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02x03 - Duck. Quail. Goose. Crow.

Posted: 01/15/23 06:04
by bunniefuu


Hello. My name is Chava.


This here is Georges,

and you already know Rebecca.

- [MORRIS] Rebecca?

My sincere apologies

for the manner by which we
had to transport you here.

But you see, we couldn't
let you lot f*ck this up.


I think they want to speak.

- Could you lower their gags?
- Yes, Ima.

Us f*ck this up?

How could you?

What do you want?

Georges, could you bring
the main course, please?

With pleasure, Ima.




You lot were the bait.

So we could distract his handlers

and get him out alive before
one of you k*lled him by mistake.

You-you have a history
of doing that, no?

What the f*ck?

Hallo, little birdie.

Aah! Aah!


[CHAVA] Klaus.

Where is Adolf h*tler?

f*ck you.


[KLAUS] [SHOUTING] Wait, wait!

Ow... Oh, wait! Wait, wait, wait, no!

I-I don't know. I swear, I don't know.

No one goes to h*tler's haven.


All right, wait, wait, wait,
except for one man. The Crow.

- Who's The Crow?
- The Reich's chief assassin.

The Crow's courier was
picking up the briefcase.

Where was he supposed
to deliver the briefcase?

I don't know. I swear...

[JONAH] He had a key.

He had a key in his pocket.

The courier.

I d... [SIGHS]

Can someone let me go? Come on.

It's a hotel key. Georges,
find out what hotel.

Let's save him for leftovers.

- [KLAUS] Oh, wait, wait, no!

[STRAINING] Wait, wait, wait...


She's right.

- [ROXY] What do you mean, she's right?
- [MINDY] Jonah...

- We f*cked up in Spain.
- [LONNY] No, you f*cked up.

[JONAH] She got Klaus. She
got one step closer to h*tler.

If we're gonna find
him, we need numbers.

We need a new team.

Looks like we've found them.

Untie them.



f*cking traitor.

We're not gonna break bread together.

We're not gonna hunt Nazis together.

We don't partner with anyone.

What that awful man
must have done to you.


But look at you.

Baruch Hashem.

I know she lives in you.


- Ruth.
- You...

... didn't know my safta.

Ruth was my sister.

Ruth's sister d*ed in the camps.

Well... then I must be a ghost.

And this must be...

a ghost story.


♪ ♪

♪ ♪

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♪ ♪

[MEYER] Viktor.


This is not a dream.

Please, take whatever you want.


You-you don't recognize me, Viktor?


Well, it's been a long time, hmm?

Here. Let me help you here.

Put them on.

- It's you.
- Me.

Fritz said I could find you here.

Yeah. You know him.

He was easy to deal with.

But you, I don't know.

What will we do about you, Viktor, hmm?

How did you sur... survive...
how did you survive the camps?

[ROXY] Come on, I-I know
a con when I see one.

We're not working with her.

- You're making a mistake.
- [MINDY] You! Not another word

- out of you, traitor!
- What street did you grow up on?


- Okay, your father's name?
- Abraham.

My mother Fruma.

- How about your...
- Porja?

Porja was our cat.

Ruth had a long scar on her arm

- from that f*cking cat.

She-she loved thunderstorms

and the smell of

- Lavender.
- lavender. And she was funny.

And brilliant.

Pain in the ass.

And my protector.

And I loved every bit of my big sister.

I see the "pain in the
ass" bit rubbed off on you.

If you thought we'd f*ck tonight up,

why do you want to work with us?

Because once there were
of us and now there are three.

Because the few who
care are old and dying.

Pickings are slim.

At least you're family.

If we want to get to
Adolf before nature does,

we need to work together.


[JONAH] Klaus said that The
Crow is h*tler's only connection

to the outside world.

And that the bald man...

Is supposed to bring this briefcase

to The Crow.

- At some hotel.

[GEORGES] It's not just some hotel.

It's the famed La Abadia.

A former monastery.

Even monks sell out to hotel developers.

So, we go to the hotel
in the bald man's stead,

plant the briefcase, lure
The Crow out from the shadows.

Cage The Crow and force
him to lead us to h*tler.


The hotel is a hotbed

of international criminals and thieves.

The Nazis have used it before,
and they have eyes everywhere.

We must be invisible.

We have this evening to catch
The Crow and make him sing.

And this evening only.

Mindy, you will take the hotel key

and get into the courier's room.

There, you will decipher
where the meeting

with The Crow is meant to be.

- [CLERK] Reception.
- Yes, hello.

The-the light was blinking?

You have a reservation for
two at : p.m. tonight.

[CHAVA] Once she does,
Jonah and I will be there,

lying in wait for him.

Lonny and Georges will
stay with the briefcase,

no matter what.

And ladies, you must have our backs.

We start on the bottom
floor, we make our way up.

The Crow will have eyes everywhere.

He never travels without his m*rder,

so we take them out, we
leave him unprotected.

Kitchen's clear.

[CLARA OVER PHONE] This is Clara.

- [JONAH] And Sam.
- [BOTH] Leave us a message.

[JONAH] I'm sorry I
didn't call till now.

I was in the archives till late.

I'll call you in the morning.

I love you.

Can't wait to be home.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪

[CHAVA] Goose.

Quail. Duck.

But no Crow.

Don't you think The Crow

will see the briefcase
all alone, grow suspicious?

He won't be the one who
picks up the briefcase.

He'll send one of his thugs.

Oh, but he's here, watching it.

He could be anyone.

Oh, they have lamb!

- Do you like lamb?
- Yeah, I could give

two sh-shits about lamb.

Not thinking about food right now.

That is our cover.

We are at dinner. You will dine.

I-I'm not taking
orders from you, Auntie.

Remember, the only reason
why we're here right now

is because I found Klaus.

Oh, right.

You're Herr Leader now.

You m*rder*d Meyer to become boy king.

I m*rder*d The Wolf

and thwarted a Fourth Reich in America.

And what happened in Spain?

Hmm? What happened there?

Why did your little army desert you?

You want to be in
charge of this hunt, boy?

Why don't we settle it with a bet.

One of these diners is our Crow.

Whoever picks him correctly

wears the crown.

Loser buys dinner.

Great. I'll order the Dom,
then, since you're paying.

Splendid. I love a wager.

[LONNY] Side Order of Vengeance?

- Toledo Connection?

- Stranger in Danger ?

Far Out Down Under?

Bonkers in Yonkers?



Meet Me in Poughkeepsie?
Vera vs. Verne?

The Sparrows?

I haven't seen your films, Lonny.

She loved The Sparrows.

It was her favorite of the Flash oeuvre.

[CHUCKLES] She laughed the whole time.

It's a tuberculosis drama.

Who's she?


Roxy and you?

You were a fling?

Were. Are. Who's to say?


Very much were.

Lonny, maybe don't drink so much.

I'm fine. Jesus.

What do you do for fun?
Besides not drink at bars.

What are you doing?


Like your movie, eh?

A sparrow.

I do magic for fun.

Well, this is gonna be
a long f*cking night.

Cover me, Pierre. I need el baño.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪






[HARRIET] I'm told one of your works

is hanging in the Palais Bourbon.

- A van Gogh.
- Yeah, business is good.

And Malika?


Did you ever complicate
a mission or steal a lead

or put us in danger for her? For Chava?

- Never. It wasn't like that.
- I let you in.

Against my better f*cking judgment,

I let you in. I told you
everything about Lonny.

About Joe. About my sister. About me.

You-you read Malika books.

You took her to the zoo.
She f*cking loved you.

- Rox, I...
- And all of that...

All of that, I can see past.

But the one thing I can't?

You could've told Ruth that
her baby sister survived,

and you didn't. And I
cannot understand why.

Because it wasn't my truth to tell.

Truth doesn't have an owner.


We good?

- Yes.
- Yeah.

Okay, next floor.



♪ ♪




He's wearing a Bulova
watch. Designed in Queens.

n*zi wouldn't trust
an American timepiece.

The bloke to your right.

He's had six glasses
of wine. Our assassin

- would keep his wits.
- You said The Crow

first trained as a sharpsh**ter?

sn*pers need to control their breathing.

Guy behind me has an asthma inhaler.

The woman with the bump on her arm?

Smallpox vaccine.

Nazis distrusted vaccines
because Jewish scientists

helped develop them.

That woman over there?

The big Agatha Christie fan?

An assassin reading

about Miss Marple's a bit on the nose.

Low-hanging fruit.

Since I'm playing your game,
how about you play mine?

My safta said you were dead.

How are you sitting here across from me?

There was a prisoner,

a Jew,

ordered to k*ll me.

But this man, he-he turned
the blade on his own throat.

An act of defiance.

And it was a spark.

We turned on the guards,
tried to overpower them.

I escaped.

I-I ran.

I ran for seven nights.

Until I ran home.

A n*zi officer and
his wife had moved in.

And something in me...


They were my first.

I was only . [CLEARS THROAT]

I left such a mess. [CHUCKLES]

Thank God I didn't get caught.

But I'd soon learn how important it is

to be neat.


As all good K*llers must be.

Which rules out

the gentleman to your right.

Spots of rémoulade on his shirt.

And the three slobs behind me.

Ketchup, wine, oil.

Why didn't you...

Why didn't you reach out to
my safta after the w*r?

- I thought she was dead.
- Did you even...

did you even try to look for her?

- Of course.
- And?

- It's not that simple, Jonah.
- What?

- It seems that simple to me.
- How could you know?!

[WAITER] Señora.


[WAITER] De nada.

Room . Far end of the hall.

- Are you certain?
- Yes, I'm bloody certain. Let's go.

No. You stay here by the elevator.

[ROXY] In case we miss him.

She doesn't have what it takes anymore.

♪ ♪




[MORRIS] [WHISPERS] That's him.

[g*ns COCK]

♪ ♪


[g*n COCKS]

[GASPS] Harriet! [GRUNTS]


- [GRUNTS] Aah!



We got to run.

[MEYER] Who else knows?

You came to me, huh?

You remember?

How could I forget?

You begged on your
knees, Herr. Like a dog.

- Who else knows about me?
- I got you out.

No one.

I swear, Wilhelm.


What, you think you're
talking to Wilhelm?


I am the pale horse of death,

and apocalypse follows me.

I am Samael,

who rips the soul from the body of man.

I am the severity of God himself.


I'm here for my file.


How many?

How many did you escape?


The last of you.

Remember who you used to be, eh?

I've never seen this man in my life.

Then-then why don't we

destroy Wilhelm, ja?

We could burn the file right now.

Like he never existed.

Forever gone.

Ja, ja. [CHUCKLES] Ja.

Once you sent that man, Fritz...

It was done.


- I'll give you anything you want.
- No.

- I don't want anything.
- I'm begging.

I'm begging you.

Like a dog.


If I give you up, I...

I give myself up.

That's true.

But I want your absence from my life.

Will you do that?





She has a kid. I'm not gonna
act like that's nothing.

I'm not gonna underplay that.
That is obviously something.

A big something. A human being.

Right? Right. But here's the thing.

I'm Lonny Flash.

Kids f*cking love me.

Candy, cookies, Lonny Flash. Like that.

Lonny, are you f*cking high?

- Are you f*cking high?
- Lonny,

- keep it together.
- Oh, it is together.

I am one solid piece from
toes to teeth, Houdini.

[EXHALES] Magic.

So, how'd you get into magic, anyway?

It's kind of for nerds in America.

Cool kids are into
football. Cars. Acting.

- My father was a great magician.
- Mm.

Famous throughout France.

He used his show to
save hundreds of Jews

during the w*r.

What you might call a righteous gentile.

He'd bring Jews onstage
as part of his act

and then, poof, make them disappear.

He hid them in his prop warehouse

and smuggled them out
of France in his truck.

My mother, she was against this.

Scared of what might happen to him

if he was caught.

But he told her it was his duty.

He said only magic could fix this world.


He sounds like an amazing guy.

The Nazis hung him, of course.

And they sh*t my mother.


Trust that everyone's doing their jobs,

just as we're doing ours.

[LONNY] Maybe we should go see

- what's happening.
- No. Lonny,

trust everyone is doing their job,

just as we're doing ours.

Our role is clear. We
watch the briefcase.

Roles are just suggestions, Georgie.

I was once hired on a Peckinpah picture

to play a parsnip farmer.

By the end of the picture, I was playing

the turnip farmer. Much bigger role,

let me tell you.

- What the f*ck?
- We need to move.

Let the boys follow him.

The Crow will stay put.

We stay put.

And when we find The
Crow, we find h*tler.

The f*ck did he go?

Are you okay?

- Yeah.
- Come on.

[LONNY] What are you doing?

[GEORGES] We need to blend in.

Yeah, you're not gonna blend in.

Come on.

Hey, I'm carrying a little
more water weight than normal.

- Don't give a f*ck, Lonny.
- Okay.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


Drop him.




Lonny, help!




I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

No. No, no.



Holy sh*t.

- We need to go, Lonny. The police will be here soon.
- I'm sorry.

Oh, Jesus. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.


[MAN] [OVER RADIO] Top of the
hour, now. That's gonna be time

for your weather report. Cold
front's gonna be dropping south

through New England.
A lot of that snow's

gonna be behind us, but tonight we...


- Little bit left over

from that front that went through.

- Dry weather, though...
- Oh, crap.



[OFFICER] Let me see your license.

Yes, of course.

I don't think I was
going too fast, was I?

- You were.
- I was?

And you were weaving.




how long will this take?

What are you, in a rush?

Yes, I am.

Can I be honest with you?

I was speeding because I'm terrified.

Terrified of what?

My wife.

- [SHORT CHUCKLE] Funny man.
- No,

no, that's not funny.

You see, I have a girlfriend

out on the sound,

and my wife is back in the city.

Now, if I'm not home
before she wakes up,

you'll have a m*rder to look into.


You're sweating.

I'm sweating?


it... it's a lot of work, you know?

Keeping up with two women.

Lot of energy.

Believe me.


Okay, playboy.

You pay this in days
or you will go to jail.

Good luck with the missus.

I'm gonna need it. Thank you.



Good morning, Annette.

[ANNETTE] Morning, Mr. Offerman.

Simon is waiting to see you.


Good morning.

Could you bring us
some coffee and cookies?

- [ANNETTE] Oh, of course.
- Hmm?

Ah! Simon.

- Shalom.

Shalom. Don't get up. Don't get up.

So, what are you doing here, Simon?

Well, uh, I was just wondering.

Uh... A few days ago

when you came to see me
in my office and asking me

- about Viktor Frondheim?
- Yes.

Well, coincidentally, the file

I had on the man was stolen

on the very same day by some thug.

- Ah.
- And then just yesterday,

we heard, uh, about a man by the name

of Jerome Windholm

who was found dead in his
home in rural Connecticut.

- m*rder*d.
- Jerome Windholm.

- I don't...
- This is the alias that Frondheim used

for the last years.

Which I thought you might have seen

from the, uh... from his file.

Frondheim is dead?


- Are you here to celebrate? [LAUGHS]
- Well...

Well, I thought you might know

something about this.

What, was it in the newspapers?



What are you doing?

You think I have something
to do with this crime?

You think I, what, went to Connecticut

and m*rder*d this man?

How did I m*rder him, with my arthritis?

Meyer, you have the finances
to hire an entire army

- to take this man out, if you so wished.
- Oh, no.

- So if not you alone, then...
- Don't, don't.

- Please.
- ... who?

- So, if you not alone, then who?

We got some real Scooby-Doo
operation over here.

You know, Hashem
works in mysterious ways.

I am glad Viktor's dead.

You are not?

Not like this.

He-he should have been
brought to justice.

And had a public trial.

So that the world could see that no man

could get away with such evil.

No man. Never again.


I think I need to investigate you.

Investigate me?

On what charge?

What, coincidence?

I told you I saw this man.

I mean, if Frondheim is bold enough

to go out to the street in daylight,

perhaps another survivor saw him.

And maybe that survivor doesn't
have the patience you have.

I mean, your belief that the slow grind

of the gears of justice will
somehow, somehow prevail.

And what if that survivor is you?

So what?

So what if it was?

It's not me, but so what if it was?

You think you have a license on justice?

Do you think you have
a patent on revenge?

Don't talk to me about justice.

Justice should have no fathers.

I've hunted men in the jungles.

I've tracked them down the rat lines.

You think you can
drop these cherry bombs

from your ivory tower without impunity?

When a people are
considered rats and roaches,

we Jews, we don't have the
luxury to meddle in the sewers.


Meyer, you're a prince.

You have... You've been
chosen to be a prince.

What our people need
to see is that a man

who was a prisoner in the camps

could rise from this
darkness and become a king.

What people are you talking about?

Me. I need to see it.

I need to believe in it, in you.

Do not let this be you, my brother.

I endured, just as you.

You're not God's broker.

He spoke to me, too.

Just as he did to you.

Who the f*ck are you, Meyer?

I'm a survivor.

That's who I am.

If a single hair points to you,

I will have no choice.

It's only a matter of time, my friend.

♪ ♪

[ROXY] Hurry up. We have,
like, two f*cking minutes.


- You okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Come on.

Thank you, Ricardo.

Hey, assholes! We were sleeping.

What kind of hotel is this?

Hey! Stop!


Ah, hello. I'm looking for the spa...


♪ ♪


From your friend. Buen provecho.

[CHAVA] It's a sign from Harriet.

To let us know they've
handled his thugs.

The Crow is unflanked.

Look at me. Look at me.

This is most important.

We cannot let on that we
know The Crow is vulnerable.


Ruth and I used to go to w*r over

your great-grandmother's rugelach.

Couldn't get enough.


How could you not let her know?

My safta left Europe with her daughter.

Came to Brooklyn all alone.

She was a single mom.

- Jonah...
- She had nothing. No.

She worked hard.

Scrubbing floors at
the Howard Johnson's,

doing everything that she
could to keep us on our feet.

Keep me safe, keep me
well, to keep me loved.

Love me like she loved her sister.

She never stopped loving you.

She needed you.

How could you...

... possibly think that letting
her believe that you were dead

was the best thing?

She may have mourned me.

She may have missed me.

But she didn't need me, Jonah.

Because she had you.

You were her blessing.

I see that now.

I need to go to the bathroom.



This is the women's restroom.

Where is he?

You know I won't tell you.

You already did.

[CHAVA] She dead?


All of dinner, she held her purse tight.

Wasn't because of pickpockets.

A train ticket to Caieiras
for tomorrow morning.

I'll bet h*tler is in Caieiras.


Thanks for dinner.

You're going to have to stop
k*lling Nazis without me.

If you knew it was her the whole time,

how come you didn't correct
me when I first ruled her out?

If you knew it was her, why
did you rule her out at all?

Perhaps you were testing me,

just as I was testing you.



Millie, let's go.

I lost my...

♪ ♪

♪ ♪



[CLARA] Late night?

How's my two-faced,
two-timing w*nk*r of a fiancé?


What is it?

The Crow has been k*lled.

Last night.

In Bariloche.

It appears to have been them.

Are you ready, Joe?

This is what we've been preparing for.

Find them.

Find them.

And bring me their scalps.

The Hunters.


♪ Geronimo, Geronimo ♪

♪ Geronimo, Geronimo ♪

♪ Geronimo, Geronimo ♪

♪ ♪