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04x11 - Episode 39

Posted: 01/14/23 07:00
by bunniefuu
I would like to resign from my position.

I will take responsibility for everything

that happened, of course.

As the head of this department,

I'm responsible for everything

that happens here.

- Never mind if I endorsed it.

- The police president, Superintendent.

Or had to endorse it.

Chief, sir.

- Morning.

- Morning.

I guess I should congratulate you.

Thank you.


Berlin can breathe again.

Berlin police landed a masterful coup

and managed to free the city

from the stranglehold

of the Ringvereins last night.

Their bestial behavior had lately put

the fear of God into decent citizens

so that they barely dared

to go out anymore.

By all accounts, pretty much

all the bosses of the Berlin underworld

were k*lled at the meeting.

They died in a barrage of g*nf*re

of their own marksmen.

But this is a complete inversion

of the facts.

Just wait. The next paragraph should be

of particular interest to you.

Well-informed circles report

that it is one officer in particular

who is responsible for this heroic action.

We say thank you

to the as yet unnamed detective.

Berlin is forever obliged to him.

We can't leave it like this!

We need to clarify this immediately.

I will take the responsibility for this.

Publicly, too.

Like hell you will.

Sit back down.


Don't you understand?

The press loves us.

The citizens are falling over themselves

in gratitude.

The same goes for the politicians.


it was our goal to win peace.

I admit, it didn't go quite as we thought.

But we still reached our goal,

a more secure, more peaceful city.

So, you can forget about your notice.

I point-blank refuse to accept it.


You heard him.

And now we'll tidy this place up.

Go to hell.

It was you who didn't provide

the security as guaranteed.

But my word is still good.

I will stick to my part of the deal.

Just tell me when.

In the name of the Father, the Son,

and the Holy Spirt, amen.

God who enlightens our heart,

gives you true knowledge of your sins

and of his mercy.

Don't be bashful, son.

It is a blessing when the burden of sin

finds its way into words.

this hatred.

I want destruction.

Are you talking about feelings

or towards a man?

It's not a man, Father.

It's the devil.

Men can be sinners.

And sometimes they appear

in the shape of the Antichrist.

the devil.

Who is it whom you hate

and on to whom you wish destruction?

My brother.

What has he done to turn you

against him with such fervor?

He abuses me.

What gives him the power to do that?

My guilt.

I'm guilty.

Is your feeling of guilt justified?


How, son?

Tell me.

I want him to die.

Forgiveness and healing

level the path of the Savior.

v*olence is sin.

Didn't I tell you? At some point,

the bleak days are over.

Ground floor. Just five steps, no more.

Come on, help me.

We'll go and buy new furniture tomorrow.

We can finally buy new stuff.

Modern stuff.

No more of that old trash.

Everything will be new.

He who laughs last,

laughs loudest, right?

See, Hilde? It's ours.


From a foreclosure, very simple.


Where did the money come from?

Call it a happy chance.

No, that's not enough for me.

You will have to tell me the details.

The specifics.



What would you say if all your worries

melted into thin air in one fell swoop?

You just need to store something for me.

And get me some documents.

I need the blueprint of our department.

Wilhelm, what is it?

What's important is

that we'll never be separated again.

That we are back together.


"I, the undersigned Annemarie Nyssen,

"bequeath in case of my passing

my entire private and business estate

"including the landholding

in East Prussia,

"and the property

"to my beloved son Alfred

"as sole heir."

See? She loved you.

I guess she did.

However, there is a detail,

Mr. Nyssen.

What do you mean, Wegener?

We don't have a corpse.

But she is dead.

I know it. I can feel it.

Helga. You tell him.

- There is no doubt.

- Well, legally, there is doubt.

We need the body, I'm very sorry.

What are you talking about?

What is he talking about?

Madam Nyssen amended her last will

following your wedding

to the effect that,

as I have already explained,

without a coroner's inquest

the inheritance can't come into effect.

Does that mean she has to be officially

Yes, that's exactly what it says.

But there has to be a legal option,

in such a case.

It's important to say one's goodbye.

To be able to mourn.

The legal waiting period is ten years,


I am well aware of this.

Since the start of the kidnapping,

we managed to keep the press

and the police out of this tragic story.

I had hoped I could keep it that way.

I'm afraid this document

leaves us no choice.

All right.

investigated after all.

There is no one down there.

I'm sure.

We searched every inch of that barge.

That scheming old witch.

I will claim my inheritance,

with or without her stinking corpse.

I wasn't chosen by fate

to be subjected to such humiliation.

That fraud!

That's enough.

How is she?

She's lost a lot of blood.

But she's young.

She was lucky you were a member

of the hunting party.

Your daughter is a heroine.

What do you mean, Colonel?

It wasn't a hunting accident.

It was an assassination.

It was meant for me.

By whom?

I will find out.

More important is the question

why I am still alive.

She threw herself into the line of fire,

undaunted by death.

I owe my life to her, Major General.

With your permission,

I'll go see her now.

Who's behind this?

Red Front?

Give me his name, and where those

cockroaches are hiding. Go on.

You have a chance now.

One last one.

Right now, the whole world thinks

you're a heroine.

You will give me the name now.

Or you will go straight to prison from

here. Your family will disown you,

you will stand trial,

your party friends will ban you.

I'm waiting.


Your Oskar?

You want me to buy that this

assassination was out of jealousy?

How naive do you think I am, girl?

He's a spy.

A scout?

- For the Soviet Union?

- I realized too late.

He used me to spy on my father.

Oskar and?

Last name?


Oskar Kulanin.

Mr. Wegener.

- What can I do for you?

I already told your employee

You make me curious.

I want to get rid of something.

Does Mr. Nyssen know about this?

And what do you want from me?

This stone has brought misfortune

to a lot of people.

The misfortune is practically stuck to it,

and now it's stuck to me.

I'm afraid you'll have to be clearer.

Make contact with the kidnapper

and tell him he'll get the stone.

Tell him I know

that the stone belongs to him.

Let me make a phone call.

Thank you, my angel.


Behave yourselves, OK?

Can we leave?


Just outside the door.

We'll stay close by.

Go on, then.

I haven't got much time.

Now you've both left me alone.

I won't forget you.



Come on out.


- I hear you're leaving town.

The country even.

Whom are you crying for?

It can't be true.

It can't be true.

One month.

You mourned me for just one month.

- Then he shared your bed. One month!

- What?

My business, my estate, my wife,

my children,

he snagged it all and took my place.

As if I had never existed,

and you went along with it.

And now you play the grieving widow.

In front of my children and my tomb.


It was you.

The m*ssacre.

You avenged yourself.

On him, on all of them.

Where are the children?

Where are my children, Edgar?

The children are with me now.

You'll never see them again.

- No.

- Yes.

You can't do that.

You can't do that.



Berliner Morgenpost.

Lots of casualties during streetfights.



Erwin Trollmann and wife.

On May 16, 1915 for two days.

- Erwin Trollmann.

- They used to come here every year.

Always in room 2, and later with his son.

Rukeli Trollmann.

Operator, which number?

Please connect me with

Sportpalast Nollendorf, 56-59.


This is the Sportpalast office.

This is Charlotte Ritter,

I'm with Sportgazette.

Where can I get a hold of Mr. Trollmann?

I am to interview him

for his upcoming fight.

- Hold on one second, I'll find out.

- Yup.

- Are you listening?

- Yes.

He resides at Guesthouse Lemke,


Thank you.

- Guesthouse Lemke, hello.

- Hello.

Please connect me with Mr. Trollmann.

One moment, please.

Trollmann speaking.


This is the gentleman

who works for Alfred Nyssen.


I'd like to ask you a question, please.

Is your father Moses Abraham Goldstein?

- In Chepetovsk.

As you know, the Nyssen family has

something that belongs to your father.

Belonged. I mean, belongs to you.

I've been working for the Nyssen family

for many years.

In that fateful year of 1915,

when the life of the esteemed director

Mr. Nyssen ended so abruptly,

I was assigned to his wife Annemarie

as a private secretary.

The gentleman was more of a bon vivant

than a businessman,

he wasn't interested in numbers.

The lady on the other hand

has always been a businesswoman.

how serious the situation was for all the

companies her husband had neglected.

And she knew she had to act.

The Nyssen company

was on the brink of insolvency,

and the banks were unwilling

to issue further loans.

When her husband showed her the diamond

he was supposed to take to Berlin,

which your father, Mr. Goldstein, had

intended for Berlin's largest synagogue,

what she had to do.

She took the stone out of her husband's

suitcase just before his departure

She hired a stranger,

some poor devil

who was willing to sell

his life and soul for money.

And he blew up the ship.

And freed her from her incompetent

husband and all her debts.

on this theft.

On this stone.

And the stranger?

- Pardon?

- The stranger.

Who was that?

I don't know, she never told me exactly.

Mr. Wegener knows that his long silence

has made him guilty.

- Uncle.

Sit down.

It was you, correct?

Was it you?

Answer me.

You won.

You better consider carefully

what to do with this wealth.

I'll leave you to it.

Thank you, Uncle.


Oskar Kulani

is very likely a Russian agent.

We don't know where he is

or who his liaison officer is.

But we do know that he came to Berlin

by zeppelin.

Have you wondered why Moscow would

send a new agent now of all times?

When we are making big progress with

the development of a new type of w*apon?


I hope we haven't come back to this

wasteland and this misfit for nothing.

Nyssen wants to discuss a development

with us which sounds so promising

that the trip out here

should have been well worth it.

But first, we need

to talk about your daughter.

It very much looks like

your daughter fell for an enemy agent.

I thought maybe you can tell me

why he is here

and what he might have been looking for.

What makes you think that?

You know him.

A certain Oskar.

Oskar Kulanin.

Have there been any irregularities lately,

anything conspicuous?

Yes, there was an incidence

in connection with the Truppenamt.

- WH 808?

- Yes.

A Professor Gregorius

from Breslau informed us

that suddenly there were orthographic

errors in the appendix

which without any doubt hadn't been

in there before.

What does that mean specifically?

On the train back to Breslau, Gregorius

didn't have the original anymore.

Did your daughter know

the particulars of this conference?

Just what was known anyway.

The conference itself wasn't a secret.

Just its topic.

Mr. Nyssen will see you now.

If your daughter passed on information

to this Kulanin guy, she will be punished.

Severely and without mercy.

Just like any other traitor

to the Fatherland.

Regrettably, the general was unable

to defuse our suspicion.

I want you to search all railway stations,

border stations,

harbors and airports for Kulani.


We can only hope that he hasn't taken

the document back to Moscow yet.


This way, gentlemen.



I want to show you a master stroke,

no, the modern master stroke

of German engineering.

Is that weirdo still serious

about the moon?

Wait and see.

Paris will burn, London will burn,

and one day also New York.

with a thrust power

sends its fatal and burning freight

into the capitals of the world.



Heil Stennes!



Stennes, two, three, four!

The son?

The nephew.

You're the one with the policeman, right?

- How do you say?

It was self-defense.

He was acquitted.

You must do what the party tells you.

Your people is everything,

you are nothing.

But sometimes you have to do

what honor commands.

Let's get to the point.

My detention had one advantage.

I had plenty of time to think.

About the renewal.

And the actions to be taken.

How, where and when

they should take place.

The all-decisive feature of the action

is that it happens noiselessly,

almost invisibly, and only becomes reality

in the headlines of the newspapers.

Reality follows the narrative.

Dr. Goebbels showed

how effective propaganda is.

Now we'll beat him and that Austrian

coxcomb with their own tools.

You want to occupy

the editorial office of Der Angriff?


If our own party organ announces

the end of the Hitler era,

not even Hitler himself

can turn back the clock.

Then he's finished.

It only works if Hitler can't intervene.

- If he's indisposed. Away.

- Very true.

In one week's time,

Hitler is going to Thuringia,

where he'll be far off the beaten track.

At exactly that moment,

we will create facts here.

Facts which can't be reversed

from the provinces.

We'll occupy

the entire party headquarters.

You'll hold back the police

for as long as possible.

And you will command sub-attack B.

The take-over

of the editorial office of Der Angriff.

We will detain everyone who doesn't

join our side unconditionally.

Blue-blooded Mr. Von Helldorf and

gay Blank will be the first.

We'll make an example of them,

and then they'll be quiet. I know my SA.

And how do we declare the Munich lot

deposed in such a short time?

We have already prepared

an edited issue of Der Angriff.

As soon as we're in control,

it will promptly go into print.

First, the transition of power

is in Der Angriff,

Hugenberg will pick up the news

and publish it in his newspapers,

and then everyone will print it.

The first two,

three hours are decisive, Rath.

If we create facts in that time,

Hitler and his vassals are history.

- Leave it open.

- What?

Leave it open.


Things not going well

with your detective?

No, it's going well.


Are you in love?

Why are you not with him, then?

I'm not one to pester a guy.

And missing someone is also nice, right?

That's 35 pennies.

- What?

- Am I a charity or something?

Jackie, you can't put your hands

in the pockets of a naked woman.

If you drink, you have to pay. Otherwise

I can bury myself and this joint as well.

- Jackie, stop it.

- It's true.

We're closed.

- We're closed.

- Don't.



And who is he now?


Good day.


A liter of water

with a slice of onion, please.

Shall we?

And now from scratch.

So, my neighbor, Mrs. Cziczewicz.

After my mother died,

she gave me letters from my mother,

from some guy.

And they mentioned Brandenburg

and some inn.

So I went to Brandenburg and found out

that your father and my mother

probably had an affair.

- Chief, sir.

- Detective.

Can I take your coat?

No, thank you,

I have another appointment.

Can I offer you something?

I don't want to keep the minister

of the interior waiting.

Rath, I promised to procure his backing.

I must be sure that you are ready

to go the whole way tomorrow.

- I am.

- Good.

And Hitler and his people

are definitely in Thuringia?


to the collapse of the NSDAP.

I'm glad I get to help dispose

of that g*ng.

Best of luck, Rath.

- Good evening.

- Good evening.

Be quiet. Understood?

You threw yourself into his arms, you rat.

You switched sides, in front of my eyes.

I couldn't do it.

I let myself be overwhelmed.

By a feeling, just for one brief moment.

A feeling, yeah?

My heart still beats for the revolution.

No ifs or buts.

Why should I believe you?

Your feeling didn't deceive you

in one thing.

Your boyfriend Oskar.

We know now where he is.

We know what his plan is. He wants

to cut and run, the son of a bitch.

And I want you to stop him.


We need to get to him

as fast as possible.


He stole something.

Something that will help us, the cause.


Oh yeah?

- Not today.

I have important information for him.

No way.

Go on, go home, boy.

Tell him I know who is infiltrating

our organisation for the police.
