand that saved your life.

Had I wanted you dead,
would I not have allowed it to happen?

That is exactly the question
I've not been able to answer.

Then take me to the dungeon
and ask me there.

It is not you I intend to take there.

You cannot be serious.

If the roles were reversed
and it was your life at risk,

would you not do
the same thing to learn the truth?

I thought so.

Your Highness, I beg you.

Do not make Aelfwynn
the battleground in our differences.

I have my failings,
that is true, but she is innocent.

Give me time to prove that to you,
and to find the answers you ask for.

You've had time.

It is now up.

- Deep as my elbow.
- Three hands thick.

We have plenty of time before the thaw.

Maybe in Norway.

What concerns you?

The ice dam breaking.

What is the ice dam?

It is a wall of ice
that moves like a wave,

crushing everything in its path.

If we are out here when it appears,
we will not have time to escape it.

How much time do we have?

A week? A day?

The river is long.
It may already be on its way.

What do you suggest?

That we move this sled off the river
and wait until it passes.

We're a day's journey
from the lake which is free of ice.

You said so yourself.

For all we know
the Pechenegs are all around us.

We take our chances and push on.

Load up!


What have you found? Where does she go?

She goes nowhere.

Just the forest
to collect herbs and roots.

And does she see the refugees?


They treat her as priestess,
with respect, as Harekr wishes...

She should not see them. It is bad.

I work with them, Mother.
They're not bad people.

I think Freydis is right.

They should be allowed
to come to Jomsborg.

Is there a girl?

What if there was?

Harekr would not approve.

Maybe... it is time for a change.

- I think it's going to be a boy.
- You think so?

Yes. I think so.

She has told you.

It means nothing to me.
I know that you're innocent.

Oh, thank God.

I was worried that when she told you,
you would abandon me.

I would never leave you.
In the eyes of God, you are my wife.

I've already sent word to Canute

explaining the situation
and begging for your release,

but until then, you must be strong

and listen to me carefully.

The queen is going to question you.

I'm not afraid.
I've already told her the truth.

This is very different.

She isn't interested in the truth or you.

This is about me.


But you knew nothing of my brother.

- He was not a part of my family.
- I believe you, but the queen does not.

She feels that I've manipulated you
into joining a crime against her life,

and she intends to prove that.

I have nothing to fear.
I will tell the truth.

No. You must tell her that it was me.

Tell her I was behind it.

That would be a lie.

Then she would take you
from me and I'd have nothing.

I'm going with her.

No. Queen's orders.

Do not worry.

I will tell the truth.
For it is all that I know.

It's beautiful.

Was it a gift form Earl Godwin?

He gave it to me as a symbol
of his love... and the future.

You're lucky to have felt real love.

You will too.

Canute wants me
to marry a prince or a king.

He does not care if I ever feel love.

God knows your goodness, Gytha.

And will take care of you.

If something should happen to me...

will you give this back to him for me?

And tell him...

that my love never wavered.

The river is narrowing.

It means we are nearing
the Lake of the Mountains.

I know you are smiling.

Should I not be? We're nearly there.

When we reach the lake,

I will smile with you.

Describe Constantinople again.

It's big.

Much larger than Novgorod.

With a massive wall around it
and brilliant sunlight.

I'm excited to go back.

You will like it.

I hope.

Come here!


You rely too much on the sword.

The axe is a Viking's w*apon of choice.

Let me try again.

Jarl Olaf!

This is Gutlag.

He's just come from the east
with news of your brother.

- Where is he? Jomsborg?
- No.

He's in Rus.

I saw him in Novgorod over a month ago,
meeting with Yaroslav "The Wise."

He was with the Greenlander,
Leif Eriksson.

And the woman, Freydis?

There was no woman with them.

Are you sure?


Prepare the ships.

Of course.

You're leaving again?


If Harald is in Novgorod,

it means he's meeting with our uncle
to raise an army against Kattegat.

It is not wise to wait for it to arrive.

Go gather your things.
We're going to the Rus.


And how long will you be gone?

Do I sense that I will be missed?

Well, I was just getting used to you.


I've already told you everything.

I did not know my brother was in London.

I did not know he wished to k*ll you.

- Shh. Aelfwynn.
- If I did, I would have warned you.


I do not want to hurt you.

Then believe me.

I have already told you the truth.

It is all I know.

I think you know more about Godwin.

And we must discover
what you know together.

Now, what did Godwin
tell you about the Bear?

I have never heard that name.

It's the truth, it...

I'll ask again.

The Bear.

I know nothing.

I think the Emperor
would be interested in my girls.

They are exotic and all pure.

I have my own buyers,
of course, in the Valley of Lamentations,

but you look like a man who could
put in a good word for me at court.

A word that would be rewarded.

I hope you rot in hell.

What did you say to me, boy?

Do that again!


He's only saying
what is obvious to all of us.

Now go away and leave us alone.

Control your sl*ve or I will teach him
the lessons you have failed to!

Come, come. Go.

"The energy of the mind...

is the essence...

of life."

I never thought of life like that.

That is what learning is about.

A constant movement of ideas.


No, stop! Save their strength.

Everyone out. We have to lighten the boat.

Kaysan, you and Batu get us logs.

Dorn, Brigtoc, mind the horses.

Yeah, right away.

I'll smile yet.

Lighten the load.

Nice try.

I know where you want to put that axe.

Get ready to push! Now!

It's rising!

- Again!
- Harald, the horses need to rest.

We cannot stop.

Once night falls,
the river will freeze again.

The sled will be trapped. Let's try again.

Kaysan, a new log.

No. We need to rest.

Water the horses.

We will take a break.

I'll ask you again.

Why are you protecting him?

I am not protecting him.

I'm telling you the truth.

He has used you.

Or maybe you have misjudged him.


He found a place in court
by m*rder and deceit.

But not with me.

He trusts me. He can tell me things.

Such as?

His youth in Sussex.

His father and his hatred of him.

And me?

He has never spoken a word
against Your Highness.


Search your memory again.

There's nothing there to find!

Go ahead.

Say it.

If you're asking me to blame you,
I wouldn't start with today.

I cannot help it.

I need to get there.
I have so much to prove.

But I should have listened to Kurya.

And stopped.

You think you're the only one
who is desperate to get there?

Look at them.

They all want to get to Constantinople.

You're just the loudest.

Do not stop now.

What's that?

- More Greek?
- No.

No, it's Latin.

It means "fortune favors the bold."

That's you.

We need more wood.

You're a dangerous man.

I'm a calculating man.

Do you really have to go?


But I will return.

Make sure you do.

What were you doing
in my mother's chambers?

I was simply saying goodbye.

When my father leaves for battle,
he never spends so long saying goodbye.

Yes, well...

Your father is a king.

He's much more efficient
in his goodbyes than I am.

Are you ready?

I am.




It worked! We did it!


All right! Let's go!

What is this?

It's coming.

The ice dam has broken.

Release the horses. Cut the boat free now!

Kaysan. The mallets!

Go, go!

- My coat!
- I've got it.


- Go.
- Move!

Hold the coat.


You have to hold on.
You have to hold! Pull!

Everyone onboard!

Get back!






Get me in!

Brace yourselves!

Oars in!


I'm sorry.

He lost everything, but his ring.

His ring?

He gave it away, he told me.

What else did he tell you?

What do you talk about...

in the quiet moments?

In the happy moments.


Our future.

What did that look like?


He wanted many.

And a son to be king.


Revive her.

You knew she was his daughter?

Vitomir confided in me before we left.

He was scared for her to travel as a girl.

Now she has no choice.

So, your name is Elena.


I couldn't save your father and you.

I promised him I would deliver
his treasure to Constantinople.

I have moved his chest with my belongings.

I will protect it with my life.

Thank you.

She is gone.

And did you learn what you wanted?


But I have no regrets.

"No regrets."

You are a m*rder*r.

- Silence.
- No.

You have taken the one decent
thing from my life,

when I gave you everything.

- My loyalty...
- Silence! faithfulness.

You took my wife!

God may forgive you. But I never will.

I'm sorry.

I did not mean to interrupt.

Please, princess.

Go away.

She wanted you to have this.

- Were you close to her?
- Yes.

I knew she was in love.

But she never spoke of you by name.

She would only tell me that she had never
been happier in her entire life.

Princess Gytha.

Thank you.

What happened to the other ships?

After we left here,
there was a great storm.

It divided the fleet.

We sailed for weeks

without finding signs of Harekr
and the others. We fear they are lost.

We should offer a sacrifice
for their safe return.

Yes, we will do so.


Before we beseech the gods for their help,

let us remind them of our faith.

The refugees built
this temple to the old gods.


This time of year, we worship you
as the bringer of fertility.

And Iduna.

The goddess of the blossoms.

How we have missed you.

And Gefjon, goddess of the fields.
And Gná, the rider of winds.

We promise to never again forget.

And especially Njrd.

God of the seas.

Please guide Harekr
and our families back to us safely.

Here are the builders of this temple.


Join us in our offering.


Let us all worship together.


Believers in the same gods
cannot be two people.

We are all the same in our hearts.


Where is everyone?
Why aren't they here to greet us?

They are in the forest.

With Freydis.


You must not be angry.

The people were anxious for your safety.

They turned to Freydis for guidance,

she took them to the woods
where the refugees pray.

They prayed for your return.

Where is Jorundr?

You... have betrayed me.

- What are you talking about?
- I left you here in charge.

- I come back to chaos.
- Chaos?

You returned to peace.
Isn't that what you wanted?

I don't want them worshiping
with our people.

I want them working for our people.

They are a filthy mix of Norse tribes.
Not like us.

We are the superior people.

What about Freydis? She's our priestess.

She is only a priestess
because I made her one.

What are you doing? No...

What you should have done.

It is beautiful.

Run! Run!


You are a m*rder*r.

You are no better than the Christians
they came here to escape.

I brought them here.

They live because
I grant them life. Not you.

You have angered the gods!

You have angered me!

Take her to the temple. Lock her up.

No! No!