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01x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/13/23 18:31
by bunniefuu
In a town in Sicily, the Chief lnspector is m*rder*d.

It looks like a usual Mafia k*lling.

That same day there's news of another death.

Marchioness Pecci Scialoia has k*lled herself.

The m*rder*d lnspector is replaced by Corrado Cattani, a capable policeman who moves to Sicily with his wife and daughter.

With his deputy, Leo De Maria, Corrado investigates the m*rder and meets Titti, the dead noblewoman's junkie daughter.

He soon finds a link between his predecessor's m*rder and the Marchioness' death.

The truth is about to emerge when Leo De Maria who got information from a prisoner is gunned down in cold blood by a young k*ller.

Shut up! OCTOPUS What's happened in our town? Here, where so many good people live Hardworking people who accept adversity with patience and trust.

People who greet each other with a smile as they see themselves in others.

For some time now, it's as if an evil force was among us.

The sun shines, but sheds no light.

The streets are darkened with fear.

The streets are bloodstained.

We expected a young man to come to the altar with his bride.

Instead, he's come to this church inside a coffin, motionless and silent.

By living honestly, he hoped to have a peaceful life.

But someone decided, in contempt of the Lord, EPlSODE TWO that his life should be ended.

Murderers You who fired the sh*ts and you who paid the k*ller.

You have sided with evil and those who make that choice can no longer live among Christians.

Enough tears, enough ceremonies and condolences.

Enough! I say this in the name of the church we all belong to Mafia is now an old and worn word.

It's time to talk about connections between the small fish and the big fish.

Between the wretch who kills for money and the powerful who give the orders.

That is why hope, in this day of bloodshed and sorrow, is represented by so many young people here today.

Young people like Leo De Maria and women, who also want an end to visible massacres Iike the one we mourn today and the invisible ones, because we no longer want to shed these tears.

Fiery fellow, this Don Manfredi.

He looks good, he's well known like a soccer player, but as a priest he doesn't risk much.

As for ending up like poor Leo, you and l are the likely candidates, not him.

- You're retiring soon.

- If I make it! As for you, why don't you request a transfer? You're not finding a needle in the haystack here, although you're not to blame.

- So who's to blame? - The haystack.

Who did it, Dad? We don't know.

Maybe whoever rang you just before the m*rder.

Don't you think? Maybe.

Let's change the subject.

Why are you bottling it up? Why won't you talk to us? There's my home and my work.

- I want to relax at home.

- But you aren't.

You would be if you let it all out.

You like being alone.

Is it asking too much to ask for silence sometimes? - Where are you going? - If you want to be alone Sit down.

Actually, I'm sorry.

If you've finished, you can go.

We're worried about you.

Can you understand that? I don't exist for you! You look straight through me.

I changed my life for you.

If I'd been told I'd marry a policeman I'd have burst out laughing, but here I am.

I gave up my world, my friends, and my aspirations.

- You think it wasn't worth it? - No, but it's been hard.

I thought it was sweeter to be a man's sl*ve.

You, my sl*ve? Did it occur to you that you deprived me of something I needed to live? I mean complete trust among certain people A friend, your wife but you sullied everything.

You cheated just after we married and I still don't know why! Life with a man like you scared me.

I wanted to escape.

After 1 3 years you ask all these questions? So let's drop it.

No, I just want to understand what you really want to know about me now.

Did you leave him or did he leave you? I left him when I realised I loved you.

Have you cheated on me since then? No.

I would have told you.

I'm not speaking out of wounded male pride.

There was something between us once.

But now It's like a plant without water.

It's not my fault, nor yours, either.

It's no one's fault.

Marineo's death seemed a Mafia vendetta, but Leo De Maria's k*lling puts a new slant on things.

There are people here who are running scared and will go to any lengths.

That's why they butchered that boy, but I will avenge him! I will avenge him! Wait.

Until you have solid proof, don't take pointless risks.

You've clearly stepped on someone's toes.

Don't behave like a raging lion down there, but like a snake, do you follow? Use your intelligence and be cautious.

I may be in jail, lnspector, but I'm still Anna's brother.

She's alone and an orphan so I felt I had to ask the young man courting her about his intentions Bullshit! Bullshit, because you told Leo something that he didn't have time to tell me.

- What was it? - There must be a mistake, sir.

Someone else must have told Leo something.

He and I simply discussed the upcoming wedding.

Poor thing.

Catch his K*llers and punish them.

You think you're smart.

What did that fellow say? You deal with the k*ller.

Why do you treat me like this? You're not happy with me? Then put in a report.

What kind of person are you? I don't need to justify myself and least of all to you! I just want to help you.

Just tell me honestly what's going on, what you're thinking.

Speaking of honesty, have you told me everything? - What do you mean? - Maybe you know.

I'm talking about the reasons, suspicions and theories.

In short, whatever went on before I got here.

Well? What should I tell you? I've always reported whatever came to my notice.

I want to be frank with you.

I don't trust you at all.

You figure out the consequences of that.

The consequences are that I'll stay and do my duty.

Does that bother you? Then get to work.

They come here as a last resort.

Some can't handle it and go.

I don't force them to stay.

But many come back and end up staying.

Go on, Tommaso.

Get up.

Get him up.

Come on! - Where's Anna Caruso? - In your office.


Come, lnspector.

Anna, lnspector Cattani wants a word with you.

- Goodbye, lnspector.

- Goodbye.

Anna Why didn't you come to my office? I don't want to talk about what happened.

Your brother asked to see Leo De Maria.

Why? Naturally my brother wanted to meet Leo as a future brother-in-law.

Leo Leo was told something serious by your brother about our investigation.

Not that I know.

You're protecting your fiance's K*llers.

You could be charged with withholding information.

Go ahead.

May I go back to my work now? Go.

- The papers, Marchioness.

- Send them to the lawyer.

It's been an honour meeting you.

You call buying a boat at half price an honour? I'd say you got a good deal.

The sooner you take it the better.

Do you need me? Did Leo De Maria ever have any contact with you? Who's Leo? You met him the first time I came here.

Oh, yes.

Why didn't you bring him today? - You don't read the papers? - No.

And you don't watch TV? Well, he's dead.

k*lled? Yes.

Yes, l I remember him.

He was tall and handsome.

I'm really sorry.

You take to some people on the first meeting.

The fact is, death fills me with fear.

Now I always think it'll come suddenly.

I often keep the light on all night and never fall asleep before dawn.

I'm just babbling on, aren't l? I'm saying I don't want to hear about another death.

It's not your fault, but you shouldn't have come.

I thought you might be able to help me.

How can I help you? I thought Leo might have told you something.

Never mind.

I'm sorry I upset you.

You're here now - Maybe I can help you.

- I don't need any help.

I thought the opposite.

The other evening at the Club You tried to dance with your friends but at a certain point, you you looked scared and anguished.

I was watching you.

Did you notice? Of course.

Maybe because I feel for you a certain closeness as if - You'd known me for years? - Yes.

Do you mind if I visit you? If you must, go ahead.

Did you know lnspector Marineo? Only by name.

But you know Cirinna well.

It's a small town.

He has a passion for bikes, like I do.

I met him when I bought my first 250cc.

What else is there? Why are you so defensive? And why do you torment me? Because my life is full of contradictions too.

- Goodbye, Marchioness.

- Goodbye.



Watch me.

Well done.

Hi, Mum.

That evening at the club you wore a mauve silk dress.

- Unforgettable.

- You don't say.

I haven't seen you here for over a month.

A beautiful woman has no right to hide.

It's an attack on public happiness.

You feed off compliments.

You breathe them.

And you gather them, leaving none for the others.

Congratulations, you're an expert in gallantry.

You know there are times when I see your husband speed past me in his fast car with the sirens wailing, I say to myself, "Maybe he's after me, to handcuff me.

" Why would he arrest you? For all the thoughts I have of his wife, Your Honour.

I need a favour.

- Two, one thousand - Just one.

- I'd like an exhibition.

- Fashion? Paintings.

I paint.

I hear you know everyone.

I see.

- They usually open boutiques.

- Who? Young wives who are tired of just being wives.

No, jokes aside, this is a wonderful find.

You step out of the police archives and become a colleague in art, if I may say so.

Consider it done.

You have lovely eyes.

Yes? Inspector Cattani I didn't think you'd call so soon.

Well I need to see you right away.

Very well, if it's necessary.

In an hour's time.

All right.

Why the hell didn't you call earlier? I couldn't.

Listen, I have to tell you something.

That pest Cattani called me to ask me out to dinner.

Who, the cop? Look No, listen to me! Listen, I accepted only because if I refuse, he'll get suspicious.

- I did it also for you.

- Good girl, but be home by 1 1.

Listen, Sante I got stuck into it a bit and I've run out.

I had my last hit this morning.

I'll need some for later.

It's just that I don't have any right now.

How can that be? You can get it in 1 0 minutes.

You're saying it to make me suffer.

Of course not.

Tell me you're happy with me.

Yes, I'm happy.

- Do you like being together? - Yes, I like it.

Good girl.

Please don't blackmail me.

Do you want to make me cry? Do you want me to jump out of the window? - Do you want to see me? - Yes, please come over.

But don't leave me high and dry! See you later.

Bring the stuff.

Bring it.

I'll be waiting.

I'm in withdrawal.

You know I sh**t up, don't you? So why are you skirting around it? Now we've cleared that up, what is it you want? Does Cirinna supply you? Why him? He sells cars.

- The town's full of dealers.

- I know.

It's my job.

Take one, it'll help for a while.

Give me two.

We call you the good Samaritan.

You should cut out dr*gs completely.

Is that clear? Right away, or do I have till Monday? I'd like to put you in Don Manfredi's hands.

Forget my salvation and ask your questions.


Did lnspector Marineo come to your home? Here we go! You don't let up, do you? You're pigheaded! I told you Marineo was k*lled in your home, next to the dining room.

What did you say? That Marineo was k*lled in your home next to the dining room.

You're crazy.

You're a real character.

Finished your performance? You're the performing one! You make up all these things to frighten me, I guess.

I found a box of matches stained with Marineo's blood close by.

Close to what? Close to the old armchair you had re-upholstered.

Marineo was k*lled the night your mother k*lled herself.

You see, it isn't just a coincidence, because they both died in the same place.

That's all I know.

Maybe you can tell me more since you were present.

Pig! You bastard! Who do you think you are? Do you want to arrest me? I should, or at least I should detain you.

I'm getting a strange idea.

What I'm about to tell you is against every rule of my job.

I won't disturb you or contact you again.

I'll leave it to you and I'm sure you will.

And when you do, it'll mean you no longer hate me.

Very well.

Now like two good friends after a pleasant evening spent together, Iet's say good night.

What did he want? What did he want? Who knows? He asked heaps of questions about that fellow - His assistant - Who, De Maria? Yes, he asked if he'd spoken to me.

Why would he, I replied.

You're edgy.

You haven't slept, have you? I'm fine.

Got my stuff? - Of course.

- You do? - Yes, you can have it.

- Well? - Not now.

- Yes, now.

- What will you give me? - Nothing.

Go away.

- What will you give me? - You go tonight.

- Really? - Yes, you leave right away.

Why must you always be difficult? Here's Milan, Rome, Naples and Palermo.

- Do you like Palermo? - Never been there.

Never been to Palermo? That'll be Dad.

Dad, come here.

Come on! What is it? You must know what goes on in this house.


I told you not to tell.

You've gone back to painting.

That's great.

- Like it? - Sure.

It's beautiful.

Yes, all these colours and the eyes in the centre It's beautiful because it's mysterious, contorted It's not a Picasso or a Miro, but if I keep at it, I'll have an exhibition in autumn.

- In just two months? - Santamaria will help me.

I'd say that's a mistake.

Sure, he could promote it on his TV station, but then they'll all buy your pictures only because you're my wife.

Or because they're nice.

That's precisely why I wouldn't resort to the usual favours! Do you really think they're beautiful? Yes Not that I'm an art critic, but I'd say you're giving your all.

This one's particularly good.

How about on this wall with a nice frame? It'll be a nice splash of colour.

How about it, Else? What are you doing? - What have you done? - Mum! What It looks nicer now.

Like a Fontana.

- I liked it! - I didn't like it anymore.

You're so silly.

It really was beautiful.

- Do you really think so? - Of course I do! Look what you did! Unbelievable.

What should I do now? I should slap you! Tell me why I shouldn't.

- I'll paint it again tomorrow.

- You will? - Then you'll slash it again.

- Maybe.

Sometimes you two are a bit screwy.

When you're sweet to me I'm happy.

You're nuts.

I've been looking for you all day.

Why are you avoiding me? I'm not avoiding you.

I was out for work.

What is it? I need to talk to you.

You must come over.

Come right away.

You asked me many questions and I didn't answer.

And many others you didn't ask.

Now I'll answer them all.

You're in no condition to do so.

What's wrong, lnspector? Are you scared? Regrets? What's wrong? Didn't you want proof? I won't change my mind.

I'll dump it all onto you.

Do me a favour and sit down.

Your pacing up and down makes my head spin.

I like you.

You make me feel secure.

Unless I tell you everything, I'll die.

Then you must make sure I don't end up Iike that friend of yours, after I've spilled the beans.

What's the expression? After I've confessed That's funny, just like a priest.

It's so funny! - You're in an altered state.

- I shot up, you guessed it.

Want to see my arms, my veins? My little veins? I even did it on my foot, once.

So what? I sh**t up almost every day.

Twice a day, if I feel like it or if I'm depressed.

Sometimes you can be unbearable.

You're such a liar.

You like me.

That night I went to the party, I went for you.

Just to see you.

I've fallen in love with you.

I've fallen in love with you.

Let's risk it.

Let's take a risk.

I want to hide near you and inside you.

Tell me what happened that night.

It was like a nightmare.

I heard voices in my sleep but I wasn't dreaming.

They were distant voices through the walls.

For a moment I thought it was a radio somewhere or a TV left on by mistake downstairs.

Then I recognised my mother's voice.

Marineo and Cirinna.

Even the old servant had woken up.

I was told that servants shouldn't witness family rows so I sent him back to his room.

When I met Titti, she was already tripped out, as they say.

When Titti got out of rehab, it was still you! You supplied her, Cirinna, under the guise of a friend.

You said you'd get her out of that tunnel and as a desperate mother I believed you! I won't be blackmailed.

I'll send you and all those above you to jail.

You have no evidence against me.

- You want me to vanish? - Yes.

You ruined my daughter.

You turned her into a junkie.

After a couple of small hits? - Liar, go away! - Get out! You're crazy! m*rder*r! Oh, God! You'll pay for this, you m*rder*r.

I'll send you to jail.

m*rder*r! Now you'll do exactly as I say.

You'll call the police, ask for lnspector Altero and tell him that your mother k*lled lnspector Marineo and then committed su1c1de.

Is that clear? Call him! Call him.

That's my girl, call him.

Four Three One One Zero.

And not one word more.

Police Hello While I was talking to Altero, I had Marineo in front of me.

If it weren't for the blood, everything looked so normal.

You're in danger.

Not yet.

You're protecting me.

Are you scared of him? If I stop sleeping with him, yes.

Anyway, I can't turn you into the witness.

If you need me to, why not? It would be a death sentence.

But I'm a lost soul.

What do you care? You might even find me repulsive.

Will I see you again? Yes.

Watch what you say to Cirinna.


I'll call you later.

Call me if you need anything.

Will I get dinner ready, Miss? - Not now, Ruggero.

- Very well.

Yes? Listen What did the lnspector visit you for? Oh, the cop You know, the usual stuff.

He's just a pest.

- He asks all these questions.

- Do you know why? I think he likes rubbing shoulders with the aristocracy.

Watch out, he's as cunning as a fox.

- Will I come over? - No, Sante.

I'm not very well.

Tomorrow? - Ring in a couple of days.

- Do you love me? Yes, I love you.

Well, goodbye.

- Why are you laughing? - No reason.

What's going through your head? I was thinking that when we're alone it's as if there were a third person between us.

Why did you marry me? - Because I loved you.

- What about now? I don't know anymore.

Have you seen that girl again? Yes.

She's part of the investigation.

- We have to go out tonight.

- Great.

- Where are you taking me? - To the Club.

- And after that? - Then you go to sleep.

Listen here, you heard me, didn't you, when I said I loved you? Sure I did.

I'm not deaf.

I see.

You want to pick the time.

- Got a pretty dress? - A stack of them.

I'm a gentleman.

I can't accept.

No, I'm inviting you.

I'll accept only if it's my evening.

Does that mean the bill too? Of course, and the flowers they bring to the table.

You're my guest.

We're discussing my exhibition so I'm paying.

Is this a lesson in feminism or are you trying to buy me? Don't laugh, I'm quite serious.

Do you know everything about the night life in our seedy metropolis, or do we go to Palermo? Everyone must see us together, so tomorrow the town will scramble to gossip about the new affair.

An illicit one, at that.

Hi, Titti, you're in great shape.

And you're very elegant.

We'll have the blessing of polite society.

I never realised people had so many eyes.

We're creating quite a stir.

I know, but now we're compromised.

Do you know the mysteries of this club? - Not all.

- They're not exceptional but fine for a local sensation.

Okay? Follow me.

This is where they gamble, illegally.

- Want to place a bet? - Yes, why not? What a nice surprise, lnspector! Come over here.

Carry on, everyone.

There's no need to worry.

- I've come to enjoy myself.

- Take a seat.

You won't arrest us after the first hand, will you? I'm here incognito, Madam.

Blind and deaf.


I see you've settled in well.

Our lnspector doesn't fear gossip.

He doesn't care.

Don't neglect me.

Don't press me into an old book like a dried flower.

- Don't start, Olga.

- No, I'll wait.

Rather resigned, but I'll wait.

Why don't you accept, my dear Olga, what's in front of you, which isn't too bad? The wheel turns and we might get the wind in our sails.

Wind in our sails? This ship is sinking! Deal a card.

Let's see if I have more luck.

What's wrong? Calm down.

Let me go.

- What can I do? - I need a fix.

Yes, I need a fix.

This is your room.

Three of us share it.

- Hi, I'm Piera.

- Hi, Piera.

My back is k*lling me.

I can't do this.

I have a stomach ache.

Stay calm and sit down.

Try taking this.

- Corrado! - I'm here.

Try to take it.

I can't.

I'll throw it up.

I can't.

Go on, Titti, try.

Titti! I'll throw it up.

I'm going to vomit.

I know I'm going to vomit.

Don't worry.

The girls know what to do.

Come with me.

Follow me.

The heroin had strychnine in it.

We couldn't help the poor boy.

Do you know who they are? Cirinna's men, I think.

I'll station a car here.

See that light on the second floor? That's my place.

Will you come up for a drink? I know, it's rather trite, but we mustn't see our actions as a catastrophe or a point of no return.

It might just be a response to an impulse of the moment.

Something that's fleeting, but beautiful which helps make life sweeter.

Another trite comment! That's a fault I have.

I'm trite.

But the mere thought that you now might tell me that you'll come upstairs Ieaves me breathless and excited.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm an idiot.

I'm sorry.

I shouldn't have.

I've ruined everything.

Maybe if I hadn't done that That's enough.

Give me a cigarette.

And take me home.

The fact is that you make me lose control.

I feel you're so distant.

I'm not in the mood.

Serious problems? Do you want me to burst into tears? Let's drop it.

Wait, there's the police.

Let's go.

Let's go, I said.

I'm going to get Titti out.

Let me go.

Does he think he can parade with my girl in front of everyone? What's he doing? That bastard! Bastard.

The lnspector looked so good at the Club with that pretty girl.

- "Lovely couple! ", people said.

- Shut your mouth! It's not his fault you can't enter the Club.

Shut up, you.

Shut up! I'll make him cough up blood.

Blood! Speak of the devil! Here comes the lnspector.

Nice car.

Interested? I can't afford it now.

I'll give you a special deal.

Save the deals for your friends.

I'm told you were outside the drug rehab centre.

Oh So that's what we have to talk about! Were you planning on dealing dr*gs to the kids in there? Nonsense, lnspector! I wanted news of someone I know.

Then why didn't you go in and ask to see Titti, your devoted customer? Customer? Did Titti tell you that? No, Titti doesn't talk.

It's speculation on my part.

You were indicted twice for that and acquitted.

I read the files carefully.

What a joke! The evidence is all against you.

No, it's sheer madness.

- Blame the judge.

- Yes, I'll reopen the case.

Then I'll resume proceedings against you.

- You were tried in Palermo? - Why ask? You already know.

- I'm dining there tonight.

- Another dinner? Yes, but with an investigating judge.

"lnsufficient evidence"! You find it funny too, don't you? Our courts have abused that term.

You must fight for a final judgement.

Either a complete acquittal or a jail term.

What a beautiful car.

Look, lnspector, we're wasting our time.

I'll find the evidence to send you to jail.

- Even if I have to make it up.

- Is that so? And I'll refute it, piece by piece.

And I'll make different arrangements.

What are you doing, Cirinna? Selling cars and heroin as a package? No! I'll have to arrest you.

You know why I won't? Because you planted it there, lnspector.

Yes, but next time go and prove it.

Inspector! Is this personal? A boy died from dr*gs last night.

And you call it personal! Bastard! I'd make you piss blood.

What's to look at? Antonio Arrange something for tonight.

My brother isn't going to go alone.

You'll have to go too.

- Your wife's on the line.

- Put her through.

- Hi, Else.

- Let's have lunch together.

- We need to talk.

- No, I'm working till late.

- Tonight? - Sorry, I'm really busy.

Corrado, make the time to see me tonight.

We must talk.

I don't have the time.

We'll talk when I have time.

Watch it, Corrado, you're wrecking everything.

It's up to you.

You're irritable and I can't have this conversation.

I'm tired of hearing it's up to me and I'm to blame.

That's so unfair.

You're old enough to do whatever you like.

I'm sorry try to relax.

Go and do some painting.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, dear.

That's not how you peel potatoes.

I'll be back late.

Can you stay with her? Yes, I'll wait for you.

Thanks, lrina.

Bye, Paola.

Mum, you look so elegant tonight.

Good evening.

He and one of his men are on a bike.

They're in an alley past the bridge.

- What are they doing? - They're just there.

Inspector Cattani, I'd like a word, please.

We can't spare two men to watch the drug centre.

I think we can.

He's just gone by.

In a brown car.

He'll be there in 5 minutes.