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01x09 - Episode 9

Posted: 01/15/23 19:05
by bunniefuu

is full of surprises.

You can't be sure of anything in life.

Just tell him what I told you to say.


-It's me.
-Where are you?

Why did you call? Just come home.

By the way, whose phone is this?

I'm leaving now.

To where?

Come on.

I told you already that I'll be leaving
with Gu Seung-jun.

You'll be leaving right now?


It turned out that way.

I'm leaving sooner than expected.

Where are you right now? I'll be there.


I've already left in a car.

I'm sorry.

I left without even saying goodbye to you.

But we've said goodbye many times,
you know.

So saying it one more time
might be pointless.

You're wrong.

I know we've said it

many times before, but we still need
to say our last goodbyes.

We do need to say it again.

So tell me where you are right now.

Don't hang up!

Listen to me.

Tell me what you see. I can find you.

Jeong Hyeok.

I love you.

Let's go!

The person you have reached
is not available.


The phone is either turned off or out
of the service area and cannot be reached.

Jeong Hyeok? You need to come home now.

-My gosh.
-What's going on?

What is happening?

There he is.

Jeong Hyeok.

The State Security Department
is searching your house now.

-I think they're looking for Sam Suk.

Are we all thinking the same thing now?

He's fuming mad, but that only makes him
even more attractive.


You're here, Ri Jeong Hyeok.

The higher-ups ordered me to do this.

Where did the lady from Division go?

We need to take her with us.

-What for?
-I know everything.

That bitch does not belong to Division .

She is just living proof

I can use to completely destroy you,
your father, and your entire family.

Making people spill the truth
is my specialty, so don't you worry.

Whether I b*at her up to a pulp

or burn her skin with electrical t*rture,
she'll talk after three or four...

I told you

that a thing or a person
is bound to change all the time.

You little sh*t.

You're finished.

Take him.

-My gosh!
-They're taking him?

-Captain Ri, are you all right?
-My goodness.

-Oh, no.
-Make way!

-Why are they taking him?
-Jeong Hyeok!

-My gosh.
-What do we do?

Jeong Hyeok! What should we do?

-My goodness.

Gosh, what the heck is happening?

Shouldn't we tell them?

Can we really let them take him?

-What do we do?
-What do we do?

Gosh, Jeong Hyeok!

I must pull myself together and focus.

Think, whatever it is.

Yes, I should think happy thoughts.

Something that makes me happy.

Jeong Hyeok boiling noodles.

Jeong Hyeok who didn't know the difference
between candles and scented candles.

But now he knows the difference.

Jeong Hyeok who covers me with a blanket

on his way
to get himself a glass of water.

I'll see you off.

-No need.
-All is well.

I'll be fine after taking medication
and going to bed.

I'm fine.

Jeong Hyeok who always lies

and says that he's fine
even though everything is going astray.

Then you'll be safe.
As long as you stay in my sight.

Tell me what you see. I can find you.

Does he think he's a superhero or what?

He always says that he can do anything
and find me no matter where I am.

Jeong Hyeok likes to talk bullshit
and bluff.

I miss you.


Where am I?

Hello? Is anybody there?

Is anyone outside? Hello?


They wouldn't have locked me up here

if they were going to let me out.

Some bastards

abducted me and locked me up here.

Why didn't they k*ll me?

What are they after?

Are they watching me right now?

Who are you?


As you probably know,

it's not easy for regular soldiers like us
to come here.

But my childhood friend
just so happens to be

working as a high-ranking officer
at this detention center.

I don't think he deserves
to take credit for it though.

I agree.

I mean, whose fault is it to begin with?

Dan's mother came by the other day.

Master Sergeant Pyo got drunk that day
and told her everything about Se-ri.

I mean, not everything about her.

I heard her mother is a rich businesswoman
who owns a department store in Pyongyang.

Maybe she hired some people to track
Se-ri down and did something to her.

Hey, no way.

I've seen it so many times
in those South Korean dramas.

When someone interferes
with their kid's wedding,

the rich in the South either splash water
on that person's face or give money.

But the rich here are tougher,

so maybe she abducted her
to teach her a lesson.

Captain Ri, that lady didn't seem like
she could do such a thing.

I'm warning you.

Don't do anything you're going to regret.


I need you to do something for me.

Only after getting locked up,

you called me and said
you wanted to see me

for the first time ever.

That woman is gone.


You must know something about it.

Who did it?

Where was she taken to?

And is she

-How ridiculous.

Your wedding is in a few days,

but you're worried about another woman.

You look as if you've lost everything.

This is actually good.

You should stay locked up here
until the day of our wedding

and just come out on that day.

I'll see you then.

Is it my father?

You told me
not to do anything I'll regret.

Whom did you ask for help
to make me regret my actions?

It can't be the State Security Department.

And there's no way your mother did it.

Did you

meet my father?

Did my father

-take her? That woman--
-That's right. She's dead.

You won't ever find her.

So you should just give up.

Go and tell my father.

If he hurts or harms her in any way,

he'll lose even the only son he has left
for good.

You'd better tell him.


Should I have gone in with you?

How's Jeong Hyeok holding up?

Director Ri doesn't know
about this yet, right?

How did he end up in the detention center?

-He'll be furious when he finds out.
-Just leave him.


Hey, your wedding
is just around the corner.

I have to keep him there

to marry him.

I'm not following at all.
Can you elaborate?

U Pil.


What brings you here?

Yesterday, some men came
and took that pretty lady from the South.

And she dropped this.

U Pil.

Have you shown this to anyone else?

Don't tell anyone about this, okay?

Okay, Dad.

Will she be okay though?

They say you never know
what someone is really thinking.

We've known him for a long time.
I can't believe he fooled us all along.

I don't understand Captain Ri.

He's not the type
to brag about his family background.


This is huge news.
How could he keep it from us?

Captain Ri's father is the Director
of the General Political Bureau?

I still can't believe it.

Director Ri
won't sit still if he finds out

that his dear son is locked up
in the detention center.

Shouldn't we tell him?

Captain Ri told us not to tell anyone,

so keep your lips sealed.

-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.

Let's go.

Everyone probably heard it, right?

I think you were a little too quiet.

It'd look suspicious
if we were chatting about it loudly.

But will that be enough
for the word to spread?


You don't need bees
to get flowers to bloom.

It will only take half a day
for it to reach everyone in this area.

But the problem is,

whether or not it's true.

There's something else I need you to do.

Spread rumors about my family background,

that my father is the Director

of the General Political Bureau.

I don't think he'll get me out of here
even if he finds out that I'm here.

I want to spread rumors to find a way
to get out, so I need your help.

I told you.

He must've hurt his head when he got sh*t.

Don't worry, Master Sergeant Pyo.

All of it is true.

I don't have time.

The rumors must reach the Senior Colonel
as quickly as possible.

His father is the Director
of the General Political Bureau?

What if it's complete bullshit
and we got fooled?

Shouldn't you know him better by now?
He'd never do that.

His father is the Director
of the General Political Bureau?

That's right. My husband

heard his colleagues talk about it.

I have to say, there was

something different about him.

I mean, his looks alone are revolutionary.

And the way he talks and walks.

I always thought he looked
too confident for a captain.

-Yes, totally.

To be honest,
when I saw his broad shoulders,

I knew that he was special.

-His shoulders?

Think about it.

He can show off those broad shoulders
because someone's got his back.

If he'd ever been intimidated by anyone
since he was little,

he wouldn't have
such incredibly broad shoulders.

-She has a point.
-That's a good theory.

-Good point.


A deserter from Stakeout Squad .

-A deserter from Stakeout Squad .
-It's an emergency!

-An emergency!
-A deserter from Stakeout Squad .

A deserter from Stakeout Squad .

What? Another deserter?

Tell everyone to be on standby.
Where is Lieutenant Commander Cho?


Why at this critical time?

"Spy education"?

Goodness. Fine.

-Could you prepare my dinner now?
-I heard about it.

About what?

Captain Ri Jeong Hyeok.

I heard he went to the detention center.

Young people these days have no respect.

I mean, he defied his superior.
What was he thinking?

That punk won't be seeing
any sunlight for a while.

Have you ever wondered

why Captain Ri was being disrespectful?

It's because he's got no morals,
of course.

He was the one who tipped off
the Trial Bureau,

which is why Cho Cheol g*ng
and I were investigated.

He kept digging around
and it was one hell of a headache.

Why do you think he's got so much nerve

to poke around, dig around,
and nose around?

You keep b*ating around the bush.

Just tell me what your point is.

Have you

ever met the Director
of the General Political Bureau?

How can I meet such a high officer?

Why? Does anyone have the connection?

There was, indeed.

But someone just cut it off.

Who did that?
What kind of a psycho would do that?

-It was you!
-Gosh! What's wrong?

Ri Jeong Hyeok was born
with the connection

to the Director
of the General Political Bureau.

What? How does he have the connection?

Ri Jeong Hyeok is the son of the Director
of the General Political Bureau!


I told you to give him
the Preferential Star.

But you just gave it to a random man.

What? He can't see sunlight?

Your life is never
going to see sunlight now.

What are you going to do now? Tell me!

Where are you going?

Who are you?

What are you doing?

Have some tea.

It's pine mushroom tea.

It smells good, and I appreciate it

but I won't drink it.

It's not like
I was invited here as a guest.

I won't just drink
whatever you tell me to drink.

I'm not that dumb.

Where do you think you are?

You're her father, right?

You don't have to be surprised.

You look just like Ms. Seo Dan.

Your mouth, nose,

and especially

your glaring eyes

look just like hers.

-Is that so?

I'm quicker and more sensitive
than others at this kind of thing.

I see.

To be honest,
when I was first dragged here,

I was so upset
and wondered who would do this,

but now I get it.

You get it?

You think I'm in the way of your daughter.

You think I'm coming between the two,

and I totally understand.

Okay. Then tell me.

What was your purpose
of approaching Ri Jeong Hyeok

and staying with him?

"Purpose"? That's absolutely unfair.

I am

a pure victim
of a second of the m*llitary gap

created by a momentary error
of the defense system

of the South and North Korea

caused by a strong and unexpected storm.

-It was an accident.

Sir, please think about it.

I'm running a company in South Korea.

It's not just a tiny store
but an enormous fashion company.

This might sound like bragging,
but we have branches abroad.

So for what purpose would I come here

to put myself in trouble?

I am just

an innocent citizen of Seoul
who has been worrying

about what I should do with all that money

and if I will ever get to use
all the money before I die.

And Ri Jeong Hyeok helped me
out of humanity.

So are you saying
Ri Jeong Hyeok caused all this?

What? No.

That's not what I meant.

He hasn't done anything wrong.

I'm telling you.
He didn't do anything wrong.

I want to make that clear at least.

He didn't do anything wrong?

He hid an unidentified person
from South Korea.

At first, he tried to report me.

But I threatened him.

"If you report me, I will tell them

you and your men did
a poor job at guarding."

So he had to make

an inevitable decision
for his subordinates.

So is that all about your relationship?

To be honest,

I liked Ri Jeong Hyeok

a lot.

It just happened. I'm so sorry.

He didn't like me back though.
It was one-sided. You don't need to worry.

He must be thinking
I'm back in my country now.

I'm sure he doesn't care at all.

So, sir,

please help me.


You hired some men to kidnap me.

Obviously, you have some power.
That's why I'm asking.

Please be generous

and help me go home in one piece.

Actually, you know,
Ri Jeong Hyeok is just a captain.

He doesn't have any power.

He doesn't have any power.

If you help me this time,

I promise to return your favor.





Are you kidding me?

I've been training myself
with intermittent fasting.

I won't swallow
a single grain of rice here.

I'm sorry.

You haven't eaten anything today.

If you think the food is poisoned,
I can try it for you.

Who are you?


that doesn't matter.

Why did you bring me here?

I'm sorry,

but we can't help it either.

The food is safe. You can eat it.


Could you tell me

if Ri Jeong Hyeok is...

doing all right?

I don't want him to be in trouble

or be punished because of me.

That's the last thing I want.

Do you like him so much?


That's not it.

It's unhealthy for a woman
to stay in a cold room like this.

You should sleep here tonight.

By the way,

who is the owner of this room?

I believe one's bookshelves

tell the person's personality,

character, and taste.

And these books

remind me of someone I know.

Dan, what was the room number?

You're not

Seo Dan's mother, are you?

Are you Jeong Hyeok's mother?



She's a daughter of a rich family
and was registered dead.

Why on earth did she come here
and meet my son?

You must not send her back.

If she goes back to South Korea,
it will create a big buzz.

It will cause something
you need to take responsibility for.

The m*llitary Director seems
to be up to something too.

We don't have enough time.

Just give me an order

and I will take her out tonight
and take care of her quietly.

Not at such a late hour.

Excuse me, sir?

My wife keeps insisting that we should
let her get some sleep at least.

Oh, well.

Let's wait and see for now.

Goodness, Jeong Hyeok.

Were you a child actor?

You look so handsome among other kids.
That's just unfair.

Look at the handwriting.

So cute.


Did you want

to become a pianist?


you ended up being a soldier.


I can let you visit him,
but bailing is a whole different matter.

You're the head of the detention center.

Bailing shouldn't be a big deal for you.

He assaulted his superior,

who was Battalion Security Officer.

It was the worst kind of mutiny.

The State Security Department
is pretty upset about it.

You can't make it to the main position
if you're slow like that.

Captain Ri's father is...

My legs are still shaky.
I have no idea how I made it here.

As a matter of fact,
as the head of the detention center,

I did have fundamental doubts
about whether it was an as*ault case.

-An as*ault is

supposed to be done with this.

It means to hit with a fist.

Doesn't it mean to hit and b*at?


It can be called an as*ault
only when someone is beaten by a fist.


It sounded like Captain Ri hit him
with his hand open.

That's what I heard, I believe.

-Then it wasn't an as*ault.
-No, it wasn't.

Where's Ri Jeong Hyeok, the poor man
who is behind bars for no reason?

I shall bring him with me.


I'm sure you have learned
some lessons from this.


all kinds of things can happen in life.

Second, whenever that happens,

come to me.

You should have called me first.

You should correct your mistake, okay?


All right. You've been through a lot.
So take a good rest for the next days.

My wife said she prepared a feast.

So come to my place.

I'd like to ask you for a favor.


What is it?

Tell me.

I'll put the white radish salad here
because it's his favorite.

Come on.

Put it here.

-Senior Colonel, you're back.

Oh, my. Welcome.

Why are you alone? Where is Jeong Hyeok?

I don't know.
He said he had to hurry somewhere.

By the way, he asked me for a weird favor.

What favor?

Jeong Hyeok must have gotten
his cooking skills from you.

Did Jeong Hyeok

make noodles for you?

Yes, he made me great noodles

and nice coffee too.

He must have gotten
the kind heart from you.

Jeong Hyeok, what do you think?
If you think it's too rushed...

It's an old promise.

I must keep it.

Jeong Hyeok used to be a sweet boy,

but he changed at some point.

He has become cold
and wouldn't let anyone be with him.

But you just said he's kind.

I'm glad to hear that.

Where is she?


You know who I'm talking about.

I know you took that woman.

-Where is she?
-Where should I hide?

Don't worry and just tell him
you don't know anything.

I have...

troubled his life too much already.

I don't want to see him again.

I will cry if I see him.

Is there

a basement or something?

Is she


Did you k*ll her?

Tell me!

Do you not worry about your future?

I do.

That's why I'm doing this.

I don't want to constantly
look back on this day

and be regretful in the future.
That's why.

"I could've protected her
if I'd been faster.

I could have saved her
if I'd done a better job."

I don't want to be thinking like that.

You know how miserable it is
to live a life like that.

Mu Hyeok.

On my way back home,
I couldn't even breathe.

I was worried
I might have put her in trouble.

If something happens to her,

I'll be living in hell
until the day I die.

Breathe, Jeong Hyeok.

Why can't you breathe?

We can't let our son
live in a living hell.

Jeong Hyeok.

You talk well.

I have never seen you talk so much.

What happened to your face?

Did you get hurt again?

I'm okay.

You always say you're okay.

Who did this to you?

I'm sorry I'm late.

Don't say that.

I'm the one who is sorry.

It's because of me.

I'm always the trouble.

You're not trouble.

If only I hadn't come here...

Don't say that.

That's not true.


Did yelling at my face
make you feel better?

You should apologize to your father.

You are the one who caused trouble.

You can't yell at your father like that.
That's just rude.

Are you siding with him now?

Are you proud of what you did?

No, that's not what I meant.

If you had told me
that you found out about her--

If I did, would you have let me see her?

You're hiding that woman
and risking our family's safety!

But it's all my fault.

She didn't do anything wrong.

But she said it's all her fault.

She said she threatened you,

so you couldn't report her
to the State Security Department.


That's not true.

I didn't care about the thr*at.

It was my own decision not to report her.


I didn't want her to be hurt.

I couldn't trust
the State Security Department.

Who knows
what would have happened to her in there?

She could have been hurt, used,

or disappeared into thin air.

I wasn't sure
that was not going to happen.

That's why I couldn't send her there.

Jeong Hyeok.


This is unbelievable.

Get out of my sight.


We were in the middle of a meal.
Come and join us.


Oh, this? I'm okay.

I got into a scuffle with guys
from the State Security Department.

Even now, I can't go back
to the guest lodge. I'm in hotel now.

I didn't ask.

What did you order?

I haven't eaten anything the whole day,
and I'm hungry.

What's up? You're scaring me.

Do you know when I first met Jeong Hyeok?

I don't, but I'm really not interested.

I mean it.
I didn't ask and I'm not interested.

It was when I was .

We were

going to the same school.

The right side isn't waxed well.

Rub harder.

-Rub harder.
-Rub harder.

Isn't that Jeong Hyeok?


-You're in the middle of cleaning.

You must see this.

Hurry over.

You can't see Jeong Hyeok
play basketball every day.

Who is Jeong Hyeok?

Don't you know him?

He got three grand prizes
at the National Art Competition

and he's preparing
for the Tchaikovsky Competition now.

That's awesome.

He's so cool.

Since then,

I couldn't get him out of my head.

Although we never talked to each other,

I believed we knew each other.

So our families arranged our engagement,

and I excitedly flew to Switzerland,

where Jeong Hyeok was studying.


Jeong Hyeok.


I heard about you from my father.

-We went to Geumseong Middle--
-It's nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you.

"Nice to meet you"?

It wasn't his first time seeing me.

Even a street dog would recognize someone

whom it passed by so many times.

I knew him first.

I knew him before she got to know him.

I met him first and I liked him first.
Does that not matter?

You're a fool.

Things like that don't matter at all.

Hey, enough. How many sh*ts did you have?

Do I look drunk to you?


How did you know that, you punk?

You're not that stupid after all.

Ms. Seo, I can accept
that you talk down to me,

-but you can't just cuss at me--

-I can do whatever I want.

I can't understand.

What do you mean?

Why doesn't Jeong Hyeok like
an attractive woman like you?

-Don't you ever cuss with that mouth.

That's just my type.

You make my heart flutter.

Now, enough.

You have

a good eye, don't you?

You're not bad.

Right? I'm not bad.

What's the point though?

You were dumped by that woman.

If you hadn't gotten dumped,

things wouldn't have gone this bad.

What are you saying? I wasn't dumped.

You were the one...


Who are you?

-Please excuse me.
-Who are you?


You can sleep over.

Are you out of your mind?

Shut your mouth.

The whole neighborhood is listening.


I'm sure you just saw something.

Yes, I did see something.

I just don't remember what I saw.

You probably won't want to remember it.

By the way, I thought her fiancé

was a Captain at the frontline...

I can't remember anything.

Sleep over.

Goodness gracious.


Oh, my.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Where did

the son of a bitch go?

I need to exercise more.


Yes, it's me.



Oh, it's you.

Who were you expecting?

I wasn't expecting anyone.

Since I'm in someone else's room
and in someone else's house,

I feel a bit anxious

and uncomfortable.
So I couldn't sleep well.

You feel anxious and uncomfortable,

so you played the piano
the whole night last night?

Did your mother tell you?


I had a lot going on in my mind.

When I feel depressed,
I try to calm myself down with art.

That's my habit.

By the way, did you want
to become a pianist?

I happened to learn
about the dream you had as a little boy.

It's all in the past.

Then can I ask you one thing?

This is what I played last night.

Do you know what this song is?

I asked everyone
who has quite some knowledge of music,

but no one knew it.

How do you know this song?

I heard someone playing it
when I was traveling in Switzerland.

I loved the song, so I memorized it.

But I couldn't find whose song it was.

It was

a snowy place by a beautiful lake.

What was it called?


Yes, that's the name of the place.

How do you know that?

This is the song.

So you know it.

Who wrote this song?
What's the title of it?

It was late afternoon.

And the place was all misty.

I was leaving Switzerland
after hearing about my brother's death.

What do you mean?

I wrote the song for my brother,

and I played it by the lake
for the first and the last time.

Are you saying

you are the person

who was playing the song that day?

How is this...

I can't believe this.

That day,

I was really lonely.

I truly

wished to die then.

I wanted to go to a beautiful place

and quietly disappear

so I didn't trouble anybody.

That's why I went there.

But you were...


Even when

you didn't know it,

you saved my life.

Listen to me carefully.


you will go back home.

There was a suspicious car

using a temporary license plate

in the m*llitary village at that time,
so we tracked the car.

And the car went toward Seojaegol
and then disappeared.

That's where Director
of the General Political Bureau lives.

So let's say that woman went there
by that car.

Even so, we don't know
if she's still there.

They might have k*lled her already.

The security officer working in Seojaegol

happens to be my college friend,
so I did some research.

I heard there were cars coming in,
but no cars have gone out yet.


If you go there now,
you can catch something huge.

Present arms.

The car behind this is with me.
Let it pass too.

Yes, sir!

Hello, sir.

I have something urgent
to discuss with you,

and I'm in front of your house now.

Do you have a moment?

I'm sorry I came so suddenly, sir.

I'm sure

you have a good reason.

We have met before, right?

Yes, sir.

We briefly met at Ri Jeong Hyeok's ward.

Right, we did.

How did the two of you come together?

He tipped me off

about something strange.

"Tipped off"?

He said a person wanted
by the State Security Department

is hiding here.

I'm not sure
whether I should believe him or not.

Are you saying

you want to search my house or something?

No way.

I wouldn't dare.

But if such a person is hiding here,

that person might harm you.

That would be terrible.

Thanks for worrying about me.


This is an urgent investigation request
from the State Security Department.

I'm afraid we will have to search
your house for a moment, sir.

This is just for the sake of formality.

Carry it out with utmost respect.

-Yes, sir!


An emergency switch?

An emergency switch, for goodness' sake.

I thought that the fact
Captain Ri is the son of

Director of the General Political Bureau
might somehow benefit us too,

as we're his subordinates.

Benefit, my foot. This is just shocking.

We were

supposed to be on duty next spring.


We all got fooled by Captain Ri's lies.

Think about it.

If he was actually the son of the Director
of the General Political Bureau,

why would he get sh*t on the street
and put behind bars?

He probably told us lies
based on his personal hope

that in his afterlife,
he would like to be born as a son

of the Director
of the General Political Bureau,

and we all got fooled by it.

Why aren't you saying anything?

Is there something
you heard from Captain Ri?

So what favor
did Jeong Hyeok ask of the Senior Colonel?

Jeong Hyeok said to my husband...

I would like to ask you for a favor.


What is it?

Tell me.

I would like you to include my company
in the emergency switch.

But it's cold winter now.

He asked him to deploy them
at the frontline?


Has he lost his mind
after his time in the detention center?

Why would he ask that?

Captain Ri will go
to the frontline with Se-ri.

That's why he asked
for the emergency switch.

What? What do you mean?
Why do they go there?

She's going back to where she came from.

But that doesn't make any...

If he can bring her back in there somehow,

it isn't complete nonsense.

I guess you're right.

No others know that area better than us.

I mean, we guard the guard post too.

We search the area,

and Captain Ri is the officer in charge.

That area

is our area.



I am glad that you are looking out for me,

but this should be enough.

The sun will set soon.

Of course.

It seems like I was given a false report.

You punk.

You scum!

Do you know where we are right now?
What are you playing at?

That's enough.

Didn't Jeong Hyeok visit you?

Didn't he hide that woman?


It seems like you haven't heard the news.

There has been an emergency company switch

due to a deserter at the frontline.

My son should be at the frontline
right now as the captain of the company.

I had no idea.

-I apologize for our discourtesy, sir.
-That's the place.

He went to the frontline

-to send that woman to the south.
-Shut your mouth.

I know I am right.

There is a chance they entered
the demilitarized zone.

I apologize, sir.

I will take care of him.

Drag him away.


I didn't know there would be a village
in the demilitarized zone.

People lived here before the w*r.

This house is in the best shape.

Come and sit down.

All right.

This isn't alcohol, but medicine.

It must have been made before --

Master Sergeant Pyo.

Yes, sir.

Why is there a bowl on top of that crock?

It's a bowl for fresh water.

You mean the kind
that was used for prayer?


I think the person who lived here
had a son who went off to w*r.

There are his photos in the room.

We never touch one of those bowls.

All of us have

a mother.

Your mother will be happy
once you go back.

She must have waited for you.

I don't know.

Oh, you can see it from here.

See what?

Do you see that tiny mountain?

-It's Mount Bukhan.

It's in Seoul, right?


Is it so close?

Even though it's so close,

we won't

see each other again, right?


you will see your mother.

I am jealous.

I am not that close with my mom.

You will be able to see your mom
after being discharged.

Are you making fun of him?

He has nine years and seven months to go
before discharge.


Nine years and seven months?

That's a long time.

Eun Dong,

you must miss your mom a lot.


I miss her. I am worried about her.

My hometown is colder than it is here.

I wonder if there is enough firewood.

I wonder if my siblings are eating well.

My youngest sibling

is weak,

so he gets sick often.

I am sure all of them are doing well.

Everyone, don't get hurt.

Make sure you eat well.

Stay healthy

and live well, okay?

You never know.

The two countries might suddenly reunify.

Stop talking nonsense.
Live well when you go home.

If you come back again, I will...

I will bury you

at a mountain

or a river.

Suit yourself.

Bury me at a mountain or a river.

The sun

should set already.

That noisy woman can leave
only when it's dark.

Mother, we need to call a locksmith.
There is no master key either.

What brings you here?

Open the door.

The passcode is my birthday.

The day I almost d*ed.

Mother, how did you know the passcode?

She is incredible.
How does she know everything?

Maybe she can enter my house too.

Aren't you worried?

My goodness.

I wonder who had taken it
from the auction in Hong Kong.

It was here.

I prepared coffee.

Thank you.

By the way,

what brings you here?

So you will list your company.

You must know that
your brothers aren't doing so well.

Must you

do that?

My brothers and my dad have nothing to do
with my company.

I founded it and raised it.
Now, I will list it.


It wasn't easy to get this far by myself.
It was really hard.

No one asked you to do that.

I know exactly what you are playing at.

You want your father to see it

and realize that
you are better than your brothers.

You want to get chosen.
You want to take everything!


If you let go of your greed,

we can have an easy relationship

like a real mother and a daughter.

It isn't greed.

It's my dream.

Do you think

you deserve that luxury?

Because of you,

my life is hell.

My goodness.

Mother, do you see this engraving?

Designer Jean Merritt passed away
right after she signed an autograph.

This is the bag, Mother. My goodness.

Put it down.

-Come on out.

-Right now?

What are you doing?

We need to merge or take over
Se-ri's Choice eventually.

These documents might help.


Mother, isn't it you?

I think it is.

Take care.

Go back to your life
as if nothing had happened.

You are in no position to worry about me.

Don't worry about me. I will be okay.

I have so much work waiting for me.
I will get used to my old life in no time.

As always,
I will earn and spend money well,

work diligently, and date men.

"Date men"?

Should I not do that?


it's up to you.

Didn't you say we should have

a post-breakup condolence period?

I believe it was six months.

I simply meant you should do it.

You told me to go back to my life.

I didn't tell you to go back to men.

You told me to do so
as if nothing had happened.

I didn't tell you to cozy up to men.

Is a period of six months




For six months,

I will have a condolence period.

It was fate.

Think about it.

It's incredible
that we met by chance in Switzerland

and then in North Korea.

What is it?

You can date men

and hang out with other people
as if nothing had happened.


don't be lonely again.

Don't ever think about disappearing
at a scenic place.

You have me.

You won't be by my side.

I won't be by your side,

but I will always hope

that you won't be lonely.

Be happy

until the end of your life.

I would be grateful if you do that.

How do you

reach the border from here?

If you go that way,
you reach Yeokgok Stream.

There is a small boat.

People hid it to catch fish with grenades
when the water level rises.

Then comes a mine-free path.

It's marked

with square granite rocks
that are about cm tall.

There are no mines within the m radius.

If you walk down that path,
you will reach the Southern Limit Line.

-It's not far from here.
-That's right.

A round trip should take
about an hour or two...

The hour is...

Dawn will break soon.

Why isn't he back yet?

Maybe he got lost.

No way.

What is it?

This is a wrong path.


We keep finding the wrong path.

I think I saw that place before.

The paths look alike, so...

Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Be honest with me.

-You have no sense of direction, right?

Among us, Captain Ri is the best
at finding the right direction

even in the dark.


I am bad at finding the right direction

in the dark.

I am sorry.

The fact he hasn't come back yet means

he has either gotten into an accident...


Or he wants to spend more time

with her.

-I see.

We are here.

We are finally here.

Do you see that tree over there?

Walk toward that tree.

That's the entrance
of the South Korean search team.

The search team will do a round
in the morning,

so ask them for help.

By any chance,

can you walk me there?

I can't take a single step

over this line.

Don't forget to keep your eyes
on the rocks.

Jeong Hyeok,

don't forget about me.

I won't.

How would I forget about a woman
who fell from the sky?

I didn't fall.

I descended.


I will get going now.

A single step

should be okay.

I can't believe him.

All the books are dark and difficult.