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03x04 - And the Children Shall Lead

Posted: 01/15/23 07:40
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 5029.5.

Responding to a distress call
from our scientific colony on Triacus,

we are beaming down to investigate.

Professor Starnes.

It's Kirk.

He's dead, captain.

He didn't seem to know me.



Must destroy ourselves.
Alien upon us.

The enemy from within. The enemy!

All this. Self-inflicted.

Mass su1c1de.

- You did not! You missed me!
- I did so!

Hi. Who are you?

- Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
- I'm Tommy Starnes.

- This is Mary, Steve, Ray and Don.
- Hello.

Come on. Play with us. Come on.

Ring around the rosy
Pocketful of posy

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down

Ring around the rosy
Pocketful of posy

Ashes, ashes, we all fall down

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

Captain's log, supplementary.

We have buried the members
of the Starnes' exploration party.

Everyone has been deeply affected
by what has happened here,

with some important exceptions.

Let's go and play.

I'm gonna get you!

I'm gonna get you.

- No sign of grief?
- No, Jim, no indication of any kind.

Or fear?

They seem completely secure
and unafraid.

And you insist that their behaviour
is a sign of traumatic shock?

I don't insist, Jim,
but I can't dismiss the possibility.

A child suppresses the fact that both
parents are dead? I can't believe it.

Humans do have an amazing capacity
for believing what they choose

and excluding that which is painful.

Not these children, to this extent.
It's incredible.

What these children saw
is incredible, Jim.

The way those deaths occurred,
any reaction is possible,

including lacunar amnesia.

That's my diagnosis.

Until specific tests can be made,
it remains that.

I'll be guided by that opinion, doctor,
for the present.

What about questioning them?

Not until the fabric
of the traumatisation weakens

or you can come up with another
explanation for their behaviour.

Forcing them to see this experience
now could cause permanent damage.

Accepted, doctor.

Be careful.

I'm sorry, Captain Kirk.

Children? Children, listen to me.

It's late,
and it's time to go up to the ship.

Oh, not yet.

- But we're just beginning to have fun.
- Not now.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry,
you'll go up with the doctor.

Come on. It's time to be going.

Whatever happened here
is locked up inside those children.

The attack on Professor Starnes' party
must surely have been unprovoked.

Attack? Mass su1c1de
is what it seems to be.

I stand corrected, captain.
Induced would be a more precise term.

Induced by an outside force.

- Such as?
- The release of bacteria.

Or a helpless mental depression
and a state of suicidal anxiety

could have been chemically induced.

What would make
the children immune?

I do not know. But it is possible.

Then the children would have been
exempted by conscious design.

A valid assumption, I would say.

And their present behaviour
explained by a fear of punishment.

Or the promise of reward.

An attack by an unknown assailant

on an uninhabited planet.

This planet is uninhabited, Mr. Spock,
to the best of our information?

At present, yes.

- Odd.
- Getting a reading?

There seems to be some disturbance
coming from that cave.

Picking up any life forms,
Mr. Spock?

Definitely not humanoid, captain.

Impossible to make
any specific identification.

The readings do not correlate
with any known information.

Oh, that's strange.

That's very strange.

I'm getting a feeling of anxiety
in this place.

That doesn't sound very scientific,
does it?

But it's strongest right here.

I'm not aware of it, captain.

Maybe that's what's registering
on your tricorder.

I am not familiar with anxiety,

but I was not aware that
it could be registered on sensors.


Of course. That's... That's me.

That's me.

But what's causing your tricorder
to react?

- Are you all right, captain?
- Yes, I'm... I'm fine.

I'm fine.

Just some sympathetic vibration
with what happened here.

Let's get back to the ship.

I want to check out those tapes
from Professor Starnes' tricorder.

And I am going to question
those children.

All right, children.
Now, each card is a different flavour.

You take your pick, and the computer
will mix your favourite combination.

What would you like?
Just call out your favourite.

- Chocolate.
- Vanilla.

- Cherry and banana.
- Okay. Okay.

Would you like a surprise, Stevie?

All right.

It's coconut and vanilla.
They're both white.

There, there, now, Stevie.

There are unpleasant surprises
as well as pleasant ones.

That was your unpleasant surprise.

Now, what would you like
for your pleasant surprise?

Chocolate wobble and pistachio.

Well, coming right up.

And peach.

All right.

It's gonna be a wonderful surprise.

The tests show no evidence
of tensions due to lying.

They behave as though
nothing had gone wrong.

They check out sound physically,

and there are no signs of any
foreign bio-chemical substance

to account for their present state.

- I have no answers, Jim.
- There has to be an answer.

Well can't it wait till we
get to a starbase hospital

so they can be checked out
by a child specialist?

We're not leaving here until we find out
what went on, or what's going on.

Well I won't prevent you questioning them,
but it could harm the children if you do.

It could be far worse for them if I don't,
and for us too.

Be careful.

- And I got another flavour on top.
- After this, we can all play games.


How do you like getting your ice cream
out of a computer?

- I'll eat some more before bed.
- That was fun.

Well, well, well,
you're all having such a good time.

- I think I'll join you. Is that all right?
- Please do.

- All right. I'll have a dish too.
- Of course.

A little one. A very small one.

- It's better than Triacus, isn't it?
- That dirty old planet?

- What's so good about that place?
- Yeah.

You weren't there very long.
You don't know.

I don't think your parents liked it
very much either.

- Yes, they did.
- Yeah, mine sure did.

Parents like stupid things.

Oh, I don't know about that.
Parents like children.

That's what you think.

I'm sure your parents loved you.

That's why they took you with them
to Triacus.

So they wouldn't be so far away
from you for such a long time.

That would make them very unhappy,
and they'd miss you.

I'm sure that
you would miss them too.

- Busy, busy.
- Busy, busy.

Busy, busy, busy.

Busy, busy, busy.

- Guess what we are.
- I know. A swarm of bees.

Busy, busy, busy.

Watch out. Watch out. I'll sting you.

Now, wait a minute.

Can we have some more ice cream,

No, I don't think so.
It'll spoil your dinner.

See what I told you? They all say it.


All right children, you've had a busy day.
I think you could use some rest.

Nurse Chapel
will see you to your quarters.

Very good idea, captain. Come on.

- Do we have to?
- That's all right, that's enough.

- Tommy, just a moment.
- Here we go.

I'd like to ask you a question.
Come and sit down.

Tommy, will you tell me
what you saw?

Saw where?

In the cave. On the planet.
On Triacus.

- You were there.
- Did you see your father today?

- I saw him.
- Did he seem upset?

- Yeah, he was very upset.
- What about?

Well, I didn't ask him.

What was going on
that would have upset him?

How should I know?
He was always upset.

Just like you, Captain Kirk.

I'm not upset with you, Tommy,
or your friends.

We invited you
aboard the Enterprise.

Why would I do that
if I didn't like you?

You have your reasons.

Aren't you unhappy
about leaving Triacus?

That place? That's for adults.

Aren't you upset
about leaving your parents?

My parents? They love it down there.

Always busy.

They're happy.

Can I go now?
I'm tired too, you know.

- Yes, certainly. I'll take you.
- I know the way.

Kirk to Security.

Post a guard on the children.

They're to be kept
under constant watch.

Hail, hail, fire and snow.

Call the angel, we will go.

Far away, for to see,

friendly angel, come to me.

Hail, hail, fire and snow.

Call the angel, we will go.

Far away, for to see,

friendly angel, come to me.

Hail, hail...

You have done very well, my friends.

You have done what must be done.

You have come aboard
the Enterprise.

Now our destination
is a Federation settlement.

Captain Kirk will undoubtedly
choose a closer station.

Do not let that deter you.

Marcos Xll has millions of people
on it.

Nearly a million
will join us as our friends.

The rest will be our enemies.

Together with our other friends
who will join us,

we will defeat our enemies
as we defeated them on Triacus.

A million friends on Marcos
will make us invincible.

No one will tell us where to go,
when to sleep, where to eat.

The universe will be mine
to command,

yours to play in.

To accomplish this great mission,
we must first control the Enterprise.

To control the ship,
we first must control the crew.

You know how to do that.
That is your next task.

And as you believe,
so shall you do, so shall you do.

As you believe,
so shall you do, so shall you do.

As you believe,
so shall you do, so shall you do.

Maintaining standard orbit, captain.

Lieutenant Uhura, any report
from the planet's security team?

Everything is quiet, sir.

Captain, I have extracted
the salient portion

- of Professor Starnes' tapes.
- Good.

Among the technical facts
he gathered,

Professor Starnes also offered
some rather unscientific hypotheses.

Let's see them.

Log date 5025.3.

Ever since our arrival on Triacus,

I've felt a certain growing feeling
of uneasiness.

At first I attributed it
to the usual case of nerves

associated with any new project.

However, I found that
the rest of my associates

are also bothered
by these anxieties.

The only ones not affected
are the children.

Bless them, find the whole thing
an exciting adventure.

To be young again.

Let's see some more of these
unscientific hypotheses, Mr. Spock.


The feeling of anxiety we've all been
experiencing is growing worse.

There is another portion, captain,

which I believe
you'll find particularly interesting.


Professor Wilkins
finished his excavation today.

Although whatever civilization
that might have been here

was destroyed
by some natural catastrophe,

it would appear that one of the race
took refuge in the cave.

And for our efforts, we are becoming
only more apprehensive.

As if some unseen force
were influencing us.

- What happened?
- Unknown.

I didn't see you come in, Tommy.

Captain, after we leave here,
can you take us to Marcos Xll?

No, we'll probably take you
to a Federation starbase.

But I have relatives on Marcos Xll.

I'm sorry, Tommy, Marcos Xll
is not within our patrol area.

Mr. Spock,
we'll pursue this in my quarters.

Captain, can I stay here and watch?
I'll be very quiet.

All right, Tommy.

Lieutenant, have Dr. McCoy report
to my quarters for a brief conference.

Mr. Leslie?

- Hi, there.
- Hi.

What is that?

The planet Triacus.

Will we see that
all the time we stay here?

Yes, we will.

All the time we're here.

He sees Triacus on the screen.

He thinks he sees it.

Mr. Sulu, the screen.
We're out of orbit.

- Will we reach Marcos Xll soon?
- Very soon.

When did we change course?

We haven't changed course.

What do you mean,
we haven't changed course?

Look at your Bridge control monitor.

We're still in orbit, sir.

Have you gone completely blind?
That's not orbiting position.

Don't touch the controls, sir.

What the devil
do you think you're doing?

We must remain in this orbit
till the Bridge orders a change.

You blind fool.

Can't you see what's in front of you?
We're not in orbit.

I will not disobey
an order from the Bridge.

You are disobeying an order
from the Bridge. Now step aside.

You're losing control of yourself, sir.

Not yet.

I'm being influenced to do things
that do not make sense.

I even went so far
as to call Starfleet Command

to request a spaceship
to be used as a transport.

It was only when I couldn't tell them
what I wanted to transport

that I began to realize
that my mind was being directed.

I decided to send a dispatch
to Starfleet, warning them.

God forgive us.
We must destroy ourselves.

Alien upon us.
The enemy from within.

The enemy!

He never completed the entry.
And the dispatch was never sent.

Except for scenes of family life,
games and picnics with the children,

that is the complete record.

Whatever overwhelmed them must
have done so with incredible speed.

Otherwise the professor would have
provided details of the experience.

He was an excellent scientist
and tireless in his pursuit of the truth.

- That could be what destroyed him.
- Possible, captain.

Evil does seek to maintain power
by suppressing the truth.

Or by misleading the innocent.

Misleading the innocent? I wonder.

Do you mean
the children may be involved?

Yes, doctor.

Spock, what do we know
about the race that lived here?

According to the legend, Triacus
was the seat of a band of marauders

who made constant w*r
throughout the system of Epsilon Indi.

After many centuries, the destroyers
were themselves destroyed

by those they had preyed upon.

- Is that the end of it?
- No.

Like so many legends,
this one, too, has a frightening ending.

It warns that the evil
is awaiting a catalyst

to set it again into motion

and send it marauding
across the galaxy.

Is it possible
that the evil found the catalyst?

I was speaking of a legend, captain.

But most legends have their basis
in fact, Spock.

I think I read you, Jim.

But as medical officer,
I must warn you

that unless the normal grief is tapped
and released from these children,

you are treading dangerously.

I understand your diagnosis, doctor,
and I will respect it.

But not to the exclusion of the safety
of the Enterprise. Thank you.

Spock, what other expeditions
have visited Triacus?

According to Federation records,
this is the first.

What was it Professor Starnes said
about the unseen force?

He said that an unseen force
was influencing him.

That he recognized it,
was beginning to fight it,

and cancelled his request for a ship.

A ship? Yes. A ship for Triacus.

But why? By whom?

Security detachment,
ready for relief duty on Triacus.

Assemble to the Transporter Room

I'll have some questions
for that planet detachment

as soon as they're beamed up.

I think it's about time we found out

whether Professor Starnes'
enemy within

is on the planet below
or here onboard ship with us.

Come on.

Your tour of duty will last one hour.

Be prepared with your communicators
at all times to report any alien beings.

Don't wait to investigate.
Beam down the guards.

Beam up the security detachment
from Triacus.


What's wrong?

I am unable to lock on
to the proper coordinates, captain.

Why not?

It appears
we are no longer orbiting Triacus.

That's impossible.

If we're not orbiting Triacus,
then the men I beamed down are dead.

we are no longer orbiting Triacus.

Activate the Bridge monitor screen.

Captain to Bridge.
Mr. Sulu, we're not orbiting Triacus.

With all respects, captain,
you're wrong.

I have Triacus on my screen now.

You're off course.
I'm coming right up.

High, high, fire and snow

Call the angel, we will go

Far away, far to see

Friendly angel, come to me

- High, high, fire and snow
- Sulu.

Call the angel, we will go

Far away, far to see

Friendly angel, come to me

Friends, we have reached
a moment of crisis.

The enemy
have discovered our operation.

But they are too late.

They no longer control the ship.
We do.

We shall prevail.
They will take us anyplace we desire.

So back to your stations.
Maintain your controls.

If resistance mounts,
call upon their beast.

Their beast will serve us well.

The fear in each one of them
is the beast which will consume him.

Remember how it was on Triacus?

If they resist,
so shall it be on the Enterprise.

If you need me,
call and I will appear.

Our new goal is Marcos Xll.

It is our new beginning.
We must not falter.

Go to your stations.
Mary, you remain here with me.

Helmsman, disregard
what you see on the screen,

what you think you see
on the screen.

Set a course for Starbase 4.

- Helmsman, do you hear me?
- Yes, sir.

Lieutenant Uhura.
Contact Starbase 4.

Tell them
we're bringing the children there.

Tell Starfleet Command
I suspect them of being alien in nature

and I want a thorough investigation
made upon our arrival.

Aye, aye, sir.


What are you staring at?

I see my death.

A long death. Disease and pain.

I see my death.

Lieutenant, there's nothing there.

Oh, God!

Captain, don't let it be.

Mr. Spock,
you make the call to Starfleet.

Mr. Sulu,
I ordered you to change course.

- Mr. Sulu...
- Captain.

Stay away from the controls.
If you touch them, we'll be destroyed.

Mr. Sulu, there's nothing there.

why are we bothering Starfleet?

That was an order, Spock.

This Bridge
is under complete control.

- Complete..?
- There is no need.

Take a look around you.

I cannot obey your order, captain.

Take Mr. Sulu to his quarters.
He's relieved of duty.

Mr. Spock...

From the... Confined to quarters...

Did you hear me?

Did you hear me?

Captain, we must get off this Bridge.

Yes, we must. I'm losing command.

I'm losing my ability to command.

I'm losing the Enterprise.

I'm losing command.

I'm losing the Enterprise.

The ship is sailing on and on.

I'm alone.



- I'm losing command.
- Captain.

I've lost command.

I've lost the Enterprise.


I've got command.

I've got command.

I've got command.

Correct, captain.

Where to, captain?

Auxiliary control, my Vulcan friend.

This ship is off course.


I want you to override
the Bridge navigation system

- and plot a course for Starbase 4.
- I can't do that, sir.

- Why not?
- These are very sensitive instruments.

I will not have you upset
their delicate balance.

We would all be lost, forever lost.

Go away now.
Go away or we'll k*ll you.

Scotty. Listen to me.

The Enterprise
has been invaded by alien beings.

Its destination is Marcos.

If we take it there, millions will die
the way they died at Triacus.

No, I'm all right, Spock.
My beast is finished. It won't return.

Captain, so long as the children
are present, there is danger.

They are the carriers.

Spock, they're not the alien beings.
They're children being misled.

They are followers.
Without followers, evil cannot spread.

They're children.

Captain, the 430 men and women
onboard the Enterprise

and the ship itself
are endangered by these children.

They don't understand the evil
that they're doing.

Perhaps that is true.

But the evil that is within them
is spreading fast,

and unless we can find a way
to remove it...

We'll have to k*ll them.

- Captain Kirk?
- What is it, now?

I have been instructed to place you
and Mr. Spock under arrest.

- By whose order?
- Starfleet Command, sir.

Where did you hear this order,

Now listen to me. This order is false.

I want you and your men
to return to their stations.

I'm sorry, captain, but I must insist

you and Mr. Spock come with me
to the detention section.

Ensign, listen to me.

Do not force me to k*ll you, sir.

I will if I have to.

- Will you come peacefully?
- Ensign, listen to me.

This is a false order, ensign.

I have never disobeyed an order,
captain. You know I have never...

I know that, ensign.
You have never disobeyed an order.

- But an alien being is aboard this ship.
- I will not disobey now.

- I cannot disobey.
- Ensign, you will disobey this order!

Starfleet Command
supersedes your order, sir!


Take these men to detention,
then join me on the Bridge.

The Enterprise
will never reach Marcos Xll.

You will not be landed there.

The crew will take us.
The crew believe.

The crew does not understand.

When we make them understand,
as I understand,

they won't take you to Marcos.

- They will!
- We are going to Marcos!

- We are going to Marcos!
- No, they won't.

- We're gonna follow our friend.
- They will, they will!

Your friend? Where is your friend?

Where is that stowaway?
Why does he hide?

He will come if we call him.

But we won't. We don't need him.
We're not afraid of you.

I'm glad you're not afraid of me.

But your leader is afraid.

- What's he afraid of?
- He's not afraid of anybody.

- He's not afraid of anything.
- He's afraid to be seen.

And when the crew sees
and hears him,

they'll understand that
he is not their friend.

- And they won't follow him.
- He is our friend.

Then let him show himself.

Bring him out. Let him prove to me
that he is my friend

and I'll follow him to Marcos Xll
and to the ends of the universe.


Mr. Spock, play back the chant

the children sang
to summon up the Gorgan.

Hail, hail, fire and snow.

Call the angel, we will go.

Far away, for to see,

friendly angel, come to me.

Hail, hail, fire and snow.

Call the angel, we will go.

Far away, for to see,

friendly angel, come to me.

The time has come
to see the world as it is.

Come on.

Who has summoned me?

I did, Gorgan. My beast is gone.

It lost its power in the light of reality.
I command again.

And I ordered you here.

No, captain. I command here.

My followers are strong and faithful
and obedient.

That's why we take what is ours
wherever we go.

You take from those
who do not know you.

And we know you.

- Then you know I must win, captain.
- Not if we join together to fight you.

Foolish. You will be destroyed.

I would ask you to join me,
but you are gentle.

And that is a grave weakness.

We are also very strong.

But your strength is cancelled
by your gentleness.

You are full of goodness.
Such as you cannot be changed.

You are like the parents.
You must be eliminated.

Children, I have pictures
of some of you on Triacus.

I'd like to show them to you.
Would you like to see them?

Mr. Spock, the pictures.

I forbid it.

Why should you fear it?

- I fear nothing.
- So we were told.

Mr. Spock, the pictures.
The children are waiting.

I'll get you.

Come on.

I'll get you.

They would not help transport us.
They were against us.

They had to be eliminated.

Tommy's father would have
destroyed you,

but he recognized you too late.

You were also too late.

The kind ones always are.

Not always, Gorgan. Not this time.

You can't hide from them.
They see you as we see you.

They know what you are.

- Even the children learn.
- You are my future generals.

Together we can raise armies
of followers. Go to your posts.

The first great victories are upon us.

You will see.

We have millions of friends
on Marcos Xll.

We shall exterminate
all who oppose us.

Our purity of purpose
cannot be contaminated

by those who disagree,

who will not cooperate,
who do not understand.

They must be annihilated.

Don't be afraid.

Look at him.

Without you children, he's nothing.

The evil remains within him.

I command you. I command you.

To your posts.

Carry out your duties
or I will destroy you.

You will be swept aside
to make way for the strong.

How ugly he really is.
Look at him, and don't be afraid.

Death. Death to you all.

Death to you all.

Death to you all. Death to you all.

It's all right.

They're crying, Jim.

I don't know how it happened,
but it's good to see.

It's all right, Mary. It's all right.

It's all right, isn't it, doctor?

Yes, it's all right.

We can help them now.

Marcos Xll dead ahead, sir.

- Reverse course, Mr. Sulu.
- Aye, sir.

Course reversed, captain.

- Set course for Starbase 4, Mr. Sulu.
- Yes, sir.