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02x21 - Patterns of Force

Posted: 01/14/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
Passing outer planet, Zeon.

We want the inner one, Ekos.

Plot a standard orbit, Mr. Chekov,
and take us in.

Aye, sir.

Lieutenant Uhura, try to raise John Gill
on Starfleet communications.

- Aye, aye, sir.
- Starfleet's been trying for six months.

If he's still alive, isn't it unlikely
that he'd receive us now?

I don't know, Bones.

We're here to find out what's
happened because I don't know.

I never met John Gill,

but I studied Earth history
from the text he prepared.

I knew him very well.
He was my instructor at the Academy.

What impressed me most
was his treatment of Earth history

as causes and motivations
rather than dates and events.

Captain, no response
on any Starfleet channel.

Spacecraft approaching
from inner planet.

- From Ekos?
- Yes, but it must be a Zeon ship.

The Zeons do have
a crude interplanetary capability.

Reaction-powered. A small rocket.

It is on an intercept course.

That would mean it has
sophisticated detection devices,

which neither Zeon nor Ekos
should have.

- Have you raised anyone, Lieutenant?
- Nothing, sir.

Captain, it is an unmanned probe
which seems to be carrying a warhead.

Stand by phasers.

- Phasers ready.
- Range, Mr. Chekov?

Two thousand kilometres.
Closing fast.


A thermonuclear warhead.

That's generations ahead of where
these people should be technically.

- How did they manage that?
- Maybe they had help.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

Plot a maximum orbit. Take us out
of range of their detection devices.

Most interesting.

We were att*cked
by a thermonuclear m*ssile

from a planet
which should have no such w*apon.

- Orbit computed and locked in, sir.
- Execute.

Captain, no response from John Gill
on any channel.

He must be dead.

And what's going on
down there on Ekos?

According to our records,

the Ekosians are a primitive,
warlike people in a state of anarchy.

The other planet, Zeon,
has a relatively high technology,

and its people are peaceful.

We've run into
a far more serious problem

than the disappearance of John Gill.

Spock, you and I will beam down.
Bones, one precaution.

Prepare a subcutaneous

in the event
we can't use our communicators.

Insert the transponder, doctor.

Make one low pass to
communication range in three hours.

If we fail to make contact
at the appointed time,

take our coordinates from the
transponder and beam us aboard

no matter what
our condition may be.

Aye, sir. Whatever your condition.

- You ready?
- Ready, captain.


The Ekosians are humanoid, so there's
apt to be a similarity in architecture.


Hide! They're right behind me!

Hide! Hide!

Zeon pig.

On your feet, pig.

the Non-lnterference Directive.

Hold. Hands above your head, Zeon.


Keep your hands in the air
so you don't touch anything Ekosian.

You swine have defiled us
for the last time.

But that's now ended. Move.


- Do you recognise those uniforms?
- Mid-20th century Earth.

The nation-state
called n*zi Germany.

Attention. Attention.

Attention. An announcement
from Führer Headquarters.

Today, the Führer has ordered our
glorious capital to be made Zeon-free.

Starting at dawn, our heroic troops
began flushing out the Zeon monsters

who've been poisoning our planet.

How could this have happened?

The chances of another planet

developing a culture
like n*zi Germany,

using the forms, the symbols,
the uniforms of 20th century Earth,

are so fantastically slim.

Virtually impossible, captain.
Yet the evidence is quite clear.

The Führer's headquarters reports
repulsing an att*ck by Zeon spacecraft.

Our missiles
utterly destroyed the enemy.

You look quite well for a man who's
been utterly destroyed, Mr. Spock.

At this patriotic demonstration,

Deputy Führer Melakon presented
the Iron Cross, second class, to Daras,

hero of the Fatherland.

Everywhere preparations go forward
toward the final decision:

Death to Zeon.

Long live the Fatherland.
Long live the Führer.

- That's John Gill. The Führer?
- Fascinating.

You. Zeons.

What kind of monsters
are the Zeons sending against us?

You're right. He's not one of us.

- What do you mean, us?
- Look at him.

Spock, take his uniform.

You propose we pass ourselves off
as Nazis, captain?

If John Gill is the Führer,
it would seem the logical approach.

That's very well taken, captain.

That helmet covers
a multitude of sins.


What have we here?

- A Zeon?
- Yes.

Obviously he's not one of us.
I captured him.

Is that not the correct procedure
with enemies of the Fatherland?

With all Zeon pigs, lieutenant.

- Take charge of him.
- With pleasure.

Today we have a surprise
planned for you, Zeon.

Your uniform, captain.

Yes, it's a shame
yours isn't as attractive as mine.

- Gestapo, I believe.
- Quite correct.

You should make
a very convincing n*zi.


Have you forgotten how to salute?

Your papers.

Your orders, lieutenant. He wants
to see your orders in the jacket.

The lieutenant's a little dazed.

He captured several Zeons

One of the pigs struck him
before he dropped.

I promise you,
that pig will never get up again.

Good work, lieutenant.

- Hail the Führer.
- Hail to the Führer.

This is a day to remember, major.


Better see a doctor.

You don't look well. Your colour.

- Yes, I shall tend to it, major.
- Lieutenant.

Your helmet, remove it.

We have urgent business
with the Führer.

Lieutenant, remove your helmet.


Do you wish to speak now?

Tell me your orders! You were sent
here to k*ll our Führer. Confess!

Do you want some more

You're making this
a one-sided conversation, major.

Do not joke with me, Zeon pig.

Who is this alien?

Things might go easier for you
if you tell me about him.

Let me speak to your Führer. I'll tell
him everything he wants to know.

You'll be glad to talk to me
before I'm through with you.


Chairman Eneg.

Your Excellency, I am honoured.

I have been interrogating
these two spies captured in...

I've had a full report.

You are not from Zeon.


Where do you come from?

I'll explain when I see the Führer.

What is your business
with the Führer?

I'll discuss that only with him.

Pig! You're speaking
to the chairman of the party.

That's enough, major.

What were the weapons
found on you?

What design?

Our famous S.S. Laboratories

have been unable to discover
how the weapons work.

Excellency, give me
a few minutes with them.

- I promise you I'll have them...
- You had a few minutes without result.

The trouble with you S.S.
Is that you don't realise

that punishment becomes ineffective
after a certain point.

Men become insensitive.

Yes, Excellency.

Lock them up.
Let their pain argue with them.

Then I will question them.

Excellency, the standing order
is to interrogate and execute.

The interrogation is finished,

Finished? What have you learned?

Hold them for an hour.

- Excellency, the order...
- That is my order, major.

I suggest you do not disobey it.

Yes, Excellency.

All right, pigs.

I shall keep my eye on the clock.

When the hour is up, you will die
most unpleasantly, I promise you.

Lock them up.

John Gill was the kindest...

...gentlest man I ever knew.
For him to be a n*zi... impossible.

Why did they take you?

You're not a Zeon.

And he certainly is not one.

Why do the Nazis treat you
as enemies?

Why do the Nazis hate Zeons?


Because without us to hate,

there would be nothing
to hold them together.

So the party has built us
into a thr*at,

- a disease to be wiped out.
- Is Zeon a thr*at to them?

Where did you come from?

Our warlike period ended
dozens of generations ago.

We came here, we thought
we were civilising the Ekosians.

It would seem
the assumption was premature.

Were they like this
when you first came here?

Warlike, yes. But not vicious.

That started
when the n*zi movement began.

It was only a few years ago.

That would coincide
with the time of John Gill's arrival.

When they've destroyed us here,
they will att*ck our planet.

They'll use the technology
we gave them.

The danger is that taking life
is so repugnant to our people

I'm afraid we'll go down
without a struggle.

But after what I saw
in the street today, I think I could k*ll.

- Do you know the plan of this building?
- Why?

If we can get to the S.S. Weapons
Laboratory, get our weapons back,

we might be able to stop
the slaughter of the Zeons.

Why should you be interested
in saving Zeons?

We must get our communicators
and contact the ship.

I must point out, captain,
the flaw in the plan is this locked door

and the guard beyond it.

To the logical mind,
the outlook is somewhat gloomy.

- The transponders.
- Yes.

And a way to shed some light
on the gloom, Mr. Spock.

Of course.

The rubindium crystals
in the transponders.

Are you trying to k*ll yourselves?

I know it's there. McCoy put it in.

You have the figures computed,
Mr. Spock?

Yes. It will be necessary to hold the
crystals rigidly at a specific distance

which I believe should be
27.2 millimetres.

27.2 millimetres
would be approximately...


- That is, of course, a crude estimation.
- Of course.

What is it you're making there,
some kind of radio?

No, not a radio.

The power from that light
is very low.

Yes, to reach that light,
I shall require some sort of platform.

I would be honoured, Mr. Spock.

Now, the rubindium crystals
should find enough power here

to achieve a necessary stimulus.

As I recall from the history of physics

the ancient lasers were able to achieve
the necessary excitation

even using crude natural crystals.

Mr. Spock, the guard did
a very professional job on my back.

- I would appreciate it if you'd hurry.
- Yes, of course, captain.

You realise that the aim will,
of course, be very crude.

I don't care if you hit
the broad side of a barn.

Just hurry, please.

Captain, why should I aim
at such a structure?

Never mind, Spock.
Just get on with the job.

Oh, my goodness.

Beautiful. Spock, Spock.

Beautiful. Over there.
I'll create a commotion.

Help! Help! I'll talk! I'll talk!

I can't stand it anymore!
I'll talk! Guard!

Guard! I'll talk!

Guard. I'll talk. I'll talk.

The pain.

Take me with you.
Give me a chance to fight them.

Captain, I remind you,
we did not intend to fight.

Take me with you
or you'll never find the laboratory.

Take him with us, Mr. Spock.
He's got a point. He's our guide.

- Which is the laboratory door?
- At the end of the hall.

All right, Zeon pigs, move.

Zeon pig. They do nothing right.

Don't worry, they're on their way
to the laboratory for experimental work.

They'll pay. Move!

Move, move!

Cover the door.

Here they are, the communicators.

- Can you get one to work?
- Possibly.

Who are you people?

The phasers?

- I do not see them.
- Where do you come from?

"Alien pistols have been sent
to Gestapo Command Headquarters."

Well, that takes care of the phasers.

You Zeons, for peaceful people,
are pretty thorough.

Yes. With this uniform, we can steal
a car, get out of the capital.

We came to get John Gill.

Captain, without phasers,

and until we're able to communicate
with the ship,

it is illogical to assume
that we can hold out

against the entire m*llitary force
of this planet.

All right, Mr. Spock,
you made your point.

Get into the uniform
and hide those ears again.

Hunting's good.

We've caught so many Zeons,
we've got to dump them outside.

Who's with you?

Davod, it's all right. They helped
me escape from the prison.

- I owe them my life.
- Isak, what is all this?

Abrom. Abrom, thank God
you're well.

This is my brother.

They were in the prison,
beaten as I was, Abrom.

- Why were you in that prison?
- I was trying to see the Führer.

- The Führer?
- If I can see him,

there may be a way
of stopping this insanity.

Abrom, I owe them my life.


...Uletta is dead.

sh*t down in the streets.

She would have been my wife.

She lived for five hours...

...while they walked past her...

...and spat on her.

Our own people
were unable to help her.

Now you ask me to help strangers.

If we adopt the ways of the Nazis...

...we're as bad as the Nazis.


...I suggest the most profitable use
of our time

would be to reassemble
our communicators.

May I work undisturbed

This way.

Now, using parts from both,
I've completed one communicator.

I do not know
if the circuits are correct, captain.

There is no way to test it,
except in actual use.

The Enterprise won't be within range
for another hour.

Over there against the wall,
all of you.

The girl on the viewscreen.
The one receiving the medal.

- Daras.
- Quiet.

Hands in the air, Zeon swine.

So you're the three who escaped from
the Chancellery Detention Centre.

What was your plan? Speak.
It's the last chance you'll get.

- I must see the Führer. It's urgent.
- Urgent?

I'll bet it is.

I alone am responsible
for what happens here.

Do you know what we do
to responsible Zeons?

Now we finish the job.

Where do you stop, you Nazis?

After you've k*lled the last of us,
what do you do?

Turn the g*ns against yourselves?

No, don't sh**t, please.

No, wait.

No more.

You've proved they're on our side.

Now, please forgive us.
But we had to be absolutely certain.

Yes, if we had taken you
into our confidence,

we could have betrayed all our people,
if you had been n*zi spies.

All right, leave us.

The Gestapo methods
are frighteningly efficient.

Now, we must be very careful
in order to survive here.

We of the underground
don't know who our leaders are.

That way, if we break
under pressure,

we can only betray
a handful of our people.

This young lady is a n*zi,
a hero of the Fatherland.

We saw her being decorated.

I'm an Ekosian,

fighting the terrible thing
that's happened to my people.

The decoration was for betraying
my own father to the party.

It was my father's idea.

You see, he used to be very close
to the Führer,

and then he saw the changes
and where they were leading.

He turned against the party.
They imprisoned him.

- Melakon sentenced him to death.
- Melakon?

The Deputy Führer. He's taken over.

My father denounced me, making it
appear as though I had betrayed him.

He gave me a w*apon
to continue the fight with.

But how could this have seemed right
to John Gill?

- Who?
- John Gill, your Führer.

- He's one of our people.
- And what is your people?

I'm Captain James Kirk
of the United Spaceship Enterprise.

This is my first officer, Mr. Spock.

John Gill, your Führer,
was sent here

by the Federation
as a cultural observer.

You mean that the Führer... an alien?
- That is correct.

I grew up to admire him.

Later, to hate and despise
everything he stands for.

But I always thought
he was one of us.

Now to hear that he's an alien
sent to destroy us...

That was not his mission, ever.

He was sent here to observe,
not to interfere.

Something went wrong.

And that's why we're here.
To find out and to correct.

- We must see him.
- It's impossible.

Even if this were another time,
it still would be impossible.

He sees no one.
No one but Melakon.

- He's under maximum security.
- Maximum security.

Is he so afraid?

There are many of us,
both Ekosians and younger Zeons

who would gladly risk our lives
to k*ll him.

I don't understand
what's going on here.

This goes against every principle
that John Gill ever believed in.

Our only chance is to see him,
and quickly.

He makes his speech tonight
from the Chancellery.

All the top party officials
will be there.

Will you be there?

Of course.

As a symbol of the proper attitude
toward the Fatherland.

As an honoured member of the party,
she could get us past the guards.

Only the topmost trusted officials
will be allowed in.

The country will watch
from the viewscreens.

No one knows for sure,

but I'm afraid it'll be a formal
declaration of w*r against Zeon.

Their Final Solution.

- You must get us in there.
- It would be su1c1de.

It's a risk living at all,
the way things are going.

If the captain believes he has a chance,
I'm willing to commit su1c1de with him.

You? A Zeon? You expect
to get into the Chancellery?

It's even more my fight than yours.

- Lights.
- You, what is your business here?

Get me some lights on her.

It's Party Secretary Daras.

The Führer's Special
Documentary Corps.

- Smile, corporal.
- Excuse me.

Captain, I'm beginning to understand
why you Earthmen enjoy gambling.

No matter how carefully
one computes the odds of success,

there is still a certain exhilaration
in the risk.

Very good, Spock.
We may make a human of you yet.

I hope not.

Let's go.


Thank you.

- Where does the Führer enter?
- He doesn't.

They watch him on the big screen.

There, at the end of the room.

He broadcasts from the booth
for security.

They've got the booth curtained off.

Bring that light
to the side of her face.

Where's the entrance
to the broadcast booth?

There, at the end of the corridor.

You're not going to try
to get into the broadcast booth.

We're gonna try.

Sir, is this light a little higher,
better here?


If we can distract the guard long enough,
I can get a machine g*n.

It's a small booth.
I can sh**t through the door.

We're here to get John Gill, and alive,
not for your personal satisfaction.

Is that clear?

Let's try down there.

- Lights, please.
- Yes, sir.

Gentlemen, this is for the record
of the Führer's Final Solution speech.

We're documenting the men
responsible for...

Smile, gentlemen. There'll be more
coverage later. Thank you.

Let's get a moving sh*t
down the hall.

What have we accomplished?
You should have let me sh**t him.

Captain, it was John Gill.

But he never moved,
never once looked up.

Yes. That may be part of the plan,
the semi-divine detachment.

Or a deep psychosis.

It may be simpler than that.
He may be drugged. We need McCoy.

Is there a place, a room
we can be alone for a few minutes?

- I'm going to send for help.
- Send for?

It takes too long to explain.

Any place will do.

The cloak room?

It may not have the range it had.

- In fact, it may not work at all.
- Think positively, Spock.

Spock to Enterprise.

Spock to Enterprise.
Come in, Enterprise.

Enterprise. Lieutenant Uhura.

- Captain here. Put McCoy on.
- Yes, sir.

Captain, we're not reading you well.

You're nine points
into the low frequency band.

We're having difficulty.

Patch historical computer
into uniform section.

I want McCoy outfitted
as a Gestapo doctor,

n*zi Germany, old Earth date 1944.
Make him a colonel.

Yes, sir.

Search the building.

What have you got, Jim?

We found John Gill.
At least we've seen him.

He may be drugged,
hypnotised or psychotic.

You'll have to make a determination.
Hurry with that uniform.

- What is it?
- Isak just heard two security men.

They picked up your broadcast
and pinpointed it within this building.

- They're starting to search.
- If there's gonna be a delay

in transporting the doctor,
I suggest we cancel our...

Kirk to Enterprise.
What's happening up there?

Dr. McCoy is having difficulty
with that uniform, sir.

Well, send him down naked
if you have to. Kirk out.

It's true.
I only half believed what you said.

Stupid computer made a mistake
in the measurements.

The right boot's too tight.

There is a logical way to proceed,
doctor. You point your toe,

apply equal pressure
to either side of the boot, and push.

We have no time for emotionalism.

This is Dr. McCoy,
our chief medical officer.

Daras, secretary
to the National Socialist Party.

How do you do?

What in blazes is this?

Chairman Eneg.

The colonel is drunk.
He's had a little too much to drink.

I see.

Yes, he thought
he would embarrass the Führer.

Yes, a doctor should have
more pride.

You were right to conceal him.

There's a spy in this building
with a secret transmitter.

We're conducting a search.

- Hail the Führer.
- Hail the Führer.

Well, captain, I do not understand
how he failed to recognise us.

Nor do I.

But luck is something you also fail
to recognise, Mr. Spock.

True. I shall reconsider.

The Führer's speech.

Let's go.

Hail the Führer! Hail the Führer!

Hail the Führer! Hail the Führer!


... the job ahead is difficult.

It requires courage and dedication.

It requires faith.

The Zeon colony has existed
for nearly half a century.

Watch his mouth.

If we fulfill our own greatness...

... that will all be ended.

- Working together...
- Captain,

- the speech follows no logical pattern.
- Random sentences strung together.

He looks drugged, Jim.
Almost in a cataleptic state.

- To reach our goal.

And we will reach that goal.

I'd like to have to have
a close look at him.

Every action we take
must be decisive.

Every thought
directed toward a goal.

This planet can become a paradise,

if we are willing to pay the price.

As each cell in the body

works with discipline and harmony
for the good of the entire being...

Gentlemen, I want a picture of you two
with the hero of the Fatherland

listening to the stirring
Führer's speech.

Place that light over here, please.
Get this light around here.

Smile, gentlemen, smile.
Turn around, smile and now...

- Locked.
- Keys.

Hail, Führer!

- Hail Führer!
- Hail the Führer! Hail the Führer!

The Führer has given us our orders.

And we pledge him our lives
in this sacred task.

Death to Zeon.

Death to Zeon! Death to Zeon!

Death to Zeon! Death to Zeon!

- Definitely drugged. Almost comatose.
- What drug?

I can't identify it
without a medi-comp.

Without knowing,
an antidote would be dangerous.

Is there anything you can do?

I can give him a general stimulant,
but it would be risky.

Take the risk.

But despite our best efforts,
they remain like a cancer

eating away at our state.

There's no reaction.
Whatever you gave him isn't working.

Bones, increase the dosage.

I'm working in the dark.
I could k*ll him.

If they find us here,
we'll all be k*lled.

Ten minutes ago,
on our Führer's orders,

our troops began
their historic mission.

In the cities,
the eliminations have started.

Within an hour, the Zeon blight
will forever be removed from Ekos.

It's begun.

It's finally begun.

Hail the Führer! Hail the Führer!

- The stimulant's working.
- I now announce...

He's reaching
a level of consciousness.

It's almost like he's in a light sleep.

That's as much as I dare do.

Our entire solar system will forever
be rid of the disease that was Zeon.

Spock, try to get through to him
with the mind probe.

If you can't,

Bones, you'll have to use a stronger
stimulant no matter what it does.

Our space fleet
is on its way toward Zeon

with both manned
and unmanned weapons.

This is the time of destiny.

- Hail victory!
- Hail victory!

Hail victory! Hail victory!

There's one chance left.

If you'd use the weapons you have,
you could destroy the fleet.

That would mean the death
of thousands of Ekosian spacemen.

I know. Many of my friends
are aboard that ship.

- And many of the underground.
- Yes, but against those thousands

are millions upon millions
of innocent Zeon lives.

We've got to choose
the lesser of two evils.

We could save Zeon.

- But what about Ekos?
- Captain.

I've created a condition in which
Gill cannot initiate speech

or any other action,
but he can reply to questions.

Well done, Spock.

They've kept what's left of him
as a figurehead.

Quite correct.

For the last few years,
the real power has been Melakon.


Gill, why did you abandon
your mission?

Why did you interfere
with this culture?




Took lesson from Earth history.

But why n*zi Germany?

You studied history.
You knew what the Nazis were.

Most efficient state Earth ever knew.

Quite true, captain.

That tiny country, beaten,
bankrupt, defeated,

rose in a few years to stand only
one step away from global domination.

But it was brutal, perverted.

It had to be destroyed at a terrible cost.
Why that example?

Perhaps Gill felt that such a state,
run benignly,

could accomplish its efficiency
without sadism.

Why, Gill? Why?


At first, it worked.

Then Melakon...

...began takeover, used...

Gave me the drug.



Gill, can you hear me?

You've got to tell those people
what happened.

You're the only one
who can prevent the slaughter.


He's still alive,
but the drug they use is too strong.

If I give him another sh*t...

- Bones, give him another sh*t.
- I don't dare!


We've run out of time, Bones.


Aim it at Spock.
Spock, take off the helmet.

For the second time in one day,
Daras is a hero to the Fatherland.

She captured a Zeon spy that was
attempting to assassinate the Führer.


Yes, let us make an example
of this traitor, once and for all.

We'll make a present of him
to Melakon.

Chairman Eneg, this spy
must be taken to Melakon.

Pass them on my responsibility.

Eneg is one of us.

Stick close to Spock.

Stall for time.

And hope.

- What is this?
- A spy, Excellency.

A rare prize. The Deputy Führer
can see this is no ordinary Zeon.

Not a Zeon. Definitely not.

Professor Gill.

Can you hear me?

You've got to speak.

You've got to speak.
This is our last chance.


The Deputy Führer is an authority
on the genetics of racial purity.

How would you classify this one?

Very difficult.

Note the sinister eyes...

...and the malformed ears.

Definitely an inferior race.


Professor, you've got to talk.

You've gotta tell them what happened.
You've got to come out of it.

Come on, professor, come on.

Come on.

Note the low forehead,
denoting stupidity.

The dull look of a trapped animal.

You may take him
now for interrogation.

But I want the body saved
for the Cultural Museum.

He'll make an interesting display.

People... People...

... of Ekos.

Go to the booth.
See to the Führer at once. He's ill.

Turn off that camera.

Hear me.

I suggest we leave
and let our Führer rest.

We were betrayed
by a self-seeking adventurer...

... who has led us all
to the very brink of disaster.

I order the immediate recall
of the space fleet.

This att*ck must stop.

All units are to return to base.

To Zeon, I promise...

...this was not an aggression
of the Ekosian people...

...only one evil man.

Melakon is a traitor
to his own people...

... and to all that we stand for.

To the Zeon people...

... I promise reparation.

Wait, soldier.
There's been enough k*lling.

Now we'll start to live
the way the Führer meant us to live.

I was wrong.

The Non-lnterference Directive
is the only way.

We must stop the slaughter.

You did that, professor.
You told them in time.

Even historians
fail to learn from history.

They repeat the same mistakes.

Let the k*lling end. Let...

Is he dead, captain?


For so long, I've prayed for this.

- Now I'm sorry.
- So was he.

- You've given us all a new chance.
- Thank you.

But go now. We must do the rest.

Eneg and I will go on the air,
offer a new way for our people...

...for all our people...

...both Zeons and Ekosians.

It is time to stop the bloodshed,
to bury our dead.

Well, Mr. Spock,
I think the planet is in good hands.

Indeed, captain.
With the union of two cultures,

this system would make a fine addition
to the Federation.

- Kirk to Enterprise.
- Enterprise here, captain.

Beam us aboard.

Captain, I never will
understand humans.

How could a man as brilliant,
a mind as logical as John Gill's

have made such a fatal error?

He drew the wrong conclusion
from history.

The problem with the Nazis wasn't
simply that their leaders were evil,

psychotic men. They were.

But the main problem, I think,
was the leader principle.

What he's saying, Spock, is that
a man who holds that much power,

even with the best intentions,
just can't resist the urge to play God.

Thank you, doctor.
I was able to gather the meaning.

It also proves another Earth saying:
Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Darn clever these Earthmen,
wouldn't you say?

Yes. Earthmen like Ramses,
Alexander, Caesar,

Napoleon, h*tler, Lee Kuan.

Your whole Earth history is made up
of men seeking absolute power.

- Now, Spock, you obviously don't...
- Obviously, doctor, you fail to accept...

Gentlemen, we've just been through
one civil w*r.

Let's not start another.

Mr. Chekov, take us out of orbit.
Warp factor 2, and hurry.