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4x04 - Touch of Eva

Posted: 10/15/10 23:20
by bunniefuu
Gossip gril here, you're one of the resources into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.

How are things going? The guys were easy, but the girls are presenting a little bit more of a challenge.

We'll get it done.

I promise.

There's no way that I'm letting you take this child.

It's not your choice.

He's not your son.

How stupid can I be to think you'd actually put Serena behind you? I'm not sure how I feel about Serena.

I just want a clear shot at finding out.

I, um, met someone.

Her name's Eva.

Chuck will soon realize that it doesn't matter if the dress is couture if the girl is off-the-rack.

And then, as with all things that don't fit, You'll be sent back to where you came from.

Overnight, our brooding billionaire's become a generous gentlemen.

But what's responsible for this metamorphosis? Or should I say who? Has a french fairy touched chuck With her magic wand? Or does simply being with an angel make you want to grow wings, too? #Have a heart, have a heart, have a heart# Sorry, miss blair.

No papers today.

I think maybe 8th steal them again.

Dorota, we both know that It was you, not Susan Lucci, who took my papers.

But there's no point.

It's all over the internet.

What is? What are you reading? Chuck gave Eva a limited edition Baignoire Cartier watch.

"Gossip girl" Even has a whole thread where people can guess how much it cost.

How can she even see Time through all that sparkly? I-I go get more coffee.

How can I stomach going to his charity gala later? Watching everyone "Ooh" And "Ooh la la" over that French floozy and that watch? Some are speculating it cost more than anything he ever gave me.

B, I know it's hard to see Chuck with someone else.

But you have to stop doing this to yourself.

I'm just worried about him.

We've seen this before! Strangers weaseling their way into our hearts.

Clearly, Eva has an agenda.

I'm guessing it's his money.

You know, Eva actually seems nice.

And even if she isn't, it's not your business anymore.

Oh! And it's your business to be monitoring Nate and Juliet? And even worse, Humphrey and Dumpty? Fine.

We're both having trouble moving on.

But it was just so easy in Paris.

You were so easy in Paris.


But now-- Now you're here, and those boys are taken.

For now.

Yes, you're right.

Maybe Dan and Nate will see the error of their ways and break up with those girls, or they'll marry them, and you'll die hitting refresh.

Okay, fine.

You know what? I will stay away from Nate and Dan, but you have to stay away from Chuck and Eva.

No plotting, no meddling, no blair waldorf-ing.

I'm not going to.

I wasn't.

I was going shopping anyway.

Okay, then I'm just gonna stay home and unpack all day.

No gala.

And tonight we'll watch "Amelie" and try to recreate our favorite cocktails from Le tr`es particuliers .

Deal? Deal.


How are you, sleepyhead? Ah, never better.

You making pancakes? Yeah.

I noticed you haven't been eating much, so I thought I'd make 'em for you.

And there's still time to take a shower.

Do you wanna change your clothes? No.

No, I'm good.

I'm fine.

You've been wearing that shirt for, like, three days.

Well, I'm sorry, mom.

I didn't realize when you moved in, you'd be--you'd be laundry monitor.

It's a beautiful Saturday.

I thought maybe we could go to the promenade, talk.

Talk? Talk about what? Your pancakes are burning.

Why did you bring out four plates? Don't be mad.

This has been going on too long, So I had to call for backup.

Something smells delicious.

Merci, Ivan.

So, Ivan, how did your mets do last night? Heartbreak as usual, Mr.


Thanks for asking.

If I may, the flowers are right for the gala.

Simply beautiful.

As is the woman who choose them.

Hi! I'm sorry I'm late.

Traffic on Broadway.

Hey, I was calling you.

My phone died, drowned by a spilled latte.

No worries.



I hope you two are coming to my charity event later.

Party on the roof? We wouldn't miss it.

Good, 'cause I'm announcing a $5 million charity.

What? $5 million? - Chuck, that's amazing.

What's the lucky organization? Poor thing can't make up his mind.

Petroleum apocalypse, the education crisis, poverty, disease, not to mention the recession.

It seems outside my Bassian bubble, the world is a pretty screwed up place.

Well, the good news is, whichever you pick will be eternally grateful.

If it's not too hypocritical, I think the situation calls for some champagne.

I'll join you.


Thank you.

So I didn't know him before, but I heard stories.

You're a great influence.

He's really changed.

I take no credit.

Old chuck, bad chuck, new chuck, good chuck.

To me, it's one man, one journey.


You really are from Europe.

Why are you staring at me? Philanthropy? Chatting with the help about sports? It's nice to see you Nice.

Well, it's all Eva.

She cared about me before she knew who I was.

I guess I wanna prove her right.

How's things with you and Juliet? Good, I guess.

You know, I don't know why she's never invited me over to her apartment.

And she's extremely hard to make plans with.

And considering school just started, she's got an awful lot of homework.

Nathaniel, most people don't go from zero to monogamous so soon.

She's probably seeing other people.


Nah, I don't think so.

Nate, I'm sorry.

I know I just got here, but my neighbor-- she's locked out, and I have her spare key.

So I have to go.

I'm sorry.

What are you-- Bye.



I thought her phone died.

So what is this, a talk-about-your-feelings intervention? No.

We just want you to know that we're here for you.

and that you do need to talk.

So, yeah, this is a kind of talk-about-your-feelings intervention.

All right, well, I'm fine.

Dan, you've been sleeping all day, cutting class.

I-I caught you watching "Wild hogs" and laughing.

It's okay to admit that you're depressed that Georgina took the baby.

Guys, I'm sleeping because I haven't in months.

I'm laughing because I-I finally got the stench of baby poop Out of my nostrils.

I'm relieved, all right? I mean, it's not like I've been hiding out here.

I went out.

I got a-- I got a haircut.

You thought Milo was your son.

You watched as he was born.

You held him in your arms.

You loved him.

But he wasn't mine.

He--he was--he was a waste of a summer.

Now if you will excuse me, thank you for coming.

Where are you going? I'm gonna go to Nate's.

Would've told you sooner, - but your intervention intervened.

I'll see you later.

I know what you're up to.

You're at cartier, checking the cost of that watch.

You're breaking your pact.

And you're looking at "Gossip girl," Thereby breaking yours.

Anyway, it just so happens that my watch is broken.

You were wearing it yesterday, and it worked perfectly fine.

Now it doesn't.

Blair, we had a deal.


? Why did you stop talking? No reason.


I know we haven't talked in a while, But I was taking a walk, found myself at your door.

Spotted-- one angel selling her halo.

Careful, Eva.

Returning that watch may cost you the time of your life.

Good afternoon, Chuck.

I thought we might enjoy some tea.

You know how I adore those empire bacon scones.

I know everything about you, which is why I know your visit Probably has more to do with a scheme than a scone.

Chuck, you've changed.

What makes you think I haven't? And speaking of your newfound affinity for the huddled messes, how is, the delightful Eva.

Leave her alone, Blair.

If you're as serious about her as Cindy Adams thinks, Then we'll be crossing paths all the time.

And don't you think we should be friends? Yay! There she is! Uh, don't worry.

Blair was just-- Sitting for some tea.

Scone? I'd love to.

Eva, I must apologize.

The first time we met, I had no idea you'd be the woman who could finally change Chuck Bass.

Oh, the Chuck I've known has always been kind and generous, Even when he had nothing himself.

You should've known him before he was shot.

Once, he sold me for a hotel.

Actually, Blair, she knows.

We have no secrets.

Blackmailers must be weeping all over town.

Eva, I read about Chuck's gift, And forgive me for being vulgar, But I've always wanted a Baignoire timepiece.

Might I see it? Oh, I-I don't have it on.

I brought it in to be resized.

Are you sure you mean resized? 'cause I think you brought it in to be returned for cash.

See? That is Eva selling the watch.

It is pretty-- the watch, I mean, Not the wad of hundies.

Though Eva might disagree.

Eva, what's going on? I needed the money for a friend.

That weak excuse might've worked in the former Vichy Republic, But Chuck and I are savvy new yorkers.

She gave me the money, Mr.


Please don't be mad.

Ivan's mother was about to lose the house he grew up in.

At first, he was too proud to accept help, But I wore him down.

My valet.

W-why would you do that? I'm a stranger here, And Ivan is one of the few people who have been kind to me.

Your gift meant so much, but I couldn't wear something that decadent.

When it could save a family from losing their home.

I'm sorry.

Don't be angry with me.

How could I ever be angry at you? Just do me one favor.


Pick the charity for me to give my money to.

Your heart'll find the right one.

Well, I'm sure you--you've that heard Milo's not mine.

Georgina took him back.

Yeah, my mom told me.

I'm sorry.

How do you feel? Vanessa and everyone keeps asking me that, trying to get me to talk about it, like it was this crushing blow.

But I just got my life back.

I wanna enjoy it now, you know? Okay.

Well, then we won't talk about it.

We'll just spend the day having fun.

Just you and me, okay? Uh, but first, I have to deal with this.


Hello? I saw Eva selling her watch back to Cartier for cash.

Are you kidding me? Then I went to Chuck's and witnessed her give the world's most credible altruistic excuse.

B., this is not what you promised me.

Hey, I'm gonna get a pretzel.
Is that Dan? That is not what you promised me.

No, it's different.

He came to me.

First, nonsense! Second, I really don't care right now.

Chuck's about to be taken for a ride.

We need to take that tart down! Now Humphrey has proven his worth in the past.

He could be useful to us now.

This is not a good idea.

Serena, do you remember when chuck gave his heart to his mother? That was the beginning of the end of everything.


Okay, what do you want us to do? Get on your computer.

I'll text you clues as I get them.

See? Needy dogs are the perfect cause.

Ohh, and so much cuter than those children with the cleft palates that you were going to pick.

We need to think in terms of the Bass annual report cover When making decisions like this.

I admit, Blair, when you ran into me outside the empire and offered to help me pick a charity, I was a little skeptical.

But you seem to have Chuck's best interests at heart.

Well, it's the least I could do after that whole watch snafu earlier.

I'm--I'm sorry again.

I guess I must just still be protective of Chuck.

Old habits.

But I still wanna be friends.

Tell me everything.

I wanna hear your whole life story.

Nathaniel, I'm on my way out to the What are you doing? These pictures of Juliet-- she's coming out of the 116th street subway station at 10:00 p.


on nights she said she had too much work to go out with me.

You were right.

She's gotta be seeing someone else.

What do I do? Well, the old chuck bass would've told you to play the same game, make her jealous.

But the new Chuck thinks you should be honest.

Tell her how you feel, how much you like her.

I hope you didn't lose old Chuck's number.

Eva was just spotted at the park with Blair.

Eva's strong.

She can handle Blair.

I'll see you later.

So did you have dogs growing up? Well, I grew up on a farm in the Loire Valley.

We had lots of animals.

Oh, love the loire.

Which part? She grew up on a goat farm outside of Orleans.

They were cheesemakers.

This is ridiculous.

You don't have to stay here and do this.

No, it's okay.

I'm having fun.

I mean, we always have fun.

We do.

And hey, even though you may regret entering my world, at least you've developed terrific social espionage skills.

Well, as they say, adapt or die.

Ah, all right, as I expected, there are no regional cheese scandals of note.

What do we got next? I was in my first year of nursing school when my grandfather died.

Turned out he owed more money than the farm was worth.

So I dropped out of school to help pay for the bills.

I knew some girls who were going to Prague to look for work, and I decided to go with them.

And what did you do when you got there? Open an orphanage or tend to lepers? No, I waited tables.

I worked in a hotel for a while and sent everything back home.

Then I met Chuck, and the rest you know.

You met him in his hotel? Actually, I was in my room when I heard the g*nshots.

I went downstairs and-- You found him? Well, when the ambulance didn't show up, I knew I had to do something myself.

So You're a beautiful blonde nurse without a mean bone in your body, and you literally saved Chuck's life? You make it sound like I'm an angel.

I just I just did what I had to.

Why do you think the ambulance didn't show up? Might have something to do with the neighborhood we were in.

Chuck isn't exactly the first person to get shot in Perlovka.




You are good at this.

Not only am I manly and rugged, but I also have mad browsing skills.

Don't laugh.

Most women would be ripping their clothes off in the presence of this kind of web savvy.

Oh, really? I'm not lying.


Does Vanessa know you're here? No.

I told her I was going to Nate's.

Why'd you lie? Because After she moved in, things.


They've just been very weird.

They've been hard.

I mean, she keeps pressuring me all the time, and I I think the truth is, she's not convinced that I'm over you.

And I'm probably not.

Wait a second.

Perlovka? Is Blair sure about that one? What are you doing here? I wanted to make up for having to leave this morning.

What's up? Okay, this may sound a little creepy, but I read the thread about you on "Gossip Girl.

" I should've figured that was gonna happen at some point.

Have you been lying to me? Nate It's okay.

If you've been seeing other people.

I mean, we never said we were gonna be exclusive.

I just You know, with everything that happened with Serena, I need you to be honest with me about it.

I'm not seeing anybody else.

Nor do I want to, if--if you don't.

I don't.

But what were you doing then? I was visiting someone.

I promise you, I am not dating anybody else.

Hey, guys.

I'm here to kidnap Dan.

Where is he? The woman is a saint! She didn't recoil from those creepy cat rescuers or turn away from the pictures of those starving children.

She didn't even cringe when that homeless man licked her arm.

Well, she might be used to weird guys licking her.

yeah, 'cause she may be a saint, But she's also a prost*tute.

Looks like eva's past may be Blair perfect present.

But what's more dangerous for chuck-- Eva's secret or what B.

may do with it? How do you find this? Well, when you told us where Eva first met Chuck, it's in Prague's red light district.

So almost as a joke, I looked up brothels.

And a lot of them have web sites.

Turns out Eva has good love for you.

I've never been so happy for internet porn.

Humphrey, you've done a fine job.

Serena and I can take it from here.

Okay, but you may lose me to "Csi: Williamsburg.

" Serena made certain promises today that don't include you.

But, Dan, this is crucial information that has to be deployed expertly.

Please promise you won't tell anyone.

She means "Thank you.

" I'll call you later.

No, she won't! Serena, you have to come and help me find a dress for the gala.

But we said we weren't going.

Where else am I going to announce to the world that chuck's new lady is a lady of the evening? Do not embarrass them in public.

Pull him aside, tell him in private.

Let him handle it.

Can I at least look fabulous while doing it? You know, you didn't have to kick Dan out.

Serena, you promised to stay away from Nate and Dan.


Are you telling me you chose? And that things with Dan and Vanessa are I think.

Maybe, yeah.

Well, as much as nature would applaud you for heading off any possible future Humphrey/Abrams offspring, You have to ask yourself, are you ready to do what it takes to make him yours? Seems like we both need to look fabulous.


Dad, what are you still doing here? Lily went to get her hair done for chuck's gala.

I'm taking a pass, So I thought I'd get some of my stuff out of here and organize it at home, give Vanessa the closet space.

Didn't she find you at Nate's? Jeez, for kids addicted to their cell phones, you never actually seem to use them to communicate.

I was with Serena, actually.

Dan, you need to face what's really going on here.

Dad, nothing is going on.

I--Milo is gone.

I don't need to be an adult anymore.

And I was just--can't I have a fun day with a friend? Not if it involves lying to the woman you're living with.

Dan, talk to me.

When Milo was here, Every decision I made was for his benefit.

But now, I mean, I just-- I-I wonder if I made all the wrong choices.

When Georgina showed up here that day, pregnant I mean, I was-- I was about to fly to Paris.

I was gonna tell Serena that I loved her and I would do whatever it took to get her back, and Yeah, hold on.

Uh, it's--it's Nate.

I'm sorry.

I gotta take this.

Hey, man.

I was just about to call you.

I covered for you.

And I think Vanessa bought it, but you know I'm a bad liar.

Juliet took her for coffee.

What's going on? Um It's complicated.

Does "Complicated" mean you're cheating on Vanessa? No, no, no.

I'm not cheating.

I'm not cheating.

But I was with Serena.

I thought we both agreed to stay away from her.

I know, but this was a special circumstance.

Okay, forget me.

If you wanna be with Serena, you gotta say something to Vanessa.

No, it's not that.

It's not that at all.

I mean, Serena and I were helping Blair.

We Investigate chuck's new girlfriend.

Why would you do that? Because Eva's not who Chuck thinks she is.

That's--that's really all I can say.

Blair made me promise.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

So now-- Now your promises to Blair mean more than your pact with me? Or your relationship with Vanessa? Nate, she's a prost*tute.

What? And I don't mean in a gold digger-ish, Eva's into Chuck's money kind of way.

I mean she's, like, got a web page and a price list.

But you can't tell Chuck.

Please, please don't tell Chuck.

Blair wants to deal with this on her own.

Yeah, I bet she does.

Hey, uh, I'll talk to you later, okay? Cookies were definitely a good idea.

I couldn't let you go back to Brooklyn without any nourishment.

I'm sorry you missed Dan.

Mildly convincing.

You're a slightly better liar than Nate.

But you did not see Dan at all, did you? He's going through a hard time.

Look, I don't mean to pry, but hard time or not, why would Dan lie to you? I don't know.

Because he's looking for an excuse to get away And not deal with everything.

Okay, so why not just go to Nate's like he said? Because Nate would probably see that he's upset and try to make him talk about it.

So he went to the one person he knew would be happy to help him avoid.


I don't know what to do.

Confronting Dan now will only push him further away.

Well, if you ask me, the only way to stop this is to confront Serena.

And I know just where you can find her.

Nate Archibald has his "I hate to tell you this" Face on.

Blair's been looking into, uh, Eva's past.

Well, we can't be too surprised about that, can we? She found something.

Eva is-- or, at least she was-- um Chuck, she's a prost*tute.

Nathaniel, I may be nice, but I'm still me.

You think I didn't already know this? Oh! I Of--of course you did.

Look, I'm sorry.

Um, just be careful, okay? Knowing Blair, she's gonna try and out this whole thing at the party later.

All right? Whew.

I'm gonna go deal with this stuff.

You sure you don't want to keep me company? Yeah, no, I-I-- Vanessa just texted that she's gonna be out late with friends from school.

So I thought I'd catch up on some reading.

You guys really do need to talk at some point.

I know.


We're gonna talk tomorrow.


Hey, Dan.

I know it's last minute, but our conversation got interrupted earlier, and I wanna know if you wanna go with me to Chuck's charity thing.

We could talk.


You know what? I'd love to.


See you later.

What do you think? You know.

Do you see Serena? I'm sure she's around here somewhere.

Let's take a lap.

We're gonna go to the ladies room.

Will you check this? Sure.

Thank you.

Okay, where's Chuck? I don't know.

But, B.

, don't you think you should give him a few minutes to enjoy his event before you blow up his world? Fine.

Where's Dan? I don't know, but I know he'll show up.

You two look gorgeous! Thank you.

So do you.

Though I do question your manila evening bag.

Oh, well, uh, the Paris police sent me Charles' effects about a week ago-- money clip, passport.

You know, I just keep forgetting.

His valet is right over there.

He'll drop it off in Chuck's suite for you.


Thank you.

Look here.

Chuck, look right.

Chuck! Chuck! Chuck! That'll be enough of that for one evening.

Thank you.

I'll see you in a minute.




So how's the humiliation gonna go down? Did your scheme team find Eva's pimp? Is he gonna roll up to the press with platforms on? No.


Well, maybe you'll project a sex tape of Eva and one of her Johns as I make my way up the dais? Chuck, I'm not trying to humiliate anyone.

I just wanted you to know the truth, But obviously you already do.

Yes, and I don't care.

How can you not care? This is your mother all over again.

You're giving your heart to a moneygrubbing harlot who only cares about herself.

Please don't do this.

You just can't stand to see someone finally change me, And it wasn't you.

Well, if you believe that, then you really have changed, Because now you're a fool! Ooh! That dress is not fair.


I'm so glad you came.

There are actually some things that I wanna tell you.

Well, good, because there's some things I wanna tell you.

Oh, isn't that just adorable? Hi.

There you are.

What are you still doing with my coat? I thought you said-- Ben needs to see you.

Nate, you don't understand.

Oh, the reason I've--I've never been to your apartment, The reason you're so hard to make plans with-- You have a boyfriend.

Ben's not my boyfriend.

You know, you hate Serena so much 'cause you're exactly like her.


No, don't.

Just--just go.

Serena had nothing to do with any of this.

Really, we're just-- we're friends.

If that was true, you wouldn't have lied.

Vanessa, I'm sorry, but I-I had fun today for the first time in a really long time.

Good for you, Dan.

I'm--I'm glad that serena's so fun, And I'm sorry that I'm not, but I'm just trying to make you deal with your feelings, with your life.

Every second of every day.

I'm trying to help you, because that's what adults do in an adult relationship.

But if you wanna run around and be with Miss fun-all-the-time, that's your choice.

But you better make sure she's choosing you, too.

Did she tell you why she didn't call you all summer? Or explain to you why she texted you and Nate the same day she was coming back? I've always only wanted you, Dan, but even I have my limits.

Take care.

How'd it go with Dan? Well, Vanessa showed up, so they're talking now.

I don't know what's gonna happen, but I feel terrible.

How'd it go with Chuck? He knew, but he didn't care.

Well, I guess that's good news then, right, if you were just doing this to protect him? Yeah.

You don't want him back, do you? I'll never forgive him.

I just wanted to save him.

Why don't I get you another drink? Thank you for understanding.

I didn't judge your past.

I should've known you wouldn't judge mine.

I understand more than you know.

Just don't lie to me again.

On behalf of the Manhattan Philanthropic Community, Thank you, all, for coming.

Now I know we're all dying to hear chuck's announcement.

So without further ado-- Mr.


Thanks, Kick.

When, uh, selecting a charity for my donation, there were so many worthwhile causes, I was confounded.

Then I realized there was one person who would know the answer-- Someone who had turned her life around and helped me turn around my own.

Tonight, I'd like to announce a new charity-- the Eva Coupeau Foundation.

I will be donating $5 million to the woman whose name it bears.

It is at her discretion to decide who deserves the help most.

She fell in love with me when she didn't know that I was Chuck Bass.

And tonight, I show her who that man really is.

So introducing mademoiselle Eva Coupeau.

Ivan, I'm gonna need to see that envelope Lily gave you.

I think I left something in it.

Thank you.

I don't know what to say.

This is so unexpected.

But Chuck put his faith in me Thanks.

Eva, would you mind if I had a word with Chuck? It's important.

Why not, Blair? What more can you possibly do to me? Be right back.

What do you want now, To tell me Nate's running a secret drug ring? Well, if he was, you'd probably make him the C.



of Bass Industries.

You have 20 seconds.

I thought finding out your honey was a hooker would be enough to sway you, but you've just rewarded her for her tricks.

Pun intended.

14 seconds.

I didn't wanna tell you because I didn't wanna break your heart, but after hearing your little speech, -I feel like I have no choice.

7 seconds.

You said Eva didn't know who you were when she fell in love with you.

But today when we went back to your room, I saw something that proves she did.

I don't believe you, Blair.

Deny all you want.

Then I'd avoid the inside pocket of her suitcase.

What were you doing in her suitcase? Snooping, looking for dirt.

But I never thought I'd find your passport.

That's impossible.

When I woke up, my passport was gone.

The muggers took it.

Or Eva did the night she found you.

The night she made you her mark.

Hey, have you seen Chuck? No.

You okay? You look a little upset.

I think I just broke up with Juliet.

I mean, I know you hate her.

Doesn't mean that I wanna see you hurt.

You need to talk? You came here with Dan, huh? Yeah, I did.

Nate, if you ever need me I'm here, always.

I'm sorry.

I really am.

I just thought you should know.


There you are.

I'll give you two a minute.

What is it? What's wrong? Did you know who I was when we met? You know I didn't.

Why are you asking me this? I found my passport in your suitcase.

What are you talking about? I should've known.

You lied about the watch.

You lied about your former career.

Is that what you think of me? I let you in, told you everything-- the whole story of how my mother and my uncle tried to take me.

You sat there and you thought, "I'm next.

" I'm sorry.

I'll pack my things.

Only the things you came with.

You okay? I'm stupid.

How could I ever believe someone good would actually love me? So what happened with Vanessa? I saw you talking to Nate.

Yeah, he was having some problems.

Listen, when you texted me from Paris that you wanted to talk, I thought it must've been because, you know, you were--you were thinking about the night before you left, - Like I have.

Well, I had been.

When you came back, I thought seeing Georgina and the baby must've changed things.

I also knew that you texted Nate, But I assumed it was to tell him it was over.

I guess that's what I wanted to believe, though.

It's not the truth, is it? Well, there was a lot of unfinished business between all of us.

I need to know.

When you came home, were you coming home to me or him? Honestly, Dan, I was trying to choose.

Serena, there are some people who don't need to choose.

Charles, thank you for a lovely evening.

I am so proud of you.

And I had Ivan put your things in your room.

What things? Um, the package from the Paris police.

Your personal effects, passport, That they sent last week.

Uh-oh, Chuck.

Looks like "B" stands for betrayal.

Charles, are you okay? Can you catch your angel before she flies away? Eva, stop it.

Look, I'm so sorry.

I-I should never have doubted you.

I made a terrible mistake.

You did, and thank you for saying that.

Look, you are pure and perfect.

I will make this up to you, I promise.

Chuck, I have to go.

No, look, you don't.

Blair set us up.

I know better now.

Of course Blair lied to you.

She's a liar.

But you chose to believe her.

You're still connected to her.

I see it when you're together.

I can I can feel it when I'm in the room.

So let's go away.

Just you and me.

Let's go back to paris, wherever you want, right now.

You'll always feel the pull of new york.

This is your home.

And now it's time for me to return to mine.

Don't leave.

Everybody leaves.

You're Chuck Bass, and that means something different now.

Don't forget it, and don't forget me.

Nate, you're right.

I have been lying.

Ben's my brother, and he's troubled.

He takes a lot of time and energy and has caused a lot of problems in every relationship that I've ever had.

Look, I want to tell you everything.

I'm just I'm not ready yet.

But I promise you, I won't let him come between us again.

Well, I don't know if you've read anything about the Archibalds, But we have a lot of skeletons in our closets.

And we have mansions full of closets.

So I guess I can deal with one brother.

Maybe I can show you my apartment now? Hey.

I-I didn't think you'd still be here.

Yeah, I put my stuff in these boxes, And then I realized I don't have anywhere to go.

Vanessa, I don't want you to go anywhere.

You were right about everything.

Serena is She's serena.

And I I was just avoiding you and avoiding myself.

It's a really weird, embarrassing thing for a college guy to be admitting, But I Losing Milo broke my heart.

I know.

Mine, too.

I love you.

And I don't regret any of the decisions that I made about Milo or having you here with me.

No Dan? And in that dress? I'm shocked.


I guess it's for the best, though.

I mean, if I end up with Dan, a part of me will always love Nate.

And if I end up with Nate, a part of me will always love Dan.

So I don't know.

I guess I just need to find someone who gives me what I get in both of them.

That's a mature decision.

Not sure I've made any of my own for a while.

What do you mean? Miss blair, Mr.

Chuck is here.

I know what you did, Blair.

It's despicable, even for you.

Do you hate me so much you can't stand to see me happy? No.

So why did you drive the person I care most about out of town? Eva left? Chuck, I never meant to-- Make her leave me? Of course you did.

I need to know why.

Is it possible you still love me? How could I still love you after what you did? So you did it just to hurt me.

Eva made me into someone I was proud to be.

You just brought back my worst self.

This means w*r, Blair.

Chuck-- Me versus you.

No limits.


Sharp, wait.

I have that package for you.

Hold the elevator for me.

The owners will be back tomorrow.

In the prestigious buildings of Manhattan's elite, sometimes the door we open belongs to someone else.

Thank you.

I'll have these cleaned for you in the morning, sir.

I ran into Miss Eva.

She said she was leaving.

I'm sorry.

She'll be missed.

Ivan, you're fired.

And sometimes we let someone in, Only to be left out in the cold.

Yet sometimes, Despite what we may want, the door just has too many locks.





, Gossip Girl.