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05x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 01/14/23 08:01
by bunniefuu
Davide Licata is an ex

-Italian cop, who for the last 20 years lives in Jersey in the United States.

After having to abandon his homeland his partner and a newborn son, after a m*ssacre in which all the members of his squad lost their lives, he goes back to Sicily to infiltrate the family of Baron Linori, an impotant businessman who is suspected of having strong links with rhe Mafia.

In Sicily, Judge Silvia Conti is also investigating the Linoris trying to find those responsible for Captain Cattanis death.

Silvia's and Davide's paths coss when Silvia suspects him of being responsible for the death of the Chief of Anti

-Narcotics, Simon Barth.

In reality, Davide and Simon, had together identified a track and, through the stripper Elsy, it was helping them find the reason for the assassination of Giovanni Linori's eldest son, Mimmo.

The Mafia manager, Annibale Corvo, who is in conflict with Espinosa, decides to m*ssacre Baron Linori.

Davide is arrested, then released by Silvia Conti, to whom he reveals his true identity.

Silvia asks him to continue the infiltration he started with Simon.

Meanwhile, Davide finds the person who carried out the m*ssacre in which his colleagues died, but can't trace the organizers of it so he accepts the proposal.

The ties from his past begin to return: Davide's son, Stefano, discovers that Davide is his father but still thinks he's a criminal.

Marta, his partner from back then who is practically re

-married, begs him to renounce the truth and the vendetta.

Meanwhile, Tano Cariddi's menacing shadow emerges after escaping from the judical mental hospital and agreeing to work for Linori, is preparing an astounding trap to entangle the man from the Mafia High Command: Annibale Corvo.

He's doing all this despite the sad and tender relationship with his younger sister who no one suspects exists.

The Octopus 5 The Heart of the Problem Part 3 Corvo, Ripamonti, Giurasco 4,730,000,000 1,800,900,000.

It's all documented everything.

Right to the minute detail.

- It's crazy.

When did this stuff arrive?

- A few hours ago.

I had the dates checked.

Annivale Corvo is basically the Administrative Delegate of the society that built the four hospitals.

And he poketed 40 milion in protection money? Yes, through the Antinari Bank, which was then contolled by Tano Cariddi.

But who would've been kind enough to give him this documentation? I have no idea.

Three specialists, a director of health, three first class builders, two engineers What do you suggest? Let's arrest all of them.

In two years, we must install a new diagnostic complex in town and plan another four radiography rooms that'll satisfy the needs Sorry to interrupt your meeting.

- Are you Dr.

Annibale Corvo?

- Yes, I hope you'll explain In a moment I'll explain everything.


- Yes

- Giurasco?

- Yes

- Belli?

- Yes

- Fortico?

- Yes

- Palmati?

- Yes

- Rivoli?

- Yes

- Corante?

- Yes

- Battisti?

- Yes There's a warrant for arrest for corruption and fraud.

Silence! The media is out there, at least let us leave from the other exit.

- I'll wait for you at the front.

- Should I put these on them?

- Yes, on all of them.

- What are you doing? I beg you.

- Even handcufs? Like criminals!

- This is ridicolous! Judge Silvia Conti made an arrest for corruption and fraud in the Administrative Council of the society who constructed and run the four large new hospitals of the region.

Even the well known manager, Annibale Corvo was arrested as the president of the society being investigated.

You can see him being escorted by agents along with the others arrested.

Grandpa, help me Yes, love.

Is that okay? Dad, how is this possible? It's definitely a mistake or an exaggeration.

But who'd have it in for him? He's done good things in Sicily.

When you get that high up, enemies are never scarce.

Can you do something to help him? I'm far from palace games now.

See? I only play with wooden blocks.

Today the first mandarins of the season were picked.

Smell how fragrant they are.

They only mature this quickly at the villa.

Your father always said they're different from the other ones.

He said they're like us.

Gloria told me that as soon as you go back to America you intend to get a larger studio I don't know when I'll go back to America.

You must return.

You have your work there, your house And there's also Gloria.

She can't live here.

And there's the child.

- You must get them out of here.

- When I've settled everything will you come and live with us in America, in Los Angeles? I'm used to being here now.

This is my home.

You can't stay here.

It's hell.

Can't you see? I'm not important so I'm not in any danger.

Bur you are! You must leave! Go Andrea, go! No, not yet.

I can't yet.

I must stay here There are things I must understand Andrea, what's left to understand? Who's there? It's me I was just having a look around.

Oh, Dave What are you doing here at this hour, in this weather? I can't stay in that house Ever since I arrived, I've seen nothing but death, pain tears.

I wanted to be alone for a while.

Oh, sorry.

No, wait I want to tell you something.

You're not like the others.

Who are you, really?

- I'm someone who's in some trouble.

- What kind of trouble? Nothing serious.

A bit of money smuggling.

But old Linori said he could send me, for a while

- to Bavaria to Garmisch

- Garmisch? Yes.

Do you know it? That's strange.

In Garmisch, there's a villa.

It's mine.

It was wedding gift from Andrea's father.

- Does anyone live there?

- No.

It's remains abandoned.

It seems like an ideal spot for a smuggler.

Dave What do you know about the Linori family? I don't know anything.

No one kinows anything No one says anything You, Matilde, Carta Why are you like this? What are we doing in this place? Me, my husband and my son? Help me I'm scared! Come in.

Coming here is a grand gesture of courge on your part.

Lately I'm not getting good publicity.

- What's made you come?

- They have arrested Corvo.

- You must go to Sicily.

- I see, you haven't dropped your habbit.

- of giving orders.

- I don't want to waste time! Half my energy always goes to the struggle of smiling! I'm polite and civil with everyone! But I need not bother with you! Yes.

That's true.

- I know what you're like.

- We need Corvo to get out! This is going to go up in smoke.

How many days do we still have?

- Two weeks.

- And after that? That African country will do business with someone else.

That damned judge! But weren't you supposed to We tried but it went badly.

Tano Cariddi is at the center of it all, right? Yes, probably.


Find him.

Deal with him.

Involve him in the situation if necessary.

We don't have a choice.

And after that? After that we'll shred him to pieces!

- Don't mind the mess.

- Coffee for everyone? The man I accompanied to the villa had an orange parcel when he left, the one you received.

I don't know where he lives.

I saw him at the Porto Vecchio entrance then on his way back, he went down Piazza Altamura.

Is he involved with Andrea Linori? Do they see each other? I don't know.

- It's not great, but it's hot.

- Thanks.

Maurizio How do you make coffee so badly? It's shocking.

- Is she your girlfriend? No, she is one of his.

The one from Milan.

- Do you have a girlfriend?

- No.

I don't have the time.

I'm graduating soon in Milan.

- I might call her if she's lonely.

- She seems nice.

Brunettes are always nicer than blondes.

- Can you describe that man?

- Normal height dark eyes straight hair combed to the back, a black overcoat In his hunting lodge I found this.

It's Tano Tano Cariddi.

Tano is from around here.

He studied at college and then went to England, always getting excelent results.

He is one of those guys who's born being first at everything.

Besides, he's too intelligent, too ambitious to accept being at the bottom of the ladder.

So the day he understood that no one took notice of him, he decided to turn bad.

And within a few years, through a game of violent alliances betrayals and ingenuity, he became the brains of the Mafia.

He's the front man.

Tano established himseljf as the only new thing in the middle of a centuries

-old structure.

I met him a while ago in his cell.

I thought he'd lost.

However, when I stood before him I understood that he wouldn't remain there.

Even in there, he was more powerfull than I.

- Did you sentence him?

- No, not me.

Another two people were able to defeat him: a 20 year old girl, who I think Tano loved a lot, and a man his exact opposite.

One who was incapable of compromise.

One who didn't have any particular ambition One like so many others, someone who was human.

Was he the one you cried for? Well, I've arrived.

You can stop.

- You live here?

- Two blocks down, but it's best you don't go there.

- Aren't you afraid at this hour?

- No, I'm not scared anymore.

All the bad they could have done to me, they've already done.

- Stop, don't move.

- What are you doing? Let me go!

- Who are you?

- I'm the son of that man you

- arrested at the Hotel Gibraltar.

- Let him go.

Come with me.

- So, you wanted to speak to me?

- Listen, I know it sounds strange but I found that man is my father a few days ago.

I don't know anything about him.

What do you know? I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anything.

Well, why do you arrest him? I'm judge, it's confidential.

Please What is he accused of? He's told me a bunch of lies.

Who believes someone like that? I believed him.

If it interests you, I have released him.

- Released him? Where is he now?

- We only lock people up.

When they are released, they go where they want.

You must excuse me I really have lots to do.


- Welcome!

- Hello Dr.


Take a seat.

I know your type! You make the world go round.

At the State's expense! You do a blitz, just for a bit of fame! You don't think about the law, you only think about the show! From this statement, three years ago, you received millions to build

- Central Regional Hospitals

- Oh, it's just a bit of paper! It's not true! It's been concocted by my enemies! In general, Your Honor, it's good practice to allow them bail.

That's up to the Judge and I think Dr.

Corvo is to remain in prison!

- I'm waiting for an important testimony


- Who? You'll know in good time.

Now, do you want to respond or not? No! If you think you can put me away based on a few riddles you

- have the wrong person!

- You have the wrong person if you think yelling will affect me! Will you answer?

- I want you to realize

- Yes or no! No! Miss Dr.

Corvo, as far as I'm concerned, you can go back to your cell.

It's been a few days that Filo hasn't come to the villa.

The last time I saw him was at my father's funeral.

- What's happened to him?

- He got what he deserved.

What? Did you? Yes! It was me.

And it wasn't easy.

He was like a brother to me.

But, he was the one who betrayed us.

Your father is dead because of him.

If he was still alive, he might have asked me to do what I did.

But I didn't I didn't want that! I didn't ask you to do anything.

These things are never asked, you just do them! And I did it out of the high regard I have for your family.

Go away! I want to be alone.

Go away! There's a man who wants to see you.

An Ehrhart from 1820.

It's very charming.

Who are you? Why did you ask to see me? I wanted to meet you.

Men with responsibilities greater than they can handle interest me.

- How dare you

- I'm sorry.

I was just jocking.

- I'm here for business.

- Why?

- What are you involved in?

- Watches.

All types.

They fascinate me when they're made well.

nothing can stop them.

Except for an earthquake, of course.

Unfortunately, there are no devices capable of resisting them.

A bit like what happened to SicilTeknoPlus.

Come this way, please.

That earthquakes you're talking about cost my father's life and my brother's.

A brutality that I obviously condemn.

However Corvo's arrest reveals a capable hand.

A few dates gathered from an Antinari Bank folder and Corvo is done for! Do you recognize that style? What do you want from me? That SicilTeknoPlus goes back to the way it was.

I intend to help you.

But in order to first I'll have to meet your court jester, Tano Cariddi.

I don't know who you're talking about.

A tranquil tone, a calm voice no emotion.

My compliments to you What perfect control.

On the other hand, Harvard is the best place to study

- to became a boss.

- How do you know I went to Harvard? Knowing everything about others and not letting anyone know about myself is my philosophy.

Didn't they teach you that knowledge is the key to power? Let Tano know I'll be waiting for him tomorrow nigh at dock 9.

We can easily dine and talk aboard my "Lady in Red" away from snooping eyes.

Dad, look! Look Dad I can do it! Got you! And now you're my prisoner.

Look what I found with Mom.

- It shines!

- It's beautiful! Mommy says they are inside the sun.

Just a moment.

Oh, it's you.

Go through.

- I wanted to see if you needed

- Thanks, I don't need anything.

- What are you afraid of?

- Me? Why do you ask? I'm not actually afraid.

If you ever need refuge, here are the keys to the house in Garmisch.

Good luck, Dave.

If you really care about him, take him away from here.

Leave and go back to America.

As soon as possible! I'm falling, Dad!

- Everything OK?

- Yes.

Come on, lets go outside.

You can go to sleep.

Take everthing away.

Good evening.

I'm sorry to make you wait, but I hate eating with strangers.

I was hoping you weren't last to come.

- We worked togather once

- And we'll go back to doing that.

That's the idea behind this invitation, right? What I admire most about you is your capacity to avoid courtesies.

Would you like some? Tell me about young Linori.

How far do you want to take him? In two days, Andrea Linori will be elected President and Director of SicilTeknoPlus.

They're the two titles held by his father and brother.

Whoever wants to do the 50 million dollar business must deal with him.

That is, with me.

I'm not convinced the Linoris want to do that sort of business.

If they had, both father and son would still be alive.

Andrea will do it on my advice.

And Annibale Corvo? Annibale Corvo is out of the game.

Don't mention him.

He was the beginning of the Linori downfall and he must pay.

It'll be hard to get your friends to accept this.

The Mafia High Command doesn't have friends.

That was the Mafia from long ago: Loyalty, honorable promises But now the "Cosa Nostra" is multinational.

I'm waiting for them, I'm sure they'll materialize soon.

They'll do busioness with whoever will allow them to.

You mean with you.

Is Andrea Linori at the heart of your project? Of course not.

He thinks my plan will simply ruin Corvo and protect his family's assets.

You have my compliments.

This is a new game.

And to think

- I knew them all.

- I know them all.

I even know who you're palying for one of our friends from Rome who was an important figure involved in more than one party.

And he stepped aside when he risked being in a big scandal.

And now he wants to return to politics.

Touche! Tell him he can have everything he wants, as long as he's patient.

No, that's not possible.

We want the 50 million and we need SicilTeknoPlus fast.

Losing the first load of African heroin means losing the deal.

We'd be leaving it to others for years to come.

- We can't let it happen.

- How long have we got? Two weeks.

That'll do.

Now tell me your price.

My freedom.

Not live at the mercy of people like you.

Not be stuck in the dark or to escape.

To watch the sea during the day when it shines under the sun.

I want to reinvent myself far from here with a new name, in a new wold.

I want Africa! At the end of this operation, I'll move there.

I'll be your fourth wheel.

The wrecker behind the scenes.

Your terminator.

We'll turn that continent into a nuclear waste deposit.

They'll produce every possible drug for our market.

We'll sell them our old arms, our obsolete technologies our filth all our shit! There! That's what I want! You're risking a lot.

Don't gamble on your final victory no more than on the possibility that this glass will balance here until morning.

See? It doesn't take much? It also doesn't take much to stop it from faling.


It seems all in oder.

The only strange thing is: The project for the Alcantara port was delayed for over a year.

Despite the project being approved and the finance distributed.

The delay must have been

- a bureaucratic hitch.

- Why was it so important for Simon to get involved in it? Because he was sure Giorgi discovered something bad in the Alcantara port construction! I really don't understand It's all legal.

Sicil TeknoPlus received money from the State and constructed a perfectly functioning port.

Your guardian angels have come back.

One can't get a minute alone with you! If they didn't return, what sort of guardian angels would they be?

- What did you gather?

- It's about Masino Salierno.

The judge has requested extradition.

He'll soon arrive from the U.


- How soon?

- Tomorrow.

Have you already taken care of everything? Yes, it's under control.

I believe headaches are

- the professional illnes of judges.

- Only for those who have a lot on their minds.

That was actually what I wanted to talk to you about.

You came up with rather hasty suggestions about Annibale Corvo.

And I, on the other hand, have a request for his release.

- You wouldn't grant it

- The law compels me to do it.

Did you read my report? Corvo's address and mobile were in Masino Salierno's diary.

The night of the homicide, Corvo was at the

- nightclub where the escort worked.

- Coincidence.

And if it were real? If Masino Salierno confirmed it? We can't administer justice with "if".

Yes? Okay, she's coming now.

Masino Salierno, who you've requested extradicted is about to arrive at the airport Wait until I speak to him before you release Corvo.

- I'll make him talk!

- Everything you say only makes my headache worsen.


- Here.

- Thanks.

Wait! A sentenced person's last wish should not be ignored, Just a small bunch of violets.

They are for a woman.

I want her to know there's no hard feelings.

May I?

- Cannoli, only 1,000 lire! Buy one!

- I'm sorry, it was my last wish.

My name is Arre Salvatore.

I'm 12 years old.

You can't charge me.

- Salvatore, tell me why you did it.

- I'm 12 years old.

You can't charge me.

Your father is in jail among Mafiosi.

They blackmailed him and you had to do it I'm 12 years old.

You can't charge me.

Help us, Salvatore.

Tell us who ordered you to k*ll that man.

I'm only only 12 years old.

You can't charge me You can't.

Tell us who forced you to do it.

- You can't

- Take him over there, give him something warm to drink, and call his mother.

Goodbye, Madam.

I suppose the fact Masino was k*lled before he testified isn't

- proof against Annibale Corvo!

- No, it's not.

Then I'm in favour of releasing him Happy? No, not really.

Of course, I understand we are the face of justice.

We must be clear, perfect, and never

- make mistakes.

Isn't that right?

- Yes, that's right.

Listen You're very tired.

Since you've been here, you haven't had a single day off.

I think you should keep away from the investigation,

- even for a few weeks.

- You can't do that to me! Yes, I can.

I can.

And I'm doing it for your own good, believe me.

A sequence of dramatic turn of events seems to follow Judge Silvia Conti's steps.

Yesterday, she unexpectedly had to release the main person accused in the "golden hospital" scandal.

Here you can see Annibale Corvo, the Reunited Hospital Delegate released with his son as they board an airplane.

Its destination is unknown.

You want a statement? I'll say one thing: Things like this shouldn't occur in a country like ours! Certain Judges should be carefully watched! I have nothing more to say.

Thank you.

In the meantime, unconfirmed reports state that Judge Silvia Conti was asked to take a leave

- Finally! How are you?

- See? I told you everything would work out! You go with Fiorella.

What'll happen to the boys? What have you decided? Exactly what I'd decided earlier, what you and I had decided on.

Our kids aren't involved in what's happened at all.

They'll get married in two weeks, like we'd decided.

- Will you go to Sicily for the wedding?

- Of course.

You want my daughter to walk to the altar without her father? Thank you for not deserting me.

I'm not afraid of the public opinion.

In all those years in politics, they wrote the worst about me.

They won't believe I can get my honor back in the press with this wedding between my daughter and the son of a compromiser! But I'm not worried about that.

The important thing is Marco and Fiorella's happines.

The rest is rubbish! Power games.

- Slander!

- The media want to know about you I don't speak to journalists, I speak to their bosses! So you really can't do anything for me? Not yet.

You must be patient, it'll take time.

- Who'll continue Respighi's rules?

- SicilTeknoPlus.

The new President and General Director.

Who's that? Andrea Linori.

Tomorrow he'll receive full power from the Administrative Council.

But Andrea Linori is young very young.

And in his case, time won't be in his favour.

You'll see.

In two weeks, when the jury finds you innocent, you'll rise up again.

- Who's going to stop you then?

- I'll be dead in two years! If Andrea Linori is realy going to take charge of SicilTeknoPlus,

- it means he made an agreement

- Don't say bad words in my house! Please.

Go behind us! What's wrong? It's dangerous meeting like this.

I can't work on the investigation for a while.

I'm sorry.

- What do you mean?

- You have to abandon it too.

Abandon it? Now? I can no longer protect you.

- I'll continue by myself.

- You can't.

Well, you continue too! With me and the two guys outside! No.

I'm not like you! Nor like them!

- Do you understand? I'm tired!

- You can't stop now.

You can't turn your back now.

Do it when it's finished! Then you can stop and rest.

- I don't know what to look for

- Tano! You have to look for Tano! I'll help you.

I can take you to that villa that I drove him to.

There is a woman there.

While they were talking he hugged her

- What

- Don't leave, Judge!

- Who knows who that woman is!

- Through her, we can find Tano!

- Let go, you're hurting me.

- No, I won't let you go! Come on! One last shot! Come on! One last shot! Only one.

Just for a little while!

- Who are you?

- The people you're looking for.

The Mafia High Command.

Is it only you three left? Yes, just us three.

The perfect number.

The survivors of years of round ups betrayals and struggles See, Tano? We put ourselves out coming this far for you.

Now you must repay us.

You have to be good very good.

You must speak to us nicely, using the right words, without mistakes.

We're now "concerned" about what you do.

For example, we were not happy about Corvo's arrest.

That sort of thing can't be done to Corvo, not even by you.

Because we hold him in high regard.

Corvo will bring you w*r.

He made Mimmo Linori die and his father Giovanni and who knows how many more.

Whereas I will offer you peace.

Andrea Linori, with me by his side, will give you what his father didn't want to give you.

Without him you won't get your hands on SicilTeknoPlus.

Meanwhile, days go by and the time to start the new deal gets closer.

There's no time.

Go with Andrea Linori and renounce Corvo! Corvo is worthless now, he's burnt, he's finished! Or call one of your guys outside, ,, and sh**t me here in the head.

It'll look like su1c1de.

Then, go back to Corvo, refuse the deal and go on holidays for the next 20 years.

Andrea Linori will go back to America and SicilTeknoPlus wil be put under temporary receivership.

Concern yourselves with Corvo.

In rwo days, he is coming to Sicily for an extraordinary session: the Parliamentary Commision for the deals in crime and politics! But concern yourselves with Corvo! The State will be setting up not far from your houses with a commission of honest people! People you can't buy or corrupt.

They'll stick their noses into this country's shit.

But go concern yourselves with Corvo! I'm preparing your nuptial banquet for the next 20 years.

I'm offering you the 2,000! We've already trusted you once

- and you lost!

- No, not me.

It was this muscle here that lost.

This stupid mix of canals, valves and emotions.

Once I wanted to be like everyone else but then I understood, and from then on, I didn't feel my heart anymore.

And now I'm ready to win! You're intelligent, Tano.

You know things, you studied And what wasn't written in books, you learned from life.

But there's still one thing you haven't learned: that you're full of pride! Sooner or later, this pride will be your downfall.

For the moment you're useful, so we are saying okay.

But tomorrow, when life forces you to lower your feathers and you come to us praying, this Trinity in front of you will remember how you are now.

The tone you use, the eyes with which you watch us.

We will leave you to die alone like a dog.

Is our pact okay with you? Yes it's fine with me.

Come this way.

- Who are you?

- One of Tano's friends.

Hurry, come inside.

Hurry up.

There's lightning outside.

It can get us.

Tano's not here.

He's always away.

I never see him.

I don't know where to find him.

Who knows what he is up to out there.

I tell him to stay here, inside the house But he doesn't listen to me.

He's always outside with the lightning.

Lightning and storms! What can I do to convince him not to go out there? What must I do? Can't you tell him you want to see him? Don't you have his address or his number? I don't like the phone I like the TV.

Tano gave that to me.

Tano is very good.

He's very good but he's so small.

He's so small.

He can't help it if the other kids put my head in the fountain of horses until I can't breathe.

He can't do anything to them.

The other kids are good but Tano is better.

Yes, he's even better.

But he's to small It'strange.

It's an old model.

It hasn't been around for years.

- Can you make it work?

- I'll try The kids say to me: "Go on drink, stupid, drink!" And Tano is down by the fence cying.

But I like the water I like the water.

But how can I make him understand that? They say to me: "Drink, Stupid" and he cries because he can't do anything.

Maybe he ran away because of this.

Because he was affraid of the older kids.

Of course.

Maybe that's why he didn't want to give me his phone number.

Not even to me because he's scared of them.

Yes, he is scared.

This is Tano's secret business archive from when he was director if the Antinari Bank.

No! What an idiot! What an idiot! What's wrong? There's secret access key.

If it isn't inserted, it self destructs.

I've lost it all! Nothing.

It didn't work out I'll explain it later.

Okay, I'm on my way.

- Is that your fiance?

- No.

What a shame.

You love Tano? No! Don't touch me.

You're not telling me the truth.

You want Tano, right? You even want to marry him.

But he already has someone

- And he also has me.

- I just wanted to say goodbye.


It was nice meeting you.

What should I tell Tano? Tell him I'll find him sooner or later.

And I'll say that you are very beautiful.

They're coming! Hello? Yes, it's me.

The Administrative Council just concluded.

Did it all go to plan? Yes, it all went to plan.

I've given the go ahead for the first part of the operation.

Soon you'll have the dates on your computer.

Very good, President.

My compliments and congratulations.

Let me out here, I want to go for a walk.

You hold on to the car, Dave.

Andrea Linori at the head of SicilTeknoPlus.

Everyone agreed! Everyone! Even the Holy Trinity! I won't be torn to pieces! I'm nastier than they are! I won't let myself get run down like that! Look for trustworthy people professionals.

- Do I deal with your friends?

- The only friends I have left are the ones I can buy! Here.

It's blank.

I want the best.

Look, Dad.

- It isn't very nice, is it?

- No, not really.

Why are you sad? Look, Ninni.

See this stone? See how it's black and rough? Ruined by the wind?

- Yes

- Give me your rock from the sun.

- See how it's bright and shiny?

- Yes.

To think they were once the same thing.

They were joined.

They were the same rock.

Then something made them separate.

One of them rolled onto the beach and the other one ended up in the water.

The sea slowly, day after day, year after year smoothed it over and made it shiny.

Carta wants you over at the villa.

The same thing happens to men.

They aren't born ugly or beautiful nor sad or happy.

It depends on where life takes them.

- Where their destiny takes them.

- What's destiny? It's something that runs like a river.

But it is a river which cannot be seen.

And how do you know it's there? From the current.

Sometimes it's so strong you can feel it.

You feel it drag you away

- Who told you to come in here?

- You told me to come.

- I was looking for you

- Go get the car.

You must take me to the station.

He's so young.

And he has seen things that people should never have to see.

Andrea Forgive me for the past few days.

I've been impossible.

- I was worried.

- And now? Now things are sorting out.

In a few months I'll renounce my position at SicilTeknoPlus,

- and I'll return to America.

- Really? I booked two tickets for you and Ninni on tomorrow's flight

- to New York.

- I can't leave without you.

Please I wont't feel calm with both of you here.

What about you? Nothing will happen to me, I've become too important.

Promise that in two months you'll be home, and everyting will go back to normal.

I promise.

Turn right.

But the station is that way.

We're not going to the station.

I changed my mind.

Drop me off behind the Sacred Heart church.

Poor Matilda can't find peace after the death of her husband.

Yesterday, she told me that before he died, when he was on the ground he said something to you.

- Is that so?

- I don't know, I can't remember.

What do you mean? You don't remember a man's last words before he goes to the other world? Yes, he said I think he said something like "Now you must save Andrea and the child, take them away" Something like that People like Giovanni Linori are only born every hundred years.

He was always like that, always thought of others before himself.

Even when he was young.

I lived on one of his farms, and at ten I still didn't know how to read or write.

I don't know why but he decided that I had to study and learn table etiquette learn to speak well, learn to dress And he took me with him.

He'd always say: "Your mother gave you a big heart and I gave you your head.

" And it was true.

That's why I was always loyal to him.

Stop the car.

Wait here.

Start the car.

It's Quadri.

Yes, our friend has arrived.

Davide is with him.

What was that woman like? Did she have straight dark hair?

- Did she wear a coat?

- Yes, she had a coat? She was very beautiful.

Did you give her the key to the study?

- Did you talk about me?

- No, I didn't say anything

- but she was nice.

- Everyone is nice to you! They forced it open! I don't want to go anywhere.

I'm happy in this house.

There is a TV here and it is a color one.

Maria, we're going to a beautiful house.

It'll just be me and you.

- Me and you?

- Yes, just us two.

- And I'll buy you beautiful dolls.

- Like this one? Yes, even better.

Come on, Maria.

Let's go.

He's taking his sister.

Do I stop them? No, I want to know where he's going.

Leave it to Davide.

You go back to the city.

Come on let's go.

Bye, house.

You must forget what you saw tonight.

I'm talking about her.

- Imagine you never saw her.

- Okay.

The doctors say she is schizophrenic.

It means being split in the middle, being divided.

But they don't even understand anything.

I remember when we took her for visits as a little girl.

They'd listen to her heart and her pulse They hoped she was sick, with the real illness, like bronchitis or fever All the thing you can cure.

But your head, when it rattles like a beggars empty money box, there is nothing you can do.

Who knows if she dreams? We all dream.

I don't.

I haven't dreamed for years.

I only know things real things that you can touch.

Things that have shape and weight.

Things that produce money, things that can multiply.

Then one night, after I had all the things a man could want, a little dream came to visit me.

What was it about? A woman.

- Shall I drive you home?

- No.

- Stop at that intersection.

- Okay.

Leave me the car and go.

Here, with this you can get a taxi and heaps of other things.

I never want to see the man you sent me again.

Someone has told the police.

It could have even been him.


I understand.

I thought about it myself.

Will the pony come with us to America? No, he's always lived here He'll feel sad in America.

- He'll wait for you to return.

- Nanna, will you come to America? Yes, sooner or later I'll come and see you, I promise.

So, Dad

- I really can't take him with us?

- No.


Come on, in you get Here, Davide.

Can you throw it back into the sea?

- Yes, of course, but why?

- So it can stay with all the other pieces of rock which were once his brothers.

Stop! Drop the g*n! Hurry up! Get out! Get out of the car!

- Get out!

- Mommy, who are they?

- Everyone get out, hurry up!

- Put your hands in the air!

- What do you want from us? Do as he says, calmly.

Let's all get out.

- Hands up!

- What do you want from us? The child! No, let go! Let go!

- No! Ninni! No!

- Don 't touch him! Let him go!

- Not like that, Andrea!

- Gloria! Gloria!

- Ninni!

- Watch out!

- Ninni, don't move!

- Ninni, hide!

- I'm scared!

- Stay there, Ninni!

- I'm coming to you!

- Don't run.

Stay there! Stay still! What have they done to you? What have they done to you?