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03x05 - Before I Went to w*r

Posted: 01/14/23 07:39
by bunniefuu


Hey. What's going on?

What you doing?


For what?

For what's coming.


What are these?
They're silica packs.

They help the food last longer.

How's your porn business going?

Yeah, good, mate.
Business cards are done.

Website went up yesterday.
Pass them around.

Holy shit, mate. Professional.

GARY: Schmicko.


Naughty Boy Productions.
Gary speaking.

Yeah, sure, mate.

Uh, well, it's $,

and, for that,
you get two copies

either on DVD or...

- Dad?
- What's going on?

Can I go hang out
with my friends?

- Now?
- Yeah.


- The beach?
- What beach?

- Clovelly.
- Alright. Grab your stuff.

Sorry, who am I speaking with?

OK, Lucas, we'll be in touch.

OK, 'bye for now.

I got a job!


- RAY: Yep. Mm.

Alright, love, I'll
see you at about :.

- OK.
- Have fun.

- See ya, Brit.
- 'Bye.

- GIRL: Hi.

Watch out for sharks!


- GARY: Doesn't even care.
- RAY: Nah.

GARY: Couldn't care less.

RAY: Yeah, but you
can't say that.

- GARY: Why can't you say it?
- You just can't.

I mean, you can say, "OK, I
don't think there is one",

"but you can't say that
there definitely isn't one."

So, you think there is one?

- There's gotta be.
- Why?

Big Bang.


- Trillions of years ago, right?
- Yeah.

OK? What they're saying
is, there's nothing.

All of a sudden,
Big Bang, right?


And then you've got
a universe, right?

You've got billions
of planets, right?

- Yeah.
- Where'd they come from?

- f*ck knows.
- Exactly, right.

Something had to be there,
right, to make the universe.

Right, but if there was
nothing before the Big Bang,

then how can nothing
make something?

It can't, right?

- Nothing, right...
- Yeah

can't make something.

Yeah. So, you're saying...


What the f*ck are you saying?

- Something, right...
- Yeah.

Had to be there.

- A god?
- God.

- Right. OK.
- Right?

You can't get something
out of nothing.

- Right.
- Right?

You can't get a bang and
a universe out of nothing.


So, you gotta have something...

- Yeah.
- ..To get something.

- Right, OK.
- Alright?

Sure. OK. Alright.

Hang on a minute.

Where are they going?

Is he smoking?

GARY: He's f*cking smoking!

RAY: Little shithead.

GARY: What a scumbag!

GARY: He's offering her a drag.

She said no. Good
girl, Brit. Good girl!

Is he making a move?
He's making a move.

RAY: If he starts
feeling her up,

I'm gonna go down there
and rip his tiny d*ck off.

GARY: What's going on?

RAY: Ah, she's
giving him the flick.


GARY: What's she looking at?

I think she's making a call.


'Sup, sweetheart?



Since you're here, can you buy
me and my friends some chips?

Yeah, OK.

- Thank you.
- See ya.


Made by a -year-old.





What's going on?

- You alright?
- It's the, uh...

It's the old man.

He's, um...

He topped himself.

Oh, Jesus Christ, mate.

Yeah. Yeah.

Oh, mate. Shit.


Mate, I was in here, like,
a couple of weeks ago.

He was good as gold, you know?


Is your mum alright?

Don't know what to say, mate.

Sorry. I mean, I'm
f*cking speechless.

- I mean, it's...
- Yeah.

What about a coffee
or something?

We'll go and have a
chat. What do you reckon?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

- Yeah, OK.
- Sound good? Alright, mate.

- Let's go do that.
- OK. Yeah.

Jesus, man, I'm so sorry.

Yeah, no, yeah, so,
there was this guy

that started training at the
gym a couple of years ago

and Dad took him under
his wing, as he does,

and he, um...

He got the old man to
invest in this business,

this tea, this Chinese
tea, a weight-loss tea.


So, he got him to
take out a loan,

put the gym up as collateral.

Anyway, turns out the tea
wasn't a weight-loss tea.

It was a scam.

- And he wants the gym?
- Yeah.

Anything I can do?

Nah, mate. It's fine.
I'm taking care of it.

You gonna whack him?

Not me, but the
wheels are in motion.

- You gonna pay somebody?
- Already have.

- How much?
- K.

You gonna waste grand
on this prick, are you?

f*ckin' oath.

Why should he get off
scot-free? He should suffer.

- Dead men don't suffer, mate.
- Yeah, well...

I'll look into it, alright?

What are you gonna do?

I'll do something.

Who's this guy you
gave the K to?

He's a mate of mine.





we are, ladies and gentlemen,

on this beautiful sunny
day at Randwick Racecourse.


Race is about to start.
They're getting them lined up.

There they are.

- How you doing?
- You right there?

- I'm a mate of Killian's.
- Oh, OK.

Do you mind if I come in and
have a chat to you for a minute?

Uh, look, listen,
mate, I really...

I got a bunch of
shit to do, alright?

Did he give you some money
for a job or something or...?

Uh, what's it...
What's it to you?

I'm a friend of the family's

and k*ller wants to
cancel the job, so...

What, Killian?

He... he never said nothing to
me about calling the job off.

Yeah, well, that's why I'm
here, to tell you, so...

Yeah, but, well, why
didn't he say something?

Does it matter?

Well, I... Yeah, but
I just don't see...

Why are you getting involved?

Well, you don't need to know
why I'm getting involved.

OK, alright.

Listen here, champion,

this is none of your
business, alright?

Well, I'm making it
my f*cking business.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.


- Where's the dough?
- (STAMMERS) What dough?

- The K, mate.
- I don't have the dough.

Why not?

Look, I-I gave it to a
mate of mine, alright?

I'm not gonna... He's
gonna do the job.

Who's this mate of yours, then?

He's... he's just a mate.

Alright, let's go see
him, then, alright?


- OK.
- (STAMMERS) Alright.

- You got your phone?
- Yeah.

Give him a call.

Um... Look, I don't...

I don't even... (STAMMERS)

Spit it out.

I-I didn't give the
money to him yet.

I spent it.

That's no good.




What the f*ck do you want
from me, you f*cking...



Look, I've got it.
I've got the money.







down the outside...

market and see how we finished

today's trading session,
and, in one word, higher.

But, no, a decent day.

- About .% for the...

Similar for the XJO,

really powered today by the
materials and energy sector.

FEMALE ANCHOR: But there was
a lot going on under the hood.

Hello if you're
watching us on Twitter.

Here are some of the
market's best today.

Gold doing well.

A lot of the resources
names doing very well.

WorleyParsons came out at the
Macquarie Conference updating,

saying guidance is on
track, improved result...

How's the shares going?

Who the f*ck are you?

You have a lovely house, mate.

What the f*ck are you
doing in my house?

What sort of car's that you got?

Uh, it's a .

Ah. Nice.

You wanna sit down there
for me, mate, please?


Looks expensive.

What did that set you back?

Four grand.

Jeez, mate. You must
be doing alright.

So, sorry to barge in on you,

but I wanted to have a chat to
you about old Bobby Jenkins.

- OK. What's up?
- Do you know he topped himself?

Oh, f*ck!


So, what was this business
thing you had going with him?

Well, basically, it was...

I found out about this
tea. Bai Ling tea.

A friend of mine who's
Chinese put me on to it

and, well, apparently

apparently it's a big thing
in China with weight loss.

Turns out it's not
really that effective,

so there was some bad press
about the product in the media

and it kind of
snowballed from there.

RAY: Mm. Mm.

You ever done any time?

Uh, no.







Now, you know why
I did that, right?

(PANTS) 'Cause I lied.



So, what did you
do time for, mate?


Fraud. Ah.

So, the whole Chinese tea thing,

that was a load of
shit, wasn't it?

- Yes.
- Mm.

But you took old Bob's
money anyway, didn't you?

Yep. I'm sure you're not going
to believe me, but I am sorry.

I never thought...
How was I to...

So, you're sorry.

- Yes.
- Yep. OK.

So, now you're gonna
do the right thing.

- How much did he give you?


Alright, well, you're gonna
have to come up with some cash.

Look, I've only got a
few hundred in the house,

but I might have...

I might have five or
six K in the bank.

That's all you got?

Yeah, well, when the business
went bust, I lost the lot.

So, why are you drinking $,
bottles of wine, then, mate?

(STAMMERS) Well...

We can go down to
the bank right now.

There may even be
eight K in there.

Mate, I don't think
eight K's gonna do it.

Now, just make sure, right,
you keep your eyes closed, OK?

'Cause this shit burns
like a m*therf*cker.

No, hold on. Hold on! Hold on!
I've got cash! I've got money!

Whatever you want!
How much do you want?

- How much you got?

Huh? How much have you got?



Go on.


Get a bag.










- Hey.
- G'day, mate.

- Lucas.
- Gary.

- Nice to meet you, mate.
- Nice to meet you too.

- Come in. Come in.
- Yeah? All good. OK.

- Oh, you good?
- Yeah, yeah. That's alright.

As long as I can
get through there.

- No dramas. Just through there.
- Thanks, mate.

- Find the house alright?
- Yeah, yeah, no problem.

All good. All good.

- This is plush.
- Thank you.

- How long you lived here?
- Uh, about , . years.

OK, yeah, great, great. Yeah.

- You mind if I set up there?
- For sure. Go for it.

OK. Can I... Can I get
you a drink or something?

- Do you want a wine?
- No, I'm alright, thanks.

He looks more like a
beer drinker to me.

Oh, Gary, this is my
partner, Benjamin.

Hey. G'day, mate. How you going?



- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah, you too.

Um, can we get you a
beer or something, Gary?

Oh, no, I'm OK, mate.

- Gotta stay sharp.
- Oh, right.

Well, I'm definitely gonna
have a martini. Thank you.

So, is it just the two of you?

What do you mean?

Oh, I charge by
numbers, so, you know,

sometimes people like to squeeze
another one in last minute.

- Oh, sure.
- (CHUCKLES) Yeah.

- Yeah, it's just the two of us.
- OK, cool.

(QUIETLY) The f*ck? Where
did you find this guy?

(QUIETLY) I found him online.

Can we give you a hand at all?

No, no. I'm all
good, mate. Thanks.

Um, there's a power point
just there if you need it.

Yeah, that's all good.
Everything's charged.


Everything alright, Gary?

- Huh?
- You OK?



How do you want to do this?


Well, we were kind of hoping
you would tell us that.

Yeah. You're the director.

Oh, yeah, right. OK.

Alright, well

why don't we start on the couch?

- Yeah, sure.
- Perfect.

- Suits me. (CLEARS THROAT)
- OK.

So, do we start out standing...

Yeah, like, sort of
foreplay first...

Yeah, and, like, kiss
and stuff and then, um,

maybe we can sort of rumble
our way in to the couch,

into, like, this
sort of a position?


Well, at Naughty
Boy Productions,

we like to customise
the sh**t to your needs,

so it just depends on what
it is that you're after.

I mean, what kind of
feel are you after?

Do you want more of
a handheld doco style

or a bit more of a
Hollywood movie style feel?

Oh, God, I hadn't
thought about it.

Yeah, look, I mean, I...

I don't want anything that's
too sort of, you know, raw.

You know, something a
little bit more polished,

I think, would be good.

It's not like your
mum's seeing it.

A little bit raw's fine.

- Polished?
- Well, polished.

Polished it is.

Alright, well, um, I'll
work off the tripod.


Come on.

- OK, come on.
- Get this off.


(GIGGLES) Let's get
this off, silly.


- Hey, Gary.
- Yeah.

This is so exciting.

Yeah, it's gonna be fun.

- Yeah.
- OK.




WOMAN: How are you today?
Nice to see you again.



- Having a snooze?
- Yes, I nodded off.

Just dropping your, uh

your clothes off
from your apartment.

Oh, yeah. Thanks
very much for that.

No worries, mate. Alright.
I'll catch you later, alright?


Can... can you stay for
a bit? Just a minute.

I've got a heap of
stuff I've got to do...

Please, just...

Please can you
stay for a minute?


Sit down. Please sit down.

So, you remember me today, huh?

Yeah, I'm having
a good day today.

That's good.

Look, there's something
I want to say,

and if I don't say it now,

I may not get another chance.

I just want to say I'm sorry.

I know... it won't
mean a whole lot,

and I know it won't
change the past,

but when I came
back from Vietnam.

I was messed up.

I came back here and people
were calling me a baby-k*ller

and a m*rder*r
and all that shit.

I came back to you proud, son.

I served my country

and I saw some
things over there...

I did some things,

things that I'm not proud of,

but you've got do what
you've got to do to survive.

I came back here and
I was just messed up.

They put me on medication

because I was suicidal
and I was angry.

I started drinking while
I was on the meds and

that just made me worse.

So, why'd you drink, then?

'Cause I couldn't cope.

Even with the meds, I
just could not cope.

Look, I'm not trying to
make excuses for what I did.

I'm just trying to
explain what happened.

I'm not dodging responsibility.

I just wish...

I just wish you had've known
me before I went to w*r.

(SOBS) I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.


NICK CAVE: ♪ I don't believe

♪ In an interventionist god

♪ But I know,
darling, that you do

♪ But if I did

♪ I would kneel down and ask him

♪ Not to intervene... ♪