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08x02 - Episode 2

Posted: 01/15/23 06:23
by bunniefuu
Captain, are you happy now? You've put decent men in jail.

Innocent family men.

We're honest people.

While you're the real crook A man like you could only become a cop.

No guts All rise.

Good morning.

In the name of the Italian people, this court, pursuant to Article 699 of the Penal Code, finds the accused, Rocco Frustaci, Santino Cascio, known as Ciaramedda, Turi Cavataio, Nicola La Porta, known as Babbano, Vito Genna, known as Mammadraga, Antonio Mondella, known as PurcidduZZo, and Francesco Geraci guilty of illegally carrying firearms and sentences them to 2 months' imprisonment.

Pursuant to Articles 56 and 575 of the Penal Code and Article 479, Paragraph 3, Code of Criminal Procedure, this court finds them not guilty of the crime of kidnapping and attempted m*rder due to lack of evidence and orders their release, having served their sentences.

Order! Order! Pursuant to Articles 56 and 575 of the Penal Code, and Article 479, Paragraph 3, Code of Criminal Procedure, this court finds the accused, Pietro Favignana, not guilty due to lack of evidence.

Order! finds him not guilty of attempted m*rder on all counts.

Order! Order! After 40 years, I still can't understand this dumb game.

Whereas my son was a baseball champ.

More American than the Americans.

Vincent had never been to Sicily.

He was so happy when he left.

He was blown up in his landing craft.

What's your daughter's name?

- Maria.

- You've got to have a boy.

Only your own blood can carry on what you've begun.

Remember that.

You've been a father to me.

Thank God I'm not.

I'd be too scared to have a son like you.

Was I disrespectful? Sons who aren't disrespectful are useless.

America is a big country, full of wealth.

But Americans don't know what to do with it all.

They always need something to make them dream.

And that something can be found here On the other side of the earth.

It's a flower that makes dreams come true.

And it's cheap to buy.

But when those flowers reach Turkey, they're worth a hundred times more.

Dried and processed they become something else called morphine.

We bring the morphine here all the way from Turkey.

Then we process and cut it.

Those few dollars that you paid for the flowers become hundreds, thousands Ever seen $100,000 all together? Here.

But the journey is long and processing it here is dangerous and expensive.

Too many cops and politicians to bribe.

And you're still not safe.

Besides, a lot gets lost along the way or is stolen by the Turks.

Sicily is close to Turkey.

Our cops know nothing of this stuff Good, Pietro.

But the families in Sicily have to agree, too.

They won't listen Raise your voice.

Show no respect.

You must get their thirst for blood back.

Pietro, are you afraid of dying? If death overcomes me, I'm no longer around.

But if I am around death isn't.

Lord Mayor, Honourable Member, ladies and gentlemen dare I say this is a great day for all Sicilians.

Before your eyes is a dream about to come true.

I'm proud to have lent my early support to this great project.

When many of my colleagues were sceptical, I fought for all this to become reality.

I'm not feeling well.

I'm leaving.

Wait for Riccardo's speech.

It's the speeches that are making me sick.

I hand you to the Honourable Riccardo Massarino, newly elected to the Regional Assembly, who's come all the way from Palermo to be present at this event.

I've known Francesco since we were kids.

At school, all the teachers told him the same thing.

"Altamura, you're the smartest, but you're a dreamer.

" Well, Francesco Altamura has always been a dreamer.

Who else but a stubborn dreamer would want to turn Sicily into a California? I thought you'd never come.

Cutie The little one's happy because her dad's back.

We're all happy about his return.

- She has her mother's eyes.

- No She has her grandfather's eyes.

Right, Rosaria? She's tired.

Shall I put her to bed? By all means.

Pietro Here's to you and the little one.

May she grow healthy and strong.

- To the family!

- Welcome back.

Tano! Don't you recognise me? Good boy I left you in rags and now I find you a dandy.

He buys you nice clothes and pays for your school.

What do you say to the baron? "Thank you for not treating me like a sl*ve "and for considering me as one of your lot.

" I didn't betray you.

Now that I'm back you don't have to crawl to anyone.

Is that clear? Come on.

Where are you taking me? You mustn't be afraid of me.

You're coming to live at my place.

I'm fine where I am.

At the baron's place? All right Go on, then.

You'll soon find out where you belong.

Go, I said.

Go! Tano! On Thursday, my daughter's being christened.

You'll be her godfather.

Domus also means "family" or "place of peace".

Cicero says domi bellique "in peace and in w*r.

" Plural domus, domum or domorum, domibus, domos or domus, domus, domibus.

You're blotching your book.

Look what you've done.

I'll have to report this to your father.

At this rate you'll never pass the exam.

I can't see.

It's all gone dark.

Stop What are you doing, you little prankster? I can't see.

I can't see.

Paul What's the matter, Paul?

- My God

- Tano! The light's back on! You hurt yourself for real.

At least I had some fun.

I'm not even going to school.

When I go for a walk, the police always follow us.

- Your father?

- Always out at work.

Even my mum doesn't take me with her any more.

- Lately she's been strange.

- Why? I don't know.

Sometimes she's sad.

She thinks I don't notice.

I even saw her crying.

I've never seen you at night.

I've never seen you fall asleep.

Or when you wake up in the morning.

Ever since that day when you arrived with my son in your arms I've wished you were his father and we could leave together.

No one can come between us.

No one.

I'm no good at talking about love.

I've never done it before.

It's hard for me to explain what I really feel.

Now I have to go.

It's late.

Will you be coming tomorrow? Tomorrow's Christmas.

I found out how Archimedes set fire to the Roman ships.

It's called reflection using concave mirrors.

- Let's go and play.

- I'll join you later.

Boring! "There's patience in the wild, "something stubborn, untiring, persistent.

"Like existence itself, motionless for hours on end.

"The spider in its web, the snake in its coils, "the panther ready to pounce" "This is the patience a life needs "to hunt other lives on which to feed.

" I'm sorry.

I won't touch it again.

Don't worry, Tano.

Bring it down here.

Your teacher says you've made amaZing progress.

Well done! I'm proud of you.

At your age Call of the Wild was my favourite book.

It says you can't change nature.

Wolves will always be wolves.

Is that true? The truth is, men can dominate nature.

That's what books are for.

- I want to read them all.

- No need to.

Just read the right ones.

Each book will lead you to another It's an endless chain.

A life

-Iong journey.

You'll remember it was I who set you on the right path.

Thank you.

Santa Claus's sleigh! You promised me a horse.

You promised.

Stop it.

I don't want a television.

I want a horse.

- I'm losing my patience.

- Wait.

You can have the horse later.

Now it would be useless.

You couldn't ride it outside the villa.

You know that.

Daddy's decided it's better this way.

It's a wonderful present.

A spoilt child is a ruined child.

I want the horse.

That's enough.

Say sorry to our guests.

You must obey your father.

Show him respect.

You're all liars, even you.

I hate you all.

Straight to your room! Let him be.

He must learn how to behave.

Let's go.

There This one goes here.

This one's called Mary.

Just like you.

She's the mother of Baby Jesus.

Why keep thinking about the dead? We're your family now.

Put her to sleep and then come to bed.

Come on, darling.

Come to Mummy.

Befor e, people in Tr etorri wer e mute.

Now that Favignana's back, they're deaf and blind too.

- Merry Christmas, Captain.

- Thanks.

Did you like the cake? Delicious.

Thank your wife for me.

Actually Go home.

You can still make midnight mass.

I'll hold the fort.


Mummy, stay here and sleep with me.

I'd love to, but Daddy would be alone.

He doesn't love you any more.

Why did you say that? It's not true.

When he loved you, he used to kiss you.

Maybe he no longer loves you because of me.

No, darling.

You mustn't think such things.

Now try to sleep.

Everything will go back to normal.

I promise.

I promise.

This is the present I brought you from New York.

It fires 200 rounds a minute.

You'll each have one.

The police can only dream of these.

But you must learn how to use them.

Practise every day, just like soldiers.

Because as of today we're at w*r.

Shit, no one's going to stop us now.

When they smell blood, the tough will follow us while the weak bow their heads.

And those who were in charge will realise they're finished.

We'll decide who should work and who shouldn't.

What gets built and what gets knocked down.

We'll decide who should live and who should die.

And whoever's on my side must be prepared to k*ll and to die.

What's the matter, Saro? You have doubts? Speak up.

I want to hear everyone's opinion.

You've been away too long.

Things have changed here.

Bloodshed is out.

It's too dangerous.

Too many have turned their backs on us.

So I've heard.

Councillor Silla After I left, he made an agreement with the baron and gave him approval for his sites.

They even told the papers I was a criminal.

As if they didn't know! The councillor is just a spineless creep.

He's only half a man.

I heard something else too.

While your mates were being arrested you put yourself under his protection.

- That's not true.

- He testified in your favour.

You didn't spend a single day in jail.

Now he's hired you as his chauffeur and promised you control over recruitment at the sites.

I wanted to fix things for all of us.

- True.

- Well done.


I'll forgive you because you showed initiative.

We should all be like him.

Anyway, what's mine is also yours.

I'm on your side.

What a guy! My finger slipped.

What was his name? As an American citiZen married in America, you can get a divorce.

I'll resign from the Force.

The letter's ready.

I don't care about scandals or gossip.

They'll send someone to replace me.

We'll leave Sicily.

You, your son and me.

I'm really fond of Paul.

Ever since I saved him, I've felt as though he's my son.

I don't have a family.

You two will be my family.

My only family.

Carlo, I came to tell you To tell you we should stop seeing each other.

I'm sorry.

It's not true.

It can't be true.

The basin will hold one million cubic metres.

Tano, how many litres is one million cubic metres? One billion.

He's a maths genius.

The money left the bank in Palermo under escort.

To get the loan, I mortgaged all my personal assets.

You're not alone, Francesco.

The finance I promised is on its way.

It's only a matter of days.

The council meeting couldn't have gone better.

Now our friends control the Party majority in Sicily.

Nationally, Sicily's votes can determine who'll be minister.

We want new men at the helm, who have the South's progress at heart.

Rome will send a lot of money and you'll be the first to benefit.

Hide the car!

- Where shall I look?

- Look there.

Will this be shown on television? It'll be on the news throughout Italy.

I'm proud to have supported this project from day one.

It's fertile land.

It just needs irrigation.

Its colours will change.

The red of oranges, the yellow of lemons, the white of almond trees, vineyards If we can start work on the port we'll be able to create thousands of jobs.

I phoned earlier.

Where's Tano? Tano, hurry up.

Let's go.

Wait here.

- Where are you going?

- I won't be long.

Here's the godfather.

Get those cows down there.

They're coming.

Hand me a g*n.

Move those cows Do you believe in almighty God, creator of heaven and earth? I do.

I do.

- How many millions are there?

- Hurry up.

Come on, hurry up.


Get moving.

It was a great interview.

Thanks for everything.

My regards to your editor.

Where the hell is Saro? No one's seen him.

On the mainland, it seems.

He went without telling anybody? I'll see you tonight at the council.

I baptise you Maria Assunta Let's go.

- Captain, this is a church.

- I know.

How dare you, Captain? I'm christening my daughter.

You shouldn't even set foot in a church.

Take them to the station.

Honourable Member, who's behind the recent att*cks? Our thoughts go to the victims' families.

I'm still shocked by what happened.

The State will exact revenge.

We owe it to those poor men.

Any link between the robbery and the car b*mb? It's too early to speculate.

We're investigating.

Was it the Mafia? Whenever there's a crime in Sicily, the Mafia is blamed.

Does the Mafia really exist? Our duty is to find the culprits.

Forget far

-fetched theories.

Will the army be brought in? What about special laws? I'd rule that out.

Sicily isn't a colony.

We don't want special laws.

God willing, Mussolini's days are over.

Does the Honourable Member fear for his life?

- Show me.

- Here.

As you see, everything's in order.

It couldn't be otherwise.

My client and his God

-fearing friends were all in church at the time.

The judge had no option but to order their release.

Let's say I turned a blind eye to your interrogation methods.

You could be charged over what happened last night.

But I can understand your men's frustration.

I didn't mention it to the judge.

And may the Lord forgive you for breaking into a church without crossing yourself.

Get out.

Out of my sight! Let's go, boys.

We're free.

We're all free.

- All free!

- Everyone home.

Let's thank our lawyer.

The best! My respects, Pietro.

Forever your servant.

Go on, keep laughing.

We're free.

We're going home.

Is that good, or what? Let's go.

Do your duty.

I've called five times.

He can't have spent two days in a meeting.

Yes I see I'll call back.

No The Honourable Member can call me.

Riccardo won't return my calls.

I've just learnt the loans have been blocked by the Ministry.

Without that money I'm ruined.

It's not just the robbery The banks fear more att*cks.

They won't risk a cent on me.

Do you know what Paul told me the other night?

- That you don't love him.

- That's not true.

Why bring that up now? Can't you see it's the only thing that counts? We used to be a close family.

But now We're living in fear.

We've become strangers.

Drop everything and let's go away.

Let's go back to America.

We were happy there.

It's not too late.

But we must leave, I beg you.

It's the only way out, Francesco.

Then I'd be a coward.

I can't run away right now.

I can't give in to them.

Do you understand? My project must go ahead.

I don't know how, but it must go ahead.

That's what you said when Paul's life was at stake.

What did you get out of it? I'm leaving, and Paul is coming with me.

What? For now I'll stay in Palermo at EliZabeth's.

Then I'll leave for San Francisco.

Don't you think I need you right now? You're free to join us.

You know where to find me.

You're embarrassing us, Pietro.

We've always guaranteed law and order.

We've always worked to ensure protection and peace of mind.

And we've been doing it quietly and discreetly.

Because that's the way to make business prosper.

Then you come along and make all this racket.

You've even managed to worry the politicians in Rome.

Those who remember Sicily only at election time.


If you do nothing, you never make mistakes.

But you remain empty


There are another twenty bags like this one.

And they're all for you, as proof of my good faith and respect for you.

And you can have the new g*ns too.

Along with the expl*sives I got from America.

I'd say he's gone far enough.

We should teach this arrogant lad what respect really means.

You have nothing to teach me.

Everyone knows how you live.

You harass starving farm hands and sh**t goat thieves.

You still have time to get out on your own two feet.

Calm down.

Easy I want to hear this lad talk.

Very well, then.

I n that case, we'll resume this conversation later.

When we're alone.

As you wish.

Right, then.

How about listening to Pietro? Let's hope he has convincing arguments for us.

More than convincing A fortune in government grants is about to arrive.

A gift to the South.

What are we supposed to do? k*ll hundreds of policemen? Rob all the armoured vans and all the banks? There's no need to.

We just talk the companies who get that money into taking us on as partners.

Then we'll have access to the money in Sicilian banks where we have many friends.

We'll take that money and invest it in a new business.

Then we'll give it back to the government.

I nterest

-free Meanwhile, it's grown a thousandfold.

What business can make money grow that much? I n Sicily this is worth 10,000 lire.

This is powder magic powder.

If bought wholesale in Turkey, it turns this 10,000 into 100,000.

Then, sold on the open market in the States, this 100,000 comes back to Sicily as one million.

And all of this will be ours if we stick together.

With just one mind thinking for all of us and imposing respect and obedience on all the families in Sicily.

"As I write, I can still see those young men "k*lled in cold blood.

"Seeing them, I felt like choking.

"I'm overcome by nausea at all I see around me.

"This land that devours its sons "The selfish fear I feel for my child "Even this absurd romance which has brought us together.

"It's painful to admit it, but that's the way it is.

"This mad v*olence has opened my eyes.

"For too long I'd toyed with a senseless dream.

"I'm not strong enough to tell you directly.

"Maybe I'm a coward.

"But I fear I won't be able to look you in the eye.

" Hello May I speak to the baroness? I see She's not in.

It doesn't matter.

Thank you.

"Now I'll stay with my son, away from you.

"Away from my husband, whom I both loathe and pity.

"I pity him for his lost dream.

"For what he's going through after the att*cks.

"I loathe his stubbornness and quest for power.

"His losing sight of the important things in life.


- What are you reading?

- The story of Don Quixote.

I finished the book on wolves.

I really enjoyed it.

Books are a waste of time.

What I told you was bullshit.

Wolves will always be wolves, even if they read and write.

I should be at the consulate in Palermo I should be there with my wife and son, toasting and celebrating.

Barbara's Sicily is no more.

Ancient Greeks, Romans, Arabs It's all dead and buried.

The way I went about my wife and son was too often wrong.

How long has it been since we were together? They no longer recognise me.

Everything has a price.

Barbara's right.

We should go back to where we were happy.

Santino, get the car ready.

I'm going to Palermo.


- You look stunning.

- Thank you.

Why isn't Francesco here yet? I don't know.

I'm not even sure he's coming.

He doesn't like parties.

And at a time like this Please excuse me, Riccardo.

Are you craZy? What are you doing here? I can't bear the thought of losing you.

Of living without you.

Without your eyes, your voice Carlo After all that's happened do you still think you can carry out your plans? Try.

Drop everything.


Tell my husband you can't protect him as you're in love with his wife.

Tell the Force you have to drop the investigations to follow your lover.

Or desert your post and let others avenge the deaths of those boys.

No you can't do it.

I know it, and you know it too.

Francesco! You're here at last.

I must talk to you.

I have great news.

Maybe I've found a way to solve all your problems.

Seen Barbara? She's out in the garden.

But I must talk to you now.

We must decide tonight.

We'll talk about it later.

Farewell, Carlo.

It's all over.

Did you find Barbara?

- Are you all right?

- Yes, I'm all right.


We're starting to see light at the end of the tunnel.

The loans could be available shortly but it all depends on you.

There are powerful friends here who want to meet you.

They're here to discuss a solution to your problems.

- Are you listening?

- Of course.

If you convince them, your project is saved.

They're only after a sign of goodwill from you.

There's a saying among us politicians.

"If your enemies are too strong, "the only way to beat them is to join them.

" Let's go in.

Mr Torrisi, lawyer Dr TreZZa, head physician at the AnnunZiata Hospital and Mr Santostasi of the Development Bank.

We too, like yourself and the Honourable Member, hold Sicily's future at heart.

Your project to make it more attractive and modern should not be shelved.

Many things are changing.

Today, thanks to our dear friends' support, we have the chance to seiZe this opportunity.

Thank you.

But what's the opportunity? To involve powerful players in your project.

People who have been hostile to any modernisation plan but who have now understood the urgent need for it.

For the good of us all.

Without the consent and support of such players, no project is feasible in Sicily.

As you yourself have recently found out the hard way.

What do you mean? The time has come to change strategy.

There's no point fighting v*olence with v*olence.

That's just a vicious circle.

The solution is for those players to be made to share responsibility.

How? By getting them involved.

Getting them involved in what? I have exhausted my role as a politician.

You can work out the details among yourselves.

See you later, Francesco.

Our proposal is very simple.

We're ready to pay off all your debts.

A trusted bank will refinance a new limited company.

This new company will be granted the finance which the Honourable Member promised us.

But this new enterprise, still in the name of the Altamuras, should be willing to take in new partners.

What new partners? I n your area there's a person of great skill with whom you've clashed before.

But now he's willing to offer all his influence and power.

I'm talking about Pietro Favignana.

- Favignana is a criminal.

- A criminal, eh? You're exaggerating.

He's had a few brushes with the law but he was regularly tried and always came out squeaky clean.

Without Favignana on side, you can't build a chicken coop.

Besides, why bring up old grievances? What really counts is to look to the future.

Please excuse me I'm not feeling too well.

Don't worry, Baron.

Get some fresh air.

It will do you good.

Think about it Take your time.

We don't need an immediate answer.

But bear in mind that what we're offering is much more than a mere business proposition.

By accepting, you'll be one of the few in Sicily who can really control things.

Daddy Mummy was looking for you.

I've missed you a lot lately.

Not so hard, Daddy.

You're squashing me.

Paul Remember the horse I promised you? If you come home with me, we'll buy it tomorrow.

- You'll really buy me a horse?

- Yes.

Go and tell Mummy.

Francesco They told me you were here, but I couldn't It was my fault.

I got caught up with Riccardo and certain friends.

You look wonderful.

I've never seen you looking so beautiful.

Thank you.

I've been thinking hard these last few days.

You were right.

A trip to the States would do us all a lot of good.

I'll join you, if that's all right with you.

Of course.

I'm happy about this decision of yours.

I think it's the right choice.

You could stay here and arrange the trip.

We'll board the ship in Palermo and have a great cruise.

I'll take Paul with me.

I'd like to have him at the villa while I clear my desk.

I've felt very Ionely these last few days.

That's fine.

But shouldn't I come too? No, it's more practical this way.

Welcome, sir.

The baron is expecting you.

What are you doing, Tano? Playing hide


-seek? Come here.

I want you to take me to the baron.

There's just one more thing Tano, get another book from the library.

Books are a waste of time.

What he learnt today is worth a hundred of your books.

Come on Captain Arcuti has it in for you.

He wants you in jail.

The captain is like a dog baying at the moon.

He has sharp teeth too, believe me.

It would be better for us all if someone pulled them out.

- You mean

- You know what I mean.

Right now, that's too risky.

The authorities would feel obliged to react.

There are other ways.

We'll have him transferred.

Let's say it's a personal favour to seal our agreement.

I see It's a private matter.

Then consider it done.

I have a request too.

You must return something that belongs to me.


He's coming with me.

He'll never set foot in your house again.

- How's Paul?

- It's nothing serious.

The doctor said it's just a cold.

- Welcome back, madam.

- You may go now, Rosalia.

How are you, darling? Where have you been? I'm here with you now.

I saw him, Mummy.

Who? He was here in this house.

Who was? They were together.

Daddy kissed him.

Daddy? What are you saying? I saw him at the farm where I was held prisoner.

The same man who wanted to k*ll me.

Why is Daddy his friend? Why, Mummy? You rotten bastard.

Stay down there.

I n his home town, he was mayor, priest and cop.

He put fear into everyone's hearts.

He said he'd rip my heart out.

Your olive trade gave you power.

Now you've given up the ghost in olive oil.

You felt sorry for him, didn't you? If I'd let him live he would have k*lled me.

Remember this.

Never leave unfinished business behind you.

I know you heard a lot of nice talk at the baron's about kindness, honesty and the law A wolf wears sheep's clothing to get among the sheep and attack them.

Cheer up.

We won't be long.

Let's go.


Please sign here, Mrs Altamura.

What happens now? At the appeal, things will go differently.

Will Paul have to attend? Not if you give evidence on his behalf.

Up to that day, everything must be kept secret.

Of course.

It would be better for Paul not to stay at the villa.

Take him to your friends in Palermo.

Leave him there until it's all over.

- If there's anything I can do

- Thanks.

I'd like you to meet someone close to my heart.

By all means.

Tano, come over here.

This is Tano.

One day he'll take over from me.

I n a hundred years, of course! Good on you.


Buy yourself two cakes and keep the change.

I like the boy.

He's got sharp eyes.

You haven't met Don Antonio SpicuZZa.

- I'm honoured.

- The pleasure is all mine.

I knew your father when he was a kid.

I remember when, before leaving, he said to me "Antonio, I'm going to America "where the footpaths are paved with gold.

" Footpaths paved with gold Let's move over here

- Golden footpaths

- I n America! It's hard to predict what fruits this agreement will bear, but I assure you our children and grandchildren will remember this day as the beginning of an era.

A time of wealth and prosperity for all our families.

And for this you must thank the tenacity, the courage and, why not the audacity of Pietro Favignana.

Pietro Favignana, I've a warrant for your arrest.

Come with me to the station.

Don't worry.

It's only a stunt.

Captain Now you're overstepping the mark.

I can see more egg on your face.

We'll see about that in court.

This is for Paul Altamura's abduction.

- Take him away.

- Who helped you set this up?

- Maybe some whore

- Move! Some filthy whore Yes, some filthy whore! Anticipation is mounting over Pietro Favignana's appeal against the charge of abduction and attempted m*rder of Paul Altamura, son of a famous landowner.

Santino! The case was reopened following revelations Turn that thing off.

It's just another wasted effort.

I bet this secret witness is another publicity stunt by our beloved captain.

I don't see why.

He's done a lot of foolish things, that's why! The van robbery, Councillor Silla's m*rder all took place under his nose.

He's really disappointed me.

I wonder why our handsome captain is so preoccupied.

- Aren't you eating?

- I'm not hungry.

You're never hungry.

You never feel like a walk.

You never want to sleep.

I've gone to sleep on my own for weeks while you read in the library.

I also wonder why you're so preoccupied.

I'm sorry.

I'm not feeling too well.

Our informer said the child won't testify.

His mother will do it for him.

Legally she can.

Then tell Turi I want them both dead.

Not so loud.

And calm down.

I'll calm down when they're dead and I've had that captain skinned alive.

You'll get your revenge.

But not now.

Your name would be written all over their corpses and you'd rot in here.

You have to get me out of this place.

Those who accuse you today will set you free tomorrow.

- What do you mean?

- Pietro There are weapons that hurt more than g*ns.

You said it would only take a minute.

You Americans are always in a hurry.

You miss life's little pleasures.

I have a message from my client Pietro Favignana.

His trial starts the day after tomorrow thanks to the revelations of a mystery witness.

- You are that witness.

- How dare you I skipped the preambles.

Spare me your act.

We know everything you'll say.

Word for word.

What do you want? I like you Americans because you're so practical.

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

You call that business.

Get to the point.

If you confirm your son's testimony, you'll get Favignana a life sentence.

But you'll also sentence somebody else to death, with no appeal.

Somebody very close to your heart.

Captain Arcuti.

He can hide anywhere be protected by a whole army.

One day someone will find him and carry out the sentence.

They have a long memory and they never forgive.

Do you understand our deal? You retract your statement.

Say it was your son's imagination.

From that moment onward, no one will ever raise a finger against the captain.

One last thing Favignana wants you to know that someone else had also sentenced the captain to death.

Another deal, just like ours.

Who? You know, Sicilian men are all the same.

They can't stand being cuckolds.

As a man, my client couldn't refuse the deal.

But now things have changed.

If you ask him to save your handsome captain Favignana wouldn't decline.

He'd never make a lady unhappy.

Your husband will understand and come to terms with it.

Who is it? It's me.

What is it? Nothing Nothing at all.

I love you, Carlo.

I love you.

I love you, and I'll love you forever.

Swear you'll tell the truth, the whole truth

- And nothing but the truth.

- I swear.

Captain Arcuti, you forwarded to this court an affidavit from a witness who claims to have knowledge of the fact that the accused arranged and carried out the abduction of young Paul Altamura and later ordered his k*lling, which you yourself prevented.

Is that correct? Correct, Your Honour.

The witness's identity has been kept secret at your request and due to exceptional circumstances.

But the time has come for this person to testify in court.

Will you tell us if this person is present here in court? Yes, the witness is present.

Will you point the witness out? It's the baroness Barbara Altamura.

You're craZy.

What's this all about? Silence! You may step down.

I call Barbara Altamura to the stand.

Don't go.

Your name, please? Barbara Altamura, née Greenberg.

Swear you'll tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

I swear.

I n your statement to Captain Arcuti you declared that you were told by your son Paul about the time he was held c*ptive.

- Do you confirm that?

- I do.

Your son also said, without a shadow of a doubt, that the accused was his kidnapper.

Do you confirm that too? No, I can't confirm that.

Silence Silence, please.

Mrs Altamura, please explain.

My son never mentioned the name of the accused.

The fact is, I made certain assumptions.

Lately I've had time to think it over I can't have someone convicted just because of my suspicions.

That's absurd, Your Honour.

She's been intimidated.

I ntimidated by whom? Only you knew her identity.

Please! Mrs Altamura Have you been subjected to any pressure to retract? Please remember you are under oath.

No, it was my choice.

Your Honour, will you ask the witness whether she was induced to lay these false charges?

- What do you mean?

- I mean that you may have been induced to accuse my client by someone who had a strong influence over you and who wanted Favignana behind bars.

Madam Were you subjected to any such pressures? None whatsoever.

Captain Arcuti stated publicly that he would not rest until he managed to get Pietro Favignana locked away.

Your Honour, could you ask the witness whether it was the captain who induced her to lay charges? No! I put it to you that he did so in view of the affair you're having with him.

Resume your seat! I'll ask the questions.

How is this relevant to this trial? I respectfully maintain that such a situation can explain everything.

It can explain why an innocent man is behind bars and why there was an attempt to pervert the course of justice.

However, I'm here to defend Pietro Favignana and not to accuse Baroness Altamura.

I therefore ask you to answer under oath whether you and the Captain are involved in an extra

-marital affair.

Mrs Altamura answer Counsel's question.


Where are you going? Wait.

Let's talk.

Barbara, I'm ready to forgive you.

- To start again.

- You, forgive me! After you asked a mafioso to k*ll your rival! Barbara, I was out of my mind.

I didn't want to lose you.

We were all out of our minds.

Me more than anyone else.

Goodbye, Francesco.

- Madam

- I can do it myself! Tano, what are you doing here? Why the long face? Your friend gets out tomorrow.

He's not my friend.

If Favignana is free, it's your fault too.

You're scared of him.

You're running away.

I'm not running away.

I'm going back to Rome where I'll be punished.

Whereas Pietro Favignana can only be punished by God.

Little Tano is your son.

What's the matter, Tano? Why are you crying? I was thinking of my mother.

She died when you were still a baby.

I too was a baby when my mother died.

I don't even remember her face.

My father said she came down from heaven, delivered me and went back up again.

- You loved your father

- He was my whole life.

- I wanted to die with him.

- I nstead, you got married.

- That was Pietro's idea.

- With blood still on his hands.

- What blood?

- Your father's blood.

- My father was ill

- He exploited that fact.

I saw him with my very eyes.

What are you saying? He forced him to drink from a bottle until your father started frothing at the mouth.

Pietro was laughing.

Then he said "Now your property is all mine.

"I'll marry Rosaria before they bury you.

" He k*lled him, just like he did my mother.

It's not true.

Not true Go away! Why didn't you bring our daughter? It was you who k*lled my father.

Act on my instructions.

I know the law.

I want to go all the way.

Keep me informed.


Tano, what are you doing here? Pietro Favignana is no more.

But you must abide by the pact you made with him.

Your dream is all but finished Baron.

- What do you want?

- Only two things.

One for me, one for my sister Maria.

Your sister? Place her with the nuns and give her a lifetime allowance.

You'll treat her as if she were your own daughter.

And for you? You taught me that knowledge beats anything.

I want to go abroad, far away from Sicily.

To the best school there is.

So you'll never hear of Tano Cariddi again! Paul, someone in that car has a present for you.

I'd have been lost without you.

Thank you.

See you soon.

Where's Paul? Just a minute, Baroness.

I'm a police officer.

The court has given custody to the father.

You can't do this.

I'm an American.

That's right.

You're free to leave.

Your husband hasn't laid charges.

What shall I do, madam? I'd like to see you dead.

Welcome back.

Take her luggage to Villa Altamura.