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03x16 - The Mark of Gideon

Posted: 01/15/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
Captain's log, stardate 5423.4.

We are orbiting the planet Gideon,

which is still not a member
of the United Federation of Planets.

The treaty negotiations
have been difficult

because Gideon has consistently
refused the presence

of a delegation from the Federation
on its soil,

or any surveillance
by the ship's sensors.

They have finally agreed
to a delegation of one.

They insisted it be
the captain of the Enterprise.

I am therefore beaming down
at once.

Too bad Gideon isn't cleared
for general visitation, Mr. Spock.

to the physio-cultural reports

submitted to the Federation,
it's a virtual paradise.

I shall be interested in hearing
your description, captain.

You won't have long to wait.

- Lieutenant Uhura.
- Yes, Mr. Spock?

Do we have final clearance
from Gideon?

Yes, Mr. Spock. They have provided us
with the coordinates for beam down.

May I have them, please?

- Eight-seven-five.
- Eight-seven-five.

- Zero-two-zero.
- Zero-two-zero.

- Zero-seven-nine.
- Zero-seven-nine.

Let's go, Mr. Spock.


Mr. Spock?

Mr. Spock,
I have not yet transported down.

Why did you leave your post
before confirming transport?

Mr. Spock?


Engineering? Mr. Scott?


Lieutenant Uhura,
report immediately.

All Bridge personnel,
report immediately.

Kirk to crew, is anyone aboard?

Sickbay? Dr. McCoy?

Bones, Bones, answer me.


Still orbiting Gideon.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the starship Enterprise.

Its five-year mission:
To explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilisations,

to boldly go where no man
has gone before.

I am alone on the Enterprise.

I have searched
every area of the ship

and still cannot find
a trace of the crew

or an indication of how
its disappearance was managed.

But one thing that is obvious
is that I suffered a memory lapse,

during which time I bruised my arm.

It is causing me some irritation.

Gideon is contacting us, Mr. Spock.

- Put it on the screen.
- Aye, sir.

Captain Kirk,
this is Ambassador Hodin.

The council is still awaiting your arrival.

This is Mr. Spock,
Ambassador Hodin.

Captain Kirk was transported down
minutes ago.

- That's impossible.
- I transported him myself.

He never arrived.

He was beamed directly
to your council chambers.

Please verify your coordinates.


Coordinates confirmed.

We gave you the exact coordinates,

which should have brought
Captain Kirk directly into this very room.

I am not questioning that, sir.

If he is not here, that is
your own responsibility, Mr. Spock,

and that of your staff.

I do not deny that, sir.

I am not attempting
to blame your personnel.

We are glad to hear that.

We shall have to enter it
into the records

of this most unfortunate event.

Your Excellency,

even with intricate machinery
as delicately balanced as ours,

there is still a margin for error
which must be dealt with.

It is possible

that Captain Kirk materialised
on some other part of Gideon.

Let us hope it was on dry land.

Your Excellency.

May I cut
right to the heart of the matter?

I request permission to beam down
to conduct a search for our captain.

Permission denied.

Your Federation must be aware

of our jealous tradition of isolation
from all contaminating contacts

with the violent nature of planets
of other star systems.

Your Excellency, the wars
between opposing star systems

no longer prevail in our galaxy.

If you will grant permission...

Of course, we shall institute
a thorough search.

In the meantime, Mr. Spock, I suggest
that you look to your machinery.

We must acknowledge
once and for all

that the purpose of diplomacy
is to prolong a crisis.

Well, what are we waiting for,
Mr. Spock? We're not diplomats.

We are representatives
of the Federation, doctor.

That doesn't mean
that we have to behave like children

and listen to some fool lecture
by a diplomat.

Unfortunately, diplomacy is the only
channel available to us at the moment.

The planet is shielded
from our sensors,

therefore, we cannot scan it.

Therefore, we are unable
to select coordinates.

They must be provided by Gideon.

We should never have agreed
to such restrictions.

We did not, Mr. Chekov.
The Federation did.

- Lieutenant Uhura.
- Yes, Mr. Spock.

Contact Starfleet immediately.
Explain our problem.

Request permission to use
every means at our disposal

to press the search for Captain Kirk.

At once, sir.

Are there any other possibilities?

There are endless, Mr. Chekov.

But where do we start, Mr. Spock?

Institute a sensor scan 360 degrees,
one degree at a time.

You mean, you're gonna
scan space for him?

But, sir, that could take years.

Then the sooner you begin, the better.

Aye, sir.

Who are you?


Yes. My name is Odona.

Why did you bring me here?

What are you doing on my ship?

Is this entire ship yours?

Not my personal property,
but I'm the captain.

And you have it all to yourself?

It seems, at the moment,
we have it all to ourselves.

You're hurting me, captain.

Kirk. I'm sorry. James Kirk.

And I didn't bring you here.

If you didn't bring me here...

That's right.
Who has brought you here?

- I don't know.
- You...

What happened
before you came here?

Try to remember. It's important.

It seems I was standing in a...

Yes, I was standing
in a large auditorium,

crowded with people.

Thousands, pressed in against me.

I could hardly breathe.

I was fighting for oxygen,
screaming to get out.

Don't be afraid.

I'm not,

but you are troubled.

I seem to be the only one of my crew
left onboard the Enterprise.

Four hundred and thirty,
and I, apparently, am the only one left.

I'm sorry. I wish I could help.

Maybe you can. Tell me the rest.

You were fighting for oxygen?
Screaming to get out of there?

And then suddenly,
I was here on this... On your ship.

And there was all this space
and the freedom.

I just wanted to float.

And then there you were.

How long have you been
aboard the Enterprise?

I don't know. Not long.

- Is it important?
- It might be. Come with me.

Lieutenant Uhura, has Starfleet
honoured our request with a reply?

There's been no responses yet, sir.

Did you advise them
that the captain's life is at stake?

Yes, sir. They insist the matter
must be referred to the Federation.

- What department?
- The Bureau of Planetary Treaties.

- Contact them directly.
- I did, Mr. Spock.

They insist that we must
go through Starfleet channels.

With the captain lost somewhere,
that's the best they can come up with?

Diplomats and bureaucrats
may function differently,

but they achieve
exactly the same results.

Nine minutes of my life
has been lost.

I don't understand.

Between the time
I tried to beam down to Gideon

and the time
I found myself here alone,

nine minutes have disappeared,
just like that.

Now, what happened
during those nine minutes?

What is Gideon?

That's your home.

The planet that you come from.

- Is it?
- Well, it must be.

- Gideon? I don't know any Gideon.
- That's impossible.

We were in synchronous orbit
over the capital city of Gideon.

I tried to beam down.
Something happened.

And you were beamed aboard
from Gideon.

I do not think so.

We're no longer over Gideon.

Where are we?

I don't know.
I'm not familiar with that quadrant.


you must realise
that we're not here by accident.

Some force, some intelligence

has arranged this

for a purpose.


before, I said I wasn't afraid.

Now I am.

The ambassador will speak, sir.

They are requesting
visual communication.

Good news.
Very good news indeed, Mr. Spock.

Your captain
is definitely not on Gideon.

As you requested,
we made a most thorough search.

And you will be relieved to know

that you may now investigate
all the other possibilities

and forget about Gideon.

That... That is not
what we requested.

You requested
a most thorough search.

It is in the record.

And we have used every means
at our disposal to accommodate you.

Your record on the subject

is not precise, Your Excellency.

Surely, Mr. Spock,
you do not intend, I hope,

to create a dispute between
the Federation and Gideon.

Your Excellency, a dispute
is the farthest thing from our minds

and there is no need
to check your records.

I merely suggest that the language
of our statement

may not have been understood
exactly as intended.

Mr. Spock,
you are an officer of a spaceship.

In your profession, you use
many instruments, tools and weapons

to achieve your objectives.

True, Your Excellency.

However, the only tool
diplomacy has is language.

It is of the utmost importance
that the meaning be crystal clear.

Your Excellency,
I am basically a scientist.

Clarity of formulation
is essential in my profession also.

I'm glad to hear it.

Perhaps you could then
make greater effort

to choose your words
more precisely.

Are you going to let him get away with that?

No matter what you say, Mr. Spock,
he'll twist your meaning.

Yes, he's infuriating, sir.
How can you stand it?

We cannot leave without being
absolutely sure ourselves

that everything has been done.

Now, certainly you understand
our feelings about that.

- Mr. Spock? Mr. Spock?
- Yes, Your Excellency.

- Are you still there?
- Yes, Your Excellency.

There was considerable interference
with your transmission.

A lot of noise drowned out
what was said.

Would you repeat, please?

I apologise for the noise,
Your Excellency.

To summarise, I request permission
to transport down to Gideon.

Forgive me, Mr. Spock.

No criticism of your equipment
was intended.

But it has sent your captain
on some strange journey,

a safe one, we all still hope.

But it could create for us serious
incidents with your Federation.

And now you propose to repeat
this disaster with another officer?

This would be madness.

I'll not take that, Mr. Spock.

That transporter
was in perfect condition.

I guarantee that myself.

Transport me down right this minute
and I'll prove to those...


Mr. Scott, you'll go
to the Transporter Room

and await my orders.

Aye, Mr. Spock.

I could not quite make that out,
Mr. Spock.

Would you be so good
as to repeat what you said?

Yes, Your Excellency.

The ship's engineer was explaining
that the malfunction,

which did exist,
has now been repaired.

We would appreciate
an opportunity to test the equipment.

I therefore request permission

to beam down
to your council chamber.

But, Mr. Spock, you...

Your Excellency,
grant this one request.

You are a very persistent fellow,
Mr. Spock.

Very well, then.

You shall test the skill
of your very excitable repairman.

There is one proviso.

We cannot risk further incidents.

You will therefore transport
a member of my staff to your ship.

Let us first see if that works.

Thank you, Your Excellency.
Your proposal is accepted.

- Mr. Scott?
- Scott here.

Prepare to beam aboard
a representative of the Gideon Council.

Aye, aye, sir.

My assistant will provide you
with the proper...

What is the word?


Thank you. Proceed, Krodak.

- Eight-seven-five.
- Eight-seven-five.

- Zero-two-zero.
- Zero-two-zero.

- Seven-zero-nine.
- Seven-zero-nine.


Mr. Spock, the gentleman
from Gideon is here.

Your Excellency,
your assistant has arrived safely

and I am now ready
to transport down to Gideon.

Now, now, not so fast, Mr. Spock.

That is quite a different matter.

We agreed to allow one representative
on our soil, your captain.

Sir, our captain is still missing,

and I now demand that I be allowed
to transport to Gideon as we agreed.

Forgive me, Mr. Spock,

but I overstepped my authority
when I made that agreement.

However, your request
will be taken up

at the next full session
of Gideon's council.

Mr. Scott, beam down
the gentleman from Gideon.

Yes, Mr. Spock. I'm sending him
straight to the same coordinates.

And just when I was
beginning to think

you might find a whole new career
as a diplomat, Mr. Spock.

Do not give up hope, doctor.

Lieutenant Uhura,
contact Starfleet Command.

Demand an immediate reply
to our request

for permission to beam down
to Gideon.

Yes, Mr. Spock.

Enterprise to Starfleet Command.

Enterprise to Starfleet Command.

Enterprise to Starfleet Command.

Enterprise to Starfleet Command.

Captain Kirk here.
Red priority. Red priority.

- Isn't it in working order?
- It seems to be.

Then someone should have heard you.

Captain Kirk here.
Please answer red priority.

Please answer red priority.

Well, if someone is listening,
they're not answering.

Why should they do that?

They wouldn't.

- What did you do?
- Took the ship out of warp speed.

- Out of what?
- Space terminology.

We're no longer moving
faster than the speed of light.

I've trimmed down to sublight speed
until we find out where we are.

- It feels the same.
- Of course it does.

Maybe it is the same.

Well, has the ship slowed down?

If you can believe that, we have.

Please. Don't tell me
the sky is out of order now.

It's so quiet.

So peaceful.

It isn't really, you know.

And it's beautiful.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Very, very beautiful.

And we're alone.

Can you make it last a long, long time?

How long would you like it to last?


Well, let's see.

Power, that's no problem.
It regenerates.

And food, we have enough to feed
a crew of 430 for five years.

- So that should last us...
- Forever.

All my life I've dreamed
of being alone.

Most people are afraid
of being alone.

Where I come from,
people dream of it.


Why are the people
of Gideon like that?


I told you I don't know where
I come from, what my planet is.

- It might be Gideon.
- Does it matter so much?


It might help me
pinpoint our location.

And then you might find your crew.

Being here with you,
I forgot there must be others.

I envy you your sense of loyalty.

I want to ease your feeling of dread,

your fear that all your crew
no longer exists.

I've got to contact
whoever's manipulating us.

There must be a way.


Odona, can you remember

why your people
dream of being alone?

Because they never can be.


What makes it so impossible
to be alone?

Because there are so many of us.
So many.

There is no place,

no street,

no house, no garden,

no beach,

no mountain
that is not filled with people.

Each one of us would k*ll

in order to find a place
alone to himself.

They would willingly die for it

if they could.

Who sent you here?

No one commands Odona.
I was not sent here.

You've come to k*ll.


have you come to die?

I don't know. I don't care.

I only know I'm here.

I only know I'm happy.

Now all I have to do
is find a medical kit

and I can completely cure this.

- Cure?
- Yes, the irritation would be gone.

What will happen
if you do not find one?

Will you become sick and die?

No. Over something
as simple as this?

No, it'll cure itself eventually, but...

Do you know, I don't even remember
how this happened.

Do you hear that?

Yes, it sounds like an engine.

No, the ship's engines
don't make that kind of sound.

But there is something wrong
with the equipment. Could that be it?

I know every sound
that this ship might make.

That's coming from outside.

- A storm might...
- A storm might.

But you wouldn't be able to hear it.

Come on.

This is a viewing port.
We'll be able to see outside.

If there's a storm,
we'll be able to see it.

If it works.


The faces of people.

And then the stars.

What's happening?

What's out there?

The sound is gone.

It was like the heartbeat
of all those people

and thousands upon thousands more
pressing against the ship.

But you said
we were moving through space.

Yes, I said that.

Then the people can't be out there.

Yes, they can.

Please don't frighten me.

It could be a mirage.
They could exist in our minds.

You mean that we're going mad.

Or some power is creating
the illusion in our minds

that we are somewhere
near your planet.

But why?

I don't know.

I don't know.

I think I have an idea.

So that we won't keep trying
to find out where we are,

that we'll be content to stay here.

Be content.

Be content?

Be content?

Not until I find out
what happened to my crew.

- Are they dead?
- I don't know.

Did you k*ll them
so you could have the ship to yourself?


Captain, something
is happening to me.

I never felt like this before.

I've never felt like this before either.

Is this the way one looks

when one is developing a sickness?

There's no sickness on your planet,

Now there will be.
There will be sickness.

There will be death.

- Hodin.
- Yes, Captain Kirk.

Our experiment
has passed the first stage.

Let me in there. I can help her.

We have no need
of any of your medicines.

But she's ill.

And we're grateful to you for her illness.

You have done well, my daughter.

Guard the captain well.

We shall need him for a long time.

I sympathise deeply,

but Starfleet cannot override
Federation directives in this matter.

Admiral, the crew
will not understand it.

Has your crew suddenly become
interested in provoking a w*r?

That is not Starfleet's mission.

We wish only
to save the life of the captain.

You have not proved your case
to the Federation,

or to Starfleet for that matter.

I am positive that I can do so
to your satisfaction, admiral.

I have been convinced since
my first exchange with the ambassador,

that the captain
has been taken prisoner.

Granted as fact, Mr. Spock.

I now know
where the captain is being held.

If he is being held at the same place
to which we transported him.

They would not dare harm him
in the Gideon council chamber.

Sir, the captain is not being held
in the Gideon council chamber.

He is being held nearby.

You have now answered
what and where.

I am waiting
for your explanation of why.

Since the planet is shielded
from our sensors,

we cannot establish that
without on-the-spot investigation.

Do you have evidence
the captain's life is threatened?

Permission denied.

Admiral, I wish to state
for the record

that your decision
is completely arbitrary.

So noted.

Will it last long?

That depends on the strength
of the one infected.

You have great strength.

How will you know
when I am to die?

Your body temperature
will be very great.

You will see us,

but you will not know
who we are.

I must see him before then...

Lie still. Lie still.

Do you feel great pain?


In my arms and thighs.

What is it like to feel pain?

It is like...

Like when you see the people
have no hope for happiness, Father.

You feel great despair.

And your heart is heavy

because you know
you can do nothing.

Pain is like that.

Your courage gives me great pride.

- Let me see her.
- Not yet.

- You don't know what she may have.
- But we do.

She has Vegan choriomeningitis.

It's very rare and always fatal
if not treated within 24 hours.

I know. It almost k*lled me.

Yes, our prime minister learned
about you during our negotiations.

That's why we brought you here.

Your blood provided
the microorganisms

which infected her.

That's how my arm got hurt.

Yes. As Odona told you,

we have no need
for medical practitioners here.

Our apologies.

We were unforgivably awkward
to have hurt you.

You're mad.

No, we are desperate.

I don't understand how Starfleet
can deny us permission

to beam down
to search for the captain.

They did not ask
for our understanding, doctor.

I don't see how they expect us
to sit here

and wait for the captain to reappear.

Unfortunately, I must violate
a direct order from Starfleet.

That's the best possible decision
you can make, Spock. I'm with you.

I do not make it lightly, doctor.

However, Command knows
that Ambassador Hodin

has not been totally honest with us.

Lieutenant Uhura, repeat original
Gideon coordinates for beam down.


Mr. Scott,
the coordinates given you?


Coordinates don't match.

Precisely. I shall beam down at once.

Mr. Scott, you have the conn.

I'll pick up my medical tricorder,
and meet you in the Transporter Room.

Negative, doctor.
I cannot accept the responsibility

for ordering a fellow officer
to violate a Starfleet directive.

I can make such a decision
only for myself.

I'm not asking you
to make the decision for me.

The situation forces me
to do so, doctor.

Well, in that case, it's the worst
possible decision you can make, Spock.

This will not take long.

Isn't that just about
what Captain Kirk said before he left?

Captain Kirk, Spock here.
Captain Kirk?

Your report to the Federation
was a tissue of lies.

You described environmental,
physical, cultural conditions

that would make Gideon a paradise.

And so it was.

A long, long time ago,
what we described was true.

The atmosphere on Gideon
has always been germ-free,

and the people flourished

in their physical
and spiritual perfection.

even the lifespan increased.

Death became
almost unknown to us.

It occurred only when the body
could no longer regenerate itself,

and that happens now
only to the very old.

Those are conditions
most people would envy.

But Gideon did not find it enviable.

The birthrate continued to rise
and the population grew

until now Gideon
is encased in a living mass,

who can find no rest,
no peace, no joy.

Why haven't you introduced
any of the new techniques

to sterilize men and women?

Every organ renews itself.
It would be impossible.

Then let your people learn

about the devices
to safely prevent conception.

The Federation will provide
anything you need.

But, you see,

the people of Gideon
have always believed

that life is sacred.

That the love of life
is the greatest gift.

That is the one unshakeable truth
of Gideon.

And this overwhelming love of life

has developed
our regenerative capacity

and our great longevity.

And the great misery
that you now face.

That is bitterly true, captain.

Nevertheless, we cannot deny
the truth which shaped our evolution.

We are incapable
of destroying or interfering

with the creation of that
which we love so deeply.

Life, in every form,
from foetus to developed being.

It is against our tradition,
against our very nature.

We simply could not do it.

Yet you can k*ll a young girl.

We are trying to readjust the life cycle
of an entire civilisation.

You're k*lling your own daughter.
How can you do that?

My daughter hoped to make you feel
the agony of Gideon.

But it was impossible.

No stranger could realise
the horror that life can be here.

I will not beg for your understanding
of my personal grief,

nor will I parade it for you
to gain your cooperation.

My love for my daughter
is too deep for display.

My pride in her runs even deeper.

My daughter freely chose
to do what she is doing,

as the people of Gideon
are free to choose.

The virus you need is very rare.

Who will provide it?

You will stay. Your blood will provide it.

No, sir. Not me.

You have many methods
available to you.

I have mentioned only a few.

I do not offer my life
for this purpose.

I have many plans.

And I have hopes
other than death for Odona.

My daughter
pleaded with you to stay.

What was said and what happened
between us was for us alone.

She hoped you would love her
and wish to stay.

So that was your plan.

That I would fall so under her spell,

that I would give up my freedom

and become a willing sacrifice.

Stay with us. We're desperate.

Odona's fever is rising.

She is calling
the name of James Kirk.

You see, you cannot leave us now.

Go to her.

An exact duplicate of the Enterprise.

But completely inoperative.

Spock to Enterprise.
Spock to Enterprise.

Scott here, Mr. Spock.

I am speaking to you
from the Bridge of the Enterprise.

You're where?

On the Bridge of the Enterprise,
Mr. Scott.

Those were the coordinates
you insisted on.

And they were correct.

I'm onboard an exact duplicate
of the Enterprise.

An exact duplicate
of the Enterprise?

Is it in orbit, Mr. Spock?

In orbit, doctor.

In a manner of speaking,

Gideon is in orbit,
and the ship is on Gideon.

Well, that's a beginning,
but what about the captain?

I'm sure he's onboard somewhere.

I'm picking up life readings.
Spock out.

Ship's log, stardate 5423.8.

First Officer Spock reporting.

Obviously, the Gideons
have transported Captain Kirk

onto this replica of the Enterprise

to so confuse his mind

as to make him susceptible
to some extraordinary experiment.

It is my intention
to locate the captain

and warn him before the experiment
reaches its conclusion,

which logic indicates

means the end of the captain's life
as he knows it.

If you don't allow me
to bring Dr. McCoy down here,

it'll soon be too late
to do anything for her.

We have told you,
it is her wish and mine

that there be no interference
with the natural progress of the virus.

Her death is unnecessary.

Even if she lives,
her blood will provide

the same serum you need
as mine would.

No, her death at so young an age

will let the people know for certain

that our life cycle can be changed.

It is the symbol that will bring forth
the dedicated young volunteers.

The serum in their new blood
will change Gideon,

and it will once more
be the paradise it was.

I'm glad that you are here.

Is the time short?

Very short.

And I asked you to make
our journey last forever.

It began here.

And it can continue.

If only you'll allow me,
I can cure you.

I'm not afraid of what will happen.

It is just that now

I wish with all my heart
to stay with you forever.

Your Excellency.

Captain, you're looking well.

Evidently, Starfleet's analysis
was correct.

Mr. Spock, we have a patient
for Dr. McCoy.

Have Scotty beam us up.

Spock to Enterprise.
Spock to Enterprise.

- Scott here.
- Three to beam up, Mr. Scott.

Same coordinates?

Negative. Lock in
on my communicator signal.

Your Excellency,
please do not interfere.

I already have one serious problem
to resolve with upper echelons.

Well, it was close, but you made it.

I am cured?

Right. Just like the captain.

Instead of smiling at me,
you should be shouting in anger.

Why, because you're well again?

No, because I pretended to be...

How can you bear to look at me
after the way I deceived you?

At least you owe me the privilege
of letting me look at you.

You are a gentleman, Captain Kirk.

Thank you, ma'am.

You are no longer needed
on Gideon.

I can take your place there.

Is that what you want to do?

That is what I must do.

I am needed there now.

You're needed everywhere, Odona.

It is not like our ship.

Yes, it is. It's exactly the same.
Only this one works.

- It goes to many other planets?
- Yes, it goes to the whole galaxy.

With another difference.

This one is crowded.

It seems crowded to you?

It does now.

Are you going to stay on the ship?

Yes, Odona, I have to.

As crowded as my planet is,

I could wish for it
to hold one more person.

Kirk to Transporter Control.

One to beam down
to the planet Gideon.

I will miss you, Captain James Kirk.