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03x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/14/23 06:24
by bunniefuu
After the tragic events and painful memories that have shaped his life, Corrado Cattani enters a monastery where he meets Abbot Lovani, a powerful man who for some time has lived shut off from the world spending his retiring years in meditation and prayer.

Corrado slowly begins to find peace again, when one day American federal agent Bert Di Donato visits him.

Di Donato is on the tracks of a massive international arms dealer, Kemal Yfter, who is conducting business with a man that Corrado knows quite well: Gianfranco Laudeo.

Di Donato convinces Corrado to meet with Laudeo in a Milanese prison to persuade him to reveal the details of Yfter's business affairs.

Corrado comes close to revealing Laudeo's crimes and leads Laudeo to arrange the kidnapping of a young girl, Greta, the daughter of Carlo Antinari, a banker, also implicated in these business affairs by immoral activity.

Once Corrado realises he is also putting the life of a young girl at risk, he saves the girl with an act of great courage and reunites her with her family.

On this occasion, Corrado meets the family of Carlo, his wife Anna and their eldest daughter Giulia who seems instantly attracted to his personality: his surliness and strong silences.

There is a further ambiguous character that also revolves around the life of the Antinari family: the managing director of the bank, Dino Alessi.

The Octopus 3 Part Two
- Hello Trattoria "Gallo d'oro".

- Hello I would like would like to see the restaurant, it's to do with a wedding.

- Could I have the address please?
- Lungolago Bellagio 76.

Thank you.

So, how is it you've decided to call me? I thought you were still annoyed with me.

To tell you the truth the last time we met I thought you'd had enough of this town.

I've met a woman who seems a little interested in me.

What's she like? Blonde? Brunette? She's blonde.

Blonde with blue eyes.

I gave her a present yesterday.

A dog.

- A dog?
- Yes, a dog.

What kind of present is that? It's unheard of! Women go crazy for diamonds!
- What will she do with a dog?
- Play with it.

You Italians! Unbelievable.

Only a genius can work you out! Ah, a perfect man: polite, well mannered.

He'd be away every now and then, doing the rounds I believe.

But yesterday when I saw him on TV with that huge p*stol pointed at the girl, well, I just didn't want to believe it.

- Why did he leave his job?
- He said he'd found a better job.

- Can we see his room?
- Yes.

Of course.

While keeping that girl hostage he rang your number.

- And what does that mean?
- Perhaps he wanted your help.

- But don't think that we
- No, I'm not thinking anything.

So why did he ring this place? Perhaps he was trying to get in touch with Marie.

And who is Marie? One of our permanent guests.

She had a room upstairs.

But, after they arrested her friend she disappeared.

- Is this the man's suitcase?
- Yes That's where he kept his accounts.

He was obsessed by figures.

He had studied accounting.

It might've held the account for the kidnapping.

Perhaps he was calling Marie to have her destroy the paperwork.

We must find out how this phone number relates to the events.

It won't be easy, but the job must be done.

- Here again?
- Just as well, I was about to leave.

I thought you'd already left.

Do you have something important to tell me? Yes.

I've come to make one last attempt for that interview.

You are stubborn.

It's a family defect.

I'm like my grandfather.

And you've overcome it? Just about.

OK, so where's this interview taking place?
- Seriously?
- Sure.

Come on.

Quick, before you change your mind.


Mr Cattani, can I ask, how did the events of your personal life influence your decision to intervene that day at the station? Well, influence, I'm not sure about, perhaps they did but I prefer not to speak about my personal life.

Let's say each of us would have done something to save that young girl's life.

Don't you agree? Were you afraid when you entered that bar? Look, they've been threatening to k*ll me for years.

I've since become used to that idea, but perhaps they're pretending to want to k*ll me.

Yes, that's it.

I think They have understood the way to get to me is just to leave me alive.

And alone.

And what do you do about it? I wait.

Each time I hear a knock at the door I think "OK, this is it!" and so, by some stupid instinct I grab my g*n and It's just an instinct, a shock Perhaps it would be better to invite them in, make them a coffee, and then offer my head to their g*ns.

In fact, to take real advantage of the situation I should say, here I am, in Milan, at the Pensione Aurorae Call me come and get your coffee and then well, sh**t.

In short, at this moment, are you challenging your enemies?
- Of course.

One in particular, one from whom I'm waiting on an answer, a very important answer within four days.

Son of a bitch! He's lost his mind! Actually, if you allow me I can inform this person of a telephone number.

The number is 6974357.

I repeat: 6974357.

Officer! Officer! Officer! You, shut up! What's happened? I want to speak with my lawyer.

That went well, don't you think? How is it that you had so much to say earlier, but now all quiet? Because I've nothing to say.

Can you?
- May I invite you to dinner?
- How is Greta getting along? Well.

Every night she goes to sleep hanging on to your little dog.

She's so sweet.

It must have been a real shock for you very painful to find out Especially for our mother, in fact, ever since Greta was born, she has never been the same.

I even get the feeling that things aren't going well for my father.

With all the money you have, why do you work as a journalist? I like it.

Also, it was the advice of my grandfather that led to it.

I've studied away from home for a while.

First economics, in England, and then in the United States.

So to gain some experience my grandfather thought the work might help my confidence, toughen me up.

Because, you see, I'm naturally rather shy.

- I'd never believe it.

- No? Then my grandfather was right.

This profession has done me good.

Listen I wanted to say Nothing, really well, one day I'd like to say hello to Greta.

Yes, sure.

But I did just invite you to dinner.

Yes, It's been such a long time since I've been out with a woman, and usually I do the inviting.

- Well then, invite me.

But where were you planning on taking me? Here we are.

So, how much does a journalist earn these days? The house was a gift from my grandfather.

- Where does he live?
- In Taormina.

In a large hotel.

Why a hotel? Doesn't he have a house? Well, actually he has plenty of houses, but he prefers it this way.

He says he prefers to be waited on.

Well, this is an upper class defect.

Is it also one of yours? I'm not even rich.

It's just me and my work.

Sure, but you must own something, say some interests in your father's bank.

Of course, sure, but I've never paid any attention to it.

Let's not start now.

Would you like a drink? Sure.

And that necklace? This one? It was a gift from my mother.

Beautiful isn't it? You don't think it dangerous going out wearing something that costs well, I don't know millions of lire? I like wearing things that sparkle.

What's the matter? Your hands are cold.

It must be must be my hunger.

I'll make you something to eat.

You're listening to a classic of the jazz era, hoping to bring some delight to our listeners.

Cattani? He's out I don't know when he'll be in.

Excuse me, I said I don't know when he'll be in.

I'll wait for him.

What's up? Why are you looking at me that way? Eh nothing How long has it been since you last ate? You sound like my mother.

She worries each time she sees me eating.

- She always thinks I'm pregnant.

- Could that be possible? No, recently they have invented methods of preventing pregnancy.

But you might not be aware of that because you seem a bit out of touch with reality.

Excuse me a moment.

Hello? Yes.

Yes, so My answer for tonight is Bishop in A4.

Nice move! It was worth trying to reach you.

I did well.

So, are you thinking of coming here? I'm feeling lonely and I need to speak to you at least once a day.


You're right Grandad.

Forgive me.

You know very well that I don't like people excusing themselves.

And anyway, I can tell by your voice that you're not alone.

- Who's there with you?
- A friend.

- Is he cute?
- Mmm not bad.

Do you as you please, but don't let him sleep there.

It's best not to let men get too used to a good thing.

I'll call you tomorrow as soon as I have thought of a trap to render your insolent bishop harmless.

- OK, goodnight Grandad.

- Sleep well.


- Bye
- See you tomorrow.

That was my grandfather It was he, who started the first bank in our family.

His father built ships, and he had small fleet that traded in the Mediterranean.

We're from the South.

Did you know we have a small island off the Sicilian coast? It's called Semio.

It's all ours and there is even a tiny cemetery just for us.

When one of the family dies then off we go in our boats, to see them buried there.

After all, we are all family, a very old
-fashioned family
- Even your father? Old fashioned?
- Yes, well, not really.

To tell the truth I think my father is a little different.

If he could choose, I think he'd have liked to play the piano.

Will you stay the night here? What's the matter? Afraid you might jeopardise something? No.

So, then you don't like me? I like you very much.

And you're not so bad either.

In fact, during that interview you were very handsome.

If you come by the studio tomorrow I'll show you the recording.

Ok, for tonight I'll let you go.

Happy with that? But I'd like to see you tomorrow Is six ok for you? I can't tomorrow.

One never says 'Tomorrow night I can't' to a girl that invites you.

One says: 'Oh, I'm so sorry, but tomorrow I have an unbreakable deadline'.

Unbreakable? One really says that? I'm so sorry, but I can't tomorrow night you see I have an important deadline
- Actually, an unbreakable deadline.

Is that right? The day after? Please say yes! Come on, say yes! You should have seen his face when he realised! He was so surprised! And for the night owls listening to our program tonight is followed by another 60's classic for you Bert sent me.

- What for?
- Bert saw you on TV.

According to him you seemed a little crazy.

In any case, he wanted to let you know he isn't angry he even suggested it may be an idea I keep an eye on you.

- What's your name?
- Bob.

But friends call me "Chioccia" Listen, "Chioccia" I don't need to be nursed on this.


Well, at least take this book, ok? It's a present from Bert.

I already have a book to read.

Bert knows that, but he thinks this book could help you sleep.


Some guy brought it over.

It's the edit of the sh*ts you requested.

No, I didn't request any sh*ts They said if you want the proofs to go to the address on the envelope.

- It's in the Oggiaro district.

- Thank you.

And so, you want to be in films do you?
- Do you think you're up for it?
- I don't know It's ok, there's no need to be nervous, and it's only an audition.

Let's see what you can do.

Let's start by taking your clothes off.

Don't be afraid, it's just us.

Are you shy? Come on.

Let me see what you've got.

Don't stop now, keep undressing.

Don't be shy.

- Is it true that you sing
- Yes a little.

- So then, sing.

- Now, like this? Of course, just to hear your voice! Come on, show some strength.

Sing! Sing! Give it some passion.

Oh, I love women with passion! I've come a little before six is that ok? Listen can you come with me to the Oggiaro disctrict? Why? Has something happened? Look I really need to see somebody, do you mind? Alright Let's go.

- I'll be back soon.

- Will I come with you? No, no there's no need.

I'll be back in a flash.

Wait here for me.

Quiet! Good.

Now just walk! Giulia Giulia! Look at that! Would you like to finish up in there? You could have a lovely acid bath! How about a little fun? How about it? Tell your father to treat his friends properly.

He knows what he has to do.

Got it? Giulia! Stop! Stop! Giulia! What have they done to you? What's happened? Oh my head, it's spinning.

I'm shaking Let me help you.

No, leave me.

I'll do it.

- Up you get, don't be embarrassed.

- Oh, who cares anyhow.

Here, give it to me.

Ah, I'm hurting all over.

- Let me switch it off.

- No, please leave it on.

Try and get some sleep.

Yes, but can you stay, stay here, I don't want to sleep alone.


Are you hurt? Why did they do this to you? What did they want from you? I don't know.

I think they want to blackmail my father.

but I don't know why.

Oh help us, Corrado.

- Help me.

- Yes, yes, I'll help.

But first you need to get some sleep.

Promise me.

Stay with me stay with me.

Hello, I'm after Mr Torri.

Come on.

Let me see what you've got.

Oh, just a little bit more You were so beautiful.

But why Mum, why? It was just another audition.

I was a year or so younger than you, and I wanted to be an actress.

The movies were my dream.

But your father made it clear that could never be my life.

Then he asked me to marry him, and that was that.

But at that time, did you love him? Oh yes.

You know I've always loved him.


But well, it was different then.

Over the years he changed, he isolated himself With his work, pictures, his bouts of silence.

I don't know, maybe it was having Greta, or perhaps that we we weren't ready for it.

It was It was terrible, so painful! Come on, don't be scared! Please, switch off the television! I'm so ashamed.

Why? But why? Why have they done this? It's obviously a warning for Daddy.

First Greta and then me.

What they want from him, I don't know.

His soul his soul.

How I never wanted you to see that clip it was so disgusting.

You weren't the vulgar one, it was them.

- Are you in pain, my darling?
- No, no, they didn't do much harm.

But they did give me a huge shock.

Do you love me just a little bit? Yes, of course, Mum, I love you, I do.

It's just that sometimes I don't quite understand you.

It was so hard for me when I found out about you and Dad I wish you had never seen that clip, it'll only do you harm.

It feels so humiliating.

There are other things that are humiliating, Mum.

Up in the mountains Yum yum yum The cute dwarfies eat Yum yum yum Up in the mountains Glu glu glu The cute dwarfies drink Glu glu glu Up in the mountains Zzz zzz zzz The cute dwarfies sleep Zzz zzz zzz You can go home now.

Why do you come in so late at night? Your eyes are tired.

- Greta?
- She's in bed asleep.

Mum's gone to the theatre with Dino.

- What have you done to yourself?
- Nothing, a corner was annoyed with me.

What's up? Worries? I'd like you, your mother and Greta to go away for a few days.

I'd feel more relaxed.

Why? Because of Greta's kidnapping? I want to find out who has it in for us.

- Do you have any suspects?
- Perhaps.

But it's better to keep quiet around journalists.

We could send Greta to Switzerland for a while.

No, sorry I won't leave you here alone, and you'll find Mum will be the same.

She often leaves me alone, as you can see.

The show's over and she isn't back yet.

I'm sure she forced Dino to stop for a drink somewhere.

That must be it.

I have to go to Rome.

All because of your husband.

He creates the mess and it's my turn to get us out of it.

Carlo seems very worried these days.

Carlo was born worried.

The slightest thing makes him agitated.

However, he's better than you.

But I like you more than he does.

- How's the girl?
- Not bad.

Can you go any faster? Don't be in a hurry to see Laudeo.

We've got to talk about a few things first.

Such as? You see, that phone number, it's a number for Laudeo in Rome.

There's still someone working for him there is no doubt.

- This whole kidnapping was his idea.

- That pig!
- And that struggle with Giulia!
- Indeed.

It's time we tightened the noose.

Now you can really scare him.

thr*aten to tell the courts what you know, it risks thirty years they don't take children and kidnapping very lightly.

Forget threats, when I see his face I feel like strangling him.

There are better ways.

Cattani, what a brilliant find, but what is the meaning of this number? You're finished! I had promised you 20 years in jail, but with what I tell the judge, it's life for you! Officer!
- You're bluffing.

- No bluff, and you'll soon see.

See you in a couple of days.

At nine am.

Carlo, we can't say no! We need assets! Do you realise the Hong Kong Bank is just about bankrupt? In any case, it's not the first time we've given a loan like this.

You've known that all along, you've just chosen to ignore it.

Yes, I know we have accepted the business of selling arms at times, but that was always legal, at least bordering on the legal.

But this time it's different.

I'm not talking about fear, Dino.

This is my instinct.

I don't understand you.

I've never thought of myself as a man of finance, this is why I need you, a man with your business sense.

But, I am a man that 'feels' things, and this time I smell the odour of blood, of death.

It is an odour that hangs over everything, only one is stronger: the odour of money.

Well, that's not a bad thing.


But I hate it! No, it's not worth insisting, or we'll make things worse.

And as for this Cattani, he does nothing but create worries for us.

Best to stay calm.

I don't want to stay calm.

I want to get moving, att*ck! What are they saying in Rome? Rome! They're not making themselves known for the moment.

If I leave Yfter out of the deal I'm finished
- do you get it? If only I can finalise a deal of this magnitude, then I can find someone capable of getting me out of this place.

This is a delicate moment.

If you ask me, the only option right now is to let it all go.

Let them finish the deal themselves, let the dust settle, and then we can try and get a hold of the situation again.

Is that what Yfter has told you? Did he give that advice? He told Dino.

Which means they've already decided have they? They want to carry on without me, but if they think they can dump me like this, they are mistaken! I don't get it, what are you saying? You're one of them.

Get out of here! Get out of my sight! I don't need you anymore! Centre of Peace and Solidarity for the Third World.

Why warn me about this now? How long have you known?
- Are you sure?
- Yes, he's decided to talk.

He's summoned him to the prison tomorrow.

Alright Yes, I understand.

No, I'll call again in a while.

He has really decided to tell all.

The deal is off.

I won't allow it! Is there nothing we can do? Well, you know better than I, that we're at a dead end.

Laudeo knows my name, your name, Yfter's name, the operation and the channels we are attempting to service.

He knows the operators: buyers and sellers.

I repeat: is there anything we can do? I vote in favour.

And you? Well, I'd be prepared to vote in favour if he were to.

I don't like majority votes.

We're either all for it, or we leave things as they are.

That's right.

However, I need a moment to myself.

There's little time sir, we can't wait.


So if if you could excuse me for a moment.

Hello, it's me.

It's fine by me.

From this point we can proceed.

- So, everything is in place?
- You deal with the matter,
- but also take on the responsibility.

- Alright.

We're late Sir.

Your friend is in the waiting room.

He'll have to keep waiting.

I want breakfast first.

It's my right isn't it? Good morning Sir.

Ah, good morning Antonio.

- What's news amongst the free?
- Nothing of great importance.


All the important stuff happens here behind bars.

Are you having breakfast now, or after your shower? Pour me a drop of coffee.

I'll have the rest later.

He's sick! Come here!
- It was poisoned! The coffee
- I'll call the nurse! The stretcher! Quickly! Quickly! Out of the way! Let us through! Out of the way! What's happened? Was he feeling sick? There's nothing more we can do.

He's dead.

- Excuse me.

Is Mr Torri in?
- Yes.

Come in.

Tell me the truth: were you aware that our pushing, could have forced them to k*ll him? No, if I'd known I would have stopped it.

The fact they have k*lled Laudeo is of great concern to me.

I was hoping he would have been able to rise above it.

And now? And now the only way of uncovering who is behind it all, is to discover who k*lled him.

Apparently little Greta's kidnapper revealed Laudeo's name to Judge Venturi.

This morning's papers are saying that the Prosecution will definitely combine the two investigations.

Why don't you tell the judge what you know? Listen Corrado, you know very well how slow these judges work.

I want to find out what kind of operation Yfter has and I want to find out now.

Viviani, the day before the event you requested a change of shift, so you could work the morning shift.

Why was that? Because that afternoon I had to take my son to camp.

- Couldn't you have sent your wife?
- My wife doesn't drive.

And is it you that prepares the coffee in the morning?
- Yes, when I'm assigned to it.

- Otherwise? Well that kitchen is reserved for the prisoners.

But occasionally some of us officers use it as well.

- Who are these colleagues?
- How could I know them all? I want to know who, on that night, could have poisoned that coffee.

Viviani, it would serve you well to give out those names, because at this point you're in a bad place, got that?
- Why?
- Why? Because Laudeo collapsed to the ground after drinking your coffee! So? The same thing happened on another occasion when he was unwell.

He had heart problems.

Ah, Mr Cattani, I've been expecting you.

- Come in, please.

- Thank you.

Why did you wish to meet with Laudeo in prison? You must appreciate what one can gain from seeing a person behind bars a person that ruined your life.

You sought out this man, and this man, Laudeo, is poisoned as he prepares to go to an interview with you.

Do you mind telling me how you are involved in this story? I don't know.

What am I supposed to say? That it was me who poisoned the coffee? Cattani, don't make me lose my patience! Your honour! Some bad news! Poor Viviani.

- Good morning.

May I?
- And you are? I'm a police inspector.

- I knew your husband.

- Come in.

- What are you studying?
- American history.

Do you have some money set aside? Perhaps in the bank? Well, we always struggled for money at the end of a month.

In the savings account we had more or less 300000 lire.

But, Antonio seemed to be quite prudent.

Wasn't he? It's true.

But, he and money didn't mix.

Sure, if he could have Only recently he mentioned something about a possibility a way of making a bit of money.

I don't know perhaps to do with the insurance.

- Insurance? Fifteen days ago he took out a policy with the World
-Wide Insurance Company.

Bert wants to speak with you.

Simms A company, World
-Wide Insurers, I want to know all about them.

Owners, members, investors, shareholders, capital, other links.

I'm leaving for Basel.

We've been told that Yfter arrived there on a flight from Rome.

Finally, it seems some of the pieces are coming together.

And we're trying to listen in on what's being said.

In America we have some discrete equipment for this type of task.

As for you, try and stay calm if you can you could spend a few days with Miss Antinari.

What are you doing? Arranging my private life?
- Do I ask about your private life?
- Well I'm married.

- I have a six year old: Bert Junior.

- That's original.

My wife named him.

I'm not sure if she's crazy for me or my name.

I know that she wanted two Berts in the house.

In a couple of years Bert Junior will have his first Communion, and we'll be throwing a huge party for him.

- If you're alive, you're invited.

- Really? Thanks, you're very kind.

- Oh, and naturally Miss
- Yes, Miss Antinari.

- What is the name of that lady?
- Those are private details.

What are you digging for? Have you had any luck in finding something? Look at this Major shareholder: Antinari Bank 51%% %
- Hi.

- Oh, welcome back! Weren't we supposed to have a date three days ago? Yes, but so much has happened in three days.

There are telephones you know.

You could have at least called.

Not that I care that much for you, after all we only had dinner together didn't we? And for just a dinner I can have them queuing at the door.

Not me though.

Yes, but you could have come by with a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates, I don't know, a record.

Whatever it is that men do when they are apologising to a woman.

I know, you're right.

But I actually came to ask you a favour.

- What kind of favour?
- It's about a woman whose husband has d*ed in a car accident.

Pardon? Are you sure? Yes, yes, I understand.

Thank you.

Many thanks.


It was the Director of the World
-Wide Insurance Company.

He said he will settle the account within the month.

But we're talking about 500 million lire.

How is that possible? You said he was a simple prison officer.

He must have paid a huge price to agree on a policy.

I don't know.

Perhaps he had a friend loan him the money.

What do you think of that? Well, I think this man knew he could die soon.

It's possible.

Yes, he was bought.

He agreed to put the poison in the coffee, in exchange for that policy.

And then they k*lled him.

But why does a man have to sell his life for 500 million lire? I don't know.

How is this possible? TAL is crashing.

Less than 4.

3 in one day? How do you explain that? It's all a consequence of the listing of petroleum.

The fixing will hit in about an hour.

Do you want to see? No, wait.

I'll think about it.

I'll call again.

Come in.

- Good morning.

- Giulia this is a surprise! You never come to the bank.

My, how they all treat me with such reverence here!
- It's as if I'm heir to a throne!
- You are indeed.

When I can no longer bear the office, the figures and these snarling, awful people you'll have to come here and you'll sit in that exact chair Come over, try it.


I'll never do it.

It's too uncomfortable.

Besides, you know I hate banks.

So do I.

But it would be an honour for your grandparents.

Here we are.

Just a second and we're done.

Do you only do work for the World
-Wide Insurance Company? No, no I also k*ll for a living!
- What kind of work do you do?
- I test drive sports cars.

Ah, you'd be wise to get some insurance! You may well know that people like yourself have brief lives.

- Ah, thanks.

- Nothing, don't mention it.

All done.

Do you mind if I leave it running? I still have seven layers of skin to inspect.

You can go to the toilet, get dressed and then go.


Childhood illnesses? Measles.

And rubella.

Nationality? Italian.

And in case you ask, skin colour: white.

The four final keys are unique in the world
- only on this piano.

It was all hand
-made every piece.

And do you play it every now and again? No, never.

Why have you come? I've decided to take on a task.

It's about the death of that officer, the one who was present at Laudeo's m*rder But, how do you know it was a m*rder? Well, I don't know, I just believe so.

Isn't it better to wait for the Judge's findings? Oh come on Dad! Don't be so conservative.

It's obvious he was k*lled isn't it? Anyway, I've discovered that this officer took out a life insurance policy only fifteen days before.

- And?
- Do you know how much it was worth? 500 million lire.

He must have been up to something don't you think? I don't know anything about it.

I don't think I can help you Lung cancer, multiple metastasis non

My God! He had a tumour!