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03x04 - Episode 4

Posted: 01/14/23 07:52
by bunniefuu
After the tragic events that painfully scarred his life, Corrado Cattani has once again found some serenity in Abbot Lovani's monastery.

The federal agent Bert Di Donato came to remove him from this tranquility by asking him to take part in an investigation on a huge arms traffic run by the unscrupulous dealer, Kemal Yfter.

He is in league with Cattani's old enemy, Gianfranco Laudeo.

Corrado accepts his destiny's challenge and he goes to Milan.

Following the kidnapping of the young Greta Antinari, whom he saves, he meets the banker Carlo Antinari and his eldest daughter Giulia.

He gradually falls in love with her.

However, he does not succeed in avoiding Laudeo, adamant to reveal the terms of Yvfter's business deal, from being m*rder*d in prison.

Corrado and Bert's joint investigation quickly leads them to Dino Alessi's tracks, the bank's General Director, and forces Corrado towards a conflicting situation.

In fact, on one hand, his love for Giulia slowly revives him.

On the other hand, he realizes that there is every possibility that Giulia's family is involved in the dishonest dealings that he and Bert are investigating.

The tragic events that follow on from each other will determine things for him.

In fact, while Carlo Antinari hurries to Sicily to ask his elderly father Nicola Antinari And while Terrasini the lawyer, Corrado's old rival comes out of prison prompted by evil intentions, Bert is slaughtered together with his men under the orders of Dino Alessi.

Alone once again, Corrado decides to abandon the fight and to live out his love story with Giulia.

The Octopus 3.

Look, I wanted to try to convince you to sell a small portion of Semio, but Semio is the Antinari Family's native country.

It's Holy Land.

I can assure you that as long as I'm around, nobody will be allowed to desecrate it and to profane it by contaminating it with the construction of a tourist village.

Ok, I won't insist, I understand you.

Some friends had begged me to deal with it on their behalf, but Tano had already given away your response.

Yes, Tano is a smart fellow, he is sharp.

He can always forecast everything.

When I met him, he had just graduated, isn't that right? From the University of Palermo.

He was still a young boy, very timid looking.

I didn't even have a good impression of him.

And instead now I really wouldn't know how to manage without him.

- You are too kind.

- If you should reconsider, let me know.

I'll see you out, sir.

Well then Tano what does Terrasini want from me? Well he told you he would like Semio.

What I am asking you is what is it that Mr.

Terrasini really wants from me? Mr.

Terrasini has lately been in trouble with the law.

He's come out of prison feeling very tested.

But now it seems that he has the intention of making up for lost time.

I believe that he wants to go into business with you in order to regain credibility amongst his friends.

I've never liked the Mafia.

The members of the Mafia never end up being trustworthy rich people.

But, at the moment, they could be of great assistance to you.

They need a bank system like yours of international acclaim.

And what would they ask for in return? I don't think more than what Dino Alessi will ask for.

Of course, it's true Dino is about to arrive and you know why he is coming.

He knows that the bank cannot fail and I wonder up to what point I will need to succumb to his pressures.

Stay here.

Your presence is necessary for me now more than ever.

Why did you decide to quit everything? Because if I proceeded in the end, I would have lost you also.


There is something I would like to ask you What were you searching for Corrado? You've never told me.

The truth.

The truth about Laudeo and his organisation.

There were so many involved.

- Even the banks?

- Yes, even the banks.

And is my father somehow involved in all this? I don't know I don't think so.

However, I no longer want to know about it.

It's water under the bridge.

I don't believe one should be afraid of the truth.

It depends.

What's the point of knowing it if all that's behind it is death? Well then, what do you think should be done? Turn a blind eye? Lie? I have never lied to you and I have never turned a blind eye.

Careful be careful or you'll make me drive off the road! I cannot allow the deal to fail.

It's not just your financial empire that's at stake here.

There's my life and everything I have fought for.

I have involved important people from everywhere and I cannot allow your crazy son to blow everything.

You know, Nicola, that those people don't muck around.

Carlo hasn't grown up.

You need to take him for who he is.

He needs to be guided.

Now tell me what sort of chance do we have in saving the banks without going ahead with this operation that Carlo opposes?

- None.

And if he insists on not wanting to sign, what do we risk? And what does he risk? You know Nicola, you taught all of us the rules of the game.

You could have also taught your son.

Couldn't you? Listen.

I can arrange in your favour the general power of attorney that Carlo has given me.

By doing this, you will sign on his behalf.

Will this guarantee anything for Carlo? Your son has gone mad.

We can no longer trust him.

We all risk ending up on the front cover of all the newspapers.

I know I can vouch for him.

When he's confronted with the done deal, he won't go against me.

I won't promise anything.

I need to hear what the others have to say.

So, are you giving me full authority? I'm his father.

Don't you forget it.

I was hoping to arrive in Semio this evening.

But is it like this?

- No.

It's a lot more beautiful.

- Well then, it's paradise! I had an awful night.

I wasn't able to sleep and I thought about the discussion we had yesterday.

I want to meet with Terrasini as soon as possible.


- You said that there was nobody here.

- I don't know it's strange.

Boxing has always been my passion and since I was a young boy, my idol has been Rocky Marciano a true fighter.

I think that in your field, all things considered, you are also like Marciano.

As far as I know, you've retired without having missed a match.

In one way In fact, now and then I do miss the ring.

I feel the need for an opponent.

I hope you didn't make me come here for this.

No that's not the reason.

I have asked you to come here because I intend making you an offer.

Have you finally decided to sell the Island of Semio? No.

I asked for you because I need your help.

Hello? Yes.

Yes, yes I'll tell him now.

A tragedy has occurred at Semio.

Carlo? He committed su1c1de.

Corrado Corrado.

Where are you? Corrado?

- Don't go.

I beg you.

- No.

Don't worry.

Stay here.

Remain here with me.

I beg you.

Listen, your family is arriving tomorrow.

Perhaps it's better if I No don't go.

No, don't leave me.

No, I beg you.

No, don't go.


It's the death certificate.

su1c1de caused by severe depression.

Given also what you were previously telling me.

Good bye, Tano.

Come on.

Let's go.

The others are about to leave.

Let's go.

- Is there something wrong Mr Cattani?

- I was just looking at that beam.

In your opinion, how does a man climb up there whilst balancing on a chair? A person who decides to commit su1c1de is capable of anything.

And unfortunately, Mr Antinari had already shown to be serious about it.

- Yes, perhaps you are right.

- Please follow me.

Why did you want to see me? Because since you and Giulia have been dating, our chess game has come to a halt.

- And what else then?

- And then Well, it's because I wanted to advise that you be very careful.

- About what?

- About everything.

For example, you don't have many friends in Sicily, Inspector.

with the risk of me then finding you both in a ditch shot by some D grade member of the Mafia.

No, the w*r is over for me.

- At this point, I'm no longer bothering anyone.

- Are you very sure about that? Look.

I'm also unarmed.

Not even I am carrying weapons.

But this doesn't mean anything.

I've never carried any, even when I've wanted to.

Come back with me to Milan.


This island is cursed.


I want to still remain here near dad.

He no longer needs anyone.

Yes, but I'm the one who needs him.

I'm sorry to trouble you in a moment like this but we need to talk.

Yes, I understand.

You're in a hurry.

But as you can see, I do everything very slowly.

I think it's time to review my position in the bank.

I know.

I was expecting it.

You would like to be a member of the board of directors, Let's hear how much you feel you are owed in order to be thanked for everything you've done for us.

Three, four five per cent? I want eleven per cent.

That's too much.

I can't give you that.

11% is the amount that makes the difference between the small shareholders and forty per cent of our family.

- In this way, you would then hold the balance of power.

- I already hold the balance of power.

I am the only chance of salvation for you and your family.

I want that eleven per cent.

I deserve it.

If the ship didn't sink, it's because I was at the helm.

Your son was a weakling.

One who chose the wrong profession.

You are right.

In order to survive in this jungle one needs to be a ferocious animal like you.

Or like you.


You will get your eleven per cent.

We shouldn't have let him leave.

He shouldn't have been left alone.

He was so fragile.

Bye mum.

You've now got Greta to think about.

Stay near her, promise? I found out about you and Giulia.

I am very happy.

It's so nice to see two people in love.

Besides, love is a good investment.

It doubles your joys and halves your worries.

It's like that, isn't it? Well.

You're not answering me? Does this coin mean anything to you? Umh, roughly speaking, it appears to not be in circulation.

Do you collect coins? It belonged to a friend.

His name was Bert.

No, no you never met him but he knew you.

Oh, and where has he seen me? In a photograph.

Listen, throw it in the sea.

Perhaps it will bring you and Giulia good luck.

Tano, what chance do we have of wiping out that scum, Dino? A good one, Mr Antinari.

Don't you think he's too old to make a come back on the ring? In high level matches, what counts more than muscles is the timing.

To strike head on at the correct moment.

Remember to call me.

We need to finish our game.

I really think I need to let you win, grandpa.

Whatever for? I had a good move in mind but now I've forgotten it.

Good bye.

See you soon.

Tano, schedule an appointment for me with Mr Terrasini.

We have made provisions, bearing today's date, to transfer to the Overseas Nassau Bank, funds in the amount of one million US dollars as requested.

Antinari Bank, Sicily.

Dear Giulia, my darling, I can't wait to hug you again.

Here at Semio I feel much better.

Come and join me as soon as possible.

I feel like going on a long trip with you I want to keep the promise I made to you when we said good bye.

And I want to keep the promise I made to you when we said good bye.

I'll explain everything that has happened lately.

I ordered at Moncada, do you remember, that Sicilian jeweller a little gift for you.

I feel I have a lot to be forgiven for.

Tomorrow the sailor will come.

He will send the tape to you in Milan.

Good bye darling, see you soon.

Is it yours? Once it was mine but now it's Greta's and before that it was my father's.

In short, it's ours the Antinari's.

The youngest in the family is always entitled to it.

It's something very precious but I like it because I've never seen a little band in more disarray than this one, a bit like my family.

What's wrong? I'm always thinking about dad.

I would like to be here with him now.

He just went away without disturbing anyone.

And none of us did anything to try and stop him.

To try and understand what stopped him from living, what he kept to himself.

Instead now I would like to understand, to ask, I would like to know.

Perhaps my mother was right.

It was a mistake to remain here.

Let's go Corrado.

Let's leave.

This is the broche that your father had ordered for you.


I'm very sorry about your father.

He was so happy with the idea of this gift.

Look at the purity of this emerald and at its form.

It's peculiar but very classy.

- It's very beautiful!

- Yes, it's splendid.

Even for me, it was a thrill to hold it.

There is only one other emerald like this one.

The one belonging to the bracelet of the same parure.

May I see it? Your father liked this one less.

That's why he didn't give it to you.

And to whom did he give it to? I don't know.

A car with a driver came to collect it.

But he told you at least who it was for, didn't he?

- I can't

- Please, I beg you.

Tell me.

Let me check.

Here it is.

It was for well Miss, there is a name here.

How can I say a code name, "Agrippina.

" It must be a bracelet of at least at least one hundred million lire.

Oh, much more than that, Miss.

Listen, do you know who's behind this name "Agrippina?" I'm not authorized, and anyway the order was placed directly from Milan.

- Ok but you must have received a cheque

- Yes.

Two separate cheques.

The young lady's brooch was paid with a personal cheque by Mr Antinari and the bracelet was paid with a bank cheque.

- Signed by my father?

- Signed by Dino Alessi Good morning Mr Alessi.

Good morning.

I have an appointment with the boss.

Come in.

No, Sir.

Not that way.

Please sit down in the room on the left.

Please enter.

You can make yourself comfortable in the other room.

This way please.

You had forgotten it in the other room.

- Good morning.

- Good morning.

You were quick.

I told you I would've come back during the day.

But what do you do in Rome? One of your fraudulent dealings, I imagine.

Stop it!

- Do you feel like a drink?

- You already drink for both of us.

What are you doing holding that brief case? Are you scared it will get stolen? The maids are here.

The maids are paid to serve and to keep quiet.

Greta is also around! She's sleeping.

Why are you so turned on? It generally happens when you finish a good deal.

Leave me be! Leave me alone! Stop it! I don't want you! No!

- I like you more when you're like this.

- Did you hear what I said? I want to know the truth.

Carlo was desperate and you didn't do anything to save him.

It suited you, didn't it? Giulia, Listen, I'm going downstairs for a moment.

I forgot to grab the newspapers.

No, wait a moment.

Corrado Corrado.

Listen, who do you think is this Agrippina? Do you think grandpa knows about it? Perhaps I'd like to go by and say hello to him.

What do you think? What is it Corrado? Why is it that you're always quiet always pensive? Do you regret having come to Sicily?

- Bad memories?

- A little.

I'm sorry.

Hey, where are you going? Do you really need these newspapers? Listen Can you hear how it's beating? Don't let it wait too long Who is sending you? Speak! We're friends.

The young lady's grandfather is sending us to protect you.

I really want to see if you're telling lies take me there.

- It's true!

- Take me there! I swear it! Tonight a performer will sing for me.

I thought they were here to play for the Patron Saint's feast.

The feast will be celebrated outside amongst the people but Tano reserved the garden area for just us.

These folk festivals are beautiful but unfortunately there are drawbacks.

The people.

Instead I think feasts need to always involve people.

It's a way of increasing devotion, respect.

To have respect, all you need is money.

Well, anyway, if I'm not mistaken, we're not here to discuss the Patron Saint.

No, as a matter of fact.

Let's not waste any more time.

Tano, have you already explained to Mr Terrasini the terms of the matter?

- Yes, just like you told me.


- Well then, what do you think?

- The deal interests us.

Do you think you are capable, with your available means and contacts, of dealing with the organizational problems of the operation? It has so happened that some family friends have a business relationship with the Arab countries and it's always with mutual satisfaction.

However there is one thing that Dino Alessi does very well and I wonder if you would.

Please go ahead.

In order for the cargo to arrive in Italy passing through the Balcani, Dino has contacted "someone" in Rome who should facilitate the transfer.

Do you understand? Finance ministry's police, secret services they're all areas where we rely on many friendships.

It won't be difficult to find that "someone" and convince him to make an agreement with us.

And what do you want in return? I am very reasonable a position on your board of directors and Dino Alessi's 11%.

That's a lot! Bear in mind that from the moment I join the bank, billions will pour into your coffers.

And what about Dino Alessi? It's obvious that he is your problem.

Excuse me sir, my grand daughter is here.


- Giulia.

- Hello Grandpa.

- Good evening.

- Good evening.

- Just one moment and he's all yours.

- Good.

After you.

Please sit at our table.

After you.

I can't say I'm happy to see you again Inspector.

No, I'm no longer an inspector.

- And you? Are you still a lawyer?

- Of course.

I thought so.

That's how things are in this place.

- So why are you here?

- For business.

With the old Mr Antinari? You said you are no longer an inspector but you continue to ask questions.


Like you continue with your business.

I can't stand the sight of you any longer, Cattani.

And I can't stand yours.

Do you know that I even dream of you at night? I don't know if I should consider it an honour.

No, consider it a threat.

Sir, if our paths were to cross again I hope for you that it doesn't happen.

I've changed a bit.

Now I have much less patience.

That holiday resort that you arranged for me, didn't do my nerves any good.

As a matter of fact, I find you less witty and more aggressive.

Perhaps you're afraid? Hm? Or perhaps you are bothered about me having seen you with the old Mr Antinari.

And you? What are you doing here? I don't see you as a hunter of dowries.

I only hunt wild beasts like you.

I've had enough.

Stop mingling in my affairs or I'll squash you like an insect.

- Give my best regards to Mr Antinari.

- I'll come with you.

- Do you like it? It's a gift from dad.

- Exquisite taste.

Carlo was an artist.

A short time before dad died, he gave a bracelet with stones identical to these to a lady.

You don't know who she is? I mean do you know whether dad had a lover? And even so? Oh nothing.

He must have really loved her because it's such an expensive gift.

And then I believe that it must have been a very discreet affair because they told me at the jeweller's that this lady calls herself, "Agrippina.

" Does this name mean anything to you?

- Are you sure that he bought this bracelet?

- Yes yes.

But Dino paid for it.

Perhaps I should ask him.

I don't think it would be a good idea to ask him.

Grandpa, I'm no longer a little girl.

I have the right to know who my dad really was.

The further I go, the less I seem to understand.

Why shouldn't I speak to Dino about it? Because at the moment we are having a difference of opinions and he is troubling me with regards to the bank's management.

Apparently, our dear Dino has decided to eat a big piece of our pie.

I don't understand.

It seems like he has always been Yes.

Let's say that for our banks, the good times are over.

And now I need to first think about safeguarding what has taken our family many years to build.

- We have a lot of enemies.

- But why? Because! It's because we are important, because we have a lot of money a lot of power.

However, I like a battle.

When everything starts turning like a merry


-round: stocks, lawsuits, banks it's a bit like huge whirlwind that mixes up everything a kind of roulette where you need to strike at once.

and to know how, you need the instinct of an animal of prey.

And naturally you know how.

Am I right? Well then Mr Cattani, you wanted to see me? Yes.

The fact remains that I don't like being followed by your men.

I didn't send them to follow you, but Giulia, in order to avoid something bad happening to her.

Do you understand, after my son's su1c1de.

Your son didn't commit su1c1de.

He was m*rder*d.

He wanted to leave Italy and he had transferred a lot of money overseas.

Here, look.

Transfer one million dollars to the Overseas Nassau Bank.

And I think I know who m*rder*d him Dino Alessi.

Please, don't talk nonsense.

The bank needed to complete a huge business deal that your son opposed and that Dino Alessi on the other hand demanded.

That's why he had him m*rder*d.

How do you know our banks' business affairs? Who gave you this information? That Laudeo who poisoned himself in prison? Maybe.

Dino has always been faithful to my family.

It's a ridiculous assumption.

What are you thinking? Do you want to see into my heart? No.

I don't understand why it is that such news doesn't upset you.

Because it's an absurd lie.

Or perhaps you already knew the truth.

Yes, perhaps you knew who k*lled your son and why.

And do you think I'd be here twiddling my thumbs? No, no it's not that you're twiddling your thumbs.

You called on Mr Terrasini for help.

Mr Terrasini came to see me because he wants to build a resort in Semio.

Stop making up stories! I'm sorry.

It's true.

I continue to make assumptions.

They are only assumptions.

However, if they are correct, it means that Dino Yes, it's clear then, that Dino is finished.

- Good night.

- You're leaving so early? Yes, Giulia is expecting me.

Good night, Inspector.

Good night.

"The virgin of the angels covers me with her cloak, and please protect me vigilantly" Sir You haven't stolen it, have you? Here.

Good bye.

Here's a gift nobody has given you before.

It's neither gold nor silver but it sparkles.

It's like you.

Giulia, I would like to tell you everything but it's very difficult for me.

However, I think you should trust me.

You should get away from here.

And you then, why don't you trust me? Why? Why don't you ever tell me anything? You leave come back, then leave again.

I don't know who you are, what you do! Always silence, mysteries I don't know anything about you.

Yes, I know that I love you and you? You are the most important thing to me.

So why don't you tell me what you are thinking? Why don't you tell me what's on your mind? What is it that troubles you? Tell me the truth, Corrado.


Even if the truth would mean the end of us? Would you still want to know it? I don't understand you, Corrado.

You scare me.

What do you mean, the end? Well yes, just the same.

Yes, I think I would like to know anyway.


It's starting to get cold.

Listen, let's do this.

I'll go to Milan and stay away for a little while, and when I return I'll tell you everything.

Promise? Yes.


Well then, go away quickly, quickly, quickly and come back as soon as possible!